drafter:Li Xi, Chen Huiming, Wang Xiaobing, Yang Ting, Guo Xinyu
Drafting unit:China Institute of Inspection and Quarantine, China Chemical Economic and Technological Development Center, Jiangsu Coal Chemical Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Sinochem Chemical Standardization Institute
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization (SAC/TC 251)
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
GB/T 27842-2011 Determination of dynamic surface tension of chemicals by fast bubble method
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This standard specifies the principle, significance and use, instruments and equipment, reagents and materials, calibration and standardization, experimental procedures, calculation and report of the fast bubble method for determining dynamic surface tension of chemicals.
This standard is applicable to the determination of the instantaneous liquid-gas interface free energy formed on the surface.
This standard is applicable to liquids with a vapor pressure less than or equal to 30.0 kPa and a kinematic viscosity less than or equal to 4.0 mm/s at the test temperature. class="f14" style="padding-top:10px; padding-left:12px; padding-bottom:10px;">
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard has the same technical content as the American Society for Testing and Materials standard ASTM D3825-90:2005 "Standard test method for dynamic surface tension by the fast-bubble technique" (English version).
This standard has been edited as follows:
———Replace "this test method" with "this standard";
———Delete the original ASTM standard preface, keywords and other informative parts;
———Convert all units and their values into China's legal measurement units;
———Add titles to the figures and tables with missing titles, and uniformly adjust the numbers of figures, tables and formulas in the whole text.
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Hazardous Chemicals Management (SAC/TC251).
The drafting organizations of this standard are: China Institute of Inspection and Quarantine, China Chemical Economic and Technological Development Center, Jiangsu Coal Chemical Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., and Sinochem Chemical Standardization Research Institute.
The main drafters of this standard are: Li Xi, Chen Huiming, Wang Xiaobing, Yang Ting, and Guo Xinyu. The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
ASTM D1193 Specification for reagent water
ASTM D1331 Test methods for surface and interfacial tension of solutions of surface-active agents
ASTM E1 Specification for ASTM liquid-in-glass thermometers
Some standard content:
ICS 13.300,11.100 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 27842—2011 Chemicals Determination of dynamic surface tension Fast-bubble technique Chemicals-Test method for dynamic surface tension-Fast-bubble technique Published on 2011-12-30 General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China Implementation on 2012-08-01 This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. 27842-2011 This standard has the same technical content as the American Society for Testing and Materials standard ASTM D3825-90:2005 "Standard test method for dynamic surface tension by the fast-bubble method" (English version). This standard has been edited as follows: 1. "This standard" is used instead of "this test method"; 1. The original ASTM standard foreword, keywords and other informative parts are deleted; 1. All units and their values are converted into the legal units of my country; the titles of the figures and tables with missing titles are added, and the numbers of the figures, tables and formulas in the whole text are uniformly adjusted. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Hazardous Chemicals Management (SAC/TC25I). Drafting units of this standard: China Institute of Inspection and Quarantine, China Chemical Economic and Technological Development Center, Jiangsu Coal Chemical Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Sinochem Chemical Standardization Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are: Li, Chen Huiming, Wang Xiaobing, Yang Ban, Guo Xinyu. TTTKANTKACA Determination of dynamic surface tension of chemicals Fast bubble method GB/T27842—2011 Important note: This standard does not intend to state all safety issues (if any) involved in the use of this standard. Before using this standard, the user is responsible for consulting and establishing appropriate safety and health regulations and determining whether it complies with relevant legal provisions. For relevant warning statements, see 7.3, 7. 