GB/T 14866-1993 General technical requirements for eye and face protectors
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Universal technical requirements for eye and face protectors
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the classification, structure, specifications, materials, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging and transportation of eye and face protectors. This standard applies to the research, design, production, use and inspection of eye and face protectors. 2 Reference standards
Packaging, storage and transportation, pictorial symbols
3 Terminology
3.1 Equipment for eye and face protection Protective equipment for eye and face protection Protective equipment for electromagnetic waves, smoke, chemicals, metal sparks, flying chips and dust that may damage the eyes and face (including the neck). 3.2 Protective goggles Cover for eye protection Eye protectors with single or double lenses installed in the headband frame. 3.3 Spectacles for protection Eye protection with various goggles in the frame. 3.4 Protective face mask Various protective gear covering the face (including the neck). 3.5 Protective optics
Various light-transmitting components to protect the eyes from harmful factors. 3.6 Optical horizontal reference length The length of the central horizontal reference line between the top and bottom of the lens. 3.7 Optical vertical height The length of the center line perpendicular to the horizontal reference line of the lens. 3.8 Optical central scope The area within 5 mm from the edge of the lens.
3.9 Focal power
A measure of the ability of an optical system to converge or diverge a beam of light. Its value is the reciprocal of the distance from the back vertex of the lens to the focus. Unit: diopter (D). 3.10 Depth of parallelism The degree of deflection of a beam of light through a lens. Unit: cm/m, symbol: A. 3.11 Cover
Transparent lens, placed in front of the filter to protect the filter from scratches and contamination by metal slag. 3.12 Sideshield
A curved or flat component attached to the frame of the glasses to prevent the eyes from being damaged by harmful factors from the side. Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on December 24, 1993 and implemented on July 1, 1994
3.13 Filter
Lens used to reduce harmful infrared, ultraviolet, dazzling visible light and other radiation to standard levels (generally with a certain color).
4 Classification and marking
4.1 Eye protectors
4.1.1 Classification of eye protectors
Classified by appearance and structure, see Table 1.
4.1.2 Marking of eye protectors
Ordinary type
See Table 2 for marking of eye protectors.
Protection type
(Letter code)
Radiation protection (FS)
(Welding, furnace, etc.)
Sunlight protection (TY)
Impact protection (CJ)
Laser protection (JG)
Microwave protection (WB)
Ray protection (SX)
Smoke and dust protection (YC)
Chemical liquid splash protection (XY)
4.1.3 Marking example
Type with side light
Filter material (letter code)
Glass (B)
Plastic (S)
Coating (M)
Open type
Closed type
(shading number, wavelength, density, etc.)
TY-B(S, M)-Others
JG-B(S, M)-Others
Plastic laser protective glasses that protect against 6328nm are marked as: JG-S-6328nm. Glass welding filters with shading number 10 are marked as: FS-B-10. 4.2 Masks
Classified by structure, see Table 3.
Full-face mask
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Materials
5.1.1 Eye protectors
Full-face mask
Safety helmet and mask connected
Full-face mask
Half mask
Half mask
The materials of each part of the eye protector must meet the following conditions: they should have a certain strength, elasticity and rigidity, a.
b. They cannot be made of materials that are harmful to the skin or flammable; the materials used for the eye mask headband should be soft and durable. c
5.1.2 Mask
The mask must be made of non-conductive materials that are resistant to high and low temperatures, corrosion, moisture, and have a certain strength. Mask observation window:
Colorless and transparent organic or inorganic materials,
Colored and transparent organic or inorganic materials;
Metal mesh,
Combination of several materials,
Opaque frame with filter lens.
5.2 Structure
5.2.1 Eye protectors
Eye protectors must meet the following conditions:
The surface must be smooth, without burrs, sharp corners or other defects that may cause discomfort to the eyes and face; adjustable parts should be flexible and reliable, and structural parts should be easy to replace; b.
It should have good air permeability.
5.2.2 Mask
Rivets and other parts must be firm and not loose, and metal parts cannot contact the face; the lifting parts must be flexible and reliable.
5.3 Specifications
5.3.1 Eye protection
Single lens: rectangular lens (including single-piece eye mask) size: length × width: 108 ± 0.8mm × 50 ± 0.8mm, thickness: not more than 3.8mm.
Double lens: round lens diameter 62~65mm. Irregular single lens horizontal reference length × vertical height: 45mm × 40mm, thickness 3
not more than 3.2mm.
