Rules for the Examination of the Service of Legal Metrological Verification
Some standard content:
National Metrology Technical Specification of the People's Republic of China JJF1069--2007
Standards for the Assessment of Legal Metrological Verification Institutions
Rules for the Examination of the Service of Legal Metrological Verification2007-02-28Promulgated
Implementation on 2007-04-01
Promulgated by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and QuarantineJF1069-2007
Standards for the Assessment of Legal Metrological Verification Institutions
Rules for the Examination of the Service of Legal Metrological VerificationJJF1069-2007
Replaces JJF1069-2003
This specification was approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on February 28, 2007, and came into effect on April 1, 2007.
Responsible unit: National Technical Committee on Metrology for Legal Metrology Administration Main drafting unit: Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision Participating drafting units: Department of Metrology of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine China Institute of Metrology
Guangdong Institute of Metrology
China Institute of Testing Technology
This specification is interpreted by the National Technical Committee on Metrology for Legal Metrology Administration Main drafters of this specification:
Huang Yaowen (Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision) Shi Changyan (China Institute of Metrology) Zhao Tianchuan (Guangdong Institute of Metrology) Participating drafters:
Zhu Yingjun (Department of Metrology of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine) He Xihuan (Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision) Wei Shoufang (China Institute of Testing Technology) Introduction
1 Scope
3 Terms and definitions:|| tt||4 Organization and management·
4.1 Legal status
Legal liability
4.3 Basic conditions
5 Management system
5.1 General requirements
Management responsibilities
5.3 System documents
5.4 Document control·
Record control
Management review
6 Resource allocation and management·
General principles·||t t||Facilities and environmental conditions
6.4 Measuring equipment..
7 Implementation of verification, calibration and testing
Planning of verification, calibration and testing implementation
7.2 Customer-related processes.
Verification, calibration and testing methods
Purchase of services and supplies
Subcontracting of calibration and testing work
Source of value·
JJF 1069—2007
Disposal of verification, calibration and test items:7.8
Quality assurance of verification, calibration and testing.
Original records and data processing
Results reporting
8 Management system improvement·
Control of nonconforming work
8.3 Customer satisfaction and complaints
8.4 Internal audit….
Corrective action
8.6 Preventive measures
9 Assessment procedure·
9.1 Assessment application·
Assessment preparation
Assessment implementation·
Assessment report
Verification of corrective actions
Assessment Evaluation of results
10 Post-certification supervision
Supervision and inspection
10.3 Expiration review
11 Assessment of expanded items
11.2 Procedure for expansion of items
11.3 Confirmation of expansion of items
12 Proficiency testing and other comparisons
Organization of proficiency testing and other comparisons
12.2 Participation in proficiency testing and other comparisons Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix 1
Appendix K
Appendix L
Appendix M
Assessment application form
Assessment item table form
JJF 1069—2007
Assessment specification requirements and management system documents checklist format Certificate report issuance personnel assessment form format
Software/hardware group assessment certification materials registration form format. Assessment report format
Corrective action verification report format
Confirmed verification item table format
Confirmed calibration item table format
Confirmed commodity quantity inspection item self-table format
Confirmed type evaluation item table format
JF1069—2007 and JJF10 Comparison of the clauses of JJF1069-2007 and ISO/IEC17025:2005 (20)
Standards for the Assessment of Legal Metrology Verification Institutions
A legal metrology verification institution is a metrology technical institution established or authorized by a government metrology administration department in accordance with the law and approved by the government metrology administration department, which provides technical guarantee for the government metrology administration department to implement metrology supervision and provides technical services for the national economy and social life. This specification is formulated in accordance with the "Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Supervision and Management of Legal Metrology Verification Institutions" issued by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on January 21, 2001, to ensure that they provide accurate and reliable metrology verification, calibration and testing results for the national economy and metrology supervision in accordance with the law. This specification includes the content and assessment methods of the Organization for Legal Metrology (OUML) for Legal Metrology. The general requirements for laboratory capabilities, "Testing and Calibration", "Quality Management System Principles", and "Quality Management System Requirements" are based on my country's quality laws and regulations, the requirements of international laboratories, and the international standard ISD/IEC17025:2005, and refer to the national standard B/T19000-2000 "Fundamentals and Terminology" and GB/T19001-2000 "Quality Management System Model and Quality Management System Requirements". The contents of the examination and verification are in accordance with the international
national metrology institutes
issued calibration/measurement certificates
and the mutual recognition of type approval products. This specification policy
2005 "Conformity Assessment Requirements" on quality
CIPM) to achieve national metrology base (standard) and recognition and the International Legal Metrology Organization (OINETS)
quality laboratory t|| is the requirement.
