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JB/T 7875-1999 Terminology for plant protection machinery

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7875-1999

Standard Name: Terminology for plant protection machinery

Chinese Name: 植物保护机械 术语

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-08-06

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>Agricultural machinery, tools and equipment>>65.060.40 Plant protection equipment

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture & Forestry>>Agricultural & Forestry Machinery & Equipment>>B91 Agricultural Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 7875-1995 (original standard number GB 6959-1986)

Procurement status:neq ISO 5681:1992

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2000-01-01

other information

drafter:Kim In-geun, Uhm Ha-jung, Nguyen Van-ju, Chen Jun-bao

Drafting unit:Nanjing Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences

Focal point unit:National Agricultural Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Agricultural Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the terms and definitions related to plant protection machinery. JB/T 7875-1999 Plant Protection Machinery Terminology JB/T7875-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Plant Protection Machinery
Equipmentfor cropprotection-Vocabulary1999-08-06Promulgated
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
General Terms
Spraying and Spraying Equipment
Powder Spraying and Powder Spraying Equipment
Pellet Applicators and Components
Other Pest Control Methods and Control Equipment.6
7Terms for Operation and Test||t t||Appendix A (Standard Appendix)
Appendix B (Suggestive Appendix)
Appendix C (Suggestive Appendix)
Synonyms not recommended for use
Classification of droplet size
Standard instructions
This standard is a revision of JB/T7875-95 "Terms of Reference for Object Protection Machinery" by adopting the international standard ISO5681:1992 "Terms of Reference for Plant Protection Machinery". During the revision, the definitions in JB/T7875-95 were retained or supplemented for the terms that were not defined precisely in ISO5681:1992. The chapter arrangement of terms refers to the order of ISO5681:1992, and appropriate modifications and adjustments have been made.
This standard replaces JB/T7875-95 from the date of implementation. Appendix A of this standard is the standard appendix.
Appendix B and Appendix C of this standard are both informative appendices. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Agricultural Machinery Standardization. The responsible drafting units of this standard are: Nanjing Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute, China Agricultural Mechanization Science Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are: Jin Rengen, Yan Herong, Ruan Wenju, Chen Junbao. Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Plant Protection Machinery
Equipment for crop protection - Vocabulary This standard specifies the terms and definitions related to plant protection machinery. 2 General Terms
Pesticide pesticide product; agricultural chemicals 2.1
Medicine or preparation used to improve or protect the growth, harvesting and storage of plants. 2.2
Formulated product
Finished pesticide purchased by users.
Substances that have no basic biological activity but can improve the biological effects of the active ingredients. 2.4 Active ingredient activeingredient
The ingredient in the preparation that can produce biological effects. Dust
Powdered particles of inert solid matter that carry active ingredients and can be used directly. Granules
Replace JB/T787595
Particles of inert solid matter that contain or carry active ingredients, and their size should be within the specified size range. Treatmenttreatmenit
The operation of applying pesticides to produce the desired biological effect. Overalltreatment
Treatment of the entire crop or the entire field. 2.9 Localtreatment
Treatment of part of the entire crop or the entire field. Usually local treatment can be carried out in rows, strips or fixed points. 3 Spraying and spraying equipment
3.1 Basic definition
3.1.1 Spraying
Disperse and spray liquid into the atmosphere to form droplets. 3.1.2
(Spray) spray mixture
Liquid containing pesticide preparations that can be directly used for spraying. Droplet
Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on August 6, 1999 and implemented on January 1, 2000
Usually refers to liquid particles with a diameter of less than 1000um and roughly spherical shape. Spray
A group of droplets in motion produced by a nozzle. Conical spray
Conical spray.
Flat spray flatspray
Flat spray.
