GB 4706.13-1998 Special requirements for safety of refrigerators, food freezers and ice machines for household and similar electrical appliances
Some standard content:
GB4706.13-1998 | | tt | Special Requirements for Ice Machines". The original GB4706.13-1991 "Special Requirements for the Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances for Whole Household Refrigerators and Food Freezers" and other bureaus adopted IEC335-2-24:1984 and its Supplement 1 (1987). With the development of household refrigeration appliances, the varieties have increased, their performance has improved, and there are new safety requirements. The standard is no longer adaptable and needs to be revised. This standard replaces GB4706.13-1991 and adds safety requirements for ice machines. Since IEC335-2-24:1992 is used in conjunction with IEC335-1 "General Safety Requirements for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances", this standard should be used in conjunction with GB4706.11992. Changes in the latest version of the IEC standard and the corresponding national standard version in my country should be taken into account when using it. This standard is proposed and administered by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Electrical Appliances. The main drafting unit of this standard: China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Sun Longrong, Ma Dejun, Tong Junqing. GB4706.13-1998 | | tt | Expresses international consensus on the issues involved. 2) These resolutions or agreements are intended for international use in a recommendatory manner and are recognized by the National Committees in this sense. 3) In order to promote international unification, IEC expressed the hope that national committees should adopt the contents of IEC standards as their national standards as much as possible to the extent permitted by their domestic circumstances. If there are any differences between IEC standards and corresponding national standards, they should be clearly pointed out in the national standards as much as possible.
This part of the IEC335 series of standards was formulated by Subcommittee 61C "Household Refrigeration Appliances" of IEC Technical Committee 61 "Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances". The third edition (IEC335-2-24:1992) cancels and replaces the second edition (IEC335-2-24:1984) and its Supplement 1 (1987). The contents of this standard are based on the following documents: Draft
61C( CO)39
61C( CO)51
Voting Report
All information regarding the voting of this standard can be found in the voting report shown in the table above. Appendix AA and Appendix BB are integrated with this standard. The third edition of IEC335-2-24 is to be used together with IEC335-1. IEC335-1 is based on the second edition (1976) and the second re-edition (1983) including Supplement 1 (1977), Supplement 2 (1979), Supplement 3 (1982) and Supplement 4 (1984), Based on Supplement 5 (1986) and Supplement 6 (1988). A new version or supplement to IEC335-1 is being considered. The second part supplements or modifies the corresponding provisions of IEC335-1 to make it IEC335-2-24 "Safety Requirements for Refrigerators, Food Freezers and Ice Makers" (Third Edition). If a special provision in Part -- is not mentioned in Part II, that provision may be used as a matter of course. If there are "additions", "modifications" or "replacements" specified in the third edition of IEC335-2-24, the corresponding requirements, test specifications or notes in Part 1 should be modified accordingly.
The following differences exist in some countries:
-25.6: A cross-sectional area of ??0.5mm is not allowed. 30.3: In Norway, the glow wire test is performed at 650C. GB 4706.13—1998
In this standard, the following print fonts are applicable: - Text: traditional Chinese;
Test specifications: italics;
Note: Small regular font.
The added sub-clauses and illustrations in Part - are numbered starting from 101; the added appendices are represented by letters AA, BB, etc., 2
The following IEC standards are cited in this standard: IEC227 -5: 1979 "Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables with a rating of 450/750V or less - Part 5: Flexible cables (wires)";
IEC335-2-34: 1980 "Safety Inclusions of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances" Part 2: Motor-Compressor"; IEC1058-1: 1990 "Appliance Switches Part 1: General Requirements". 1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
Special requirements for refrigerators, food freezers and ice machines
Safety of household and similar electrical appliancesParticular requirements for refrigerators, food-freezers and ice-makers. Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 is applicable. 1.1 This article is replaced by the following:
This standard applies to:
replaces GB4706.13 —1991
Refrigerators, refrigerated food storage bins and food freezers, with or without refrigerated food storage compartments, and combinations thereof, for household and similar purposes;
One equipped with an electric motor - compression 1. Ice machines and ice machines determined to be installed in food freezers or frozen food storage compartments; 1. Refrigerators and freezers used in camping, recreational vehicles and recreational boats. These appliances may operate electrically, on batteries, or on either electricity or batteries, and they may also be additionally powered by other energy sources (gas or oil). This standard deals with safety rules for the above-mentioned appliances. However, it does not include the structure and working performance of refrigerators and freezers, which are covered in the ISO standard.
Certain tests regarding stability and mechanical hazards are listed in Appendix BB. Some of these tests are taken from ISO standards. The provisions related to the safety of electric heating appliances in GB4706.1-1992, if applicable, can be applied to absorption refrigerators or food freezers, and can also be applied to electric heating elements installed in compression refrigerators or food freezers. Appliances that are not intended for general household use but may still be a source of danger to the public, such as those used in shops, light industrial factories and farms by persons unfamiliar with the use of electricity, also fall within the scope of this standard. This standard does not take into account some special hazards that exist in nurseries and other places where unattended children, old, sick and disabled people live. In this case, additional requirements may apply.
This standard does not apply to:
Appliances designed for industrial use;
—to be used under special conditions with corrosive and explosive properties (such as dust, steam or flammable gases) Appliances for use in situations; individual electric motors.