In order to realize the measurement instrument
to the 12th chapter of the work assessment method, the assessment method is based on the national standard GB/T27011-General requirements for accreditation bodies, and absorbs the successful experience of the government's administrative departments in recent years in the accreditation of legal metrology verification institutions
Compared with the 2003 version, the 2007 version of this specification has the following major changes:
"and calibration laboratory space capability The first is based on the international standard ISO/IEC17025:2005, adding 4.1.3, 4.3.k, 4.3.35f), 5.6.2), 7.9.3 and 8.1, and modifying 3.2e) and 6.2.3 (see Appendix M4.3.2a), 5.3.2c), IEC17025:2005, and the second is based on the national standard GB/T7 Chapter 12; "JJF1069-2007 and ISO/IEC General Requirements for Accreditation Bodies", adding the third is to further clarify the application of "process approach" in the implementation of verification, calibration and testing, adding 7.1; the fourth is to strengthen the assessment of certificate report issuers, adding 9.3.5. Clause 5 and Appendix D "Certificate Report Issuing Personnel Assessment Form";
5. According to the "Measures for the Management of New Products of Measuring Instruments" issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on May 20, 2005, the term "prototype test" and the content related to prototype test have been deleted; 6. In order to facilitate the assessment of type evaluation items, "B2-Calibration/Testing Items" in Appendix B is changed to 1
JJF 1069--2007
"B2-Calibration Items", "B4-Type Evaluation Items" is added, and Appendix K "Confirmed Type Evaluation Item Table" is added;
7. In order to facilitate the understanding of the specification, notes are added after some clauses. Notes are explanations, examples and guidance for the main text. It neither contains requirements nor constitutes the main part of this specification. For specific changes, see Appendix L "Comparison of Clauses between JJF1069-2007 and JJF1069-2003". 1 Scope
This specification specifies the requirements that must be met by statutory metrology verification institutions to obtain authorization from government metrology administrative departments to carry out tasks such as measurement value transfer, measurement value traceability, commodity quantity testing and measurement instrument type evaluation, as well as the procedures for assessing statutory metrology verification institutions and the methods for evaluating assessment results. This specification applies to the assessment and supervision of statutory metrology verification institutions by government measurement administrative departments, and applies to the authorized assessment and supervision of other metrology technical institutions that apply to undertake verification, commodity inspection and type evaluation of measuring instruments (the statutory metrology verification institutions and other metrology technical institutions referred to in this specification are collectively referred to as "institutions" below).
This specification applies to the establishment and operation of management systems by institutions, but does not require institutions to change the structure or documents of their management systems according to the structure of this specification. The composition of the management system documents of an institution should be suitable for its unique mode of activities. When an institution does not engage in metrology calibration, type evaluation and commodity inspection, the requirements can be tailored, but the tailoring is limited to those clauses in Chapter 7 of this specification that do not affect the institution's ability or responsibility to provide services that meet the requirements of customers and applicable laws and regulations.
