title>HG 3634-1999 Feed grade pregelatinized starch - HG 3634-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG 3634-1999 Feed grade pregelatinized starch

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 3634-1999

Standard Name: Feed grade pregelatinized starch

Chinese Name: 饲料级预糊化淀粉

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-06-16

Date of Implementation:2000-11-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>65.120 Feed

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture & Forestry>>Animal Husbandry>>B46 Livestock and Poultry Feed and Additives

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HG 3634-1999 Feed Grade Pregelatinized Starch HG3634-1999 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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Record number: 3724--1999
Feed grade pregelatinized starch is a modified starch product obtained by using starch as the main raw material and through drum drying and other methods. This standard is formulated based on the standards of major domestic enterprises. This standard was proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the technical unit responsible for the standardization of basic organic products. The main drafting unit of this standard is Guangdong Foshan Solvent Factory. The participating drafting units of this standard are Guangxi Mingyang Starch Chemical Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Dongtai Qionggang Starch Feed Factory, Fuzhou Yichang Industrial Co., Ltd., Inner Mongolia Chayouzhongqi α-Starch Factory, and Beijing Shunyi Quanying Starch Products Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Gu Xianhua and Wang Zhihua. This standard is interpreted by the technical unit responsible for the standardization of basic organic products. 197
1 Scope
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Feed grade
Pregelatinized starch
Feed grade-
Pregelatinized starch
HG 3634 --- 1999
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of feed grade pregelatinized starch. This standard applies to pregelatinized starch made from potato starch or cassava starch, which is mainly used as feed for eels, turtles and other aquatic products.
2 Cited Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T602-1988 Preparation of standard solutions for determination of impurities in chemical reagents (negISO6353-1:1982) (GB/T603-1988 Preparation of preparations and products used in test methods for chemical reagents (neqIS6353-1:1982) GB/T1250-1989 Methods for expressing and determining limit values ​​GB/T5009.11-1996 Determination of total impurities in food GB/T 6003-1985
GB/T 6682--1992
GB/T 8451-1987Www.bzxZ.net
GB 10648--1993
Test sieve
Specifications and test methods for water used in analytical laboratories (neqISO3696:1987)Test methods for limits of heavy metals in food additivesFeed labeling
GB/T 12087--1989
GB/T 12096--1989
Determination method for starch ash
Determination method for starch moisture
Determination method for starch fineness
Determination method for starch whiteness
GB/T 14699.1--1993
3 Requirements
Feed sampling method
3.1 Appearance and properties: White or off-white powder, no odor, no mechanical impurities, can be swelled into a translucent paste in cold water, and the paste has viscoelasticity.
3.2 Pregelatinized starch should meet the requirements of Table 1
Table 1 Requirements for pregelatinized starch
Whiteness (425nm blue light reflectivity), %
Particle size (R20/3 series g200mm×50mm/0.25mm test sieve pass rate), % Approved by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry on June 16, 1999, 198
Implemented on June 1, 2000
pH value (1% starch paste solution)
Water content, %
Ash content, %
HG 3634 -1999
Table 1 (end)
5% starch paste solution at 25℃Brabenden viscosity, BU1% starch paste solution at 25℃Enger viscosity, E25Heavy metal (Pb) content, %
Inorganic stone (As) content, %
Test method
5. 5 ~~7. 5
The reagents and water used in this standard, unless otherwise specified, are analytically pure reagents and the impurity standard solutions and preparations required for the third-level water test specified in GB/T6682. Unless otherwise specified, they are prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB/T602 and GB/T603. 4.1 Identification test
4.1.1 Appearance and properties
Weigh 10~15g of the sample and place it in 9cm culture medium, spread it flat, observe the color and mechanical impurities with the naked eye, and identify the odor with the sense of smell. 4.1.2 Paste formation with cold water
At room temperature, weigh 5g of sample, measure 95ml of water in a beaker, and slowly add the sample under constant stirring to mix evenly. Observe the properties of the paste with the naked eye. It should be a translucent substance with no water separation and uniform texture. 4.1.3 Viscoelasticity of paste
Weigh 10g of sample, place it in a beaker or other wide-mouthed container, measure 15mL of water, and slowly pour it into the sample under constant stirring. After fully mixing and kneading, test its stretchability and resilience by hand. When stretching, the paste has no loose particles, a sense of resistance, and can stretch; when the stretching stops, it has the ability to rebound.
4.2 Determination of whiteness
4.2.1 Analysis steps
Perform according to the provisions of GB/T12097.
4.2.2 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the determination result. The difference between the two parallel determination results is not more than 0.5%. 4.3 Determination of particle size