4 and 7.5. 1 Scope This standard specifies the principle, application, instrumentation and equipment, reagents and materials, calibration and standardization, experimental procedures, calculation and reporting of the rapid bubble method for determining dynamic surface tension of chemicals. This standard is applicable to the determination of the instantaneous liquid-gas interfacial free energy of surface morphology. This standard is applicable to the determination of the instantaneous liquid-gas interfacial free energy of surface morphology of chemicals with a vapor pressure less than or equal to 30.0 kPa and a kinematic viscosity less than or equal to 1.0 at the test temperature. Liquids with a viscosity of m/s. Note that liquids with higher viscosities have not been studied. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the use of this document. For dated references, only the dated versions apply to this document. For undated references, the latest versions (including all amendments) apply to this document. ASTM D1193 Specification for reagent water ASTM D1331 Test methods for surface and interfacial tension of solutions of surface-active agents ASIM E 1 Specification for ASTM liquid-in glass thermometers 3 Terms, definitions and symbols 3.1 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3. 1. 1 Surface tensionsurface tension Surface energy at the interface between the gas phase and the air phase, mN/m3. 1.2 Bubble frequencybubblefrequency Bubble rate (number of bubbles per second), 3-). 1 TTTKANYKAA GB/T 27842-—2011 Bubble pressurebubblepressure Difference between the maximum pressure of a wide-bore capillary (P,) and the maximum pressure of a narrow-bore capillary (P,), Pa. 3. 1. 4 Dead timedead time Time required for a bubble to be generated from the beginning to the completion, ms, 3. 1. 5 Dead time percentagedead time% Percentage of dead time in a cycle (ten), is. 3.1.6 Surface ageing surfaceage Time required to generate a new bubble·ms. 3.2 Symbols The following symbols apply to this document. Density, kg/m; Maximum force difference, Pa: Maximum pressure of wide-diameter capillary, Pa; Maximum pressure of narrow-diameter capillary, Pa: Radius, mm Bubble frequency, \-; Dead time, ms; Surface ageing, ms; .--Surface tension, mN/m. 4 Principle of the method The pressure required to form a bubble at the tip of a capillary immersed in a liquid is determined by the gas flow rate, which provides a range of bubble frequencies. The dynamic surface tension at different surface ages can be calculated using the pressure and the calibration constant. 5 Significance and Use 5.1 This method is applicable to mixtures in which one or more components move to the surface, and can also be used for pure liquid substances. 5.2 Such data is required when designing equipment for mixed liquid treatment, such as distillation towers. 6 Night Apparatus and Equipment 6.1 Bubbling Device: Water Jacket Type (see Figure 1). 6.2 Temperature Control Device: Use circulating water to keep the bubbler at a specific temperature. 6.3 Oven: The temperature can reach 105°C, explosion-proof, 6.4 Pressure Sensor: Resistance Film Tensiometer, time constant is less than or equal to 25ms0Pa~2000Pa. Accuracy is ±2%2 -TTT KANGY KAcA 6.5 Switching Power Supply: For use with tensiometer. 6.6 Oscilloscope: The scanning time is less than 0.020§, GB/T 27842—2011 6.7 Filtered (5μm) air source: The pressure value of its pressure regulator can be 0kPa~724kPa higher than the surrounding environment. Note: If there is a problem of liquid oxidation, nitrogen can be used instead of oxygen. 6.8 Thermometer: The measuring range is appropriate and meets the requirements of ASTME1. Water jacket: Wide-caliber capillary (inner diameter = 2. c mm ± 0. 1 mm); -caliber capillary (inner diameter = 0. 11 mm ± 0. 1 m); Intake manifold: a pressure sensor, bzxz.net a plug valve; a thermometer, an air duct. Note: The ends of h and b should be cut to the horizontal plane of the relative mesh and finely ground (e.g., 44 μm S; C). Figure 1 Bubble Device 7 Reagents and Materials 7.1 Purity of Reagents: All tests should use reagent grade chemicals. If it can be determined that the purity of the reagents can meet the needs of use and will not reduce the accuracy of the test, other grades of chemicals may also be used: 0 TTTKANTKACA GB/T 27842—2011 7.2 Purity of Water: Unless otherwise specified, the water used in this standard is Type III reagent water that complies with ASTMD1193. 