GB/T 14860-1993 General specification for transformers and inductors for communication and electronic equipment
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
General Specification for Transformers and Inductors for Use in Telecommunication and Electronic Equipment1 General Requirements
1.1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
GB/T 14860--93
This specification specifies the requirements and component test list for capacity assessment that transformer and inductor manufacturers must follow in order to obtain the capacity approval specified in Article 11.7 of IECQQC001002 "International Electrotechnical Commission Electrotechnical Component Quality Assessment System (IECQ) Rules of Procedure": It also specifies the marking, deferred delivery and ordering requirements, and gives the standard ratings and characteristics. In addition, it also specifies the quality consistency inspection.
This specification applies to transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment that are assessed for quality according to capacity approval, including multiphase transformers. 1.2 Related Documents
The relevant clauses in the following standards referenced in this specification constitute a part of this specification. IEC 50 International Electrical Vocabulary
IEC 68
IEC 410
IEC 617
IEC 695
Basic environmental testing procedures
Power transformers-Part 4: Sampling plans and procedures for tap and connection count inspection
Graphical symbols for use on drawings
Fire hazard tests
IEC 1007
Test methods and test procedures for transformers and inductors for use in electronic and communication equipmentIECQ C 001002 Rules of procedure for the International Electrotechnical Commission for the Assessment of Electronic Component Quality (IECQ) ISO31
1.3 Terminology
Quantities, units and symbols
This specification adopts the definitions given in IEC1007 and IEC50. 1.4 Letter symbols, signs and abbreviations
Letter symbols, signs and abbreviations shall conform to the provisions of ISO 31. 1.5 Graphical symbols
Graphical symbols shall conform to the provisions of IEC617. 1.6 Marking of components and packaging
Unless otherwise specified in the user's detailed specification, each component shall be marked with the following in the order or priority specified as far as possible: Terminal identification:
Batch identification and (or) date
Process identification code:
Detailed specification number:
Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 30, 1993 and implemented on September 1, 1994
Additional markings required by the detailed specification.
GB/T 14860—93
All the above contents, except the terminal identification mark, shall be marked on the primary packaging. Note: If transparent packaging is used, these contents can be marked on a label that can be read without opening the package. If the terminal identification number is not marked on the part, it should be marked on the package in the form of a diagram or relevant standard shape. ② For multi-phase components, it is best to give connection symbols in accordance with the provisions of 1EC76. 1) When the date is used as a batch identification mark, only the date code is marked on the standard components and packaging. 1.7 Delayed delivery
Unless the storage period is otherwise specified in the relevant user's detailed specifications, components that have been stored for more than one year after the acceptance test should be checked again before shipment and meet the inspection requirements specified below. The withstand voltage should be tested in accordance with the provisions of of IEC1007. H.
b. The insulation resistance (standard atmospheric conditions) should be tested in accordance with the provisions of of IEC1007. .
Solderability shall be tested in accordance with IEC68-2-20 test Ta or IEC68-2-58 test Td. The number of terminals tested shall be as specified in the detail specification, maximum, 10: minimum: 2 terminals. 1.8 Certification test records
Certification test records (CIRs) shall only be provided if specifically required by the user's detail specification. If such test records are provided, the CIRs shall be printed on specification A paper in a format such as the examples given in Appendix A. 1.9 Standard Ratings and Characteristics
According to the provisions of the relevant parts of IECGB, the priority values of ratings and characteristics are as follows a.
Minimum ambient temperature (lower category temperature) (according to the requirements of IEC68-2-1: Test A: Low temperature test) -10C, -25C. -40C. -55C, -65℃.
Maximum ambient temperature (upper category temperature) (according to the provisions of IEC:68-2-2: Test B: Dry heat test) 40℃. 55℃, 70C, 85, 100℃, 125℃. Steady state damp heat (according to the provisions of IEC68-2-3: Test Ca: Steady state damp heat) 4d. 10d, 21d, 56d.
Note: For the abc climate categories, the band is expressed in the format of digital codes, and the minimum ambient temperature/morning high ambient temperature/heat exposure days + this expression method conforms to the provisions of Appendix A of IE68-1. Shock (according to IEC68-2-27. Test Ea and Guide: Shock test) 294 m/*, 18 m5: 490 m/s*, 11 ms; 981 m/s*, 6 ms. Collision (according to IEC68-2-29: Test Fh and Guide: Collision test) Number of collisions: 1000±10.4000±10. These collisions are the total number of times applied to any sample. Severity:
98m/, duration 16rns; 390m/ duration 6t1s. Vibration (according to IFC68-26: Test Fc and Guide: Vibration (sinusoidal) test) f.
