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Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China abolished
Ministry Standard
Dangerous House Identification Standard
1986-04-11 Issued
1986-09-01 Implementation
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
1 Introduction
1.1 In order to ensure the safety of residence and to have a basis for the identification of dangerous houses, this standard is specially formulated
2 This standard applies to houses operated by real estate management departments. This standard can be used as a reference for the identification of unit-owned and private houses. This standard does not apply to industrial buildings, public buildings, high-rise buildings and cultural relics protection buildings.
3 The components mentioned in this standard refer to load-bearing components; the structures mentioned refer to the system composed of load-bearing components.
1.4 For important houses or complex structures that are difficult to identify, necessary tests or calculations should be carried out.
1.5 When the factors that constitute dangerous houses vary greatly from place to place, local real estate management departments may formulate implementation rules or supplementary regulations when implementing this standard. 2 Identification of dangerous components
2.1 Dangerous components refer to components that have reached the limit state of their bearing capacity and are not suitable for continued bearing deformation.
2.2 Component units
2.2.1 Foundation
α. The independent column base is based on the single foundation of a column; 6. The strip foundation is based on the length of a single side of a natural room; c. The full-house foundation is based on the area of a natural room; 2.2.2 The wall is based on one layer high and one side of a natural room; 2.2.3 The column is based on one layer high and one piece; 2.2.4 The beam, joist, strip, etc. are based on one span and one piece; 2.2.5 The prefabricated board is based on the block, and the rammed board is based on the area of a natural room; 2.2.6 The roof truss is based on one couch.
2.3 Foundation, foundation
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
2.3.1 The foundation is slipped, or due to serious lack of bearing capacity, or due to other special reasons, uneven settlement leads to obvious tilt, displacement, cracks, distortion, etc. of the structure, and there is a trend of continued development.
2.3.2 The foundation increases the load due to the adjacent buildings, or increases the load due to the addition of floors, or due to other human factors, resulting in uneven settlement, causing obvious tilt, displacement, cracks, distortion, etc. of the structure, and there is a trend of continued development. 2.3.3 The foundation is aged, corroded, broken, and broken, resulting in obvious tilt, displacement, cracks, distortion, etc. of the structure.
2.4 Reinforced concrete structural components
2.4.1 Columns and Cracks appear in the column, the protective layer partially peels off, the main reinforcement is exposed, or obvious horizontal cracks appear on one side, the concrete on the other side is crushed, and the main reinforcement is exposed; or obvious cross cracks appear. Obvious cross cracks appear in the middle of the wall, or accompanied by peeling of the protective layer. Columns and walls are tilted, with the amount of tilt exceeding 1/100 of the height. Column and wall concrete is cracked, carbonized, and bulged, with the damage area exceeding 1/3 of the total area, and the main reinforcement is exposed, severely corroded, and the cross-section is reduced. 2.4.2 Beams and slabs A transverse crack is generated on the bottom surface of a single beam or continuous beam at the mid-span, with one side extending upward to more than 2/3 of the beam height, or multiple obvious horizontal cracks are generated on the top, with the upper edge protective layer peeling off, and vertical cracks are accompanied below; or a continuous beam has obvious vertical cracks near the support; or obvious horizontal cracks or oblique cracks are generated between the support and the concentrated load area. A frame beam has obvious vertical cracks or oblique cracks at the fixed end, or cross cracks. Obvious oblique cracks appear at the ends of simply supported beams and continuous beams, and obvious vertical cracks or oblique cracks appear at the root of cantilever beams. Cracks appear around the top of the rammed plate, or cross cracks appear below. Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Obvious vertical cracks appear below the precast plate.
Deflections of various beams and plates exceed 1/150 of the span, and the crack width in the tension zone is greater than 1mm. The protective layer of various plates peels off, more than half of the main reinforcement is exposed, severely corroded, and the cross-section is reduced.