Additional requirements apply to appliances used on vehicles, ships or aircraft. Facts to note: In many countries, additional requirements have already been established by national health authorities or labor protection authorities. 2 Terminology
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 is applicable. 2.2.30 The following content is added to this article:
The State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision approved the implementation on 1998-12-25 and 1999-06-01
Normal load of the ice machine normalloadforice-maker When the ice machine is at room temperature according to the climate type, water is supplied at a temperature of (15 ± 2) ℃, and any controller is adjusted to their most unfavorable adjustment The load obtained when working at a fixed position (if the set position can be changed by the user). Normal load for incorporated ice-maker Normal load for incorporated ice-maker When the ice maker is operating at the temperature of the frozen food storage room described in the relevant provisions of this standard, the water supply is at a temperature of (15 ± 2) ° C, and any controller adjustment The load obtained when operating to their most unfavorable set position (if the set position can be changed by the user). The following clauses are added to this chapter:
2.2.101 Refrigerator Refrigerator
A closed insulated appliance of appropriate capacity and equipment for household use that is cooled by a device that consumes electrical energy. It has one or more compartments for preserving food, and it has at least one compartment whose temperature is maintained above 0C. 2.2.102 Frozen food storage compartment frozen food storage compartment is a closed insulated compartment of a refrigerator. Under standard environmental conditions, food is stored in accordance with the classification temperatures of - 6℃ and - 12 ℃ and -18 ℃ are placed in the room. The temperature of this room should keep the food at the corresponding temperature or lower
2.2.103 Frozen food storage box frozen food storage cabinet for household use and closed for refrigeration by electrical energy consuming devices Insulating appliances. It has one or more compartments. Under standard environmental conditions, food with a temperature equal to or lower than -18C is placed in the compartment. The temperature of this compartment should keep the food at this temperature or lower. 2.2.104 Food Freezer foodfreezer A closed insulated appliance of suitable capacity and equipment for domestic use, cooled by a device that consumes electrical energy. It has one or more compartments for freezing food and is suitable for preserving food at a temperature equal to or lower than -18°C. 2.2.105 Compression-type appliance The refrigeration process is through the low-pressure evaporation of liquid refrigerant in a heat exchanger (evaporator). The generated vapor is mechanically compressed into high-pressure vapor, and then in another heat exchanger (condenser) ) A device that completes internal cooling by returning it to liquid refrigerant. 2.2.106 Ice-maker ice-maker
An appliance that freezes water to make ice by a device that consumes electrical energy. It has a compartment for storing ice. 2.2.107 Incorporated ice maker is an ice maker specially designed to be installed in a food freezer or a frozen food storage room. It does not have a refrigeration device for freezing water. 2.2.108 Auxiliary electric heating element ancillaryheatingelement An electric heating device that performs auxiliary functions, such as defrost heaters, door heaters and anti-condensation heaters. 2.2.109 The refrigeration process of absorption-type appliance is that the liquid refrigerant evaporates under low pressure in the heat exchanger (evaporator), and the generated vapor is absorbed by the absorption medium, and then heated to a higher vapor content. A device in which the refrigerant is discharged under pressure and cooled back to liquid refrigerant in another heat exchanger (condenser),
2.2.110 condenser condenser
A kind of heat exchanger In the heat exchanger, the compressed gaseous refrigerant transfers heat to the external cooling medium and is liquefied.
2.2.111 evaporator
A heat exchanger in which decompressed liquid refrigerant is evaporated by absorbing heat from the medium to be cooled.
2.2.112 Floor-standing appliance free-standing appliance is only used for appliances with open installation.
2.2.113 steady-state
During a period of approximately 60 minutes, the difference between three temperature readings measured successively at the same point in any working cycle is not greater than 1 (1K) , is considered to reach steady state.
3 General requirements
This chapter in GB4706.1-1992 applies. 4 General instructions in testing
GB 4706.13--1998
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1--1992 is applicable. 4.2 The following content is added to this article:
The test of separate motor-compressor is given in GB4706.17. 3 This article is replaced by the following:
After the tests in Chapter 8, the tests of 11.7, 9, 10, 11.9 to 11.103 should be carried out in sequence. Before the test, the appliance should operate at rated voltage for 24 hours. 5 The following content is added to this article:
The tests in Chapters 9, 10, 11, and 12 shall be conducted at the specified ambient temperature according to the climate type of the appliance. . The subtemperate type (SN) and temperate type (N) are (32±1)°C, and the subtropical type (ST) or tropical type (T) is (43±1)°C. Other tests were conducted at an ambient temperature of (20±5)°C. Appliances specified for use in several climate types are tested at the ambient temperature corresponding to the highest climate type. 6 This article adds the following content:
The test must be completed sequentially using each energy source (electricity, gas or fuel oil). In addition, the test is to be completed with combinations of various energy sources being used simultaneously, unless this situation can be avoided by interlocking devices. For this test, the optional power supply (<42V) is considered an extra-low voltage power supply. 4.7 The following content is added to this article:
Appliances installed in ice making machines shall be tested under the conditions in which the ice making machine produces the most unfavorable results. 4.13 This article does not apply.
Added clauses to this chapter:
4.101 Appliances designed to accommodate an ice making machine must be tested with the designated ice making machine. 5 Ratings
This chapter in GB4706.1-1992 applies. 6 Classification
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 is applicable. 6.1 Add the following content to this article:
(3) According to room temperature:
According to ISO standards:
Sub-temperate appliances (SN);
Temperate appliances ( N);
-Subtropical type appliances (ST):
Tropical type appliances (T).
7 mark
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 is applicable. 7.1 The following content is added to this article:
In addition, the appliance should be marked with:
The rated input power of electric heating elements and any auxiliary components greater than 100W; The input power during defrosting (W), if it is greater than the corresponding rated input power; the letters SN, N, ST or T represent the climate type of the appliance; the maximum rated input power of the lamp (W): ||tt| |The chemical name, chemical molecular formula or refrigerant code of the refrigerant, or when mixed refrigerants are used, the chemical name, code or chemical molecular formula of each refrigerant should be indicated separately. For compression refrigeration systems, the appliance shall be marked with: the mass of the refrigerant, and in the case of a mixture of refrigerants, the mass of each refrigerant, except the azeotropic type, if the appliance is designed to be equipped with an ice making machine, and the ice making If the machine power is greater than 100W, the maximum input power of the installed ice machine should be marked. In addition, the ice machine shall be marked with the following: - the maximum allowable water level for appliances without automatic water level controller; the maximum allowable water level expressed in Pa, bar or N/cm2 for appliances connected to a municipal water source Water inlet pressure, unless this point has been pointed out in the instructions;
When necessary for the correct operation of the ice machine, the minimum allowable water inlet pressure expressed in Pa, bar or N/cm?, unless this point has been stated in the instructions stated in the instructions.
