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HG/T 2108-1991 Determination of sound pressure level of rubber machinery noise

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2108-1991

Standard Name: Determination of sound pressure level of rubber machinery noise

Chinese Name: 橡胶机械噪声声压级的测定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-08-19

Date of Implementation:1992-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Rubber and plastics industry >> 83.200 Rubber and plastics industry equipment

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G95 Rubber and Plastic Machinery

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HG/T 2108-1991 Determination of sound pressure level of rubber machinery HG/T2108-1991 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Determination of sound pressure level of rubber machinery noise
Published on August 19, 1991
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Standard implemented on January 1, 1992
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Determination of sound pressure level of rubber machinery noise
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the test conditions, measuring instruments, measuring methods and data processing for determining the sound pressure level of rubber machinery noise. This standard is applicable to the measurement or comparison of A sound level of various types of rubber machinery noise. 2 Reference standards
GB3785 Electrical and acoustic properties and test methods of sound level meters 3 Test conditions
3.1 The test should be carried out in a room or a wide outdoor area that is approximately a free field above a reflecting plane. 3.2 The test requirements are as follows:
Where: A——room sound absorption, m2 (determined according to Appendix A); S——area of ​​the measuring surface, m2
3.3 There should be no reflective objects around the rubber machinery being tested within at least 2m. 3.4 The rubber machinery being tested should be installed on a reflective plane that meets the test conditions according to normal use, and its distance from the wall should be no less than 2m.
3.5 The test should be carried out under the steady-state working condition where the rubber machinery generates the maximum noise when it is unloaded. When testing is required under load, the load conditions should be specified.
4 Measuring instruments
4.1 The sound level meter used for measurement should be a Type 2 sound level meter that complies with the provisions of GB3785. Other measuring instruments with equivalent accuracy can also be used
4.2 The measuring instrument should be calibrated regularly. Before and after each measurement, the entire measurement system including the microphone, etc. shall be calibrated according to relevant regulations.
5 Measurement method
5.1 Reference body
5.1.1 The reference body is a minimum rectangular hexahedron that perfectly envelops the rubber machinery being measured and has a reflection plane as the bottom surface. When determining the size of the reference body, the protruding parts that do not make sound or make very little sound (such as handles, hand wheels, brackets, joysticks, connecting pipes, etc.) may not be enclosed within the reference body.
5.1.2 Determination of the reference body of the rubber machinery linkage line: When the linkage device generates very little noise, select its main machine as the reference body; when the linkage device generates a large noise, the main machine and the linkage device (sound source part) shall be selected as parallel reference bodies. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on August 19, 1991. Standards for hot-lane network m, bzsoso-com. Free download of customer standard industry data. Implementation on January 1, 1992.
5.2 Measuring surface
5.2.1 Each face of an imaginary rectangular hexahedron (except the reflection plane) is used as the measuring surface. 5.2.2 Each measuring surface is parallel to the corresponding faces of the reference body, and the measuring distance d is 1m. 5.3 Measuring point position
5.3.1 The measuring point position should be on the measuring surface, and the main measuring points are shown in the figure. 5.3.2 The height of the measuring point from the reflection plane
2. The height of the reference body H≤2.5m, the height of the measuring point\code=1.5m; b. The height of the reference body H>2.5m, when the main noise source is on the upper part of the machine, the measuring point should be located at two heights: hj=1.5m and hz-H+d; when the main noise source is not on the upper part of the machine, the measuring point position is the same as 5:3.2a. 5.4 Number of measuring points
5.4.1 For rubber machinery with horizontal dimension L, (or L) <2m, as shown in the figure, the number of measuring points is 5. That is, basic points 1~4, plus point 5 with the highest A sound level measured along the horizontal rectangular path (when it coincides with a basic measuring point, only the point with the highest A sound level is taken)
5.4.2 For horizontal dimension 2mFor rubber machinery with a height of H>2.5m, in addition to adding measuring points at the four corners, additional intermediate measuring points should be added between two adjacent points near the sound source and at the position where the operator is often located, as shown in the figure. Reference body surface
Measurement surface
Reference body surface
Measurement surface
O Basic measuring point;
One additional measuring point:
Intermediate measuring point
Measuring point location diagram
