Some standard content:
HCS 65. 020. 20
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
NY/T 607 2002
Rubber tree breeding technology regulation2002- 11-05Promulgated
Implemented on 2002-12-20
Promulgated by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Appendix A. The appendix is a normative appendix. The standard is issued by the Agricultural Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee for Standardization of Tropical Crops and Products of the Ministry of Agriculture. NY/T 6072002
The drafting units of this standard are: Henan Rubber Breeding Research Institute of China Tropical Agricultural Science Academy, Science and Technology Department of Hainan Provincial Agricultural Bureau, Technology Department of Yunnan Agricultural Bureau and Technology Department of Guangdong Provincial Agricultural Bureau. The main initiators of the wood standard are: Yinghua Foreign Language, Xiasui Tong, Lai Jizhao, Shaoxue, Guanliu, Shidonghui: This standard is published for the first time. Before the implementation of this standard, the experimental area shall be established in accordance with the requirements of the "Technical Regulations for the Selection and Breeding of Rubber Trees and the Observation of Improved Varieties" approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: 1688) Agricultural (Testing Science) No. 1 document. 1 Scope
Overview Technical Regulations for Commercial Rubber Trees
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, technical routes and requirements, and character determination for the selection of rubber tree varieties, NY/T6072002
This standard is applicable to the selection and breeding of domestic rubber tree varieties and the selection of rubber tree varieties imported from abroad. 2 Normative References
The clauses in the following documents become the references of this standard through reference. For any referenced documents with a date, their subsequent amendments (excluding missing signatures) or your subscription are not applicable. When using this standard, however, the parties who have reached an agreement based on this standard may use the new versions of these documents: the ones with a date of reference are the ones that are applicable to this standard: GB/T 8517 Determination of the durability of rubber latex after 14 days of use G:4814 Original accumulation table
GB/T 8292 Determination of the acid value of volatile fats in natural latex 1830 Concentrated natural rubber latex, determination of mechanical properties NY/T 221 Technical regulations for the cultivation of rubber trees
3 Terms and definitions
The following definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
Wickham germplasm
Before the 1920s, the rubber tree germplasm, mainly from Brazil, was the descendant of the Wickham germplasm.
New germplasmHewgermplasm
The rubber tree germplasm collected after the 1950s is called new germplasm to distinguish it from the Wickham germplasm. 3. 3
Under the conditions of the concentration, frequency and yield of the stimulant, the death rate will not exceed the previous tree death index. 3.4
Evolutionary type zones
Based on the limiting factors of rubber tree cultivation in my country (the degree and occurrence rate of wind damage, cold damage and early rain damage) and divided into two types according to the sun and the sun,
germplasm nursery
germplasm nursery is a place to preserve rubber tree germplasm in the form of shade. 3. 6
Field germplasm bank
field germplasm bank is a place to preserve rubber tree germplasm in the form of deep mountains. NY/T 607. -2002
Brushing properties secondary rhn characteristics general term for other properties other than the main properties (amine production, proofing, resistance to push) 3.8
wood brain knar
stripe gronve
tangled grooves formed on the trunk of a tree.
tapping panel drymess
rubber amine resin line is not uniformly pulled. 3.11
latex cockroach
Elatex early congnlation
the normal phenomenon of premature coagulation of latex.
Hark burst
Latex outflow from the cortex,
Fruit setting rate
Artificial pollination of rubber trees for 1 month, small fruit rate accounting for the percentage of pollination flowers! 3. 14
Fruit setting rate
Artificial pollination for 2 months, fruit setting rate accounting for the percentage of pollination flowers. 3.15
Seedringtemtly from the sexual system of the cross combination.
