title>SY/T 10010-1996 Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems on Offshore Production Platforms - SY/T 10010-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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SY/T 10010-1996 Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems on Offshore Production Platforms

Basic Information

Standard ID: SY/T 10010-1996

Standard Name: Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems on Offshore Production Platforms

Chinese Name: 海上生产平台电气系统的设计与安装的推荐作法

Standard category:Oil and gas industry standards (SY)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-08-12

Date of Implementation:1997-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Petroleum and related technologies>>Equipment for the oil and gas industry>>75.180.10 Exploration and drilling equipment

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, and Broadcasting Engineering>>P71 Petroleum Engineering

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Procurement status:API RP 14F-1991 IDT

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SY/T 10010-1996 Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Offshore Production PlatformsSY/T10010-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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China Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Standards
Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Offshore Production Platforms
Recammended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Offshore Production Platforms1996-08-12 Issued
China National Offshore Oil Corporation
1997-01-01 Implementation
Abbreviations and Definitions
Symbols and Wiring Diagrams·
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2
Applicability of National Electrical Codes
Industry Codes, Criteria and Standards
Government Codes, Rules and Regulations
Electrical Equipment for Classified Areas
High overflow devices·
Explosion-proof equipment·
Hermetic sealing devices·
Intrinsically safe systems
Non-incendive equipment
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Pressurized gas-filled enclosures
-General purpose equipment·
Power stations
Prime movers
Considerations for complete equipment||tt ||Distribution System
Choice of Voltage Class
Choice of Conductors…
Wiring Methods in Classified Areas
Wiring Methods in Nonclassified Areas
4.5 Wiring Methods for Drilling and Repair Equipment
A.7-Strand Wiring Considerations…
4.8 Conduit and Cable Seals and Sealing Methods 4..Protection of Circuits…
4.10 Grounding
Chapter 5
Electrical Equipment Selection of enclosure
Electric motor
Heating and moisture-proofing of electric motor.
Control of electric motor
Chapter 6
.- (34)
6.4 Connection.
6.5 Protection and expansion.
Chapter 7 Lighting
7.1 Overview
7.2 Illumination·
7.3 Selection and installation of lamps….
7.4 Backup lighting-
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Current power supply system
Special applications…
Battery bank
Battery charger
Special systems
Platform electrical safety control system
Gas detection system
Flame detection system
Auxiliary navigation equipment
Communication equipment
Heating system System…
Fire pumps
Static power converters·
Submarine cables
Special considerations·
Chapter 1
Construction methods
Electronic instruments
Electrical tools
Electrical appliances
Extension of power lines
Compartments for electrical equipment
Measures for blocking and prohibition signs
System inspection
Generators and motors
Meters and control circuits only
++* (52)
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In order to adapt to the development of offshore oil and gas resources in my country, our company adopts the American Petroleum Institute's "Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Offshore Production Platforms (1991, 3rd Edition), printed as the Chinese offshore natural gas industry standard.
