Acoustics-Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements-Part2:Determination,verification and application of precision data
Some standard content:
JCS 91.120.30
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T19889.2—2005/1SO 140-2:1991 Acoustics
Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and building elements
Part 2: Determination, verification and application of precision data
Aroastics--Measurement of sound insulation in huildings and of huilding elementsPart 2. Determinntion, verification and application of precision data(IS0 140-2:1991.1Dr)
2005-09-09 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2006-04-01 Implementation
GB/T19889.2--2005/TSO140-2:1991 Final
Normative document
3 Terms and definitions
Determination of repeatability and reproducibility in laboratory comparison results R.1
Correction system||t t||Number of participants in the experiment
Requirements for the presentation of the experimental case
Test specimens for the test
Test of the reproducibility rate as part of the inter-laboratory comparison test+.6
1.2.8 Reproducibility and recurrence rate R
5.1 Test of reproducibility
2 Test of reproducibility R·
Application of reproducibility and recurrence rate
5.1 and
3.? Appendix A (Appendix on performance) The accuracy of measurements of acoustic parameters derived from the room noise r and the reproducibility R. Appendix A (Appendix on performance) The accuracy of measurements of acoustic parameters of buildings and architectural components is as follows: Part 1: Requirements for experimental tests of acoustic parameters for suppressed transmission; Part 3: Determination, verification and application of numerical values; Part 4: Laboratory measurements of airborne acoustic parameters of test components; Part 5: Field measurements of acoustic parameters of rooms; Part 6: Laboratory measurements of acoustic parameters of external structures and external air as a source; Part 7: Field measurements of acoustic parameters of buildings and architectural components. GB/T19889.2—2005/1S0140-2.1991 Part 1: Vehicle quality standard for laboratory noise improvement; ..
The rate part is Part 2 of T19
This part is the measurement of idle noise of internal parts at 1014℃2331% sound density, verification and application of the first version!
This part has made some editorial changes to 1S14(1-2:199: in accordance with the requirements of national standards. Appendix A of this part is the current supplementary requirement: Appendix A is the supplementary requirement. Part 6 is implemented by the Chinese Academy of Sciences:
This part is entirely handled by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Technical Committee for Standardization (SA/Xinhua). The drafters of this part are: Tongji University, Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics, Institute of Pressure Vessels of China Academy of Sciences. The main drafters of this part are: Wang Jiyu, Xiang Hua, Nai Yaqin. 1
1 Scope
GB/T 19889.2—2005/ISO 140-2:199 Acoustics - Sound insulation of buildings and building elements - Part 2: Determination, verification and application of data precision Due to the uncertainty of random and systematic influences in the acoustic measurements made by relevant departments, this part specifies the method for evaluating such accuracy. This part proposes the following principles: - Determination of the recurrence rate and the recurrence rate R ;
For the same experimental vehicle, different Xie or An and different actual inspections, the comparison test is repeated: the application of the electric point rate + and the reproduction of the actual T operation of the K vehicle. GK/T1S889 Part 3. Part 4, Part 6, Part 7 and 15) 140-B measurement method for the rate and job rate, temporarily attached to the mountain.
Note 1 The test force of 51455 needs to be available in the whole record of peace, 2 Normative references to this document The following documents are incorporated herein by reference through the reference of part H18. For dated references, all subsequent revisions (excluding corrigenda) do not apply to this part. However, the latest version of these documents shall apply to all parties that have reached an agreement based on this part. For undated references, the latest version shall apply retroactively to this part.