For appliances intended for camping or similar purposes, it shall be additionally marked with an energy source other than electrical energy, if any. In addition, devices provided for 12V power connections shall be clearly and permanently marked with the voltage and type of power supply for which they are designed. 7.2 This clause does not apply.
7.12 The following content is added to this article:
For appliances designed to be equipped with ice machines, the instructions should include the type of ice machines that can be installed in the appliance. The instructions should also include certain content, that is, the ice making machine in the appliance Installation must be performed by the manufacturer's service organization. Depending on the type of ice machine, instructions should include one of the following warnings: Only to be connected directly to a drinking water source;
To be filled with drinking water only.
Refrigerators and freezers used for camping or similar purposes should come with instructions that include detailed precautions for safe installation. In addition, the instructions should include the following instructions: "For camping use" and indicate that the appliance is to be supplied with more than one separate power source (if applicable). In addition, instructions should include a warning that the appliance should not be used outdoors or in the rain. 7.14 The following content is added to this article:
For floor-standing appliances, if necessary, after moving it away from the additional wall, its mark should be visible. When replacing the light bulb, the mark of the lamp's power output should be easy to see clearly. . 8 Protection against electric shock
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 applies. 8.1 The following content is added to this article:
The protective cover of the lamp does not need to be removed except when replacing the bulb. It must be removed before testing with the standard test finger. 8.2 does not apply.
8.3 Not applicable.
8.4 The following content is added to this article:
For this test, the water to be frozen is considered to be a conductive liquid. 8.7 does not apply.
9 Start-up of electric appliances
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1—1992 applies. Add the following content after the title:
The tests in this chapter must be conducted at least 15 minutes after the test in Article 11.7, but no later than 1 hour later. Appliances equipped with motor-compressors that comply with IEC335-2-34 Article 19.3 and have passed the locked-rotor test and condenser fan motors that comply with Appendix AA of this standard and have passed the locked-rotor test are not subject to the test of Article 9.1. 9.1 This article is replaced by the following:
The motor should be able to start under all normal voltage conditions that may occur during use. Compliance is checked by the following test: the appliance is started three times with a voltage of 0.85 times the rated voltage with the door or cover closed at an ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C specified in the climate type (see Article 4.5).
After each start of the appliance, there must be sufficient switch-on time to ensure that the motor starts correctly and has sufficient lubrication. The time interval between two successive starts should be sufficiently long to prevent extreme overheating of the motor and abnormal pressure increase of the liquid refrigerant, as well as to achieve pressure equilibrium between the high-pressure side and the low-pressure side. It is allowed that the motor-compressor start relay operates three times before starting. The voltage drop of the power supply shall not exceed 1% during the test. 2 This article is revised with the following content:
The test specification after the table is replaced with the following content: the silver content of the silver wire is not less than 99.9%, and the internal dimensions of the silver wire are The 80mm×80mm×150mm box is tightened horizontally in the direction of the center line.
Then, the appliance is started 10 times at 0.9 times and 1.1 times the rated voltage. After each start of the appliance, there must be sufficient switch-on time to ensure that the motor starts correctly and has sufficient lubrication. The time between two successive starts should be sufficiently long to prevent extreme overheating of the motor and abnormal increase in pressure of the liquid refrigerant, as well as to achieve pressure equilibrium between the high-pressure side and the low-pressure side. It is allowed that the motor-compressor start relay operates three times before starting. During the test, the appliance has its door or lid closed at an ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see 4.5) specified for its climate type. Heating elements installed in the appliance shall be operative but not connected to a separate power supply. During the test, the silver wire shall not fuse and any overload protection device shall not operate. 10 Input power and current
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1--1992 is applicable. 10.1 This article is revised with the following content: The test specification of this article is replaced with the following content: Check whether the equipment is qualified by measuring its input power under the following conditions. Except for appliances that have been pre-adjusted at the manufacturer, the thermostat should be adjusted to the lowest temperature position. Appliances should be unloaded with doors or lids closed and lights, if any, turned off.
The test is carried out under the conditions of rated voltage and ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see Article 4.5) specified for the appliance according to its climate type. The ice machine operates under normal load.
The input power is measured only when it reaches the steady state. The measured input power is the arithmetic mean of the input power between the thermostat being turned on and off, or the maximum value and sum measured respectively. The arithmetic mean of the minimum values, excluding starting power input, but including the power input of the installed ice machine, if any. 10.2 This article is revised with the following content: The test specification is replaced with the following content:
The test is conducted under the conditions specified in Article 10.1. The current is measured only when steady state is reached.
The maximum value of the current measured between the thermostat being turned on and off (but excluding the starting current) is used as the current value of the appliance. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
10.101 When the rated defrosting input power is marked on the appliance, the measured defrosting system input power shall not exceed 10% of the marked defrosting rated input power. .
Check whether the defrosting system is qualified by measuring the input power of the defrosting system when the appliance is operating at rated voltage. 10.102 When the input power of the auxiliary component is marked on the appliance, the measured input power of any auxiliary component The power should not exceed 20% of the input power marked on these auxiliary components.
