JCS 25.080.01 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T9162.1-9162.48--1999 The parts and units of inspection jig1999-05-20 Issued State Machinery Industry Bureau Implementation on 2000-01-01 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of ChinabZxz.net Straight dial holder |-Dimensions This standard specifies the type and size of straight dial holders. Type and size Type and size are in accordance with the following figure and regulations Marking example: 30m straight table fire marking: Table 309 [62.351 Guohao Machinery Industry Bureau 1 State-15-2 approved 20 JB/79162.35-1999 Generation 2144001.35-87 2000-01-01 implementation Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.