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JB/T 7537-1994 Process Typing Guidelines

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7537-1994

Standard Name: Process Typing Guidelines

Chinese Name: 工艺典型化导则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-10-25

Date of Implementation:1995-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Processing Technology>>J30 Processing Technology Comprehensive

associated standards

Procurement status:neq ГOCT 14.303-83

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic requirements for process typicalization, the types and formats of typical processes, the procedures for process typicalization, and the use and management of typical processes. JB/T 7537-1994 Guidelines for Process Typicalization JB/T7537-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 7537-94
Guidelines for Process Typification
Published on October 25, 1994
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on October 1, 1995
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for Process Typification
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
JB/T 7537-94
This standard specifies the basic requirements for process typification, the types and formats of typical processes, the procedures for process typification, and the use and management of typical processes.
This standard applies to process typification of mechanical processing and assembly, and can also be used as a reference for other process specialties. 2 Reference standards
JB/Z187.3 Process specification format
JB/Z338.5 Process management guidelines
Process specification design
JB/Z338.8 Process management guidelines Modification of process documents3 Terminology
Process typification: Process typification is the process of classifying and grouping parts with similar structures and process characteristics, optimizing and unifying the processing and assembly processes of each group of parts, designing advanced and feasible general process specifications and using them to guide production. 4 Basic requirements
4.1 Process typification should optimize and unify the processing or assembly processes of similar parts, improve the process technology level, shorten the process preparation cycle, and reduce the process cost.
4.2 Process typification must make full use of mature process technology and verified new process research results to ensure the advancement and feasibility of typical processes.
4.3 Process typification should be combined with CAPP as much as possible. 5 Types of typical processes
5.1 Example type
This type of typical process is to design one or several optimized processing or assembly process examples based on the changes in the structure and size of similar parts and components, for process personnel to choose when designing process regulations. 5.2 Fill-in type
This type of typical process is to design the general processing or assembly process regulations for each group of parts and print them in the process regulation format, and leave a certain blank space. When using it, you only need to fill in the items related to the specific parts and special processing or assembly requirements. 5.3 Multiple-piece one-card type
This type of typical process is accompanied by a grouped parts list, and all parts in the list share the same process regulation. 6 Typical process regulation format
6.1 Fill-in type Typical processes use various formats specified in JB/Z187.3. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on October 25, 1994
Implemented on October 1, 1995
JB/T 753794
6.2 The typical process specifications for machining and assembling of multi-piece one-card machines can adopt formats 11, 23 and 24 in JB/Z187.3. When using formats 23 and 24, the "part drawing number" and "part name" in the table header must be cancelled. Change "product model" to "product or component code" and "product name" to "product or component name", and the rest remains unchanged. The formats of "mechanical processing typical process card" and "mechanical processing typical operation card" can also adopt the formats A1 and A2 recommended in Appendix A of this standard. The format of "typical process group parts list" can adopt format A3 in Appendix A. The formats of other professional typical process specifications are determined by the enterprise. Note: The typical process of the example is not a typical process specification, and its format is not specified. 7. Process typification procedure
7.1 Do a good job in the processability review of product parts When conducting the processability review of product parts and components, it is recommended that designers try their best to unify or close the parts with the unified or close design structure, so as to achieve process typification. 7.2 Classify and group product parts
Parts and components with the same or similar structural shapes should be classified into one category, and similar parts should be grouped according to the following principles: a. Similar size;
b. The process is basically the same,
7.3 Select representative parts of each group of parts
In each group of parts, select the parts with the most processing elements or processing procedures as the representative parts to ensure that the group of parts designed according to the typical process can be used.
7.4 Design of process specifications for representative parts
For the design procedure, see JB/Z338.5.
7.5 Approval of typical process specifications
In addition to complying with the relevant approval procedures stipulated in JB/Z338.5, the approval of typical process specifications should also be reviewed for typical process specifications of important parts groups to ensure their advancement and feasibility. 7.6 Implementation of typical process specifications
7.6.1 Before implementing the typical process, it should be well prepared and appropriate technical and organizational measures should be taken. 7.6.2 During the initial implementation of the typical process, process personnel should frequently go to the production site for guidance to ensure the correct implementation of the typical process.
8 Document management of typical processes
8.1 Example typical processes, after being printed into books, shall be managed in accordance with the technical archive management method. 8.2 Fill-in typical processes, after being printed, shall be stored in the relevant process design department. When used, the process personnel shall fill in the required content, and then number, archive and issue them. wwW.bzxz.Net
8.3 Multiple-piece one-card typical processes shall be numbered, archived and issued in conjunction with the typical process group parts list. 8.4 For enterprises that have carried out computer-aided process management (CAPM), typical processes shall be entered into the computer and a typical process model library shall be established for easy retrieval and call at any time.
8.5 The modification of typical processes shall be in accordance with the provisions of JB/Z338.8. AI Typical Process Specification Format
Appendix A
Format of Typical Process Specification and Typical Process Parts Grouping Detailed List (reference part)
A1.1 The format of the card for typical process of mechanical processing can be specified in Table A1. A1.2 The format of the card for typical process of mechanical processing can be specified in Table A2. The format of the typical process parts grouping detailed list of A2 can be specified in Table A3. The format of each format of A3
A3.1 The format of the typical process specification and the typical process parts grouping detailed list is 210mm×297mm. The size of the header, footer column and additional column of each format can refer to the format 1 in JB/Z187.3. The size of the remaining columns can be determined by the enterprise according to its needs.
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Matters to be considered
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Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, Beijing No. 1 Machine Tool Plant, Jinan No. 2 Machine Tool Plant, Dalian Heavy Machinery Plant, and the Second Automobile Manufacturing Plant.
The main drafters of this standard are Ma Zhi, Wang Xingxian, Liu Haisheng, Sang Yongquan, and Wang Yuanchao.
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