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GB 4915-1996 Cement plant air pollutant emission standards

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 4915-1996

Standard Name: Cement plant air pollutant emission standards

Chinese Name: 水泥厂大气污染物排放标准

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1996-03-07

Date of Implementation:1997-01-01

Date of Expiration:2005-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental Protection, Health and Safety>>Air Quality>>13.040.20 Ambient Air

Standard Classification Number:Environmental Protection >> Pollutant Emission Standards >> Z60 Pollutant Emission Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 4915-1985; replaced by GB 4915-2004

Publication information

other information

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Institute of Standards, Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences

Focal point unit:State Environmental Protection Administration

Publishing department:National Environmental Protection Agency

Introduction to standards:

GB 4915-1996 Cement Plant Air Pollutant Emission Standard GB4915-1996 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

This standard is formulated in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the "Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China". This standard is revised based on the original "Cement Industry Pollutant Emission Standard" (GB4915-85). This standard stipulates the emission limits of air pollutants and the unorganized emission control limits of dust at each emission point of cement plants by year and region. This standard will be implemented from January 1, 1997. From the date of implementation, this standard will also replace GB4915-85≤Cement Industry Pollutant Emission Standard. This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Standards Department of the National Environmental Protection Administration. This standard is interpreted by the National Environmental Protection Administration. 1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Emission standard of air pollutants for cement plants
Emission standard of air pollutants for cement plantGB4915—1996
Replaces GB4915—85|| tt||This standard stipulates the emission limits of air pollutants and the unorganized emission control limits of dust at each emission point of cement plants by year and region.
This standard applies to the emission management of cement plants, as well as the environmental impact assessment, design, completion acceptance and post-completion emission management of construction projects.
Mining mining and on-site crushing in the cement industry comply with GB16297-1996 "Comprehensive Emission Standard of Air Pollutants". 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by being quoted in this standard. GB3095--1996 Ambient Air Quality Standard GB9137-88 Maximum Allowable Concentration of Air Pollutants for Crop Protection GB/T16157-1996 Method for Determination of Particulate Matter and Sampling of Gaseous Pollutants in Exhaust from Stationary Pollution Sources 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions :
3.1 Standard state dry exhaust
Standard state dry exhaust refers to the exhaust without moisture when the hysteresis is 273K and the pressure is 101325Pa. The emission concentration recommended in this standard refers to Concentration in standard state dry exhaust gas.
3.2 Rotary Density
The rotary density is a rotary horizontal cylindrical cement clinker burning equipment. It includes wet kilns (including wet kilns with slurry filters), dry kilns (including dry kilns with waste heat boilers), Lipoll kilns (including primary and secondary passes), dry suspension preheating dense, precalciner kilns and various new cement firing kiln systems.
3.3 Vertical kiln
The vertical kiln is a stationary vertical cylindrical clinker burning equipment. It includes mechanical vertical kiln and ordinary vertical kiln. 3.4 Dryer, drying mill, coal mill and cooler. Dryer refers to various types of material drying equipment: drying mill refers to material drying and grinding equipment; coal mill refers to various types of pulverized coal preparation equipment; cooling Machine refers to various types (cylinder type, type, etc.) of cooling clinker equipment. 3.5 Crusher, mill, packaging machine and other ventilation production equipment Crusher refers to various crushing block granular material equipment; Mill refers to various material grinding equipment systems (excluding drying mill and coal mill): Packaging machine refers to various Types of packaging cement equipment (including cement bulk silos); other ventilation production equipment refers to production equipment that requires ventilation other than the above-mentioned main production equipment, including material conveying equipment and various types of storage warehouses. 3.6 Unorganized Dust Emission
National Environmental Protection Bureau approved on 1996-03-07 and implemented on 1997-01-01
Unorganized dust emission refers to the stacking of materials in the cement plant area Dust, material conveying and dust leakage from equipment such as kiln mills, etc. 4 Technical content
4.1 Standard classification
, second-level and third-level standards respectively correspond to the ambient air quality functional areas of GB3095: the first,
-category areas specified in this standard are implemented Class I standards;
Class II areas implement Class II standards;
Class III areas implement Class III standards.
4.2 Standard value
This standard stipulates the emission limits of air pollutants and the control limits of unorganized dust emissions at each emission point of cement plants according to age and regional category. According to the approval date of the environmental impact report (table) of the cement plant under construction, the standards to be implemented shall be determined in accordance with Articles 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 respectively; for cement plants constructed without the approval of the environmental protection administrative department, the standards to be implemented shall be determined in accordance with The approval date of the supplementary environmental impact report (form) determines the standards that should be implemented.
