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General bibliographical description

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 3792.1-1983

Standard Name:General bibliographical description

Chinese Name: 文献著录总则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1983-07-02

Date of Implementation:1984-04-01

Date of Expiration:2010-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Informatics, Publishing>>01.140.20Informatics

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A14 Library, Archives, Documentation and Information Work

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 3792.1-2009

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

Release date:1983-07-02

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Huang Jungui

Drafting unit:The Sixth Subcommittee of the National Technical Committee for Documentation Standardization

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Information and Documentation Standardization

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Documentation Standardization

Publishing department:National Bureau of Standards

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard is formulated to establish and improve China's unified document reporting and retrieval system, to carry out international catalog information exchange, and to better develop and utilize document resources. This standard is basically consistent with the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). This standard is the basis for formulating various document description standards. GB 3792.1-1983 General Principles of Document Description GB3792.1-1983 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This standard is formulated to establish and improve China's unified document reporting and retrieval system, to carry out international catalog information exchange, and to better develop and utilize document resources. This standard is basically consistent with the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). This standard is the basis for formulating various document description standards.

Some standard content:

1 Introduction
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
General Bibliographical Description
General bibliographical descriptionUDC011/016
GB 3792.1--83
1.1 This standard is formulated to establish and improve my country's unified document reporting and retrieval system, carry out international catalog information exchange, and better develop and utilize document resources.
1.2 This standard is basically consistent with the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). 1.3 This standard is the basis for formulating various document description standards. 2 Nouns and terms
Document: All carriers that record knowledge. 2.2 Description: The process of analyzing, selecting and recording the content and formal characteristics of documents when compiling a bibliography. 2.3 Item: The result of the description is a combination of description items that reflect the content and formal characteristics of the document. 2.4 Catalog: A document reporting and retrieval tool that arranges a group of items in a certain order. 3 Bibliographic Items
Title and Author
Main Title
Parallel Title
Subtitle and Explanatory Title Text
Document Type Identification
First Author
3.1.6 Other Authors
3.2 Version
Edition and Other Version Forms
3.2.2 Authors Related to This Edition
3.3 Document Special Details||t t||3.4 ​​Publication and distribution items
Place of publication or distribution
Publisher or distributor
Date of publication or distribution
Place of printing, printer, date of printing
3.5 Media form items
3.5.1 Quantity and its unit
Figures and other forms
3.5.3 Size or format
3.5.4 Attachments
3.6 Series items||tt| |Published by the State Bureau of Standards on July 2, 1983
Published on April 1, 1984
Main series name
Parallel series name
Sub-series name and description of series name
Series editor
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) Series Number
Subsidiary series
3.7 Notes
3.8 Standard document number and related record items
3.8.1 International standard document number
3.8.2 Chinese standard document number
3.8.3 Binding
3.8.4 Price
3.9 Abstract item
Description item identifier and content identifier4.1
Description item identifier
This standard stipulates that certain identifiers shall be placed before major and minor description items. Major items (except title and responsible person items and abstract items). Parallel title, parallel series name.
Subtitle and title text, publisher or distributor, figure and other forms, sub-series name, price. First responsible person, first responsible person related to this edition. Responsors of different authorship forms, second bound titles of the same responsible person, second place of publication or distribution, size or format, series number.
Other persons responsible for the same work, date of publication or issue, international standard serial number, and page numbers of sections. Subsidiary series.
Source of extracted documents.
Explanation of item identifiers
Except for "," which takes up two spaces (should not be moved to the next line), other symbols take up one space, and there is no space before and after them. When using item identifiers for various types of documents, they can be increased or decreased appropriately if there is a special need. If each major item other than the title and the item of the person in charge is repeated, ",一一" can be omitted, but the end of the previous item must be