If there is any objection to the translation, the original text of the adopted standard shall prevail. In the design, construction and use of offshore oil and natural gas projects, when laws, regulations and provisions of the government or other competent authorities of the country where the original standard is located are involved, they shall be implemented in accordance with the corresponding laws, regulations and provisions promulgated by the government of the People's Republic of China or the competent government departments. The data or quantitative calculation methods of environmental conditions such as wind, waves, currents, ice, temperature, and geothermal in the original standard can be used as a reference if they are in line with my country's actual conditions. Otherwise, the data and calculation methods that meet my country's actual environmental conditions should be used. Regarding the measurement units, the metric unit is used first, and the corresponding values ​​of the imperial unit are marked in brackets afterwards. In order not to change the formulas, curve shape characteristics, constants and coefficients in the original standard, and the original use of imperial units, the imperial units are still used. This standard is proposed by the Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Industry Standardization Technical Committee of China National Offshore Oil Corporation. This standard is organized and compiled by the Secretariat of the original Standardization Committee (Standards Office of Offshore Engineering Design Company). This Recommended Practice is under the jurisdiction of the Offshore Safety and Pollution Prevention Equipment Standardization Committee (OSAPF) of the American Petroleum Institute and was developed under the guidance of the American Petroleum Institute (API), the Offshore Operators Council (OOC) and the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA). The information contained in this Recommended Practice is intended for use by engineers who have some experience in electrical systems and production operations. Some of this information may be useful to experienced electrical maintenance and operation personnel: This information is intended to explain the important features of offshore electrical systems and introduce generally accepted electrical design and installation practices that have shown safe, reliable, effective and easy to maintain operations in the offshore oil industry. Nothing in this Recommended Practice should be regarded as a fixed regulation without the consideration of sound engineering judgment, nor is it intended to replace or override any applicable federal, state or local regulations. c. This standard is effective as of the date printed on the cover, but may be adopted as of the date of distribution. The user is cautioned that portions of this publication have been modified from previous editions, as indicated by bold black lines in the margins of the modified sections. Some of the modifications are substantial, while others are editorial adjustments, as indicated to the left of the paragraph. The bold black lines in the margins are intended to help the user identify portions of this publication that have been modified from previous editions, but API does not guarantee the accuracy of these bold black lines. Note: This is the third edition of this recommended practice. Any request to reprint or translate all or any part of this publication should be addressed to the Director, Development, American Petroleum Institute (API), 1201 Main Street, Suite 2535, Dallas TX 752023904. For example:
Policy Statement
API publications are only for general issues. When it comes to specific issues, you should refer to local, state and federal laws and regulations. API does not undertake any obligation for APIs, manufacturers or suppliers to warn their employees and other personnel on site about health and safety risks and preventive measures, or to carry out local training or equipment obligations, nor does it assume any responsibility for their local, state or federal laws. The content contained in any API publication shall not be interpreted as an authorization to manufacture, sell or use any patented technology, equipment or product by implication or otherwise, nor shall it protect any infringing patents. Generally, API standards are reviewed at least once every five years for revision, re-identification or revocation, and sometimes,This review period may be extended once, up to two years, as the current AP1 standard. This publication shall be valid for no more than five years from the date of publication, unless an extension of validity is authorized when it is reprinted. The description of this publication may be obtained from the API Editorial Office (Tel. 211--74R-3841). API (1220LST, NW.WASHI-INGTON, I).C. 20095) publishes a journal of publications and materials, updated quarterly. The American Petroleum Institute (API) recommends practices for the purpose of "facilitating the widespread promotion of proven good engineering practices." These recommended practices are not intended to obviate the need for proper judgment in the areas where these recommended practices should be applied. The development and publication of API recommended practices are not intended to prohibit anyone from adopting other practices. Any recommended practice is available for use by anyone who wishes to adopt it, and API has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained therein. However, the Institute makes no representations about the practices published, and does not warrant or guarantee any loss or damage resulting from the use of these recommended practices, any violation of any federal, state, or municipal regulations that may result from the use of API recommended practices, or any infringement of patents resulting from the use of API recommended practices. API expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility. China Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Standard
Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Offshore Production Platforms
Platforms Abbreviations and Definitions
American Ship Inspection Agency
National Standards Institute
American Petroleum Institute
American Wire Gauge
Canadian Standards Association
Manufacturer's Research Exchange Association
Ground Fault Circulator
Hertz (cycle/second)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Lighting Engineering Society
Instrument Society of America||t t||KVA
Mineral Management Agency, U.S. Department of the Interior
National Association of Fire Engineers
National Electrical Code
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
National Fire Protection Association
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory
Totally Enclosed Fan Cooling
Totally Enclosed No Ventilation
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
U.S. Coast Guard
SY/T 10010—1996
idt API RP 14F: 1991
A mandatory rule accepted by the relevant authorities (electrical equipment approved by UL, FM or CSA is usually connectable). Approved by China National Offshore Oil Corporation on August 12, 1996 and implemented on January 1, 1997
An absorbent device. This device can generate enough energy to ignite a certain flammable mixture during normal operation. The circuit inside it does not need to be intrinsically safe. However, this circuit affects the energy in the intrinsically safe circuit, and the maintenance of the intrinsically safe enterprise depends on this circuit. See NEC Article 504--4 for details: Bus duct A grounded metal enclosure with visible conductors or insulated conductors inside. The conductors are usually copper or aluminum bus bars, rods or tubes (see NF Article 64).
