title>Technical requirements of holographic anti-counterfeiting products—Part 6:Holographic anti-counterfeiting cold stamping foil - GB/T 38278.6-2019 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Technical requirements of holographic anti-counterfeiting products—Part 6:Holographic anti-counterfeiting cold stamping foil

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 38278.6-2019

Standard Name:Technical requirements of holographic anti-counterfeiting products—Part 6:Holographic anti-counterfeiting cold stamping foil

Chinese Name: 全息防伪产品技术条件 第6部分:冷烫印全息防伪箔

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2019-12-10

Date of Implementation:2020-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health and safety >> 13.310 Prevention of criminal acts

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Social Public Security>>A90 Social Public Security Comprehensive

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2019-11-01

other information

drafter:Li Shaoguo, Deng Gang, Ma Xianduo, Cao Bin, Zhu Weilai, Hao Ru, Wei Huanjin, Kong Qinghua, Wang Guoping, Lv Wei, Jiang Limin, Zhang Qinyong, Zhang Jingna, Shen Pingjun, Zhang Nengjian, Zhou Zhiping

Drafting unit:Shaoxing Hucai Laser Material Technology Co., Ltd., Hucai Printing Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Kunhong Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Hengli New Packaging Materials Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ideal Packaging Co., Ltd., Wuxi Xinguangyin Anti-counterfeiting Technolo

Focal point unit:National Anti-Counterfeiting Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 218)