Air-assisted spray air-assisted spray
A spray that is completely or partially transported by airflow. 3.1.8
Non-air-assisted spray non-air-assisted spray sprays droplets without the assistance of airflow. 3.2 Types of sprays
3.2.1 Hydraulic pressure spraying hydraulic pressure spraying spraying that uses only the pressure energy of the liquid. Air-blast spraying
Twin fluid spraying twin fluid spraying
Spraying that uses the action of high-speed airflow on the spray liquid. 3.2.3 Centrifugal spray centrifugal spraying spraying that uses the energy of the rotation of a working part (such as a rotating disk). Thermal spray thermal spraying
Spraying that uses partly or completely the heat energy to produce droplets. Placements praying
A spraying operation method in which the mist flow is directed toward the target object. Drift spraying
A spraying operation method in which the mist flow does not directly face the target object, and the droplets are carried by the airflow and deposited on the target object during the drifting process. 3.2.7
Electrostatic spraying Electrostatic spraying A spraying method in which the droplets are charged and deposited with the assistance of electrostatic force. 3.3 Sprayers (devices)
3.3.1 Sprayer
A machine used for spraying.
Note: A sprayer driven by human power is usually called a sprayer. 3.3.2 Hydraulic pressure sprayer A sprayer that uses a hydraulic nozzle to spray and does not require airflow to assist in the delivery of droplets. Air-assisted hydraulic pressure sprayer Air-assisted hydraulic pressure sprayer 3.3.3
A hydraulic sprayer that uses mechanically generated airflow to assist in the delivery of droplets. 3.3.4 Centrifugal sprayer Centrifugal sprayer Spraying with centrifugal nozzles, without airflow to assist in the delivery of droplets. 2
JR/T 7875-1999
Air-assisted centrifugal sprayer Air-assisted centrifugal sprayer 3.3.5
Centrifugal sprayer that uses mechanically generated airflow to assist in the delivery of droplets. 3.3.6
Air-blast sprayer Air-blast sprayer
Twin-fluid sprayer Spraying with air-powered nozzles.
3.3.7 Thermal sprayer Thermal sprayer A machine used for thermal spraying.
3 Bucket pump sprayer 3.3.8
Hydraulic sprayer with only a manual pump and spraying components. During operation, the manual pump is inserted into a bucket containing liquid medicine. 3.3.9
pedal mounted sprayer
pedestal mounted sprayer
hydraulic sprayer with a pump mounted on a foot pedal and operated by a lever. During operation, the suction hose of the pump is placed in a bucket containing liquid medicine. 3.3.10intermittent hands sprayerhandheld sprayer with no air chamber and intermittent spraying. slide pump sprayer3.3. 11
hydraulic sprayer with a pump in the form of a sliding sleeve operated by both hands. lever-operated knapsack sprayer3.3.12
hydraulic sprayer carried on the operator's back and operated by a rocker lever to operate the liquid pump (usually a diaphragm pump or a piston pump). 3.3.13
Compression sprayer
A hydraulic sprayer that uses compressed gas to pressurize the liquid in the machine. Boom sprayer
A sprayer equipped with a horizontal or vertical sprayer. Stretcher mounted sprayer 3.3.15
A motorized sprayer that is carried by a person for operation or transfer. Sprayer-duster
A machine that can spray both spray and dust. 3.3.17
A motorized sprayer-duster that is carried by the operator and uses the principles of pneumatic spraying and dusting. Hand-held electric centrifugal sprayer hand-carried, battery-operated centrifugal sprayer 3.3.18
Centrifugal sprayer driven by a micro-motor and operated by hand. 3.3.19
Electrostatic sprayer electrostatic sprayer Machine for electrostatic spraying.
Aerosol sprayer
A sprayer for spraying smoke.