7.3 Calibration Fluid: Reagent grade, with a wide range of surface tension. Acetone, toluene, ethanol and methanol all meet this requirement. Acetone: (Warning: Extremely flammable. Its gas may cause flash fire. See A.1 in Appendix A). a) b) Toluene: (Warning: Flammable. Harmful gas. See Appendix A, A.6), Ethanol: (Warning: Flammable. Harmful gas: See Appendix A, A.5). d) Methanol: (Warning: Flammable. Denatured. See Appendix A, A.4). 7.4 Washing liquid: Chromic acid washing liquid (General warning: Causes severe burns. Known carcinogen and strong oxidant. Contact with organic matter may cause fire. See Appendix A, A.2) 7.5 Nitrogen: Will not react with the test solution and C () with a concentration of less than 100m/L.of suitable purity to react with amines (Warning: Compressed gases under high pressure. See Appendix A, A.3). 8 Calibration and normalization 8,1 Clean the bubbler with detergent and then rinse with water (Warning: detergent can cause severe burns. Known carcinogen and strong oxidant, contact with organic matter may cause fire. Hygroscopic, see Appendix A, A.2). Soak the bubbler in water for 48 hours and finally rinse with water. 8.2 Assemble the equipment as shown in Figure 2 and set the thermostat to the expected temperature. Note: If the test temperature is specified in the specification, it is recommended to use 257 ± 0.1 ℃. H protection a——water jacket; ventilation circuit; a-bridge switching power supply, i-display mirror: thermostat + hexagonal valve, pressure controller: n-—pass valve, 5 μm, Figure 2 Assembly of the instrument\” 8.3 Calibrate the ordinates of the sensor and the oscilloscope against a suitable timer. 8.4 Measure the inner diameter (r) of the wide-bore capillary (b) by a suitable method with an accuracy of ±5 μm. 8.5 Fill the bubbler half full with water; then connect it to a thermostatic control device and equilibrate it to the test temperature. 8.6 Allow the gas to pass through the wide-bore capillary (b) at a given rate S = 0.5 s- and record the maximum pressure as P. (Warning: Compressed gas under high pressure. See A3 in Appendix A). 1) The assembly should not be used Lubricate the valve or terminal connection with silicone grease. TTKANTKACA 8.7 Open the stopcock (c) of the wide-bore capillary. Record the pressure as P. 8.8 Drain the bubbler and dry it in an oven. 8.9 Fill the bubbler halfway with ethanol or methanol and repeat steps 8.5 to 8.8. Repeat steps 8 and 10 for the other three calibration quills. 8.11 Calculate the calibration constant A for each of the five quills using equation (1): A = 7/AP(1 + 675rD/AP) and average the results. GB/T 27842—2011 Generally, the values in the guide are sufficient. However, it is also necessary to know the true value of each calibration solution provided each time. If the value cannot be obtained from other records, it can be determined according to the test method of ASTM D1331 or its equivalent. 9 Test steps 9.1 Clean the bubbler according to 6.1 and dry it in an oven. 9.2 Fill the bubbler with the test solution to half full, connect it to the thermostatic control device and balance it. 9.3 Close the stopcock (e) on the wide-bore capillary. a) According to 8.6 Pass dry gas through a narrow-bore capillary and record the P value. b) Scan the electrodes synchronously so that the pressure curves overlap without offset, and record the scanning speed as S. Note: Avoid synchronous scanning at a speed of 2S or 3S, and observe bubbles using a daily force meter. c) Open the stopcock and record the Pl value. 9.4 Close the stopcock and use a needle valve (k) to increase the flow rate to a given value of S1.0s1, and record S and P2. Open the stopcock and check P. 9.5 Continue to double the gas flow rate, recording S and P2 at each step until there is evidence that the dead time appears on the side, as shown in the ideal display in Figure 3. Thereafter, the horizontal dust mark on the display should be recorded. Or the percentage of dead time. Record P at each step, P 1000/S Figure 3 Ideal oscilloscope display at S16s-1 Note: For similar loading, the formula (2) is obtained based on experience: t = 31. 9 - 0. 