title>Micrographics—Rotary camera systems—Test target for checking performance - GB/T 19110-2003 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Micrographics—Rotary camera systems—Test target for checking performance

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 19110-2003

Standard Name:Micrographics—Rotary camera systems—Test target for checking performance

Chinese Name: 缩微摄影技术 检查轮转式缩微摄影机系统性能用的测试标板

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2003-05-14

Date of Implementation:2003-12-01

Date of Expiration:2011-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Imaging Technology>>37.080 Document Imaging Technology

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A14 Library, Archives, Documentation and Information Work

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 19110-2011

Procurement status:ISO 10594:1997,MOD

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2003-12-01

other information

Release date:2003-05-14

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Han Yuanzhong, Chen Shaohua, Liu Dingjun, Yu Lianxiang, Liu Peiping

Drafting unit:National Document Imaging Technology Standardization Technical Committee

Focal point unit:National Document Imaging Technology Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Document Imaging Technology Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard is modified to adopt ISO 10594:1997. This standard specifies the composition and application methods of test plates used to inspect the photographic quality and mechanical properties of 16mm rotary microfilm cameras. The test plates specified in this standard are suitable for: evaluating camera performance, such as establishing original reference materials before purchase; acceptance testing, such as confirming that the indicators at the time of purchase are met after maintenance; routine inspections, such as weekly or monthly inspections. GB/T 19110-2003 Test plates used to inspect the performance of rotary microfilm camera systems using microfilm technology GB/T19110-2003 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard is modified to adopt ISO 10594:1997. This standard specifies the composition and application methods of test plates used to inspect the photographic quality and mechanical properties of 16mm rotary microfilm cameras. The test standards specified in this standard are applicable to: evaluating camera performance, such as establishing original reference data before purchase; acceptance testing, such as confirming that the indicators at the time of purchase are met after repair; routine inspections, such as weekly or monthly inspections.

Some standard content:

105 37.080
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Micrographies-Rotary camera systems-Test target for checking performance(IS0 10594:1997, M0D)
Promulgated on May 14, 2003
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on December 1, 2003
This standard is modified to adopt ISO10594:1997 (Microfilming Technology for Checking the Performance of Rotary Microfilm Camera Systems) (English version). The main differences between this standard and ISO10594:1997 are as follows: Chinese characters of different sizes are added to the layout of the test plate in Figures 1 and 2 to make it suitable for use in my country. For ease of use, this standard also makes the following editorial changes: Delete the foreword of the international standard
The space between "this international standard" is changed to "this standard". Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix.
This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Document Imaging Technology (CSITS/IC8G). This standard was drafted by the first branch of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Document Imaging Technology. The main drafters of this standard are: Han Yuanzhong, Chen Shaohua, Liu Dingjun, Ka Lianban, and Liu Peiping. GB/T 19110-2003
This standard is used to check the quality of rotary microfilm camera systems. Some characteristics of rotary microfilm require that the form of the test plate is different from that of B/T17293-1998. Test plate for checking the performance of flatbed microfilm camera systems. The microfilm production process may cause the image quality of the microfilm to be somewhat lower than that of the original document. In order to control this phenomenon within an acceptable range, it is advisable to conduct regular inspections of the microfilm produced so as to adjust and correct this sensitivity. 1 Scope
Microfilm technology
Test plate for checking the performance of rotary microfilm camera systems
GB/T 191102003
This standard specifies the composition and application of test panels for testing the photographic quality and mechanical performance of 16mm rotary microfilm cameras.
The test panels specified in this standard are suitable for: evaluating camera performance, such as establishing original reference data before purchase; acceptance testing, such as confirming that the indicators at the time of purchase are met after maintenance; routine inspections, such as short or monthly inspections.
2 Normative References
The provisions of the following documents become part of this standard through reference in this standard Clauses. For documents with an effective date, all amendments (excluding errors) or revisions thereto are not applicable to this standard. However, all parties involved in the implementation of this standard shall consider whether to use the latest versions of these documents. The latest version and applicable manual of this standard shall be undated references. GB/T6159.1:2003 Microfilming Technology - Part 1: General Technical Specifications IS61961:1993.MOD) CB/T6159.3:2003
GH/T 6159. 4—3003
G13/T 6159.52000
GB/T 6159.6G--2003
GB/T 6159.22 2000
1S0 5 3:1945
Micrographic Vocabulary Part 3: Film processing (ISO619-3:1997.M(D) Micrographic Vocabulary Part 4: Materials and packaging (ISD6T96-4:1998, M3)) Micrographic Vocabulary Part 5: Image quality, readability and inspection (egISC) Micrographic Vocabulary Part 6: Equipment (ISO6196-6:1992, MOD) Micrographics - Part 2: Methods of arrangement and recording of images (180616 Micrographics
Characteristics of Test Chart No. 2 and its application in micrographics (egv[S() Micrographics ISO)) Characteristics of Test Chart No. 1 and its use (ISO 446:1991) 2001
Photographic ignition measurement - Part 2: Geometric conditions of transmission Photographic density measurement - Part 3: Optical strips with ISO 5-4:1995
Photographic density measurement Part 4: Geometric conditions of reflectance [S02471:1997 Paper and paper opacity determination (paper licking) diffuse reflectance method 3 Terms and definitions
GF/T 6159. I—2003, EGE3/T 6159. 3:2003.GB/T 6159. 4—2009GRB/T 61:59. 5-—2000.EI3/T 6159. 6:2003 and GB/T6159.22-2000 The terms and definitions established are used in this standard. 4 Characteristics of the test target
4.1. Basic characteristics
The test target should be made on a white opaque substrate. Measured in accordance with the provisions of ISO5-3:1995 and IS(5)-4:1995: The visual density of the diffuse reflectance of the substrate should not exceed 0.08; measured in accordance with the provisions of ISO2471:1997, the emissivity of the substrate should be greater than 85%. The test target plate should be image-free.
4.2 Test Standard Layout
The test standard shall consist of the following components and shall be laid out according to Figures 1 and 2 (Test Diagram No. 1 shall comply with B/T18405-2001. Visual Diagram No. 2 shall comply with GB/T6161-1994): The left, middle and right sides of the test standard shall be arranged with double-column graphic symbols, consisting of the character group of Test Diagram No. 1, with character heights ranging from 56 to 280. Arranged in a row, or the pattern of Test Diagram No. 2, with a range of 7.1 to 1.4:--Shanshan small and different characters of different font sizes Two character lines, one part is arranged vertically in the center of the left side of the substrate, and the other part is arranged horizontally in the middle of the side of the substrate;
Two columns of ladder gratings with spatial frequencies of 1.8 and 2.0 line pairs/mm are arranged on the left side of the center of the target plate: Two columns of ladder gratings with spatial frequencies of 2.5 and 3.2 line pairs/mm are arranged on the right side of the center of the target plate: There is at least one reference scale with millimeters between the ladder gratings, and there is an arrow indicating the direction of the target plate conveying parallel to the arrangement direction of the ladder gratings. The arrow should be large enough to facilitate density measurement (see 4. 3);
:--Two reference straight lines in the middle of the sub-straight and cross-shaped target plate, one is 220mm long and the other is 200mm long (parallel to the arrangement direction of the ladder grating). A circular mark is marked at the intersection for detection. The two ends of the straight line are marked with cut-off positive lines, and the length of the reference straight line is marked to detect the actual reduction rate.
4.3 Contrast
When measuring the contrast in accordance with the provisions of 15053:1993 and ISO5-4:1995, the difference between the characters on the target plate (such as arrows, see 4.2) and the reflected visual intensity between the plate should be less than 1.3. 4.4 Recognition
The following requirements should appear on the test target plate: "Rotary microfilm test target plate", implement GR/T19110-2003: Name of the supervisory organization or issuing organization.
5 Microfilming of the test target plate
5.1 Flash Adjustment
Measure the density in accordance with 105-2:1991 (ISO 53:199J). The exposure should be adjusted so that the background density of the microimage of the test mark is controlled within the range of 0.9 to 1.3. To check the background density, obtain a blank paper sample of the same type as the test mark from the supplier, shoot and measure the density of its microimage.
5.2 Input