".". The identifier should not be omitted when the sub-items in each major item are repeated. Whenever an item is recorded repeatedly, the identifier of the item needs to be added repeatedly, but if the repeated item belongs to the first sub-item of the major item, it should be identified according to the provisions of 4.1.1. Example: .—Shanghai: Commercial: China, 1937—Shanghai, Beijing: Commercial For major and minor items that are not recorded, their symbols are omitted together with the items. 4.2 Identifiers of recorded content
() Name of the institution to which the responsible person belongs, the era of the Chinese responsible person, the country and original name of the foreign responsible person, the printing place, the printer, the printing date, the supplementary description of the carrier form, the series item, etc. [] Document type identification, self-proposed recorded content. Omit the recorded content.
? Speculated notes and uncertain dates (used in combination with "[]"). GB3792.1—83
· End of major item, end of the first bound title and responsible person, foreign abbreviations. ~Start and end connection.
5 Description format
The description format is the order in which the various items that constitute the entry are arranged on the carrier (material form), and its expression is as follows: 5.1
Main title = parallel title: subtitle and explanatory title text [document type identification]/first responsible person, other responsible persons. 一一Edition and other version forms/responsible persons related to this edition. Document special details. ——Place of publication or distribution: publisher or distributor, date of publication or date of distribution (place of printing: printer, date of printing). 一Quantity and its unit: figures and other forms; size or format + attachments. (Series name/responsible person, international standard serial publication number, series number·attached series). Notes. International document standard number, Chinese document standard number (binding): price summary
5.2 The description format of each type of document can be formulated separately according to the paragraph symbol principle of this standard in combination with the requirements of different self-recording carriers.
6 Levels of detail and simplicity of the description
6.1 The items of the description are divided into main items and optional items. 6.1.1 Main items: the main title, the first responsible author, and the version item of the title and responsible author items; the place of publication or distribution place, publisher or distributor, and the date of publication or distribution date of the publication and distribution item; the medium form item. 6.1.2 Optional items: parallel title, subtitle and explanatory title text, document type identification, other responsible authors, special document details item, printing place, printer, printing date; series item, notes item; donation standard number and related record items, abstract item. 6.2 Levels of detail and simplicity of the description are divided into brief level, basic level and detailed level. 6.2.1 Any item that only records the main items is called brief level or the first level of description. 6.2.2 Any item that records some optional items in addition to the main items is called basic level or the second level of description. 6.2.3 The detailed level or the third level is used for recording the main items and all the selected items in the entries. 6.3 The detailed level must be used for national bibliographies and national centralized catalogs, and the detailed and concise levels of other types of catalogs can be selected by themselves. 7.1 The recorded text must be standardized.
7.2 The title and responsible person items, version items, special details of the document items, publication and distribution items, carrier form items, series items, notes items, and abstract items are all recorded in the text of the document itself. 7.3 The edition, publication date or distribution date, number of volumes (volumes), number of carrier forms, size or format, price and other numbers are all recorded in Arabic numerals.
7.4 When using this standard, the documents in the languages ​​of various ethnic minorities must be recorded according to the writing rules of their languages. 7.5 If there are errors in the text of the document itself, it must still be recorded, and the correct text obtained through verification should be corrected by adding "{】" after it, or explained in the notes.
8 Document type identifier
Quote GB3469-83 "Document type and document carrier code". 9 Recording basis
9.1 The basis for recording a document is the document itself. If the material itself is insufficient, other materials can be referred to. 9.2 The main recording basis of each type of document shall be specified in detail according to their structural characteristics. 10 Recording item details
GB 3792.1-83
10.1 Title and responsible person itemwww.bzxz.net
Title refers to the name that directly expresses or symbolizes, metaphorically implies the content and characteristics of the document and makes it individualized. German. Yes
b. The responsible person refers to the individual or group who creates and organizes the content of the work in the document and is directly responsible. The title and responsible person item records the various titles of the document, the text describing the title, the responsible person (individual or group) and their works c.
10.1.1 Main title
The main title refers to the main title of the document, including simple title, volume (volume), alternate title, and bound title. Simple title refers to the title without additional text before or after the title. The volume (book) is a component of the main title, and there is a space between it and the main title. Example: Volume 1 of Physics
