GB 4706.21-2002 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for microwave ovens
Some standard content:
ICS 97. 040. 20
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB4706.21—2002/IEC60335-2-25:1996 replaces GB4706.21-1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances-Particular reguirements for microwave ovens(IEC 60335-2-25:1996,IDT)
Promulgated on November 29, 2002
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on August 1, 2003
All technical contents of this part of GB4706 are mandatory. GB47D6.21—2002/IEC60335-2-25:1996 This part is the special safety requirements for household and similar microwave ovens, and should be used in conjunction with GB4706.1-1998 "Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 1: General requirements". This part is formed by supplementing or modifying GB4706.1. If the specific provisions in GB4706.1 are not mentioned in this part, it means that the corresponding provisions of GB4706.1 are applicable to this part. For the part written as "replaced by\" in this part, the provisions of this part shall prevail; for the part written as \"added\" in this part, it means that in addition to complying with the corresponding provisions of GB4706.1, the provisions added in this part must also be complied
This part adopts IEC60335-2-25:1996 "Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 2: Special requirements for microwave ovens ” (English version), including its amendment IEC60335-2-25—Amd1:1999-09. This part replaces GB4706.21-1996 "Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for microwave ovens". For ease of use, this part has made the following editorial changes: a) The term "Part 1\" is changed to "GB4706.1\; b) The decimal point "" in data representation replaces the comma "," used as a decimal point in the original text of IEC60335-2-25:1996. This part is inconsistent with GB4706.21-1996 "Household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for microwave ovens". The main changes compared with the "Special Requirements for Safety of Commercial Microwave Ovens" are as follows:
a) This part should be used in conjunction with GB4706.1-1998, while GB4706.21-1996 is used in conjunction with CB4706.1-92.
b) Chapter 1 of this part stipulates that the rated voltage of the appliance should not exceed 250V, while GB1706.21-1996 does not have such a provision. c) Chapter 1 of this part modifies the scope of non-application and adds "commercial microwave ovens". d) Chapter 2 of this part adds the definition of "rated microwave output power", Delete 7 definitions such as "combination microwave oven", "coloring function", "steam function" (given in Appendix BB).
e) Chapter 6 of this part clearly stipulates that microwave ovens should be Class I or Class II, while GB4706.21-1996 does not have such a provision in this article. In 22.1, it is stipulated that microwave ovens should be Class I electrical appliances. F) Chapter 7 of this part requires more detailed content than GB4706.21-1996. g) Chapter 10 of this part adds the requirement that "the deviation of the microwave oven output power from the rated microwave output power should not exceed 15%\. h) 11.7 of this part, deletes the test requirements for combination microwave ovens (given in Appendix BB). i) Chapter 13 of this Part is in full compliance with the requirements of Chapter 13 of GB4706.1-1998, but the leakage current specified is different from that of GB4706.21-1996.
j) 15.101 of this Part specifies the test environment for detachable and non-detachable temperature sensing probes, while GB4706.21-1996 does not have clear provisions.
k) Chapter 16 of this Part makes the following changes to the chapter of GB4706-21-1996: ① Delete 16.101, and change the relevant content to 29.1; ② Keep 16.102 to form 16.101 of this Part. 1) Chapter 18 of this Part makes the following changes to the chapter of GB4706.21-1996: ① Delete 18.101,
② Modify 18.102. This forms Chapter 18 of this Part. m) Chapter 19 of this Part amends the following chapter of GB4706.21-1996: ① Delete 19.102 (Requirements for coloring function and combination microwave ovens) and give the requirements in Appendix BB. GB 4706.21—2002/IEC 60335-2-25:1996 ② Delete 19.104 (Test for magnetron or main circuit fault simulation). n) Chapter 20 of this Part amends the requirements for the mass of the weight in the stability test. 0) Chapter 24 of this Part amends the following chapter of GB4706.21—1996: ① Add the wear resistance requirements for the interlocking device; ② Clearly specify the rated current value of the fuse. P) Chapter 29 of this Part stipulates that the following amendments are made to this Chapter of GB4706.21-1996: ① Change the voltage effective value exceeding 250V (peak value 354V) in 29.1 to \voltage effective value exceeding 480V (peak value 680V3
② The values in the table have changed.
