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GB 15968-1995 Remote sensing image plan production specifications

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 15968-1995

Standard Name:Specification for making photoplan of remote sensing

Chinese Name: 遥感影像平面图制作规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1995-12-29

Date of Implementation:1996-10-01

Date of Expiration:2008-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences>>07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Surveying>>A77 Photography and Remote Sensing Mapping

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 15968-2008

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:1996-10-01

other information

Release date:1995-12-29

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Wang Zhanhong, Jiang Xiangluan, Cheng Yanhui

Drafting unit:National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation Standardization Institute

Focal point unit:National Geographic Information Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the specifications, accuracy and basic requirements for production of 1:100000, 1:250000, 1:500000 and 1:1000000 remote sensing image planes. This standard is applicable to the production of 1:100000, 1:250000, 1:500000, and 1:1000000 remote sensing image plan using aerospace remote sensing image data. The production of free-scale remote sensing image floor plans can be implemented with reference to this standard. GB 15968-1995 Remote sensing image plan production specifications GB15968-1995 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

This standard is formulated for the first time in China. The technical content of the standard is formulated based on the actual technical level that can be achieved in producing remote sensing image floor plans at present and in the future in my country, as well as the requirements for the use of remote sensing image floor plans by relevant professional departments. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard , Appendix C is a standard appendix. This standard is proposed and administered by the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. This standard was drafted by: Institute of Standardization of Surveying and Mapping, State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. The main drafters of this standard: Wang Zhanhong, Jiang Xiangluan, Cheng Yanhui, 835
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specification for making photoplanof remote sensing images
Specification for making photoplanof remote sensing
This standard specifies the specifications, accuracy and basic requirements for production of 1:100000, 1:250000, 1500000, 1:1000000 remote sensing image planes.
This standard is applicable to the production of 1:100000, 1:250000, 1:500000, and 1:1000000 remote sensing image plan using aerospace remote sensing image data.
The production of free-scale remote sensing image floor plans can be implemented with reference to this standard. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by being quoted in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard listed below. GB/T13989-92 National Basic Scale Topographic Map Framing and Numbering GB12340-901: 25000, 1:50000, 1:100000 Topographic Map Aerial Photogrammetry Internal Industry Specification GB/T14510-93 Image Map Printing Specification ZBA75001-89 Surveying and Mapping Technology Design Regulations ZBA77001-871: 10000, 1·25000 scale image plan operation procedures CH1002--95 Surveying and mapping product inspection and acceptance regulations CH1003-95 Surveying and mapping product quality assessment standards 3 General principles
3.1 Basic requirements
3.1.1 Remote sensing image plan images must be rich in layers, clear and easy to read, with uniform tones and moderate contrast. 3.1.2 The error in the plane position of the feature points on the map with respect to nearby control points, latitude and longitude grids or kilometer grid points shall not be greater than ±0.50 mm, and in special circumstances shall not be greater than ±0.75 mm. According to the purpose of the remote sensing image plan and user needs, this index can be appropriately relaxed, but it should not exceed twice the above index.
3.1.3 The absolute value of the difference between the actual size and the theoretical size of the drawing outline should not exceed the requirements in Table 1. Table 1
Exhibition point map
Original image (mosaic)
3.2 specifications
Approved 1995-12-29 836
0.30 | | tt | GB 15968-1995
The projection of the 1:100000-~1:500000 remote sensing image plane uses Gauss-Krüger projection; the projection of the 1:1000000 remote sensing image plane uses the orthogonal equiangular conic projection. 3.2.2 Framing and numbering
Follow the provisions of GB/T13989, and can also be framed and numbered according to user needs. 3.2.3 Color
The color of the remote sensing image plan can be monochrome or color. 4 Preparation work
4.1 Image selection