Frequency range: 10~55 Hz, 10~500 Hz, 10~~2 000 Hz. For example, the velocity and displacement amplitudes are shown in the table below:
Acceleration amplitude above the crossover frequency
Displacement amplitude below the crossover splash rate
Steady-state acceleration (according to IEC68-2-7: Test Ga and Guide: Steady-state acceleration test) 98 m/s2
19G tm/s*
981 m/g*
Low pressure (according to IEC68-2-13: Test M: Low pressure test) h.
30kPa(300 mba1)
8. 5 kPa(85 mbar)
1.10 Ordering Information
The components ordered by the user shall be the subject of a detailed specification, which is prepared based on the user detailed specification (blank detailed specification) of the corresponding sub-category of the component.
The specification shall meet the requirements of the general specification and the corresponding sub-specification, and when used in combination, shall fully describe the characteristics of the component. Usually, the specification written by the user shall specify the component identification number including the version status of this system. The characteristics, ratings and dimensions in the user detailed specification prepared by the user and the manufacturer shall be within the approved range of manufacturing capabilities. When the content of the detailed specification is agreed by the manufacturer (if necessary, after the sample to be inspected has been accepted by the user), the manufacturer shall assign a standard number. The number is composed of the sub-specification number followed by the manufacturer's identification code and then a specific number (for example, QC260×00/FRR/2031). After the manufacturer's number is specified for the user detailed specification, this specification is considered to be part of the order contract. The general inspector of the manufacturer shall retain a copy of each user detailed specification with such a number. 1.11 Quality certificate consistency test
After the manufacturer's number is specified for the completed user's detailed specification, the ordered parts shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of this specification, and this specification shall comply with the requirements of the relevant sub-specification.
Note: The tests performed and the related inspection levels and AQI. are mainly determined according to the requirements of the user and shall also be agreed by the manufacturer (see 1.10). 2 Tests
The list of capability approval tests of this specification is specified and included in the user's detailed specification (corresponding sub-specification) The tests specified in this specification shall comply with the tests specified in [IEC:1007 and 2-2 and 2.3 of this specification (as applicable) 2.1 Electrical test procedures
The electrical test procedures shall comply with the requirements of the relevant provisions of IEC1007. 2.2 Environmental test procedures
2.2.1 General requirements Capability approval test
Test conditions The initial, final and intermediate measurements shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant procedures in 3.4. Quality Conformity Inspection
Where environmental tests are specified in the detail specification, the following procedures may be used (if applicable). Except for the fire hazard test, the tests specified in IFC.68-2 shall be used.
Note: The user shall ensure that the document is the applicable version. The quality conformity inspection procedure specified in the detail specification shall specify the severity of the test and the initial, final and intermediate tests to be carried out. 2-2.2 Soldering
To determine the solderability of conductors and connecting terminals, the tests specified in Test T of 1EC68-2-20 (1979) shall be carried out. The detail specification shall specify the corresponding test method Ta. NOTE, (1) For components intended for printed circuits only, method 1 of test 1a shall be used. ② When the component resistance to heat is specified, method 1b of test Tb shall be used. ③ Regarding [EC 68-2-58 Test Td (1989); When surface mount components are used, the solderability, resistance to melting of the metallization layer and resistance to soldering heat of surface mount components (SMD) shall be described. ..comGB/T 14860-- 93
2.2.3[The strength of the output terminal and the integral mounting component shall be tested according to the U1, Ua2, Ub, Lr: or Ud specified in the test U (1983) in IEC68-2-21 listed in the detailed specification according to the type of the 4I output terminal. The test results of the lead-out terminal shall not have any visual damage when tested in accordance with the provisions of of IEC1007. The fixing or welding and connection of the lead-out terminal shall be satisfactory. 2.2.4 Impact
The impact test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of test Ea and guide (1987) in 1EC:68-2-27. 2.2.5 Impact
The impact test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of test 1:b (1987) and the guidelines in IEC68-2-29. 2.2.6 Vibration (sinusoidal)
The vibration test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of test Fc and the guidelines in IEC68-2-6 (1982). 2.2.7 Steady-state acceleration
The steady-state acceleration shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of test G: and the guidelines in IEC68-2-7 (1983). 2.2.8 Rapid temperature change (thermal shock in air) Rapid temperature change shall be carried out in accordance with test Na (1984) in IEC68-2-14. 2.2.9 Seal
The seal test shall be carried out in accordance with test Q (197B) in IEC68-2-17, Qc or Qd. 2.2.10 Climatic sequence
Climatic tests shall be carried out in the following sequence:
a. Low heat, test Ha
The samples shall be tested at the upper category temperature specified in test Ba (1971) of IEC68-2-2. The test duration is 1 h
Intervals not exceeding 72 h are allowed at this stage of the procedure, during which the samples shall be kept under normal laboratory conditions at a temperature of 15 to 35 °C.
