title>GB/T 3471-1995 General rules for mooring and navigation tests of seagoing vessels - GB/T 3471-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 3471-1995 General rules for mooring and navigation tests of seagoing vessels

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 3471-1995

Standard Name: General rules for mooring and navigation tests of seagoing vessels

Chinese Name: 海船系泊及航行试验通则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1995-05-29

Date of Implementation:1995-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Shipbuilding and offshore structures>>47.040 Ocean-going vessels

Standard Classification Number:Ships>>Ship General>>U13 Ocean Transport Ship General

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 3471-1983

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

Release date:1983-01-31

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Xu Yunxiu, Zhou Runzhang, Jin Shengli, Zhang Yanchang, Guo Changxing

Drafting unit:Shanghai Standards Institute of Ship Inspection Bureau of the People's Republic of China

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Vessels

Proposing unit:Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:China State Shipbuilding Corporation

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the items and test conditions, test contents and procedures, and general provisions for test records and reports of mooring and navigation tests for marine vessels. This standard applies to the tests of routine items of newly built marine vessels (including offshore mobile platforms). Tests of special devices and equipment other than those specified in this standard may be carried out as a reference. GB/T 3471-1995 General Rules for Mooring and Navigation Tests for Marine Vessels GB/T3471-1995 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

UDC. 629. 072. 001. 4
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 3471 1995
General provisions for mooring and sea trials of sea going ships
Promulgated on 29 May 1995
State Administration of Technical Supervision
Implementation on 1 December 1995
W.National Standard of the People's Republic of China
General provisions for mooring and sea trials of sea going ships1 Main contents and applicable scope
GB/T 34711995
Representative GB 3471--83
This standard specifies the items and test conditions of mooring and navigation tests for ocean vessels, test contents and procedures, and general provisions for test records and reports.
This standard applies to the tests of routine items of newly built sea-based vessels (including offshore mobile platforms). Tests of special equipment and equipment other than those specified in this standard may be implemented as a reference.
2 Referenced standardswwW.bzxz.Net
GB7453-87 Motion measurement
3 General provisions
3.1 Before the mooring test of each newly built ship, the designer or shipyard shall, in accordance with the provisions of this standard and after consultation with relevant units, compile the test items and specific test plans to be carried out, and submit them to the shipowner for confirmation and the ship survey department for approval. 3.2 The test results of each month shall comply with the provisions of applicable laws, regulations, conventions, specifications or standards. 3.3 The test equipment and instruments used in mooring tests and navigation tests shall have valid certificates issued by relevant national authorities. For test equipment and instruments related to statutory and classification inspections, the unit that performs the inspection has the right to check their measurement accuracy level, written documents or records of regular appraisal.
3.4 ​​The inspection site should be clean, unobstructed and have sufficient lighting, and appropriate safety and fire prevention measures should be taken. 3.5 Before the sea trial, the tilt test should be carried out according to the standards agreed by the ship inspection department, and the test report should be approved by the ship inspection department. 3.6 Before the sea trial, the shipyard should eliminate the faults and defects found in the mooring test and obtain the sea trial certificate issued by the ship inspection department. 3.7 The shipyard should make various test records during the mooring test and sea trial. After the test, the shipyard should sort out the relevant technical documents and test reports, and submit them to the ship inspection department as necessary technical documents for inspection and delivery. Part I Mooring Test
Anchor Equipment and Windlass Test
4.1 Test Conditions
Products The anchor winch device and its system, chain, anchor and chain stopper are installed in good condition. The safety valve, pressure reducing valve and overload protection are checked and qualified. 4.2 Test content and procedure
4.2.1 No-load operation test
Approved by the State Administration of Industry and Information Technology on May 29, 1995, and implemented on 12.01, 1995
W.bzsoso.cOI The anchor winch and towing winch are installed and qualified.
7.2 Test content and procedure
E B/T 3471—1995
7.2.1 No-load test of mooring winch and towing winch
7.2. 1. 1 The electric mooring winch with end-moving machine should be tested in medium speed gear and at least 15 m of unloading and transmission. The motor should be started at least 15 times during the operation time. 7-2.1.2 The hydraulic mooring winch and the towing cable shall be operated at full speed for at least 30 minutes. During the test, the forward and reverse positions shall be changed every 3 minutes.