Input the test mark into the rotary microfilm camera in the direction indicated by the arrow (refer to Figures 1 and 2). If the width of the microfilm camera feeder exceeds the size of the test mark, move the mark along the feeder and repeat the shooting. The number of shots should be sufficient to cover the width of the mark.
If the width of the microfilm camera feeder is smaller than the size of the test mark, cut the test mark into strips of appropriate width in the direction of the arrow. And shoot all the strips at once.
5.3 Flash times
Microfilm test plate at least 10 times, and give the microfilm image a number 110 to control. When testing a microfilm camera that can shoot both the front and back sides of a document (double-sided), both the back and the front areas should be checked. If the microfilm camera can shoot multiple reels of film at the same time, repeat the test method for each reel of film. If only a part of the expanded area is made of Ding, the manual method can be used to test that part of the shooting area! 2 | | tt | tt||GB/T 19110—2003
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Figure 1 with the test plate of the test country No. 1
GB/1 19113--2003
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Figure 2 with test chart No. 2
6 Evaluation of test instruments and results
6.1 Microscope
GB/T 19110—2003
Measure using a microscope with a high-quality achromatic objective lens. The microscope magnification should be between 50:1 and 15D11. It should be capable of measuring image size.
6.2 Transport uniformity
If there are any defects in the running of the test target or film, the micro-image of some lines of the ladder grating will appear blurred. Observe whether the blurred phenomenon of the ladder grating is general or intermittent (see 6.3). 6.3 Resolution
Determine the resolution in accordance with the provisions of GB/T6161-1994 or (GH/T18405--2001. Observe the original micro-image of the test chart, paying special attention to any blurred areas (see 6.2). 6.4 Reduction
Test the reduction by comparing the length of the reference straight line of the original test target with the length of its micro-image. 6.5 Readability
Observe the lines of characters on the microfilm to check readability. 7 Test Results
Record the test results in the data sheet and save them. For microfilms not recorded in single-line format or recorded during disk-network photography, record the lowest result for each test item. Record the following information on the data sheet:
1 Microfilm Record
Microfilm Period #
Test (performance, routine inspection, maintenance, acceptance) Camera type and microfilm number used:
Film type used;
Nominal reduction ratio used, microfilm background density; camera operator. 2 Test results of standard plate microfilm 2.1 Delivery uniformity, check ladder grating 2.2 Actual measurement of reduction ratio Microfilm size of a reference white practice. 2.3 Resolvable standard symbols or patterns (test pattern No. 1 or 2) Read the smallest resolvable character pattern at the four corners and center of the image and note its position. 2.1 Size of the smallest readable printed character Vertical character size (P or mm [P = 0.35 mm); Vertical character size (P or mm 1P0. 35 mm)3 Description
A.1 Overview
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Characteristics of Rotary Microfilm Cameras
The main requirement for rotary microfilm cameras is business productivity. To meet the needs of the business community, the endorser and serial number printer can print during the movement of the document, which may cause pauses in the document transmission or vibrations of the optical image during the exposure process: resulting in a reduction in the quality of the microfilm image.
A.2 Movement of Film and Documents
A.2.1 Synchronicity
Synchronous movement of film and documents The most important aspect of rotary microfilming is the synchronization of the motion of the film and document. It is usually observed when checking the mechanical operation of the rotary microfilm camera using a test mark with a willow-shaped grating to see if the motion of the film and document is synchronized. If there is a momentary desynchronization (called a "punctuation" or "frequency spike"), it will appear as a blurring of a small portion of the lines in the test mark's staircase pattern. When there is a smear in the film's motion, the lines perpendicular to the direction of motion will be blurred in a narrow area across the width of the film: however, the lines in the direction of motion will not show such a loss of resolution. This effect will extend over the entire width and will appear as a narrow strip of image quality that is slightly degraded, but still readable. In a printed document, it may be an artifact of a line of printed characters (see Figures A.1 and A.2).||tt| ... A. 2. 2 Heat
The film belt moves in a circular motion around the drive roller. The reading accuracy of this roller must be very high, otherwise the image will be out of focus. The requirements are even more stringent when shooting at high reduction ratios, because the focal depth of the lens is very small in this case. A. 2. 3 Maintenance
Due to the high speed of document transmission and the influence of the transmission method, the paper will produce a lot of image dust in the camera, which will cause the glass guide, reflector and other parts of the machine to become contaminated. Therefore, proper maintenance is required frequently to ensure the quality of the film. It is necessary to confirm that the camera is shooting and testing under the best conditions, and record the test results as a reference. Compare the subsequent test results with the reference to determine when maintenance is needed. A. 3 Document Quality
The quality of the documents being microfilmed is very important. Changes in factors such as paper size, size and surface finish can cause failures in the document transportation process. Some poor quality documents produce excessive carbon dust, which increases the number of machine maintenance. Documents with carbon dye on the back are prone to contamination of the optical components of the projector. Documents that are too thin may wrinkle. If the document stops suddenly (frequency spike) during exposure, the document image will temporarily lose synchronization with the film, causing 1 to 2 lines of information on the vertical downward motion direction to become blurred. Note: In Figure A.1, the small printed characters (5.P, 1P035mm) in the microfilm image of Figure [are well readable and the ladder diagram does not show the frequency spike. The same size small printed characters in the microfilm image of Figure A.2 are poorly readable and show the frequency spike in the ladder diagram. This microfilm image shows 1 to 2 lines of partial degradation of the printed characters. hehiteSheet ||tt || Groupso
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Figure A.1 Effect of frequency surge on character lines and ladder test mark lines GB/T 19110-2003
GB/T 191[0-2003
国A, 2 shows how frequency surge can mislead the observer to read the lower value of the resolution provided by the photographic system, 1.6
Note:; 3.2 and 3.6 groups of patterns are resolved, while 2.8 group of patterns can not be resolved. 28
A2 Effect of frequency surge on test pattern No. 2
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