Thermal aerosol sprayer thermal aerosol sprayer 3.3.21
A thermal aerosol sprayer that produces smoke by heat energy. Cold aerosol sprayer cold aerosol sprayer 3.3.22
A machine that produces smoke at room temperature by pneumatic or mechanical means. 3
3.4 ​​Nozzles and their parts
3.4.1 Hydraulic energy nozzle hydraulic energy nozzle JB/T78751999
Parts or components with small holes, through which liquid forms a mist flow under pressure. Note: This term can be referred to as nozzles without causing misunderstanding. Conical mist nozzle conenozzle
A hydraulic nozzle in which liquid flows through the nozzle in a rotation to produce a conical mist flow. Solid conical mist nozzle solidconenozzle3.4.3
A conical mist nozzle in which the deposited droplets are distributed in a solid circular shape on a plane perpendicular to the axis of the nozzle. 3.4.4 Hollow conical mist nozzle hollowconenozzleA conical mist nozzle in which the deposited droplets are distributed in a hollow circular shape (ring shape) on a plane perpendicular to the axis of the nozzle. 3.4.5
Side-entry hollow cone nozzle A hollow cone nozzle in which the liquid flows into the vortex chamber through the tangential channel in the nozzle body and generates a rotating motion. Slit nozzle slit nozzle
Fan nozzle fan nozzle
A hydraulic nozzle with a slit-shaped spray hole that produces a flat mist flow. Double fan nozzle double fan nozzle 3.4.7
Double slit nozzle double slit nozzle
A fan nozzle with two slit-shaped spray holes. 3.4.8 Off-centre fan nozzle Off-centre slit nozzle Off-centres lit nozzle A fan nozzle in which the spray angle and mist volume distribution are asymmetric relative to the center line of the nozzle. 3.4.9 Deflector nozzle Impact nozzle
Hydraulic nozzle with a deflector surface that produces a flat mist flow. Impinging stream nozzle Impinging stream nozzle 3.4.10
Hydraulic nozzle that uses two or more streams of liquid to collide with each other to produce a mist flow. 3.4.11
Combination nozzle Multiple-nozzlccluster A nozzle composed of multiple similar hydraulic nozzles that can spray simultaneously. Adjustable nozzle Adjustable nozzle
Hydraulic nozzle that can adjust the flow characteristics without replacing parts. Air-blast nozzle Air-blast nozzle
Two-phase flow nozzle Twin fluid nozzle
A device that uses the effect of high-speed airflow on the spray liquid to produce a mist flow. 3.4.14 Centrifugal energy nozzle A device that uses the kinetic energy of the rotation of the working parts to disperse the liquid into a mist flow. 3.4.15
Directional nozzle
A nozzle that can change the direction of the mist flow.
Shut-off nozzle
A nozzle equipped with a shut-off device.
Turret nozzle
Multi-head nozzle
JB/T 78751999
It is an assembly of two or more nozzles, any of which can be rotated to the working position. Nozzle body
Nozzle body
The main part of the hydraulic nozzle, in which the other parts of the nozzle are installed or on this part. Note: In some structures. The nozzle reservoir plays the role of the nozzle body, and the nozzle wax is directly installed on the nozzle seat. nozzlecapnut
Nozzle cap
A part that fixes the nozzle piece or nozzle and other parts to or on the nozzle body. Note: The nozzle piece or nozzle can be made into an integral part with the nozzle cap. Mozzle disc
On a hydraulic nozzle, it is usually a sheet-shaped part with a spray hole on a conical mist nozzle. 3.4.21
On a hydraulic nozzle, it is usually a non-sheet-shaped part with a spray hole on a fan-shaped mist nozzle. Swirl plate
A sheet-shaped part that makes the liquid flow rotate in a conical mist nozzle. Swirl core
A cylindrical part that makes the liquid flow rotate in a conical mist nozzle. Nozzle guide plate; nozzle deflector3.4.24
A part on a hydraulic nozzle that deflects the direction of the liquid flow sprayed from the spray hole. Note: The guide vane is often made into an integral part with the nozzle to form the guide surface of the nozzle. Swirl chamber
The inner cavity of the cone mist nozzle, in which the liquid flow rotates. Blank nozzle disc
A sheet-like part that replaces the nozzle disc during spraying and prevents the liquid flow from flowing out of the nozzle. Swirlback-plate
A special form of swirl back plate in the cone mist nozzle, which constitutes the rear half of the swirl chamber and the tangential liquid inlet groove. Pump
