title>JB/T 8728-1998 Low speed high torque hydraulic motor - JB/T 8728-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8728-1998 Low speed high torque hydraulic motor

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8728-1998

Standard Name: Low speed high torque hydraulic motor

Chinese Name: 低速大扭矩液压马达

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-03-19

Date of Implementation:1998-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Fluid systems and general parts>>Fluid power systems>>23.100.10 Pumps and motors

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J20 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Devices

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Hydraulic and Pneumatic Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Hydraulic and Pneumatic Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8728-1998 This standard specifies the structural types, test methods, inspection rules, markings, and packaging of five types of low-speed and high-torque hydraulic motors, including inner-curve radial piston motors, crankshaft connecting rod radial piston motors, crankshaft connecting rod-free radial piston motors, radial steel ball motors, and double swash plate axial piston motors. This standard is applicable to five types of low-speed and high-torque hydraulic motors, including inner-curve radial piston motors, crankshaft connecting rod radial piston motors, crankshaft connecting rod-free radial piston motors, radial steel ball motors, and double swash plate axial piston motors, which use hydraulic oil or other mineral oils with equivalent performance as the medium. Other types of low-speed and high-torque hydraulic motors can be used for reference. JB/T 8728-1998 Low-speed and high-torque hydraulic motor JB/T8728-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

18 23. 1. 10
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Low speed high torque hydraulic motor
Low speed high torque hydraulic motor1998-03-19 Issued
Ministry of Industry of the People's Republic of China
1998·07-01 Implementation
JB/T8728—19 No. 8
Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard.
This standard is issued and managed by the National Hydraulic and Pneumatic Standardization Committee. The drafting unit of this standard is the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main authors of this standard are:
This standard was first issued in August 18
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of ChinabzxZ.net
Low speed high torque hydraulic motor
This standard specifies the structural types of five types of low-speed and high-torque hydraulic motors, including internal diameter piston motor, crankshaft connecting rod radial motor, radial ball motor, double-disc axial motor, etc., and promotes the parameters, technical requirements, test methods, and inspection specifications, packaging, etc. This standard is applicable to five types of low-speed and high-torque hydraulic motors, including internal diameter piston motor, crankshaft connecting rod radial motor, radial ball motor, double-disc axial motor, etc., with low pressure or mineral oil of equivalent performance as the medium. Other types of low-speed and high-torque hydraulic motors can be used accordingly. 2 Applicable standards
The clauses contained in the following standards constitute the contents of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard was published, all the required specifications were valid and all references were covered. The parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. LB/T 786. 1-03
CFH 2346--88
G:1 23±7-80
GR/T 2353.2-9
GB/T 287893
GR935-87| |tt||7936-87
([/T 14039-93
JT5/T 2181—77
JB/T 7858 -95
Hydraulic and pneumatic symbols
Pneumatic systems and components, special pressure systems, full pressure and nominal series
Flange and shaft dimensions, measurement and standardization () flanges (including flanges)
Batch inspection plan, sampling procedures and support (suitable for quality control of subsequent batches) liquid indicator parts, ladder pattern, continuous photography, Pukou type and civil call sound function determination 1 I blow and standard small teaching method drop pressure element ratio general technical provisions
Liquid pregnancy, motor air discharge most determination method hydraulic system working medium 3.1 Rated force
Predetermined pressure under T.