Asexual system Elne
Asexual system derived from the same excellent mother tree (building>3. 17
Hybrid area hyhridarea
Concentrate on breeding resistant and stable artificial hybrids. 4 Technical lines and requirements
Sampling excellent parents, accelerating the identification and utilization of new germplasm, further improving the level of tree protection and early yield prediction, combining application of standard technology and biological technology, and promoting the utilization of excellent and new materials: the cultivated varieties should have resistance, early yield, high growth, large wood volume, stimulation, The characteristics of good quality rubber. : The rate of peeling in the same year exceeds,
4.1 Collection and preservation of original materials
4.1.1 Collection of original materials The source of original materials such as:
a) Domestic and foreign asexual lines with special characteristics 2
h) New germplasm materials collected from the origin center of rubber trees: ) Excellent materials and excellent natural mutants created by various technologies, d1 one-leaf stable rubber tree and other materials. The properties of the original materials are as follows NV/T 607-20C2
High yield: half-average annual yield of decaamine per plant is more than 20% higher than that of the registered varieties. The reference materials in each ecological zone should meet the requirements of Appendix B: a)
High-yield combination parents, parents with strong general combining ability or special combining ability; Wind resistance: wind resistance is better than that of the reference variety PR17e
Resistant to changes: in areas dominated by flat or violent storms, the resistance to wind is better than that of 11, and in areas dominated by cat-shaped storms, the resistance is better than GT1 or 1AN873||t t||Disease resistance, powdery mildew resistance is stronger than RRIC52, and anthracnose resistance is stronger than heat production 8813: resistance to tea canker and windfall leaf blight is stronger than e
Glue content: T glue content exceeds PR1(7, T: The ability of the vehicle to compete with GT1 and RRIM513
is 2% shorter than the control and 1.1
The original timber volume is 11 times larger than the original timber volume 5m/sample Rubber pressure is good: The stability of latex is>1Hs, the volatility of agricultural products Fat waist value 0.. The initial value of plasticity of the ten films made from fresh milk is 15;
good quality, when or better than the actual seedlings.
4.1.2 Preservation of original village materials The unit where you store the original materials should build a seed bank (two seed banks, one for seed surface) to preserve the seed materials and materials. 4.1.22 Germplasm network plant 100cm×1ccm.4 tax material sample god 3 ladder 5: human seed material plant 250cm -00m, row spacing m~m, 2~5 balls of each material, more than one egg per net. 4, 12.3 The seed of the seed can be prepared by digging the tree buds, and each seed can be numbered to prevent disorder. 4.2 Selection of sexual lines
4.2.1 The principles of parent-child selection are as follows:
A) The main characters of the frame are in line with the standard of the academic back variety; 5)
Strong matching ability:
Excellent characters are required
d) Fruiting rate during flowering period, high fruiting rate. 4.2.? Artificial sex should meet the following requirements,) only one is set per plant!
Each combination of inoculation dose can be determined according to the number of drugs required for the actual standard of the variable system ratio area: c
Flower word picking pollen should be controlled within 5 flowers, and the remaining flowers should be removed during pollination, and marked on the flower pressure handle 1:
After pollination, the two flowers are separated or put in a small bag: pollination to adjust the yield rate
4.2.3 Two-stage comparison area of sexual system ratio Preliminary question of sexual system ratio area Seasonal transportation materials:
) The seedlings of each group are bitter:
b) It can maintain the seedlings of special beautiful types. Try some of this plan: limit the rules of action.2~3 method, put the core of the plot in the middle, and the row spacing is 3×7. For the varieties, use the high-load asexual system material from the previous year. Block and granular 3
NY/T6072002 Sexual system advanced system ratio area
4. 2. 3 2. 7 Test materials
8) Use seedlings of various types of seedlings from domestic and foreign nurseries! The seedlings that have been proven to be excellent in the closed-line comparison area are then hybridized in pairs. Experimental design: Use the improved contrast method or randomized block design, 3~4 repetitions, more than 60 trees in each plot, and the sample row is 300m>70cm. The intervals between plots can be different (but the intervals between each other cannot exceed one stop). 4.2.3-3 Hybrid area
The number of plants in each combination is unlimited, mainly used to select excellent mother trees, and 65~10 samples of asexual control varieties are planted in each forest section. 4.3 Asexual weak selection
4.3.1 Selection procedure
The selection procedure of asexual system is shown in Figure 1!
The number of trees in the superior area may be Sex system ratio area excellent sexual East species cypress area! : Health. - year room pull plant (people 1 state cross species in four kinds of seedlings, > free good germplasm!