Impermeable sheath cable is a cable with a highly permeable metal or non-metallic full sheath that prevents various gases, moisture and vapor from entering the insulated wire or cable.
Sheathed cable is a cable with a metal protective sheath. Marine cable is the same as ship cable, used at sea,
MC cable is a metal armored cable, specified by NEC Article 334 MI cable is a mineral insulated metal sheathed relay, specified by NEC Article 330. MV cable is a medium voltage single-phase or multi-phase solid dielectric insulated conductor or cable, rated voltage 2001V or above, specified by NEC Article 326.
Marine ship cable is an impermeable sheathed armored or non-armored cable, and its structure complies with the 15th standard of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Unless the impermeable sheath outside the armor structure is required, it is certified as "marine ship cable" by a non-Hshan Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (RT).
SNM cable is a shielded cable with a non-metallic sheath, which is specified in Article 337 of the NEC. TC cable tray is a cable for power and control that is specified in Article 34D of the NEC. The cable bus is an assembly of approved insulated conductors and accessories and conductor terminations installed in a closed and ventilated metal protection.
Region classification
Class I location "Class I location refers to Where flammable gases or vapors are present or may be present in sufficient concentrations in the atmosphere to produce flammable, explosive or combustible mixtures (see NEC). "Class 1" locations are: (1) Locations where flammable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors are present (continuously, intermittently or periodically) under normal working conditions; or (2) Locations where flammable concentrations of such gases or vapors may exist frequently due to repair or maintenance work or due to leaks; or (3) Locations where flammable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors may be released due to interruption or misoperation of equipment or processes, and which may also cause malfunction of other equipment (NEC and AP1RP5001B). Class 2 places Class 2 places are: (1) places where volatile flammable liquids or flammable gases are stored, processed or used; however, the hazardous liquids, vapors or gases in such places are normally confined in closed containers or sealing systems. They will only escape in the event of an accidental rupture or damage to such containment system or in the event of abnormal operation of the equipment; or (2) places where closed ducts are used to prevent the formation of dangerous concentrations of flammable gases or vapors under normal circumstances, and they will only become dangerous when the ventilation equipment fails or does not operate normally; or (3) places adjacent to Class 1 places where dangerous concentrations of such flammable gases or vapors will only be spread accidentally. However, they are properly ventilated with positive pressure ventilation from a clean air source. Except where such spread is prevented and there are effective safety devices to prevent ventilation device failure (see NEC and APIRF500B).