3.2 Air pressure
Auxiliary pressure exceeding 5 rated pressure or 0.5MPA Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on March 19, 1998, implemented on July 1, 1998
3.3 Rated speed
JB/T 8728198
Under the conditions of rated force and specified back pressure, it can continuously rotate and ensure the designed maximum speed. 3.4 Minimum speed
The minimum speed that can maintain the rated force and operate continuously. 3.5 Non
The fluid discharged or discharged per operation or per cycle! 3.6 Air displacement
The displacement measured at two different speeds and the specified minimum working pressure. 1. Starting torque
The minimum effective torque obtained by the motor when it starts from rest under the specified working conditions and the given difference. See Table 1 for the quantity
. | |tt||Net by us
motion protection
full duty rate
total efficiency
, type
5.1 Station structure type
Common products
Lifting transfer
On the surface
This standard specifies the type of low-speed and high-torque according to the stop and reach: the inner curve inspection special stupid product, by the quick connection in the corresponding dense connection rod machine to live away from the reach, the diameter of the steel ball and the double new disk pin plug motor 5.2 Test number and safety flange can be prohibited from extending the standard station
Model and mounting flange and shaft Zhong standard should be connected to 121S4 and (13532 standard product, 6 basic parameters
This standard silicon guide! The parameters of the structure type, high speed, high torque and short wave motor shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 2: 2
Structural type
Internal diameter of the motor
Transmission connecting rod: stopper motor
Technical requirements
Table 2 Basic numerical values ​​
Nominal weight
0.315-.1. (
25.002 on
0.315 below
. 63-1.co
2. 5~2. 80|| tt||3.15--4. 59
4. 5n~.7. 10
8. n~-12. 55
2, 02-0. n56
2. DE3--0, 14
1 --3.15
7.L.1 The nominal pressure series shall comply with the provisions of GB346. 7.1.2 The nominal non-volume series shall comply with the provisions of GB2347. Nominal pressure
16. 0, 20. c, 25. 0
7.1.3 The dimensions of the mounting flange and the pumping shaft shall comply with the provisions of GB/12353.2, and the deep groove connection port type and size shall comply with the provisions of B287B. 7.1.4
7:1.5 Other technical requirements shall comply with the provisions of 1.2~1.4 of GB7935\$7 ... 100
7.2 Use only energy
7.2. Displacement
No-load capacity should be within the range of 95%~110% of the original capacity. 7.3.2 Volumetric efficiency and total efficiency
Under rated conditions, the volumetric efficiency and total efficiency should comply with the provisions of Table 3. Table 3
Volume efficiency
Ring diameter is
Total speed
Total speed
Low speed Disray
Customer efficiency
Crankshaft total efficiency
Same column itch
Starting rate
Discarding efficiency
Killing system
Total efficiency
: Minimum transmission
Starting efficiency
Order efficiency
Total efficiency
Low speed
Starting efficiency
Starting efficiency
>0. 02 [>c. 63E> 0. 26 2> 0. S155 0, 63/35>-3 >3 >
The total minimum starting speed at rated pressure shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 7.2.4 Low-speed performance
Under the conditions of maximum displacement, rotation pressure and specified load case, the minimum speed reached shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 7.2.5 Noise
The sound signal shall comply with the provisions of Table 3.
7.26 Low-speed performance
No abnormal phenomenon shall occur during the low-temperature test. 7.2.7 High-speed performance
No abnormal phenomenon shall occur during the high-temperature test. 7.2.8 Overspeed performance
No abnormal phenomenon shall occur during the overspeed test. T.2.9 Leakage
a) Seal: Oil seepage:
b>Motor speed, no more oil dripping within 3 hours
7.2.10 Durability Durability test is carried out according to the following scheme: full load test for 1000 hours, reversing test for 508cc, overload test for 18 hours. If there are special points, it can be carried out according to special technical specifications. Durability test shop, the volume ratio decrease value shall not be greater than 3 percentage points, and the parts shall not have abnormal belt pulling and other forms of damage.