Door B/1.3 Part 9: Experimental determination of airborne sound insulation of building components (o)
G/1988 9.4 Acoustic sound insulation of building and construction elements Part 4: Field measurement of airborne sound insulation between rooms ISO 1-1988-1.HS ... 14)-6::338, IDT)
CB/T! S889.? Noise level of building components Part 7: Field ratio of impact sound of similar panels (iSC) 110-7.1S98.IDT
GBTE0121230 Yuan Building Trapped Sound Evaluation Standard
S)1/5 Acoustic Building and Building Parts Quality Beam Part: Field measurement of exterior components, walls, airborne sound, network sound IS140-8 Acoustic Building and Building Structure Sound Insulation Measurement Part 8: Quality Standard for Formwork Covering Cliff Impact Measurement by Collection Quality Test Single
S)5725:1056 Test Method Information! Repeatability and reproducibility of standard test methods determined by laboratory comparison 3.2 Definitions and terms
When using standard technical standards, they are always the same as the term definitions in 1725: 3.1
deep test young fruit testreslt
Russian testreslt
Russian testreslt The final value of each defect band obtained by measuring according to the measurement method or specified whole procedure, and the test results are obtained by measuring in the appropriate frequency band, 1
GB/T19889.2—2505/150140-2, 19913.2
true value irueFaloe
The value of the test result under the existing conditions. In actual situations, it is the arithmetic mean of the maximum results obtained by different laboratories. Therefore, this actual true value is related to the specific test method. 3.3 Accuracyofthemeanistheclosestapproachofthemeanofthemeasuredmeasurementbytheaverageofthemeasurementsderivedfrommanymeasurements.Thesmallertheinfluenceofvariableorsystemsontheresults,themoreaccurateisthemeasurementmethod. 3.4 Precisionistheclosenessoftheresultsoftwoindependentmeasurementsunderperfectconditions.Inotherwords,precisionistheclosenessoftheresultsofrandommeasurementstothetruevalueorthecertainvalue. 2: Reproducibility is also known as IS2E:
the arithmetic mean of the measurement values, given by the formula ():
the number of measurement station results,
sample variance
the sum of the squares of the differences between the measurement results and the arithmetic mean, and the known difference between the sample variance and the measured results, in the simple case of individual (non-group) measurement results, the formula 2 gives:
standard deviation
the square root of the detailed variance.
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includes the lack of independent worms in the variance expression of cattle. In the case of a positive continuous (non-group Mao Xie on the clean fruit of the single case; =-1
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in the west under the repeatability to get the close degree of his independent flash measurement weight fiber Xing. Note: more can be compared with the inverse form (homogeneity, etc., 3
weight difference repeatahilitycunditinnGB/T19889.2——2005/TS0140-2.1991In the same operation within the energy increase interval, in the same experimental case, the same group of measurements were used to obtain independent results. The repeatability and deviability of the energy content of the energy standard under the conditions of gravity are consistent with the results obtained. It is sufficient to describe the distribution of the results under the conditions of gravity.
Repeatability: Relatively speaking, the variance and the number of variances can be determined to produce the expected results under the condition of high-efficiency. 3. 12
refers to the absolute difference between two measurement results obtained under the condition of high-efficiency. The value is 3>3. 13
The distance between the measurement results obtained under the condition of high-efficiency. Jiang: The material may be good in form, and moved. 3. 14
Reproducibility can be measured by different operators using different instruments but the same method. The standard deviation reproducibility can be obtained by the same method. The standard deviation reproducibility is the standard deviation of the results obtained under the condition of reliable measurement. It is a parameter of the distribution of the whole process under the condition of reliable measurement. The standard deviation reproducibility can be defined as the difference between the two measured results under the condition of reliable measurement. The standard deviation reproducibility is the standard deviation of the results obtained under the condition of reliable measurement. The standard deviation reproducibility is the standard deviation of the results obtained under the condition of reliable measurement. The standard deviation reproducibility is the standard deviation of the results obtained under the condition of reliable measurement. 7
Confidence interval (two-sided) confidence interval (twsicded) is the interval between the estimated limits. The probability that the result of a statistical parameter is within the same range is certain. 3.18
Critical difference CrDacrltical difference In statistical terms, it refers to the critical difference between two single sugar measurement results that are valid at a probability level of 95% under the conditions of selectivity and reproducibility.
: When the shift rate is changed, the actual two measurements are made. The required limit difference is the effective limit under the condition of the average position. The annual rate, the average rate R, is given in 4.5, 4.5 and 5. The repeatability rate "and reproducibility" determined in the inter-laboratory comparison test results is The reproducibility R and reproducibility R of the test method shall be determined by comparing the test results between laboratories in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and shall be carried out using different types of test methods. These determinations shall be repeated frequently, especially when the test method is changed. 4.1 General Principles 35725 provides a test procedure for determining the reproducibility R of the test method. The formulas (1) and (5) are as follows: R = 3.8V$ = 7.8: +.:
is the average of all the laboratories' valid results obtained within the test space (based on the number of days the laboratories return valid results), refer to [5;7:1985, 11.6.1 3-1 book: the variance of all the participating laboratories: - market reproducibility.
applies = the sum of the differences between the two individual station results and the reproducibility factor 2,8 see [72-1%3> Note, make sure that the new public and public factors are true and the reliability of this calculation
is determined by comparing the test results of the laboratory. In order to obtain the desired test results, the number of participating laboratories and the number of laboratories should be as large as possible, and the inter-laboratory comparison of the test results should be properly organized and evaluated, and special knowledge with a statistical background is required. 1S>575 discusses this. Because the risk is huge, the procedures listed in 1S725 should be followed in every department to avoid experimental errors. The additional rules that should be followed in the field of effective market research are listed below.