each plan new material system:
\——seedling organ ratio;
I,-rotten collar ratio,
advanced ratio:
P,——sex two collection,
T, dead;
expand trial planting,
figure: asexual selection procedure
4.3.2 asexual East ratio area sleeping stand seedling week ratio area
in the form of nursery as many test materials as possible for preliminary screening table specification Shu distinguish excellent light materials skip to participate in advanced system ratio or test, its drag substitute good sealing material Participating materials: a) Excellent mother trees selected from the three-series comparison area, hybrid area, advanced and improved seed area according to yield, resistance and state; b) Excellent plants selected from pollination and seedlings in the garden; ) New and excellent germplasm: ) Various innovative materials. Experimental design: Use machine block group, comparison method or group common standard seed method design span more than one time. The same block group should be set in the same wrinkle surface. Each plot has 1 ~ 1 bead. The row spacing is 10lm×210m. ~200cm). Classification of seedling surrounding areas: According to the difference between the test days, it can be divided into: a ) Cold-resistant gradient seedling comparison zone: In areas where cold waves often occur, different cold-resistant gradient seedling comparison zones are established according to the different nature and intensity of cold waves:
New disease comparison zones, in areas where diseases often occur, comparison zones for disease resistance will be established; NY/T6072002
Rubber production prediction: In order to make a yield prediction in the future, a separate seedling comparison zone is set up with the yield measurement station: The seedling row spacing is 200cm~250cm)x (250cm--300cm: Primary comparison zone
Carry out preliminary screening of the test materials, and the materials that are better than the control varieties will participate in the advanced comparison, and the other excellent ones can participate in the production method at the same time. Comparative materials: excellent asexual lines or other excellent materials from the comparison area of the series. Test design: adopt random plot design or group design with the same standard. Repeat 2-3 times, 5 plants per plot. Advanced series comparison area
The plot area is large, the influence of foreign influence is controlled, and the precision is high. In the variety system comparison test, it is the highest level test area, and excellent varieties for production promotion can be selected. Comparative materials: select the excellent asexual lines from the comparison area, the excellent light-emitting tickets from the primary series area, and the excellent variety materials imported from abroad.
4.32-3-2 Design of trial monitoring: adopt improved contrast method or breeding machine number l, adjust row spacing (25cm-9Um) (7cm~8Mm.3 times ~ Shen Zhongfa, the plot of cattle heart record tree is not less than 2F plants (no less than 21 plants in hills>, Production system comparison area
According to the production requirements, the variety of culture and glycosides management of the trial area shall be built to compare the varieties of the line god. Participating materials: the trial flow is based on the industry and imported from abroad Experimental setting: No more than two experimental sites in the same type of area, block planting, one tree position for each variety. 5 Character evaluation
5.1 Rubber yield evaluation
5.1.1 Opening standard and rubber harvesting system Field germplasm rate and separate yield prediction network. 3-year-old rubber harvesting system: $/2/3 continuous cavity from August to September 15-1-1.2 Sexual system ratio area||tt || Sexual system scraping standard test area % of the plant height above the ground 10m (clonal system 11gcm point at the first system height of the ground are 110=m: the first 3 years of the monthly S/2d/3 rubber system, the first year using S2d/3 · C.5% ET rubber system. Clonal system area
50 plant length in the system area (in the commercial system area, the plant stem height above the ground 10m) When the primary zone reaches 45 cm, the primary zone is 11um above the ground: the first 2 and a half use S/2d/3~0.51 harvesting system. From the 1st to the 5th year, change to S/22/3~0.51 harvesting system 6. From the 5th to the 10th year, T is 1%. The cutting efficiency zone is cut once a year. The advanced zone is cut twice a year. From the year of recruitment, all the systems are opened and the harvesting period is the same as that of the production stage. 5.1.2 Rubber yield determination
5.1-2. 1. Production and method:
a) The germplasm bank and the single silicon drug yield prediction network are used to determine the total yield of the single 10 liquid plates, b, the graded area can measure the late milk yield once per foot, measure the dry gum content, record the number of rubber making force each month, and calculate the average annual yield of each plant. After 3 years of full measurement, select the best production for 3 years.
Graded area determination and record yield weight, measure the rubber yield of the first three changes (the first, middle and last ten days of measurement) and at the same time measure the number of rubber making knives per piece, use the intermittent application cycle to measure the yield after the stimulant is used from the first year to the year, and measure the dry gum content in the early year within the production plan: calculate the annual dry gum yield and unit area dry gum yield) The production system model area does not deduct the edge of the tree, record the latex yield of each tree, and then calculate the rubber content per unit area. ) The standard method or D[[-925 Calculation method:
NY/T 607—2002
People's Field Germplasm Bureau and separately set up two measurement methods for mothers: one average special latex yield (g/t/):: total average latex yield per plant (g)/number of cuttings. 6) Primary system yield calculation method:
Monthly special latex yield (kg) (monthly average latex yield per cutting (%) × monthly replacement of rubber knife/1n monthly average latex yield per cutting () = monthly average latex yield per plant (monthly Average rubber content (%): Monthly rubber yield per plant (g) = Monthly average rubber yield per group () × monthly measured rubber number (0CG) - Annual rubber yield per plant (R) - Sum of monthly rubber yields, Annual milk yield per plant (k) = Sum of monthly milk yields, Half-year average rubber yield per plant (k) = Annual rubber yield per plant (kg) / Annual milk yield per plant (kg) x 100, Half-year average rubber yield per plant (g//) = Annual rubber yield per plant (g) × Annual total rubber yield number × 1000. Calculation method of the production ratio of the commercial area:
Total latex production of the area (kg) = Average latex production per batch in the area in a month () × Number of batches per month: Average effective production per batch in the area in a month g = Average milk production per batch in the area in a month () Average monthly thousand batches (kx) = Average dry rubber production per batch in the area in a month [kg) × Number of batches per month and average dry rubber production (kg) = Total dry rubber production of the area in a month (kg) / Area measurement Yield per plant; Average annual dry rubber yield (kg)·Effect of dry rubber yield per plant in each period: Average annual dry rubber yield per hectare (/m1 = total monthly dry rubber yield of each plot)/actual area of the plot (hm\),
Annual average annual total rubber yield of the plot (kg)/total rubber yield of the plot (g) × 100. 1) Calculation method of production ratio plot yield: weigh the collected latex, take the rubber content of the combined latex to calculate the yield per unit area.