Vertical through cracks appear in prestressed precast plates; or the end concrete is loose and exposed, and its length is more than 100d of the main reinforcement. 3 The roof truss
1 has a deflection exceeding 1/150 of the span, and the lower chord has a vertical crack with a width greater than
The support system fails and causes tilting, and the tilt exceeds 2/100 of the roof truss height.
The protective layer peels off, and the main reinforcement is exposed and rusted in many places. The end node connection is loose and has obvious cracks. 2.5 Masonry structural components
1 The wall has a vertical crack with a length exceeding 1/2 of the floor height and a width greater than 2cm, or multiple vertical cracks with a length exceeding 1/3 of the floor height. Obvious vertical cracks appear in the wall under the beam support.
Horizontal cracks.
The door and window openings or the walls between windows have obvious cross cracks or vertical cracks, or they are tilted, and the tilt exceeds 1.5/100 of the storey height (more than three storeys,
exceeds 0.7/100 of the total height), or the adjacent wall joints are broken into through cracks. Weathering, peeling, and mortar powdering cause the wall surface and effective section to be weakened by more than
1/4 (more than 1/3 for bungalows). Horizontal cracks occur in the column; or vertical through cracks occur, and the length of the crack exceeds 1/2 of the column height. Multiple vertical cracks occur in the column below the beam support. Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Produce tilt, the tilt exceeds 1.2/100 of the storey height (more than three floors,
exceeds 0.5/100 of the total height). Weathering, peeling, mortar powdering, resulting in a weakening of the effective section by more than 1/5 (more than 1/4 for bungalows).
2.5.3 Lintels and arches Obvious vertical cracks appear in the middle of the lintel; or obvious oblique cracks appear at the ends, or horizontal cracks appear in the wall supporting the lintel; or obvious bending and sinking deformation occurs.
Cracks appear in the main line of the vault of barrel vaults, flat shells, and corrugated barrel vaults; or the arch surface is obviously deformed; or the arch foot is obviously displaced; or the arch rod is loose, or it is severely corroded and the section is reduced.
2.6 Timber structural members The top of the column is torn, the eye is split, and the column body is broken. Due to decay and deterioration, the effective section is reduced, which is more than 1/2 at the foot of the column and more than 1/4 at other parts of the column. Severe decay, with hollow drum sounds when knocked. Obvious bending, horizontal cracks on the back of the bend. 2.6.2 Beams, joists, and rubbing strips The middle is broken; or obvious oblique cracks are generated; or horizontal cracks are generated, the length and depth of which exceed 1/3 of the span and height of the member respectively. The beam has a deflection exceeding 1/120 of the span, and the joists and strips have a deflection exceeding 1/100 of the span. Due to decay and deterioration, the effective section is reduced by more than 1/5. 4 Severe corrosion, with hollow drum sound when knocked.
5 Sample head broken, support loosened.
2.6.3 Roof truss The support system is loose and unstable, and excessively deformed, resulting in tilt, and the tilt exceeds 4/100 of the height of the roof truss.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
The upper and lower chords are broken: or obvious oblique cracks are generated: or obvious bending deformation is generated.
3 The lower and lower chords are decayed and deteriorated, reducing the effective cross-section by more than 1/5. Severe corrosion, with hollow drum sound when knocked.
Main nodes, or the connection between the upper and lower chords fails.
Steel tie rods are loose or severely corroded, with the cross section reduced by more than 1/4. 2.7 Other structural components The wall is tilted, and the tilt exceeds 1.6/100 of the floor height. The weathering and nitrification depth of the wall reaches more than 1/4 of the wall thickness; or the depth of moisture reaches 1/4 of the length of the wall foot.
3 Two or more vertical cracks are generated, the depth of the cracks reaches the wall thickness, and the length of the cracks exceeds
2/3 of the floor height.