Positive displacement pump
A pump that relies on the reciprocating or rotating motion of the piston, plunger, diaphragm, gear or blade and other working parts in the pump body to make periodic changes in the volume of several working chambers in the pump body, thereby alternately sucking and discharging liquid. 2 Piston pump pistonpump
Positive displacement pump that transports liquid by reciprocating motion of the piston. 3.5.3
Positive displacement pump that transports liquid by reciprocating motion of the plunger. Diaphragm pump
diaphragm pump
Positive displacement pump that transports liquid by reciprocating deformation of the diaphragm. Piston-diaphragm pumppiston-diaphragmpump3.5.5
Diaphragm pump that deforms the diaphragm by reciprocating motion of the piston. 3.5.6 Roller pump roller pump
Positive displacement pump that delivers liquid by the change of volume between multiple rollers driven by the rotor and in contact with the eccentric pump housing 3. 5. 7
Sliding vane pump
Vanes pump
Positive displacement pump that delivers liquid by the change of volume between multiple sliding vanes driven by the rotor and in contact with the eccentric pump housing.
Gear pump
Gear pump
Positive displacement pump that delivers liquid by the rotation of a pair of meshing gears. 3.5.9 Centrifugal pump centrifugal pump
Non-positive displacement pump that increases the energy of the liquid by the rotation of the impeller and flows out in the radial direction of the impeller. 3.6 Fans and compressors
3.6.1 Fans fan
Machinery that generates airflow by rotating impellers. 3.6.2 Centrifugal fan centrifugal fan radial fan
A fan in which the airflow enters the fan's impeller axially and flows mainly in the radial direction. Axial flow fan axial flow fan
A fan in which the airflow enters the fan's impeller axially and flows mainly in the axial direction. 3.6.4 Air compressor air compressor A machine that increases the pressure of air to a level higher than atmospheric pressure. Shutter, airflow control
A component on a machine used to control the size or direction of airflow. Air deflector; deflector 3.6.6
A device that changes the direction of airflow.
Collector deflector 3.6.7
A device used to collect and direct airflow. 3.7 Hand-held spray lance, spray gun, spray lance and accessories 3.7.1
Hand-held spray lance spraylance
A tubular component for spraying with one or more hydraulic nozzles installed at one end. 3.7.2 Extension pipe spraylance extension A connecting pipe used to increase the total length of the hand-held spray lance. Attached spray lance spraylanceboom
A tubular component attached to the front end of the hand-held spray lance and capable of mounting multiple hydraulic nozzles. Spray gun spraygun
A gun-shaped or long-range hand-held spray component. 6
3.7.5 Adjustable spray gun adjustablespraygun A spray gun with adjustable range and mist flow characteristics. Combination spray gun combinationspraygun
A spray gun equipped with multiple hydraulic nozzles and with a relatively uniform distribution of mist along the spray direction. spray boom
A component for mounting multiple nozzles, which can be used as a pipeline for feeding liquid to the nozzles or as a bracket for fixing the nozzle feeding pipe. spray leg; drop leg
A spray rod hanging under the horizontal spray boom.
Nozzle boss
A component on the spray boom or handheld spray boom for mounting the nozzle body or nozzle cap. ) nozzle feeding pipe nozzle bar
A hard pipe or hose for feeding spray liquid to the nozzle. 3. 7. 11
Nozzle feeding pipe section nozzle bar section A section of nozzle feeding pipe that can be independently supplied with liquid and adjusted. boom winch
A winch used to adjust the height of the spray boom above the ground. 3.7.13
Boom suspension systemA device for suspending the boom from the sprayer frame. Boom damping system3:7.14
A component of the boom suspension system that reduces boom vibrations. 3.7.15
Slope compensator
Slope compensator
An automatic or manually controlled device that keeps the boom parallel to the ground. 3.8 Control valves, valves and sprayer instrumentation
3.8.1 Anti-drip device Check valve
A device that prevents liquid from flowing out of a hydraulic nozzle or dripping after the flow to the boom has been interrupted. It is usually part of or mounted within the nozzle body.