Check whether the auxiliary component is qualified by measuring its input power when it works at the rated voltage and the input power reaches stability. 11 Fever
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 is applicable. 11.2 This article is replaced by the following:
Built-in appliances should be embedded in the plywood wall painted with matte black paint, and the thickness of the board is about 20mm. The floor-standing appliance is placed in a test chamber formed by the plywood enclosure described above, which surrounds the appliance and is as close as possible to the perimeter and top surface of the appliance. Unless the manufacturer specifies in the instructions that a certain distance should be maintained from the wall or ceiling, in which case this distance should be maintained during the test. Other utensils are placed in the test corner. The test corner consists of two right-angled walls, a floor, and a ceiling (if necessary). Appliances shall be placed in the test corner as follows: Appliances that are normally fixed to the wall shall be mounted on one of the enclosures and as close to the other enclosure and the floor or ceiling of the test corner as in normal use. However, this is excepted if the manufacturer has regulations on the installation of the appliance. If the manufacturer has no special provisions for the installation of appliances, appliances that are usually fixed to the ceiling should be fixed to the ceiling of the test corner and close to the surrounding wall of the test corner as in normal use. The appliance should be placed in a room with a temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see Article 4.5) specified in the climate type, with the door or cover opened until the entire appliance reaches room temperature.
11.4 This article is replaced by the following
Absorption appliances and heating elements (if any) shall be powered at a voltage at which the input power is equal to 1.15 times the maximum rated input power. 11.5 This clause is replaced by the following:
When the appliance reaches room temperature, the measurement of the winding resistance of compression appliances shall be carried out before the test. The appliance is powered at the most unfavorable voltage between 0.94 and 1.06 times the rated voltage until steady state is reached. During the test, power is supplied to the electric heating element in accordance with the provisions of Article 11.1. The winding resistance is not measured for motor-compressors that comply with IEC335-2-34. 11.6 This article is replaced by the following:
Generally, the power supply conditions specified for absorbent appliances also apply to the electric motor installed in the appliance. In case of doubt, the conditions specified below apply.
For combined appliances, when the motor operates at a voltage equal to 1.06 times the maximum rated voltage, the input power of the electric heating element must comply with the provisions of Article 11.4. When the motor operates at a voltage equal to 0.94 times the minimum rated voltage, the input power of the electric heating element is reduced to 0.9 times the minimum rated input power.
If the test must be carried out at an intermediate voltage, the input power of the electric heating element must be adjusted proportionally. 11.7 This clause is replaced by the following:
Except for the tests of clauses 11.101 to 11.103, the thermostat or similar control device should be short-circuited and the door or cover should be closed.Except for the tests of Clause 103, the thermostat or similar control device shall be short-circuited and the door or cover shall be closed.Except for the tests of Clause 103, the thermostat or similar control device shall be short-circuited and the door or cover shall be closed.1 The following content is added to this clause:
The protective cover of the lamp shall be removed before testing with the standard test finger, except when the lamp is replaced. 8.2 is not applicable.
8.3 is not applicable.
8.4 The following content is added to this clause:
For this test, water to be frozen is considered to be a conductive liquid. 8.7 is not applicable.
9 Starting of electric appliances
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1—1992 is applicable. The following content is added after the title:
The test of this chapter shall be carried out at least 15 minutes after the test of Clause 11.7, but not later than 1 hour later. Appliances incorporating motor-compressors which have been tested for locked rotor in accordance with clause 19.3 of IEC 335-2-34 and condenser fan motors which have been tested for locked rotor in accordance with annex AA of this standard are not subjected to the test of clause 9.1. 9.1 This clause is replaced by the following:
The motor shall be capable of starting under all normal voltage conditions which may occur in use. Compliance is checked by the following test: The appliance is started three times at an ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C as specified for its climatic type (see clause 4.5), with doors or lids closed, at 0,85 times the rated voltage.
After each start of the appliance, sufficient switching-on time shall be allowed to ensure that the motor starts correctly and that it is adequately lubricated. The time interval between two successive starts shall be long enough to prevent excessive overheating of the motor and to avoid abnormal pressure increases of the liquid refrigerant and to allow pressure equalization to be achieved between the high-pressure and low-pressure sides. It is permissible for the motor-compressor starting relay to operate three times before starting. The voltage drop in the supply shall not exceed 1% during the test. 2 This clause is amended by the following:
The test specification after the table is replaced by the following: The silver content of the silver wire is not less than 99.9%, and the silver wire is stretched horizontally along the center line of a box with internal dimensions of 80mm×80mm×150mm.
The appliance is then started 10 times at 0.9 times and 1.1 times the rated voltage respectively. After each start of the appliance, sufficient switching-on time shall be allowed to ensure that the motor starts correctly and is adequately lubricated. The interval between two consecutive starts shall be long enough to prevent excessive overheating of the motor and avoid abnormal pressure increase of the liquid refrigerant, and to achieve pressure balance between the high-pressure side and the low-pressure side. It is permissible for the motor-compressor starting relay to operate three times before starting. During the test, the appliance is closed at an ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see Clause 4.5) specified for its climate type. The heating element installed in the appliance shall operate but not be connected to a separate power supply. During the test, the silver wire shall not melt and any overload protection device shall not operate. 10 Input power and current
Except as follows, this chapter in GB4706.1--1992 is applicable. 10.1 This clause is modified by the following: The test specification of this clause is replaced by the following content. Check its compliance by measuring the input power of the appliance under the following conditions. Except for appliances that have been pre-adjusted at the manufacturer, the thermostat should be adjusted to the lowest temperature position. The appliance should be unloaded, and the door or cover should be closed, and the light should be turned off if there is any.
The test is carried out under the conditions of rated voltage and the ambient temperature of 32℃ or 43℃ specified for the appliance according to its climate type (see 4.5). The ice maker operates under normal load.
The input power is measured only when the steady state is reached. The measured input power is the arithmetic mean of the input power between the thermostat being turned on and off, or the arithmetic mean of the maximum and minimum values ??measured respectively, excluding the starting input power, but including the input power of the installed ice maker (if any). 10.2 This article is modified with the following content: The test specification is replaced with the following content:
The test is carried out under the conditions specified in Article 10.1. The current is measured only when the steady state is reached.
The maximum current measured between the thermostat being turned on and off (but excluding the starting current) is taken as the current value of the appliance. The following clause is added to this chapter:
10.101 When the rated defrost input power is marked on the appliance, the measured defrost system input power should not exceed 10% of the marked defrost rated input power.