7.2.2 Towing machine load test Control the main engine to maintain the maximum towing force. At the same time, check the reliability of the towing machine. Under various designed forces, use the towing winch to retract the towing cable and check the working condition of the cable retracting equipment. 7.2.3 Towing load test
7.2.31 Under the condition of careful air, carry out the hook removal and release test for at least 2 times. At the same time, check the reliability and convenience of the towing hook and its control system. Control the main engine to maintain the maximum thrust for at least 5 minutes. At the same time, check the working condition of the towing hook. 7.2.3? Control the main engine to maintain a low towing force according to the design requirements. In this case, carry out the towing release test to check the reliability of the towing hook release device and its control system.
.2.4 Test inspection
5. Check whether there is abnormal heating and knocking in each moving part. 13. Check whether there is leakage in the pressure system and steam system: Check the working condition of the motor and its commutator (for point current motor) Check the working condition of the electrical control equipment and the speed regulation and electromagnetic of each gear: a
e. Check and adjust the overload protection device, adjust the safety opening pressure of the hydraulic system and steam system according to the technical requirements. F. After the test, check each stress-bearing component in detail. 7.3 Test record
a. Record the working pressure of the oil pump, the speed of the oil pump and the motor; b. Record the bottom running current, working current, voltage and speed of the motor! c. Record the hot insulation resistance value of the motor and control equipment; d. Record the power and cable-receiving speed of the mooring machine and the towing machine during the test and adjustment; the format of the record is shown in the record A6.
Test of cargo equipment
8.1 Test conditions
: The installation of the whole set of equipment with micro- or high-end lifting machine is qualified, and the installation of all mechanisms and complete equipment of the lifting machine is qualified: the cargo winch or crane should be installed with a support at the bottom. 8.2 Test content and procedures
8.2.1 8.2.1. Low-beam cargo winch should be tested for 30m under no-load (medium speed) conditions. Each lifting rod shall be tested for lifting and lowering actions before the lifting test: At the same time, the reliability of the lifting and loading work of the lifting and loading plate shall be checked. Place the boom at the elevation angle specified in the approved design document. Each boom is subjected to a weight test according to the test load specified in Table 1. A weight with quality certification is used to tighten the weight on the product or sling. The weight is then lifted off the deck and kept suspended for no less than 5 minutes. The operation is to be carried out for 15 minutes.
GB/T 3471-—1995
5.2.5 Emergency power supply operation test, automatic start and automatic power supply test are to be carried out for steering gear with independent emergency power supply. 5.3 Test records
a: During the continuous test of electric or electric hydraulic motors, the starting current, working current, voltage, speed and oil pressure of the hydraulic cylinder of the motor should be recorded;
b. Record the hot insulation resistance value of each motor control box; c. The record table format is shown in A3 and A4.
6 Life-saving equipment test
6.1 Test conditions
a. The life-saving equipment has a certificate of qualification;
b. The arrangement, installation, number and type of life-saving equipment meet the requirements of the approved design paper; c. Ballast weights are available for testing +
d. The ship is in a positive buoyant state.
6.2 Test content and procedures
6.2.1 Life-saving and rescue boat release test Each new davit-type lifeboat and rescue boat is loaded with 1.1 times the specified load and released into the water through the release device. The free-falling rescue boat shall be loaded to 1.1 times of the prescribed load and lowered into the water when the boat is afloat and at the lightest seagoing draft. When the free-falling lifeboat and rescue boat are lowered close to the water surface, the starting test of the propulsion device of the boat shall be carried out. 6.2.2 Test of the release device of the lifeboat and rescue boat No-load operation test of the boat winch: Start the boat winch and run it no-load for not less than 30 minutes. Test of davit roll-out + For each davit, when the ship is in the upright state, it is loaded with the weight of the crew, usually 4 crew members, each of whom receives 75 kg of boat slack. According to the boat launching operation procedure, the davit is operated by the winch to roll out of the ship and gradually lower it to the embarkation deck. Full load test: The lifeboat or rescue boat is loaded with normal accessories or equivalent mass, and the distributed mass of the crew equivalent to 75 kg per person, and the lowering controller on the deck is operated to release it. Loaded lowering test (brake only): On the basis of normal full load, add 10% of the load, operate the lowering controller on the A-type core to release it, and when it descends to the maximum speed, perform emergency braking. If the boat is exposed to the air, the brake surface should be wetted and the lowering test should be repeated. This test can be combined with the test in 6.2.1. 6-2.2.5 Recovery test: The davit-type lifeboat or rescue and rescue boat cover and boat winch are tested to recover the lifeboat and rescue boat, and the lifeboat and rescue boat are returned to the stowed position according to the operating procedures. 6.2.3 The release and recovery test of the davit-type lifeboat can refer to the selective release and recovery test of lifeboat and rescue boat, and meet the relevant requirements of 1M0A683 (17).