.3 Quality rate
According to 8/T5058, the important magic level of quality characteristics of processing is divided. The qualified quality record level AQL value is specified in and
.4 Assembly quantity
The technical requirements for assembly of parts shall comply with the provisions of 1.5-1.8 in GB793587. 7.4.1 Air tightness
There shall be no air tightness during the air tightness test run. 7.4.2 Internal evaluation
The internal cleanliness evaluation method and cleanliness index shall comply with the provisions of JB/TF858 (see Table 4 for indicators) 7.5 External change requirements
The requirements shall comply with the provisions of 1.9--1.10 in GB7935A7. Table 1 Cleanliness index of low speed high torque pressure reducing motor Speed ​​high torque pressure reducing motor Cleanliness index of low speed high torque pressure reducing motor 8 Test materials and test software 8.1 Test route Test route drawing Appendix A (weighted time record) 8.2 Cleaning point position Nominal displacement 8.2. [Pressure measuring point: Set at a distance of 1 meter from the inlet and outlet of the test motor (2-4 meter) (for the test path). During the test, it is allowed to move the measuring point to a farther distance from the test motor, but the stress loss of the pipeline must be considered. 8.2.2 Temperature measurement point: It should be located at a distance of 2~4 (d is the pipe diameter) from the high pressure measurement point and farther from the test motor than the pressure measurement point. 8.2.3 Noise measurement point: The location and integration of the measurement base should be in accordance with the provisions of 5.5 of GR3767-83. 8.3 Test oil temperature: 8.31 Viscosity: The speed of the test oil at 40°C is 42~47mm*/s (special requirements are specified). 8.3.2 Oil temperature: Except as otherwise specified, the type test is conducted at 5°C: ±2°C and the factory test is conducted at 5°C. 8.3.3 Cleanliness level: The test solid particle detection level code is not higher than 19/16. 8.4 State condition: When the average display range of each parameter meets the requirements of Table 5, it is a steady-state condition. Under steady-state conditions, the parameters (pressure, flow rate, torque, speed, etc.) should be set at each extension point. Table 5
Measurement type accuracy level is divided into A, B, C: Number, the allowable systematic error of the measurement system is specified in Table 6. Special 6
Measurement quantity
Pressure E, M: P
Table o.MI:
Special matrix treatment
Short hospital C
Measurement degree, etc.
Note, this type of test shall not be used for health measurement accuracy: life! Test validity is not guaranteed: no measurement accuracy. 9 Test items and test methods 9.1 Tightness inspection and test bench The airtightness inspection and test bench shall be carried out during the test period. 9.1.1 Airtightness inspection: Fill the motor with 0.16MPa clean air and leave more than 1in of anti-rust liquid. 9.1.2 Running: Start from the air pressure at the rated speed or test speed, and run step by step. The running time and force level shall be determined. The running time under the rated force shall not be less than 2 min. 6 9 Type test The test items and methods of type test shall be as specified in Table 7. 9.3 Test start The test items and methods of type test shall be as specified in the specification. No.
Displacement test
You are welcome to
Twist-crank test
Low-speed engine ratio test
Noise production
Welcome to
High-energy test
Starting test
And the method
I GB73 stipulates
Under the displacement test:
At 25% of the speed, measure the flow rate and other data after the transfer agreement. The store wet efficiency is charged, and the reverse working method is respectively measured from the rated force 25 to the fixed force interval of each group of data
) in the high speed and purchase fixed speed decision 5%, 7D Zhang, 55, 45%, 5 light time measurement of each test pressure point of each welcome teaching data, the corresponding method and stop to the people's supervision of the capital allocation, the market multilateral variables reached, except for the low volume or large volume of the other suction edge instrument beauty required the production of fixed force 1%, 50 consulting home penetration efficiency and front torque, Tongda imported oil chaos year ~ 35C7m ~ 80 single piece under the stage measurement in the model fixed speed into the maximum displacement from the air fixed Chen range? The force point is the efficiency of the firm.
actual performance is given in the future (Figure A comprehensive performance single delivery (A3). The oil drop is 20-3570~8 when my efficiency curve
adopts the five short-term certification method or the pressure starting method, in the absence of large emission 1, with a constant light torque card or constant pressure small value, respectively measure the motor shaft phase and positive and negative directions of the fixed [3575, 1K% period under the fixed conditions is the dynamic cost report year, calculate its dynamic efficiency
at the maximum, depending on The pressure and the machine are also under the huge pressure, the effective descending and ascending edge methods are used to measure the positive and negative pressure repeatedly, the pressure direction is not the lowest set rotation, according to the method to the rated pressure between the lowest light seat "tooth pressure point.