2.7.2 Mixed wall, rubble wall The wall tilts, and the tilt exceeds 1.2/100 of the floor height. Vertical cracks are generated at the wall joints, the depth of which reaches the wall thickness and the length of which exceeds 1/2 of the floor height, or multiple vertical cracks are generated in the wall, the depth of which reaches the wall thickness and the length of which exceeds 1/2 of the floor height.
3 Identification of dangerous houses
3.1 Dangerous houses (referred to as "dangerous houses") refer to houses whose load-bearing components have become dangerous components, the structure has lost stability and bearing capacity, and may collapse at any time, and the safety of living cannot be ensured.
Dangerous buildings are divided into whole dangerous buildings and partially dangerous buildings:
α. Whole dangerous buildings refer to buildings that may collapse as a whole at any time; b. Partial dangerous buildings refer to buildings that may collapse partially at any time. 3.2 Dangerous buildings are identified by building and measured by square meters of building area. α. Whole dangerous buildings are counted by square meters of building area of the whole building; b. Partial dangerous buildings are counted by square meters of building area of the part of the building that is threatened by collapse. Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
3.3 The identification of dangerous buildings should be based on the identification of dangers of foundations and structural components, combined with historical status and development trends, comprehensive analysis and comprehensive judgment. 3.4 In judging the danger of foundations or structural components, it should be considered whether the danger of the components is isolated or related.
α. If the danger of the component is isolated, it does not constitute a danger to the structure; b. If the danger of the component is related, the scope of danger should be determined in conjunction with the structure. 3.5 In terms of historical status and development trends, the following factors should be considered to affect the foundation and structural components.
a. The degree of structural aging;
b. The impact of the surrounding environment;
c. The value of the design safety degree;
d. Human factors that damage the structure;
e. The development trend of the danger.
3.6 Determination of the scope of danger
3.6.1 The whole dangerous building The danger caused by the foundation may endanger the main structure and cause the collapse of the whole building. The danger caused by the wall, column, beam, concrete slab or frame may cause structural damage and cause the collapse of the whole building. The danger caused by the roof truss and palm strips may cause the collapse of the entire roof and endanger the whole building. Dangers caused by barrel vaults, flat shells, and corrugated barrel vaults may cause the collapse of the entire arch and endanger the entire building.
3.6.2 Partially dangerous buildings Dangers caused by foundations may endanger part of the building and cause partial collapse. Dangers caused by walls, columns, beams, and concrete slabs may cause partial structural damage and cause partial collapse of the building. Dangers caused by roof trusses and strips may cause partial roof collapse, or the entire roof collapse but do not endanger the entire building. Dangers caused by joists may cause the entire roof to collapse.
Dangers caused by cantilevered components may cause beams and slabs to collapse.
6 Dangers caused by barrel vaults, flat shells, and corrugated barrel vaults may cause partial collapse of the arches but do not endanger the entire building. 3.6.3 Danger points refer to individual load-bearing components, enclosure components, or building equipment that are in a dangerous state.
4 Handling of dangerous buildings and dangerous points
4.1 The appraisal unit shall provide a comprehensive analysis and comprehensive judgment basis for dangerous buildings and report to the real estate management department at the municipal level or its authorized unit for review and approval. 4.2 For dangerous buildings, the construction plan shall be arranged according to the degree of danger, the scope of impact, and the specific conditions, and the light, heavy, slow, and urgent. 4.3 For dangerous points, the danger shall be eliminated in a timely manner in combination with normal maintenance. 4.4 For dangerous buildings and dangerous points, effective measures shall be taken after investigation and confirmation to ensure the safety of living.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Additional Notes
The words "exceeding ×", "greater than ××" or "reaching ×× and above" used in this standard include the indicated value. This standard was first promulgated on April 11, 1986 and implemented on a trial basis on September 1, 1986.
This standard is entrusted to the Chongqing Real Estate Administration Bureau for interpretation. This standard was jointly drafted by the Chongqing and Jinzhou Real Estate Administration Bureaus. Comrades Li Guogan, Zhang Qingbang, Wang Zhengming, Wang Minghuai, Cui Xuecheng, Yang Sipu, Zuo Ling, Qi Zhengyan and others participated in the drafting work.