6.3 Test record
Measure and record the distance between the boat and the middle edge of the rescue boat; measure and record the starting current, working current and insulation resistance value of the boat winch: a. Measure and record the landing of the winch and the speed of the rescue boat and the rescue boat. The record report format is shown in Appendix A5.
7 Mooring device and towing equipment test
7.1 Test conditions
W.bzsosocom mooring and towing device installation table.
7.2 Test content and procedure
7.2.? No-load test of system engine and towing cable machine GE/T 3471-1995 The electric system engine and cable machine shall be operated in medium speed gear and the normal and standard car port rotation shall be at least 15 m each. The weak condensation motor shall be operated according to the work quota). During the operation time, at least 15 automatic rotations shall be performed. The steam, hydraulic system engine and cable machine shall be operated in normal and standard car empty Yi continuous full speed transmission for at least 30 minutes. During the micro-test, the normal and standard car are changed once each time.
7.2.2 Cable machine load test Control the engine to maintain the maximum thrust. At the same time, check the feasibility of the remaining car loading work. Under various towing forces specified in the design, use the towing machine to collect the bottle cable and check the working condition of the cable collection equipment. 7.2.3 Hook loading test Carry out the hook release device test for no less than 2 times under the condition of fixed load on the hook, and check the reliability and convenience of the hook and its control system at the same time Control the main engine to keep the maximum towing force for no less than 10 minutes, and check the working condition of the towing device at the same time. Control the main engine to keep the lower towing force according to the design requirements. In this case, carry out the release test to check the working condition of the hook release device and its control system.
7.2.4 Test inspection
Check whether each moving part has any abnormal phenomenon! Check whether there is leakage in the hydraulic system and steam system. h. Check the working condition of the motor and its commutator (for DC motor); check the working condition of the electrical control equipment and various speed regulating appliances; d. Check and adjust the overload protection device, and adjust the safe opening pressure of the hydraulic system and steam system according to the technical requirements. After the test, check each stress-bearing component in detail. 7.3 Test record
Record the working pressure of the lubrication pump, the speed of the oil pump motor; record the starting current, working voltage, and speed of the motor; h. Record the thermal insulation value of the motor and control equipment; d. Record the power and cable-receiving speed of the mooring machine and the towing machine during the test. The record report format is shown in Appendix A 6.