3.8.2 Shut-off valvebzxz.net
A valve that cuts off or connects the flow of liquid.
Quick-acting shut-off valveA valve that can instantly cut off or connect the flow of liquid. Pressure regulator
A device that adjusts the working pressure of the fluid to a predetermined value. 3.8.5
Relief valve
A valve that automatically opens when the pressure of the fluid exceeds the set value and automatically closes when it is lower than the set value. 3.8.6 Safety valve
A pressure relief valve that prevents the pressure of the fluid from exceeding a certain value. 3.8.7 Check valve
Non-return valve
An automatic valve that only allows the fluid to flow in one direction. Multi-way control valve multi-outlet control valve; control manifold 3.8.8
A valve that can control the flow of liquid to a single or multiple discharge pipelines. By-pass
A pipeline that allows all or part of the liquid discharged by the pump to flow back to the tank. 3.8.10 Air chamber airchamber; pneumatic pressure pulsation damper; air vessel; air bottle pressure chamber A chamber that contains air with or without pneumatic pressure, usually installed at the output end of the pump to reduce pressure pulsation Pressure gauge pressure gauge
An instrument that visually indicates the pressure of the fluid.
3.8.12 Nozzle bar pressure equalizer A device on a boom sprayer that can keep the pressure in each section of the nozzle pipe at a certain set value. Spray tank contents gauge 3.8.13
A device that visually indicates the volume of liquid in the tank. 3.9 Liquid tank, filling device and storage device 3.9.1 Liquid tank spraytank.
Container for liquid pesticide on the sprayer.
Liquid tank bottom tanksump
The groove at the bottom of the liquid tank, in which the suction pipe of the pump is installed. Hydraulic injector; filler 3.9.3
A device that uses the jet principle to create a vacuum in the suction pipe, so as to add liquid to the liquid tank. 3.9.4
Jet type mixer
A device that uses the jet principle to create a vacuum in the suction pipe to suck in pesticide liquid and mix it with clean water to form spray liquid 3.9.5 Filling opening; filling hole The opening at the top of the liquid tank, through which liquid is added to the sprayer, and the opening is usually equipped with a filter. Pesticide cabinet chemicalrack
A component on a sprayer used to safely store pesticide containers. Clean water dispenser
A water tank installed on the sprayer, holding clean water for cleaning. Protective clothing box protectiveclothingbox3.9.8
A box on the sprayer for storing protective equipment (protective clothing, gloves, masks, etc.). 3.10 Filter device
Filter filter
A device that filters out solid impurities in the liquid medicine that are larger than the specified value. 3.10.2
Suction strainer
A device installed at the suction end of the pump to prevent the inhalation of impurities. 3.10.3
(Liquid medicine tank) Filling port strainer
tankfillingstrainer5 Adjustable spray gun adjustablespraygun A spray gun that can adjust the range and mist flow characteristics. Combination spray gun combinationspraygun
A spray gun equipped with multiple hydraulic nozzles and with a relatively uniform distribution of mist along the spray direction. Spray boom sprayboom
A component for installing multiple nozzles, which can be used as a pipeline for infusing liquid to the nozzle or as a bracket for fixing the nozzle infusion pipe. Hanging spray boom sprayleg; dropleg
A spray rod hanging under the horizontal spray boom.
