Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology
Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A47 Meteorology
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publishing house:Meteorological Press
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drafter:Zheng Xiangdong, Zhang Xiaochun, Ma Qianli, Qi Donglin, Yu Dajiang, Chen Shu
Drafting unit:Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, China Meteorological Administration Meteorological Observation Center, Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau, Qinghai Meteorological Bureau, Heilongjiang Meteorological Bureau
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Climate and Climate Change Standardization Technical Committee on Atmospheric Composition Observation, Forecast and Warning Services (SAC/TC 540/SC 1)
Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Climate and Climate Change Standardization Technical Committee on Atmospheric Composition Observation, Forecast and Warning Services (SAC/TC 540/SC 1)
Standard number: QX/T 532-2019
Standard name: Brewer spectrophotometer calibration specifications
English name: Specifications for Brewer spectrophotometer calibration
Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2019-12-26
Implementation time: 2020-04-01
Standard size: 2.32M
Standard introduction: This standard specifies the working principle and system composition of Brewer spectrometers, technical requirements for calibration characteristics, calibration conditions, calibration principles and methods, and expression of calibration results.
This standard applies to regular or non-regular calibration of Brewer spectrometers
2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with dates, only the versions with dates apply to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document QX/T172-2012 Brewer spectrometer method for observing total ozone column
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Climate and Climate Change Standardization Technical Committee for Atmospheric Composition Observation, Forecast and Warning Services (SAC/TC540/SC1)
The drafting units of this standard are: China Meteorological Science Academy, Meteorological Observation Center of China Meteorological Administration, Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau, Qinghai Meteorological Bureau and Heilongjiang Meteorological Bureau.
Main drafters of the standard: Zheng Xiangdong, Zhang Xiaochun, Ma Qianli, Qi Donglin, Yu Dajiang, Chen Shu
This standard specifies the working principle and system composition of Brewer spectrometer, technical requirements for calibration characteristics, calibration conditions, calibration principles and methods, and expression of calibration results.
This standard is applicable to the regular or irregular calibration of Brewer spectrometers.
Some standard content:
ICS07.060 YTY KA-JOG AKA Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China QX/T532—2019 Brewer spectrophotometer calibration specifications Specificationsfor Brewer spectrophotometer calibration2019-12-26Release China Meteorological Administration YTTKN-CJOuaRA 2020-04-01Implementation YYYKAI-CJOG KAN YTTKN-CJOUaKA Normative reference documents Terms and definitions Symbols and abbreviations YTY KA-JOG AKA Working principle and system composition of spectrometer Technical requirements for calibration characteristics Calibration conditions Calibration principle and method Expression of calibration results Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Appendix C (Informative Appendix) Appendix D (Informative Appendix) Appendix E (Normative Appendix) Appendix F (Normative Appendix) Appendix G (Normative Appendix) Appendix H (Normative Appendix) Appendix I (Normative Appendix) Appendix J (Normative Appendix) Appendix K (Informative Appendix) ) References Principle and method of spectrometer calibration Spectrometer inspection, installation, erection and testInstructions for spectrometer constant files Instructions for spectrometer configuration file (OP_ST) Test comparison and characteristic test of calibrated spectrometer before calibrationAnalysis and comparison of synchronous comparison observation results before calibrationMaintenance and test of calibrated spectrometer Outdoor calibration comparison observation and data processing Spectrometer calibration summary record Disassembly, packaging and transportation of spectrometer Calibration certificate YTTKN-CJOaKA QX/T532—2019 YYYKAI-CJOG KAN YTTKN-CJOUaKA YYYKAI-CJOG KAN This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. QX/T532—2019 This standard was proposed and managed by the Sub-Technical Committee on Atmospheric Composition Observation, Forecast and Warning Services (SAC) TC540/SC1 of the National Technical Committee for Climate and Climate Change Standardization. The drafting units of this standard are: China Meteorological Science Research Institute, Meteorological Observation Center of China Meteorological Administration, Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau, Qinghai Meteorological Bureau, Heilongjiang Meteorological Bureau. Main drafters of the standard: Zheng Xiangdong, Zhang Xiaochun, Ma Qianli, Qi Donglin, Yu Dajiang, Chen Shu. m YTTKN-CJOUaKA YYYKAI-CJOG KAN YTTKN-CJOUaKA 1 Scope YTYKA-cJOGAKA Brewer spectrometer calibration specification QX/T532—2019 This standard specifies the working principle and system composition of Brewer spectrometers, technical requirements for calibration characteristics, calibration conditions, calibration principles and methods, and expression of calibration results. This standard applies to regular or non-regular calibration of Brewer spectrometers. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. QX/T1722012 Brewer spectrometer method for observing total ozone column 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document Total atmospheric ozone column total columnozone The content of ozone contained in the vertical atmospheric column per unit area on the ground. [QX/T172-2012, definition 3.1] Ultraviolet radiation band B; radiation in the UVB wavelength band of 280nm to 315nm. [QX/T172-2012, definition 3.3] 4 Symbols and abbreviations 4.1 Symbols The following symbols apply to this document. AP: Electrical system test. BO: Turn off the mercury lamp and standard lamp. B2: Turn on the standard lamp. CI: Standard lamp slit #1 scanning test. FI: Filter wheel neutral filter detection. HP: Grating synchronization test (usually used with HPHG only in MKⅢ spectrometer). RS232: Serial communication interface standard. SKC: Continuous operation mode. 4.2 Abbreviations The following abbreviations apply to this document. YTTKN-cJOuIaKA QX/T532—2019 YYYKAI-CJOG KAN Cal.skdCalibration setting (Calibration schedule)CCW:Counter-ClockWise)CW:ClockWise) DSP:DiSPersiontestforgrating)DT:DeadTimetest of Photomultiplier Tube)DU:DobsonUnit(DobsonUnit) DUV:Diffey curve weighted UltraViolet(Diffey curve weighted UltraViolet)ETC:Earth Terrestrial Constants(Earth Terrestrial Constants)GMT:Greenwich Mean Time(Gr eenwich Mean Time) GS: Grating Slope and intercept test (Grating Slope and intercept test) ICF: Instrument Constant Files (Instrument Constant Files) PMT: Photomultiplier Tube (Photo Multiplier Tube) QL: Quick Lamp scan test (Quick Lamp scan) RS: Run Stop test (Run Stop test) HG: HG lamp wavelength calibration (HG lamp wavelength calibration) HV: (PMT) High Voltage test (High Voltage test) SI: Sun (Sun sIting) SC:SunsCan(SunsCan)SL:Standard Lamp test for instrument stability(Standard Lamp test)SR:Tracker Steps per Revolution(Tracker Steps per Revolution)TU:Test UV Balignment(Test UV Balignment)UV:Ultraviolet radiation(Ultraviolet rays)UVR:Ultraviolet radiation spectral response function(Ultraviolet Response)WMO:World Meteorological Organization(World Meteorol ogicalOrganization)ZE:Zero position detection of zenith prism(ZEroingzenithdrive)5 Working principle and system composition of spectrometer 5.1 Working principle Brewer spectrometer measures the solar spectrum irradiance at five central wavelengths of UVB by accurately tracking the sun (or moon) based on the absorption characteristics of ozone to B-band ultraviolet (UltraVioletBand: UVB) radiation, and inverts the total amount of atmospheric ozone and sulfur dioxide column based on the principle of approximate differential absorption; realizes B-band ultraviolet radiation spectrum measurement through diffraction spectroscopy 5.2 System composition The Brewer spectrometer includes a spectrometer, a control computer and a calibration system. The spectrometer should consist of a diffraction grating spectrometer, a sun and moon horizontal azimuth tracker and a tripod; the calibration system should include a Brewer standard spectrometer, UV spectrum calibration and calibration data processing software. 6 Technical requirements for calibration characteristics The technical indicators of the characteristics of the Brewer spectrometer after calibration shall meet the requirements of Table 12 YTTKN-CJOUaKA Total atmospheric ozone column Total atmospheric sulfur dioxide column UV spectral response function 7 Calibration conditions 7.1 Basic requirements Site and indoor environment YTYKA-cJOG AKAn Table 1 Technical requirements for calibration characteristics of Brewer spectrometer Maximum allowable deviation QX/T532—2019 With the daily average value of the standard spectrometer, the absolute deviation is within 2.5DU or within 1% of the daily average value of the standard spectrometer. The absolute deviation is within 1.0 Observe 290nm~325nm synchronously with the standard spectrometer within DU, and the relative deviation of the integral value is less than 10%, which should meet the requirements of 5.1 of QX/T172-2012. 7.1.2 Weather conditions The weather is clear with few clouds (or no clouds around the sun). 7.2 Calibration equipment, facilities and materials 7.2.1 The standard spectrometer should be calibrated by the WMO-Brewer Calibration Center and be within the validity period of standard transfer. 7.2.2 The UVB spectrum calibration system should consist of a standard light source (including power drive equipment) and a portable darkroom. The DC current control stability of the light source should be better than 0.001A. The portable darkroom should meet the conditions of ventilation, heat dissipation and the distance between the standard light source and the horizontal sensing surface of the BrewerUV window, which can be adjusted between 0cm and 55cm. 7.2.3 Solvents: use analytical grade methanol or acetone as cleaning agents. 