8 Lifting equipment test
8 Test conditions
The installation of the whole set of equipment of the boom device and the boom-type crane is qualified. 3. The installation of the integrated equipment of each mechanism of the crane is qualified: The lifting winch or crane is firmly installed on its bottom rate. 8.2 Test content and procedure
B.2.1 Test of boom device and boom-type crane 8.21.1 Each lifting winch shall be tested for 30mln forward and reverse under no-load and medium speed. 8-2.1.2 Before the heavy test, each boom shall be tested for lifting and lowering actions + at the same time, the reliability of the lifting and lowering device shall be checked. 8.2-1.3 Place the boom in the angle position specified in the approved design drawings. 8-2.1.4 Each lifting rod is tested according to the test load specified in Table 1. A weight with quality certification is used to hang on the lifting equipment. The maximum time after the weight leaves the deck is not less than 5 minutes. 4
W. Safe working load
GB/T 3471-1995
For pressure-sensitive equipment with limited working pressure, if it is not possible to use a load exceeding the safe working load of 25K as the test load, the test shall be carried out according to the maximum load that can be expected to reach, but it shall not be subjected to 1.1 times of the safe working load. B. 2. 1. 5 Speed ​​up the lifting and lowering of the weight; and avoid the braking test of the vehicle: less than 2 times. The braking test is carried out at a distance of 31m from the side. The lifting rod and the test load are slowly rotated to the left and right as far as possible within the range allowed by the design, and there are two directions for less than 2 times. 8. 2. 1. 6 If the load indicator of the boom device or the load-sensing hoist is missing, the load protector shall be calibrated or tested through the action test. Emergency static and dynamic tests shall be carried out on the winch to check whether the weight can be kept in the original position. 82.1.7 The boom and the test load shall be subjected to compensation amplitude change for no less than 2 times, and the amplitude change range shall not exceed the design requirements. The slewing boom connection shall be subjected to separate and combined rotation, lifting and other tests for safe working load. The electric load and hydraulic pressure loss test of the cargo vehicle shall be carried out. At this time, the electric lifting and oil motors shall be turned off to keep the test load in the safe position, and the release device shall be used for safe release. After the single-pole test, the double-pole test shall be carried out for the products that require double-pole operation; the test load shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 1, and the double-pole shall be placed in the design position during the test. Then the test load is hoisted from the outside into the cabin, and then sent from the cabin to the outside, and hoisted back and forth for no less than 3 times. For each ship, at least 1 pair of 3 pairs of products with the same structure and circulation shall be tested, and at least 1 pair of 4~6 pairs shall be tested, and so on. During the test, the clearance height of the connection point of the two lifting ropes shall be checked to see if the tightening angle and the position of the lifting rod meet the requirements of the thrust resistance. If any problems are found during the test, each pair of lifting rods shall be tested: B.2.1.11 For each ship with a lifting rod with the same structure and layout, choose 1 lifting rod and 1 pair of lifting rods according to the design requirements, and test them at various speeds under the safe working load. Test inspection
Check whether each moving part has abnormal heating and interception phenomenon! Check whether the hydraulic and steam source systems have leakage phenomenon! Check the working condition of the motor and its interrupter (for DC motor): Check the working condition of the air control equipment and electromagnetic controller. d. Check and adjust the overload protection device. e. Test piece, check whether there is any deformation and defect. The suspicious part should be dismantled for inspection. 8.2.2 Test of crane B2.2.1 Crane hoisting test: The following no-load test is carried out. Before the normal load test, perform the single and combined rotation, amplitude change, lifting height and other actions at the rated speed. Test the rotation, amplitude change, lifting height and other position devices and check the tightness of the signal device, protection device (cross-pressure: palm position protection), interlocking device and emergency cut-off circuit device. B.2.2.2 Crane hoisting test is as follows:
. The cranes shall be placed at the maximum boom position specified in the approved design drawings and tested with the test load specified in Table 1. During the test, the weight with the test load certified by the quality certificate shall be lifted off the single board and the suspension time shall be not less than 5 minutes. b. When the crane is empty, the test load shall be lifted and lowered slowly within the design range of lowering, turning and booming, and the turning and booming action test shall be carried out separately for at least 2 times. At the same time, the braking test of the lifting, turning and booming mechanism shall be carried out. For cranes with different arm widths and corresponding safe working loads, the test shall be carried out at each boom width and corresponding test load. The running crane shall be tested for no-load operation, and the reliability of the travel limit device shall be tested at the same time. The running crane shall be tested for slow full-stroke travel under the test load. Conduct an action test on the overload protection device and the overload protection device.6 After the overload test, the crane should be tested under safe working load, test the operating speed of each gear of lifting, rotation and amplitude change, and check the operating conditions, overload efficiency, load indicator and limiter. B-2-2.7 Test inspection
Check whether there is abnormal heating and knocking of each moving part: Check whether there is leakage in the hydraulic system t
Check the working condition of the motor and its commutator (for DC motor); Check the working condition of the electrical control equipment and each gear speed regulation and electronic microcontroller; Check and adjust the overload protection and load adjustment protection device. After the test, check whether there is deformation and defects in the whole process, and the parts with doubts should be disassembled for inspection. 8.3 Test record
Measure and record the hot insulation resistance value of the motor and control equipment; Measure and record the speed, starting current and working current of each gear during the no-load test of the cargo winch; h.