2 References
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this specification through reference in this specification. For all dated references, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this specification, however , the parties to an agreement based on this specification are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated reference, the latest version applies to this specification. JJF1001 General metrological terms and definitions
JJF1015 General specification for type evaluation and type approval of measuring instruments JJF1016 Guidelines for writing type evaluation outlines for measuring instruments JJF1033 Specifications for assessment of metrological standards
JJF1059 Evaluation and expression of measurement uncertainty JJF1070 Rules for metrological inspection of net content of quantitatively packaged goods J JF1071 Rules for writing national metrology calibration specifications JF1117 Specifications for comparison of measuring instruments
CIPM/MRA: 1999 International Committee for Metrology "Mutual Recognition of National Metrology Bases (Standards) and Mutual Recognition of Calibration/Measurement Certificates Issued by National Metrology Institutes" Agreement
GB/T19000-2000 Quality Management System Fundamentals and Terminology GB/T19001-2000 Quality Management System Requirements GB/T19022-2003 Measurement Management System Measurement Process and Measurement Equipment Requirements 2
JJF 1069—2007
GB/T15483—1999 Proficiency testing using inter-laboratory comparisons GB/T27000—2006 Vocabulary and general principles for conformity assessment GB/T27011—2005 General requirements for conformity assessment accreditation bodies 1SO/1EC17025-2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories 3 Terms and definitions
The definitions in JJF1001 "General metrological terms and definitions", GB/T19000—2000 "Fundamentals and vocabulary of quality management systems" and GB/T27000—2006 "Vocabulary and general principles for conformity assessment" apply to this specification. The following quotes some of the most relevant terms and definitions and lists some other terms and definitions applicable to this specification. 3.1 Legal metrology verification agency
Metrometry verification agencies established by government metrology administrative departments in accordance with the law and metrology verification agencies authorized by them. 3.2 Management system
A system for establishing policies and objectives and achieving these objectives. Note: An organization's management system may include, for example, a quality assurance management system, a customer service management system or an environmental management system. In this specification, management system refers to the quality, management and technical systems that control the operation of the organization. 3.3 [Measuring instrument] Verification
A procedure for ascertaining and confirming whether a measuring instrument complies with statutory requirements, which includes inspection, marking and/or issuing a verification certificate.
3.4 Verification certificate
A document that proves that a measuring instrument has been verified and the results obtained are satisfactory. 3.5 Verification result notification
A document stating that a measuring instrument does not comply with the relevant statutory requirements. 3.6 Calibration
A set of operations to determine the relationship between the value indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or the value represented by a physical measuring instrument or reference material, and the corresponding value reproduced by a standard under specified conditions. Note:
1 The calibration result can give both the indication of the measured value and the correction value of the indication. 2 Calibration can also determine other offset characteristics, such as the effect of influencing quantities. 3 The calibration results can be recorded in a calibration certificate or calibration report. 3.7 Inspection
For a given product, a technical operation consisting of determining one or more characteristics, performing processing or providing services in accordance with prescribed procedures.
1 The test results and other information related to the test are usually recorded in a document called a test report. 2 The test referred to in this specification mainly refers to the type evaluation of the registered instrument group (measuring instrument) and the traceability of commodity quantity. 3.8 [Laboratory] Proficiency Verification
The use of comparisons between laboratories to determine the verification, calibration or testing capabilities of the laboratory. Note: The term "laboratory proficiency verification" includes the following: 1 Qualitative plan - for example, requiring the laboratory to identify a component of the item being tested. 3
2 Data conversion drills—for example, providing multiple sets of data to the laboratory for processing to obtain further information. 3 Single item testing (or verification, calibration)—sending an item to several laboratories in sequence and returning it to the organizer on time. 4 Single item drills—sending a test item to the laboratory for a single event. 5 Continuous plan—continuously sending test items to the laboratory at specified time intervals. 6 Sampling—for example, requiring individuals or organizations to take samples for subsequent analysis. 3.9 Comparison
The process of comparing the values reproduced by the same measuring instrument with the same accuracy level or specified uncertainty range under specified conditions.
3.10 Calibration measurement capability
The highest efficiency low initial H level provided to the customer by the passband, which is expressed in terms of an expanded uncertainty with a confidence probability of XSO of 2 or 0.95
Note: Sometimes called the best measure
3.11 Type evaluation
The type of instrument to be approved for the purpose of determining whether the modification of the measuring instrument can be approved. The rejection of the measuring instrument
3.12 Commodity quantity
The value of the commodity obtained by measuring the commodity using the measuring instrument
(or quantity
Organization and management
4.1. Legal status||t 4.1.1 The entity authorized to establish an independent entity shall have a legal representative qualification certificate and the corresponding appointment documents of the competent department. The person in charge shall have a legal representative qualification certificate and the corresponding appointment documents of the competent department. If the institution established by the government is part of an organization, the person in charge shall have a legal representative qualification certificate and the appointment documents of the competent department. If the institution authorized to establish an independent entity shall have a legal representative qualification certificate and the appointment documents of the competent department.3 If the authorized organization has conflicts of interest, the delegation of the representative should be defined.