The composition of laboratory comparison tests will involve statistical issues. These issues should be entrusted to statistical experts. The tasks of this expert are: to design the experimental comparison between the two tests; to analyze the data and eliminate the abnormal values through various statistical tests! ... Calculate the probability and reproducibility of the test method with valid numbers. When the maximum repeatability R and reproducibility R are determined by comparing the experiments between the two experiments, the data can be checked to see if they meet the requirements of the specification. Of course, it is not necessary to release this kind of test. It can also be used to start the calculation of the positive and negative data. 6 and 1. The process is detailed. Because the repetition rate and reproducibility can be recorded and calculated, it is not enough to calculate the best. The reading difference will be: because the repetition rate and reproducibility level related to the repetition rate and reproducibility cannot be verified. The repetition rate and reproducibility R are determined by the test kit according to GB/19 and the relevant parts. When doing the reproducibility test, the test kit must not be newly installed. 4.2.1 It is necessary to participate in the clinical comparison test of each experiment. The test results are carefully observed: refer to the relevant part 1 of GR Engineering 19889. No deviation is allowed in the execution of the approved test procedures. The planned test work should be repeated if required. The parameters of the program should be explained as much as possible: the microphone arrangement and the sound source should be modified as soon as possible before the test. The main points should be newly built and positioned. Some of them are subject to the approval of the machine.
Method: Ⅱ The current program will improve the quality of the plan, and all the test results can be increased within the system.
This experiment is not started late, and each participating laboratory does not report the exact details of its test program. 4.2.2 In order to carry out the retrograde comparison test: the detailed requirements of the selected test shall be specified in detail, with particular emphasis on the following items: a) the measured and reported quantities, including the validity figures: b) the required number of re-validation tests: c) the calibration of the test certificate: CB/I19889.2—2005/180 140-2,1991 d) the installation and rate planning of the test pieces, including their chemical curing time. 4.3 Number of reference laboratories Considering the fact that the measured values in building acoustics are related to the frequency (see Section 3.2 of the “Test Nature” section of S5723:198), from a statistical point of view, the minimum number of laboratories is P = 8. It is best to exceed this number to reduce the number of required retests. For each experiment, the number of test results should be selected according to the user (1). In addition, it is necessary to have at least a few tests for each laboratory. Before the test results are reported, other laboratories cannot make any pre-determined decisions about the measured results. 4.4 Requirements on the expression of test results for inter-rater tests In order to simplify the evaluation of the reported test results, it is recommended to use a predetermined table to fill in the form for statistical analysis and reporting. It is important to note the results of any adverse reactions and/or any observed irregularities during the test. 4.5 Selection of test specimens The type of test specimen to be used for laboratory comparison tests depends not only on the test value (i.e. air separation, temperature control, etc.), but also on the resulting uniformity and reproduction of the specific installation conditions (e.g. walls, floors, windows). The effect of chemical effects on the comparability is also taken into account. The choice of test specimen is also related to the experimental conditions and affects the appropriate operating procedures to be adopted in the event of a test failure. In general, three different schemes are appropriate depending on the type of test method and/or the type of specimen (see 4.5.1 to 4.5.3). 4.5.1. If a single test piece (the same material is used in a cycle between the participants) is used for the next test facility, then all participants in the interlaboratory comparison test should use one test piece and retest the same piece at the end of the interlaboratory comparison test. In actual testing work, this procedure is usually not feasible because the time required for this test is too long, the test piece may be damaged or changed, and the size of the test opening may be different, but it can avoid the uncertainty caused by using more than one test piece, and this is considered to be a characteristic of the test efficiency and test procedure. 4.5.2. To compare with the procedure described in 4.5., all participants in the interlaboratory comparison test are replaced with test pieces of nominally identical material from one group of products or made by the individual manufacturers. This allows the tests to be conducted simultaneously, reducing the time-related test failures and changes that may occur. However, the variability of the test pieces due to uneven testing is compounded by the variability of the test procedure. It is best to use a higher degree of uniformity in all tests performed in one laboratory before the test is completed and after it is completed.