Proposing unit:National Anti-Counterfeiting Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 218)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the terms, definitions, technical requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil. This standard applies to cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil transferred to paper, paper composite materials and other materials.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical requirements of holographic anti-counterfeiting productsPart 6:Holographic anti-counterfeiting cold stamping foil2019-12-10 release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
2020-07-01 implementation
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Technical requirements
Test methods
Test rules
Marking, packaging, transportation, storage·
Appendix A (informative appendix)
Appendix B (informative appendix)
Appendix C (normative appendix)
Cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting Foil structure description
Schematic diagram of coil quality requirements
Roll film surface hardness test steps
GB/T38278 "Technical conditions for holographic anti-counterfeiting products" is planned to be divided into the following 6 parts: Part 1: General technical conditions for holographic anti-counterfeiting products; Part 2: Anti-counterfeiting holographic paper;
-Part 3: Anti-counterfeiting holographic hot stamping foil;
-Part 4: Holographic anti-counterfeiting film;
Part 5: Technical conditions for holographic anti-counterfeiting plate making; Part 6: Cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil.
This part is Part 6 of GB/T38278
This part is drafted according to the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This part is proposed and managed by the National Anti-Counterfeiting Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC218). GB/T38278.6-—2019
The drafting units of this part: Shaoxing Hucai Laser Material Technology Co., Ltd., Hucai Printing Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Kunhong Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Hengli New Packaging Materials Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ideal Packaging Co., Ltd., Wuxi Xinguang Printing Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Jinjia Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Product Evaluation Center, Shandong Taibao Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Products Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this part: Li Shaoguo, Deng Gang, Ma Xianfeng, Cao Bin, Zhu Weilai, Hao Ru, Wei Huanjin, Kong Qinghua, Wang Guoping, Lv Wei, Jiang Limin, Zhang Qinyong, Zhang Jingna, Shen Pingjun, Zhang Nengjian, Zhou Zhiping. Use
1 Scope
Technical conditions for holographic anti-counterfeiting products
Part 6: Cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil
This part of GB/T38278 specifies the terms, definitions, technical requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and purchase and storage of cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil.
This part applies to cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil transferred to paper, paper composite materials and other materials. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T451.3—2002 Determination of thickness of paper and paperboard GB/T2793-1995 Determination of non-volatile matter content of adhesives GB/T2828.1-2012
Attribute sampling inspection procedures Part 1: Sampling plan for batch inspection based on acceptance quality limit (AQL)
Attribute sampling procedures and tables for periodic inspection (applicable to inspection of process stability) GB/T6753.1—2007
Determination of fineness of grinding of paints, varnishes and printing inks GB/T7122—1996 Determination of peel strength of high-strength adhesives Float method GB/T7706—2008 Letterpress decorative printed products GB/T14216—2008 Determination of wetting tension of plastic films and sheets GB /T14624.5—1993
Ink viscosity test method
Vacuum metal coating thickness test method Resistance method General technical conditions for holographic anti-counterfeiting products
General technical conditions for anti-counterfeiting technical products
General technical conditions for anti-counterfeiting materials, Part 3: Anti-counterfeiting filmGB/T22467.32008
Terms and definitions
Anti-electrochemical aluminum hot stamping foil
Color evaluation lighting and viewing conditions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil
Holographic anti-counterfeiting cold stamping foil is a holographic anti-counterfeiting foil with functional coating, plating and protective layer on the substrate, which is transferred at room temperature. Note: For the basic composition of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil, please refer to Appendix A. 3.2
Cold stamping coldstamping
The process of selectively transferring the holographic anti-counterfeiting foil coating to the surface of the substrate at room temperature through the synergistic effect of pressure, bonding and peeling.
Release force release force
During the cold stamping process, the force required to peel the substrate and coating of the holographic anti-counterfeiting foil. 3.4
The phenomenon of uneven color distribution on the surface of the cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil coating. 3.5
The phenomenon of local weak brightness on the surface of the cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil coating. 3.6
The phenomenon of unevenness on the surface of the cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil coating. 3.7
The raised ridges along the circumferential direction on the surface of the cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil coil. 3.8
The raised points on the surface of the cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil coating. 3.9
The phenomenon of the end face diameter of the cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil coil being obviously larger. 3.10
wetting tension
wetting tension
The shrinkage force of ink on the surface of the functional layer of the cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil. 4 Technical requirements
Cold stamping materials
Cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil
Cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil shall meet the quality requirements of Table 1 Table 1 Quality requirements for cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil
Indicator name
Quality requirements
The film surface of the coil (see Appendix B for a schematic diagram) should be flat, without ribs, convex points, foreign matter, or warped edges. The A-type part of the film surface should be a)
Hardness value (HA) 95±2:
The end surface of the coil (see Appendix B for a schematic diagram) should be flat. The uniformity deviation is ≤1mm, and there should be no hair, damage, dirt, foil b)
Shavings, radiation patterns
The coating of the cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil is uniform, and there should be no color flooding, stripes, shadows, orange peel and other phenomena; a)
