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JB/T 8101-1999 Centrifugal Discharge Centrifuge

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8101-1999

Standard Name: Centrifugal Discharge Centrifuge

Chinese Name: 离心卸料离心机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-07-12

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:21.010

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J77 Separation Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 8101.1-1995 (original standard number GB 9066-1988) JB/T 4336-1991

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Separation Machinery Standardization

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8101-1999 JB/T 8101-1999 Centrifugal Discharge Centrifuge JB/T8101-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8101—1999
Centrifugal Slip-discharge Screen Centrifuge
Issued on 12 July 1999
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
Implemented on 1 January 2000
This standard is a revision of IB/T8101.1-95 "Type and Basic Parameters of Slip-discharge Screen Centrifuge" and JBT4336-91 "Technical Conditions for Slip-discharge Screen Centrifuge", and the two standards are combined into one standard. During the revision, only the original standard was modified in terms of material characteristics, and the main technical content was changed.
Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard.
This standard replaces T8101.1—95 JB/T4336-91 of January 2000 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the Technical Committee for Standardization of Separation Machinery. The responsible drafting units of this standard are: Shanghai Chemical Machinery Factory, Guangzhou Vertical Machine Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Xue Xiaoping, Wang Yunzhang, Ye Wenguang, Zhu Yanhui, Chen Nianshi. Fan Tao
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Centrifugal Discharge Centrifuge
Sllp-discharge centrifugeJET81011999
Dai Dai 8101.1-95
JRT 433691
This standard specifies the type and parameters, technical requirements, test methods, equipment specifications, marking, packaging, transportation and storage requirements of centrifugal discharge centrifuges.
This standard applies to centrifugal discharge centrifuges (hereinafter referred to as centrifuges) 2 Referenced Standards
The texts contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by being referenced in this standard. When the small standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised. Parties using the standards should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following subtitles: GB1501998
GBT 711—1988
GB/T 1184:—1996
GB/T 2100-19R0
GB/T 3077- 1988
GB/T 3274- -1988
GB/T 3280—1992
GB/T 4237—1992
GE/ 4334.2—1984
Steel pressure vessels
Packing and transport pictorial symbols
Technical requirements for high-quality carbon structural steel
High-quality carbon structural steel hot-rolled thick steel plates and wide steel plates, high-quality carbon structural steel and low-alloy structural steel hot-rolled plates and strips, shape and position tolerances, final tolerance values
Technical conditions for stainless steel castings||t t||Alloy structural technical parts
Hot-rolled thick steel plates and strips for low alloy structural steels and hot-rolled stainless steel cold-rolled steel plates
Hot-rolled stainless steel plates
10% oxalic acid corrosion test method for stainless steel
Sulfuric acid-ferric sulfate corrosion test method for stainless steel65% nitric acid sieve corrosion test method for stainless steel
GBT4334.4—19M4 Hydrogen bottle acid corrosion test method for stainless steel GB/T 4334.5—1984
GH/r 6388·-1986
GT3/T 9439--·1988
GB/T 10894—1989
GH/T 10895—1989
GL/T 11352. - 1989
Test method for corrosion of stainless steel, calcium sulfate, copper sulfate, shipping packaging, delivery and receipt marks
Gray cast iron parts
Determination of noise power level of separators Engineering method Test method for mechanical impact of centrifuges and separators Test method for centrifuge performance
One Light Engineering Cast Carbon Steel Parts
Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on December 1999-87 Implemented on January 1, 2000
GR/T 1330G——1991
3 Type and fee adjustment
General technical conditions for packaging of electronic products
General technical requirements for free single pieces on the chain
General technical conditions for coating of separation machinery|| tt||Safety requirements for centrifuges
Forged and welded parts of centrifuges and separators 3.1 Single-center discharge centrifuges can be divided into the following two types according to their structural characteristics: a) Vertical centrifugal discharge centrifuges (type IW), see Figure 1 b) Horizontal centrifugal discharge centrifuges (type IW), see Figure 2. 1 Vertical centrifugal centrifuges
2 Horizontal centrifugal discharge centrifuges
3.2 Basic parameters
The basic parameters of single-center discharge centrifuges shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1
Basic code
Big end diameter D
1) 20~352, with a wear differential of 2.5*.
2) Second series.
Technical requirements
4.1 Basic requirements
Half sugar has a/2
shaft filter,
The centrifuge should comply with the provisions of the Chinese standard and be manufactured according to the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. 4.3 Environmental requirements
Under the conditions of ambient temperature of -40℃ and relative air humidity of no more than 85%, the centrifuge can work normally: 4.3 Performance requirements
4.3.1 The drum speed should not be less than 97% of the design speed, 4.3.? The vibration intensity of the centrifuge should not be less than Under no-load operation, the noise level (by dynamic factor) should not be less than 95dD(A). 4.3.4 The processing capacity and separation effect should meet the design requirements and separation circle number