c. Wet heat (cyclic), test Db
Samples of climatic categories —/~/10, —/-/21 or —/-/56 shall be tested in accordance with test Db (1980) of IEC68-230, with a severity (b) of 55 °C. 1 cycle, type 1. This shall be followed by a recovery period of 1.5 to 2 h. a. Cold, Test Aa
After the samples have been subjected to the damp heat cycle test as specified in C, they shall be immediately tested in accordance with the provisions of IEC682-1 Test Aa (1974) at the lower category temperature for 2 h
. Interval 2
An interval of not more than 72 h is allowed during this stage of the procedure, during which the samples shall be kept under normal test conditions at 15~~33°C.
f. Low pressure. Test M
If required (see Note ()), any sample with a climatic category of 40/:/-, 55//- or 65/:/- shall be tested in accordance with the severity specified in Test M (1983) of IEC68-2-13. Unless otherwise specified in the detail specification, the low pressure condition test shall be for 1 h at 15~35°C.
The test needs to be carried out under low pressure (see Note ②). g. Time interval 3
Only if the low-gas test is carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1486093
, this stage of the procedure is allowed to be no more than 72 hours; during this time interval, the samples should be kept under normal laboratory conditions of 15~35℃. h. Humidity and heat (cyclic), test IDb
Only samples of climate categories —— ... Temperature is 55℃, 1 cycle, type 1. When specified (see note), after the specified number of cycles, remove the sample from the box, shake off the water droplets, and conduct the relevant electrical and mechanical performance tests within 151 minutes. i. Recovery
The so-called recovery means that the sample is placed in standard atmospheric conditions for 1.5~2 hours. Note: (D) The low pressure test in the capability approval test is optional (see 3.4). Test under low pressure:
For capability approval test, see 3.4.| |tt||For quality-based conformity testing, see detailed specifications. () After the test is carried out immediately after the first damp heat cycle: For capability approval testing, see 3.4.
For quality-based conformity testing, see detailed specifications. 2.2.11 Steady-state damp heat
The steady-state damp heat test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Test Ca (1969) in IEC68-2-3. 2.2.12 Heat
Dry heat testing shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Test B (1974) in IEC68-2-2. 2.2 .13 The mildew growth test shall be carried out in accordance with the test conditions and guidelines of IEC68-2-10 (1988). 2.2.14 Salt spray, cyclic (sodium chloride solution) salt spray test shall be carried out in accordance with the test Kb of IEC68-2-52 (1984). Note: When the test is carried out in accordance with the provisions of test Kb and a salt solution suitable for the environment is required, the following composition is recommended: o.73 g
potassium chloride KCl
sodium chloride NaCl26.5 g
magnesium chloride MgCl2. 4 g
magnesium sulfate MgS03. 3 g
calcium chloride CaCl: 1.1 g
sodium bicarbonate NaHC0
sodium chloroform NnBr
Prepare 1 g of sodium bicarbonate with distilled water [.
(The above mass pressure is accurate to ±10%, which involves the level of water-free thermal reagents in the test chamber) 2.2.15 Sulfur dioxide (contact and connection test) The sulfur monoxide test should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of [IEC68-2-12 test Kc: {1976) 2.2.16 Fire hazard
The fire hazard test should be selected from IEC695.
Note: The needle flame specified in IEC695-2-2 is more suitable for small components. The Bunsen burner flame test specified in IEC:6952-1 is more suitable for larger components.