Compliance shall be checked by measuring the power input of the defrosting system when the appliance is defrosting at rated voltage. 10.102 When the power input of auxiliary components is marked on the appliance, the measured power input of any auxiliary component shall not exceed 20% of the marked power input of these auxiliary components.
Compliance shall be checked by measuring the power input of the auxiliary components when they are operating at rated voltage and the power input reaches stability. 11 Heating
Except as follows, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 is applicable. 11.2 This clause is replaced by the following:
Embedded appliances shall be embedded in a plywood enclosure painted with matte black paint, with a thickness of about 20 mm. Floor-standing appliances shall be placed in a test room composed of the above-mentioned plywood enclosures, which surround the appliance and should be as close as possible to the periphery and top surface of the appliance. Unless the manufacturer specifies in the instructions that a certain space distance from the wall or ceiling should be maintained, in this case, this space distance should be maintained during the test. Other appliances are placed in the test corner. The test corner consists of two walls at right angles and a floor and a ceiling (if necessary). The appliances should be placed in the test corner as follows: appliances that are usually fixed to the wall should be installed on one of the walls and as close to the other wall and the floor or ceiling of the test corner as in normal use. However, this does not apply to appliances that the manufacturer has already specified for installation. If the manufacturer has no special provisions for the installation of the appliance, appliances that are usually fixed to the ceiling should be fixed to the ceiling of the test corner and as close to the walls of the test corner as in normal use. The appliance should be placed in a room with a temperature of 32℃ or 43℃ (see 4.5) specified for its climate type, with the door or lid open until the entire appliance reaches room temperature.
11.4 This clause is replaced by the following
Absorption appliances and heating elements, if any, shall be supplied with a voltage equal to 1.15 times the maximum rated power input. 11.5 This clause is replaced by the following:
Measurements of the winding resistance of compression appliances shall be made before the test when the appliance has reached room temperature. The appliance is supplied with the most unfavourable voltage between 0.94 and 1.06 times the rated voltage until steady state is reached. During the test, the heating elements are supplied with power as specified in 11.1. Winding resistance measurements are not made for motor-compressors complying with IEC 335-2-34. 11.6 This clause is replaced by the following:
In general, the supply conditions specified for absorption appliances also apply to motors incorporated in appliances. In case of doubt, the conditions specified below apply.
For combination appliances, when the motor is operated at a voltage equal to 1.06 times the maximum rated voltage, the power input to the heating element shall comply with the provisions of 11.4. When the motor is operated at a voltage equal to 0.94 times the minimum rated voltage, the power input to the heating element is reduced to 0.9 times the minimum rated power input.
If testing must be carried out at an intermediate voltage, the power input to the heating element shall be adjusted proportionally. 11.7 This clause is replaced by the following:
Except for the tests of 11.101 to 11.103, the thermostat or similar control device shall be short-circuited and the door or cover shall be closed.1 The following content is added to this article:
The protective cover of the lamp does not need to be removed except when replacing the bulb. It must be removed before testing with the standard test finger. 8.2 does not apply.
8.3 Not applicable.
8.4 The following content is added to this article:
For this test, the water to be frozen is considered to be a conductive liquid. 8.7 does not apply.
9 Start-up of electric appliances
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1—1992 applies. Add the following content after the title:
The tests in this chapter must be conducted at least 15 minutes after the test in Article 11.7, but no later than 1 hour later. Appliances equipped with motor-compressors that comply with IEC335-2-34 Article 19.3 and have passed the locked-rotor test and condenser fan motors that comply with Appendix AA of this standard and have passed the locked-rotor test are not subject to the test of Article 9.1. 9.1 This article is replaced by the following:
The motor should be able to start under all normal voltage conditions that may occur during use. Compliance is checked by the following test: the appliance is started three times with a voltage of 0.85 times the rated voltage with the door or cover closed at an ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C specified in the climate type (see Article 4.5).
After each start of the appliance, there must be sufficient switch-on time to ensure that the motor starts correctly and has sufficient lubrication. The time interval between two successive starts should be sufficiently long to prevent extreme overheating of the motor and abnormal increase in pressure of the liquid refrigerant, as well as to achieve pressure equilibrium between the high-pressure side and the low-pressure side. It is allowed that the motor-compressor start relay operates three times before starting. The voltage drop of the power supply shall not exceed 1% during the test. 2 This article is revised with the following content:
The test specification after the table is replaced with the following content: the silver content of the silver wire is not less than 99.9%, and the internal dimensions of the silver wire are The 80mm×80mm×150mm box is tightened horizontally in the center line direction.
Then, the appliance is started 10 times at 0.9 times and 1.1 times the rated voltage. After each start of the appliance, there must be sufficient switch-on time to ensure that the motor starts correctly and has sufficient lubrication. The time between two successive starts should be sufficiently long to prevent extreme overheating of the motor and abnormal increase in pressure of the liquid refrigerant, as well as to achieve pressure equilibrium between the high-pressure side and the low-pressure side. It is allowed that the motor-compressor start relay operates three times before starting. During the test, the appliance has its door or lid closed at an ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see 4.5) specified for its climate type. Heating elements installed in the appliance shall be operative but not connected to a separate power supply. During the test, the silver wire shall not fuse and any overload protection device shall not operate. 10 Input power and current
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1--1992 is applicable. 10.1 This article is revised with the following content: The test specification of this article is replaced with the following content: Check whether the equipment is qualified by measuring its input power under the following conditions. Except for appliances that have been pre-adjusted at the manufacturer, the thermostat should be adjusted to the lowest temperature position. Appliances should be unloaded with doors or lids closed and lights, if any, turned off.
The test is carried out under the conditions of rated voltage and ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see Article 4.5) specified for the appliance according to its climate type. The ice machine operates under normal load.