4.3.1 Instruments and equipment
Test sieve: R20/3 series, 200mmX50mm/0.25mm. 4.3.2 Analysis steps
Weigh 50g of sample (accurate to 0.1g), and the following shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T12096. 4.3.3 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the determination result. The difference between the two parallel determination results is not more than 0.5%. 4.4 Determination of pH value
4.4.1 Instruments and equipment
Acidity meter (pH meter).
4.4.2 Analysis steps
Weigh 1g of sample (accurate to 0.01g), add 1mL of 95% ethanol to a beaker, stir, add 98mL of water, and continue to stir evenly. Add a stirring magnet during the measurement and measure on an acidity meter (pH meter). 199
4.4.3 Allowable difference
HG 3634—1999
Take the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel measurements as the measurement result. The difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not exceed Determination of moisture
4.5.1 Analysis steps
Weigh 5g of sample (accurate to 0.001g), and follow the provisions of GB/T12087. 4.5.2 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel measurements as the measurement result, and the difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not exceed 0.1%. 4.6 Determination of ash content
4.6.1 Analysis steps
Weigh 2g of sample (accurate to 0.0001g), and follow the provisions of GB/T12086. 4.6.2 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations as the determination result. The difference between the two parallel determinations shall not exceed 0.05%. 4.7 Determination of viscosity
4.7.1 Brabender viscometer method (arbitration method) Reagents and solutions
95% ethanol. Instruments and equipment
Brabender viscograph for starch industry. Analysis steps
Weigh (25.0±0.1)g of dry basis sample converted according to the moisture content measured in 4.5 and put it in 500mL. In a beaker, add 25 mL of 95% ethanol and stir evenly, then add 450 mL of 25°C water, continue stirring to make it even, pour it into the viscometer measuring cylinder with a torque of 700 cmg for the force measuring disc spring, adjust the instrument, and set the measuring temperature to 25 for measurement. Read the viscosity value at the highest point of the viscosity curve from the instrument recorder as the Brabender viscosity of the sample, in units of BU (Brabender Unit). Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel measurements as the measurement result. The difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not exceed 30 BU. 4.7.2 Engler viscometer method Reagents and solutions
95% ethanol. Instruments and equipment
Use WNE-1A Engler viscometer or other Engler viscometers that can meet the analysis requirements. Analysis steps
Weigh 4.9~~5.1g (accurate to 0.01g) of the dry sample converted according to the moisture content measured in 4.5, place it in a 500mL beaker, add 10ml of 95% ethanol, stir evenly, add 250mL of 25℃ water, continue to stir evenly, transfer to a 500mL volumetric flask, and dilute to the scale with 25℃ water. After filtering the 1% starch paste through glass wool, put it into the inner cylinder of the viscometer that is constant temperature at 25℃ and adjusted. The amount of paste put in is based on the three tips of the inner cylinder of the viscometer just exposed to the liquid surface. Use a stopwatch to measure the time for 200mL of paste to flow out. Use the same method to measure the time for 200mL of 20G water to flow out. Expression of analysis results
Eng viscosity (E25) is calculated according to formula (1):
Wherein: E25.-25C Eng viscosity of 1% paste, Eng; T,——25℃ 1% paste outflow time, s; T,----20℃ 200 mL water outflow time, s. 200 Permissible difference
HG 3634--1999
Take the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations as the determination result. The difference between the two parallel determination results shall not exceed Determination of heavy metal content
4.8.1 Reagents and solutions
Lead standard solution: 0.01 mg lead per ml. Take 10 mL of the standard solution containing 0.1 mg lead per ml in a 100 ml volumetric flask and dilute to the scale.
4.8.2 Sample treatment
Weigh 10g of sample (accurate to 0.01g) and perform according to the provisions of 5.2.1 of GB/T8451--1987. Each 10ml of sample solution is equivalent to 2.0g of sample.
4.8.3 Analysis steps
Take three 50ml Nessler colorimetric tubes. Tube A: draw 2.0ml of lead standard solution and 10.0ml of reagent blank solution, add water to 25ml, and mix; Tube B: draw 10.0ml of sample solution, add water to 25ml, and mix; Tube C: add the same amount of sample solution as that of tube B, then add the same amount of lead standard solution as that of tube A, add water to 25ml, and mix. The following steps are performed according to Chapter 6 of GB/T8451--1987. 4.9 Determination of inorganic arsenic content
4.9.1 Reagents and solutions Sulfuric acid solution: 6+94. Arsenic standard solution: 0.001mg arsenic per milliliter. Take 1.0ml of the standard solution containing 0.1mg per milliliter in a 100ml volumetric flask, add 1ml of sulfuric acid solution, and dilute to the mark with water. 4.9.2 Sample treatment
Weigh 10g of the sample (accurate to 0.01g) and proceed according to the provisions of GB/T5009.11. After the sample is digested, make up to volume in a 100ml volumetric flask. Each 10ml of sample solution is equivalent to 1.0g of sample. 4.9.3 Analysis steps