25S This formula can be used as an empirical guide for the decision, but due to the uncertainty of the multi-dimensional differences, it cannot be used to calculate the results. -2) GB/T27842--2011 9.6 Continue to double the gas flow rate, recording S, P, and P at each step, until the regular bubble generation stops, which is represented by a sudden increase in the P value. Note: The stop depends on the viscosity and some equipment factors. The highest speed obtained with water and surfactant is S=50 s-. When using the most viscous liquid (4 mm\/s of amine), the lowest speed at which the stop occurs is S=20 s-. 9.7 Reduce the gas flow rate to the initial value S = (0.5 ± 0.01) s-, and re-determine P and P. If the difference AP changes by more than ± 2% of the value specified in 9.3, record any facts that demonstrate that the properties of the sample have changed during the test. 10 Calculation 10.1 Calculate the surface aging for each flow rate using equation (3) or equation (4): t = (1 000/)(1-%/100) t = (1 000/S) - ts Calculate the surface tension for each flow rate using equation (5): 10.2 Y = A4P(1 + 675rD/AP) Plot the relationship between t and the corresponding t, and interpolate the value of t = 25 ms or other specific surface failure time. 11 Report 11. 1 Report the sum of t for all flow rates (usually 6 or 7). - (3) 11.2 The comprehensive report may include the static surface tension at t = 2000 ms and the dynamic surface tension at t = 25 ms or other specified time. 11.3 If the value obtained in 9.79 - 0. 25S This formula can be used as a guide to the accuracy of the decision, but it cannot be used to calculate the result due to the uncertainty of the multi-dimensional difference. -2) GB/T27842--2011 9.6 Continue to double the gas flow rate, recording S, P, and P at each step until the regular bubble generation stops, which is indicated by a sudden increase in the P: value. Note: The stop is dependent on the viscosity and some equipment factors. The highest speed obtained with water and surfactant is S = 50 s-. When using the most viscous liquid (4 mm\/s of amine), the lowest speed at which the stop occurs is S = 20 s-. 9.7 Reduce the gas flow rate to the initial value S = (0.5 ± 0.01) s-, and re-determine P and P:. If the difference AP changes by more than ± 2% of the value specified in 9.3, the actual situation that can prove that the properties of the sample have changed during the test should be recorded. 10 Calculation 10.1 Calculate the surface age at each flow rate using equation (3) or equation (4): t = (1 000/)(1-%/100) t = (1 000/S) - ts Calculate the surface tension at each flow rate using equation (5): 10.2 Y = A4P(1 + 675rD/AP) Plot the relationship between y and the corresponding t and interpolate the value at t = 25 ms or other specified surface failure time. 11 Reporting 11.1 Report the sum of y for all flow rates (usually 6 or 7). - (3) 11.2 The combined report may include the static surface tension at t = 2000 ms and the dynamic surface tension at t = 25 ms or other specified time. 11, 3 if 9, 7 obtained9 - 0. 25S This formula can be used as a guide to the accuracy of the decision, but it cannot be used to calculate the result due to the uncertainty of the multi-dimensional difference. -2) GB/T27842--2011 9.6 Continue to double the gas flow rate, recording S, P, and P at each step until the regular bubble generation stops, which is indicated by a sudden increase in the P: value. Note: The stop is dependent on the viscosity and some equipment factors. The highest speed obtained with water and surfactant is S = 50 s-. When using the most viscous liquid (4 mm\/s of amine), the lowest speed at which the stop occurs is S = 20 s-. 9.7 Reduce the gas flow rate to the initial value S = (0.5 ± 0.01) s-, and re-determine P and P:. If the difference AP changes by more than ± 2% of the value specified in 9.3, the actual situation that can prove that the properties of the sample have changed during the test should be recorded. 10 Calculation 10.1 Calculate the surface age at each flow rate using equation (3) or equation (4): t = (1 000/)(1-%/100) t = (1 000/S) - ts Calculate the surface tension at each flow rate using equation (5): 10.2 Y = A4P(1 + 675rD/AP) Plot the relationship between y and the corresponding t and interpolate the value at t = 25 ms or other specified surface failure time. 11 Reporting 11.1 Report the sum of y for all flow rates (usually 6 or 7). - (3) 11.2 The combined report may include the static surface tension at t = 2000 ms and the dynamic surface tension at t = 25 ms or other specified time. 11, 3 if 9, 7 obtained Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.