title>Specification of lunar and planetary data products format - GB/T 33997-2017 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Specification of lunar and planetary data products format

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 33997-2017

Standard Name:Specification of lunar and planetary data products format

Chinese Name: 月球与行星数据产品格式规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2017-07-12

Date of Implementation:2018-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A46 Astronomy

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2017-07-20

other information

drafter:Liu Jianjun, Tan Xu, Li Chunlai, Ren Xin, Mou Lingli, Feng Jianqing, Zuo Wei

Drafting unit:National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Space Science and Its Applications Standardization (SAC/TC 312)

Proposing unit:Chinese Academy of Sciences

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 33997-2017 Lunar and Planetary Data Product Format Specification GB/T33997-2017 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the format and structure of lunar and planetary exploration data products.  This standard applies to the generation, distribution and application of lunar and planetary exploration data products.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specification of lunar and planetary data products formatReleased on 2017-07-12
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2018-02-01
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Data product format
Data product classification
Level 0 data product format
Level 1 data product format
Level 4.2 data product format
Data product structure
General provisions
Data tags
Data objects
Appendix A (Informative)
Appendix B (Informative)
Examples of Level 0 data products
Examples of Level 1 and Level 2 data products
Hii KAoNhi KAca
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Space Science and Its Applications (SAC/TC312). The drafting unit of this standard is the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Jianjun, Tan Xu, Li Chunlai, Ren Xin, Mou Lingli, Feng Jianqing, and Zuo Wei. GB/T33997—2017
The data products of lunar and planetary exploration are the premise and foundation for scientific research. Establishing a standard system for data product formats is conducive to the generation, distribution and application of data and improving the efficiency of data processing and application. This standard is formulated for my country's lunar and planetary exploration missions. According to GB/T33996-2017, the data product format specifications for each level are given. Considering the international integration and making data products convenient for users to use, this standard refers to the source package data format specifications formulated by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) in the formulation of the level 0 data product format, and refers to the data product structure specified in the Planetary Data System Standards Reference Version 3.6 in the formulation of the level 1 and level 2 data product formats. TV
HiKAoNhi KAca
Lunar and Planetary Data Product Format Specification
This standard specifies the format and structure of lunar and planetary exploration data products. This standard applies to the generation, distribution and application of lunar and planetary exploration data products. Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T30114.1 Space science and its application terms Part 1: Basic general GB/T30114.4 Space science and its application terms Part 4: Lunar and planetary science GB/T33996—2017 Lunar exploration data product classification and naming 3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T30114.1 and GB/T30114.4 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB/T30114.1 and GB/T30114.4 are repeated below. 3.1
Lunar explorationlunarexploration
Observation and sampling research activities on the material composition, surface characteristics, physical fields, internal structure, origin and evolution history of the moon by means of probes orbiting or landing on the moon.
[GB/T30114.1-2013, definition 3.1.1]3.2
Planetary explorationplanetaryexplorationExploration and sampling research activities on planets, dwarf planets, satellites, asteroids and comets other than the earth in the solar system and interplanetary space.
[GB/T30114.4—2014, definition 3.2]3.3
Data productdataproduct
Effectively use data analysis methods to mine valuable information for users from massive amounts of original information, and provide digital information for user applications in an intuitive and effective form. [GB/T30114.1—2013, definition 4.323.4
Data label datalable
Basic elements used to describe the content and format of data objects in lunar and planetary data products. 3.5
Data object dataobject
The collection of scientific data and corresponding auxiliary data in lunar and planetary data products is divided into image data objects and table data objects. 1
Note: Scientific data refers to the original data or processed data obtained by the detection instrument; auxiliary data refers to the supporting data used to understand and use scientific data.
Data element dataelement
A data unit whose definition, identification, representation and allowed values ​​are specified by a set of attributes. 3.7
Identification data element
identificationdata element
Data element used to retrieve and distinguish data products in data tags. 3.8
Descriptive data element descriptivedata element Data element used to describe data products in data tags. Note: Mainly used for parsing, processing data objects and retrieving data products. 4 Data product format
4.1 Data product classification
Data products of different levels are saved in different formats. The classification of data products shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 3 of GB/T33996-2017.
4.20-level data product format
4.2.10A-level data product format
Each 0A-level data product consists of a data file, with the following specific requirements: a) Content: The source packet data of a single ground receiving station of each detection instrument formed after the detector downlink data is processed by ground demodulation, frame synchronization, descrambling, channel decoding, and branch descrambling: b) Structure: It consists of multiple binary source packets. Each source packet consists of four parts: packet header, scientific data originally collected by the detection instrument, packet tail (when applicable), and quality information. The number of bytes occupied by each part is user-defined. For source package examples, see A.1 in Appendix A.4.2.20B-level data product format