5.3.2 Mask
The mass of the mask (excluding accessories such as lenses and helmets) shall not exceed 500g. 5.4 Field of view
The front field of view of the observation window of the eye and face protection shall not be less than 80°. For the eye protection composed of two lenses, the minimum field of view below is 60°, and for the eye protection composed of one lens, the minimum field of view below is 67°. 5.5 Optical performance
5.5.1 Surface quality and internal defects
The center of the lens is required to be smooth, uniformly colored, without scratches, streaks, bubbles, mildew, orange peel, glare, foreign matter or other defects that damage the optical performance.
The surface of the mask is required to be smooth, without protrusions, uniform thickness, and without defects such as delamination and bubbles. 5.5.2 Visible light transmittance
For colorless transparent lenses, the visible light transmittance should be greater than or equal to 0.89. 5.5.3 Color
The color of colored lenses (filter lenses) cannot be single color, and it is best to use a mixed color such as yellow, green, tea and gray. The color difference and optical density (a) value of the left and right lenses shall not exceed 0.4.
5.5.4 Diopter Deviation
The diopter deviation of the plano lens is 20.07
5.5.5 Parallelism
Curved lens
The vertical and horizontal prism deviations between the geometric center of the lens and other points shall not exceed 0.125. The prism deviation of the geometric center of the left and right lenses shall not exceed 0.184.
b. Plane lens
The prism deviation of the planar lens shall not exceed 0.1254. 5.6 Non-optical properties
5.6.1 Strength properties
Divided into Class A and Class B.
Class A: A 45g steel ball falls freely from a height of 1.3m to the center of the lens three times without any damage. Class B: A 45g steel ball falls freely from a height of 0.6m to the center of the lens three times without any damage. 5.6.2 Corrosion resistance
After corrosion treatment, there is no corrosion on the surface. 5.6.3 High temperature resistance
No deformation, no falling off, no damage after high temperature treatment. 5.6.4 Low temperature resistance
After low temperature treatment, the lens does not fall off or get damaged. 5.6.5 Wear resistance
The surface wear rate H of the lens should be less than the value specified in Table 4. Table 4
Abrasive mass, g
Surface wear rate H of the lens, %
6 Technical performance test method
6.1 Visual field
A medical visual field meter is used.
6.2 Surface quality and internal defects
6.2.1 Device
A lens tester is used.
6.2.2 Method
In a dark room, place the lens in the observation hole of the lens tester and observe whether there are any defects within the center of the lens. 6.3 Visible light transmittance
6.3.1 Instrument
Spectrophotometer, accuracy ±1%
6.3.2 Method
Within the wavelength range of 380-780nm, measure the lens transmittance reading every 10nm and calculate the integrated average value. 6.4 Color
6.4.1 Instrument
Spectrophotometer, accuracy ±1%, densitometer, accuracy ±0.03d6.4.2 Method
Measure the transmittance of the center range of the lens. The wavelength of the maximum transmittance should be between 500620nm (except for color lenses with special requirements).
The difference in the depth of the same color of the left and right lenses is measured by the densitometer in the center range of the lens. 6.5 Diopter deviation
6.5.1 Instrument
Use a photometer with a scale value of ±0.01D. 6.5.2 Test method
First, mark the horizontal and vertical reference lines on the lens to be tested, determine the geometric center point, and test the diopter of the geometric center point, any point on the horizontal reference line and the vertical reference line. 6.6 Parallelism
6.6.1 Instrument
Use a photometer.
6.6.2 Method
Same as the method in 6.5.2.
6.7 Strength test
6.7.1 Apparatus
See Figure 1 for the test apparatus. The head mold used is the Chinese standard head shape No. 7. The head mold is made of hardwood, placed horizontally on the base, and fixed in place with bolts.
6.7.2 Method
Putting Industry
Banned Trading Company
Figure 1 Strength Impact Test Device
Put the eye protector to be tested on the head model in the normal position people usually use. Then put a carbon paper on the white paper, with the white paper on one side of the head model and the carbon paper on the eye protector, and insert them together between the eye protector and the head model. The steel ball is placed just above the eye protector. The landing points are: within 5mm of the center of the lens,
b. The bridge of the frame,
c. The two hinges of the frame.