Group C air containing or likely to contain sulfide atmosphere (H, S) or other substances specified in VFPA497M, Group D air containing or likely to contain natural gas, hydrocarbons or other substances specified in NFPA497M, non-classified places Non-classified places are not classified as Class 1 or Class 2 places. Control drawings are drawings and other documents provided by the manufacturer of intrinsically safe or associated devices, detailing the permitted interconnections between intrinsically safe and associated devices. Copper-free or low-lead aluminum alloy with a copper content less than 0.4※: 2
SY/T 10010-1$96
The gas-filled enclosure outside the device is used to prevent personnel from accidentally contacting live parts and (or to protect the equipment from mechanical damage and environmental influences. In addition, some enclosures are used to prevent electrical equipment from becoming a source of ignition of flammable materials outside the casing. Closed and tightly padded lighting fixtures are designed to prevent the invasion of natural gas and vapor (formerly known as "gas traps"). The housing of this type of lighting fixture cannot absolutely prevent the invasion of natural gas and vapor because the lamp will "puff" when heated and cooled. "Explosion limits" - The explosion limits of a combustible gas or fume refer to the lower and upper limits of the concentration ratio of the gas when it is mixed with the combustible gas-air to form a combustible mixture (see tl. S Breau of Mines Bulletin 627 Notice No. & Flammable Characteristics of Combustible Gases and Steam>. )
Explosion-proof enclosure This enclosure can withstand the explosion of natural gas or steam inside it and can prevent the ignition of explosive gas or steam that may be around the enclosure, and during operation, the external temperature of the enclosure will not cause the explosive gas or steam inside to ignite (see 2.3) Flammable gas or steam can be easily ignited, burn violently or the flame will spread rapidly. The airtight sealing device can prevent the dangerous or corrosive natural gas or steam from contacting the arc or high-temperature parts inside it. [See 2.4]
High-temperature device refers to a device whose maximum operating temperature exceeds 80% of the ignition temperature of the surrounding natural gas or steam (C) (see 2.2) Combustible mixture (flammable) A mixture of combustible gas and air that can be ignited by open flames, electric arcs, sparks or high temperatures. The explosion limit is "ttt" ignition temperature (self-ignition) The ignition temperature is the minimum temperature required to ignite a combustible mixture. Intrinsically safe devices are devices in which all circuits are intrinsically safe. Intrinsically safe circuits refer to devices in which any electric sparks or thermal effects appearing in the circuit will not ignite the mixture of flammable or combustible substances in the word under test conditions. The test conditions are in accordance with ANST/UIL913-1983. Intrinsically safe system An assembly of interconnected intrinsically safe devices, associated devices and interconnecting cables. Those in the system that can be used in hazardous areas (Classification) The components in the area are intrinsically safe circuits, and an intrinsically safe system can contain more than one intrinsically safe circuit. Personnel on manned platforms stay on them for more than 12 hours a day. NEMA enclosure refers to an electrical enclosure manufactured in accordance with NEMA standards (see Table 1.11). Non-incendive equipment will not cause electrical equipment to explode in a particularly hazardous atmosphere at the most explosive concentration under normal working conditions (see 2.6).
Oil-immersed equipment Equipment immersed in electrical insulating oil to prevent flammable or corrosive gases or vapors from directly contacting the equipment or to generate arcs for circuit breakers with low alkali content. Oil resistance, according to ANSI/C3380 (1IL standard 8 3), & Thermoplastic insulated wire safety standards are not specified, and have the ability to withstand exposure to oil.
Encapsulation is to seal electrical components with epoxy resin, synthetic rubber, silicone resin, asphalt or similar compounds to isolate moisture and gas. The installed parts do not need to be airtight. Pressurized gas-filled enclosure The enclosure is supplied with clean air or inert gas at a positive pressure of sufficient flow to reduce the concentration of any flammable gas or vapor originally present to an acceptable safety level, and maintain this safety level with a positive pressure formed by continuous or non-continuous airflow. (See 2.7)
Cable seal-a cable terminal filled with a compound that can suppress the explosion inside the enclosure opposite to it Connectors, conduit seals can also be used as cable seals.
Isolated pipe seal A seal filled with a cement-like potting compound that is designed to cause or suppress explosions inside the enclosure to which it is connected. (See 4.8)
Factory seal A factory seal is a seal that is provided when an explosion-proof device is manufactured, and is intended to omit a "conduit seal" that is external to the device and installed on site.
Gas-tight seal See "gas-tight device".
Environmental seal A seal that protects an O-ring, ring resin, molded rubber, silicone compound or potting compound from corrosion caused by direct moisture or fumes.
Oil seal See "oil-immersed equipment".
Light resistance A seal that has the ability to withstand direct sunlight exposure as specified in UL Standard 62, Safety Standard for Flexible Cords and Appliance Wires. For non-classified areas, see "Area Classification".