4.2.1 For cement plants constructed before August 1, 1985, the maximum allowable emission concentration of smoke or dust and the emission per ton of product shall be in accordance with Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1 Production equipment smoke or dust emission limit level one
Production equipment name
Rotary density
Vertical curtain
Dryer, drying Mill,
coal mill and cooling machine (single
crusher, mill, package
installation and other ventilation
production equipment ( Single unit)
emission concentrationbzxz.net
100|| tt||Dust in the air 20m outside the factory boundary
Maximum allowable concentration 1\, mg/m
1) Deduction of reference value
Emission per ton of product
kg /t
Exhaust concentration
400|| tt||400
Level 2
Tons of product emissions
2.1||tt| |1,6
Table 2 Cement plant dust unorganized emission limits
Level 3
Emission concentration
Level 3
ton product emissions
= level
4. 0
4.2.2 For cement plants constructed between August 1, 1985 and December 31, 1996, the maximum allowable emission concentration of smoke or dust and the emission amount per ton of product shall be as shown in the table 3. Table 4 is executed. Emissions are prohibited in Class I areas in GB3095. Table 3 Production equipment smoke or dust emission limit level
Name of production equipment
Rotary honey
Standing honey
Dryer, drying mill, coal mill and cooling Machine (single unit)
Crushers, mills, packaging machines and other ventilation production equipment (single unit)
Emission concentration
150|| tt||150
ton product emissions
Emission concentration
150||tt| |Level 3
Tons of product emissions
1. 2
0.10||tt| |Level
Dust in the air 20m away from the factory boundary
Maximum allowable concentration\mg/m
1) Deduction of reference value
GB4915--1996||tt ||Table 4 Cement plant dust unorganized emission limits
1. 5
1997 For cement plants constructed from January 1, 2019, the maximum allowable emission concentration of smoke, dust and harmful gases and the emission per ton of product are 4.2.3
should be implemented according to Table 5 and Table 6. Emissions are prohibited in Class I areas in GB3095. Table 5 Production Equipment Atmospheric Pollutant Emission Limits Smoke or Dust
Production Equipment Name
Rotary Density
Limited Density
Dryers, drying||tt| |Grinding, coal grinding and cooling
Machine (single unit)
Crushers, mills,
Packing machines and others
Ventilation production equipment
(Single unit)
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Blue level
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Blue level
Sulfur dioxide
Nitrogen oxide 1
Fluoride 2)
(calculated as NO)
(based on total fluorine)
Emission concentration ton product emission emission concentration ton product emission emission concentration ton product emission emission concentration ton product emission mg/m
1.20||tt| |2.40
400||tt| |kg/t
20|| tt||50
1) Nitrogen oxides are measured as NO. This NO emission limit refers to the emission concentration and emission per ton of product when the O content in the flue gas is 10%. kg/t
2) Cement plants with sensitive crops around them have strict fluoride emission limits. Implemented one by one, the sensitive crops here refer to the "sensitive crops" relative to fluoride specified in the "Maximum Allowable Concentration of Air Pollutants for Crop Protection 3 (GB9137-88)" Table 6 Unorganized Emission Limits of Dust from Cement Plants ||tt ||Class
In the air 20m outside the factory boundary
Maximum allowable concentration of dust\, mg/m
1) Deduction of reference value
4.3 Other regulations
Level III
Level Three
4.3.1 Newly built, expanded or renovated cement production lines, The height of the smoke window (exhaust stack) should comply with the requirements in Table 7. The height of multiple side-by-side smoke windows (exhaust louvers), in addition to complying with the requirements in Table 7, should also be determined through environmental impact assessment. Production equipment
Equipment name
Single machine production capacity
Minimum allowable height
240||tt| |30
Table 7
The minimum allowable height of the smoke window (exhaust stack) of new equipment
~ 700
Production Equipment Name Crusher , mills, packaging machines and other ventilation production equipment vertical cellars
The minimum allowable height is for new construction, The height of the exhaust pipe of expansion and reconstruction equipment should be 3m35
Hongyu machine, drying mill
coal mill and cooling machine||tt ||>500
4.3.2 The dust collection device of ventilation equipment should operate synchronously with its host equipment: The operation rate of the dust collection device of thermal equipment shall not be less than 97% relative to its host equipment.
4.3.3 Permanent sampling holes and sampling test platforms should be installed in the flue or exhaust pipe of new equipment. 5 Monitoring
5.1 Monitoring shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T16157, and the analysis method of gaseous pollutants shall comply with the method standards formulated by the National Environmental Protection Administration. 5.2 Monitoring of unorganized dust emissions requires simultaneous sampling in the upwind and downwind directions 20m outside the factory boundary (no obvious factory boundary, 20m outside the workshop), and the monitoring data in the upwind direction are used as reference values. 5.3 Requirements for monitoring working conditions
5.3.1 For daily supervisory monitoring of cement plants, the working conditions during the sampling period should be the same as the normal operating conditions at that time. Neither the factory nor the monitoring personnel are allowed to arbitrarily change the normal operating conditions at that time. 5.3.2 The completion acceptance monitoring of the cement plant should be carried out when the equipment is in normal production condition and reaches more than 80% of the design scale. 6 Standard Implementation