-monthly total rubber yield (R) = the sum of the monthly rubber yield per cavity (kg)/actual area (hm\).
-monthly total rubber yield (R) = the sum of the monthly rubber yield per cavity (kg)/actual area (hm\). 5.2 Latex quality test
The mechanical stability of the high-quality asexual and high-quality active latex selected from the commercial range, the volatile fatty acid value and the initial plastic value of the film made of fresh latex shall be formulated in accordance with the provisions of G/TH331G/T and GB/T3F.17. 5.3 Growth assessment
5.3.1 Growth
For the seedlings over 1 year old, measure once in December every year, and measure at 1502m above the ground. 5-3-2 Bark thickness
When cutting, measure the bark thickness at 15m above the ground, and then measure the bark thickness of the 3rd and 5th year olds in the next section
5.3.3 Growth feasibility
After 1 year: conduct a growth survey, including branch habit, crown size, spacing density and tree shape. 5.4 Timber volume determination
According to the provisions of B1814, the original volume of each tree is determined. 5.5 Resistance
After the determination of the resistance to soft damage, conduct a comprehensive inspection of the transplanted area: compare the resistance of the transplanted varieties. Wind demand changes, disaster warnings and early classification standards shall be implemented in accordance with NY/Gate 221.
5.5.1 Wind resistance
The wind resistance of the hanging plant shall be determined according to the wind damage plan interruption rate and post-disaster recovery capacity. The cumulative wind failure rate is calculated according to formula (1):
Wind method charging side, coupon 5
Z1 level--number of plants and number of buildings:
N—the first set of total effect
condition: in all previous adjustments, the number of changes in the plate-heart measurement and the number of test selections are not calculated separately, NY/16072002
The recovery ability is divided into two levels: Level 1 is for grades 4~6 damaged trees and the production level must be above 80% in 3 years, Level 2 is for production that has recovered to 60%~79% of the original level, and Level 1 is for production that has obviously recovered to the original level below 5. 5.2 Resistance
The resistance rate of varieties is evaluated based on the proportion of damaged plants in the half-average grade 1~6 grades. The cold weather and the damage were calculated according to formula 2):
Wu Zhong:
Seto average grade,!
Each real report said the number of rolling hot),
1st grade - heart slow slow damage school ratio teaching (3 calculation: F
piece, --4th grade 6 velvet pregnant ancient sample ratio, %:
4th grade -E total number of socks;
N, whether the total plant excitement,
, unclassified seedlings only count double damage and garbage.
5.5.3 Resistance to cold
The disease rate (for) and the disease index of the variety were used to evaluate the resistance of the variety 5.5.3. 1. Powdery mildew disease
Fix 5 observation paths with northern characteristics in the plot, pick 2 full leaves every year, and take 5 middle leaflets to conduct a disease survey. The incidence rate and disease index are calculated according to formula (4):
An disease index, base
N, the number of diseased leaves,
N-the total number of leaves.
In the formula,
Disease index +
(dividing the number of diseased leaves into 100)
V.-: the total number of leaves × the highest disease level value N.
. (43
NYT607-2DD2 disease needs
The incidence rate and disease index are calculated by formula (6) and formula (7) respectively, P
Incidence rate, total;
Sum of the number of infected spiders
Investigated number of plants.
Estrument extension, related
.-(number of graded plants × the grade value);
Investigated number of plants × the highest disease grade value.
