This standard specifies the special terms for motors and transformers. This standard is applicable to the formulation of standards, the compilation of technical documents, the writing and translation of special manuals, teaching materials and books. GB/T 2900.39-1994 Electrical terminology Motors and transformers special equipment GB/T2900.39-1994 Standard download decompression password:
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UwC 621-313 = 621.314.2 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 2900.39—94 Electrical terminology Special equipment for electrical machine and transformer Eiectrotechnical terminologySpecial eguipment for electrical machine and transformer Published on April 12, 1994 National Technical Supervision Bureau Implemented on December 1, 1994 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Special equipment for electrical machine and transformer Electrical terminulugy Special equipment for cleetrieal mucbineapd Iransfarmer Subject content and scope This standard specifies the special terms for home machine special equipment. CB/T 29C0.39—94 replaced G2900.39--85 This standard is used to formulate standards, compile technical documents, write and translate special manuals and teaching materials. 2 Reference standards GR/T 29Cn.1 Basic terms of electrical engineering 3 Terminology 3.1 Coil making equipment 3.1.1 Coil winding machine A machine that controls motors, presses, etc. 3.1.2 Horizontal winding machine A winding machine in which the main axis center line is perpendicular to the machine installation plane 3.1.3 Vertical winding machine A winding machine in which the main and auxiliary center lines are perpendicular to the machine installation plane 3.1.4 Toroidal winding machine A tornidal cail wirting machine A machine that makes a circular core section. 3.1.5 Automatic winding machine EutomaTiccoil windingmrcE:ine In addition to the wire feeding and wire box unloading, the machine automatically completes the wire round firing process without manual operation. 3.1.6 Assembly type winding machine inietwraring winuling ma:bine The wire mold (or workpiece) is immovable, and the wire box (or two pieces) are rotated. 3.1.7 Strip-on Edgewinding Machine The machine that will control the narrow side of the self-conducting wire along the wire mold! Coil, 3.1.8 Box-type wire winding machine fuilwindingmachinc The machine that will be formed into a copper box cable into a transformer line reactor, 3.2 Wire forming equipment 3.2.1 Coiapteadingmachine The machine that will pull the wound diamond wire into a frame-type wire circle 3.2.2 Coil correction machine coil farm rec-ilying matcbije national technical supervision week 1994-04-12 approved 1994-12-01 implementation GB/T2900.39-54 uniform and grip type wire national performance display, strong shape function, 3.3 taping equipment 3.3) (wire taping machine cil) pimarhie wrapping gift motor wire drum or wire insulation tape machine 3.3.2 frame wire taping machine diamonocoiltugngachi used for wire position tape machine. 3.3.3 bench taping machine bench type taping machine uiachine 7 carefully hold wire national work taping machine 3.3.4 grid taping machine for tarbar lifting large water turbine, steam turbine generator recommended machine. 3.3.5 Electrically heated wrapping machine Electrically heated wrapping machine A machine that continuously heats the motor wire. 3.3.6 Electrostatic ring wrapping machine (electrostatic board wrapping machine) wrapping machine for static ring wrapping machine A machine that wraps the insulating wire with braided or unwrapped tape. 3.4 Wire embedding equipment 3. 1 Carrying insulation forming insert expansion. Slul cel inurlir naehine The machine that cuts the insulating material into shape and puts it into the money core. 3.A.2 A machine that inserts wires into the center of an electric machine. 3.4.3 A machine that inserts wires continuously into the center of an electric machine. 3.44 A machine that inserts wires continuously into a rotor (motor). 3.4.5 A machine that rotates the rotor (armature) when winding the wire. 3.4.6 A machine that winds the wires and fixes the rotor (armature) to rotate. 3.5 A machine that inserts wires continuously into the center of an electric machine. 3.6.3 A machine that inserts wires continuously into the center of an electric machine. 3.4.4 A machine that inserts wires continuously into the rotor (motor). 3.4.5 A machine that rotates the rotor (armature) when winding the wire. 3.4.6 A machine that rotates the rotor (armature) when winding the wire. inserter3.4.7 machine for inserting slots into the core structure of the finished wire, 3.4.8 end shaping machine eulfurmingrexs machine for shaping the stator assembly after insertion to the desired shape and size, 3.4.9 stator lacing machine lacing the stator assembly. 