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HG/T 23014-1999 Safety regulations for high-altitude operations in factories

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 23014-1999

Standard Name: Safety regulations for high-altitude operations in factories

Chinese Name: 厂区高处作业安全规程

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-09-29

Date of Implementation:2000-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>71.020 Chemical Production

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G09 Health, Safety, and Labor Protection

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by AQ 3025-2008

Publication information

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HG/T 23014-1999 Safety regulations for high-altitude operations in factory areas HG/T23014-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guangzhou Area Safety Code for Works at Height in Workplace
Issued on 1999-09-29
Implemented on 2000-03-01
Issued by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry
W Registration No.: 4112—1999
This standard is formulated based on the safety requirements for work at height in chemical enterprises. The appendix to this standard is the appendix to the standard.
This standard was proposed by the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is technically managed by the Chemical Safety Professional Committee of the Chemical Industry Society of China. The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Zhejiang Juhua Group Corporation. The main drafters of this standard: Chen Wenshan and Zhang Nai. This standard is entrusted to the Chemical Safety Professional Committee of the Chemical Industry Society of China for interpretation. I
1 Scope
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Safety Code for Works at Height in Workplace
The Safety Code for Works at Height in WorkplaceHG23014—1999
This standard specifies the definition, classification and grading, safety requirements and protection of work at height in chemical production areas, and the management of "Safety Work at Height Permit".
This standard applies to work at height in production areas of chemical enterprises. 2 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions:
2.1 Work at Height
Any work that is performed at a height that is 2m or more from the fall height reference plane and may result in a fall is called work at height. 2.2 Fall height reference plane
The horizontal plane from the work position to the lowest fall landing point is called the fall height reference plane. 2.3 Work at Height at Different Temperatures
Work at height that is performed under high or low temperature conditions. High temperature refers to the temperature at the workplace with a productive heat source, and its temperature is 2°C or more higher than the temperature of the outdoor ventilation design calculation temperature in the summer of the region. Low temperature refers to the temperature at the workplace below 5°C. 2.4 Live high-altitude work
Workers adopt ground (zero) potential or equal (same) potential working methods in the production of electricity and the maintenance of power supply and power consumption equipment, and approach or contact live objects to perform high-altitude work on live equipment and lines. Those below the distance in Table 1 are considered to be close to live objects. Table 1
Voltage level (kv)
Distance (m)
3 Grading and classification of high-altitude work
3.1 Grading of high-altitude work
Below 10
High-altitude work is divided into first-level, second-level, third-level and special-level high-altitude work. 3.1.1 When the working height is 2 to 5m, it is called first-level high-altitude work. 44
3.1.2 When the working height is between 5m and 15m, it is called Class II high-altitude work. 3.1.3 When the working height is between 15m and 30m, it is called Class III high-altitude work. 3.1.4 When the working height is above 30m, it is called Special high-altitude work. 3.2 Classification of high-altitude work
High-altitude work is divided into three categories: special high-altitude work, high-altitude work under chemical working conditions and general high-altitude work. 3.2.1 Special height operations
National Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau 1999-09-29 Issued 154
2000-03-01 Implementation
W.bzsoso.coIHG23014—1999 High-altitude operations in strong winds with gusts of wind force 6 (wind speed 10.8m/s) or above. High-altitude operations at different temperatures in high or low temperature environments. High-altitude operations in snowy weather when snowing. High-altitude operations in rainy weather when raining. High-altitude operations outdoors at night with full artificial lighting. High-altitude operations with electricity when approaching or touching charged bodies. Suspended high-altitude work performed without a foothold or without a secure foothold. 3.2.2 High-altitude work in chemical industry conditions High-altitude work performed on a slope with a slope greater than 45°. High-altitude work performed on or near lifting (hoisting) ports, pits, wells, pools, ditches, holes, etc. High-altitude work performed in flammable, explosive, poisonous, or burn-prone areas or near rotating equipment. High-altitude work performed on chemical containers, equipment, and overhead pipelines such as towers, kettles, furnaces, and tanks without platforms or guardrails. High-altitude work performed inside equipment such as towers, kettles, furnaces, and tanks. 3.2.3 General high-altitude work