Gas-filled lighting fixtures See "Enclosed and gasketed lighting fixtures" Adequate ventilation means ventilation (natural or artificial) sufficient to prevent significant accumulation of vapor-air mixtures so that their concentration does not exceed 25% of their lower flammable (explosive) limit, 1.FL lower flammable limit LEL lower explosion limit), please also refer to 4.6b of AP1RP500B Inadequate ventilation means insufficient ventilation. Refer to 4.Gd of AFI RP 50013. Limited ventilation Ventilation (natural or artificial) is sufficient to reasonably ensure that the effective concentration of vapor-air mixtures does not exceed 25% of their lower flammable (explosive) limit. Since hydrocarbon emissions are relatively small or of short duration, they will not accumulate to the lower flammable limit (LEL lower explosion limit) within a significant period of time, refer to 4.6c and 6.1c of AP1RP500B. Symbols and wiring diagrams
Figure 1 lists the symbols commonly used in marine engineering electrical drawings. Most of these symbols are extracted from ANS1/1FEF:315 standard. If you need a more detailed graphic symbol table, you should refer to the above standard. 4
Electrical symbols
Circuit breakers:
Electrical devices:
Air or "general
Oil or other types of
Circuit breakers with load-bearing capacity
All circuit breakers with thermal overload protection
Throw-out type circuit breakers
Energy limiting device:
Point assembly
Adjustable key contacts
Active closing point
SY/T 10010 1996
Figure 1
Contact assembly (continued)
Normal contact
Open contact with delayed closing characteristic
Normal contact with delayed opening characteristic
Normal contact with delayed opening characteristic
Normal melting point with delayed closing characteristic
Thermal element:
Condensation coil
Lead set:
Indicator light:
This is not a part of the specification. Fill in one of the following in The color in or near the symbol indicates the conversion machine: English: Light yellow: Orange yellow: Milky white: Generator, sensitive: Electric. General: Resistor: General: Adjustable: Variable: Regulator: Controllable (SCR): Zener diode: Surge suppressor: Relay: Working line, general: Power-on delay: Power-off delay: SY/T 10010-- 1996
Figure 1 (continued)
Electromechanical operating mechanism
(electric ignition coil)
Combination starter has,
Ejector type disconnector:
Circuit breaker:
Single contactor
Thermal overload relay:
Note: Fuse can replace circuit breakerwwW.bzxz.Net
Combination starter commercial limit switch:
Single throw, generally
Double throw, generally
Need to be upgraded, it has time-delay closing characteristic
Normally closed, it has time-delay opening characteristic
Switch (continued):
Normally open switch, has Delayed disconnection feature
normally closed switch, with delayed closing feature
liquid level and closed, normally closed, open when liquid rises
liquid level switch, normally closed, closed when liquid level rises
pressure switch, normally closed, repulsive disconnection
pressure switch, normally open + pressure rise
temperature switch, normally closed, disconnect when temperature rises
temperature switch + belt, temperature open
closed when
conversion open
limit switch normally open
limit switch, belt open + closed state
limit well, normally closed
limit busy switch, normally closed, state disconnection& Thermoplastic insulated wires are not specified in the safety standard and have the ability to withstand exposure to oil.
Encapsulation is the sealing of electrical components with epoxy resin, elastomer, silicone, asphalt or similar compounds to isolate moisture and gas. The parts installed in the village do not need to be gas-tight. Pressurized gas-filled enclosure The enclosure is supplied with clean air or inert gas at a positive pressure with sufficient flow to reduce the concentration of any flammable gas or vapor originally present to an acceptable safe level, and this safe level is maintained by the positive pressure formed by continuous or non-continuous air flow (see 2.7)
Cable seal - a cable terminal connector filled with a compound that can suppress the explosion inside the enclosure to which it is connected. Conduit seals can also be used as cable seals.
Isotube seal A seal filled with an encapsulating compound similar to pyrotechnic cement, which can be designed to suppress the explosion inside the enclosure to which it is connected. (See 4.8)
Factory seal Factory seal is a seal that is present when the explosion-proof device is manufactured. Its purpose is to omit the "narrow guide seal" installed on the outside of the device and on site.