3.4.10 double-end lacer machine for lacing two parts of the stator assembly at the same time. 3.4.11 rotor (armature) banding machine rotor (armature) banding machine machine for winding the rotor of the motor with steel, 3.5 press period 3.5.1 machine block press; dinmond eal hat 3.5.2 Hydraulic insulation molding machine A machine that presses the motor wires with insulation on them to form a solid film. 3.5.3 Stator wire molding machine A machine that presses the motor wires with insulation on them to form a solid A machine that continuously drives and shears the entire metal strip. 3.9.18 Slitting line to thin metal coils can cut thin and thick metal strips into thin and thick strips. It is a complete set of equipment for the whole process of slitting and shearing. 3.9.19 (swirig shear universal shearing machine that moves at a certain angle under the horizontal force. 3.9.20 Cut-tc-length line for extended steel sheet: a set of equipment for cutting hook sheets according to a certain length and sheet shape. 3- 9.21 Decoiler A machine that carries silicon steel sheets or thin steel sheets and makes them unfold. 3.9.22 Reeler G8/T2900.39-94 A machine that loads the final material. Side coiler A machine that lifts and collects the reverse material from the block, 3.9.24 Side material crusher A machine that cuts the reverse material, A machine that rolls the core of the machine. 3.10 Rotor aluminum machine 3.10.1 (Rotor casting machine alwmniudieastingraachine (forratar) uses a press to inject the molten aluminum into the mold containing the motor soft iron core It is a ritual vessel in the mold. (Extra low aluminum lw-preasarealuminiundieus:iymahinfortor) 3.10.2 The air is low and not large. The liquid lead is injected into the mold cavity with a rotating core. 3.10.3 (rotor) Centrifugal aluminum machine acntrifuga!aluminumcaatingmachine (forrotor) The liquid lead is poured into the mold (the mold with the motor rotor core) to make it centrifugally fill the cavity. 3.11 Motor processing and assembly equipment 3.11.1 Motor base foot washing bed Mil'erferpedaaraiofmavor Processing machine dedicated bed for vertical foot, 3. 11.2 Lathes for machining and converting. 3.11.3 Heat shrink machine. A machine that heats and heats a shaftless rotor. 3.11.4 Motor bearing press machine. A machine that presses bearings onto a motor. 3.11.5 Motor shafts. A machine that forms the motor shaft. 3.11.6 Motor assembly line. A production line that completes the motor assembly. 3.11.7 Motor painting line. A machine that paints the motor rotor, rotor or motor surface. 3.11.8 Motor end capping machine. A machine that presses the motor ends. 3.11.9 Motor core press machine for pressing motor core into the machine 3.11.70 Working cover machine for adding motor end 3.12 Other equipment 3.12.1 Insulating tube (tube) winding insulating-tube windinpmachine Machine for rolling insulating material (tube) with glued insulating paper or cloth. 9.12.2 Tube core removing machine Wiadingarber ekrnurtiun press Machine for removing the insulating tube rolled on the tube core from the tube core. 3.12.3 Multi-layer hot press machine mult1-layerhotpress5 GB/T2900.39-94 It has a layer of heating plates, which can simultaneously produce multiple pieces of sampled jade. 3.12-4 Chain grain (system> plate, folding machine frlding man:linr (faur eiruguted tatk) Machine that continuously folds steel plates into technical grain shapes. 3.12.5 Corrugated box welding machine weldingmachine (forcotrugatedtank) Machine that welds the tank. Pattern (tile) punching box production line rozrngeted cank[roduztianline3. 12.6 Production line for continuously corrugating steel plates into corrugated shapes and forming constant pressure tanks, 3.12.7 (weak mixing > gradual straightening and cutting) machine for straightening and cutting the steel plates in the water and vertical direction. 3.12.8 Machine for forming paper into a shape. 3.13 Transformer assembly equipment 3.13.! Core loading and unloading platform caretackinaadprightingdevice Equipment for large transformers to receive and turn the core over and stand up. 3.13.2 Aupelave Equipment for performing dust drying and lubrication on transformers. 3. 13. 3 Oil storage tank oil etcrag= Lank is the end for storing transformer oil. 3.13.4 Assembly rack Esscmblyrazk A kind of process equipment for transformer assembly, 6 Flat winding machine Transformer printing equipment Coiling machine Conveying and shredding machine Line winding machine Thin slitting machine||tt ||Plate slitting line Packer (tile) light forming machine Corrugated tile (slow) oil welding machine. Corrugated (tile) oil tank production Precision insulation forming light machine Rust plug machine Planting and forming machine Yamsa machine Paint storage (glue tank Varnish machine Electric heating roll wrapping machine||tt| |Electric handle paint machine· Electric drying oven (next to electric drying) Motor base foot cover bed Motor assembly production line Electric cutting and coating production line Motor end vegetable press- Motor core press (Small machine) Bearing press. Self-machine) Special bed for rotating shaft· Stator embedding (lower) line+\| |tt||Stationary embedding machine Stator binding machine Stationary wire rod wrapping machine Stator wire bee molding machine Stator dripping machine Stator core stacking machine End shaping machine CB/T2900.39 Han Diao Index End benefit processing machine Zero layer heat music! . 