Pipette 10.0ml of sample solution into the arsenic test bottle. Pipette 2.0ml of arsenic standard solution. The following is carried out according to the provisions of the arsenic spot method of GB/T5009.11. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 All eight items specified in this standard are type inspection items. Among them, whiteness, fineness, pH value, moisture, ash content and viscosity are factory inspection items. The manufacturer should conduct inspections batch by batch according to the requirements of this standard. Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out at least once a month. The quality inspection department of the factory shall issue a quality certificate for products that pass the inspection. 5.2 Products produced under the same process conditions, the same unit and the same production shift are considered a batch. 5.3 The number of sampling units shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of 6.3.1 of GB/T14699.1-1993. The sampling method shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T14699.1. The sampling volume of each package should be more than 100g. The samples taken shall be quickly mixed and divided into two 1000ml wide-mouth bottles after being divided into four parts, sealed, and labeled with: product name, batch number, manufacturer, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is for inspection and one bottle is kept for months for future reference.
5.4 Feed-grade pregelatinized starch shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products meet the requirements of this standard and be accompanied by a quality certificate in a certain format. The user has the right to accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard.
5.5 The final expression of the analysis results shall be consistent with the value of the technical requirements. 5.6 The judgment of the test results shall be based on the rounded value comparison method of GB/T1250. If one of the indicators in the test results does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples shall be taken from twice the amount of packaging bags for re-testing. If even one indicator in the re-test results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products shall be non-compliant. 201
6 Labeling, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 The label shall comply with the provisions of GB10648 and be accompanied by a certificate of inspection. 6.2 The product is double-packed, with food-grade polyethylene film bags as the inner packaging and plastic woven bags as the outer packaging. The labels on the packaging bags should be clear and neat, and the bags should be well sealed to ensure that there is no leakage during transportation and storage. The net content of each bag is 20kg, 25kg, or packaged according to the requirements of the product.
6.3 The transportation equipment should be clean and dry. During transportation, it must be covered with tarpaulin, and the entire transportation process should be kept away from moisture and dampness, and always kept clean and dry. It should be handled with care during loading, and it is strictly forbidden to directly hook or tie the packaging bags. 6.4 The storage place should be kept clean, cool, ventilated and dry, and moisture-proof. The product packaging should be stacked on a pad 100mm above the ground, and the stacking should be more than 500mm away from the wall.
6.5 Under the above storage conditions, the product has a shelf life of one year from the date of production. If it is overdue, it should be re-inspected to see if it meets the requirements of this standard, and those that are qualified can continue to be used.The sample solution is equivalent to 1.0g of sample. 4.9.3 Analysis steps
Pipette 10.0ml of sample solution into the arsenic test bottle. Pipette 2.0mL of arsenic standard solution. The following is carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T5009.11 Arsenic Spot Method. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 All eight items specified in this standard are type inspection items. Among them, whiteness, fineness, pH value, moisture, ash content and viscosity are factory inspection items. The manufacturer should inspect each batch according to the requirements of this standard. Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out at least once a month. The quality inspection department of the factory shall issue a quality certificate for products that pass the inspection. 5.2 Products produced under the same process conditions, the same unit and the same production shift are considered as a batch. 5.3 The number of sampling units shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of 6.3.1 of GB/T14699.1-1993. The sampling method shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T14699.1. The sampling volume of each package should be more than 100g. The sample should be quickly mixed and divided into two 1000ml wide-mouth bottles after quartering. The bottles should be sealed and labeled with: product name, batch number, manufacturer, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is for inspection and one bottle is kept for reference.
5.4 Feed-grade pregelatinized starch shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products meet the requirements of this standard and be accompanied by a quality certificate in a certain format. The user has the right to accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard.