6.8 Corrosion resistance test
Wash the metal parts of the formed eye and face protector and place them in a boiling 10% (m/m) salt solution for 15 minutes. Take them out without wiping off the surface liquid. Let them dry at room temperature for 24 hours, then wash them with warm water to see if there is any corrosion on the surface. 6.9 High temperature resistance test
Put the eye protector in a constant temperature box and heat it to 55±2℃. Keep the temperature constant for 1 hour. Cool it to room temperature without deformation. The lens will not fall off or break during the impact test.
6.10 Low temperature resistance test
Put the eye protector in a low temperature box and cool it to -20±2℃. Keep it for 4 hours. Take it out and immediately conduct the impact test. The lens is not allowed to fall off or break.
6.11 Abrasion resistance test
6.11.1 Apparatus and instruments
See Figure 2 for the falling sand test machine.
Light transmittance/haze tester, with an accuracy of 0.3%. 6
Front letter
Test conditions
Material activity
Holding parts
Gong Sanxian
With flake
Figure 2 Falling sand test device
The amount of abrasive material falling is about 60~80g per minute. The abrasive should fall vertically on the center of the lens and form a 45° angle with the lens surface; the lens turntable must rotate 5 times per minute;
The abrasive is artificial corundum (Sic), with a particle size of 125~297μm; e.
Testing table
Late support
After each 10 applications of the abrasive, check the particle size to ensure that it is within the specified range. The limit is 50 times of use. The falling sand test shall be carried out in sequence according to the abrasive weight specified in Table 4. The H value measured after each falling sand test shall be lower than the provisions of Table 4.
6.11.3 Method
First, clamp the sample to the turntable of the falling sand tester shown in Figure 2. When the turntable rotates, the abrasive material falls. After removing the dust on the lens surface, the surface wear rate H is measured with a transmittance/haze meter. 7
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Products must be supervised and inspected by a statutory quality inspection agency and must obtain a product inspection certificate and production license before they can be produced and used.
7.2 Products must be inspected according to standards before leaving the factory, and can only leave the factory after passing the inspection. 8 Packaging, marking, transportation
8.1 Packaging
Small packages of eye and face protectors should be bagged in units of pieces (pieces, pairs), and the packaging boxes (boxes) of large packages are determined by the standards of each product. 8.2 Marking
8.2.1 Eye protectors
a. Each pair (piece) of eye protectors shall be marked with the permanent words in Table 2 on the upper right side where the field of view is not affected. Example: The marking of glass welding lenses with a shade number of 10 is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Eye protector marking pattern
b. On the inside of the frame or frame leg of each pair of eye protectors, at least four of the following items shall be marked: manufacturer name code (the manufacturer code must be indicated in the manual); license number; structure code, and other numbers that need to be marked. Study and make study
8.2.2 Mask
Figure 4 Frame leg marking pattern
The following permanent markings shall be marked on the upper right side of the mask: structure code; manufacturer code; production license number; others (such as production date or trademark).
8.3 Transportation
It shall not be transported in the same vehicle box with acids, alkalis, oils, water and organic solvents; a.
Prevent rain and heavy pressure, and handle with care to prevent breakage; 8
The transportation mark of the packaging box shall comply with the provisions of GB191. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Labor of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Labor Protection Products. This standard was drafted by the Beijing Labor Protection Science Research Institute and Xuchang Glass Glass Factory. The drafters of this standard are Li Shuxian, Chen Anli, Xia Chuan Shou and He Xinjing.2 Method
Same as the method in 6.5.2.
6.7 Strength test
6.7.1 Apparatus
See Figure 1 for the test apparatus. The headform used is the Chinese standard headform No. 7. The headform is made of hardwood and is placed horizontally on the base and fixed in position with bolts.
6.7.2 Method
Putting industry
Banned trade
Figure 1 Strength impact test apparatus
Put the eye protector to be tested on the headform in the normal position used by people. Then put a carbon paper on the white paper, with the white paper on one side of the head mold and the carbon paper on the eye protector. Insert them together between the eye protector and the head mold. The steel ball is placed directly above the eye protector. The landing points are: within 5mm of the center of the lens,
b. at the bridge of the frame,
c. at the two hinges of the frame.
6.8 Corrosion resistance test
After cleaning the metal parts of the formed eye and face protector, place them in a boiling 10% (m/m) salt solution for 15 minutes and then take them out. Do not wipe off the surface liquid. Let them dry at room temperature for 24 hours, then wash them with warm water to see if there is any corrosion on the surface. 6.9 High temperature resistance test
Put the eye protector in a constant temperature box and heat it to 55±2℃, keep the temperature constant for 1 hour, cool it to room temperature without deformation, and the impact test shows that the lenses do not fall off or break.