6.1 The environmental protection administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for the supervision and implementation of this standard. 6.2 For cement plants located in acid rain control areas and sulfur dioxide pollution control areas approved by the State Council, in addition to complying with this standard, sulfur dioxide emissions should also comply with the total amount control standards stipulated in the control area where they are located.1 The height of the smoke window (exhaust stack) of a newly built, expanded or renovated cement production line should comply with the regulations in Table 7. The height of multiple side-by-side smoke windows (exhaust louvers), in addition to complying with the requirements in Table 7, should also be determined through environmental impact assessment. Production equipment
Equipment name
Single machine production capacity
Minimum allowable height
240||tt| |30
Table 7
The minimum allowable height of the smoke window (exhaust stack) of new equipment
~ 700
Production Equipment Name Crusher , mills, packaging machines and other ventilation production equipment vertical cellars
The minimum allowable height is for new construction, The height of the exhaust pipe of expansion and reconstruction equipment should be 3m35
Hongyu machine, drying mill
coal mill and cooling machine||tt ||>500
4.3.2 The dust collection device of ventilation equipment should operate synchronously with its host equipment: The operation rate of the dust collection device of thermal equipment shall not be less than 97% relative to its host equipment.
4.3.3 Permanent sampling holes and sampling test platforms should be installed in the flue or exhaust pipe of new equipment. 5 Monitoring
5.1 Monitoring shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T16157, and the analysis method of gaseous pollutants shall comply with the method standards formulated by the National Environmental Protection Administration. 5.2 Monitoring of unorganized dust emissions requires simultaneous sampling in the upwind and downwind directions 20m outside the factory boundary (no obvious factory boundary, 20m outside the workshop), and the monitoring data in the upwind direction are used as reference values. 5.3 Requirements for monitoring working conditions
5.3.1 For daily supervisory monitoring of cement plants, the working conditions during the sampling period should be the same as the normal operating conditions at that time. Neither the manufacturer nor the monitoring personnel are allowed to arbitrarily change the normal operating conditions at that time. 5.3.2 The completion acceptance monitoring of the cement plant should be carried out when the equipment is in normal production condition and reaches more than 80% of the design scale. 6 Standard Implementation
6.1 The environmental protection administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for the supervision and implementation of this standard. 6.2 For cement plants located in acid rain control areas and sulfur dioxide pollution control areas approved by the State Council, in addition to complying with this standard, sulfur dioxide emissions should also comply with the total control standards stipulated in the control areas where they are located.1 The height of the smoke window (exhaust stack) of a newly built, expanded or renovated cement production line should comply with the regulations in Table 7. The height of multiple side-by-side smoke windows (exhaust louvers), in addition to complying with the requirements in Table 7, should also be determined through environmental impact assessment. Production equipment
Equipment name
Single machine production capacity
Minimum allowable height
240||tt| |30
Table 7
The minimum allowable height of the smoke window (exhaust stack) of new equipment
~ 700
Production Equipment Name Crusher , mills, packaging machines and other ventilation production equipment vertical cellars
The minimum allowable height is for new construction, The height of the exhaust pipe of expansion and reconstruction equipment should be 3m35
Hongyu machine, drying mill
coal mill and cooling machine||tt ||>500
4.3.2 The dust collection device of ventilation equipment should operate synchronously with its host equipment: The operation rate of the dust collection device of thermal equipment shall not be less than 97% relative to its host equipment.
4.3.3 Permanent sampling holes and sampling test platforms should be installed in the flue or exhaust pipe of new equipment. 5 Monitoring
5.1 Monitoring shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T16157, and the analysis method of gaseous pollutants shall comply with the method standards formulated by the National Environmental Protection Administration. 5.2 Monitoring of unorganized dust emissions requires simultaneous sampling in the upwind and downwind directions 20m outside the factory boundary (no obvious factory boundary, 20m outside the workshop), and the monitoring data in the upwind direction are used as reference values. 5.3 Requirements for monitoring working conditions
5.3.1 For daily supervisory monitoring of cement plants, the working conditions during the sampling period should be the same as the normal operating conditions at that time. Neither the manufacturer nor the monitoring personnel are allowed to arbitrarily change the normal operating conditions at that time. 5.3.2 The completion acceptance monitoring of the cement plant should be carried out when the equipment is in normal production condition and reaches more than 80% of the design scale. 6 Standard Implementation
6.1 The environmental protection administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for the supervision and implementation of this standard. 6.2 For cement plants located in acid rain control areas and sulfur dioxide pollution control areas approved by the State Council, in addition to complying with this standard, sulfur dioxide emissions should also comply with the total control standards stipulated in the control areas where they are located.
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