HG/T 2450-1999 Determination of apparent hardness of rubber rollers Rubber international hardness tester method HG/T2450-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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Registration No.: 4068-1999 HG/T2450--1999 This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO7267-1:1997 "Determination of apparent hardness of rubber rollers Part 1: Rubber International Hardness Tester Method". This standard is a revision of the chemical industry standard HG/T2450-1993 "Determination of apparent hardness of rubber rollers·Rubber International Hardness Tester Method". In addition to adding the ISO foreword; Chapter 2 "Reference Standards" in the standard has been modified, and the measurement method for rubber rollers with a radius of less than 4mm has been added. This standard will replace HG/T2450--1993 from the date of implementation. This standard was proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Rubber Sundries Branch of the National Rubber Standardization Committee. The main drafting unit of this standard: Beijing Rubber Products Design and Research Institute. The participating drafting unit of this standard: Shanghai Printing Equipment Manufacturing Plant Xiaoshan Branch. The main drafters of this standard are Gao Qian, Zeng Meng and Sun Jinqian. 303 HG/T2450—1999 ISO before ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of formulating international standards is usually carried out by ISO technical committees. Any member body interested in the project of an established technical committee has the right to participate in the committee. Governmental and non-governmental international organizations in contact with ISO may also participate in this work. ISO works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in all aspects of electrotechnical standardization. Draft international standards adopted by the technical committee are sent to member bodies for voting. When published as an international standard, at least 75% of the voting member bodies are required to vote in favor. International standard ISO7267-1. Developed by ISO/TC45 Rubber and Rubber Products Technical Committee and SC2 Physical and Degradation Test Branch. This is the second edition of the standard. It modifies Chapter 2 of the first edition (ISO7267-1:1986) and adds the measurement method for rubber rollers with a radius less than 4 mm. ISO7267 "Determination of apparent hardness of rubber rollers" includes the following parts: Part 1 IRHD method Part 2 Shore hardness tester method Part 3 Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Determination of apparent hardness of rubber rollers Rubber International Hardness Tester Method Rubber-covered rollers-Determination of apparent hardness : IRHD methodHG/T2450-—1999 idt ISO 7267-1 : 1997 Replaces HG/T2450--1993 The hardness of rubber rollers is an important indicator that affects their use function and is usually measured on finished rollers. The hardness of rubber rollers depends on the measurement method, rubber material, diameter, and coating thickness. In the case of very thin coating, it also depends on the core characteristics of the roller. This standard adopts the term "apparent hardness" to distinguish the hardness measured on the standard specimen. Since the specifications, structures and uses of rubber rollers are very different, and the measurement methods used for identification and process control of rubber roller hardness are also different, it is not enough to specify only one method standard. For this reason, three independent methods are specified: Rubber International Hardness Tester Method (IRHD), Shore Hardness Tester Method, and Zhao (PJ) Hardness Tester Method. This standard specifies the Rubber International Hardness Tester Method. 1 This standard specifies the test conditions, instruments and test steps for measuring the apparent hardness of rubber rollers using the Rubber International Hardness Tester. This standard applies to the apparent hardness test of rubber (including thermoplastic elastomer) rollers, expressed as the rubber international hardness (IRHD) value. Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T2941-1991, Standard temperature, humidity and time for environmental conditioning and testing of rubber specimens (egvISO471:1983) GB/T6031-1999 Determination of hardness of vulcanized rubber or thermoplastic rubber (10~100IRHD) HG/T30771999 Rubber and plastic hardness requirements 3 Sample parking time After being made or finely ground, the sample parking time shall not be less than 16h; as an arbitration determination, the parking time shall not be less than 72h. 4 Test temperature and adjustment The test should be carried out at the standard test room temperature, which is specified as (23±2)°C according to GB/T2941. In order to balance the sample with the test environment temperature, the sample should be stored in the test environment for a sufficient time. When temperature equilibrium cannot be achieved (see Note 1), the storage time and conditions should be specified in the product technical conditions. For comparison, the same temperature should be used throughout the entire process of each or each group of tests. Note 1: For large metal core rubber rollers, the storage environment may not be The method reaches the temperature balance with the measurement. 5 Instruments The instruments and their principles used in this standard are basically the same as those described in GB/T6031. The only difference is that the instrument is equipped with a base specially used for measuring the apparent hardness of rubber rollers and similar curved surfaces. Approved by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry on August 12, 1999 and implemented on October 1, 2000. 5.1 Rubber rollers with a radius greater than 50 mm are measured with the following methods: HG/T2450--1999. GB/ The instrument specified in T6031 and the apparent hardness of the curved surface is measured according to the apparent hardness measurement method: CN (conventional hardness), CH (high hardness) or CI (low hardness). Www.bzxZ.net The instrument is equipped with a base, which is located below the pressure rod of the instrument. There is a round hole on the base. When measuring, the pressure foot can be moved through the hole on the base to measure the hardness. The lower surface of the base is two parallel cylinders. The diameter of the cylinders and their spacing should be suitable for placing and supporting the instrument on the curved surface to be measured (see Figure 1). Alternatively, a movable support can be installed under the base. 5.2 For rubber rollers with a radius greater than 4 mm and less than 50 mm, the instrument specified in GB/T6031 shall be used to determine the apparent hardness according to the conventional hardness, high hardness or low hardness measurement method. If the rubber roller is too small to support the instrument, the instrument shall be equipped with a metal fixture or a V-block to support the roller neck to ensure that the indenter is perpendicular to the roller axis (see Figure 2). Note 2: Wax can be applied when supporting small rubber rollers. Figure 1 Large radius surface measurement (R>50 mm) 5.3 For rubber rollers with a radius less than 4 mm Figure 2 Fixture for small radius surface measurement (4 mm≤R≤50 mm) Use the instrument specified in GB/T6031 and determine the apparent hardness according to the micro test method. Support the rubber roller with a fixture or a V-block to ensure that the indenter is perpendicular to the roller axis. Apply wax to the rubber roller to place it firmly on the fixture. If the radius of the rubber roller is less than 0.8mm, it cannot be measured. 6 Test steps Place the rubber roller to be tested firmly, so that its main axis is horizontal and the area to be tested is at the highest position. Place the hardness tester on the rubber roll and make the pressure rod perpendicular to the position to be tested. Lower the pressure foot to contact the surface of the rubber roll so that the pressure rod and the pressure ball act on the rubber roller with contact force. If the scale of the head is divided by the international hardness of rubber (IRHD), adjust the pointer to 100 after 5s and apply the main pressure. After holding for 30s, the reading is the IRHD hardness value. If the scale of the head is divided by length units, apply the main pressure after 5s, hold for 30s and record the indentation depth D (expressed in 102mm), then convert the D value into the international hardness of rubber according to the provisions of GB/T6031. During the loading, tap the instrument gently to overcome friction. Take three points in the area of the surface to be tested to measure the hardness, and the distance between the points should be no less than 6mm. Note 3: The average hardness of the coating rubber and the hardness difference of the same root can be measured according to the relevant provisions of HG/T3077. Result expression Record the three measurement values accurately to the integer, and take the median value to represent the measurement result. 8 Test report The test report shall include the following contents: Based on this standard; Complete description of the specimen; Test storage time and temperature; Apparent hardness expressed in rubber international hardness; Test date. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.