3.1.7 ** 3. 6. 11 ..3. 9. 24 ..3.9.18 3. 12, 5 .. 3. .. 1 3. 11. 6 .. 3.11.7 . 3.11.4 +*443.4.3 - 3. 3. 4 Explosion-proof electric heating dry explosion box Shangsu punching machine Silicon steel sheet washing machine Jiang steel sheet continuous remote fire protection Jianggang steel shears Silicon steel sheet tree shears+ Ring velvet ring winding machine Epoxy screen machine Commutator lower separation machine (engraving machine) .. Commutator welding machine Cross-group winding machine Electrostatic Ring packing machine (static board packing machine) clear tank insulating tube (simple) tube coiling machine + type winding machine relatively large slow coil mold (heat) machine unwinding machine vertical winding machine vertical winding machine combined punching machine sheet sorting machine... 3..3 coal, oil and gas drying equipment ...3.9. 3. 4.8 positioning sugar making machine 3. 11. 15 .3.9.13 - 3. 9. J4 3. 9. 13||tt| |* 5. 7. 2 .3.1.6 .3.3.6 . 3. 5.1 + 3. 1. 3 .3.5.3 Wire-reinforcement machine Hot air circulation vacuum drying oven Fan-shaped sheet punching floor Collection machine||tt ||Effective head hole machine Resin injection equipment Work package Iron core strong loading period turntable... (Iron core sheet) cloud burr machine Several-core rolling machine· General manager's core machine· "Adjustment and straightening machine.. External gold reverse punching machine!|| tt||Horizontal winding machine Horizontal winding machine Horizontal winding machine GBT 290039—94 war turning machine (practice diagram) taping machine 3.1.1 cutting and adjusting the shingles (?cut:| |tt||Vacuum pump· Beijing Pressure Equipment Institute Steam drying box (gas drying room) ·3.3.3 Fixed punching machine||tt ||3.13.1 Rotor (electric plate> plating machine rotor electric drag) conversion machine rotor (self-axle) when fixed type burning machine rotating in (electric Pivot) buckle machine... Rotor core pressing machine 3. :.2.73 (turned)pressure aluminum casting machine (turned dry)low pressure casting machine (rotor)high center aluminum casting machine. 3..2 Teaching lathe.. Rotary heat-shrinking machine Assembly rack· Automatic stem punching machine Automatic winding machine .3. 0. 4 +.- 3. d. 4 - 3. 9. 1G 3. 11. 3 aligcing achine GB/T 2900.39 94 English index alusininr die-tasting rachine (for rainr)armatite r.kle ispregnatinrt machineassembly cack .+- autommie: ca: windiny nachine.autorstie notchink p:ers artoclarg. Exle shaftwarking macaine bearing prezs it device(Eor motor) aench lype Iapiax ma:hine blnck press for stator bar | machine coil winding machine sombined nctehing set commutelor undercuing machine.......commurator welding machine rungond torugr lank tt||decailcr diamond cail block preee diamoud cail het prcss diatuonl coil tapping machinedosble-end lacing machine darble-end lacer 3. 19. 2c rlectrical tlryirg cvet elec:ricrily beaten wtuppirg machineFnrl furaning jrens end vover pres | | tt | tuchine | low.2rcssure eluminium decasring machine (for rctot)M Ir.erliun sprerl nalehing prs:Ini.ler for pedesta: of motarnuctrr aseerrlliug iinr reulri-layer hor pres norehing Prexs ni. storage cank papticg linfer rrter .a.1l.1 Pxs [or motat ore retriler resin casting plent riag snd circle shear CB/T 2900.39—94 ring-typo fixure notehing prugs.mauu..rosorlarmre baulisg mnaline rotor(armatuic)wrinding machinerotor shrinking machine rotor atackiag ninchinc serapballer 5egmem notchinr Press sitrer for eluctrirul steel elitlri For tlta melal tnile ..slitting line for electrical sheet coilss.itting line for tlin meral coi:aslot cell irscrrirg meehine spinllr-lype fixhune lehing pressslainr ccil iaserti:x machine....stator coiiplatr: gtator aeing machane| |tt||stacor stacking ruarainc alir Lrickle impregalist machintstator winding machine steamd:ying oven straighsering aml rntting olf machinc (fur flat copper strip)etrip-nl-edge wiading machineswingshea taping machine fnt etator barLoroidal coil wiading machine - rickle inpregrnting mechincrriinnel-ff edge chop* vasuur drving autoclsve wich hor-air c.rculationvacuur prussure impregnation plant *.vapot phaee diying plant vertical impregnation tank - 3. 6. 6 . 3. 4. 4||tt| |HHAHHF * 3. 4. 2 . 3. 4. 9 .3.8.2 .3.1.4 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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