This standard was reviewed and revised by Comrades Wang Tingqi, Zuo Ling, Jin Lufan, Qian Guichu, Qi Zhengting and others from the Real Estate Administration Bureaus of Nanjing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Chongqing and other cities, and was finalized by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection.
Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System5
6 The dangers caused by barrel vaults, flat shells, and corrugated barrel vaults may cause partial collapse of the arch body
but will not endanger the entire building. 3.6.3 Dangerous points refer to individual load-bearing components, enclosure components, or building equipment that are in a dangerous state.
4 Handling of dangerous buildings and dangerous points
4.1 The appraisal unit shall provide a comprehensive analysis and comprehensive judgment basis for dangerous buildings and report it to the real estate management department at the municipal level or its authorized unit for review and approval. 4.2 For dangerous buildings, the construction plan shall be arranged according to the degree of danger, the scope of impact, and the specific conditions, and the light, heavy, slow, and urgent. 4.3 For dangerous points, the danger shall be eliminated in a timely manner in combination with normal maintenance. 4.4 For dangerous buildings and dangerous points, effective measures shall be taken after investigation and confirmation to ensure the safety of living.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Additional Notes
The words "exceeding ×", "greater than ××" or "reaching ×× and above" used in this standard include the indicated value. This standard was first promulgated on April 11, 1986 and implemented on a trial basis on September 1, 1986.
This standard is entrusted to the Chongqing Real Estate Administration Bureau for interpretation. This standard was jointly drafted by the Chongqing and Jinzhou Real Estate Administration Bureaus. Comrades Li Guogan, Zhang Qingbang, Wang Zhengming, Wang Minghuai, Cui Xuecheng, Yang Sipu, Zuo Ling, Qi Zhengyan and others participated in the drafting work.
This standard was reviewed and revised by Comrades Wang Tingqi, Zuo Ling, Jin Lufan, Qian Guichu, Qi Zhengting and others from the Real Estate Administration Bureaus of Nanjing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Chongqing and other cities, and was finalized by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection.
Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System5
6 The dangers caused by barrel vaults, flat shells, and corrugated barrel vaults may cause partial collapse of the arch body
but will not endanger the entire building. 3.6.3 Dangerous points refer to individual load-bearing components, enclosure components, or building equipment that are in a dangerous state.
4 Handling of dangerous buildings and dangerous points
4.1 The appraisal unit shall provide a comprehensive analysis and comprehensive judgment basis for dangerous buildings and report it to the real estate management department at the municipal level or its authorized unit for review and approval. 4.2 For dangerous buildings, the construction plan shall be arranged according to the degree of danger, the scope of impact, and the specific conditions, and the light, heavy, slow, and urgent. 4.3 For dangerous points, the danger shall be eliminated in a timely manner in combination with normal maintenance. 4.4 For dangerous buildings and dangerous points, effective measures shall be taken after investigation and confirmation to ensure the safety of living.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Additional Notes
The words "exceeding ×", "greater than ××" or "reaching ×× and above" used in this standard include the indicated value. This standard was first promulgated on April 11, 1986 and implemented on a trial basis on September 1, 1986.
This standard is entrusted to the Chongqing Real Estate Administration Bureau for interpretation. This standard was jointly drafted by the Chongqing and Jinzhou Real Estate Administration Bureaus. Comrades Li Guogan, Zhang Qingbang, Wang Zhengming, Wang Minghuai, Cui Xuecheng, Yang Sipu, Zuo Ling, Qi Zhengyan and others participated in the drafting work.
This standard was reviewed and revised by Comrades Wang Tingqi, Zuo Ling, Jin Lufan, Qian Guichu, Qi Zhengting and others from the Real Estate Administration Bureaus of Nanjing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Chongqing and other cities, and was finalized by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection.
Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System
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