2.2.17 Immersion in cleaning agent
The test should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of test XA (1980) in IEC68-2-45. 2.3 Durability test procedure
2.3.1 Short-term durability test (load operation) The purpose of the short-term durability test is to evaluate the ability of the component to operate normally during continuous operation or during the duty cycle specified in the detail specification.
Unless otherwise specified in the detail specification, the component shall be mounted independently on a low thermal conductivity surface. For transformers, separate loads shall be connected to each winding as specified in the detail specification. Unless otherwise specified in the detail specification, these loads shall dissipate the maximum rated power in each group. Unless otherwise specified in the detail specification, a suitable power supply shall be connected to the input winding and applied continuously for 6 h under standard atmospheric conditions. During the load operation period, the load shall be adjusted as necessary to ensure that the specified load conditions are maintained. GB/T 14860-93
b. For inductors, unless otherwise specified in the detail specification, the rated ripple voltage shall be applied and the polarizing current shall be passed for 6 h under standard atmospheric conditions. During the load operation period, the power supply shall be adjusted as necessary to ensure that the rated conditions are maintained. Contents to be specified in the detailed specification;
(1) Input power supply conditions (as applicable): rated voltage and power rating;
rated pulse duration and repetition frequency; rated polarization current, ripple frequency and voltage. (2) Load state of the output winding.
(3) Test duration,If not 6 h. (1) Details of the following cycles, if less than continuous. (5) Test atmospheric conditions: if not standard atmospheric conditions. (6) Details of installation, if not independently mounted on a low thermal conductivity surface. (7) Requirements to be met during the test and at the end of the test. 2.3.2 Long-term durability test (life test) The long-term durability test is to determine the ability of the component to withstand repeated operating cycles under the load conditions specified in the detailed specification. Unless otherwise specified in the detailed specification, the component shall be independently mounted on a low thermal conductivity surface. a. For transformers, separate loads shall be connected to each winding as specified in the detailed specification. Unless otherwise specified in the detailed specification, the value of these loads shall be such that each winding dissipates the maximum rated power. b For inductors, the rated ripple voltage shall be applied and the rated polarizing current shall be passed. The components shall be subjected to at least 5 durability cycles per week until 85 cycles are completed. Each cycle consists of 24 hours under standard atmospheric conditions. During each cycle, the components shall operate continuously at the upper category temperature for 20 hours and the components shall be unexcited under standard atmospheric conditions for the remaining 4 hours. The following shall be specified in the detailed specification:
(1) Input power conditions (as applicable): rated voltage and frequency;
Rated pulse duration and repetition frequency: rated polarizing DC current, ripple rate and voltage. (2) Load conditions of the output winding.
(3) Details of the working cycle. If not continuous, [1] Details of the installation. The installation is not independently mounted on a low thermal conductivity surface. (5) Requirements to be met during the test and at the end of the test. 3 Capability Approval Procedure
3.1 Conditions for applying for capability approval
The initial manufacturing stage and all subsequent stages are carried out under the direct supervision of an approved chief inspector. The initial manufacturing stage is winding the coil.
Note: Before supplying transformers and inductors in accordance with the requirements of this specification, the design and manufacturing capabilities of the subsequent manufacturing shall be approved by the inspection agency and facilities of the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of 10 of QC001002. 3.2 Application for Capacity Approval
3.2.1 General requirements
When submitting its application for capacity approval, the manufacturer shall describe each production capacity range for which it seeks to obtain capacity approval, which is expressed in terms of the climate category, core type, quality range and structural type of the components that are expected to withstand changes in accordance with the provisions of,, and It may also state the additional limits of the manufacturer's approval drawings in accordance with the provisions of 3.7.2h. 3.2.2 Capability range
GB/T14860-93 General requirements
The limits of each capability range shall be stated in accordance with the provisions of to Environmental characteristics
When applying for capability approval for a component, the manufacturer shall specify the minimum ambient temperature, the maximum ambient temperature, the exposure time of the damp heat test, the strongest collision and vibration according to the values listed in 1.9a, b, ce and f, so as to indicate the most severe climate and mechanical dynamic level that the component seeking to obtain capability approval will withstand.