7.2.4 Auxiliary tools: British hexagonal wrench, level, flashlight and laser pen, soft brush, cleaning paper towel, professional lens paper, desiccant, disposable gloves and masks, etc. 8 Calibration principles and methods 8.1 Principle For the principle of spectrometer calibration, please refer to Appendix A. 8.2 Method 8.2.1 General principles The calibration work includes three stages: before calibration, during calibration and after calibration. Each stage should carry out spectrometer characteristic test, outdoor comparison observation and comparison test data analysis. The spectrometer should be calibrated when it has been in continuous operation for more than 24 months or when the spectrometer is repaired or new optical devices (such as gratings and UV filters) are replaced. The standard spectrometer should be calibrated with a higher-level standard spectrometer every 2 years. The observation data should include samples with a solar zenith angle below 45°. 3 YTTKNi-cJOuIaKA QX/T532—2019 8.2.2 Before calibration YYYKAI-CJOG KAN Before and after the transport of the spectrometer, the transported spectrometer shall be inspected, installed, set up and tested. For steps and requirements, see Appendix B8.2.2.2 According to the requirements of Table 2 of QX/T172—2012, the stability test (SL) of the transported spectrometer shall be judged to determine whether it is based on the stability test results. If the requirements are not met, refer to A.3 and A.4 in Appendix A to modify the Earth Atmosphere Upper Constant (ETC) values of ozone and sulfur dioxide in the ICF of the transported spectrometer. Evaluate the operating conditions of the calibrated spectrometer's electrical, wavelength calibration, stability, photomultiplier tube, and aperture slit according to the requirements of Table E.1 in Appendix E; perform characteristic tests on the calibrated spectrometer according to the steps and requirements of Table E.2 in Appendix E. Perform synchronous comparative observations between the calibrated spectrometer and the standard spectrometer for at least half a day, and compare and statistically analyze the comparative observation data. The records and analysis contents are shown in Appendix F. 8.2.3 During calibration Maintain and test the spectrometer. The maintenance steps, test contents and requirements are shown in Appendix G. Complete outdoor comparative observations on at least one sunny day according to the requirements of Steps 1 to 11 of Table H.1 in Appendix H. Complete the test and ICF modification work in accordance with the requirements of step 1218 of Table H.1 in Appendix HICF8.2.4 After calibration According to the requirements of step 111 of Table H.1 in Appendix H, the spectrometer running in the new ICF shall conduct at least one sunny day comparison observation with the standard spectrometer. Compare the observation results. If they meet the technical requirements of the calibration characteristics, the calibration is completed; if they do not meet the requirements, repeat to until the technical indicators of the calibration characteristics meet the requirements. Save the calibration data and documents of the standard spectrometer and the calibrated spectrometer separately8.2.4.4 Fill in the calibration summary record sheet in accordance with the requirements of Table 1.1 in Appendix 1. Turn off the standard spectrometer or the calibrated spectrometer, and disassemble, pack and transport the spectrometer system in accordance with the requirements of Appendix J. 9 Expression of calibration results A calibration certificate shall be issued for the calibrated spectrometer, see Appendix K for the certificate. 4 YTTKN-CJOUaKA YYYKAI-CJOG KAN Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Principles and methods of spectrometer calibration A.1 Calibration of the total atmospheric oxygen column QX/T532—2019 The Brewer ozone spectrometer measures the number of photons of solar irradiance at the central wavelengths of 310.0nm, 313.5nm, 316.8nm and 320.0nm, respectively. Based on the measurement results and the absorption coefficients of ozone at these four wavelengths that have been measured in the laboratory, the total atmospheric ozone column is determined, see formula (A.1). According to formula (A.1), the total atmospheric ozone column Q measured multiple times by the standard spectrometer and the measured value of the calibrated spectrometer △N. A set of equations can be established, and the least squares method can be used to determine the △N of the spectrometer to be calibrated (the upper limit of the earth's atmosphere (ETC) for determining ozone in the 10th row of ICF, see Appendix C) and the △α value to achieve the calibration of the total atmospheric ozone column measured by the spectrometer to be calibrated. Q = AN-AN-ASm Where: ............