Each test point is positive and negative, and each test point is positive and negative for more than 5 times. Note: The back noise is the most important, the rated noise is the most important, the net profit is: * grade (including low noise adjustment 10. The sound of the fixed force is also measured and recorded with the method. The output value of the test motor under each working condition is formulated. The output pressure of the test motor is below -20°C. The inlet oil is below -20°C. The starting test is carried out from the temperature to the fixed pressure control cavity for more than 5 times or the viscosity control technology is designed according to the requirements. Under the working conditions of the question, when the inlet oil is wet more than 30°C, the continuous control operation is more than 1 time. According to the design requirements, the bottom width is slightly increased. In the case of large non-excitation, high-volume transfer traces or rated transfer 125% (the higher of which is selected) three conditions, divided into no-load and vehicle constant pressure bar continuous operation test 15 products BA above
should be carried out
this item is
test case items
can be carried out in industrial
quick clear test
loss reversing test
half-controlled full charge test
foreign insurance shop
JB/T 8728—1998
Table 7 (end)
Memory and method
At rated speed, maximum displacement, with 12% of the mother high pressure or rated pressure (selected by the manufacturer to release the continuous soft reduction test
When the test is passed, the import note is 0-~5℃ for continuous operation for more than 1h at rated conditions, with 1,12Hz with one repetition as one time> or more is stopped, the reverse direction test is performed, and the unidirectional running motor is allowed to be replaced by a regular 1/6~1/2H impact test. The shock wave loss see the letter AL provisions, under specified working conditions, the ratio of daily retreat is 10--0 hours. Note: After completing this specified test, measure the integrated efficiency under rated working conditions, the total efficiency will be tested. If there is an easy part that is not clean, there will be a "convenient" phenomenon after operation. It can be cleaned ten thousand times, and the static seal is applied: the following water absorption material is reversed to the sealing part of the equipment, and it is difficult to get down after adjustment. The red welcome city pollution is reached. Di Fan
Multi-motor seal: In the dynamic change position, the white system is set, and the oil performance is added as the source oil
Note: The test engineer's mouth is S_1 for the long-term test drive project. Table:
Test project
Wall selection road
Customer root efficiency test delivery
Super makeup test welcome
Outer bay pass inspection
Measure the displacement value at the rated specific, medicine collection under huge force, measure its volume efficiency car accurate maximum push volume, steel fixed transfer under the condition of your degree of square or 125% of the fixed force (choose one of the two running 1 min or more
In the process of industrial automation, check the material increase and decrease of each part 10 Data processing and cumulative expression
Calculation formula
Efficiency is shown in formula (1):
Total efficiency is shown in formula (2):
Input power is shown in formula (3)
Output mechanical efficiency is shown in formula ():
T~ P.Xq..-Pu-Xqa.
go..× pi..
Constant torque starting efficiency see formula (5):
Constant pressure starting efficiency see formula (6):
Starting efficiency see formula (7),
Minimum constant pressure starting efficiency see formula (8): Wuzhong: V.-
B/T 728
Input flow at test pressure, L/
Input flow at empty pressure, ml./
Input flow at no-load pressure, L/min; discharge flow at no-load pressure, T./min; inlet flow at test pressure, 1./min; discharge flow at test pressure, L/min; vent flow at no-load pressure, 1/mn
Test pressure Micro-leakage basis, L/min: speed of the unloaded hub when positive force is applied·1/min;
speed of the test hub when positive force is applied+1/min
output test pressure (i.e. pressure), MPa
—.-input test pressure, MPn
gives torque, N·m;
sign × T., MPa
7. —torque value measured at a certain pressure value, N·, —corresponding pressure difference value, MPa
T.--(V,Xp1.-)/2x. N - m
The maximum pressure gain value measured for a given torque value, MP; T…The minimum torque value measured for a given pressure value, N; 23
The force difference during the test, ·..MP10.2 Express curve
Equal compensation line Figure A2~Figure A4 of the attached ring. Inspection rules
11.1 Inspection divisions
Production inspection is divided into type inspection and factory inspection. 11.1.1 Type inspection
Type inspection refers to the comprehensive assessment of product quality, that is, a comprehensive inspection in accordance with the technical requirements specified in the standard. F In case of any of the following circumstances, the type inspection shall be carried out later (5)
a) New products or old products are produced by the factory for trial production; b) After the production is completed, the process, material, and technology have changed, which may affect the product performance; e) When the production is stopped, a periodic inspection shall be carried out regularly (usually 5 years) or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; l) When the product is stopped for a long time and then resumed for production: e) When there is a big difference between the results of the three type inspections; 9 When the national supervision and inspection agency has issued a requirement for type inspection. 11.1.2 Factory inspection
Factory inspection refers to the various tests that must be carried out on each product when it is delivered. 11.2 Sampling
The sampling plan for batch products shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB2828. 11.2.1 Type test inspection
) Qualified quality level (AQL. value): 25: 1) Sampling method type: positive belt inspection once push sweep force plan:) Book size: 3 sets.