Select aerospace remote sensing images that meet the following requirements to produce a remote sensing image plan. 4.1.1 There should be an overlap (or duplication) of no less than 4% of the image width between adjacent frames (pictures). Under special circumstances, the overlap (or duplication) can be less than the above indicators.
4.1.2 In order to ensure that the image tone of the entire frame is consistent, images with similar imaging seasons should be selected, and the image levels are required to be rich, clear, uniform in tone, and moderate in contrast.
4.1.3 In order to ensure the clear plan view of synaesthesia images, the ground resolution of optical photography images, photoelectric scanning images and synthetic aperture radar images should be higher than the indicators in Table 2 and Table 3 respectively. Table 2
Map scale
Ground resolution, m/Ip
Map scalewww.bzxz.net
Ground resolution, m
1:100,000| |tt||75.0
1: 100,000
1: 250,000
Table 3
1#25 Ten thousand
1: 500,000
1.5 million
1: 1 million
1: 1 million
4.1.4 To make a monochrome remote sensing image plan, you need to select a full-color image. If necessary, you can also choose a single-band image; to make a color remote sensing image plan It is required to select multispectral images with no less than 3 bands. The registration error of each band image is no more than 0.2mm, and the image fitting error is no more than 0.3mm.
4.1.5 Cloud coverage in the image should be less than 5% and should not cover important features. The sum of scattered clouds should not exceed 15%. 4.1.6 There should be no scratches, sand spots, marks, fingerprints and other defects on the photo or film. 4.2 Collection of other data
4.2.1 The latest topographic map that is equal to or larger than the scale of the remote sensing image plan map. The accuracy of the topographic map should comply with the requirements in the corresponding scale topographic map compilation specifications.
4.2.2 Thematic maps and text materials with strong current trends. 4.2.3 Parameter data such as orbit and attitude related to the image. 4.3 Technical design
shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of ZBA75001, including: drawing method, drawing scale, drawing accuracy, color tone, annotation font level and specific requirements for picture titles and legends, etc.
4.4 Requirements for instruments
The optical and digital imaging equipment used to produce remote sensing image planes should be calibrated according to the instrument calibration standards, and the instruments must be in good working order 837
GB 15968— It can only be produced in 1995
condition. Use the instrument in accordance with the instrument operating procedures and pay attention to maintenance. The digital image processing system needs to have the functions of general image processing and image input and output. 5 Image correction and mosaic
5.1 Optical method
5.1.1 Image correction
When the geometric accuracy of the existing remote sensing image cannot meet the requirements of the remote sensing image plane accuracy, the original image should be corrected . Select the photo in the drawing area that is closest to the main point of the photo as the working master photo. The residual system error including the image point displacement caused by the curvature of the earth and the image point displacement caused by the ground height difference shall not be greater than 0.4mm. Corrector correction
a) For the correction of the frame center projection image, the operation process and method shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB12340. The image point displacement caused by the earth's curvature and height difference shall be in accordance with Appendix A (standard Appendix) Formula calculation. b) Correction of the scanned image adopts the stripe correction method. The stripe segmentation method is shown in Figure 1. An image should generally be divided into 2 to 3 banners. More than 4 corrective control points should be selected in each banner. c) The correction of the panoramic image is generally limited to the middle section of the panoramic image. More than 6 correction control points should be used, and the residual difference between the two middle control points should not be greater than 0.4mm.
d) Correction of radar images only applies to flat areas. Bar
Flying direction
Picture 1. Segmentation of banners Orthoprojector correction
The operating methods and operating steps of the orthoprojector shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations of GB12340 and ZBA77001. Section data can be obtained through the following methods: a) from the existing DTM database:
b) through digitization of topographic map contours; c) on a stereo mapper or analytical mapper The image pairs that can be used to build a three-dimensional model are obtained after stereoscopic observation. 5.1.2Select control points
Select control points on topographic maps (or thematic maps such as water system maps, traffic maps, etc.) with the same scale or larger scale than the remote sensing image plane map. The selection of control points should meet the following requirements: a) The selected points have clear images and can be correctly identified and positioned on topographic maps and images; b) Select 4 to 9 control points for each mosaic. 5.1.3 Production of exhibition point base map
