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JB/T 8055-1996 Direct-fired lithium bromide absorption cooling and hot water units

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8055-1996

Standard Name: Direct-fired lithium bromide absorption cooling and hot water units

Chinese Name: 直燃型溴化锂吸收式冷、热水机组

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1996-09-03

Date of Implementation:1997-07-01

Date of Expiration:2001-12-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J73 Refrigeration Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 18362-2001

Procurement status:JIS B8622-86 NEQ

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Hefei General Machinery Institute

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JB/T 8055-1996 Direct-fired lithium bromide absorption cooling and hot water units JB/T8055-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Direct-fired lithium bromide absorption cooling and hot water units1996-09-03 Issued
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
1997-07-01 Implementation
1 Scope
2 Reference standards
3 Definition
4 Type and basic parameters
5 Technical requirements
6 Test methods
7 Inspection rules|| tt||8 Marking, packaging and storage
Appendix A (Appendix to the standard)
Appendix B (Appendix to the standard)
Appendix C (Appendix to the standard)
Influence of fouling coefficient
Technical requirements for lithium bromide solution
Calculation method of heat loss coefficient of the body
: (14)
This standard adopts the Japanese Industrial Standard JIS B8622-1986 (confirmed in 1991) "Absorption Refrigerator" in a non-equivalent manner. Appendices A, B and C of this standard are all appendices to the standard. This standard is proposed and managed by the Technical Committee for Standardization of Refrigeration Equipment of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The drafting units of this standard are: Jiangsu Shuangliang Group Corporation and Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are: Liu Xiaoli, Jiang Rongfang and Ren Jinlu. 1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Direct-fired lithium bromide absorption cooling and hot water unit JB/T8055-96
This standard specifies the type, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of direct-fired lithium bromide absorption cooling and hot water units (hereinafter referred to as units). This standard is applicable to units that use fuel oil or gas as heat source, water as refrigerant, and lithium bromide aqueous solution as absorbent to alternately produce cold and hot water for air conditioning. Units that simultaneously produce cold and hot water for air conditioning and process should also refer to it. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB252—87
Light diesel
GB44577 (confirmed in 1988)Heavy diesel
GB 152787
GB/T 262493
GB 3087—82
GB 327488
GB/T 1330691
GB13612 — 92 ||tt | ||JB/T724794
ZB J7800487
Manufacturing of high-quality carbon structural hot-rolled thick steel plates and wide steel strips Carbon steel and low-alloy steel plates for boilers Drawing copper tubes
Flow measurement Orifice plates, nozzles and venturi tubes for throttling devices Measuring the flow of fluids filling round tubes Seamless steel tubes for low and medium pressure boilers
Electrical and acoustic properties and test methods of carbon structural steel and low-alloy structural steel hot-rolled thick steel plates and strips Sound level meters Copper alloy tubes for heat exchangers
Industrial boiler thermal test specifications
Emission standards for air pollutants from boilers
Packaging of electromechanical products
General technical conditions
Artificial gas
Technical conditions for direct-connected rotary vane vacuum pumps
Technical conditions for control panels (sets)
Technical conditions for PB series flameproof shielded motorsTechnical conditions for direct-connected air valves
Metal and glass sintered level gauges and sight glasses for refrigerationLithium bromide absorption chillers
General technical conditions for electrical control equipment for refrigeration compressor unitsTechnical conditions for XZ type rotary vane vacuum pumps
General technical conditions for industrial automation instrument panelsZB N04 009-88
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on September 3, 1996
Implemented on July 1, 1997
Heavy oil (fuel oil)
Natural gas
Direct-fired lithium bromide absorption chiller and hot water unit: Equipment that uses fuel oil or gas as heat source, water as refrigerant, and lithium bromide aqueous solution as absorbent to alternately or simultaneously produce cold and hot water for air conditioning and process under vacuum. 4 Types and basic parameters
4.1 Type
The unit is divided into two types: fuel oil and gas.
4.2 Model
The unit model indication method is as follows:
Retrofit number: Indicated in sequence by Chinese phonetic letters A, B...·Nominal cooling capacity: Indicated by Arabic numerals (×10kW) Model example
Type: Oil type is indicated by ZXY: Gas type is indicated by ZXQa) Cooling capacity 1740kW, oil direct-fired lithium bromide absorption cooling and hot water unit: ZXY-174b) Cooling capacity 1160kW, One-time modified gas direct-fired lithium bromide absorption chiller and hot water unit: ZXQ-116A4.3 Basic parameters