5.5 The final expression of the analysis results shall be consistent with the digits of the quantity required by the technical requirements. 5.6 The judgment of the test results shall be based on the comparison method of rounded values ​​in GB/T1250. When one of the indicators of the test results does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples should be taken from twice the amount of packaging bags for re-inspection. If only one index of the re-test result does not meet the requirements of this standard, the whole batch of products shall be deemed as unqualified. 201
6 Label, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 Labels shall comply with the provisions of GB10648 and be accompanied by a certificate of inspection. 6.2 The product is double-packed, with food-grade polyethylene film bags as the inner packaging and plastic woven bags as the outer packaging. The labels of the packaging bags shall be clear and neat, and the bags shall be well sealed to ensure that there is no leakage during transportation and storage. The net content of each bag is 20kg, 25kg, or packaged according to the requirements of the product.
6.3 The transportation equipment shall be clean and dry. During transportation, it must be covered with tarpaulin, and the entire transportation process shall be kept away from moisture and dampness, and always kept clean and dry. It shall be handled with care during loading, and it is strictly forbidden to directly hook or tie the packaging bags. 6.4 The storage place shall be kept clean, cool, ventilated and dry, and moisture-proof. The product packages should be stacked on a pad 100mm above the ground, and the stack should be at least 500mm away from the wall.
6.5 Under the above storage conditions, the product has a shelf life of one year from the date of production. If it is overdue, it should be re-inspected to see if it meets the requirements of this standard. Those that meet the requirements can continue to be used.The sample solution is equivalent to 1.0g of sample. 4.9.3 Analysis steps
Pipette 10.0ml of sample solution into the arsenic test bottle. Pipette 2.0mL of arsenic standard solution. The following is carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T5009.11 Arsenic Spot Method. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 All eight items specified in this standard are type inspection items. Among them, whiteness, fineness, pH value, moisture, ash content and viscosity are factory inspection items. The manufacturer should inspect each batch according to the requirements of this standard. Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out at least once a month. The quality inspection department of the factory shall issue a quality certificate for products that pass the inspection. 5.2 Products produced under the same process conditions, the same unit and the same production shift are considered as a batch. 5.3 The number of sampling units shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of 6.3.1 of GB/T14699.1-1993. The sampling method shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T14699.1. The sampling volume of each package should be more than 100g. The sample should be mixed quickly, divided into two 1000ml wide-mouth bottles by quartering method, sealed, and labeled with: product name, batch number, manufacturer, sampling date and name of sampler. One bottle is for inspection and one bottle is kept for reference.
5.4 Feed-grade pregelatinized starch shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products meet the requirements of this standard and be accompanied by a quality certificate in a certain format. The user has the right to accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard.
5.5 The final expression of the analysis results shall be consistent with the digits of the quantity required by the technical requirements. 5.6 The judgment of the test results shall be based on the comparison method of rounded values ​​of GB/T1250. When one of the indicators of the test results does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples shall be taken from twice the amount of packaging bags for re-inspection. If only one index of the re-test result does not meet the requirements of this standard, the whole batch of products shall be deemed as unqualified. 201
6 Label, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 Labels shall comply with the provisions of GB10648 and be accompanied by a certificate of inspection. 6.2 The product is double-packed, with food-grade polyethylene film bags as the inner packaging and plastic woven bags as the outer packaging. The labels of the packaging bags shall be clear and neat, and the bags shall be well sealed to ensure that there is no leakage during transportation and storage. The net content of each bag is 20kg, 25kg, or packaged according to the requirements of the product.
6.3 The transportation equipment shall be clean and dry. During transportation, it must be covered with tarpaulin, and the entire transportation process shall be kept away from moisture and dampness, and always kept clean and dry. It shall be handled with care during loading, and it is strictly forbidden to directly hook or tie the packaging bags. 6.4 The storage place shall be kept clean, cool, ventilated and dry, and moisture-proof. The product packages should be stacked on a pad 100mm above the ground, and the stack should be at least 500mm away from the wall.
6.5 Under the above storage conditions, the product has a shelf life of one year from the date of production. If it is overdue, it should be re-inspected to see if it meets the requirements of this standard. Those that meet the requirements can continue to be used.
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