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Patent navigation guide—Part 2:Regional planning

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39551.2-2020

Standard Name:Patent navigation guide—Part 2:Regional planning

Chinese Name: 专利导航指南第2部分:区域规划

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-11-09

Date of Implementation:2021-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, organization and management of companies (enterprises), administration, transportation>>03.140 Patents, intellectual property rights

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A00 Standardization, Quality Management

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-11-01

other information

drafter:He Hua, Lei Xiaoyun, Liu Fengchao, Zhang Yong, Li Chang, Chen Mingyuan, Ma Hongya, Ji Xiang, Lin Yuan, Lan Juan, Ma Rongkang

Drafting unit:State Intellectual Property Office

Focal point unit:National Knowledge Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 554)

Proposing unit:National Knowledge Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 554)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation and National Standardization Administration Committee

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39551.2-2020.Patent navigation guide-Part 2:Regional planning.
GB/T 39551.2 provides general guidance for regional planning patent navigation.
GB/T 39551.2 is applicable to:
The organization and implementation of a regional planning patent navigation;
The services and training of a regional planning patent navigation.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 39551.1-2020 Patent Navigation Guide Part 1: General Provisions
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 39551.1-2020 apply to this document.
4 Basic Conditions
4.1 Information Resources
4.1.1 Information Resources for Patent Navigation Targeting Regional Layout
Except refer to 4.1 in GB/T 39551.1-2020 In addition to the provisions on information resources, information resources should also include:
Information related to the regional environment, which can include information on regional planning, industrial planning, industrial policies and industrial platforms at different levels at home and abroad;
Regional relevant statistical data;
Innovation activities and market activity information of major legal persons and natural persons in a region.
4.1.2 Information resources for patent navigation aiming at regional innovation quality evaluation
In addition to referring to the provisions on information resources in 4.1 of GB/T 39551.1-2020, information resources should also include:
| |tt||Related information on the regional environment, which may include information on regional planning, industrial planning, industrial policies and industrial platforms at different levels at home and abroad;
Related statistical data for the region;
Related major legal persons in the region and information on innovation activities and market activities of natural persons;
a patent citation database.
4.2 Human Resources
The conditions that project management personnel, information collection personnel, data processing personnel, patent navigation analysts and quality control personnel should meet are shown in 4.2 on human resources in GB/T 39551.1-2020 Regulation. In addition, patent navigation analysts should also meet the following conditions:
One has an educational background or professional experience in economic geography, industrial economics, etc.;
One is familiar with national regional development policies, industrial policies, and intellectual property policies;
1. Possess intelligence collection and research and analysis capabilities in relevant industrial fields.
This document provides general guidance for regional planning patent navigation. This document is applicable to: - the organization and implementation of regional planning patent navigation; - the services and training of regional planning patent navigation.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Patent navigation guide-Part 2: Regional planning2020-11-09Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Basic conditions
4.1Information resources
Human resources
5Patent navigation project launch
Implementation of patent navigation project with regional layout as the goal6.1
Information collection
Data processing|| tt||Patent navigation analysis with regional layout as the goal
Implementation of patent navigation project with regional innovation quality evaluation as the goal7.1
Information collection
Data processing
Patent navigation analysis with regional innovation quality evaluation as the goal8 Output of results
Application of results
Performance evaluation
Appendix A (informative)
Main methods and tools for regional layout patent navigation researchForeword
Part 1: Structure and drafting rules of standardization documentsThis document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work".
This document is Part 2 of GB/T39551 Patent Navigation Guide. GB/T39551 has published the following parts: Part 1: General Principles;
Part 2: Regional Planning;
Part 3: Industrial Planning;
Part 4: Business Operation;
Part 5: R&D Activities;
Part 6: Talent Management;
Part 7: Service Requirements
Please note that some contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents. This document is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Knowledge Management (SAC/TC554). The drafting unit of this document: State Intellectual Property Office. The main drafters of this document: He Hua, Lei Xiaoyun, Liu Fengchao, Zhang Yong, Li Chang, Chen Mingyuan, Ma Hongya, Ji Xiang, Lin Yuan, Lan Juan, Ma Rongkang. 1 Scope
Patent Navigation Guide
Part 2: Regional Planning
This document provides general guidance for patent navigation in regional planning. This document applies to:
Organization and implementation of patent navigation in regional planning:--Services and training for patent navigation in regional planning. Normative References
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T39551.1-2020 Patent Navigation Guide Part 1: General Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T39551.1-2020 apply to this document. 4 Basic conditions
Information resources
4.1.1 In addition to the provisions of 4.1 on information resources in GB/T39551.1-2020 regarding information resources, information resources should also include: information related to the regional environment, which may include information on regional planning, industrial planning, industrial policies and industrial platforms at different levels at home and abroad; - Regional statistical data;
- Regional related major legal and natural person innovation activities and market activities information. 4.1.2 In addition to the provisions of 4.1 on information resources in GB/T39551.1-2020 regarding information resources, information resources should also include: information related to the regional environment, which may include information on regional planning, industrial planning, industrial policies and industrial platforms at different levels at home and abroad; regional statistical data;
- Regional related major legal and natural person innovation activities and market activities information; - Patent citation database.
4.2 Human Resources
For the conditions that project managers, information collectors, data processors, patent navigation analysts and quality control personnel should have, see 1
GB/T39551.1—2020, 4.2 on human resources. In addition, patent navigation analysts should also have the following conditions: have an educational background or work experience in economic geography, industrial economics, etc.; 1. Be familiar with national regional development policies, industrial policies, and intellectual property policies; 1. Have intelligence collection and research and analysis capabilities in related industrial fields. 5 Patent Navigation Project Startup
Refer to the provisions on project start-up in Chapter 5 of GB/T39551.1—2020. 6 Implementation of patent navigation projects with regional layout as the goal 6.1 Information collection
In addition to meeting the requirements of 6.2 on information collection in GB/T39551.1-2020, it is also advisable to collect information closely related to regional layout, which may include:
The number of patent applications or patent authorizations in the region, generally the number of regional invention patent authorizations; a)
b) The number of patent applications or patent authorizations in various industries in the region, generally the number of regional invention patent authorizations; statistical data on human and financial resources for research and experimental development of colleges and universities in the region, generally the number of full-time personnel (man-years) for research and experimental development of colleges and universities, internal expenditures on research and experimental development funds of colleges and universities, etc. ; Statistical data on the human resources and financial resources of the research and experimental development of scientific research organizations and enterprises in the region. Among them, the statistical data on the human resources and financial resources of scientific research organizations generally include the full-time equivalent (man-year) of research and experimental development of scientific research organizations and the internal expenditure of research and experimental development funds of scientific research organizations; the statistical data on the human resources and financial resources of enterprises generally include the full-time equivalent (man-year) of research and experimental development personnel of industrial enterprises above designated size and the internal expenditure of research and experimental development funds of industrial enterprises above designated size;
e) Statistical data on the output of various industries in the region generally include the main business income of industrial enterprises above designated size in the region and the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size in the region. 6.2
Data processing
Referring to the provisions on data processing in 6.3 of GB/T39551.1-2020, the patent navigation with regional layout as the goal should add industry identification to the data collected in 6.1. 6.3
Patent navigation analysis with regional layout as the goal6.3.1 Overview
Based on patent data, through the analysis of regional resources and their matching relationships, resource allocation suggestions are put forward. 6.3.2 Input
Contents output from 6.1 and 6.2.
6.3.3 Steps and methods
The steps and methods of patent navigation analysis with regional layout as the goal generally include: a) Calculate the industrial share index of the region, generally by dividing the main business income of industrial enterprises above designated size in the region by the main business income of industrial enterprises above designated size in all regions of the country; b) Calculate the industrial profit index of the region, generally by the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size in the region; 2
c) Standardize the data of a) and b), and give weighted sum to obtain the regional industrial resource index, and the entropy method can be used to calculate the weight;
d) Calculate the educational resource index of the region, generally by standardizing the data of full-time personnel (man-years) of research and experimental development of colleges and universities and internal expenditure data of research and experimental development funds of colleges and universities in c) of 6.1, and give weighted sum to obtain the weight, and the entropy method can be used to calculate the weight;