q) Chapter 32 of this Part makes the following amendments to this Chapter of GB4706.21-1996: Delete 32.101 to 32-104. I) Appendix AA of this Part adds the requirements for the height of borosilicate glass containers. s) Appendix BB (normative appendix) is added to this Part: requirements for combined micro-compartment heaters. The clauses and diagrams added to GB4706.1 are numbered starting from 101. Appendix AA and Appendix BB of this Part are normative appendices. This Part is proposed by China National Light Industry Federation. This Part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Electrical Appliances. The drafting units of this part are: Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute, China Household Electrical Appliance Research Institute, Guangdong Galanz Enterprise (Group) Company, Qingdao Haier Microwave Products Co., Ltd., Shunde Midea Microwave Oven Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Daily Appliance Testing Institute. The main drafters of this part are: Xu Yanrong, Zhang Yachen, Lu Ganshuo, Li Xianghong, Liu Yingjiu, Zuo Mingfang. This part was first published in 1988 and revised for the first time in 1996. IEC Foreword
GB 4706.21—2002/IEC 60335-2-25:19961) IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide standardization organization composed of all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The purpose of IEC is to promote international cooperation on standardization issues related to the electrical and electronic fields. To this end, IEC, in addition to other activities, also publishes international standards. The formulation of these standards is entrusted to technical committees. Any IEC National Committee interested in the standards to be formulated can participate in the formulation work. International governmental and non-governmental organizations associated with IEC can also participate in the formulation of standards. IEC and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) work closely together on the basis of an agreement between the two organizations. 2) IEC's formal resolutions or agreements on technical issues are formulated by technical committees participated by all countries that are particularly concerned about the issue, and they express the international consensus on the issues involved as much as possible. 3) These formal resolutions or agreements are published in the form of standards, technical reports or guidelines and recommended for international use, and in this sense are accepted by national committees.
4) In order to promote international unification, IEC national committees should ensure that IEC standards are conveyed to their national or regional standards to the greatest extent possible.Any differences between IEC standards and corresponding national or regional standards shall be clearly indicated in the national or regional standards. 5) It should be noted that some elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patents. IEC shall not be responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
6) IEC has not established a procedure for the recognition of the mark of approval. IEC shall not be responsible for any claim that a device complies with an IEC standard.
This standard was prepared by IEC Technical Committee 61 (Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances) Subcommittee 61B (Safety of Microwave Ovens).
This standard constitutes the fourth edition of IEC 60335-2-25 and replaces the third edition published in 1993. The text of this standard is based on the following documents: FDIS
Voting Report
Full material on the adoption of this standard can be found in the voting report listed in the table above. This standard should be used in conjunction with the latest version of IEC 60335-1 and its amendments. It is based on the third edition (1991) of IEC 60335-1.
This standard supplements or amends IEC 60335-1 , and thus transform it into the IEC standard: Safety requirements for microwave ovens. IEC60335-1 clauses not mentioned in this standard are applicable as long as they are reasonable. When "addition", "modification" or "replacement" is written in this standard, the corresponding clauses of IEC60335-1 should be modified. Note 1: This standard uses the following printing fonts
—Requirement: regular font
—Test specification: italic font;
The content of a note is in small regular font;
The boldface in the text is defined in Chapter 2. If the definition in IEC60335-1 contains adjectives, the adjectives and related nouns are also expressed in boldface.