For the maximum impact, maximum steady-state acceleration and low air pressure values, the values specified in 1.9dg and h shall be used as additional environmental category requirements. Core type
The manufacturer shall state the range of core types used for the component seeking to obtain capability approval. Examples of core types are as follows:
Laminated core;
Wound cut core!
Metal or ferrite toroidal core:
Ferrite core!
Non-magnetic core.
Note: Non-magnetic core refers to air core of anti-magnetic material. Mass range
The manufacturer shall state the minimum and maximum mass (kg) of the component for which the capability approval is sought. Structural type
The manufacturer shall state the structural type range of the component for which the capability approval is sought. This structural type range may limit the capability of the requested component to withstand the specified mechanical environment.
The following are typical groupings of component structures that are widely used in various types of cores. For "assessment structures", each group needs to be expanded to cover the capabilities of the manufacturer (see
When using EI ferrite cores or toroidal cores, it should be clearly stated, except for laminated cores or bad-shaped wound cores. Examples of typical groupings are as follows:
Laminated and ferrite EI type cores!
(1) U-shaped clamping structure with or without base; (2) Directly mounted on the printed circuit board, including integral fixing: (3) Various clamping rods and clamping plates.
Steel strip wound cut core:
(1) Clamp frame and cover fixed with bolts ;
(2) H-type and J-type components:
(3) Sealed assembly:
(4) Various clamping rods and clamping plates.
c. Ferrite core:
(1) Printed circuit board installation, integral pins: (2) Printed circuit board installation, middle panel 1 (3) Mounting with bolts in the case of metal casing: (4) Various clamping plates, separation brackets and adhesives. d. Ring core
(1) Various clamping methods,
Non-magnetic core (including air core): Various installation methods. Form of statement
GB/T 14860—93
The capacity range for each product for which capacity approval is sought shall be stated, for example, a component with a toroidal core shall withstand climate category 40/070/21 (Note 1.9a, h and) and a mass range of 0.22 kg. 3.2.3 Added and internally mounted components
When the final component includes other components which are themselves covered by the relevant general specification of IEC, such components shall be released in accordance with the provisions of that system. If any of the included components are not released in accordance with this provision, the general inspector of the final component manufacturer shall satisfy himself that the quality requirements are met by the following means:
: Purchase specification;
b. Approved tests; and
c. Incoming inspection procedures.
Examples of added components, such as capacitors connected to constant voltage transformers: Internally mounted Components such as ferrite cores. In addition to the above requirements, additional components should be electrically or mechanically connected or appropriately identified. 3.3 Capability Statement
Manufacturers who wish to be recognized as capable of supplying components in accordance with the requirements of this specification should follow the provisions of QC001002 and verify that applicable test equipment is available. This verification should satisfy the National Supervision and Inspection Agency (NSJ). Appropriate test equipment is either provided by the manufacturer itself or arranged through an approved laboratory to conduct the tests. These test equipment are suitable for the intended use of the components, such as the application of signals, power or pulses.
The manufacturer should provide NSI with a satisfactory capability statement, preferably in the form of a capability manual. This document is a confidential document shared by the manufacturer and NSI. NSI should keep any content of this document confidential and shall not disclose it to third parties. The capability statement shall be written directly or referenced from the manufacturer's internal documents: a.
The identification limits of the capability for which the manufacturer is seeking approval and intends to verify it in the capability approval test, describing the design training and process control specifications for the corresponding product variety and manufacturing method; b.
List any material specifications and inspection sections required to maintain the quality of the product variety; c.
Provide a brief description of the obvious characteristics of the structural method; d.
Provide a process flow chart and process control specifications that are clearly related to the specified design data for each aspect of the capability to be approved. e
3.4 Assessment of capability
3.4.1 Capability qualification components (CQCs) Take three components with the largest mass and three components with the smallest mass from each core type specified in, and use the sample composed of these six components to assess the requested capability. Draw test samples according to the following provisions a and b: a. When more than one type of environmental protection with obvious differences is adopted (such as oil filling or resin casting), for each type of protection that is not evaluated for the components required by, three additional samples shall be drawn from the most severe situation after consultation between the manufacturer and NSI. b. With the consent of NSI, the manufacturer shall combine the product varieties within the scope of its applied capacity according to the structural type (see This combination is to draw one component from each structural type as a test sample, and the test sample is drawn from the most severe situation for the required mechanical environment.