Measure and record the working pressure on the oil pump, the speed of the oil pump and the oil motor; d. During the test of the speed change effectiveness of the boom, the speed and the working current, voltage, speed, oil, water, steam pressure and other data at each speed should be recorded, and the brake slip should be measured;
e. Record the dynamic current, working current, voltage and speed of the motor room: f. The record report format is shown in Appendix A7.1~A7.4. 9 Engine room driving test
9.1. Test conditions
The engine room driving installation is qualified;
b. There are no obstacles on the driving track.
9. 2 Test content and explanation sequence
9.2.1 No-load operation, full back and forth travel, empty hook lifting and lowering, check the reliability of the control mechanism limit and signal device. 9.2.2 Lift the test load specified in Table 1, hold for 10 minutes, and then lift and lower for no less than 2 times. At the same time, carry out a braking test to check the working condition of the driving device and the possibility of the brake. 9.2.3 Lift the safe working load for operation test, at least back and forth: - times. Simultaneously carry out the effectiveness test of the brake and end switch. 9.3 Test record
Measure and record the thermal insulation resistance value of the motor control device: The format of the record report is shown in Appendix A8.
10 Pilot mechanical hoist test
10.1 Test conditions
The pilot mechanical hoist is installed properly.
10.2 Test content and procedures
10.2.1 The pilot mechanical hoist is subjected to load lifting operation test. Check the reliability of the limit and signal devices. 10.2.2 The pilot mechanical hoist is subjected to load test. During the test, 1.1 times the working load is placed in the hoist, and then the lifting operation is not less than 3 times, and the release distance is not less than 5m. 1. The working load is equal to the sum of the weight of the ladder, the weight of the accessories and the weight of the rated number of passengers (calculated as 150kg6 for each person
WGB/T 3471 ..-1995
). At the same time, the brake test of the brake is carried out. 10.2.3 Check the operability of the pilot mechanical hoist and the reliability of its brake. 10.3 Test requirements
a. Measure the hot insulation resistance value of the motor and control device: b. The record report format is shown in Appendix A9
11 Elevator test
11.1 Test conditions
The elevator installation should be qualified.
11.2 Test content and procedures
11.2.1 The elevator shall be tested for no-load lifting effectiveness and the reliability of the limit and signal devices shall be checked. 11.2.2 The passenger elevator shall be tested for full-stroke lifting operation at 1.1 times the rated load, and the test load of the cargo or vehicle elevator shall be tested according to the test load specified in Table 1 for no less than 3 times. 11.2.3 The elevator shall be tested for braking during the lifting operation specified in 11.2.2 to check the reliability of the brake. 11.2.4 Check the operation of the elevator control system and safety system. 11.2.5 Test the effectiveness of the paddle wheel inside and outside the elevator box. 11.2.6 Test the communication between the inside and outside of the elevator box. 11.2.7 After the barrier test, conduct a full inspection to check whether there is deformation and other defects. 11.3 Test Records
Measure and record the motor current and the lifting speed of the elevator car under each test load during the test according to 11.2.1 and 11.2.2; measure and record the elevator landing accuracy during the test according to 11.2.1; measure and record the hot insulation resistance value of the motor main circuit, control circuit, indicator circuit and signal circuit; c.
The format of the record report is shown in Appendix A10.
12 Ladder device, pilot dedicated ladder test 12.1 Test conditions
The installation of the ladder device shall comply with the requirements of the approved design drawings. 12.2 Test content and procedures
12.2.1 Chord strength test; During the chord strength test, the angle between the ladder and the horizontal line shall not exceed 60°. Place a load of 150 kg on the odd steps or 75 kg on each step and 150 kg on the lower platform, and replace it with a load of 300 kg on the platform. After 15 seconds, remove the load. The ladder should be free of permanent deformation, cracks and jamming. The rotating parts of the ladder should still be flexible. 12.2.2 Boat ladder retracting and turning test: Perform the turning, lowering and lifting test of the empty ladder three times. At the same time, check the flexibility of the boat ladder turning device and the workability of the limit switch and brake. 12.3 Test record
a. During the test, measure and record the current, voltage, speed, oil repulsion and air repulsion; b. After the test, measure and record the hot insulation resistance value of the motor and its control equipment; c. The record report format is shown in Appendix A11.1 and A11.2. 13 Test of closing devices for doors, windows, hatch covers and other openings 13.1 Test conditions
a. The installation of closing devices for doors, windows, hatch covers and other openings shall comply with the requirements of the approved design drawings and be installed firmly: b. Doors, windows and hatch covers shall ensure normal opening and closing, and the hinges and handles shall rotate flexibly: c. The surfaces and joints of the tested parts shall be clean and dry: W. GB/T 3471-1995
d. During the test, anti-freezing measures shall be taken when the outside temperature is below 0°C. 13.2 Test content and procedure
13. 2. 1 Water flushing test of closing devices for doors, windows and other openings 13-2.1.1 The doors, bow doors and other opening closing devices in the following places shall be subjected to water flushing test 18. Bow doors, stern doors, rear doors, windows and other opening closing devices below the dry navigation deck: b. Manholes and small hatches on the deck of the main deck and the open superstructure deck and their closing devices, shields and other closing devices!