The unit's nominal operating capacity is graded according to the following parameters, unit kW:4.3.1
230, 350, 470, 580, 700, 810, 930, 1050, 1160, 1450, 1740, 2040, 2330, 2620, 2910, 3490, 4070, 4650, 5230, 5810.
4.3.2 The unit's nominal operating conditions and performance are in accordance with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1
Cold (hot) water outlet temperature
Cold water inlet and outlet temperature difference
Cooling water inlet temperature
Unit refrigeration capacity Cooling water flow
Cold (hot) water, cooling water side fouling coefficient
Light diesel oil
Unit refrigeration (heating) capacity
Fuel consumption
Artificial gas
Natural gas
1 In this standard, the volume unit under standard conditions (101.325kPa·0℃) is expressed in Nm3. 2 The fuel consumption per unit of cooling (heating) refers to the values ​​under the following calorific values: light diesel low calorific value: 42.9M/kg
heavy oil low calorific value: 41.9MJ.kg;
artificial gas high calorific value: 163MJNm;
natural gas high calorific value: 39.5M/Nm.
5 Technical requirements
The unit shall comply with the provisions of this standard and be manufactured in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures or the agreement between the user and the manufacturer. 5.1
The maximum deviation of the unit performance shall not exceed the following provisions: 5.2
The cooling capacity shall not be less than 95% of the nominal value
The heating capacity shall not be less than 95% of the nominal value
The fuel consumption per unit cooling (heating) shall not be greater than 105% of the nominal value. The cooling water flow per unit cooling capacity shall not be greater than 105% of the nominal value. The pressure loss of cold (hot) water and cooling water shall not be greater than 110% of the specified value. 5.3 Unit operating range and variable operating conditions: The unit shall be able to operate normally within the operating range specified in Table 2 and be tested with reference to the interval value.
Cold (hot) water outlet temperature
Cooling water inlet temperature
Cold (hot) water, cooling water flow %
Variation range
Interval value
Variation range
Interval value
5.4 Part load performance regulations: The unit should be able to adjust normally within the range of 100%~30% (fuel) or 100%~25% (gas) cooling (heating) capacity, and be tested as specified in Table 3. Performance data should be expressed as a percentage of nominal fuel consumption and a percentage of nominal cooling (heating) capacity. Table 3
Cold (hot) water outlet temperature ℃
Cold (hot) water flow
Cooling water inlet temperature
Cooling water flow
Cold (hot) water, cooling water side fouling coefficient m2·℃/W
Flow rate at nominal operating conditions
Changes linearly with load, from 32℃ at 100% load at nominal operating conditions to 22℃ at zero load (above two points, including the minimum load point)
Flow rate at nominal operating conditions
Note: The influence of fouling coefficient is shown in Appendix A (Appendix to the standard) 5.5wwW.bzxz.Net
The unit noise sound pressure level should not be greater than that specified in Table 4. Table 4
Cooling capacity kW
Sound dB(A)
The maximum permissible smoke blackness of the unit shall comply with the provisions of GB13271>11602330
The technical requirements of lithium bromide solution used in the unit are shown in Appendix B (Appendix to the standard). >2330
JB/T 8055—9
The quality requirements of cooling water and make-up water for the unit shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 5. Table 5
Acidity pH (25℃)
Conductivity (25℃)
Chloride ion CT
Sulfate ion SO2
Acid consumption (pH4.8)
Total hardness
Sulfur ion S
Ammonium ion NH
Ionic silicon dioxide SiO,
Fuel requirements for the unit:
Light diesel oil should comply with the provisions of GB252:
Heavy oil should comply with the provisions of GB445 or SH0356: Artificial gas should comply with the provisions of GB13612; natural gas should comply with the provisions of SY7514.
5.10 The design and manufacturing regulations of the unit parts and components are as follows: Cooling water
Cannot be detected
Baseline value
a) The materials of the main parts of the unit shall comply with the provisions of Table 6 and shall have corresponding quality certification documents: Table 6
Part name
High pressure generator
Low pressure generator, condenser, evaporator, absorber
High pressure generator
Low pressure generator, condenser, evaporator, absorber
Material brand
10, 20
BFe 10-1-1, BFe30-1-1
TI, T2, Tul, Tu2
Supplementary water
Cannot be detected
Standard code