Airtight seal See "airtight seal device".
Environmental radiation is a seal that protects O-rings, ring resins, molded rubbers, silicone compounds or potting compounds from corrosion caused by positive moisture or fumes.
Oil seals, see "Oil-immersed equipment".
Light resistance, according to UL 62, safety standard for flexible cords and electrical wires, has the ability to withstand direct sunlight exposure. For non-classified areas, see "Area classification".
Gas-filled lighting fixtures, see "Enclosed and gasketed lighting fixtures". Adequate ventilation means ventilation (natural or artificial) sufficient to prevent significant accumulation of vapor-air mixtures so that their concentration does not exceed 25% of their lower flammable (explosive) limit (FL lower flammable limit LEL lower explosion limit). Please also refer to 4.6b of AP1RP500B. Inadequate ventilation means insufficient ventilation. Refer to 4.6b of AFI RP 50013. Gd. Limited ventilation Ventilation (natural or manned) is sufficient to reasonably ensure that the effective concentration of the vapor-air mixture does not exceed 25% of its lower flammable (explosive) limit. The emission of hydrocarbons is relatively small or short-lived, and it will not accumulate to the lower flammable limit (LEL lower explosion limit) within a noticeable period of time. Refer to 4.6c and 6.1c in AP1RP500B. Symbols and wiring diagrams
Figure 1 lists the symbols commonly used on marine engineering electrical drawings. Most of these symbols are quoted from ANS1/1FEF:315 standard. If more is needed, For detailed graphic symbol tables, please refer to the above standards. 4 Electrical symbols Circuit breaker: Circuit breaker: - General air or general oil or other types of circuit breakers with load-bearing capacity and thermal overload protection Throw-out type circuit breaker Energy limiting device: General contact assembly Adjustable moving contact Active closing point SY/T 10010 1996
Figure 1
Contact assembly (continued)
Normally parallel contact
Open melting point with delayed closing characteristic
Normally open contact with only delayed breaking characteristic
Normally open contact with only delayed breaking characteristic
Normally melting point with delayed closing characteristic
Thermal element:
Condensation coil
Lead set:
Indicator light:
It is not the part of the standard. Fill in one of the following letters in or near the symbol to indicate the color: English: Light yellow: Orange yellow: Milky white: Generator, sensitive: Electric. General: Resistor: General: Adjustable: Variable: Regulator: Controllable (SCR): Zener diode: Surge suppressor: Relay: Working line, general: Power-on delay: Power-off delay: SY/T 10010-- 1996
Figure 1 (continued)
Electromechanical operating mechanism
(electric ignition coil)
Combination starter has,
Ejector type disconnector:
Circuit breaker:
Single contactor
Thermal overload relay:
Note: Fuse can replace circuit breaker
Combination starter commercial limit switch:
Single throw, generally
Double throw, generally
Need to be upgraded, it has time-delay closing characteristic
Normally closed, it has time-delay opening characteristic
Switch (continued):
Normally open switch, has Delayed disconnection feature
normally closed switch, with delayed closing feature
liquid level and closed, normally closed, open when liquid rises
liquid level switch, normally closed, closed when liquid level rises
pressure switch, normally closed, repulsive disconnection
pressure switch, normally open + pressure rise
temperature switch, normally closed, disconnect when temperature rises
temperature switch + belt, temperature open
closed when
conversion open
limit switch normally open
limit switch, belt open + closed state
limit well, normally closed
limit busy switch, normally closed, state disconnection& Thermoplastic insulated wires are not specified in the safety standard and have the ability to withstand exposure to oil.
Encapsulation is the sealing of electrical components with epoxy resin, elastomer, silicone, asphalt or similar compounds to isolate moisture and gas. The parts installed in the village do not need to be gas-tight. Pressurized gas-filled enclosure The enclosure is supplied with clean air or inert gas at a positive pressure with sufficient flow to reduce the concentration of any flammable gas or vapor originally present to an acceptable safe level, and this safe level is maintained by the positive pressure formed by continuous or non-continuous air flow (see 2.7)
Cable seal - a cable terminal connector filled with a compound that can suppress the explosion inside the enclosure to which it is connected. Conduit seals can also be used as cable seals.