Focus on the windtight doors and gears on the first deckhouse and the side and end walls of the closed superstructure on the main deck and the windtight doors on the second deckhouse or the end wall of the closed superstructure with passages leading to the main deck below
e. Watertight doors and other opening closing devices of non-liquid tank bulkheads. During the flushing test, spray a water gun with a nozzle diameter of not less than 16mm and a water column height of not less than 10m, and spray vertically to the outside of the ball. The distance between the water gun muzzle and the joint should not be greater than 3m. The water grid should be sprayed at the joint chain. The vertical joint should be sprayed from bottom to top. During the test, the back of the test position should be checked for leakage. 13-2.2 Hydrostatic test of closing device of watertight door on watertight compartment below dry deck 13-2.2.1 When conducting hydrostatic test on the door on the permanent wall under dry deck, first pour water into the cabin to the height of the deck, and then keep it for not less than 15 minutes. During the test, check the back of the test position, and no leakage is allowed. The above-mentioned water H test can be replaced by inflation test. The pressure of inflation test should be not less than 0.02 MPa, but not more than h.D3MPa. During the test, the pressure can be generally inflated to 0.02MPa and maintained for 15 minutes. After checking that the pressure has not dropped significantly, the pressure in the cabin is reduced to 0.014MPa, and then soapy water is applied to check for leakage. 13.2.3 Water spray test of doors, windows and hatches According to the design requirements, the designated doors, windows and hatches are subjected to water spray test. During the test, water is sprayed on the outside of the test piece so that the falling water drops will spray onto the doors, windows and hatch joints. The spraying time is 3 minutes. During the test, check the inside of the test area to see if there is any leakage. 13.2.4 Opening and closing effectiveness test of service-level watertight door switch device After the chain door is installed, the self-closing effectiveness test is carried out on both sides of the bulkhead. 13-2.4.2 After the manual sliding door is installed, the door closing effectiveness test is to be carried out. The test is carried out when the ship is in the upright state. The time required to completely close the door with the manual device is calculated. After the power-driven longitudinal sliding door is installed, an independent power source shall be used to conduct the effectiveness test of opening and closing all the control doors. During the test, the opening and closing tests shall be conducted on both sides of the door and the main control station, and the sound alarm shall be checked to see whether it works normally, that is, whether the door will sound the alarm during the period from the beginning of closing to the continuous movement until it is completely closed. If the pressure reduction operation is used, the pump belonging to each power source shall be tested for the possibility of closing each door within 609, and the opening and closing tests shall be conducted three times in succession (i.e. closing-opening-closing) to check the storage of the moving storage device. If a dynamic device is installed, a manual opening and closing effectiveness test is required. 13.2.5 Effectiveness test of fire door closing device Check the convenience of opening and closing of the fire door at both ends and the fit between the door and the door frame, and then conduct the automatic closing function test or the automatic closing and fire alarm combined action test. All such self-closing fire doors, except those that are closed frequently, shall be tested to be disconnected from the control station in a timely or group manner. It can also be disengaged on the spot at the door position individually, and at the same time test whether the door can close automatically when the control system of the disengaging mechanism fails.
13-2.6 The skylight opening and closing test of the batch tank and the oil pump room should be opened and closed from the inside and closed from the outside respectively, and the vibration control valve should be opened and closed 3 times each. Check the convenience of operation. 13.2.7 Watertight compartment reliability test Open and close the target cover (including sliding type, dynamic type and chain type) 2 times each. Check its working reliability and convenience of use.