High-altitude work other than special high-altitude work and high-altitude work in chemical industry conditions. 4 Safety requirements and protection for working at heights
4.1 Safety requirements for working at heights
4.1.1 Units engaged in working at heights must apply for a "Height Safety Work Permit" and implement safety protection measures before they can start working. The format of the "Height Safety Work Permit" is shown in Appendix A.
4.1.2 The examiner of the "Height Safety Work Permit" shall go to the height work site to check and confirm the safety measures before approving the height work. 4.1.3 Workers working at heights must receive safety education and be familiar with the site environment and construction safety requirements. People with occupational prohibitions, the elderly and weak, overly fatigued, with poor eyesight, and those who are drunk are not allowed to work at heights. 4.1.4 Before working at heights, workers should check the "Height Safety Work Permit" and check and confirm that the safety measures have been implemented before they can start working. Otherwise, they have the right to refuse the work.
4.1.5 Workers at heights should wear labor protection equipment in accordance with regulations, and should check before working. They should correctly use anti-fall equipment and climbing tools and equipment during work.
4.1.6 Workers at heights should be supervised by a guardian, and the guardian should stick to his post. 4.2 Safety protection for work at heights
4.2.1 Before working at heights, the construction unit should formulate safety measures and fill them in the "Height Safety Work Permit". 4.2.2 Materials, tools and equipment that do not meet the safety requirements for working at heights shall not be used. 4.2.3 Tools, materials, parts, etc. used for working at heights must be placed in tool bags, and objects must not be held in the hands when going up and down. Throwing tools, materials and other items is not allowed. When tools and materials that are easy to slide or roll are stacked on the scaffolding, measures should be taken to prevent them from falling. 4.2.4 When working in the production and storage sites of hazardous chemicals or in the vicinity of venting pipelines, you should contact the workshop manager or foreman (duty supervisor) in advance, establish a contact signal, and fill in the contact signal in the remarks column of the "Height Safety Work Permit". 4.2.5 When working on light materials such as asbestos tiles and tile edge boards, you must lay a firm scaffolding board and fix it, and there must be anti-slip measures on the scaffolding board. bZxz.net
4.2.6 When working at heights and other operations are carried out at the same time, you must go up and down along the designated route. It is prohibited to work vertically up and down. If you must work vertically, reliable isolation measures should be taken. 4.2.7 Working at heights should keep in touch with the ground, and the necessary communication tools should be equipped according to the on-site conditions, and a designated person should be responsible for communication. 4.2.8 When working at heights with electricity at ground (zero) potential or equal (same) potential, you must use insulating tools or wear equalizing pressure clothing.
W.bzsosO.coI 5 Management of "Height Safety Work Permit"
5.1 The workshop is responsible for the approval of the first-level height work and the height work of chemical working conditions specified in and The workshop is responsible for the approval of the second-level and third-level height work and the height work of chemical working conditions specified in and After the review of the workshop, the factory safety management department shall be reported to the approval of the factory director or chief engineer after the review of the special-level and special height work and the height work of chemical working conditions specified in 5.2 The person in charge of construction must apply to the approval unit according to the classification and category of the height work and apply for the "Height Safety Work Permit". The "Height Safety Work Permit" is in triplicate, one copy is given to the operator, one copy is given to the person in charge of construction, and one copy is given to the safety management department for retention. 5.3 For projects with a long construction period, the construction manager should frequently conduct on-site inspections, rectify hidden dangers in a timely manner, and keep records. If there are major changes in construction conditions, the "Height Safety Operation Permit" should be re-applied. 3
Work location
Work content
Safety protection
Project responsible
Review department
Approval department
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Height safety work permit
Height safety work permit
Work time
Work height
Work category
Person in charge of the construction unit:
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