SJ/T 10245-1991 Microwave Ceramic Dielectric Material Composite Microwave Dielectric Substrate SJ/T10245-1991 Standard Download Decompression Password:
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Electronic Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China SJ/T 10243-10246: 91 Microwave Ceramic Dielectric Materials 19910528 IssuedwwW.bzxz.Net 1991-12·01 Implementation The Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China issued the Electronic Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Composite Microwave Dielectric Substrate Microwatcempositedlelectric5ubstrale1 Main Content and Scope of Application S3/T1024591 This standard specifies the production classification, technical requirements, test methods, stability rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of composite microwavable dielectric substrates. This standard applies to microwavable integrated substrates made of inorganic materials or mineral materials and plastics used in communication, navigation, communication and other shock wave fields. Cited standards G13 4722 GB/T12636 3 Product categories Plastic specific gravity test method Circuit board quality steel box layer general purpose system Printed circuit board laminated vibration test method Solid dielectric constant test method for effective microwave dielectric substrate Dielectric constant stripline test method Composite microwave dielectric substrate includes stainless steel, single-sided or double-sided copper, and a substrate material composed of copper and an insulating substrate. Its classification table 1. Brand number 4 Technical requirements and test methods 4.1 Foreign wine This polycrystalline substrate Composite micro-drum medium. Single-sided Xinjiang adjustment substrate Bean micro-drum medium. Double-sided drug substrate Pure material substrate Egg and substrate Surface disc The surface is free of light, and there is no foreign impurity and spots, agricultural properties, and the quality is even and even. There is no looseness. There should be no wrinkles after box processing; for pinholes, some requirements: within the area of 1*.\, no more than one; the total area is controlled not to exceed 0.05mm. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on 19910528 and implemented on 1991-12-01 SJ/T 1U2491 or GB4722 Chapter 17, 4.2 Dimensions and dimensions of public equipment 4.2-1 Length and width dimensions and tolerances are shown in the table, and the standard is used for the dimension tolerances with a precision of (2). 4.2.2 Thickness tolerance The tolerances are shown in Table 3. Follow the requirements of GB4722 for frequency inspection 4.3 Machine performance 4.3.1 Distortion When the substrate surface has a copper box: 21/mm; When the substrate is single or without: 3.0 The inspection method is in accordance with Section 4. 3 2 Model separation strength A.--RN/em: Humidity and heat 4~BN/cm Test according to Chapter 14 of GB4722. 4.3.3 Earthquake resistance and test Anti-vibration: Use acceleration of 50g and 1cm to conduct dynamic test 1c3 city, such as speed 1, amplitude image to conduct initial test. There should be no damage in the test. , 4.3.4 The material should be able to withstand shearing, needle, lathe, packing, and other machine tools (the speed should not be too fast; when drilling large holes, there should be no small holes and hole expansion). When the hole is just 9472, the system 16 is in violation of the previous level 5 4.4 Physical and electrical properties 4.4. The test method for the electrical performance indicators is shown in Table 4.5 Inspection rules SJ/T 10245--51 5.1 The quality of the composite substrate must be guaranteed. The user has the right to accept the products according to the technical requirements and test methods specified in the standard. Special 4 Physical, medium gas performance and its test method Indicator name Electrical band number Temperature low system Endurance Use the month theft Acceptance technology Surface insulation resistance TSMC Jiang Protective pin question resistance Surface pull electric strength washing Dielectric island number Dielectric machine has positive value Test method GE Uss G 4722 No. 24 Chapter Xing Zu to 15 core deputy introduction required number GB472214 Chapter GB 4222 Chapter 15 Core 34722 Chapter 5 4772 Chapter 5 1 (B1722 Chapter 20 (+17 Chapter 1: Chapter CB 5597 GBT 1243G 5.2 Acceptance test sample and acceptance standard shall be agreed upon by the parties, em kY/-nT index determination world welding 5 resistance period delivery 46 —19-·120 alternating whole alternating certificate heat: 331×6 change x 1n Current variable heat 1×110 Product plan: 31.2 (3.6--36)±2-59 5.3 The product quality should be different within 30 days after receipt according to the acceptance test report. The maximum delivery age of the manufacturer, 6 marking, packaging, transportation and storage Marking, packaging, transportation and storage should comply with the provisions of B2 of the safety association. Each substrate is wrapped with capacitor paper and packed with polyolefin film. The package contains a strict product quality certificate, indicating: product name, specification, dielectric tape number, individual quality exemption from cutting. Make it good, inspection results and production date, and put the substrate of the sealed part into a smaller size (do not exceed the size of the block) to ensure the quality of the film. It can be transported by pressing into pellets. During transportation, the base should be packed in a technical box to prevent damage from heat and other mechanical damage. Additional note: Standard issued by the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main standard was drafted by the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Electronic Standardization, Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of the standard are: Ji Feisheng, Gong 3dong, Feng Junming, 11 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.