4.5.3 When test specimens are constructed on site (of nominally identical material that can be interchanged between participants) they should be inspected for variability between test specimens due to inhomogeneity and product transport. The reproducibility will be greater than that of the common test pieces used in accordance with 1.5 and 2. 4.6 The test of reproducibility as part of the interlaboratory comparison test as described in 4.3 requires at least 1 test case to submit at least 5 complete filter test results: then, for 4 frequency bands, the single test results and 3 W-11/11 final differences obtained in one laboratory can be compared with the critical difference (%) for that frequency band. For all test cases and frequency bands, a total of 11/2 comparison results can be obtained, and at least 5% of the results can be expected to be correct. The range of the collection is the corresponding critical difference. For example, when 2 = 8, = 5 and = 15. There are 1380 relatively large results, of which the average value exceeding the critical value should not be more than 64\ On the contrary: the number of coupons exceeding the critical value is the total number of relevant data and the current case data in the laboratory comparison test will be obtained. The official risk should be close to the probability of seeking balance, 1. The test of the reproducibility R is used as part of the inter-laboratory comparison test. If there are 1 laboratories in the inter-laboratory comparison test, each of which has a certain value, then the annual lock belt can be:
GE/T 1988 9.2—2005/ISD 140-2:1991 The absolute difference between the results of two experiments can be compared with the critical value D|=. For 16 frequencies, there will be 11?11 comparison results, and it is expected that no more than 5% of them will exceed the corresponding critical value, that is, no more than 22 times. The number of exceeding differences divided by the total number of absolute differences will give the observed value in the laboratory comparison test, which should be at (or close to) the desired level of distribution. As described in Section 4.3, each laboratory should determine: a value and use a critical difference corresponding to the average value of the results of the inter-laboratory comparison test: the critical difference that can be compared to the mean is:
CD,+I 3, -. I?
is the probability and reproducibility determined in the overall comparison between experiments: Sa
is the average of i, n determined in the tests a and h. If n, =.=n, the usual situation may be inferred, then r()
for = 1: Formula 7 will convert the single reproducibility value (s)
for each frequency band. The limit calculated in this way can be compared with the difference observed in the mean value in that band. Since there is only one mean for each laboratory, the number of comparable results is the same as above, that is, 2)/2: 4,8 oxygen rate, called reproducibility K
When G3/13 is set, the relevant part will be the reproducibility rate \ and reproducibility R obtained from the test between experiments according to 1.1 to 1.5. Monthly list, the retention rate and loss rate are listed in Table A.1, Table A.2 and Table A.3. Note that the quality of the test results obtained by the unit is repeated, and the test procedure is not determined. If the reciprocity and reproducibility R are not determined by the new test results, it can be used to verify whether the test procedure is correct. If the test station has not changed this equipment, it is recommended that the laboratory verify whether its own test procedure is correct.
5.1 To test the repetition rate r
, a laboratory can test the repetition rate of the following procedure: at least five times a test specimen similar to that used for laboratory comparison test is carried out on each of the 13 items of the same age. Only when the standard deviation satisfies the formula (for all two items, the repetition rate is considered to be small enough to meet the requirement: s. mr
Factory - The values determined in this test are given in Table 1.
Appendix - For the maximum value, for example, 0.07, within the error range, 5.2 Test of reproducibility R
After the test of the annual error rate according to 5.1, the test results can be used to measure the reproducibility of the test results. G
GB/T19889.2—2005/1SO1140-2:1991 This can be compared with the average value of each frequency band in the experiment. For the long frequency band, the appropriate critical difference is: /R(1-) c(1---1-21)
CrDe .)x
r and R—the rate and reproducibility determined in the inter-laboratory comparison test; the total average of the n test results of the inter-laboratory comparison test: the average of the n test results of laboratory x:—the number of experimental constants of the inter-laboratory comparison experiment: "-the first test result of a laboratory; ")!Wx
means the number of samples taken by the first laboratory. ....(! )
For [3 small amounts]: according to the calculation of the 6 critical normals, their exceeding the standard should not be more than 3%, that is, not more than once:
Note that when the critical value is exceeded once, it corresponds to the current flow. If the number of exceeding the critical value is less than · times, the test boundary of the laboratory x should be carefully considered. The following operations include:
Compare the results obtained in this inspection with the actual test results obtained by the laboratory or the test equipment, and conduct a comprehensive inspection according to the inspection procedures in accordance with Article 15.2. The test pieces should be as similar as possible to the test pieces in the inter-laboratory comparison test. This is the key. The test piece characteristics should be directly related to the laboratory: 6. Application of reproducibility rate and reproducibility R! A preliminary test method is to determine the reproducibility rate of the test piece, and then give the test results to the laboratory again. These results will be listed in the relevant part of GB/T19993. G.1 Explanation of reproducibility rate r and reproducibility K 6.1. 1 important rate r