e) Calculate the scientific and technological resource index of the region, generally by the data of 6.1 d) Full-time equivalent of research and experimental development of scientific research organizations (person-years), internal expenditures of research and experimental development funds of scientific research organizations, full-time equivalent of research and experimental development personnel of industrial enterprises above designated size (person-years), industrial enterprises above designated size The internal expenditure data of research and experimental development funds are standardized and obtained by weighting and summing. The direct value method can be used to calculate the weight;
weights the data of d) and e) The regional science and education resource index is obtained by summing, and the weight can be calculated using the proximate value method; g) To calculate the regional patent scale index, the number of patent applications or patent authorizations in the region is generally used; h) To calculate the regional industrial patent intensity index, generally use The regional invention patent authorization amount is divided by the main business income of industrial enterprises above designated size:
Standardize the data of g) and h), and weight and sum to obtain regional patent resources Index, the weight can be calculated using the fanfare method;
Perform static matching analysis on the regional industrial resource index, regional science and education resource index and regional patent resource index. Generally, the four-quadrant method is used. The specific method See A.1 in Appendix A; k) for dynamic coordination analysis of the regional industrial resource index, regional science and education resource index and regional patent resource index. For specific methods, see A.2;
for the results of i) and k) Conduct a comprehensive analysis to obtain the comprehensive matching analysis results of industrial resources-scientific and educational resources-patent resources; 1)
m) Based on the analysis results described in j), k) and 1), use static matching analysis method to evaluate the relationship between industrial development and The mutual relationship between regional resource aggregation, identify the regional resource scale, resource structure, resource layout model, etc. required to support the industrial development of the region, and put forward relevant suggestions for regional resource allocation based on the current status of industrial spatial layout. 6.3.4 Output
The output of patent navigation analysis targeting regional layout generally includes: patent navigation analysis report targeting regional layout, which can include regional resource analysis, regional resource matching relationship analysis, industry type identification, Regional resource allocation suggestions, etc.; - An industrial development resource allocation-oriented catalog with patents as the core, which may include an industry-oriented catalog. 6.3.5 Quality control
Refer to the provisions of 6.4.5 on quality control in GB/T39551.1-2020. The implementation of the patent navigation project aiming at regional innovation quality evaluation 7.1 information collection
shall refer to the provisions of 6.2 related information collection in GB/T39551.1-2020. 7.2 Data processing
Referring to the provisions of 6.3 on data processing in GB/T39551.1-2020, patent navigation aiming at regional innovation quality evaluation should also add industry and industry identification to the data collected in 7.1. 3
Patent navigation analysis targeting regional innovation quality evaluation 7.3
7.3.1 Overview
Based on patent data, The quality of regional innovation is comprehensively evaluated through the agglomeration of innovation elements, innovation output, innovation benefits, etc. represented by patent activities, as well as the degree of matching between patent activities and technology, enterprises, and industries. 7.3.2 Input
The content output by 7.1 and 7.2.
7.3.3 Steps and methods
The steps and methods of patent navigation analysis targeting regional innovation quality evaluation generally include: a) Standardizing the indicators that represent the aggregation of innovation elements, and weighting and obtain the innovation factor agglomeration index, in which the indicators representing the agglomeration of innovation factors include but are not limited to the average number of times R&D personnel participate in invention creation, the number of patent inventors with a high level of innovation, the number of key innovation entities, the first development within the evaluation time period The number of enterprises with patent activities, etc.; b) Standardize the indicators representing innovation output, and weight and sum to obtain the innovation output index. The indicators representing innovation output include but are not limited to the number of invention patents per 10,000 people. , the number of valid invention patents maintained for more than ten years, the number of highly cited patents, the number of PCT patent applications, etc.;
Standardizes the indicators representing innovation benefits, and weights and sums them to obtain the innovation benefit index, where The c)
index that represents innovation benefits can include the average amount of patent transfers, the average amount of patent license filings, the average amount of patent pledge financing, etc.; the two indices a), b) and c) are standardized and assigned The regional innovation competitiveness index is obtained by summing the weights; d)
