This standard specifies the terms and definitions, fruit picking requirements, processing methods, process requirements, packaging, labeling, storage and transportation in the primary processing of coffee. This standard applies to the primary processing of small-grain coffee. NY/T 606-2002 Technical Specification for Primary Processing of Small-grain Coffee NY/T606-2002 Standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
ns 67.1420 Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China NY/T 606 2002 Technical rules for primary processing of arahica coffee Technical rules for primary processing of arahica coffee2002- 11 - 05 Issued Implementation of 200212-20 Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China This standard is proposed by the Agricultural Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee for Standardization of Tropical Crops and Products of the Ministry of Agriculture.NY/T 606—2D2 This standard was drafted by the Yunnan Tropical Crops Society, and participated in by the South China Tropical Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are: Zhou Shi, Chen Chenghai, Li Jing, Fa Longhan, and Di Pu Rui 1 Scope Technical Specification for Primary Processing of Small Grain Coffee YT606—2002 This standard defines the terms and definitions, requirements for processing, processing methods, process requirements, packaging, transportation, etc. This standard is used for the primary processing of small grain coffee. 2 Normative References The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through the application of this standard. Note: All references to dated documents are not subject to this standard. However, all parties involved in the preparation of research in accordance with this standard are encouraged to use the latest version of this document. For any undated reference, the latest version applies. NY/604 Raw Coffee B1X0 Coffee and its products terminology (C3509:1985) 3 Definitions of terms B/1%00 The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1wwW.bzxz.Net Pulpig Removal of the exocarp and as much of the mesocarp as possible by a general process during wet processing. 3.2 Drying Drying The coffee beans are dried by the heat generated by the sun and radiation to reach the standard water content. 3.3 Sniffing Remove the imperfections and impurities in the coffee beans by manual or mechanical methods. 4 Fruit Harvesting 4.1 Fruit picking The color of the non-coffee fruit turns red. The black fruit should be picked in batches. 4.2 Fruit picking period Small and brown fruit are generally picked in batches from January to February of the following year. During this period, the fruit should be picked as soon as it accumulates. In the last picking, all the unripe and immature fruits should be picked. 4.3 Fruit picking method Only red and ripe fruits are picked, and the fruit stalks cannot be picked together. Be careful not to break the branches. 5 Processing method There are two methods for processing fresh coffee fruits, namely ordinary wet processing and mechanical processing. With the development of technology and the expansion of processing scale, ordinary processing technology has been replaced by mechanical processing. 5.1 Wet processing NY/T 606—2002 5.1.7 Processing equipment Peeling machine, cleaning machine, stone removing shelling machine, polishing machine, external grader, coloring machine, weighing machine, chain molding machine and its supporting equipment, 5.1.2 Processing facilities bean fermentation pool, bean washing pool (mold), soaking pool, water (skin) treatment pool, processing workshop, sun drying yard, warehouse, etc.: 5.1.3 Processing process flow The processing process flow is shown in Figure 1 Fresh picking→cleaning and selection→peeling and fermentation Figure 1 General wet processing process 5.1.4 Processing technology requirements Peeling Peeling requires sufficient flowing disinfectant water and good peeling machine. The peeling rate of peeled southern beans is 95%, and the loss rate should be 4. The picked coffee berries are generally required to be processed on the same day. The fresh berries that can be processed should be soaked in water to keep fresh. 5. 1.4-2 Fermentation Put the dehulled coffee beans in a fermentation tank with a small amount of water for fermentation: The fermentation can be completed after 2 hours. If the temperature is low, the fermentation time needs to be appropriately extended. The fermentation is completed when the hand feels that the beans are firm. Washing After the coffee beans have been fermented, wash the beans in the bean washing tank (plant) and wash the pectin algae on the surface of the beans with clean water. 5. 7.4.4 Soak After washing, soak the coffee beans in a water bath for 21~24 hours, and then dry them once or twice. Drying After washing and drying, drain the beans and place them on a drying screen. At the beginning, the beans should be placed on a drying screen at a height of 5 meters to make the beans lose moisture quickly. After 4 to 3 days, the moisture in the beans will evaporate slowly. Dry the beans in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes to avoid the shell from cracking. Shelling After drying, use a shelling machine to shell the coffee beans. The shelling machine should be used to reduce the crushing as much as possible. 4.7 Polishing Use a batch filling machine to remove the seed coat (silver skin) and impurities: Grading Lightly polished coffee beans are graded by particle size and density to separate different grades of coffee. Sorting Remove defective beans and impurities manually or by machine: 5.2 Mechanical wet processing 5.2.1 Processing equipment Please clean the separator! The peeling and degumming combined machine should be turned to the bleaching machine. Grading and combining machine, polishing machine, diameter grading (selection! Machine, ear force sorting and picking, aging machine, pressure-free sorting machine, pith loading machine and other supporting equipment. 5.2.2 Processing equipment Two water tanks, water holding pipelines, transfer site for wet beans with shells, processing workshops, warehouses, etc. 5.2.3 Processing process flow The process flow is shown in Figure 2. NY/T6062002 Please select the fresh fruit degumming machine that should be cleaned by ten operators! →Removing impurities→peeling→polishing→grain grading and color separation Figure 2 Processing process of mechanical combustion method 5.2.4 Processing process The mechanical wet supply primary processing of coffee is divided into three main stages: wet separation, drying and shelling and sorting. 5. 2. 4. 1 Processing The fresh fruit washing stage includes three processes of fresh fruit washing, dehulling and degumming as shown in Figure 2. The fresh coffee fruit is washed with a washing machine and the sand, stones, leaves and other impurities are separated by a green fruit separator. The unripe fruit is separated by a peeling machine; the peeling is carried out with a degumming machine, or a peeling and degumming machine is used to peel and degumming simultaneously. The light diffused method coffee product is obtained from it. Drying stage: the shelled coffee beans are mainly refined by rotary mill to reduce the moisture content from 45% to 10.0%~11.5%. The temperature is controlled at 0 within 2 hours, and then the time is controlled at 390h-351h for 60.1h. The hot air input rate is 349kW/h~407kw/h per ton of fully moist coffee beans. Shelling and sorting This stage also includes the cleaning, impurity removal, shelling, polishing, particle size classification, quality sorting, color sorting and other processes shown in Figure 2. Use stone removing and degrading combined machine, shelling and polishing machine, material size sorting (selecting) machine, power take-off sorting machine, black seed color quality sorting machine and other equipment to clean, remove impurities, move, grade, divide, pack, mark, store and transport according to NY/T601. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.