full each extension band, out of the same, small exploration personnel under the same equipment in the same effective time is still in the normal and correct operation method: for the relevant test materials 1. the difference between the two separate cleaning results, the standard for the average of a section in every 20 times should not be more than once,
let: "small selection or measurement group to small equipment in the lack of short treatment in the same time limit in the same pass the right of the two groups of scientific results can (including the heart of the pass band in the bacteria "period * pressure, price crystal barrier record A for In the middle, the average swelling is not % next time. 6.1.? The reproducibility rate R
in a penalty question. With a number of actual night room workers and correct dyeing methods, the network test finance, the two single results reported three related values, and the reproducibility rate R related situation flat shoot end 25 times not eleven times. Juice: White two security assistants or network two continents test team adopt different design and other state to the same material new two system test results (including tongue 15 light belt products with 4* limit rate average empty value increased by Appendix A can be said to be ten times, 6.2 Even the five-digit interval derived from the complexity and recurrence rate K in Leshan's laboratory and the recurrence rate R were not created by a certain experimenter or a few experimentalists, and they were not invented by anyone! Its current permission, no other system errors will occur, and it can be long-term required by the mutual rate, and the rate will be suitable for the situation without penalty. The confidence interval of the bone x.
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:: In a laboratory, when there is only one measurement position 3 city, the true sales "moment: the contract user notes the whole requirement or a GB/r19869.2--2005/1S0140-2,1991 teaching value> The required confidence interval is:
In a laboratory, when the white test quantity is n measurement values half the mean is the time support value, the contract calls b)
requirements or. The confidence interval of the number of low) is: Yr.a
R-riu I
If each of the laboratories in the test is used as the single determination of the true value, the confidence interval of a value> is as specified in the contract or as: K
Formula: 1(0) to 21 for probability 3. The confidence interval is different from the 95% probability by multiplying the factor given in 19.1.1 of IS 5725 to obtain:
Juice: Some people have suggested that in the case of "false positives", this formula can significantly increase the reliability of the average, but in fact, this kind of work will only increase the reliability because of the small reproducibility of the single level. General Rules (Normative Appendix) GB/119885.2—2005/1S0120-2:1921 Precision of measurements of building and building components The limits for determining the weight rate and the rain rate are described in Table 4. This has not been widely used in the literature, so there are no precise values for the standard, as well as the values of the rain rate and the rain rate obtained from the complete test results: only the values obtained from a few test results are listed in Table A, 1. Table 4.2 and Table A.1, and these values are not obtained by the type of test specimen. Within the range, for non-standard test specimens, the requirements are obtained by comparing the actual test results with the test specimens. Two certain air sound and high sound energy users of the five repeat rates and can be the main danger necessary. This type of practical risk according to S725 as soon as possible research. Note: the high-yield vehicle rate product through the completion of the creation of the quality (gas production into the specification of the preferred small production determined, not to this health station if there is a shadow of the time ~ lead project or military for, again, to confirm the full use of the chapter also only received a good will be the market test words, during the positive repeat test, shall not be handed over to the energy time to allow this value,
4,2 laboratory test quality rate 7
out - a replacement operator or test small sealed group of no equipment in the shortest feasible time interval! ! , according to J [1S893, GB [5.6 and 1S door 110.% of the brave test method, normal epidemic For a correct operation, the difference between two test results (that is, for all 13 items) obtained on the same test material, if it exceeds the repetition rate listed in Table A.2, it should generally not be repeated more than once. A.3 Reproducibility R of experimental re-testing: For two operations or two test groups in different laboratories, according to GB/T 9.3.H/19836 and 13014 (for the test station, the work is normally and correctly operated, and the difference between two independent test results (that is, for all 15 items) obtained on the same test material, if it exceeds the reproducibility rate listed in Table A.2, it should generally not come more than once. A.4 Field test: For complete field test .Acoustic test conditions are not controlled by the operator, so they have to resume the test. If the experimental test method is used to check the on-site test procedures and equipment, the values of the test results listed in Table A.1 can be considered to be very similar to the values of the test results in the laboratory. Two operating groups or two test groups are at alternate points, according to GB/T19589.1 and GB/T1086S.? Test methods, the difference between the two test results (then for all 16 rescue belts, the difference between the two test results is generally less than the low rate of A.3.
Table A. 1Laboratory tested sub-complexity rate
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