b) The straightness of the cylinder should not be greater than 1/1000 of the length of the cylinder, and when the length of the cylinder does not exceed 600mm, it should not be greater than 4.5mm; when the length of the cylinder is greater than 6000mm, it should not be greater than 8mm; c) The burrs around the tube holes should be removed after drilling holes in the tube sheet, baffle and support plate: d) The surface roughness of the tube sheet hole: R is 6.3um for expansion connection and 12.5μm for welding connection; e) When expanding connection, the surface of the tube sheet hole should not have defects that affect the tightness of the expansion connection (such as through longitudinal or screw spiral marks, etc.): f) The heat transfer tubes should be inspected one by one, and there should be no defects such as cracks, pores, slag inclusions, etc. that affect air tightness; g) The heat transfer tubes should be degreased or passivated, and the passivated surface should be uniform and glossy, and kept clean and dry: h) If the expansion mouth of the heat transfer tube is not tight, it should be re-expanded, but the re-expansion should not exceed twice; i) The parallelism between the cylinder and the water tray, solution tray, and heat transfer tube in the horizontal direction should not be greater than that specified in Table 7, and the water tray should not leak: 4
Length of simplified body
) When assembling the unit, all parts and components should be kept clean, and there should be no oil, iron filings, rust, welding slag, etc., and they should be degreased and descaled or phosphated.
5.11: The strength and air tightness requirements of the unit and components are as follows: Each heat exchange component of the unit should ensure air tightness:
After the unit is assembled, the water side pipe is subjected to a hydraulic test according to 6.3, and there should be no abnormal deformation and leakage: After the hydraulic test is qualified, the unit is subjected to an air tightness test according to 6.4, and the leakage rate of the whole unit should not exceed 2.03Pa·mL/s. 5.12 The supporting components shall comply with the following provisions: the shielded pump shall be well sealed, safe and reliable, and the matching motor shall comply with the provisions of JB6217; the rotary vane vacuum pump shall comply with the provisions of JB/T5281 or ZBJ78004; the vacuum valve shall comply with the provisions of JB/T6446; the liquid level gauge and sight glass shall comply with the provisions of JB/T6918; the control cabinet and selected electrical components shall comply with the provisions of ZBJ73040, ZBN04009 and JB5777.2. 5.13 The insulation resistance and withstand voltage test regulations are as follows: The insulation resistance of the live parts of the unit shall be tested in accordance with 6.5.2 and shall be above 2M2; the withstand voltage of the live parts of the unit shall be tested in accordance with 6.52 and shall not have breakdown and flashover. 5.14 The combustion equipment shall be adapted to the type and supply conditions of the fuel oil or gas used, and shall meet the following requirements: a) The piping system of the combustion equipment shall be subjected to pressure and air tightness tests in accordance with 6.10.1 and shall not have abnormal deformation and leakage. The leakage in the gas safety shut-off valve shall not exceed 10mL within 5 minutes;
b) The combustion equipment shall be subjected to a rated combustion capacity test in accordance with 6.10.2 and the flue gas analysis value shall comply with the provisions of Table 8; Table 8
Fuel type
c ... 6.10.3 The ignition test should be carried out correctly: the smoke analysis value
smoke concentration (using colorimetric filter paper method) is not more than level 3; the CO content in dry smoke is not more than 0.1% (volume)
d) The combustion equipment should be equipped with the following safety devices, and their operation should be normal: 1) Combustion monitoring controller;
2) Flame detector:
3) Automatic ignition device:
4) Fuel safety shut-off valve (one for oil and two for gas); 5) Gas pressure switch:
6) Air pressure switch (gas):
7 Filter;
8) Oil temperature switch (when there is an oil heater): 9) Blower motor overheat protection.
5.15 The unit should be equipped with the following safety devices, and their operation should be normal: 5
Cooling water cut-off protection;
-Cold (hot) water cut-off protection:
Automatic dilution device;
Melting crystal tube high temperature protection:
High-voltage generator outlet concentrated solution high temperature protection-cold water low temperature protection, hot water high temperature protection;-Shielded pump motor overheating protection;
High-voltage generator high-voltage protection;
High-voltage generator liquid level too low protection;
-Exhaust smoke high temperature protection.
5.16 The combustion system of the unit should be equipped with a blasting door. Its location should be considered not to endanger personal safety during blasting. 5.17 The internal and external surfaces of the unit should be clean, and the paint should be smooth, without wrinkles and peeling. 5.18 The unit should be supplied as a complete set. Generally, all equipment (including pipelines, pumps, valves, and control systems) should be assembled before leaving the factory. 5.19 Under the condition that the user complies with the regulations on transportation, storage, installation, and use of the unit, within 18 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer, if the unit is damaged or fails to work normally due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall repair or replace it for the user free of charge. 6 Test methods
6.1 Measuring instruments
6.1.1 General provisions