Alternative title refers to the same document with two or more different titles used alternately on the title page. Different titles not listed on the title page cannot be regarded as alternate titles (recorded in the notes). Two alternate titles are recorded in sequence (the rest are recorded in the notes), and they are connected by ", also known as". Example: One Thousand and One Nights, also known as Arabian Nights Combined title refers to a document that is bound by several works, without a common title, but with two or more titles appearing on the title page.
. Combined titles belonging to the same person are recorded in sequence, with "," before the second title. Example: Taoan Mengyi, Xihu Mengxuan / (Ming) Zhang Dai b. For combined titles that do not belong to the same author, the title and the author shall be recorded separately, and "" shall be added between them (i.e. at the end of the previous combined title and the author). Example: Shanghai Lu Xun's Former Residence/written by Guo Fengzhen·Lu Xun's Tomb/written by Zhu Jiadong. If there are more than two combined titles, the first title and the author shall be recorded, or a self-composed title summarizing the content of the document may be recorded in the notes. 10.1.2 Parallel titles Parallel titles refer to titles that are parallel and contrasted with each other in two or more languages ​​on the title page. However, titles that do not contain Chinese characters and Pinyin in parallel, and other characters with the same meaning as the Chinese title, if not included on the title page, should not be regarded as parallel titles (recorded in the notes). Parallel titles are listed in the order of precedence on the title page, with "=" before titles other than the first one. Example: Space and Man = Spaceandman
10.1.3 Subtitles and explanatory texts Subtitles, or explanatory titles, are another title that explains or is subordinate to the main title (including the titles of volumes). Explanatory texts refer to the explanatory texts before and after the title that describe the scope of the document, editing methods and genres, document purposes, and target readers. Use "," before subtitles and explanatory texts. Example: Capital: Critique of Political Economy
Physics Volume I: Electromagnetism
Road Lighting: Collection of Papers
Goddess: Poetry
English Textbook: For Science and Engineering
Ordinary Workers: Children's Books
10.1.4 The title at the beginning of the item does not have an identifier. 10.1.5 Document Type Identifier
The selection is made based on the actual situation of each department and the nature of each type of catalog. If necessary, GB3469-83 can be directly cited. Example: Atomic Structure [Figure]
10.1.6 The first author refers to the author who is listed first among the authors with different authorship methods in the title. Other authors refer to the authors other than the first author. 10.1.7 The names of authors with the same authorship method are separated by "," and the names of authors with different authorship methods are separated by ",". Example: Phenology/Zhu Kezhen, Wan Minwei
Engineering Cybernetics/Qian Xuesen; Translated by Dai Ruwei and He Shanpu10.1.8
In ancient China (Qing Dynasty and before), the dynasty is recorded before the name of the responsible person, with "()". Example: Tiangong Kaiwu/(Ming Dynasty) Song Yingxing
In foreign countries, the country is recorded before the name of the responsible person, followed by the original text, both with "()". Example: Relative Theory/(USA) Einstein (Einstein, A.) Mother/(Soviet Union) Gorky (Fopbkw, M) 10.2 Edition Item
The edition item records the number of times the document was published, other versions, and the responsible person related to this edition, with ".一" in front of it. 10.2.1 Edition
The edition refers to the number of times the document is typeset (excluding the number of printings). The edition record is limited to the second edition and later edition descriptions, and the "first" can be omitted. 10.2.2 Other version forms
Other version forms refer to various plate-making forms other than editions. Other version forms are recorded according to actual conditions. 10.2.3 Responsible persons related to this edition
Responsible persons related to this edition refer to the reviewers, editors, illustrators, preface writers and other responsible persons who participated in the re-creation of the version of the document being recorded. The responsible persons related to this edition are preceded by "/". Example: Ci Hai/Edited by Shu Xincheng.—1979 edition/Edited by Xia Zhengnong 10.3 Special details of the document
This item is only used to record the year, volume and issue of serial publications, the scale and projection method of the figure, and other special records of the document. 10.4 Publishing and distribution items
8. The publishing and distribution items record the publishing and distribution of the document, and are preceded by ", -". For analytical recording, the source of the document is recorded, and is preceded by "".
b. If the source of publication is not published in the document, it can be recorded according to the published distribution items. However, when publishing, distribution or printing information is also published, the publishing information should be given priority.
c. If the place of publication or distribution, publisher or distributor, publication date or distribution date are recorded based on speculation, "?" should be added after the words in "[]".
Example: ,【1936? ]
10.4.1 Place of publication and distribution