The input power is measured only when it reaches the steady state. The measured input power is the arithmetic mean of the input power between the thermostat being turned on and off, or the maximum value and sum measured respectively. The arithmetic mean of the minimum values, excluding starting power input, but including the power input of the installed ice machine, if any. 10.2 This article is revised with the following content: The test specification is replaced with the following content:
The test is conducted under the conditions specified in Article 10.1. The current is measured only when steady state is reached.
The maximum value of the current measured between when the thermostat is turned on and off (but excluding the starting current), is used as the current value of the appliance. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
10.101 When the rated defrosting input power is marked on the appliance, the measured defrosting system input power shall not exceed 10% of the marked defrosting rated input power. .
Check whether the defrosting system is qualified by measuring the input power of the defrosting system when the appliance is operating at rated voltage. 10.102 When the input power of the auxiliary component is marked on the appliance, the measured input power of any auxiliary component The power should not exceed 20% of the input power marked on these auxiliary components.
Check whether the auxiliary component is qualified by measuring its input power when it works at the rated voltage and the input power reaches stability. 11 Fever
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 is applicable. 11.2 This article is replaced by the following:
Built-in appliances should be embedded in the plywood wall painted with matte black paint, and the thickness of the board is about 20mm. The floor-standing appliance is placed in a test chamber formed by the plywood enclosure described above, which surrounds the appliance and is as close as possible to the perimeter and top surface of the appliance. Unless the manufacturer specifies in the instructions that a certain distance should be maintained from the wall or ceiling, in which case this distance should be maintained during the test. Other utensils are placed in the test corner. The test corner consists of two right-angled walls, a floor, and a ceiling (if necessary). Appliances shall be placed in the test corner as follows: Appliances that are normally fixed to the wall shall be mounted on one of the enclosures and as close to the other enclosure and the floor or ceiling of the test corner as in normal use. However, this is excepted if the manufacturer has regulations on the installation of the appliance. If the manufacturer has no special provisions for the installation of appliances, appliances that are usually fixed to the ceiling should be fixed to the ceiling of the test corner and close to the surrounding wall of the test corner as in normal use. The appliance should be placed in a room with a temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see Article 4.5) specified in the climate type, with the door or cover opened until the entire appliance reaches room temperature.
11.4 This article is replaced by the following
Absorption appliances and heating elements (if any) shall be powered at a voltage at which the input power is equal to 1.15 times the maximum rated input power. 11.5 This clause is replaced by the following:
When the appliance reaches room temperature, the measurement of the winding resistance of compression appliances shall be carried out before the test. The appliance is powered at the most unfavorable voltage between 0.94 and 1.06 times the rated voltage until steady state is reached. During the test, power is supplied to the electric heating element in accordance with the provisions of Article 11.1. The winding resistance is not measured for motor-compressors that comply with IEC335-2-34. 11.6 This article is replaced by the following:
Generally, the power supply conditions specified for absorbent appliances also apply to the electric motor installed in the appliance. In case of doubt, the conditions specified below apply.
For combined appliances, when the motor operates at a voltage equal to 1.06 times the maximum rated voltage, the input power of the electric heating element must comply with the provisions of Article 11.4. When the motor operates at a voltage equal to 0.94 times the minimum rated voltage, the input power of the electric heating element is reduced to 0.9 times the minimum rated input power.
If the test must be carried out at an intermediate voltage, the input power of the electric heating element must be adjusted proportionally. 11.7 This clause is replaced by the following:
Except for the tests of clauses 11.101 to 11.103, the thermostat or similar control device should be short-circuited and the door or cover should be closed.85 times the rated voltage to start 3 times.
After each start of the appliance, there must be sufficient switch-on time to ensure that the motor starts correctly and has sufficient lubrication. The time interval between two successive starts should be sufficiently long to prevent extreme overheating of the motor and abnormal increase in pressure of the liquid refrigerant, as well as to achieve pressure equilibrium between the high-pressure side and the low-pressure side. It is allowed that the motor-compressor start relay operates three times before starting. The voltage drop of the power supply shall not exceed 1% during the test. 2 This article is revised with the following content:
The test specification after the table is replaced with the following content: the silver content of the silver wire is not less than 99.9%, and the internal dimensions of the silver wire are The 80mm×80mm×150mm box is tightened horizontally in the center line direction.
Then, the appliance is started 10 times at 0.9 times and 1.1 times the rated voltage. After each start of the appliance, there must be sufficient switch-on time to ensure that the motor starts correctly and has sufficient lubrication. The time between two successive starts should be sufficiently long to prevent extreme overheating of the motor and abnormal increase in pressure of the liquid refrigerant, as well as to achieve pressure equilibrium between the high-pressure side and the low-pressure side. It is allowed that the motor-compressor start relay operates three times before starting. During the test, the appliance has its door or lid closed at an ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see 4.5) specified for its climate type. Heating elements installed in the appliance shall be operative but not connected to a separate power supply. During the test, the silver wire shall not fuse and any overload protection device shall not operate. 10 Input power and current
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1--1992 is applicable. 10.1 This article is revised with the following content: The test specification of this article is replaced with the following content: Check whether the equipment is qualified by measuring its input power under the following conditions. Except for appliances that have been pre-adjusted at the manufacturer, the thermostat should be adjusted to the lowest temperature position. Appliances should be unloaded with doors or covers closed and lights, if any, turned off.
The test is carried out under the conditions of rated voltage and ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see Article 4.5) specified for the appliance according to its climate type. The ice machine operates under normal load.
The input power is measured only when it reaches the steady state. The measured input power is the arithmetic mean of the input power between the thermostat being turned on and off, or the maximum value and sum measured respectively. The arithmetic mean of the minimum values, excluding starting power input, but including the power input of the installed ice machine, if any. 10.2 This article is revised with the following content: The test specification is replaced with the following content:
The test is conducted under the conditions specified in Article 10.1. The current is measured only when steady state is reached.
The maximum value of the current measured between the thermostat being turned on and off (but excluding the starting current) is used as the current value of the appliance. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
10.101 When the rated defrosting input power is marked on the appliance, the measured defrosting system input power shall not exceed 10% of the marked defrosting rated input power. .