Nozzle seat
A part on the spray boom or handheld spray boom for installing the nozzle body or nozzle cap. ) Nozzle infusion pipe nozzlebar
A hard pipe or hose for conveying spray liquid to the nozzle. 3. 7. 11
nozzle bar sectionA section of nozzle bar that can be independently supplied and adjusted. Boom winch
A winch used to adjust the height of the boom above the ground. 3. 7. 13
Boom suspension systemA device that suspends the boom from the sprayer frame. Boom damping system3:7.14
A part of the boom suspension system that reduces the vibration of the boom. 3. 7. 15
slope compensator
tt||An automatic or manually controlled device that keeps the boom parallel to the ground. 3.8 Control valves, valves and sprayer instruments
3.8.1 Anti-drip device Check valve
A device that prevents liquid from flowing out or dripping from a hydraulic nozzle after the flow to the spray boom has been interrupted. It is usually part of or mounted in the nozzle body.
3.8.2 Shut-off valve Shut-off valve Valve that shuts off or starts the flow of liquid.
Quick-acting shut-off valve A valve that can shut off or start the flow of liquid in an instant. Pressure regulator Pressure regulator
A device that adjusts the working pressure of a fluid to a predetermined value. 3.8.5
Relief valve Relief valve A valve that automatically opens when the pressure of the fluid exceeds a set value and automatically closes when it falls below a set value. 3.8.6 Safety valve safetyvalve
Pressure relief valve that prevents the pressure of the fluid from exceeding a certain value. 3.8.7 Check valve
Automatic valve that allows fluid to flow in only one direction. Multi-way control valve multi-outletcontrolvalve; controlmanifold3.8.8
Valve that can control the flow of liquid to a single or multiple discharge pipelines. Bypass pipe by-pass
The pipeline that allows all or part of the liquid discharged by the pump to flow back to the liquid tank. 3.8.10 Air chamber airchamber; pneumaticpressurepulsationdamper; airvessel; airbottlepressurechamber A chamber that contains air with or without air pressure, usually installed at the output end of the pump to reduce pressure pulsation Pressure gauge pressuregauge
An instrument that visually indicates the pressure of the fluid.
3.8.12 Nozzle bar pressure equalizer A device on a boom sprayer that can keep the pressure in each section of the nozzle pipe at a certain set value. Spray tank contents gauge 3.8.13
A device that visually indicates the volume of liquid in the spray tank. 3.9 Spray tank, filling device and storage device 3.9.1 Spray tank.
A container for holding liquid medicine on a sprayer.
Tank trough tanksump
A groove at the bottom of the spray tank, in which the suction pipe of the pump is installed. Hydraulic injector; filler 3.9.3
A device that uses the jet principle to create a vacuum in the suction pipe, used to add liquid to the spray tank. 3.9.4
Jet type mixerjet type mixer
A device that uses the jet principle to create a vacuum in the suction tube to suck in the pesticide liquid and mix it with clean water to form a spray liquid3.9.5Filling opening; filling holeThe opening at the top of the liquid tank, through which the sprayer is filled with liquid. The opening is usually equipped with a filter.Pesticide cabinetchemical rack
A component on the sprayer for safe storage of pesticide containers.Clean water dispenser
A water tank installed on the sprayer, containing clean water for cleaning.Protective clothing boxprotective clothing box3.9.8
A box on the sprayer for storing protective equipment (protective clothing, gloves, masks, etc.). 3.10Filter
A device that filters out solid debris in the liquid that is larger than the specified value. 3.10.2
Suction strainer
A device installed at the suction end of the pump to prevent the suction of debris. 3.10.3
(Solution tank) filling port strainer
tankfillingstrainer5 Adjustable spray gun adjustablespraygun A spray gun that can adjust the range and mist flow characteristics. Combination spray gun combinationspraygun
A spray gun equipped with multiple hydraulic nozzles and with a relatively uniform distribution of mist along the spray direction. Spray boom sprayboom
A component for installing multiple nozzles, which can be used as a pipeline for infusing liquid to the nozzle or as a bracket for fixing the nozzle infusion pipe. Hanging spray boom sprayleg; dropleg
A spray rod hanging under the horizontal spray boom.