6.10 Low temperature resistance test
Put the eye protector in a low temperature box and cool it to -20±2℃. Keep it for 4 hours and then take it out for impact test immediately. The lens is not allowed to fall off or break.
6.11 Abrasion resistance test
6.11.1 Apparatus and instruments
See Figure 2 for the falling sand tester.
Light transmittance/haze tester, with an accuracy of 0.3%. 6
Front letter
Test conditions
Material activity
Holding parts
Gong Sanxian
With flake
Figure 2 Falling sand test device
The amount of abrasive material falling is about 60~80g per minute. The abrasive should fall vertically on the center of the lens and form a 45° angle with the lens surface; the lens turntable must rotate 5 times per minute;
The abrasive is artificial corundum (Sic) with a particle size of 125~297μm; e.
Testing table
Late support
After each 10 applications of the abrasive, check the particle size to make it within the specified range. The limit is 50 times of use. The falling sand test shall be carried out in sequence according to the abrasive weight specified in Table 4. The H value measured after each falling sand test shall be lower than the provisions of Table 4.
6.11.3 Method
First, clamp the sample to the turntable of the falling sand tester shown in Figure 2. When the turntable rotates, the abrasive material falls. After removing the dust on the lens surface, the surface wear rate H is measured with a transmittance/haze meter. 7
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Products must be supervised and inspected by a statutory quality inspection agency and must obtain a product inspection certificate and production license before they can be produced and used.
7.2 Products must be inspected according to standards before leaving the factory, and can only leave the factory after passing the inspection. 8 Packaging, marking, transportation
8.1 Packaging
Small packages of eye and face protectors should be bagged in units of pieces (pieces, pairs), and the packaging boxes (boxes) of large packages are determined by the standards of each product. 8.2 Marking
8.2.1 Eye protectors
a. Each pair (piece) of eye protectors shall be marked with the permanent words in Table 2 on the upper right side where the field of view is not affected. Example: The marking of glass welding lenses with a shade number of 10 is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Eye protector marking pattern
b. On the inside of the frame or frame leg of each pair of eye protectors, at least four of the following items shall be marked: manufacturer name code (the manufacturer code must be indicated in the manual); license number; structure code, and other numbers that need to be marked. Study and make study
8.2.2 Mask
Figure 4 Frame leg marking pattern
The following permanent markings shall be marked on the upper right side of the mask: structure code; manufacturer code; production license number; others (such as production date or trademark).
8.3 Transportation
It shall not be transported in the same vehicle box with acids, alkalis, oils, water and organic solvents; a.
Prevent rain and heavy pressure, and handle with care to prevent breakage; 8
The transportation mark of the packaging box shall comply with the provisions of GB191. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Labor of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Labor Protection Products. This standard was drafted by the Beijing Labor Protection Science Research Institute and Xuchang Glass Glass Factory. The drafters of this standard are Li Shuxian, Chen Anli, Xia Chuan Shou and He Xinjing.2 Method
Same as the method in 6.5.2.
6.7 Strength test
6.7.1 Apparatus
See Figure 1 for the test apparatus. The headform used is the Chinese standard headform No. 7. The headform is made of hardwood and is placed horizontally on the base and fixed in position with bolts.
6.7.2 Method
Putting industry
Banned trade
Figure 1 Strength impact test apparatus
Put the eye protector to be tested on the headform in the normal position used by people. Then put a carbon paper on the white paper, with the white paper on one side of the head mold and the carbon paper on the eye protector. Insert them together between the eye protector and the head mold. The steel ball is placed directly above the eye protector. The landing points are: within 5mm of the center of the lens,
b. at the bridge of the frame,
c. at the two hinges of the frame.
6.8 Corrosion resistance test
After cleaning the metal parts of the formed eye and face protector, place them in a boiling 10% (m/m) salt solution for 15 minutes and then take them out. Do not wipe off the surface liquid. Let them dry at room temperature for 24 hours, then wash them with warm water to see if there is any corrosion on the surface. 6.9 High temperature resistance test
Put the eye protector in a constant temperature box and heat it to 55±2℃, keep the temperature constant for 1 hour, cool it to room temperature without deformation, and the impact test shows that the lenses do not fall off or break.