Free download of various US standard industry materials GB/T 3471-1995 Perform a flush test on the metal hatch cover and carefully check for leakage. The flush test requirements are the same as those in For hydraulically operated hatch panels of a ship, one of the hatches should be selected for the opening and closing test. ! 13.3 Test records
9. After the watertightness test, measure and record the hot and continuous current values ​​of the motor and its control equipment: b. The record report format is shown in Appendix A12.1 and A12.2. 14 Signal equipment test
14.1 Test conditions
e. When the running lights and signal lights are in working state: h. Have test measuring instruments and equipment.
14.2 Test content and procedures
14. 2. 1 Navigation lights and signal lights test Check whether the positions of navigation lights and signal lights are qualified. 14-2.1-2 Carry out the effectiveness test of portable daylight guide lights and check their power sockets. Check whether the signal lights meet the requirements. 14-2.1.3 Carry out power-on test on navigation lights and signal lights as specified in the drawings, and check the lighting conditions of each light. Carry out power-off and fault tests to check whether the propulsion and supervision system is working properly. After power failure, check the automatic switching function of the power socket. 14.2.2 Test of whistle and its launching device Sound the whistle and check the reliability of the whistle launching device, including the mechanically driven non-electric front whistle, and whether the detection whistle can emit a short sound of equal duration of 1 × and 4~6 Long sound. Place the signal release device in the automatic signal state, check whether it can send out the specified zero signal and whether the synchronous signal indicator light is normal, and check whether the automatic fog signal can stop immediately. 14.2.3 Bell and gong test
Strike the bell and gong to check their integrity and sound effect. 14.3 Test record
Measure and record the insulation resistance value of the navigation light, signal light and base control box. 15 Container guide frame effectiveness test and non-guide frame container stacking test 15.1 Container guide frame effectiveness test
15.1.1 Test conditions
, the installation of the container guide frame meets the requirements of the approved design drawings: b. The guide structure and container box are well welded. 15.1.2 Test content and procedure
15. 1. 2. 1. Standard nested container guide frame test product, for the guide rail of 20° group, first use a 20 container as required by the instructions or an approved mold to carry out the hoisting test in the range of the whole ship guide rail frame, check whether the gap between the nest container and the box seat meets the requirements of the design drawings, and check whether the nest container can be smoothly hoisted into and out of the guide rail frame: b. For the guide rail of 40 groups that can hold 2 20 boxes at the same time, first use a 40 set of containers as required by the instructions or an approved mold to carry out the hoisting test in the range of the whole ship guide rail frame, check whether the gap between the container and the box seat meets the requirements of the design drawings, and check whether the container can be smoothly hoisted into and out of the guide rail frame. Then use two 20' containers as required by the instructions or approved molds to carry out the hoisting test in the range of the whole 40° guide rail frame, check whether the gap between the container and the box seat meets the requirements of the design drawings. At the same time, check whether the height difference of the two 20' containers at the front and rear meets the requirements of the design drawings. Test of non-standard container rail racks 9
The test of non-standard container rail racks can be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 15.2 Stacking test of non-rail rack containers
15.2.1 Test conditions
. The installation of the container seat meets the requirements of the approved design drawings: b. The welding of the container seat is qualified.
15.2-2 Test content and procedures During the test, first use containers required by the instructions or approved models to arrange the containers on the first layer of the entire ship's loading range. Check whether the accuracy of the container seat installation meets the requirements; whether the locking device or other fastening devices are in good condition. During the container loading process, if it is considered necessary to stack the local area of ​​the container, the stacking and unloading can be carried out. 16 Fire extinguishing system test
16.1 Test conditions
a. The layout and installation of each system are qualified:
b. The hydraulic test and tightness test of each system pipeline are qualified 1c. The safety valve calibration is qualified.