GB 15968—1995 Measure the coordinate values ??of the selected control points on the topographic map. Use a spreader to plot the latitude and longitude grid points and control points on the mounted chart. The exhibition point error should not be greater than 0.1mm, and the difference between the actual size of the drawing outline and the theoretical size must comply with the provisions of Table 1. 5.1.4 Mosaic
a) Cutting and mosaic
Position the satellite photos according to the latitude and longitude grid, then check and correct them with control points, and refer to characteristic landforms and features such as water systems, roads, etc. Select appropriate cutting lines at the overlap to perform cutting mosaic or plane cross mosaic (as shown in Figure 2) to create the original plane image of the remote sensing image. The side length accuracy requirements comply with Table 1.
Left picture
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of plane cross mosaic section
b) The optical mosaic is implemented in accordance with the regulations of GB12340. 5.2 Digital method
The production of the original plane map of the remote sensing image using the digital method generally follows the process shown in Figure 3. Digital image
Image orientation
Image correction
Image output
Film or CCI tape
Right film||tt| |Control point data
DTM data
Figure 3 Production process of digital remote sensing image plane original map 5.2.1 Preparation work Obtaining digital image
When When there is no digital image, the digital image can be obtained through image digitization. When digitizing the image, the selection of the scanning point size should be determined according to the resolution of the photo, and generally 25 to 50 μm is selected. Image preprocessing
Perform preprocessing work such as noise removal and radiation correction as needed. 839 Select digital model
Mathematical model selection principles:
a) High correction accuracy;
b) The required control points should not be too many;|| tt | Select control points
The number of selected control points is determined by the correction formula used. After eliminating gross errors, at least two excess control points should be retained to facilitate adjustment calculations.
5.2.2 Geometric correction Data input
Input relevant data such as control points, orbit, attitude and DTM. Image Orientation
The accuracy of image orientation shall be implemented in accordance with the GB12340-90 analytical mapper online mapping orientation accuracy requirements. Image correction
Use the correction formula to correct the image pixel by pixel, and the correction error is required to be no greater than 0.5mm on the picture. 5.2.3 Image post-processing Image enhancement
- Linear grayscale stretching is generally used, and any other image enhancement method can also be used. Image Mosaic
Align the geometric positions between the mosaic images to make it a complete picture, and remove the redundant rows (columns) pixels along the edges to achieve digital mosaic, ||tt ||a) During the mosaic, the dividing line can be manually selected on the screen using an interactive method based on the color tone and the distribution characteristics of the ground objects, or a special algorithm can be used to automatically select the dividing line.
b) When two images with large color differences are mosaic, the image should be color adjusted. c) The grayscale and color tone of the joint image should be coordinated with the grayscale and color tone of the entire image. 5.2.4 Image output
The size of the output pixel is generally selected within 25~100um. And the sizes of input and output pixels should match. 5.3 Production of color remote sensing image plan
5.3.1 Production of color remote sensing image plan. The geometric correction of multispectral images is carried out according to 5.1 and 5.2. 5.3.2 Synthesis method The following provisions should be followed when producing a plan view of color remote sensing images: a) Optical synthesis method and computer synthesis method can be used during synthesis. b) Select a basic tone standard image and adjust the tone of adjacent images according to the basic tone. The basic tone standard image should be rich in layers, bright in color, moderate in contrast, high in saturation, and clear in image. c) The image registration error of each band during synthesis should not be greater than 0.2mm, and the image fitting error should not be greater than 0.3mm. 5.3.3 Printing method When producing a color remote sensing image plan, the images and annotations of different bands should be made into different The color separation version is then printed according to the regulations of GB/T14510.
6 Decoration and annotation