The surface of the cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil should not have obvious scratches that can be observed by visual observation, and there should be no scratches with a diameter greater than 0.7mm Defect points, and within every 100mm100mm range. There should be no more than 2 defect points with a diameter > 0.5mmS
Indicator name
Width deviation/mm
Thickness deviation/μm
Coating thickness deviation/nm
Gloss deviation (Gu.60°)
Color difference of the same batch and the same color△E
Peeling force deviation/(kN/m)
Wetting Tension*/(N/m)
Table 1 (continued)
Quality requirements
The number of joints for a coil length of 5000m~6000m shall not exceed 3, and the continuous length between joints of cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil shall not be less than 500m
Only for materials that need to be printed on the surface of the functional coating 4.1.2
Solid content
The solid content should not be less than 95%.
The viscosity of flexographic and offset cold stamping adhesives should be 10-20.
The fineness should not be greater than 20μm.
Quality requirements for cold stamping products
The quality of cold stamping products should comply with the requirements of Table 2. Table 2
Indicator name
Overprint error/mm
Image and text wear resistance
Quality requirements for cold stamping products
Quality requirements
Cold stamping images and texts should be smooth, flat, clear, complete, full of color, evenly bright, without scratches or defects. 5.5P (No. 7) text should not affect reading
Should comply with the provisions of 3.4 first-class products in BB/T0031-2008≤0.2
The cold stamping pattern should be able to reproduce lines with a line width of 0.2mm, and there should be no obvious serrations on the edges of the lines. There should be no obvious scratches or exposure of the base color after friction\P is a unit of length measurement, 1P is approximately equal to 0.35mm. 3
Anti-counterfeiting characteristics
4.3.1 Anti-counterfeiting strength
Composition factors of anti-counterfeiting strength
The anti-counterfeiting strength of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil is composed of four factors: the number of anti-counterfeiting identification features, the number of anti-counterfeiting technology exclusivity, the difficulty of imitation and the size of the imitation cost. The conditions and requirements that each factor should meet are: a) The number of anti-counterfeiting technology exclusivity, the difficulty of imitation and the size of the imitation cost shall comply with the provisions of 5.1 of GB/T19425-2003; b) The number of anti-counterfeiting identification features shall not be less than two.
Classification of anti-counterfeiting identification features of cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil4.
The anti-counterfeiting identification features of cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil are divided into explicit holographic anti-counterfeiting identification features and implicit holographic anti-counterfeiting identification features. The explicit holographic anti-counterfeiting identification features do not require the aid of instruments and can be identified by the senses. Generally, they include the following categories: rainbow holography;
dot matrix holography;
optical lens effect;
isotopic anomaly;
three-dimensional background;
multi-channel synthetic holography;
achromatic holography.
implicit holographic anti-counterfeiting identification features should be accurately identified with the aid of tools or instruments. Generally, it includes the following categories: moiré fringes;
laser reproduction;
Anti-counterfeiting identification features and verification of cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil4.3.1.3
Should comply with the provisions of in GB/T17000-20094.3.2 Identity uniqueness
The identity uniqueness of cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil shall comply with the provisions of 5.2 in GB/T19425-2003. 4.3.3 Stability period
The stability period of anti-counterfeiting identification features shall comply with the provisions of 5.3 in GB/T19425-2003. 4.3.4 Recognition performance
The recognition performance shall comply with the provisions of Table 4 in GB/T19425-2003. 4.3.5 Usage adaptability
The scope of use or the type of substrate shall be indicated. The adaptability of use should be able to meet the requirements of the substrate during its stable period. 4.3.6 Use environment
The anti-counterfeiting performance of the cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil should be able to meet the requirements of the normal use environment during its stable period, or the user should put forward specific requirements to the manufacturer in the order contract.
4.3.7 Technical security and confidentiality
Technical security and confidentiality requirements include:
During the design and production process, the computer graphic files, ink maps, mask plates and nickel plates used for holographic plate making should formulate corresponding technical security and confidentiality management systems;
b) Test products, defective products, etc. should be destroyed in time, and the destruction records should be kept; the production environment should meet the closed management requirements. c)
4.3.8 Safety period
It should comply with the provisions of 5.8 in GB/T19425-2003. Inspection method
Cold stamping material inspection
5.1.1 Cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil inspection
Coil quality
For exposed ribs, convex points, foreign matter, warped edges and hair on the end surface, damage, dirt, foil scraps and radiation patterns, refer to the visual inspection shown in Appendix B.
The test method for the hardness of the coil surface is carried out in accordance with Appendix C.
The uniformity of the end surface of the coil is checked using a measuring tool with a graduation value of 0.5mm. Appearance
Remove the cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil packaging and cut off the cold stamping holographic
anti-counterfeiting foil with an effective length of 0.6m to 1.0m and a width of the format width as a sample. Place the sample flat on the flat glass. Under the conditions specified in CY/T3-1999, use auxiliary light source to illuminate the film surface. Change the angle and observe whether there is any color flooding, streaks, shadows, orange peel, plate seams, defect lines and scratches on the film surface. 3 Use a measuring tool with a graduation value of 0.1mm to measure the maximum size of the defect point on the sample as the diameter of the defect point. Joints
Visually check the number of joints. Width
Use a measuring tool with a graduation value of 0.5mm for measurement. 5Thickness
Measured in accordance with the method specified in GB/T451.3-2002
5Coating thickness
Measured in accordance with the test principle of GB/T15717-1995
Measured in accordance with the method specified in 6.4.4 of GB/T22467.3-2008 GB/T38278.6-2019
Color difference of the same color in the same batch
Measured in accordance with the method specified in 4.4 of BB/T0031-2008.
Peeling force