16.2 Test content and sequence
16.2.1 Water fire extinguishing system test The fire pump shall be tested for water for no less than 1:30min. Check whether there is abnormal vibration and heating. During the test, the number of water guns to be used should be estimated based on the pressure head and displacement of the fire pump selected in the design, the caliber of the water gun used and the water output (see Table 2). During the test, the number of water guns spraying water at the same time shall not be less than 2 under any circumstances. Two fire pumps are allowed to supply water to the fire main at the same time, and the water output of the two pumps is discharged from any adjacent fire hydrant through the selected water guns according to the output specified in the regulations. At this time, the pressure at other fire hydrants is measured. For cargo ships with a gross tonnage of less than 1,000, the above test can be replaced by a water spray test with two water guns, and the range of the water jets of the two water guns is measured.
16-2.1.4 When the emergency fire pump outputs the water output specified in the regulations, measure the pressure at other fire hydrants. When the fire-fighting system, such as the deck water system of the oil tanker, the foam fire-fighting system, the automatic sprinkler system and other water-using fire-fighting systems on board are used, the above test should be carried out when all systems are in operation at the same time. Carry out the effectiveness test of portable fire pumps (if provided). If the driving power of the emergency fire pump is a diesel engine, the diesel engine driving power source shall be tested for starting. Table 2 Water jet height and water volume table of water gun
Water gun inlet pressure
16.2.2 Automatic water spray system test
Water gun caliber Check the reliability of the automatic start-up of the water supply pump. 10
Water gun caliber
W.GB/T 3471-.. 1995 Action test of reverse fire alarm and automatic sprinkler system. Use the main power supply and emergency power supply to carry out effectiveness test respectively, and check the flexibility and reliability of the operation of the conversion switch of these two power supplies. When returning, check the effectiveness of the sound and light signals indicating the automatic sprinkler system. 16.2.3 Pressure water mist system test
16-2.3-1 Check the water mist of each nozzle and whether its distribution in the space is uniform and effective. Select any nozzle for pressure test and check its water output rate. Check the regularity of the water supply pump. Check whether the measures to prevent the nozzle from being damaged by impurities in the water or rust of pipes, nozzles, valves and water pumps are effective. 16.2.4 Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system test Check the working reliability of the manual and remote control opening devices. The carbon dioxide release pipes in each compartment are tested for smoothness with compressed air. Check the action of the effect mechanism and the effectiveness of the alarm device and communication equipment. Determine the time of the oxidation micro-warning alarm, 16.2.5 Test of the deck foam system of oil tankers
Carry out the foam spray test. During the spray test, a group of adjacent cargo oil tanks with the largest total area should be selected for the test: spray foam onto the above cargo oil tank area or the deck, and check the working condition of the deck foam system. 16.2.6 Test of fixed low-expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space Check the rationality of the layout of the fixed nozzles. Check the effectiveness and flexibility of the foam distribution control valve or the plug conversion function. 16.2.7 Test of fixed high-expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space Check the rationality of the layout of the fixed nozzles. Carry out the air supply effectiveness test for not less than 30 minutes, and check whether the air volume of each nozzle is uniform and effective. The fan of the foam generator should be tested for the function of the device that automatically stops running when the water supply fails. When the delivery pipeline of the foam generator is equipped with a manual or automatic damper, the function test should be selected. The manual damper can also be tested for the function of switching to manual operation. During the function test, the fan should be checked for abnormal heating and vibration. 16.3 Test records
Measure and record the cold and hot insulation resistance values ​​of the motor and its control equipment of the electric fire pump before and after the function test: b.
Measure and record the hot insulation resistance value of the alarm device of the automatic sprinkler system and the carbon dioxide system after the function test: c.
Measure and record the hot insulation resistance value of the fan of the high-power foam fire system in the machine room after the function test: d. See Appendix A13 for the record report format. 17 Fire detection and fire alarm system test. 17.1 Test conditions. The layout and installation of the system are qualified: All instruments and alarm safety devices of the system are calibrated and qualified. h. 17.2 Test content and procedures. 17.2.1 In places where temperature or smoke detectors are installed, artificial simulation function tests should be carried out on each operating device. 17.2.2 The sampling fan of the smoke-extracting fire detection system shall be tested for a time of not less than 30 minutes. Check whether there is abnormal vibration and heat generation when the fan and motor are running. 17.2.3 The sampling fan of the smoke-extracting fire detection system shall be tested for switching action. The sampling compressed air oil washing device shall be tested for effectiveness. 17.2.4 Each manual fire alarm button shall be tested for action. 17.3 Test record.
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