Note 2: The clauses and figures added on the basis of IEC60335-1 are numbered starting from 101. In some countries, there are the following differences,
GB 4706.21—2002/IEC 60335-2-25:1996 - 4.3: The microwave leakage of the initial test shall not exceed 10 W/m (Japan and the United States). - 6.1: If the rated voltage does not exceed 150 V, the microwave oven may be Class 01 (Japan). - 7.12.1: The user precautions must be clearly marked on the appliance (New Zealand). - Chapter 18: The test shall be carried out on two appliances (USA). - 19.11.2: The change of input voltage does not apply (USA). - 19.13: The microwave leakage shall be measured only at the end of each test (USA). - 21.102: The applied force is 222 N (USA). - 21.105: The microwave leakage shall not exceed 50 W/m (Japan and the United States). - 22.111: The microwave leakage shall be measured only at the end of the test (USA). - 22.112: The microwave leakage shall not exceed 50 W/m\ (Japan and the United States). - 22.115: Any object must be prevented from entering the cavity (USA). 1 Scope
GB 4706.21—2002/1EC 60335-2-25:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
Particular requirements for microwave ovens
This clause in GB 4706.1-1998 applies except as follows. This part deals with the safety requirements for household microwave ovens with a rated voltage not exceeding 250 V. As far as practicable, this part also deals with public hazards created by appliances to which all persons in and around the home may be exposed. This part does not generally take into account:
The use of appliances by unattended young children or infirm persons
The use of appliances by young children.
Note 1: Attention should be paid to the following facts:
- Additional requirements may be required for appliances used in vehicles, aircraft or aircraft; - Special requirements may be required for appliances used in tropical countries. In many countries, additional requirements are laid down by national health, labour protection and similar departments. Note 2: This part does not apply to:
Commercial microwave ovens (IEC 60335-2-90); - Industrial microwave heating equipment (IEC 60519-6) \ medical appliances (IEC 60601) \
Appliances intended for use in special environments (such as dust, steam or flammable gases) with corrosive or explosive atmospheres. Note 3: Before the publication of IEC 60335-2-10D, this part and Appendix BB together apply to combined microwave ovens and non-sold microwave ovens. 2 Definitions
This chapter in GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 2.2.7 This clause is added with the following content;
Note: The specified frequency refers to the auxiliary frequency.
2.2.9 This clause is replaced with the following content:
Normal operation
Normal operation means that when the microwave oven is working, a cylindrical borosilicate glass container with a wall thickness of up to 3mm and an outer diameter of about 190mⅡ is placed in the center of the cavity rack. Drinking water with an initial temperature of 20℃±2℃ and 1 000g±50g is placed in the container as a load. 2.101
Microwave oven
An appliance that uses electromagnetic energy in one or more ISM frequency bands between 300MHz and 30GHz to heat food and beverages in the cavity.
Rated microwave power output1) IEC 60519-6 Safety requirements for industrial microwave heating equipment2) IEC 60601 Medical appliances
3) ISM band is the microwave band determined by ITU and adopted in CISPR 11. GB 4706.21—2002/1EC 60335-2-25:1996 The microwave output power specified by the manufacturer for the appliance. 2.103
The space enclosed by the appliance and the door for placing the food load. 2.104
Horizontal support for placing the load in the cavity. 2.105
Door interlock
A device or system that prevents the magnetron from working if the guard door is not closed. 2.106
Monitored door interlock
A door interlock system with a monitoring device. 2.107
Temperature senslog probeA device inserted into food to measure the temperature of food, which is a component of the microwave oven controller. 3 General requirements
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable. 4 General conditions for testing
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 4.2 The following contents are added to this clause:
Note: The test of 19.104 requires one additional sample, and the test of 24.101 requires 6 interlock device samples. 4.3 The following changes are made to this clause:
The test is not carried out in the order of the natural chapters but in the order of the following chapters: 32, 22.113, 22.108, 22.115, 7-17, 20, 21 (except 21.101-22.105), 18, 19 (except 19.104), 22 (except 22.108, 22.113 and 22.115), 2331, 21.101 ~ 21.105 and 19.104. 4.101 Unless otherwise specified, microwave ovens are tested as electric appliances. 4.102 Class I temperature sensing probes are only subject to the test of 22.112. 5 Blank chapter
6 Classification
Except for the following contents, this chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable. 6.1 The following content is added to this clause:
Microwave ovens shall be of Class I or Class 1.