Nozzle seat
A part on the spray boom or handheld spray boom for installing the nozzle body or nozzle cap. ) Nozzle infusion pipe nozzlebar
A hard pipe or hose for conveying spray liquid to the nozzle. 3. 7. 11
nozzle bar sectionA section of nozzle bar that can be independently supplied and adjusted. Boom winch
A winch used to adjust the height of the boom above the ground. 3. 7. 13
Boom suspension systemA device that suspends the boom from the sprayer frame. Boom damping system3:7.14
A part of the boom suspension system that reduces the vibration of the boom. 3. 7. 15
slope compensator
tt||An automatic or manually controlled device that keeps the boom parallel to the ground. 3.8 Control valves, valves and sprayer instruments
3.8.1 Anti-drip device Check valve
A device that prevents liquid from flowing out or dripping from a hydraulic nozzle after the flow to the spray boom has been interrupted. It is usually part of or mounted in the nozzle body.
3.8.2 Shut-off valve Shut-off valve Valve that shuts off or starts the flow of liquid.
Quick-acting shut-off valve A valve that can shut off or start the flow of liquid in an instant. Pressure regulator Pressure regulator
A device that adjusts the working pressure of a fluid to a predetermined value. 3.8.5
Relief valve Relief valve A valve that automatically opens when the pressure of the fluid exceeds a set value and automatically closes when it falls below a set value. 3.8.6 Safety valve safetyvalve
Pressure relief valve that prevents the pressure of the fluid from exceeding a certain value. 3.8.7 Check valve
Automatic valve that allows fluid to flow in only one direction. Multi-way control valve multi-outletcontrolvalve; controlmanifold3.8.8
Valve that can control the flow of liquid to a single or multiple discharge pipelines. Bypass pipe by-pass
The pipeline that allows all or part of the liquid discharged by the pump to flow back to the liquid tank. 3.8.10 Air chamber airchamber; pneumaticpressurepulsationdamper; airvessel; airbottlepressurechamber A chamber that contains air with or without air pressure, usually installed at the output end of the pump to reduce pressure pulsation Pressure gauge pressuregauge
An instrument that visually indicates the pressure of the fluid.
3.8.12 Nozzle bar pressure equalizer A device on a boom sprayer that can keep the pressure in each section of the nozzle pipe at a certain set value. Spray tank contents gauge 3.8.13
A device that visually indicates the volume of liquid in the spray tank. 3.9 Spray tank, filling device and storage device 3.9.1 Spray tank.
A container for holding liquid medicine on a sprayer.
Tank trough tanksump
A groove at the bottom of the spray tank, in which the suction pipe of the pump is installed. Hydraulic injector; filler 3.9.3
A device that uses the jet principle to create a vacuum in the suction pipe, used to add liquid to the spray tank. 3.9.4
Jet type mixerjet type mixer
A device that uses the jet principle to create a vacuum in the suction tube to suck in the pesticide liquid and mix it with clean water to form a spray liquid3.9.5Filling opening; filling holeThe opening at the top of the liquid tank, through which the sprayer is filled with liquid. The opening is usually equipped with a filter.Pesticide cabinetchemical rack
A component on the sprayer for safe storage of pesticide containers.Clean water dispenser
A water tank installed on the sprayer, containing clean water for cleaning.Protective clothing boxprotective clothing box3.9.8
A box on the sprayer for storing protective equipment (protective clothing, gloves, masks, etc.). 3.10Filter
A device that filters out solid debris in the liquid that is larger than the specified value. 3.10.2
Suction strainer
A device installed at the suction end of the pump to prevent the suction of debris. 3.10.3
(Solution tank) filling port strainer
tankfillingstrainer7 Check valve
Automatic valve that allows fluid to flow in only one direction. Multi-way control valvemulti-outletcontrolvalve; controlmanifold3.8.8
A valve that can control the flow of liquid to a single or multiple discharge pipelines. Bypass
A pipeline that allows all or part of the liquid discharged by the pump to flow back to the liquid tank. 3.8.10 Air chamberairchamber;pneumaticpressurepulsationdamper;airvessel;airbottlepressurechamberA chamber that contains air with or without air pressure, usually installed at the output end of the pump to reduce pressure pulsationPressure gaugepressuregauge
An instrument that visually indicates the pressure of the fluid.