Place of publication or distribution records the name of the place where the publisher or distributor is located. 10.4.2 Publisher and distributor Publisher or distributor records publishing houses (publishers), general publishing units (organizations and groups), and distribution departments (excluding individuals responsible for publishing or distribution), with "," before them. Except for well-known and easily identifiable domestic publishers or distributors, all others shall be recorded in full name; however, words indicating different responsible persons, such as "publisher" and "distributor", etc., may be omitted. Example:.Beijing People's
.Beijing: Beijing Photo Agency
Shanghai: Shanghai Record Company
10.4.3 Publication and Distribution Date The publication date or distribution date shall be recorded in the year of the Common Era, and the "year" may be omitted. If the month is recorded, the "month" may also be omitted, and "," shall be added between the digits indicating the year and month, and "," shall be used before the year. Other years shall be recorded after the year of the Common Era, and "()" shall be added. Example: 1982
, 1983.6
, 1936 (Republic of China 25) When a work contains multiple items (volumes, rolls, films, etc.) and the publication date or distribution date is different, use “~” to indicate the start and end. Example: 1949~1982
10.4.4 Place of printing, printer, and printing date10.4.4.1 If the publication and distribution information is incomplete, the printing item can be recorded; if the publication and distribution information is complete, the printing item can also be recorded after the publication date if necessary. The recorded content of the printing item is placed in “()” and the relevant printing words are added. Example: .—Shanghai: Ancient Books Publishing House, 1979 (Guangzhou: Guangdong People's Publishing House, reprinted in 1982) 10.5 Carrier form item
Carrier form item records the material form characteristics of the document carrier, preceded by "," . 10.5.1 Quantity and its unit
Quantity and its unit are recorded in Arabic numerals and statistical units of the material form of the work. The specific name depends on the situation of each type of document
10.5.2 Figures and other forms
Figures and other forms are recorded according to the different types of figures and the actual situation of the document carrier form, preceded by ";". 10.5.3 Size or format
Printed documents are recorded according to size or format, and other document types are recorded according to actual conditions, preceded by "," . Example: .--86 pages: folded illustrations; 16-mo (book).--1 sheet (25 minutes and 30 seconds): 33
1 turn (stereo), 12 inches (record)3
.5 sheets: color illustrations; 105 mm × 148 mm (microfilm).--4 discs: color sound, 16 mm (movie)56 sheets, 24 mm × 36 mm (slides)10.5.4 Annex
Annex refers to additional materials that are independent of the main part of the document carrier. "+" is used before the appendix.
Example: .--366 pages: color illustrations; 16-mo + nurse's manual (36 pages: illustrations, 32-mo) The description of the appendix can be selected as follows:a.
The appendix must be used in conjunction with the main part. If collected together, they should be recorded together at the end of the carrier form item. The attachment has its own title and can be used separately and recorded separately, that is, recorded separately. b.
The annex has its own title and is published and distributed continuously. It is recorded together with the main part, that is, the annex is recorded as a sub-item in the note item.
10.6 Series Item
10.6.1 A series refers to a document that collects multiple individual works into a set under a general title and is published continuously in a numbered or unnumbered manner.
10.6.2 The series item records the series and its related information, preceded by ".-", and its recorded content is placed in "()". 10.6.3 If the series has an international standard serial publication number, it is recorded immediately after the editor of the series and preceded by ",". The series number itself is recorded at the end of this item and preceded by ",". 10.6.4 The subsidiary series is recorded after the main series and preceded by ".". Example:
(Rural Library·Rural Medical and Health Series) 10.7 Notes
10.7.1 Notes supplement and explain the main text, and are preceded by “.—\”. The content recorded in the notes must be materials that are not reflected in the items of the main text, and are recorded in the natural order of the main text 10.7.2
8 Document standard number and related record items
10.8.1 Document standard number and related record items record international and domestic document standard numbers and related binding and prices, and are preceded by “,”.
Binding is recorded immediately after the standard number and is placed in “()”; before the price Use ":". 10.8.2
Example: .ISBN××××× (hardcover): 0.46 yuan 10.8.3
When a document records the international standard document numbers of a complete set and a partial work at the same time, the complete set number should be recorded first, and then the partial work number, and both should be preceded by ",一一". 10.9 Abstract item
The abstract item introduces or comments on the content of the document. The abstracts of entries in various types of catalogs and search tools are all in separate paragraphs and do not require identifiers. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Documentation Work. This standard was drafted by the Sixth Subcommittee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Documentation Work. The main drafter of this standard is Huang Jungui.
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