6.1 The main content of decoration and annotation: map name, map number, map combination table, confidentiality level, internal and external map outlines and their longitude and latitude notes, kilometers Network cables and their annotations, image joining sketches, image conditions and data acquisition time, geographical location, production unit, coordinate system, publication year and scale, etc. See Appendix B and C (standard appendix) for the styles. Appendix B is the decoration style of the 1:100000 remote sensing image plan. Appendix C is the decoration style of the 1:250000 remote sensing image plan. The decoration style of the 1:500000 and 1:1000000 remote sensing image plan refers to Appendix C, but the kilometer network and its 840
GB 15968-1995
6.2 Refer to existing topographic maps and add 2 to 5 major geographical names in the remote sensing image plan. 6.3 Decorate and mark according to the needs of users. 6.4 Methods of decoration and annotation:
a) Use positive image decoration and annotation on the negative of the remote sensing image plan. The annotation on the copied remote sensing image plan will be white. b) Attach the modified annotation film and fuse it with the negative of the remote sensing image plan, and copy the annotation on the copied remote sensing image in black. The fitting error of kilometer network and map outline points shall not exceed 0.2mm. c) Make annotation plates and process them according to GB/T14510 printing process. d) Mark the annotations directly on the remote sensing image plan on the computer, and the numbers and text annotations should be clear and easy to read, without covering the main features, and the word size and font should be determined according to specific needs. 7 Inspection and Acceptance
7.1 Principles and Requirements
7.1.1 The remote sensing image plan shall comply with the requirements of this operation specification and technical design, and meet the needs of the unit using the map. 7.1.2 The methods and requirements for inspection and acceptance shall be implemented in accordance with CH1002. 7.1.3 The drawing quality assessment standards shall be implemented in accordance with CH1003. 7.2 Inspection items
7.2.1 Drawing inspection
a) Inspection of edge errors of remote sensing image plan mosaic (digital, optical, manual) (refer to Table 10 in GB12340-90). b) Inspection of the edge error between the remote sensing image surface image and the surrounding images (refer to Table 10 in GB12340-90). c) Inspection of image tone, information, image clarity, contrast, and image quality such as various stains, scratches, and film damage. d) Inspection of drawing outline dimensions, kilometer mesh, and internal and external decoration and annotation of drawings. 7.2.2 Mathematical accuracy detection Mathematical accuracy detection, the number of detection points for each picture depends on the specific situation, generally no less than 20 points. Read the coordinates of the obvious target point on a larger-scale topographic map or thematic map, display it on the remote sensing image plan or input it into the computer, and compare it with the coordinates of the target point of the same name on the remote sensing image plan, according to formula (1) Errors in statistical calculations. m =
where: m
At, Ay-
point error, mm;
detection point coordinate difference, mm;
The number of detection points.
8 Copy of remote sensing image plan
[Ar* + Ay?)
8.1 A small amount of copy of remote sensing image plan, using The negative is copied in its entirety (including image paper and white background polyester film) on a duplicating machine. The photographic processing and image quality requirements of the copies shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of GB12340. 8.2 Remote sensing image plane plans are copied in small batches using the diazo copying method. The quality requirements for remote sensing image floor plans for diazo reproduction shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T14510.
8.3. Mass printing of remote sensing image floor plans shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T14510. 841 | | tt | Displacement calculation formula: ate | | tt | |tt||R
Camera focal length;
Corrected magnification;
㎡ - denominator of photographic scale,
image point diameter.
The calculation formula for the image point displacement caused by the height difference of A2: NQr
OnE = (1+
In the formula: OhE
-the image point displacement error caused by the ground height difference represented by the drawing scale, the radius of the earth:
H—-the photographic height; || tt||N
-corrected magnification;
Q—maximum height difference,
image point distance:
m||tt ||842
Camera focal length;
Denominator of photographic scale.
Image joining sketch
-32 : 1989·6
31994.||tt| |—33
2K imitation body
16k, medium line body
National Surveying and Mapping
114||tt ||189 Nan Niuran
K Bian Songyou
Bian et al
12||tt| |3
K length
GB 15968—1995
Appendix B
(standard appendix)
1: 100000 remote sensing Image floor plan decoration style Xi
— 24kK isoline body
Japanese name The interval between two characters is 1 character
The interval between three characters is one character, and the interval between four and more characters is 2 mm_1:100000
146||tt ||50
Open case
. . U.S. Landsat….Wave destroyed) False color composite secret
Satellite tape (CT) data processed by computer image
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