Activities outside the scope of this document,
In order to identify the potential
responsibilities of key personnel involved in the authorized project or who have an impact on the authorized project. 1 If the authorized organization is part of a larger organization, the group should value
its conflict of interest parts, such as
production, trade marketing or finance departments, and should not be subject to the requirements of the board. 2 The authorized organization should be able to demonstrate that its employees can resist any improper commercial, financial or other pressure that may affect their technical judgment. The organization should not participate in any activities that undermine its independence of judgment and the integrity of verification, calibration or testing.
4.2 Legal responsibilities
4.2.1 The organization must comply with the relevant national metrological laws and regulations, perform the duties assigned by the metrological laws and regulations, and engage in metrological verification, calibration and testing activities in a manner that meets the requirements of this specification and can meet the needs of customers. 4.2.2 The organization must complete the various tasks assigned by the government metrology administrative department to provide technical support for the implementation of the Metrology Law, and accept the supervision and management of the government metrology administrative department. 4.3 Basic conditions
4.3, 1 The management system of the organization should cover all metrological verification, calibration and testing work carried out by the organization in fixed facilities, places away from fixed facilities or in related temporary or mobile facilities. 4.3.2 The organization should:
a) Have appropriate management personnel and technical personnel. Regardless of their other responsibilities, they should have the necessary authority and resources to perform their duties including implementation, maintenance and improvement of the management system, identify deviations from the management system or verification, calibration and/or testing procedures, and take measures to prevent or reduce these deviations; b) Have appropriate measures to ensure that the quality of work of the head and employees of the organization is not affected by any internal and external inconsistencies. c) Have documented policies and procedures and procedures for transmitting results; d) Have documented policies and procedures for the transmission of results; e) Define the relationship between the organization and management structure for quality management and the responsibilities, powers and equal protection of the quality of determination, calibration and testing; g) Have a person who is familiar with the methods, procedures and results of determination, calibration and testing; h) Have a person in charge who is fully responsible for technical operations and the resources required to ensure the quality of the organization's operations; h) Have a control system. tt||1) Designate the person responsible for quality. He/she should be given the responsibility and authority to ensure that the management system related to quality is implemented and followed at all times. The quality person should have direct access to the organizational responsible for decision-making resources.
i) Designate representatives of management personnel (such as technical quality managers and quality managers) k) Ensure that organizational responsible personnel understand the relationship and importance of their activities and how they can contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives of the management system.
4.3.3 The organizational responsible person shall ensure communication on matters related to the organization.
Management system
General requirements
The organization shall establish appropriate communication mechanisms within the organization in accordance with the requirements of this specification, and the management system shall be relevant to the effectiveness of the management system. Document, implement and maintain, and continually improve its effectiveness. The organization shall a) identify the processes required for the implementation of the management system and verification, calibration and testing and their application in the organization b) determine the sequence and interaction of these processes; c) determine the criteria and methods required to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes; d) ensure that the necessary resources and information are available to support the operation of these processes and the supervision of these processes; e) monitor and analyze these processes; f) implement the necessary actions to achieve the results of the planning of these processes and the continuous improvement of these processes. The organization shall manage these processes in accordance with the requirements of this standard. 5
For any subcontracted processes that affect calibration and testing selected by the organization, the organization shall ensure that they are controlled. Controls for such subcontracted processes should be identified in the management system. Note: The processes required for the above management system should include processes related to management activities, resource provision, verification, calibration and testing implementation and system improvement.
5.2 Management Qualifications
The organization's principals shall provide evidence of their commitment to establishing, implementing and continually improving the effectiveness of the management system through the following activities:
a) Communicate to the organization the importance of meeting legal, regulatory, normative and customer requirements; b) Develop a quality-based policy;
c) Ensure the establishment of quality standards;
d) Conduct management reviews;
e) Ensure the availability of resources;
f) Ensure that the integrity of the management system is maintained when changes to the management system are planned and implemented. 5.3 System Documentation
5.3.1 General
The organization shall document its policies, systems, plans, procedures and work instructions to the extent necessary to ensure the quality of the organization's verification, calibration and testing results. System documentation shall be communicated to, understood, obtained and implemented by relevant personnel.