7 Marking and instructions
This chapter in GB 4706.1--1998 is applicable except for the following content. 7.1 The following content is added to this clause:
The appliance shall be marked with its nominal frequency (unit: MHz) in the ISM band. The appliance shall be marked with the following warning content, with the font height of at least 3mm. If removing the cover will cause the microwave leakage to exceed the value specified in Chapter 32, this warning content shall be clearly visible when removing any cover: Warning
Microwave energy
Do not remove this cover
GB 4706.21—2002/IEC 60335-2-25 : 1996 If the appliance is equipped with a power socket protected by a fuse (other than a D-type fuse), the appliance shall be marked with the rated current of the fuse. When the appliance uses a miniature fuse, it shall be marked that the fuse has a high breaking capacity. 2 The following content is added to this clause:
The instruction manual shall include the following content:
Important safety instructions
Please read carefully and keep them properly for future reference. The instruction manual shall include the following warning content: Warning: If the microwave oven door or door seal is damaged, it must not be used until it is repaired by qualified maintenance personnel. Warning: It is dangerous for anyone other than qualified maintenance personnel to perform any operation, including removing the protective cover that prevents the leakage of positive microwave energy.
Warning: Do not directly heat liquids or other foods in sealed containers because this may cause an explosion. WARNING: Children should be allowed to use the microwave oven without supervision only if they have been given adequate instructions so that they can use it in a safe way and understand the dangers of incorrect use. The instructions should include the following:
Only suitable utensils should be used in the microwave oven.
When heating food wrapped in plastic or paper, the microwave oven should be carefully observed because there is a possibility of fire.
If smoke is detected, the appliance switch should be turned off or the power plug should be unplugged and the oven door should be kept closed to prevent the spread of fire.
Heating beverages in microwaves can cause delayed boiling, so care must be taken when removing them.
Bottles and baby food jars should be stirred or shaken, and the temperature of the food in the bottle should be checked before feeding to avoid burns.
Do not use the microwave oven to heat fresh eggs in shells and hard-boiled eggs because they may explode during or even after heating in the microwave.
Details on cleaning the door seal and adjacent parts. The instructions should also include the rated output power of the microwave oven. The instructions for microwave ovens with temperature sensing probes shall include the following: This microwave oven shall only be used with the temperature sensing probe recommended for the microwave oven. Note that in the United States, special instructions are required to comply with federal government requirements for the risk of microwave energy leakage during use and maintenance. 7.12.1 This clause is added with the following content:
The instructions shall indicate the minimum height of the free space required above the top of the microwave oven. 7.12.5 This clause is added with the following content:
If the power cord can be replaced without removing the protective cover marked with the warning content of 7.1, then only the relevant requirements for X-connected appliances in this clause apply.
8 Protection against contact with live parts
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following content. 8.1.1 This clause adds the following content:
For parts that are easily touched when the microwave oven is in normal use, the small test finger shown in Figure 101 shall be used for testing. The test method is alternate with the test method shown in Figure 1 of GB4706.1-1998. GB 4706.21-2002/IEC 60335-2-25: 19969 Starting of electric appliances
This chapter of GB 4706.1 is not applicable.
10 Input power and electrical environment
This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following content. 10.101 The deviation of the microwave output power from the rated microwave output power shall not exceed 15%. Compliance can be determined by measuring the microwave output power according to the method specified in Appendix AA. Note: Auxiliary functions are not considered when making measurements. 11 Heating
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 11.2 This clause is supplemented with the following contents:
Except for built-in microwave ovens, other microwave ovens shall be placed in accordance with the requirements specified for electric heating appliances. A top plate shall be installed above the microwave oven at the minimum height specified in the instructions. The depth of the top plate shall be 300mm from the rear wall of the test corner, and its width shall be greater than 150mm of the width of the microwave oven. 11.7 This clause is replaced with the following contents:
The microwave oven shall work continuously and periodically, and stop working for 1min between each working cycle. During the stop working period, the oven door shall be opened and the water load shall be replaced.