Measured in accordance with the method specified in GB/T7122-1996.
Wetting tension
Measure in accordance with the method specified in GB/T14216-2008. 5.1.2 Adhesive testing Solid content
Measure in accordance with the method specified in GB/T2793-1995 Viscosity
Measure in accordance with the method specified in GB/T14624.5-1993 Fineness
Measure in accordance with the method specified in GB/T6753.1-2007. 5.2
Cold stamping product quality testing
5.2.1 Appearance
Under the conditions of CY/T3-1999, visually inspect the appearance quality of the product 5.2.2 Cold stamping clarity
Measure in accordance with the provisions of 4.5.1 in BB/T0031-2008. 5.2.3 Overprint error
Measured using a scale magnifying glass with a graduation value of 0.1mm. 5.2.4 Resolution
Measured using a scale magnifying glass with a graduation value of 0.1mm. 5.2.5 Graphic wear resistance
Measured under a load of 10N±0.1N in accordance with the test conditions of 6.8 in GB/T7706-2008. 3 Anti-counterfeiting property detection
5.3.1 Anti-counterfeiting strength inspection method
Carry out in accordance with the provisions of 6.2.1 in GB/T17000-2009. 5.3.2 Identity uniqueness inspection method
Carry out in accordance with the provisions of 6.2 in GB/T19425-20036
5.3.3 Stability inspection methodwww.bzxz.net
Carry out in accordance with the relevant inspection methods provided by the manufacturer. 5.3.4 Inspection method for identification performance
Perform in accordance with the provisions of 6.4 of GB/T19425-2003. 5.3.5 Inspection method for use adaptability
According to the scope of use of the batch of products indicated by the manufacturer, follow the inspection method specified in the contract between the manufacturer and the user. 5.3.6 Inspection method for use environment
According to the use environment proposed by the manufacturer, follow the inspection method specified in the contract between the manufacturer and the user. 5.3.7 Inspection method for technical security and confidentiality shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.7 of GB/T19425-2003. 5.3.8 Inspection method for safety period
Perform in accordance with the provisions of 6.8 of GB/T19425-2003. 6
Inspection rules
6.1 batch
The delivery batch or trial batch of the same product of the same specification is regarded as a batch. 6.2 Sampling
After removing the packaging of each roll of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil, cut off the cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil with an effective length of 0.6m to 1m and a width equal to the width of the sample itself as the sample.
6.3 Inspection classification
Inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection.
6.4 Factory inspection
6.4.1 The manufacturer shall ensure that the products shipped meet the requirements of this part, and each roll shall be accompanied by a product certificate. 6.4.2 Factory inspection items include product appearance quality, width, thickness and peeling force. 6.4.3 The normal inspection shall be carried out according to the one-time sampling plan of GB/T2828.1-2012, inspection level II, AQL=4.0. 6.4.4 Determine whether each indicator is qualified according to the qualified judgment number and unqualified judgment number specified in the sampling plan. If the qualified judgment number is met, the batch of products is judged to be qualified; otherwise, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified. 6.5
5 Type inspection
6.5.1 Type inspection shall be carried out in the following cases: a) New products are put into production, processes are changed, and main raw materials are changed; b) If the product is stopped for more than half a year, it is put into production again. 6.5.2 Type inspection items include product appearance quality, width, thickness and anti-counterfeiting characteristics. GB/T38278.6—2019
6.5.3 According to the normal inspection sampling plan in GB/T2829—2002, the discrimination level I, RQL=30. 6.5.4 According to the qualified judgment number and unqualified judgment number specified in the sampling plan, the various indicators are judged to be qualified. If they meet the qualified judgment number, the batch of products is judged to be qualified; otherwise, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Each roll of cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil should be affixed with a label printed with the product name, trademark, color, number of joints, roll core, grade, batch number, length and product implementation standard number.
7.1.2 The outer packaging box should indicate the product name, specification, color, grade, quantity, manufacturer and production date; the product certificate should be attached, and the product name, trademark, color, batch number, grade, inspector code, production date and implementation standard number should be indicated on the certificate. 2 Packaging
Each roll of cold stamped holographic anti-counterfeiting foil is wrapped with air cushion film and stretched film, clamped on both sides with plywood, and then tied with plastic packing tape; the wooden pallet is sealed with stretch film around and on the top, and the product certificate is affixed to the outside. 7.3
During transportation, it should be protected from sunlight, moisture and rain, and should not be heavily pressed. It should not be mixed with chemicals and contaminated products for shipment. 7.4 Purchase and storage
The storage environment should be well ventilated, with a temperature of 20℃~30℃ and a relative humidity of 40%~60%. 5 Others
If the user has any objection to the product quality within the 3-month shelf life from the date of the product leaving the factory, it should be reported to the manufacturer in a timely manner. If the product is deformed, crushed, damp, moldy, unclean, or discolored due to improper storage and transportation management, the user shall be responsible. 8
A.1 Structure of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Structural description of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil
The structure of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil is shown in Figure A.1. Yancai
Quick-energy cold layer
Reflective layer
Figure A.1 Schematic diagram of the structure of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil A.2 Description of each layer of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil
A.2.1 Substrate
As the carrier of other layers of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil, it plays a role in resisting stretching and organic solvents during hot stamping. A.2.2
Functional coating
is the core layer of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil, which determines the main properties of cold stamping holographic anti-counterfeiting foil, such as color, brightness, ink adhesion, peeling, high temperature resistance, and wear resistance.
3Reflective layer
Increases the reflection efficiency of the functional coating.
Protective layer
Protects the reflective layer to prevent oxidation and scratching of the reflective layer.
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