title>Detail specification for switch, waveguide, electromechanical operated,1P2T, fail-safe,Model KB-84 - SJ 20052-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Detail specification for switch, waveguide, electromechanical operated,1P2T, fail-safe,Model KB-84

Basic Information

Standard ID: SJ 20052-1992

Standard Name:Detail specification for switch, waveguide, electromechanical operated,1P2T, fail-safe,Model KB-84

Chinese Name: KB-84型失效保护的单刀双掷机电控制波导开关详细规范

Standard category:Electronic Industry Standard (SJ)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-02-01

Date of Implementation:1992-05-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A01 Technical Management

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Drafting unit:State-owned 885 Factory

Introduction to standards:

SJ 20052-1992 KB-84 type fail-safe single-pole double-throw electromechanical controlled waveguide switch detailed specification SJ20052-1992 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Military Standard for Electronic Industry of the People's Republic of China FL5958
KB-84 type single-pole double-throw fail-safe
Detail specification for
China Electronics Industry Corporation
Military Standard for Electronic Industry of the People's Republic of China KB-84 type single-pole double-throw fail-safe
Detail specification for
China Electronics Industry Corporationbzxz.net
The requirements for this waveguide switch shall be composed of this specification and SJ20051-92 "General Specification for Waveguide Switches". Electrical performance characteristics
Working frequency
Waveguide body||t t||1), 2)
RF power
350 (peak)
Note: 1)
Position indication
Current A
Not used
Standing wave ratio
Rated operation
Insertion loss
Waveguide flange should be covered when encapsulating to prevent sand and dust. The material of the gyrator and switch bright body is aluminum alloy, 3) Under DC 28V.
Design and structure:
Dimensions and structure: See the structural drawing
Power connector: See the structural drawing
Work: Disconnected before connected
Working temperature range: -55~95℃
Electrical performance characteristics: See Table 1
Military component number: JH20051/1--004 China Electronics Industry Corporation 1992-02-01 issued On voltage
(less than)
Conversion time
Off voltage
(less than)
Waveguide pressure
Working current
Life cycle
Holding current
SJ2005 2—92
Port mark
(3 places in total)
Depth 6 drilling 8
Except the hole, the end face size of the flange
should be in accordance with the provisions of FB84 in GB11449.2
Depth 6 station depth 8
Waveguide switch structure diagram
The waveguide size should comply with
GB114 50.2
BJ84 regulations
spoon Q14K7A
virtual position
common end factory 1
indicator circuit
waveguide switch conversion outline
F standby
The figure shows the disconnected state of position 1
Note: ①. The waveguide switch housing is allowed to be inverted into a square corner. ②. Except for the tolerances noted in the figure, the other external dimensions are ±0.5mm. ③. The polarity of the DC working voltage must be guaranteed. Additional notes:
This standard was drafted by the State-owned 885 Factory. The main drafters of this standard: Jiao Juyi and Xie Shaoming. Project code: G82051.
2\ (input)
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