The time of each working cycle shall be calculated by the following formula: 1=9000/P
tTime is expressed in minutes, rounded to the nearest minute, in minutes (min)P—rated microwave output power, in watts (W). The appliance operates until the total operating time reaches 90 min. 12
Leakage current and electric strength at operating temperature 13
The contents of this chapter in GB 4706.1-1998 are applicable. 14 Blank
15 Moisture resistance
This chapter in GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 15.2 Add the following contents to this clause:
Pour 0.5L of an aqueous solution containing about 1% NaCl onto the shelf rapidly for a period of not less than 1 min. If the shelf can collect the overflowing liquid, fill it with the saline solution first, and then pour another 0.5L of the above aqueous solution on it for a period of not less than 1 min.
15.101 The structure of the temperature sensing probe should ensure that it is absolutely unaffected by water. Whether it is qualified can be determined by the following test: immerse the probe completely in a 20±5℃ aqueous solution containing 1% NaCl. In about 15 minutes, heat the aqueous solution to boiling point, then remove the probe from the boiling water and immediately immerse it in the above aqueous solution at a temperature of 20℃±5℃ for 30 minutes. GB 4706.212002/1EC 60335-2-25:1996 This process is carried out five times, then the probe is taken out of the aqueous solution and the water marks on the surface are wiped off. Then, the probe should be able to withstand the leakage current test of 16.2. Note: The detachable temperature sensing probe does not need to be connected to the apparatus for testing. The non-detachable temperature sensing probe is tested in a chopper furnace, and the probe is immersed in the aqueous solution as quickly as possible. 16 Discharge current and electrical strength
This chapter in GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 16.101 The windings of the power transformer for microwave ovens shall have adequate insulation. Compliance may be determined by the following test: A sinusoidal voltage with a frequency higher than the rated frequency is applied to the primary terminals of the power transformer so that its secondary winding induces twice the working voltage. The test duration is!
When the frequency does not exceed twice the rated frequency, it is: 60 g; or when the frequency exceeds twice the rated frequency, it is: 120 × (rated frequency/test frequency) g, and the shortest is 15 g. Note: To avoid excessive micro-magnetic current, the rated frequency of the test voltage should be higher than the rated frequency. The test starts with a maximum of 1/3 of the test voltage value and then increases rapidly to the specified value. At the end of the test, the voltage is reduced to 1/3 of the test voltage value in the same way before the power is cut off. During the test, no breakdown shall occur between windings or turns of the same winding. 17 Overload protection of transformers and related circuits This chapter in GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. This chapter adds the following contents:
The power transformer and related circuits on microwave ovens do not need to be subjected to this test. These tests are carried out in Chapter 19.18 Durability
This chapter in GB 4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. The door system of the microwave oven, including the structure of hinges, microwave seals and other related parts, should withstand the wear and tear caused by normal use. The door system can be checked for compliance by a cyclic operation test with a total of 100,000 cycles. The door system test is carried out alternately as follows: first, let the microwave oven operate at rated input power and with appropriate microwave absorption load for 10,000 cycles, and then operate it for 10,000 cycles without the microwave generator working. The door is opened and closed as in normal use. The door should be opened from the closed position to between 135° and 180°. If the maximum angle that the oven door can be opened is less than 135°, the door should be opened to the maximum opening position. The operation rate is six cycles per minute. The following treatment is carried out before starting the test and after every 10,000 cycles of operation. After the test, the microwave leakage of the microwave oven should not exceed the specified limits in Chapter 32:
- If a dry load is used in the test, add 100 g of water load and operate the microwave oven until the water evaporates. - If the microwave oven has a door seal, apply a sufficiently thick layer of cooking oil on the surface of the door seal. After the test, the microwave leakage of the microwave oven should not exceed the specified limits in Chapter 32 and the oven door system should still function normally. NOTE 1: For the purpose of testing, the controller can be made inoperative. Note 2: If a component fails during the test, and this failure does not affect compliance with the requirements of this standard, the component can be replaced to complete the test. 19 Abnormal operation
This chapter of GB4706.1, in addition to the following content,All apply: 19.1 The following changes are made to this clause:
The appliance is not subjected to the tests of 19.2 to 19.10, but is subjected to the tests of 19.101 to 19.104 at rated voltage to check whether it complies with GB 4706.21-2002/IEC 60335-2-25:1996.