Components required by However, they have been drawn according to the requirements of and and must meet the requirements of Tables 1, 2A and 2C. They do not need to be drawn according to Further test: Note: For components with different environmental protection types and structural types, after the CQCs of one type of core required by and are evaluated to the satisfaction of NSI, these performances do not need to be evaluated separately for the CQCs of components using other types of cores. When test components are designed and produced solely for the purpose of obtaining capability approval, the manufacturer should satisfy NS1 that the same controls and training will be given in normal production according to the capability registration. Components that do not specify the installation method or cannot withstand 1d of damp heat cannot be used as capability identification components. ..com3.4.2 CQC test procedures General requirements
All CQCs shall be subjected to the specified tests in the order specified in Schedule 1 (see 3.4.3) and meet the requirements specified therein. Two samples (one with the smallest mass and one with the largest mass) of each core type component that meets the requirements of and one sample of each additional significantly different environmental protection type that meets the requirements of shall be subjected to the specified tests in the order specified in Schedule 2A (see 3.4.4) and meet the requirements specified therein. Two samples (one with the largest mass and one with the smallest mass) of each core type component meeting the requirements of and one sample of each additional significantly different environmental protection type meeting the requirements of shall be subjected to the specified tests in the order specified in Schedule 2B (see 3.4.5) and meet the requirements specified therein. The remaining samples (except those samples required by shall be subjected to the specified tests in the order specified in Schedule 2C (see 3.4.6) and meet the requirements specified therein.
Samples meeting the requirements of shall be subjected to the specified tests in the order specified in Schedule 3 (see 3.4.7) and meet the requirements specified therein. Capability assessment sample extraction and test flow chart See Table 1) Procedure α in Table 1 specifies the number of CQCs for each core type component required for testing in each schedule (see
Procedure b specifies the number of CQCs for each significantly different environmental protection method required for testing in each schedule, which CQCs have not been evaluated in procedure a (see Procedure 2 specifies the number of CQCs for each structural type required for testing in each schedule, which CQCs have not been evaluated in procedures a or b (see
-Core type
Table 1 Flow chart for sampling and testing of capability assessment (see For each core type, perform the following tests on the number of samples shown:-Table 1 Preconditioning
From the components of each core type, select
the components with the smallest mass and three mass ages
(see 3.4.1)
-Table 2A
Assessment of weather durability
From the optical components of each core type, select
one mass Components with the smallest mass and the largest mass Procedure b - Environmental protection method List 2B Evaluation of durability From each core type component, extract a component with the smallest mass and a component with the largest mass List 2 Evaluation of mechanical/environmental durability From each core type component, extract a component with the smallest mass and a component with the largest mass GB/T 14860-93 For each environmental protection method not evaluated in procedure a above, perform the following tests on the number of samples indicated: · With clothing, treatment From each environmental protection method, extract three samples (see 3.4.1. 2a)
Table 2A
Assessment of gas recovery durability
One sample from each environmental protection type
Table 2B
Assessment of long-term durability
One sample from each environmental protection type
Construction type
Explanation Sequence C-
For each construction type not assessed in procedure A or procedure H above, carry out the following tests on the number of samples shown: Table 3
Assessment of mechanical/environmental durability selection
One sample from each construction type
Note: The tests in procedures a, b and . can be carried out simultaneously. Procedures to be taken after failure
If failure occurs, the manufacturer shall take the measures specified in a or b below. a. Introduce a failure analysis procedure to accurately determine the cause of failure. There are two possibilities:
(1) Failure of the test itself, such as a malfunction of the test equipment or operator error; Table 2C
Assessment of mechanical recovery/environmental durability
Draw a sample from the components of each environmental protection mode
(2) Failure in design or process.
If the cause of failure is found to be type (1), then with the consent of NSI, after taking the necessary corrective actions, the optical component with obvious failure or a new component shall be submitted again. If it belongs to the latter case, the entire test procedure shall be carried out. If the cause of failure is found to be type (2), the test plan agreed by the manufacturer and NSI shall be implemented to ensure that the cause of failure is eradicated. It may also be necessary to revise the capability manual and related documents. When corrective actions are completed, all tests shall be repeated using new CQCs drawn according to
b. Revise the reported capability scope with the consent of the enterprise NSI. 3.4.3
Inductance or
—·Table 1
No-load current
Winding DC resistance
Terminal strength
Additional test
(See Note (②))
Insulation resistance (hot)
Visual inspection
Inductance or
No-load current
Cable assembly DC resistance
1. 4. 4. 1
1. 4. 3. 1
4. 4. 4. 1
GB/T 14860—93
The manufacturer shall specify the test conditions
Procedure 1, test the solderability test on the excitation winding. Use IFC68-2-20 test Ta. When applied to printed circuit boards, use method 1. For surface mount components, the test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of test Td in IFC: 68-2-58. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of test Ua1.Uaz, tIh, Uc or Ud in JFC68-2-21.