6.10 Low temperature resistance test
Put the eye protector in a low temperature box and cool it to -20±2℃. Keep it for 4 hours and then take it out for impact test immediately. The lens is not allowed to fall off or break.
6.11 Abrasion resistance test
6.11.1 Apparatus and instrumentswwW.bzxz.Net
Sand falling test machine is shown in Figure 2.
Light transmittance/haze tester, with an accuracy of 0.3%. 6
Front letter
Test conditions
Material activity
Holding parts
Gong Sanxian
With flake
Figure 2 Falling sand test device
The amount of abrasive material falling is about 60~80g per minute. The abrasive should fall vertically on the center of the lens and form a 45° angle with the lens surface; the lens turntable must rotate 5 times per minute;
The abrasive is artificial corundum (Sic) with a particle size of 125~297μm; e.
Testing table
Late support
After each 10 applications of the abrasive, check the particle size to make it within the specified range. The limit is 50 times of use. The falling sand test shall be carried out in sequence according to the abrasive weight specified in Table 4. The H value measured after each falling sand test shall be lower than the provisions of Table 4.
6.11.3 Method
First, clamp the sample to the turntable of the falling sand tester shown in Figure 2. When the turntable rotates, the abrasive material falls. After removing the dust on the lens surface, the surface wear rate H is measured with a transmittance/haze meter. 7
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Products must be supervised and inspected by a statutory quality inspection agency and must obtain a product inspection certificate and production license before they can be produced and used.
7.2 Products must be inspected according to standards before leaving the factory, and can only leave the factory after passing the inspection. 8 Packaging, marking, transportation
8.1 Packaging
Small packages of eye and face protectors should be bagged in units of pieces (pieces, pairs), and the packaging boxes (boxes) of large packages are determined by the standards of each product. 8.2 Marking
8.2.1 Eye protectors
a. Each pair (piece) of eye protectors shall be marked with the permanent words in Table 2 on the upper right side where the field of view is not affected. Example: The marking of glass welding lenses with a shade number of 10 is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Eye protector marking pattern
b. On the inside of the frame or frame leg of each pair of eye protectors, at least four of the following items shall be marked: manufacturer name code (the manufacturer code must be indicated in the manual); license number; structure code, and other numbers that need to be marked. Study and make study
8.2.2 Mask
Figure 4 Frame leg marking pattern
The following permanent markings shall be marked on the upper right side of the mask: structure code; manufacturer code; production license number; others (such as production date or trademark).
8.3 Transportation
It shall not be transported in the same vehicle box with acids, alkalis, oils, water and organic solvents; a.
Prevent rain and heavy pressure, and handle with care to prevent breakage; 8
The transportation mark of the packaging box shall comply with the provisions of GB191. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Labor of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Labor Protection Products. This standard was drafted by the Beijing Labor Protection Science Research Institute and Xuchang Glass Glass Factory. The drafters of this standard are Li Shuxian, Chen Anli, Xia Chuan Shou and He Xinjing.2 Mask
Figure 4 Marking pattern of frame leg
Mark the following permanent marks on the upper right of the mask: structure code; manufacturer code; production license number; others (such as production date or trademark).
8.3 Transportation
It shall not be transported in the same vehicle box as acids, alkalis, oils, water and organic solvents; a.
Prevent rain and heavy pressure, and handle with care to prevent breakage; 8
The transportation mark of the packaging box shall comply with the provisions of GB191. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Labor of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Labor Protection Products. This standard was drafted by the Beijing Labor Protection Science Research Institute and Xuchang Glass Glass Factory. The drafters of this standard are Li Shuxian, Chen Anli, Xia Chuan Shou and He Xinjing.2 Mask
Figure 4 Marking pattern of frame leg
Mark the following permanent marks on the upper right of the mask: structure code; manufacturer code; production license number; others (such as production date or trademark).
8.3 Transportation
It shall not be transported in the same vehicle box as acids, alkalis, oils, water and organic solvents; a.
Prevent rain and heavy pressure, and handle with care to prevent breakage; 8
The transportation mark of the packaging box shall comply with the provisions of GB191. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Labor of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Labor Protection Products. This standard was drafted by the Beijing Labor Protection Science Research Institute and Xuchang Glass Glass Factory. The drafters of this standard are Li Shuxian, Chen Anli, Xia Chuan Shou and He Xinjing.
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