Isotube seal A seal filled with an encapsulating compound similar to pyrotechnic cement, which can be designed to suppress the explosion inside the enclosure to which it is connected. (See 4.8)
Factory seal Factory seal is a seal that is present when the explosion-proof device is manufactured. Its purpose is to omit the "narrow guide seal" installed on the outside of the device and on site.
Airtight seal See "airtight seal device".
Environmental radiation is a seal that protects O-rings, ring resins, molded rubbers, silicone compounds or potting compounds from corrosion caused by positive moisture or fumes.
Oil seals, see "Oil-immersed equipment".
Light resistance, according to UL 62, safety standard for flexible cords and electrical wires, has the ability to withstand direct sunlight exposure. For non-classified areas, see "Area classification".
Gas-filled lighting fixtures, see "Enclosed and gasketed lighting fixtures". Adequate ventilation means ventilation (natural or artificial) sufficient to prevent significant accumulation of vapor-air mixtures so that their concentration does not exceed 25% of their lower flammable (explosive) limit (FL lower flammable limit LEL lower explosion limit). Please also refer to 4.6b of AP1RP500B. Inadequate ventilation means insufficient ventilation. Refer to 4.6b of AFI RP 50013. Gd. Limited ventilation Ventilation (natural or manned) is sufficient to reasonably ensure that the effective concentration of the vapor-air mixture does not exceed 25% of its lower flammable (explosive) limit. The emission of hydrocarbons is relatively small or short-lived, and it will not accumulate to the lower flammable limit (LEL lower explosion limit) within a noticeable period of time. Refer to 4.6c and 6.1c in AP1RP500B. Symbols and wiring diagrams
Figure 1 lists the symbols commonly used on marine engineering electrical drawings. Most of these symbols are quoted from ANS1/1FEF:315 standard. If more is needed, For detailed graphic symbol tables, please refer to the above standards. 4 Electrical symbols Circuit breaker: Circuit breaker: - General air or general oil or other types of circuit breakers with load-bearing capacity and thermal overload protection Throw-out type circuit breaker Energy limiting device: General contact assembly Adjustable moving contact Active closing point SY/T 10010 1996
Figure 1
Contact assembly (continued)
Normally parallel contact
Open melting point with delayed closing characteristic
Normally open contact with only delayed breaking characteristic
Normally open contact with only delayed breaking characteristic
Normally melting point with delayed closing characteristic
Thermal element:
Condensation coil
Lead set:
Indicator light:
It is not the part of the standard. Fill in one of the following letters in or near the symbol to indicate the color: English: Light yellow: Orange yellow: Milky white: Generator, sensitive: Electric. General: Resistor: General: Adjustable: Variable: Regulator: Controllable (SCR): Zener diode: Surge suppressor: Relay: Working line, general: Power-on delay: Power-off delay: SY/T 10010-- 1996
Figure 1 (continued)
Electromechanical operating mechanism
(electric ignition coil)
Combination starter has,
Ejector type disconnector:
Circuit breaker:
Single contactor
Thermal overload relay:
Note: Fuse can replace circuit breaker
Combination starter commercial limit switch:
Single throw, generally
Double throw, generally
Need to be upgraded, it has time-delay closing characteristic
Normally closed, it has time-delay opening characteristic
Switch (continued):
Normally open switch, has Delayed disconnection feature
normally closed switch, with delayed closing feature
liquid level and closed, normally closed, open when liquid rises
liquid level switch, normally closed, closed when liquid level rises
pressure switch, normally closed, repulsive disconnection
pressure switch, normally open + pressure rise
temperature switch, normally closed, disconnect when temperature rises
temperature switch + belt, temperature open
closed when
conversion open
limit switch normally open
limit switch, belt open + closed state
limit well, normally closed