Each OB-level data product consists of a data file, with the following specific requirements:a) Content: Based on the 0A-level data, after multiple ground receiving stations merge (when applicable) and sort and remove duplicates, the source package data is formed. After removing the package structure and decompressing (when applicable), the original data collected by each detection instrument is formed: Structure: It consists of multiple binary data blocks, each of which contains time code, scientific data and quality information. The number of fields and bytes of scientific data is customized. Generally, it consists of three parts: synchronization header, engineering parameters describing the instrument, and detection data. For an example of image-type scientific data, see A.2; for an example of non-image-type scientific data, see A.34.31-level data product format
Each level 1 data product consists of two parts: scientific data and description information. Scientific data is stored as data objects, and description information is stored as data tags. The specific requirements are as follows:
a) Content: It is the data that converts the numerical values ​​of instrument parameters such as temperature, voltage, current, etc. based on the level 0 data product and reorganizes it according to the detection cycle;
b) Structure: According to the requirements of Chapter 5.
4.4 Level 2 data product format
4.4.12A-level data product format
Each 2A-level data product consists of two parts: scientific data and descriptive information. Scientific data is stored as data objects, and descriptive information is stored as data tags. Specific requirements are as follows:
a) Content: data corrected using calibration results; b) Structure: in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 5.
4.4.22B-level data product format
Each 2B-level data product consists of two parts: scientific data and descriptive information. Scientific data is stored as data objects, and descriptive information is stored as data tags. Specific requirements are as follows:
a) Content: data that provides geometric positioning information; b) Structure: in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 5.
5 Data product structure
5.1 General provisions
5.1.1 Data products consist of two parts: data tags and data objects. A data product can only contain one data tag and can contain one or more data objects.
5.1.2 Data tags and data objects can be stored as one file, with the data tags attached to the data object in the form of a file header; they can also be stored separately as two files.
5.1.3 In order to describe the structure and properties of data objects, each object must have an independent data object description corresponding to it in the tag. There is a nested relationship between data object descriptions. 5.2 Data tags
5.2.1 Tag composition
A data tag contains six mandatory parts and one optional part, which are tag identifier (mandatory), file feature identifier (mandatory), data object pointer (mandatory), identification data element (mandatory), descriptive data element (optional), data object description (mandatory) and end expression (mandatory). For data tag examples, see Appendix B, B.1 to B.4. 5.2.2 Tag identifier
Each data tag starts with the data element PDS_VERSION_ID. This data element is used to indicate the PlanetaryDataSystemStandardsReference version used by the data product. Example:
5.2.3 File Characteristics Identification
The document characteristics section describes the characteristics of the data product document. It contains four mandatory data elements: record type (RECORDTYPE), record byte count (RECORD_BYTES), file record count (FILE_RECORDS), and label record count (LABELRECORDS). See Table 1 for details.
HiKAoNhi KAca
Data element
Data object pointer
Table 1 File characteristic identifier
Identifies the type of record in the data product file, in fixed-length form Number of bytes recorded in the data product file
Number of records in the data product file
Number of records in the label
The data object pointer identifies the location of the data elements contained in the data product file. It starts with "-" when defined and is divided into the following three cases:
For embedded tags, the object pointer needs to indicate the offset, and the offset is in records or bytes;a)
Example 1: Example of offset in records\TABLE=10
Example 2: Example of offset in bytes\TABLE=10(BYTES)
For independent data tags, if the data object is at the starting position in the attachment, the data object pointer only needs to point to the file name where the data object is locatedb)
Example 3: Example of data object pointer that points to the file name where the object is locatedIMAGE-(\DATA.IMG\)
For independent data tags, if the data object is not at the starting position in the attachment, it is necessary to indicate the file name and offset of the data object, and the offset is in records or bytes. Example 4: An example of indicating the location of a data object in a data file in units of records\TABLE=(\DATA.TAB\,10)
Example 5: An example of indicating the location of a data object in a data file in units of bytes\TABLE=C\DATA.TAB\,10(BYTES》)5.2.5
Identification data elements
Identification data elements provide information about the identification of data products. Users can search for products through these data elements. Different data products have different identification data elements. Table 2 lists the required identification data elements. Required Identifying Data Elements
Data Element
Data Product Name
Data Product ID
According to product type
Data product version
Data product level
Detection object name
Task name
Detector name
Detector ID
Data element
Descriptive data elements
Table 2 (continued)
Instrument name
Instrument ID
Time of the first record in the data
Time of the last record in the data
When the data product was produced Time
Detection cycle number
Earth data receiving station name
Earth data receiving station IDwwW.bzxz.Net
Date and time
Date and time
In order to provide more information for the data, descriptive data elements can be added to explain the parameters of the detection instrument, the working mode, the parameters related to the data processing, the geometric information corresponding to the data, the location information, etc. Descriptive data elements with the same properties can be organized and divided by data groups (GROUP).
The landing camera (LCAM) provides the parameters of the detection instrument and the corresponding geometric information. Its descriptive data elements are as follows:GROUP
Data object description
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.