Check whether the defrosting system is qualified by measuring the input power of the defrosting system when the appliance is operating at rated voltage. 10.102 When the input power of the auxiliary component is marked on the appliance, the measured input power of any auxiliary component The power should not exceed 20% of the input power marked on these auxiliary components.
Check whether the auxiliary component is qualified by measuring its input power when it works at the rated voltage and the input power reaches stability. 11 Fever
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 is applicable. 11.2 This article is replaced by the following:
Built-in appliances should be embedded in the plywood wall painted with matte black paint, and the thickness of the board is about 20mm. The floor-standing appliance is placed in a test chamber formed by the plywood enclosure described above, which surrounds the appliance and is as close as possible to the perimeter and top surface of the appliance. Unless the manufacturer specifies in the instructions that a certain distance should be maintained from the wall or ceiling, in which case this distance should be maintained during the test. Other utensils are placed in the test corner. The test corner consists of two right-angled walls, a floor, and a ceiling (if necessary). Appliances shall be placed in the test corner as follows: Appliances that are normally fixed to the wall shall be mounted on one of the enclosures and as close to the other enclosure and the floor or ceiling of the test corner as in normal use. However, this is excepted if the manufacturer has regulations on the installation of the appliance. If the manufacturer has no special provisions for the installation of appliances, appliances that are usually fixed to the ceiling should be fixed to the ceiling of the test corner and close to the surrounding wall of the test corner as in normal use. The appliance should be placed in a room with a temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see Article 4.5) according to its climate type, with the door or cover opened until the entire appliance reaches room temperature.
11.4 This article is replaced by the following
Absorption appliances and heating elements (if any) shall be powered at a voltage at which the input power is equal to 1.15 times the maximum rated input power. 11.5 This clause is replaced by the following:
When the appliance reaches room temperature, the measurement of the winding resistance of compression appliances shall be carried out before the test. The appliance is powered at the most unfavorable voltage between 0.94 and 1.06 times the rated voltage until steady state is reached. During the test, power is supplied to the electric heating element in accordance with the provisions of Article 11.1. The winding resistance is not measured for motor-compressors that comply with IEC335-2-34. 11.6 This article is replaced by the following:
Generally, the power supply conditions specified for absorbent appliances also apply to the electric motor installed in the appliance. In case of doubt, the conditions specified below apply.
For combined appliances, when the motor operates at a voltage equal to 1.06 times the maximum rated voltage, the input power of the electric heating element must comply with the provisions of Article 11.4. When the motor operates at a voltage equal to 0.94 times the minimum rated voltage, the input power of the electric heating element is reduced to 0.9 times the minimum rated input power.
If the test must be carried out at an intermediate voltage, the input power of the electric heating element must be adjusted proportionally. 11.7 This clause is replaced by the following:
Except for the tests of clauses 11.101 to 11.103, the thermostat or similar control device should be short-circuited and the door or cover should be closed.85 times the rated voltage to start 3 times.
After each start of the appliance, there must be sufficient switch-on time to ensure that the motor starts correctly and has sufficient lubrication. The time interval between two successive starts should be sufficiently long to prevent extreme overheating of the motor and abnormal increase in pressure of the liquid refrigerant, as well as to achieve pressure equilibrium between the high-pressure side and the low-pressure side. It is allowed that the motor-compressor start relay operates three times before starting. The voltage drop of the power supply shall not exceed 1% during the test. 2 This article is revised with the following content:
The test specification after the table is replaced with the following content: the silver content of the silver wire is not less than 99.9%, and the internal dimensions of the silver wire are The 80mm×80mm×150mm box is tightened horizontally in the direction of the center line.
Then, the appliance is started 10 times at 0.9 times and 1.1 times the rated voltage. After each start of the appliance, there must be sufficient switch-on time to ensure that the motor starts correctly and has sufficient lubrication. The time between two successive starts should be sufficiently long to prevent extreme overheating of the motor and abnormal increase in pressure of the liquid refrigerant, as well as to achieve pressure equilibrium between the high-pressure side and the low-pressure side. It is allowed that the motor-compressor start relay operates three times before starting. During the test, the appliance has its door or lid closed at an ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see 4.5) specified for its climate type. Heating elements installed in the appliance shall be operative but not connected to a separate power supply. During the test, the silver wire shall not fuse and any overload protection device shall not operate. 10 Input power and current
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1--1992 is applicable. 10.1 This article is revised with the following content: The test specification of this article is replaced with the following content: Check whether the equipment is qualified by measuring its input power under the following conditions. Except for appliances that have been pre-adjusted at the manufacturer, the thermostat should be adjusted to the lowest temperature position. Appliances should be unloaded with doors or covers closed and lights, if any, turned off.
The test is carried out under the conditions of rated voltage and ambient temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see Article 4.5) specified for the appliance according to its climate type. The ice machine operates under normal load.
The input power is measured only when it reaches the steady state. The measured input power is the arithmetic mean of the input power between the thermostat being turned on and off, or the maximum value and sum measured respectively. The arithmetic mean of the minimum values, excluding starting power input, but including the power input of the installed ice machine, if any. 10.2 This article is revised with the following content: The test specification is replaced with the following content:
The test is conducted under the conditions specified in Article 10.1. The current is measured only when steady state is reached.
The maximum value of the current measured between the thermostat being turned on and off (but excluding the starting current) is used as the current value of the appliance. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
10.101 When the rated defrosting input power is marked on the appliance, the measured defrosting system input power shall not exceed 10% of the marked defrosting rated input power. .
Check whether the defrosting system is qualified by measuring the input power of the defrosting system when the appliance is operating at rated voltage. 10.102 When the input power of the auxiliary component is marked on the appliance, the measured input power of any auxiliary component The power should not exceed 20% of the input power marked on these auxiliary components.