Note: The number of cloud samples allowed for the film durability test is reduced, 11.2.2 Internal condition change inspection
a Qualified quality level AQE value) 2.5:
b) Sampling method type: normal inspection once sampling plan; c) Signature inspection level: S-2
11.2.3 Piece-by-piece inspection Beauty transfer (A level):
) Qualified quality level (AQL.): 1.
) Sampling method type: normal inspection once single plan: r) Risk inspection level, 1. Important Characteristics (Class B)
a) Acceptable Quality Level (AQL): 6.5; b) Sampling Plan Type: Normal with Inspection Secondary Sampling Plan> Inspection Level: ".
11.3 Determination Rules
According to GB2828
11.3.1 Primary Sampling Plan
According to the results of non-technical inspection, if the number of unqualified products found in the sample is less than or equal to the qualified number, then the qualified batch is judged to be unqualified. If the number of unqualified products found in the sample is less than or equal to the qualified number, then the batch is judged to be unqualified for sale: 11. 3. 2 Secondary sampling plan
According to the sampling of sample inspection, the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is greater than or equal to the second specified number, and the batch is judged to be qualified. If the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is greater than or equal to the second specified number, the batch is judged to be qualified: If the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is less than or equal to the second specified number, the batch is judged to be qualified: If the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is less than or equal to the second specified number, the batch is judged to be qualified. If the sum of the number of unqualified products found in the first and second samples is greater than or equal to the specified number, the batch is judged to be unqualified.
12 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Marking, other shipping and storage shall comply with the provisions of 1., 1.11 and 3 of GB4635·87: 10/min test pressure, L/min; leak flow at no-load pressure, 1/mn
micro-leakage at test pressure, L/mit: speed at no-load pressure·1/min;
speed at test pressure+1/mi
output test pressure (i.e. pressure), MPa
—.- input test pressure, MPn
output torque, N·m;
×T., MPa
7. — Torque value measured for a certain pressure value, N·, — corresponding pressure difference value, MPa
T.--(V,Xp1.-)/2x. N - m
The maximum pressure gain value measured for a given torque value, MP; T…The minimum torque value measured for a given pressure value, N; 23
The force difference during the test, ·..MP10.2 Express curve
Equal compensation line Figure A2~Figure A4 of the attached ring. Inspection rules
11.1 Inspection divisions
Production inspection is divided into type inspection and factory inspection. 11.1.1 Type inspection
Type inspection refers to the comprehensive assessment of product quality, that is, a comprehensive inspection in accordance with the technical requirements specified in the standard. F In case of any of the following circumstances, the type inspection shall be carried out later (5)
a) New products or old products are tested in the factory; b) After the production is completed, the process, material and technology have changed, which may affect the product performance; e) When the production is stopped, a periodic inspection shall be carried out regularly (usually 5 years) or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; l) When the product is stopped for a long time and then resumed, e) When there is a big difference between the results of the three type inspections; 9 When the national supervision and inspection agency has issued a requirement for type inspection. 11.1.2 Factory inspection
Factory inspection refers to the various tests that must be carried out on each product when it is delivered. 11.2 Sampling
The sampling plan for batch products shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB2828. 11.2.1 Type test inspection
) Qualified quality level (AQL. value): 25: 1) Sampling method type: positive belt inspection once push sweep force plan:) Book size: 3 sets.
Note: The number of cloud samples allowed for the film durability test is reduced, 11.2.2 Internal condition change inspection
a Qualified quality level AQE value) 2.5:
b) Sampling method type: normal inspection once sampling plan; c) Signature inspection level: S-2
11.2.3 Piece-by-piece inspection Beauty transfer (A level):
) Qualified quality level (AQL.): 1.
) Sampling method type: normal inspection once single plan: r) Risk inspection level, 1. Important Characteristics (Class B)
a) Acceptable Quality Level (AQL): 6.5; b) Sampling Plan Type: Normal with Inspection Secondary Sampling Plan> Inspection Level: ".