4.3.5 The bearing temperature should not be greater than 65℃ during no-load operation and should not be greater than 65℃ during load operation. Greater than 80 (measured at the lower bearing) 4.3.6 The bearing temperature rise during wear operation is not more than 25, and the load operation is not more than 40% (measured at the lower shaft housing) 4.3.7 Under normal use, the average trouble-free time should be no less than 4000h after the replacement of wearing parts. 4.4 Drilling structure requirements
4.4.1 The centrifuge should have a work surface for checking the installation level. 4.4.2 The sealing parts on the casing should be sealed reliably. 4.5 Safety requirements
4.5.1 The centrifuge should meet JB 8525 regulations 4.6 Appearance requirements
4.6.1 The centrifuge surface should not have obvious defects such as unevenness, unevenness, roughness, etc. 4.6.2 The rust-prone surface of the centrifuge should be connected and painted in accordance with the requirements of JB/T7217
"4.7.1 The materials used should comply with the provisions of the current relevant standards. 4.7.2 It is allowed to substitute materials with similar or better performance, but it must be agreed by the design department. 4.7.3 The materials of the main parts should meet the following standards Castings shall comply with the provisions of GB/T9439. Steel castings shall comply with the provisions of GR/T11352 or GB/T2100. Shaft parts shall comply with the provisions of GB/T699 or GR/T5077. Plate and shell parts shall comply with the provisions of CB/T912, GB/T3274, 0B/T711 or GB/T3280, GB/T4237. 4.8 Technical requirements
4.8.1 Transfer The welding process of the welding process shall meet the relevant provisions of GB150. The welding chain shall be inspected by X-ray flaw detection and shall meet the provisions of BT9095. 4.1.3 The welding process of the welding process shall be subjected to stress relief treatment. For the welding of austenitic non-ferrous steel with the requirements of inter-product corrosion resistance, measures to prevent or eliminate inter-product corrosion shall be taken: the inter-product corrosion test process shall meet the provisions of BT4334.1~4334.5. 4.8.2 Spindle Forgings shall meet the provisions of JBT4385, and the grade shall not be lower than Grade F. 4.2.2 The shaft collar shall be heat treated and subjected to full damage flaw detection and deformation control, and the result shall meet the provisions of JB/T9095. 4.8.3 The castings or welded parts such as bearing seats shall be subjected to stress relief treatment. 4.8.4 When the drum and the main shaft are matched with stacking, the matching surface should be evenly contacted, and within the area of ​​25mm×25mm, there should be no less than 5 contact points, or the contact on the whole length of the busbar and the circumference should be less than 70%, and the contact surface on the circumference within 1/4 of the whole length of the big end axis should be no less than 75%.
4.8.5 After the rotating parts are assembled, the radial runout and end face runout of the big end flange of the drum to the two bearing positions should not be lower than the 11th grade accuracy requirements of October T1194.
4.8.6 The drum parts must be dynamically balanced, and the level should not be lower than 6.3. The allowable unbalance adjustment should be calculated according to the formula in Appendix A (Standard Appendix). The maximum total correction weight should not be greater than 1/500 of the total mass. S Test method
S.1 The test method shall comply with the provisions of B/T10901, GBT10894 and GB/T10895. 5.2 The reverse test time of the centrifuge running without load shall be no less than 2h; 5.3 The continuous test time of the centrifuge running under load shall be no less than 2h. The running under load test is allowed to be carried out in the user unit. 6 Inspection and testing
6.【Basic requirements
The centrifuge shall be inspected and qualified by the manufacturing quality inspection department according to this standard. It can only be shipped after the quality certificate is issued! ,+
6.2 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.3 Factory inspection
6.3. "Each product shall be inspected by the factory before leaving the factory, including document checking, assembly and appearance quality inspection and empty running test. 6.3.2 Check the following documents:
a) Material quality certificate of important parts;
h) Flaw detection inspection report of drum and main shaft; c) Mechanical property test report of drum seam welding test plate; d) Heat treatment report of main parts;
e) Dynamic balance test report of drum components. 6.3.3. Assembly and appearance quality inspection The assembly quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.8.5, The appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.6. 6.3.4 Idle running test
The idle running test shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1-4.3.3, 4.3.5 and 43.6. 4 Type inspection
6.4.1 Type inspection shall be conducted in any of the following cases: a) Trial production appraisal of new products or old products transferred to other factories; b) After formal production, there are major changes in structure, materials and processes that may affect product performance; c) When the national quality supervision and inspection agency issues requirements for type inspection. 6.4.1 Type inspection includes product inspection and load operation test. 6.4.3 Negative operation test
The load operation test shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1, 4.3.4-1.3.6 and 4.4.2. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Each centrifuge shall be fixed with a durable product label in an obvious position. The label shall comply with the provisions of GB/13306. The label shall also indicate the following:
a) Model and name of the centrifuge;
b) Main technical parameters;
|) Date of manufacture and factory number;
d) Name of manufacturer.
7.2 Packaging
7.2. The packaging of the centrifuge shall comply with the provisions of B/T13384. 7.2.2 The outer markings of the packaging box shall comply with the provisions of GB19: 7.2.3 The receiving and sending marks on the outside of the packaging shall comply with the provisions of GB/T188. 7.2.4 The exposed processing surfaces of the accessories, spare parts, tools and main machine in the centrifuge that may be corroded by human air shall be treated before packaging. 2.5 The centrifuge is shipped with the following documents: a) Packing list;
5 Product certificate:
Product instruction manual:
d) Random accessories, parts list:
e) Installation range:
Other relevant technical information.
7.3 Transportation
The centrifuge is not allowed to be inverted or rolled during shipment. 7. 4 Storage
The centrifuge should be stored in an environment with a temperature of not less than -40°C, a temperature of not less than 80%, and no acid. The warranty period
The user shall comply with the installation, use, maintenance and warranty conditions specified in the product instruction manual. If the centrifuge fails to work properly due to poor quality within 12 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall not be responsible for any damage. Replacement parts (excluding vulnerable parts)
(standard version)
The allowable unevenness of dynamic balance of centrifuge rotating partsThe allowable unevenness of dynamic balance of centrifuge rotating parts is determined according to formula (A1): Ge
allowable weight-diameter product, 8·cm;
G-rotating part mass, kg;
rotating part center of gravity The allowable eccentricity is determined from the center of gravity allowable eccentricity mutual connection formula (A2) 1000.4_6300
Where: 4—dynamic balancing accuracy, select 6.3 level: a is the reverse degree of the drum rotation angle, rad/s
Formula (41) Let the calculated dynamic balancing allowable diameter product (Wealth) be the total allowable weight product at the center of the rotating part: When the actual balancing T technology is applied, it should be divided into two parts, and the two stop surfaces I and II are calculated separately (see letter A! "The allowable single displacement product, the value is calculated according to formula (A) [A4:
allowable weight-diameter product on correction plane I, cm: Where:
allowable weight-light product on correction plane I,,;
distance from the center of gravity of the rotating component to correction plane I, m: zero, the distance from the center of gravity of the component to correction plane II, Note: The correction plane "and the correction plane need to be selected to balance the room to improve the working performance, open the two surfaces that may be separated from each other. Figure A2 Check the following documents: bzxZ.net
a) Material quality certificate of important parts;
h) Flaw detection inspection report of drum and main shaft; c) Mechanical property test report of drum seam welding test plate; d) Heat treatment report of main parts;
e) Dynamic balance test report of drum components. 6.3.3. Assembly and appearance quality inspection The assembly quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.8.5, The appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.6. 6.3.4 Idle running test
The idle running test shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1-4.3.3, 4.3.5 and 43.6. 4 Type inspection
6.4.1 Type inspection shall be conducted in any of the following cases: a) Trial production appraisal of new products or transfer of old products to other factories; b) After formal production, when there are major changes in structure, materials and processes that may affect product performance; c) When the national quality supervision and inspection agency issues requirements for type inspection. 6.4.1 Type inspection includes product inspection and load operation test. 6.4.3 Negative operation test
The load operation test shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1, 4.3.4-1.3.6 and 4.4.2. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Each centrifuge shall be fixed with a durable product label in an obvious position. The label shall comply with the provisions of GB/13306. The label shall also indicate the following:
a) Model and name of the centrifuge;
b) Main technical parameters;
|) Date of manufacture and factory number;
d) Name of manufacturer.
7.2 Packaging
7.2. The packaging of the centrifuge shall comply with the provisions of B/T13384. 7.2.2 The outer markings of the packaging box shall comply with the provisions of GB19: 7.2.3 The receiving and sending marks on the outside of the packaging shall comply with the provisions of GB/T188. 7.2.4 The exposed processing surfaces of the accessories, spare parts, tools and main machine in the centrifuge that may be corroded by human air shall be treated before packaging. 2.5 The centrifuge is shipped with the following documents: a) Packing list;
5 Product certificate:
Product instruction manual:
d) Random accessories, parts list:
e) Installation range:
Other relevant technical information.
7.3 Transportation
The centrifuge is not allowed to be inverted or rolled during shipment. 7. 4 Storage
The centrifuge should be stored in an environment with a temperature of not less than -40°C, a temperature of not less than 80%, and no acid. The warranty period
The user shall comply with the installation, use, maintenance and warranty conditions specified in the product instruction manual. If the centrifuge fails to work properly due to poor quality within 12 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall not be responsible for any damage. Replacement parts (excluding vulnerable parts)
(standard version)