3.8.12 Nozzle bar pressure equalizer A device on a boom sprayer that can keep the pressure in each section of the nozzle pipe at a certain set value. Spray tank contents gauge 3.8.13
A device that visually indicates the volume of liquid in the spray tank. 3.9 Spray tank, filling device and storage device 3.9.1 Spray tank.
A container for holding liquid medicine on a sprayer.
Tank trough tanksump
A groove at the bottom of the spray tank, in which the suction pipe of the pump is installed. Hydraulic injector; filler 3.9.3
A device that uses the jet principle to create a vacuum in the suction pipe, used to add liquid to the spray tank. 3.9.4
Jet type mixerjet type mixer
A device that uses the jet principle to create a vacuum in the suction tube to suck in the pesticide liquid and mix it with clean water to form a spray liquid3.9.5Filling opening; filling holeThe opening at the top of the liquid tank, through which the sprayer is filled with liquid. The opening is usually equipped with a filter.Pesticide cabinetchemical rack
A component on the sprayer for safe storage of pesticide containers.Clean water dispenser
A water tank installed on the sprayer, containing clean water for cleaning.Protective clothing boxprotective clothing box3.9.8
A box on the sprayer for storing protective equipment (protective clothing, gloves, masks, etc.). 3.10Filter
A device that filters out solid debris in the liquid that is larger than the specified value. 3.10.2
Suction strainer
A device installed at the suction end of the pump to prevent the suction of debris. 3.10.3
(Solution tank) filling port strainer
tankfillingstrainer7 Check valve
Automatic valve that allows fluid to flow in only one direction. Multi-way control valvemulti-outletcontrolvalve; controlmanifold3.8.8
A valve that can control the flow of liquid to a single or multiple discharge pipelines. Bypass
A pipeline that allows all or part of the liquid discharged by the pump to flow back to the liquid tank. 3.8.10 Air chamberairchamber;pneumaticpressurepulsationdamper;airvessel;airbottlepressurechamberA chamber that contains air with or without air pressure, usually installed at the output end of the pump to reduce pressure pulsationPressure gaugepressuregauge
An instrument that visually indicates the pressure of the fluid.
3.8.12 Nozzle bar pressure equalizer A device on a boom sprayer that can keep the pressure in each section of the nozzle pipe at a certain set value. Spray tank contents gauge 3.8.13
A device that visually indicates the volume of liquid in the spray tank. 3.9 Spray tank, filling device and storage device 3.9.1 Spray tank.
A container for holding liquid medicine on a sprayer.
Tank trough tanksump
A groove at the bottom of the spray tank, in which the suction pipe of the pump is installed. Hydraulic injector; filler 3.9.3
A device that uses the jet principle to create a vacuum in the suction pipe, used to add liquid to the spray tank. 3.9.4
Jet type mixerjet type mixer
A device that uses the jet principle to create a vacuum in the suction tube to suck in the pesticide liquid and mix it with clean water to form a spray liquid3.9.5Filling opening; filling holeThe opening at the top of the liquid tank, through which the sprayer is filled with liquid. The opening is usually equipped with a filter.Pesticide cabinetchemical rack
A component on the sprayer for safe storage of pesticide containers.Clean water dispenser
A water tank installed on the sprayer, containing clean water for cleaning.Protective clothing boxprotective clothing box3.9.8
A box on the sprayer for storing protective equipment (protective clothing, gloves, masks, etc.). 3.10Filter
A device that filters out solid debris in the liquid that is larger than the specified value. 3.10.2
Suction strainer
A device installed at the suction end of the pump to prevent the suction of debris. 3.10.3
(Solution tank) filling port strainer
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