e) Standardizing the indicators representing the matching degree of patent output with R&D funds and personnel investment, and weighting the sum to obtain the science and technology matching index, Among them, the indicators that represent the matching degree between patent output and R&D funds and personnel investment include but are not limited to the number of patent authorizations per 100 million yuan of R&D investment, the number of patent authorizations per 10,000 R&D personnel per year, etc.: f) To characterize the role of patent activities and corporate innovation entities The indicators of the degree of matching are standardized, and weighted and summed to obtain the enterprise matching index. The indicators representing the matching degree of patent activities and the role of corporate innovation entities include but are not limited to the proportion of effective invention patents of enterprises, the proportion of enterprises with patent activities ratio, the average number of invention patents owned by listed companies, the average number of invention patents owned by industrial enterprises above designated size, etc.;
g) Standardize the indicators that represent the degree of matching between patent output and industrial development strategies, and empower and obtain the industry matching index, in which the indicators representing the degree of matching between patent output and industrial development strategies include but are not limited to the number of valid invention patents in strategic emerging industries and the number of valid invention patents in patent-intensive industries respectively accounting for the number of regional valid invention patents. proportion, the matching degree of the output value of leading industries and patent output, etc.; h) Standardize the technology matching index mentioned in e), the enterprise matching index mentioned in f) and the industry matching index mentioned in g), The regional innovation matching index is obtained by weighting and summing; i) Multiply the regional innovation competitiveness index described in d) with the regional innovation matching index described in h) to obtain the regional innovation quality evaluation index.
7.3.4 Output
The output of patent navigation with the goal of regional innovation quality evaluation should include a patent navigation analysis report with the goal of regional innovation quality evaluation. The content of the analysis report includes but is not limited to: 1. Analysis of regional innovation competitiveness;
—analysis of regional innovation matching;
—analysis of regional innovation quality evaluation;
—policy recommendations for regional innovation development.
Quality control
Refer to the provisions of 6.4.5 on quality control in GB/T39551.1-2020. 8 | | tt | The patent navigation map displays analysis results and related information in a visual form. 9
Use of results
Refer to Chapter 8 of GB/T39551.1-2020 for the regulations on the use of results. Performance evaluation
Refer to the regulations on performance evaluation in Chapter 9 of GB/T39551.1-2020. 5
A.1 Static Matching Analysis Method
Appendix A
Regional Layout Patent The main methods and tools of navigation research are the static matching analysis method, which mainly uses the four-quadrant method for analysis. The four-quadrant method divides work into two different levels: importance and urgency. It can basically be divided into four "quadrants." In statistics, the four-quadrant method is a common method for dividing analysis objects, which can intuitively understand the relative distribution of the corresponding indicators of the divided objects. Set the two indicators that need to be compared according to the quadrant method, where the origin is the average value of each. In this way, it is easy to obtain the size of the two comparison objects relative to the average value, and then divide the values ??into four categories. The four general categories are: high-high value, high-low value, low-low value, and low-high value. To this end, according to research needs, the "four quadrant" method is used to analyze and evaluate the matching relationships between regional science and education resources and regional industrial development, regional science and education resources and regional patent resources, and regional patent resources and regional industrial development, as shown in Figure A. 1 shown. When the comparison objects are expanded to three, the values ??can be divided into eight categories, namely high-high-high, high-high-low, high-low-high, high-low-low, low-high-high, Low-high-low, low-low-high, low-low-low.
, regional science and education resources index
regional industrial resource index
high- Low
Figure A.1 Four-quadrant diagram of regional science and education resource index and regional industrial resource index A.2 Dynamic coordination analysis method (coupling coordination model) If the regional industry-science and education-patent is regarded as a complex system, the degree of coordination of the development of each subsystem will affect the overall direction of the system. By measuring the degree of coordinated development of the system through quantitative analysis methods, we can understand the current status and development trend of the system, grasp the overall macro trend of the system, promote the transformation of system development from disorder to order, and achieve the goal of coordinated development. The dynamic coordination analysis method mainly uses the coupling coordination model for analysis. Coupling refers to the degree of interaction and mutual influence between two systems. Coupling analysis cannot reflect the degree of coordination between the operation of objects. In this way, it is necessary to introduce collaborative analysis methods. The coordination model can better evaluate the relationship between industrial operation and the distribution of innovation resources. To this end, the capacity coupling model in physics is used to construct a coupling and coordination model for the spatial layout of industry and innovation resources. The specific formula is as follows: 6
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