The allowable unevenness of dynamic balance of centrifuge rotating partsThe allowable unevenness of dynamic balance of centrifuge rotating parts is determined according to formula (A1): Ge
allowable weight-diameter product, 8·cm;
G-rotating part mass, kg;
rotating part center of gravity The allowable eccentricity is determined from the center of gravity allowable eccentricity mutual connection formula (A2) 1000.4_6300
Where: 4—dynamic balancing accuracy, select 6.3 level: a is the reverse degree of the drum rotation angle, rad/s
Formula (41) Let the calculated dynamic balancing allowable diameter product (Wealth) be the total allowable weight product at the center of the rotating part: When the actual balancing T technology is applied, it should be divided into two parts, and the two stop surfaces I and II are calculated separately (see letter A! "The allowable single displacement product, the value is calculated according to formula (A) [A4:
allowable weight-diameter product on correction plane I, cm: Where:
allowable weight-light product on correction plane I,,;
distance from the center of gravity of the rotating component to correction plane I, m: zero, the distance from the center of gravity of the component to correction plane II, Note: The correction plane "and the correction plane need to be selected to balance the room to improve the working performance, open the two surfaces that may be separated from each other. Figure A2 Check the following documents:
a) Material quality certificate of important parts;
h) Flaw detection inspection report of drum and main shaft; c) Mechanical property test report of drum seam welding test plate; d) Heat treatment report of main parts;
e) Dynamic balance test report of drum components. 6.3.3. Assembly and appearance quality inspection The assembly quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.8.5, The appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of 4.6. 6.3.4 Idle running test
The idle running test shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1-4.3.3, 4.3.5 and 43.6. 4 Type inspection
6.4.1 Type inspection shall be conducted in any of the following cases: a) Trial production appraisal of new products or old products transferred to other factories; b) After formal production, there are major changes in structure, materials and processes that may affect product performance; c) When the national quality supervision and inspection agency issues requirements for type inspection. 6.4.1 Type inspection includes product inspection and load operation test. 6.4.3 Negative operation test
The load operation test shall comply with the provisions of 4.3.1, 4.3.4-1.3.6 and 4.4.2. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Each centrifuge shall be fixed with a durable product label in an obvious position. The label shall comply with the provisions of GB/13306. The label shall also indicate the following:
a) Model and name of the centrifuge;
b) Main technical parameters;
|) Date of manufacture and factory number;
d) Name of manufacturer.
7.2 Packaging
7.2. The packaging of the centrifuge shall comply with the provisions of B/T13384. 7.2.2 The outer markings of the packaging box shall comply with the provisions of GB19: 7.2.3 The receiving and sending marks on the outside of the packaging shall comply with the provisions of GB/T188. 7.2.4 The exposed processing surfaces of the accessories, spare parts, tools and main machine in the centrifuge that may be corroded by human air shall be treated before packaging. 2.5 The centrifuge is shipped with the following documents: a) Packing list;
5 Product certificate:
Product instruction manual:
d) Random accessories, parts list:
e) Installation range:
Other relevant technical information.
7.3 Transportation
The centrifuge is not allowed to be inverted or rolled during shipment. 7. 4 Storage
The centrifuge should be stored in an environment with a temperature of not less than -40°C, a temperature of not less than 80%, and no acid. The warranty period
The user shall comply with the installation, use, maintenance and warranty conditions specified in the product instruction manual. If the centrifuge fails to work properly due to poor quality within 12 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall not be responsible for any damage. Replacement parts (excluding vulnerable parts)
(standard version)
The allowable unevenness of dynamic balance of centrifuge rotating partsThe allowable unevenness of dynamic balance of centrifuge rotating parts is determined according to formula (A1): Ge
allowable weight-diameter product, 8·cm;
G-rotating part mass, kg;
rotating part center of gravity The allowable eccentricity is determined from the center of gravity allowable eccentricity mutual connection formula (A2) 1000.4_6300
Where: 4—dynamic balancing accuracy, select 6.3 level: a is the reverse degree of the drum rotation angle, rad/s
Formula (41) Let the calculated dynamic balancing allowable diameter product (Wealth) be the total allowable weight product at the center of the rotating part: When the actual balancing T technology is applied, it should be divided into two parts, and the two stop surfaces I and II are calculated separately (see letter A! "The allowable single displacement product, the value is calculated according to formula (A) [A4:
allowable weight-diameter product on correction plane I, cm: Where:
allowable weight-light product on correction plane I,,;
distance from the center of gravity of the rotating component to correction plane I, m: zero, the distance from the center of gravity of the component to correction plane II, Note: The correction plane "and the correction plane need to be selected to balance the room to improve the working performance, open the two surfaces that may be separated from each other. Figure A
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