11.3 Determination Rules
According to GB2828
11.3.1 Primary Sampling Plan
According to the results of non-technical inspection, if the number of unqualified products found in the sample is less than or equal to the qualified number, then the qualified batch is judged to be unqualified. If the number of unqualified products found in the sample is less than or equal to the qualified number, then the batch is judged to be unqualified for sale: 11. 3. 2 Secondary sampling plan
According to the sampling of sample inspection, the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is greater than or equal to the second specified number, and the batch is judged to be qualified. If the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is greater than or equal to the second specified number, the batch is judged to be qualified: If the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is less than or equal to the second specified number, the batch is judged to be qualified: If the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is less than or equal to the second specified number, the batch is judged to be qualified. If the sum of the number of unqualified products found in the first and second samples is greater than or equal to the specified number, the batch is judged to be unqualified.
12 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Marking, other shipping and storage shall comply with the provisions of 1., 1.11 and 3 of GB4635·87: 10/min test pressure, L/min; leak flow rate at no-load pressure, 1/mn
micro-leakage rate at test pressure, L/mit: speed at no-load pressure·1/min;
speed at test pressure+1/mi
output test pressure (i.e. pressure), MPa
—.- input test pressure, MPn
output torque, N·m;
×T., MPa
7. — Torque value measured for a certain pressure value, N·, — corresponding pressure difference value, MPa
T.--(V,Xp1.-)/2x. N - m
The maximum pressure gain value measured for a given torque value, MP; T…The minimum torque value measured for a given pressure value, N; 23
The force difference during the test, ·.一..MP10.2 Express curve
Equal compensation line attached to Figure A2~Figure A4. Inspection rules
11.1 Inspection divisions
Production inspection is divided into type inspection and factory inspection. 11.1.1 Type inspection
Type inspection refers to the comprehensive assessment of product quality, that is, a comprehensive inspection in accordance with the technical requirements specified in the standard. F In case of any of the following circumstances, the type inspection shall be carried out later (5)
a) New products or old products are produced by the factory for trial production; b) After the production is completed, the process, material, and technology have changed, which may affect the product performance; e) When the production is stopped, a periodic inspection shall be carried out regularly (usually 5 years) or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; l) When the product is stopped for a long time and then resumed for production: e) When there is a big difference between the results of the three type inspections; 9 When the national supervision and inspection agency has issued a requirement for type inspection. 11.1.2 Factory inspection
Factory inspection refers to the various tests that must be carried out on each product when it is delivered. 11.2 Sampling
The sampling plan for batch products shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB2828. 11.2.1 Type test inspection
) Qualified quality level (AQL. value): 25: 1) Sampling method type: positive belt inspection once push sweep force plan:) Book size: 3 sets.
Note: The number of cloud samples allowed for the film durability test is reduced, 11.2.2 Internal condition change inspection
a Qualified quality level AQE value) 2.5:
b) Sampling method type: normal inspection once sampling plan; c) Signature inspection level: S-2
11.2.3 Piece-by-piece inspection Beauty transfer (A level):
) Qualified quality level (AQL.): 1.
) Sampling method type: normal inspection once single plan: r) Risk inspection level, 1. Important Characteristics (Class B)
a) Acceptable Quality Level (AQL): 6.5; b) Sampling Plan Type: Normal with Inspection Secondary Sampling Plan> Inspection Level: ".
11.3 Determination Rules
According to GB2828
11.3.1 Primary Sampling Plan
According to the results of non-technical inspection, if the number of unqualified products found in the sample is less than or equal to the qualified number, then the qualified batch is judged to be unqualified. If the number of unqualified products found in the sample is less than or equal to the qualified number, then the batch is judged to be unqualified for sale: 11. 3. 2 Secondary sampling plan
According to the sampling of sample inspection, the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is greater than or equal to the second specified number, and the batch is judged to be qualified. If the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is greater than or equal to the second specified number, the batch is judged to be qualified: If the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is less than or equal to the second specified number, the batch is judged to be qualified: If the number of unqualified products found in the first sample is less than or equal to the second specified number, the batch is judged to be qualified. If the sum of the number of unqualified products found in the first and second samples is greater than or equal to the specified number, the batch is judged to be unqualified.
12 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Marking, other shipping and storage shall comply with the provisions of 1., 1.11 and 3 of GB4635·87: 10
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