5.4.4 For rubber machinery with a height of H>2.5m, when the main noise source is on its upper part, measurements should be made at two heights of h=1.5m and hz=H+d. The measuring point position on hz is the same as that in 5.4.1~5.4.3; the measuring point position on hz is the point with the highest A sound level selected along the periphery of its sound source.
5.5.1 During measurement, the microphone should point to the rubber machinery being measured, and the reading should be the average value of the deflection of the sound level meter pointer (or digital display) during the observation time.
5.5.2 The sound level meter must be moved along a horizontal rectangular path (dashed line in the figure) to find the point with the highest A sound level, and its value should be recorded and its position marked.
5.5.3 Measure the A sound level of each measuring point and the A sound level of the background noise at the specified measuring point position. 5.5.4 During measurement, the instantaneous noise of the pneumatic system exhaust can be ignored in the measurement range. When exhaust is particularly frequent, the measurement range should be taken into account.
Data processing
The noise sound pressure level at each measuring point should be at least 10dB (A) higher than the background noise sound pressure level. When the difference is less than 10dB (A) but greater than 61
3dB (A), it should be corrected according to the following table. The difference between the A sound level measured when the tested rubber machinery is working and the A sound level of the background noise is <3
6.2 The highest sound pressure level is determined by formula (2): Where: L——highest sound Pressure level, dB (A); Lp - sound pressure level measured at the highest noise point, dB (A); K
Background noise correction value at the highest noise point, dB (A) Background noise correction value K to be subtracted
Measurement invalid
6.3 Calculation of average sound pressure level
After measuring the A sound level at each measuring point on the disk (including the point with the highest sound pressure level) and the A sound level of the background noise, the average sound pressure level is calculated by formula (3): L.NI
Where:. Average sound pressure level, dB (A);
-sound pressure level measured at the first point, dB (A); Lpi
-background noise correction value at the first point, dB (A): K
Total number of measuring points
Test report
The content of the test report should include the name, model, specification, main motor power, working status and speed of the tested machine, the measuring instrument used, the arrangement of measuring points, the measuring data, the measuring conclusions, the testing unit and personnel, etc. The test report is shown in Appendix B, Standard A1 Requirements for indoor measurement environment
Appendix A
Determination of room sound absorption A
The test room must meet the requirements of A/S1, and other reflective objects must be at least 2m away from the rubber machinery being tested. If the requirement of A/S>1 cannot be met, a new measurement surface should be selected or sound-absorbing materials should be installed in the test room to increase the A/S value to meet the requirements. :A2 Determination of room sound absorption A
A2.1 Use the estimation method to calculate the room sound absorption by formula (A1): (A1)
Where: A room sound absorption, m
-average sound absorption coefficient of the room;
S-total surface area of ​​the room including walls, ceiling and floor, m3A2.2 Use Table (A1) to estimate the average sound absorption coefficient a of the room. Table A1
Average sound absorption coefficient a
Yuan 50%
Bright hard wall made of concrete, brick, gray filter or veneer brick, partially empty room Rectangular machine room or industrial workshop
Non-rectangular machine room Noise test report for rubber machinery
Standard according to the technical network w.b28080.com Name of category standard Industry data free download Rubber machinery name
Model and specification
Main motor power, kw
Working conditionswwW.bzxz.Net
(speed, pressure, no-load, load)
Measurement distance.m
Name of measuring instrument
Measured sound pressure level. dB.(A)
Obtained back noise sound pressure level, dB(A)
Corrected sound pressure level, dB(A)
Maximum sound pressure level, dB(A)
Test calculation results LpdB(A)
Measurement surface and measurement point location
(including the maximum sound pressure level measurement point)
Schematic diagram:
Wei Wudan
Test personnel
Attached flag Yueming
This standard is issued by China Proposed by Huagong Equipment Corporation, manufacturer name
factory number
manufacturing date
overall dimensions, m
distance from the wall, m
measuring instrument model
maximum sound pressure level point
test location
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Rubber Machinery Sub-Technical Committee of the National Rubber and Plastics Machinery Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by the Beijing Rubber Industry Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Industry and the main drafters of this standard are Yao Meng and Han Guowei. Standard b850 (80 ampere test date
People's Republic of China
Chemical industry standard
Determination of sound pressure level of rubber machinery
Editor Chemical Industry Standard Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal code: 100013
Printing Chemical Industry Standardization Research Institute
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing number 10000 First printing in August 1992
First edition in July 1992
Print number 1-500
Standard leak change network w.b2g80iccm All kinds of standard industry materials free download
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