The test instruments shall be qualified after inspection and within the effective use period. 6.1.2 Temperature measurement Instruments: glass mercury thermometers, thermocouples, resistance thermometers, semiconductor thermometers, etc. The accuracy should be within the following limits: cold (hot) water, cooling water inlet and outlet temperature: ±0.1℃; refrigerant water temperature: ±0.5℃; lithium bromide solution temperature: ±1.0℃; exhaust gas temperature: ±2.0℃. The temperature measurement regulations are as follows:
The thermometer sleeve should be inserted vertically into the fluid. When the pipe diameter is small, it can be inserted obliquely against the flow or with a temperature measuring tube. The insertion depth should be at least 1/3 of the pipe diameter. The thermometer should not be pulled out when reading;
When measuring the inlet and outlet temperature difference of various identical media, the inlet and outlet thermometers should be exchanged after each reading to improve the measurement accuracy.
6.1.3 Pressure measurement Instruments: spring tube pressure gauge, mercury column barometer, liquid column pressure gauge, diaphragm pressure gauge, etc. Accuracy: Class 1.5. The pressure measurement regulations are as follows:
According to the measurement point requirements, select the pressure gauge range, and the indicated value should be between 1/3 and 2/3 of the full scale; the inner diameter of the glass tube of a liquid column pressure gauge should not be less than 6mm. 6.1.4 Flow measurement Instrument: flow throttling device, float flowmeter, electromagnetic flowmeter, turbine flowmeter, etc. 6
JB/T8055-96 The accuracy should be within ±2.0% of the measured flow. The flow measurement regulations are as follows:
The design, manufacture, installation and calculation of the flow throttling device shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T2624: The pressure difference reading of the flow throttling device shall not be less than 250mm liquid column height. 6.1.5 Specific gravity measurement Instrument: hydrometer. The accuracy should be within ±0.1% of the measured fluid. 6.1.6 Electrical Measurement Instruments: power meter (including indicating and integrating types), ammeter, voltmeter, power factor meter, frequency meter and transformer, etc. The accuracy shall be within the following limits: 一 Power meter: indicating type is 0.5 level, integrating type is 1 level; 一 Ammeter, voltmeter, power factor meter and frequency meter are 0.5 level: transformer: 0.2 level. Electrical Measurement Regulations: The power meter measurement value shall be above 1/3 of the full scale. 6.1.7 Time Measurement
Use a stopwatch for measurement, and the accuracy shall be within ±0.1% of the measured time. 6.1.8 Weight Measurement
Use various types of platform scales, balances and scales, and the accuracy shall be ±0.2% of the measured weight. 6.1.9 Noise measurement
Use sound level meters of type I or above specified in GB3785, as well as other test instruments with equivalent accuracy. 6.1.10 Flue gas analysis
Use CO ratio, colorimetric detection tube, infrared analyzer, colorimetric filter paper smoke density meter, etc. 6.2 Appearance and dimensions
Use visual inspection and ruler to check the appearance, dimensions and connection parts of the unit. 6.3 Hydraulic test
6.3.1 The test medium is clean water, the water temperature should not be lower than 5°C, and the test pressure should be 1.5 times the design pressure. 6.32 During the test, an exhaust port should be set on the top of the container, and the air in the container should be exhausted when inflating. The observation surface of the container should be kept dry during the test.
6.3.3 Fill the test piece with water, exhaust the air, slowly pressurize to the test pressure, and maintain the pressure for 10 minutes, then reduce the pressure to the design pressure. Check under the design pressure. There should be no leakage and abnormal deformation. 6.3.4 The pressure should remain unchanged during the test. Continuous pressurization should not be adopted to maintain the test pressure unchanged, and the bolts should not be tightened under pressure. After the test, the water should be drained and the inside should be blown dry with compressed air. 6.4 Air tightness test
After confirming the unit qualification using the air tightness test method of JB/T7247, the air tightness test is carried out using the hydrogen hood method. Connect the unit to the leak detection system (as shown in Figure 1). When checking for leaks, first use the auxiliary pump to evacuate the unit to vacuum, close the auxiliary valve, open the leak detector valve, and connect the unit to the leak detector; then cover the unit with an ammonia hood and fill it with ammonia. The leakage rate indicated by the leak detector is the leakage rate of the entire unit. 7
Slip detector
6.5 Insulation resistance and withstand voltage test
Auxiliary room
Auxiliary pump
6.5.1 Use a 500V megohmmeter to measure the insulation resistance of the live parts of the unit to the non-live parts. For electrical components that cannot withstand the high-voltage impact of the megohmmeter (such as frequency converters, etc.), they should be removed from the circuit or short-circuited. 6.5.2 Apply a test voltage of 1000V+2 times the rated AC voltage with a basic sine wave and a frequency of 50Hz between the live parts and non-live parts of the unit for 1 minute: For parts with a voltage below 30V to the ground, the test voltage is 500V. When repeating the test, the test voltage should be reduced to 80%.