Check whether the auxiliary component is qualified by measuring its input power when it works at the rated voltage and the input power reaches stability. 11 Fever
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 is applicable. 11.2 This article is replaced by the following:
Built-in appliances should be embedded in the plywood wall painted with matte black paint, and the thickness of the board is about 20mm. The floor-standing appliance is placed in a test chamber formed by the plywood enclosure described above, which surrounds the appliance and is as close as possible to the perimeter and top surface of the appliance. Unless the manufacturer specifies in the instructions that a certain distance should be maintained from the wall or ceiling, in which case this distance should be maintained during the test. Other utensils are placed in the test corner. The test corner consists of two right-angled walls, a floor, and a ceiling (if necessary). Appliances shall be placed in the test corner as follows: Appliances that are normally fixed to the wall shall be mounted on one of the enclosures and as close to the other enclosure and to the floor or ceiling of the test corner as in normal use. However, this is excepted if the manufacturer has regulations on the installation of the appliance. If the manufacturer has no special provisions for the installation of appliances, appliances that are usually fixed to the ceiling should be fixed to the ceiling of the test corner and close to the surrounding wall of the test corner as in normal use. The appliance should be placed in a room with a temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see Article 4.5) specified in the climate type, with the door or cover opened until the entire appliance reaches room temperature.
11.4 This article is replaced by the following
Absorption appliances and heating elements (if any) shall be powered at a voltage at which the input power is equal to 1.15 times the maximum rated input power. 11.5 This clause is replaced by the following:
When the appliance reaches room temperature, the measurement of the winding resistance of compression appliances shall be carried out before the test. The appliance is powered at the most unfavorable voltage between 0.94 and 1.06 times the rated voltage until steady state is reached. During the test, power is supplied to the electric heating element in accordance with the provisions of Article 11.1. The winding resistance is not measured for motor-compressors that comply with IEC335-2-34. 11.6 This article is replaced by the following:
Generally, the power supply conditions specified for absorbent appliances also apply to the electric motor installed in the appliance. In case of doubt, the conditions specified below apply.
For combined appliances, when the motor operates at a voltage equal to 1.06 times the maximum rated voltage, the input power of the electric heating element must comply with the provisions of Article 11.4. When the motor operates at a voltage equal to 0.94 times the minimum rated voltage, the input power of the electric heating element is reduced to 0.9 times the minimum rated input power.
If the test must be carried out at an intermediate voltage, the input power of the electric heating element must be adjusted proportionally. 11.7 This clause is replaced by the following:
Except for the tests of clauses 11.101 to 11.103, the thermostat or similar control device should be short-circuited and the door or cover should be closed.under the conditions specified in Article 1. The current is measured only when steady state is reached.
The maximum value of the current measured between when the thermostat is turned on and off (but excluding the starting current), is used as the current value of the appliance. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
10.101 When the rated defrosting input power is marked on the appliance, the measured defrosting system input power shall not exceed 10% of the marked defrosting rated input power. .
Check whether the defrosting system is qualified by measuring the input power of the defrosting system when the appliance is operating at rated voltage. 10.102 When the input power of the auxiliary component is marked on the appliance, the measured input power of any auxiliary component The power should not exceed 20% of the input power marked on these auxiliary components.
Check whether the auxiliary component is qualified by measuring its input power when it works at the rated voltage and the input power reaches stability. 11 Fever
Except for the following content, this chapter in GB4706.1-1992 is applicable. 11.2 This article is replaced by the following:
Built-in appliances should be embedded in the plywood wall painted with matte black paint, and the thickness of the board is about 20mm. The floor-standing appliance is placed in a test chamber formed by the plywood enclosure described above, which surrounds the appliance and is as close as possible to the perimeter and top surface of the appliance. Unless the manufacturer specifies in the instructions that a certain distance should be maintained from the wall or ceiling, in which case this distance should be maintained during the test. Other utensils are placed in the test corner. The test corner consists of two right-angled walls, a floor, and a ceiling (if necessary). Appliances shall be placed in the test corner as follows: Appliances that are normally fixed to the wall shall be mounted on one of the enclosures and as close to the other enclosure and the floor or ceiling of the test corner as in normal use. However, this is excepted if the manufacturer has regulations on the installation of the appliance. If the manufacturer has no special provisions for the installation of appliances, appliances that are usually fixed to the ceiling should be fixed to the ceiling of the test corner and close to the surrounding wall of the test corner as in normal use. The appliance should be placed in a room with a temperature of 32°C or 43°C (see Article 4.5) specified in the climate type, with the door or cover opened until the entire appliance reaches room temperature.
11.4 This article is replaced by the following
Absorption appliances and heating elements (if any) shall be powered at a voltage at which the input power is equal to 1.15 times the maximum rated input power. 11.5 This clause is replaced by the following:
When the appliance reaches room temperature, the measurement of the winding resistance of compression appliances shall be carried out before the test. The appliance is powered at the most unfavorable voltage between 0.94 and 1.06 times the rated voltage until steady state is reached. During the test, power is supplied to the electric heating element in accordance with the provisions of Article 11.1. The winding resistance is not measured for motor-compressors that comply with IEC335-2-34. 11.6 This article is replaced by the following:
Generally, the power supply conditions specified for absorbent appliances also apply to the electric motor installed in the appliance. In case of doubt, the conditions specified below apply.
For combined appliances, when the motor operates at a voltage equal to 1.06 times the maximum rated voltage, the input power of the electric heating element must comply with the provisions of Article 11.4. When the motor operates at a voltage equal to 0.94 times the minimum rated voltage, the input power of the electric heating element is reduced to 0.9 times the minimum rated input power.
If the test must be carried out at an intermediate voltage, the input power of the electric heating element must be adjusted proportionally. 11.7 This clause is replaced by the following:
Except for the tests of clauses 11.101 to 11.103, the thermostat or similar control device should be short-circuited and the door or cover should be closed.under the conditions specified in Article 1. The
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