19.11.2 The following additions are made to this clause:
The cathode to anode circuit of the magnetron is opened and short-circuited in turn. If one of the fault conditions causes the input current to increase with a decrease in the operating voltage, then it is operated at 0.94 times the rated voltage; if the input current increases with an increase in the operating voltage, it is operated at 1.06 times the rated voltage.
The filament of the magnetron is not short-circuited.
19.13 This clause is supplemented with the following:
The winding temperature shall not exceed the value shown in Table 6. Only appliances that allow a preset start time and appliances with a keep-warm function are considered to be operated until a steady state is established. During the test time, the leakage of the test items in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 32 shall not exceed 100 mils, but the load applied is the load specified in each test item. If the microwave oven can still operate after the test, it shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 32. 19.101 The microwave oven is operated with the controls set to the most unfavorable position and without load in the cavity. The operating cycle is the longest time that the timer can be set or the time required to establish a steady state, whichever is shorter. 19.102 The microwave oven is operated under normal operating conditions and the timer or other controls that are operating in normal use are inoperative. Note: If the microwave oven has more than one control, these controls are set to the inoperative state in sequence. 19.103. The microwave oven is operated under normal conditions and under the conditions of simulating possible single faults of electrical or mechanical components. The microwave controller should be set to the most unfavorable position and the appliance should be operated for the longest time that the timer can be set or 90 minutes, whichever is shorter.
Previous: Examples of fault conditions:
The air inlet or outlet is blocked;
The motor rotor is blocked when the stall torque of a rotor is less than the full torque, and moving parts that are prone to jamming are stuck.
19.104 The microwave oven is operated under the following conditions, with the controller set to the most unfavorable position. The potatoes on the rack are loaded to the position that is most likely to cause a fire and may spread to other flammable materials. The potatoes are approximately elliptical with a mass of more than 125 to more than 150, with a short axis length of at least 40mm and a long axis not exceeding 140mm. In order to meet the specified quality requirements, the lengths of the major and minor axes of the potatoes may be reduced symmetrically by inserting a thread with a diameter of 1.5 mm ± 0.5 mm and a length close to the major axis of the potato along the major axis of the potato.
The test is considered to be completed when the flame in the cavity goes out 15 min after the microwave generator has stopped operating. During the test, the flame in the cavity shall be controlled within the appliance. NOTE 1: During the test, 19.13 does not apply. After the test, if the microwave oven is still operational, replace the damaged removable shelf and conduct the test in accordance with 19.13. If the microwave oven does not meet the standard requirements after the test, the test shall be repeated on a new microwave oven. NOTE 2: Failure may be caused by previously accumulated test results. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter in CB 4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 20.1 This clause is supplemented with the following contents:
Except for built-in microwave ovens with door hinges installed on the bottom, other appliances shall also be checked for compliance by the test of 20.101. 20.101 The microwave oven is placed on a horizontal surface and a weight is pressed on the center of the opened door. The mass of the weight is as follows:
7 kg for a free-standing microwave oven
-3.5 kg for a portable microwave oven.
Note 1: It should be ensured that the weight does not cause damage to the oven door. The weight can be packed with banknotes,
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