For electrical components that cannot withstand the test voltage impact (such as frequency converters, etc.), they should be removed from the circuit or short-circuited. Action test of control and safety holding devices
Automatic control and safety protection components should be tested for action and should operate normally. 6.7 Noise measurement
6.7.1 The unit should be installed on a solid foundation and the noise should be measured when operating under nominal conditions. The measuring point should be set on a vertical plane 1.5m high and 1m away from the side of the unit (see Figure 2). The noise value is based on the maximum measured value. 6.7.2 The noise should be measured in a place with no sound reflection except the ground, and the background noise should be at least 10dB(A) lower than that of the unit being measured. 6.7.3 The noise measurement report should state the measurement location, background noise [dB(A)], noise reading value [dB(A)], measured value [dB(A)] (reading value corrected according to the background noise), and the name of the measuring instrument. Figure 2
6.8 Determination of flue gas blackness
6.8.1 The flue gas blackness should be measured when the unit is running at nominal conditions. 6.8.2 Determine according to the Ringelmann flue gas concentration diagram. The determination requirements and methods are shown in the instruction manual of the diagram. 6.9 Determination of pressure loss
6.9.1 When measuring pressure loss, the length of the straight pipe extending from the inlet and outlet sides of the unit under test shall be at least 4 times its pipe diameter. The test hole shall be set at a length of 2 times the pipe diameter.
6.9.2 When installing the connecting pipe for pressure test on the straight pipe extending from the inlet and outlet sides of the unit under test, the length of the connecting pipe shall be more than 2 times the diameter of the test hole, and the connecting pipe shall be installed vertically on the test hole. The test hole shall be smooth and flat, without burrs, curling and other defects. 6.9.3 Before testing, the air in the connecting pipe between the instrument and the pressure test hole shall be exhausted and filled with clean water. When the unit is running under nominal conditions, measure the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet sides of the unit at the specified water volume. 6.10 Combustion equipment test
6.10.1 Piping system pressure and airtightness test The combustion equipment piping system pressure and airtightness test shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 9. Table 9
Fuel type
Pressure test
The test medium is clean fuel oil, the test
pressure is equal to the design pressure, and the pressure is maintained for
10min. There should be no leakage and abnormal deformation
The test medium is dry clean air or
nitrogen, the test pressure is
1.5 times the design pressure, and the pressure is maintained for 10min. There should be no leakage
and abnormal deformation
External leakage test
Airtightness test Internal leakage test of safety stop valve Fill with 5kPa dry clean air or ammonia, check with foaming liquid, there should be no leakage, or leave the pressure gauge for 24min, and the pressure should not change. Fill with 1.5 times the design pressure of dry clean air or ammonia, check with foaming liquid, there should be no leakage, or leave the liquid column pressure gauge for 5min, and leave the pressure gauge for 24m in pressure does not change
Fill with 1.1 times the design pressure of dry
clean air or ammonia, check with foaming liquid for leakage, or place the pressure gauge for
24min, the pressure does not change
Fill with dry
clean air or fluorine gas on the upstream side of the safety stop valve, the test pressure
is equal to the design pressure, maintain the pressure Smin
According to the method shown in Figure 3, the leakage should not
exceed 10mL|| tt||Fill the upstream side of the safety stop valve with
1.5 times the design pressure of dry clean air
or nitrogen, maintain the pressure for 5 minutes, and the leakage should not exceed 10mL according to the method shown in
in Figure 3
Note: If the burner safety stop valve has an internal leakage detection and protection device, the internal leakage test may not be performed. 6.10.2 Rated combustion volume test
6.10.21After starting the test burner and achieving normal combustion, measure it under nominal working conditions. 6.10.22 The rated combustion volume is confirmed by measuring the fuel consumption, which should be within 95%-105% of the rated fuel consumption. 6.10.23 Under the rated combustion conditions, measure the exhaust temperature and O, CO, CO content, and smoke density (fuel oil). 6.10.24 The rated combustion test report shall state the fuel type, fuel oil lower calorific value (kJ/kg), fuel gas high and low calorific value (kJ/Nm2), fuel density (kg/m2), temperature (℃), measured consumption (m/h), smoke exhaust degree (℃), Oz, CO, CO content in the smoke (ppm), and smoke density (fuel oil).
6.10.3 Ignition test
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