5.3.2 Quality Policy
The policies of the organization's management system related to quality measures, including the quality policy statement, shall be stated in the quality manual (regardless of how it is called). Overall objectives shall be established and reviewed during management review. The quality policy statement shall be issued under the authority of the head of the organization and shall include at least the following: a) the organization's management's commitment to good professional conduct and the quality of verification, calibration and testing services provided to customers; b) management's statement on the organization's service standards; c) the purpose of the management system related to quality; d) the requirement that all personnel involved in verification, calibration and testing activities of the organization be familiar with the relevant quality documents and implement these policies and procedures in their work; e) the organization's management's commitment to comply with this specification and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the management system. Note:
1 The quality policy statement should be concise and may include the requirement that verification, calibration and testing should always be carried out in accordance with the specified methods and customer requirements.
2 The overall objectives should be decomposable and measurable and should be consistent with the quality policy. 5.3.3 Quality Manual The organization shall prepare and maintain a quality manual. The quality manual shall include or indicate supporting procedures, including technical procedures, and outline the structure of the documents used in the management system. The roles and responsibilities of the technical and quality managers shall be identified in the quality manual, including the responsibility for ensuring compliance with this specification.
5.3.4 Procedure Documents
The organization shall prepare procedure documents. The procedure documents, together with the quality manual, constitute a description of the entire management system. The scope of the procedure documents shall cover the requirements of this specification, and the degree of detail shall depend on the complexity of the work, the methods used, and the skills and training of the personnel involved in carrying out the corresponding work. 5.4 Document Control
The organization shall establish and maintain procedures to control all documents (developed internally or from external sources) that constitute its management system, such as laws, regulations, rules, other normative documents, verification procedures, calibration specifications, test methods, inspection rules, standards, as well as drawings, software, specifications, instructions and manuals. Records are a special type of document and should be controlled in accordance with the requirements of 5.5; metrological verification, calibration and test data should be controlled in accordance with 7.3.8.
A documented procedure shall be established to define the controls needed to: a) approve documents before they are issued to ensure that they are adequate and appropriate; b) review and update documents and re-approve documents as necessary; ) ensure that changes to documents and the current revision status are identified. Revisions shall be controlled and, unless otherwise specifically determined, shall be reviewed and approved by the original reviewer and approver. Such personnel shall have access to appropriate back-up information as a basis for their review and approval;
d) ensure that valid versions of applicable documents are available at the point of use; e) ensure that documents remain legible and easily identifiable; 1) ensure that external documents are identified and their distribution is controlled; g) prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and appropriately identify them if they are retained for any reason.
Note: "Documents" in this specification may be policy statements, procedures, specifications, procedures, calibration forms, charts, handbooks, postings, notices, memoranda, software, drawings, plans, etc. These documents may be on various media that can be effectively controlled, which may be hard copy or electronic media, and may be in digital, analog, image or written form. 5.5 Record Control
5.5.1 The organization shall establish and maintain records to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and the effective operation of the management system. Procedures shall be established and maintained for the identification, collection, indexing, access, archiving, storage, maintenance and elimination of quality records and technical records. Quality records shall include reports from internal audits and management reviews and records of corrective and preventive actions. Note: Technical records are the accumulation of data and information obtained from verification, calibration and measurement, which indicate whether verification, calibration and testing have achieved the specified quality assurance or specified process parameters. Technical records may include forms, contracts, work orders, work manuals, checklists, work notes, control charts, external and internal verification certificates, calibration certificates and inspection reports, customer letters and feedback. 5.5.2 All records shall be authentic, legible, and stored and preserved in an accessible manner in facilities that are protected from damage, deterioration, loss, etc. The retention period of records should be determined. 5.5.3 All records should be kept secure and confidential. 5.5.4 The organization should have procedures to protect and back up records stored in electronic form and prevent unauthorized intrusion or modification.
5.6 Management review
5.6.1 General
The head of the organization should regularly review the organization's management system and verification, calibration and inspection according to the predetermined plan and procedures.
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