limit busy switch, normally closed, state disconnection315 standard. If a more detailed table of graphic symbols is required, please refer to the above standard. 4 Electrical symbols Circuit breaker: Circuit breaker: - General air or general oil or other types of circuit breakers with load-bearing capacity and thermal overload protection Throw-out type circuit breaker Energy limiting device: General contact assembly Adjustable contact Active closing point SY/T 10010 1996
Figure 1
Contact assembly (continued)
Normal contact
Open contact with delayed closing characteristic
Normal contact with delayed opening characteristic
Normal contact with delayed opening characteristic
Normal melting point with delayed closing characteristic
Thermal element:
Condensation coil
Lead set:
Indicator light:
This is not a part of the specification. Fill in one of the following in The color in or near the symbol indicates the conversion machine: English: Light yellow: Orange yellow: Milky white: Generator, sensitive: Electric. General: Resistor: General: Adjustable: Variable: Regulator: Controllable (SCR): Zener diode: Surge suppressor: Relay: Working line, general: Power-on delay: Power-off delay: SY/T 10010-- 1996
Figure 1 (continued)
Electromechanical operating mechanism
(electric ignition coil)
Combination starter has,
Ejector type disconnector:
Circuit breaker:
Single contactor
Thermal overload relay:
Note: Fuse can replace circuit breaker
Combination starter commercial limit switch:
Single throw, generally
Double throw, generally
Need to be upgraded, it has time-delay closing characteristic
Normally closed, it has time-delay opening characteristic
Switch (continued):
Normally open switch, has Delayed disconnection feature
normally closed switch, with delayed closing feature
liquid level and closed, normally closed, open when liquid rises
liquid level switch, normally closed, closed when liquid level rises
pressure switch, normally closed, repulsive disconnection
pressure switch, normally open + pressure rise
temperature switch, normally closed, disconnect when temperature rises
temperature switch + belt, temperature open
closed when
conversion open
limit switch normally open
limit switch, belt open + closed state
limit well, normally closed
limit busy switch, normally closed, state disconnection315 standard. If a more detailed table of graphic symbols is required, please refer to the above standard. 4 Electrical symbols Circuit breaker: Circuit breaker: - General air or general oil or other types of circuit breakers with load-bearing capacity and thermal overload protection Throw-out type circuit breaker Energy limiting device: General contact assembly Adjustable contact Active closing point SY/T 10010 1996
Figure 1
Contact assembly (continued)
Normal contact
Open contact with delayed closing characteristic
Normal contact with delayed opening characteristic
Normal contact with delayed opening characteristic
Normal melting point with delayed closing characteristic
Thermal element:
Condensation coil
Lead set:
Indicator light:
This is not a part of the specification. Fill in one of the following in The color in or near the symbol indicates the conversion machine: English: Light yellow: Orange yellow: Milky white: Generator, sensitive: Electric. General: Resistor: General: Adjustable: Variable: Regulator: Controllable (SCR): Zener diode: Surge suppressor: Relay: Working line, general: Power-on delay: Power-off delay: SY/T 10010-- 1996
Figure 1 (continued)
Electromechanical operating mechanism
(electric ignition coil)
Combination starter has,
Ejector type disconnector:
Circuit breaker:
Single contactor
Thermal overload relay:
Note: Fuse can replace circuit breaker
Combination starter commercial limit switch:
Single throw, generally
Double throw, generally
Need to be upgraded, it has time-delay closing characteristic
Normally closed, it has time-delay opening characteristic
Switch (continued):
Normally open switch, has Delayed disconnection feature
normally closed switch, with delayed closing feature
liquid level and closed, normally closed, open when liquid rises
liquid level switch, normally closed, closed when liquid level rises
pressure switch, normally closed, repulsive disconnection
pressure switch, normally open + pressure rise
temperature switch, normally closed, disconnect when temperature rises
temperature switch + belt, temperature open
closed when
conversion open
limit switch normally open
limit switch, belt open + closed state
limit well, normally closed
limit busy switch, normally closed, state disconnection
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