The manufacturer shall specify the severity and procedure, which shall be selected from test EL in IEC68-2-29. The minimum severity of peak acceleration is 98m/g (10 g), and the mass is less than 1 CQCs with a mass equal to or greater than 1 k shall be tested in each of three mutually perpendicular planes: CQCs with a mass equal to or greater than 1 k shall be tested in at least one plane: The mass for which such a change in severity occurs shall be determined by testing. The manufacturer shall select tests from [EC68-2], specifying the severity and degree. According to the drawings of the relevant CQC, select tests Qe and Qd in TEC68-2-17. After the winding is kept at the highest temperature for 6 h (or other specified time), 4. 4. 2. 3. 4. 4, 1. 2. The test shall be carried out. The values shall be recorded. There shall be no filter filling. For single-phase components with a mass not exceeding 120 kg, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 50 Mn. For multiphase components and single-phase components with a mass greater than 120 kg, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 20 Mn. If necessary, the manufacturer shall specify the maximum test current. For components with intentionally gapped cores, the inductance shall not differ much from the initial measured value. The component shall be allowed to reach thermal stability and then tested under the same electrical and environmental conditions as the initial test. Procedure 1,10% test on the field winding, the reduction in inductance of other components shall not be greater than 30% of its initial value. The increase in no-load current shall not be greater than 30% of its initial value. There is no limit on the increase in inductance or the reduction in no-load current. The difference from the initial value shall not be less than 5%. Note: ① If the tests in Tables 2A, 2B and 2C are started within a week of the completion of the last test in Table 1, the initial tests in Tables 2A, 2B and 2C are not required. These tests are not mandatory, but if the manufacturer applies for additional environmental capability for dynamic stress resistance (see 3.7.2b), they must be carried out. 1) Applicable only to sealed components.
Inductance 1
---Table 2A
Evaluation of weather durability
4 4. 4. 1
Or no-load current
Winding DC resistance 13
Air slow sequence
Appearance inspection
Insulation resistance
(Standard atmospheric conditions)
Electromagnetic or
No-load current
Winding DC resistance
4+ 4. 3. 1
4+ 4. 4. 1
4. 4. 1.1
CB/T 14860-93
Test conditions
The manufacturer shall specify the test conditions
Procedure 1, Test on the exciting winding
The severity shall be in accordance with the category of the component applied for. If necessary, the manufacturer shall specify the maximum test current. The manufacturer shall specify the test conditions
The component shall be allowed to reach thermal stability and then tested under the same electrical and environmental conditions as for the initial measurement
Procedure 1, Test on the exciting winding
Note: 1) See Note ① of Table 1.
-Table 2B Evaluation of long-term durability
or no-load current
Winding DC resistance1
Long-term durability
Insulation resistance
(standard atmospheric conditions)
4. 4. 3. 1
4. 4. 2. 1
Test conditions
The manufacturer should specify the test conditions
Procedure 1. Test
all windings on the magnetic system. If necessary, the manufacturer shall specify the maximum test current. The manufacturer shall specify the test conditions. The values shall be recorded. For single-phase components with a mass of not more than 120 kg, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 200 Mn. For multi-phase components and single-phase components with a mass of more than 120 kg, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 100. For optical components with intentional air gaps on the core, the difference between the inductance and the initial measured value shall not be more than 10%. For other components, the reduction in inductance shall not be more than 30% of its initial value. The increase in the specified current shall not be more than 30% of its initial value. There is no limit on the increase in inductance or the reduction in no-load current. The difference between the initial value and the initial value shall not be more than 5%. The values shall be recorded. For single-phase components with a mass of not more than 120 kg, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 200 Mn. The insulation resistance of multi-phase components and single-phase components with a mass greater than 120 kg should not be less than
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