(A.. .) The measured value of the total amount of atmospheric ozone column, which is observed by a standard spectrometer and is expressed in moles per square meter (mol/m). In practical applications, this unit is often converted into the unit of total ozone column thickness (DU) under standard atmosphere; The logarithmic fitting of the number of photons at the above four wavelengths measured by the calibrated spectrometer, dimensionless; The parameter value of the spectrometer to be calibrated (ETC of ozone in the 10th line of ICF), dimensionless; The atmospheric mass number of the ozone layer (calculated at an altitude of 23.5 km from sea level), dimensionless: and the above four central wavelength positions (3 The ozone absorption coefficient related to the central wavelengths (10.0nm, 313.5nm, 316.8nm and 320.0nm) (the coefficient in the 7th line of the ICF file) is usually given by the manufacturer. If the optical components (such as filters, gratings, etc.) of the calibrated spectrometer are replaced, resulting in a shift in the central wavelength position, it should be re-determined according to formula (A.1), with the unit being square meters per mole (m2/mol); Rayleigh scattering coefficient of air molecules related to ground pressure, with the unit being moles per square meter (mo1/m); atmospheric mass number, dimensionless. A.2 Calibration of total sulfur dioxide column volume After determining the total atmospheric ozone column volume, the total atmospheric sulfur dioxide column volume can be determined based on the measurement results of the solar irradiance photon number at the central wavelengths of 306.0nm, 316.8nm and 320.0nm by the Brewer spectrometer, △N, and the absorption coefficients of sulfur dioxide at these three wavelengths measured in the laboratory, see formula (A.2). According to formula (A.2), the equations are established by measuring the Q, sub and △N of the standard spectrometer and the calibrated spectrometer. The least square method is used to determine △N (the 11th row in the ICF determines the Earth's atmospheric upper limit of ozone (ETC)) and △α· to achieve the calibration of the total sulfur trioxide column measurement of the calibrated spectrometer. W-AN-AN× Aa μsoAaso Where: .(A.2) The measured value of the total column volume of atmospheric sulfur dioxide, which is observed by the standard spectrometer in moles per square meter (mol/m); the fitted value of the logarithmic value of the number of photons at the above three wavelengths of the calibrated spectrometer, dimensionless; the parameter value of the spectrometer to be calibrated (the sulfur dioxide ETC in the 11th row of the ICF), dimensionless; the atmospheric mass number of sulfur dioxide (calculated at an altitude of 5 km above sea level), dimensionless: the sulfur dioxide absorption coefficient related to the position of the above three central wavelengths (306.0nm, 316.8nm and 320.0nm) 5 YTTKN-CJOUaKA QX/T532—2019 YYYKAI-CJOG KAN (the coefficient in the 8th line of the ICF file), its value is usually given by the manufacturer. If the optical components (such as filters, gratings, etc.) of the spectrometer to be marked are replaced, resulting in a shift in the central wavelength position, it should be re-determined according to formula (A, 1), the unit is square meters per mole (m2/mol); The ratio of the ozone absorption coefficient to the sulfur dioxide absorption coefficient, dimensionless. A.3SL test correction of ANe and AN When the spectrometer to be marked is running stably and there is no replacement of core optical components such as gratings and filters, △N. and △N. can be corrected respectively according to the stability test (SL) record of the spectrometer to be marked by the following formulas. ANomn=ANaza+R6.-R6 △Nm=AN+R5-R5 In the formula: ...... ...(A.3) ........(A.4) The new ozone ETC value (△N.) in the 10th line of ICF determined by the current calibration of the spectrometer to be calibrated is dimensionless; The new sulfur dioxide ETC value (△N.) in the 11th line of ICF determined by the current calibration of the spectrometer to be calibrated is dimensionless; The old ozone ETC value in the 10th line of ICF determined by the last calibration of the spectrometer to be calibrated is dimensionless; The old sulfur dioxide ETC value in the 10th line of ICF determined by the last calibration of the spectrometer to be calibrated is dimensionless; The sI detection this time determines a new ratio value related to the total amount of atmospheric ozone column, which is dimensionless; the last sI detection of the spectrometer to be calibrated determined the old ratio value related to the total amount of weather ozone column, which is dimensionless; the s1 detection of the spectrometer to be calibrated this time determines a new ratio value related to the total amount of weather sulfur dioxide column, which is dimensionless: the last S detection of the spectrometer to be calibrated determined the old ratio value related to the atmospheric sulfur dioxide concentration, which is dimensionless. A.4 Determination of UV spectral response function Under given precise DC current and voltage, the radiance coefficient of the standard light source has been determined (this coefficient has a traceable measurement standard). When the light source irradiates the calibrated spectrometer, the spectrometer records the corresponding photon number signal. The UV spectral response function of the Brewer ozone spectrometer is determined by formula (A.5). In the formula: .......(A.5) -UV spectral response function, to be determined, unit is photon number per watt square meter nanometer (photon number/(W.m2·nm)); E() The irradiance value of the standard light source at the wavelength input position, a determined quantity, unit is watt per square meter nanometer (W/(m:nm)); The number of photons measured by the spectrometer to be calibrated at the wavelength input position, a measured quantity. YTTKN-CJOUaKA Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.