5.5.4 Early resistance
According to the early resistance of the average early resistance of the varieties. Early resistance industry average grade is calculated according to formula (8):
L. Early average grade·%!
Service grade guidance value × the grade quick effect
. Total special effect of investigation.
5.6 Identification of plant traits and biological characteristics
5. 6. 1. Biological traits
Every year, the natural characteristics of the main characteristics of the system, such as the lower stem, dead skin, paint effect, early latex, rubber discharge and tolerance, are observed and recorded as the basis for comprehensive evaluation of good varieties: 5.6.2 Biological characteristics
Observe the first leaf aging period, flowering, fruiting, fruiting, leaf fall and wintering period in Ren Yongche Lizhou, the first leaf aging period, flowering, fruiting, fruiting, leaf fall and wintering period. Industry division
Resource response area
War use
Mengfeng K
Zhushan City
Ding'an Tools
Dongjiang Land
Except for the Jingzhou Farm in the district,
District Division
opposite to the city
Nakagyo District
Xuyuan, Haiyan
the southern part
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix?
Classification of rubber plant ecological type zones
Classification of rubber plant ecological type zones in Hainan Province
Yifeng District
Wanbao City
Heavy wind zone
Kuaishui County
Ledong City
Kouyou Education Standard Time
Fa Yafeng Zone
Qinshi Island is dead.
Yangnan Nanshan School
Lianzhong County,
Guangdong Province Shenjiao Ecological Transformation Zone Division
Chendong District
Light Wind Zone
Yanjiang, Huazhou
Collection of the North County
South Gaozhou and
Dian Dang North School
Light Source Zone
Huazhou, Chuanjiang
Zhongde and Gao
North City
NY/T 607—2002
Yinfeng District
County, Wangjin County, Lin
County: Baisha County
Zhizhong County (Yuan
Zhongfeng District
City, Baizhe Dakua, Guanrongtian, Bang
Handun Xiezhou's
Longshan, Hongningchang
Haidong District
Qingyi District
Qingfang District
Xinyi, Yong
Shenzhen, Hanzhou
Yunnan Province Rubber Planting Ecological Type Regional Division
Junshan with industry shooting down the area
Xishuangxin Prefecture pressure Guan, Linlun area, Dehong Sheng and Honghe Prefecture Jinping Liang'an, Yuan Yongbie-
Kai Valve Lingjiang Xiaohai Technology
U with Jin
Technology sU with a> use
in, some prices,
Lehai District
Duge Qiuzuo, Shanhai Bo
xD n [Jinping
's inland sea press
(Jinping Feng won 50> or
's map of the business platform: the school accumulated
, the point of the mountain
put down the department, the school appeared
on the car position,
Pinghai District
rises and runs along the hill, low mountain sea technology
the degree of the people's Yin I:
in the low mountain half of the team
battle or half of the A, low platform
suffer from rice suction
"Meat Department||tt ||Light wind area
1 and Lubei
The main temperature drop in Dongping District
Honghe Industrial Zone and Guangong, Macai County
Qingxi District
sea level 150%
below, Shan City
middle, Ganqiu
wei, plateau:
sea level 15℃m
back area
middle area
below the three heat flux limit
sun:sea level 25℃.m's
ten, Shangqiu Po
dial 25uro
30G's back
wind sinkhole: 2.
Chongzao District
Hai Site 15℃
Qiu Xianlifeng
Ban Yicheng, Ban
Ming Pump's Pit
500 Mountain
Medical Plan Leisure
Variety Type
High-yield Wind-resistant Quality Variety
High-yield Animal Original Product Zhong
Shencheng High-yield Variety
Resistant to Test Commercial Variety
Resistant to Pre-high Industry Variety| |tt||(Normative attachment)
Sound and life type medical control varieties
Ecological type counties and districts
Fang, N, type central area
Guangdong Yuexi District【, type central area
Guangdong and other eastern areas: "3 Yao type central areas
Yunnan Province, 1, 1 two type ten areas
Kiazole Province", [two types
Niannan Dang: ", "two type blood central areas
Laixi District : 1, 1 Central
East: District
South Province: 3 Central Districts
West District:}, [Class Military
: 1 Central District
Hainan: 1 American Central District
Six South: 1 Central District
Corresponding to the service and species
GT1 (except the northern core), 95-:F1
Wind resistance control PR16
One quantity control, RRIMECO (repair technology)
Recovery resistance control; RRIC!:2
Production license, the region determines the corresponding version of the disease:
Disease resistance: Reyan-13
Yield and real region current determination time idea
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