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HG/T 2704-2002 Chlorinated Polyethylene

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2704-2002

Standard Name: Chlorinated Polyethylene

Chinese Name: 氯化聚乙烯

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-09-28

Date of Implementation:2003-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Rubber and plastics industry>>Plastics>>83.080.20 Thermoplastics

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Synthetic Materials>>G32 Synthetic Resins, Plastics

associated standards

alternative situation:HG/T 2704-1995

Publication information

Publication date:2003-06-01

other information

drafter:Gong Yixing, Tang Wenjun, Chen Weijie, etc.

Drafting unit:Jinxi Chemical Research Institute Weifang Yaxing Chemical Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:National Plastics Standardization Committee Polyvinyl Chloride Resin Products Branch

Publishing department:State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the naming, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of chlorinated polyethylene products. This standard applies to chlorinated polyethylene obtained by chlorination of high-density chlorinated polyethylene (HDPE). HG/T 2704-2002 Chlorinated Polyethylene HG/T2704-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS 83. 080. 20
Registration No.: 10949—2002
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces HG/T2704—1995
Chlorinated Polyethylene
Chlorinated Polyethylene
200209.28 Issued
2003-06-01 Implementation
Issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of China Foreword
This standard replaces the recommended chemical industry standard HG/T2704—1995 "Chlorinated Polyethylene". The main differences between this standard and HG/T2704:1995 are as follows: The product name has been modified.
HG/T 2704—2002
-PEC-H130 and PEC-H140 were removed from the product model, and CPE230, CPE235.CM135 were added. The product grade classification was cancelled.
-…“Heat of fusion” was used instead of “residual crystallinity” to characterize the residual crystallization characteristics of the product. “The number of impurity particles” was changed to “the number of colored particles”, and the test method was changed from the tableting method to the direct visual method. The determination method of “Shore hardness” was changed from GB/T2411 “Plastic Shore hardness test method” to GB/T531—1999 “Rubber pocket hardness test method”, and the index name was changed to “Shore hardness”. The determination method of "tensile strength" was changed from GB/T1040 "Plastic Tensile Test Method" to GB/T528-1998 "Determination of Tensile Stress-Strain Properties of Vulcanized Rubber or Thermoplastic Rubber", and the indicator was changed from "greater than or equal to 6.5MPa" to "equal to 6.0MPa". The "thermal decomposition temperature" and apparent density indicators were removed, the "0.315mm sieve residue" indicator was removed for general-purpose products, and the "sieve residue" indicator was removed for rubber products.
Add the "Mooney viscosity" index for rubber products. This standard was proposed by the Policy and Regulations Department of the former State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Industry. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Polyvinyl Chloride Resin Products Branch of the National Plastics Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting units of this standard are: Jinxi Chemical Research Institute, Weifang Yaxing Chemical Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Xiang Yixing, Chen Peiyun, Tang Wenjun, Chen Weijie, Liu Shushan, Luan Liqiu. This standard was first issued on May 5, 1995. 1 Scope
Chlorinated Polyethylene
HG/T 2704—2002
This standard specifies the naming, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of fluorinated polyethylene products. This standard applies to chlorinated polyethylene obtained by chlorination of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any un-dated referenced document, its latest version applies to this standard. GB/T528-1998 Determination of tensile stress-strain properties of vulcanized rubber or thermoplastic rubber (eVISO37:1994) GB/T531 GB/T 1232-1999 Determination of Mooney viscosity of unvulcanized rubber (negISO 289: 1985) GB/T 1250 Method for expressing and judging limit values ​​GB/T 2914-1999 Determination of volatile matter (including water) of plastic vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resin (idtISO 1269: 1980) GB/T 2916-1997 Sieve analysis of plastic vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resin using air jet sieve device (eqVIS 4610: 1997)
CB/T 6682 Specification and test method for water for analytical laboratories (neuISO 3696: 1987) Determination of fluorine in vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer (eTSO 11581998) GB/T 7139
3 Classification and naming
The product name of chlorinated polyethylene consists of the code of general-purpose or rubber-type chlorinated polyethylene, the code of melting heat, and the code of nitrogen content.
4 Requirements
Code of chlorine content: "35" means the chlorine content is (35±2)%; "40" means the chlorine content is (40±2)%; Code of melting heat: "1" means melting heat 2.0 J/g; "2" means melting heat 5.0 J/g. Product code CPE is the code of general-purpose chlorinated polyethylene; CM is the code of rubber-type hydrogenated polyethylene 4.1 External specifications
The appearance of general-purpose chlorinated polyethylene is white powder; the appearance of rubber-type chlorinated polyethylene is white powder or white block. 4.2 Indicators
Chlorinated polyethylene products should meet the requirements of Table 1. Table 1 Technical indicators of chlorinated polyethylene
Chlorine content, %
Heat of fusion J/g
Volatile matter content, %
Sieve residue (0.9mm sieve hole).%
Number of colored particles, pcs/100g
Shore hardness, shure.A
Mooney viscosity, ML(1+4)125℃Www.bzxZ.net
Tensile strength, MPa
CM 140
HG/T 2704—2002
5 Test methods
5.1 Common matters
The reagents and water used in this standard, unless otherwise specified, refer to analytical pure reagents and grade 3 water specified in GB/T6682. This standard adopts the rounded value comparison method specified in GB/T1250 to determine whether the test results meet the standard. 5.2 Determination of chlorine content
5.2.1 The "fluorine content" index in this standard is the index of pure oxidized polyethylene. When required by the user, the manufacturer should provide the method for determining the chlorine content of pure products or the conversion method.
5.2.2 The determination of nitrogen content shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T7139, and the arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results shall be taken as the report result. The difference between the measured values ​​shall not exceed 0.5% (absolute value). During arbitration, it shall be carried out in accordance with method B in GB/T7139. 5.3 Determination of heat of fusion
5.3.1 Instruments and equipment Differential scanning calorimeter, heating or cooling expression speed at least (20 ± 1) ℃/min. Computer and test software for heat of fusion. Balance: accuracy 0.01 mg. Tablet press. Aluminum tongs pot: about 40L.
5.3.2 Test steps Use an electronic balance to weigh 5mg~10mg of the sample (accurate to 0.01mg). Pour the weighed sample into the aluminum tongs and press the tablet on the tablet press. Start the differential scanning calorimeter, select three program segments: 80℃~160℃, 160℃~80℃, 80℃~160℃, select nitrogen as the gas type, select 30mL./min as the gas flow rate, and select 10℃/min as the heating/cooling rate. Put the sample in and start the test. After the test is completed, read or calculate the melting heat of the high-density sample near the melting point of ethylene in the third program segment. 5.4 Determination of volatile content
Determination of volatile content is carried out in reverse according to GB/T2911. Heating for 1h, no constant weight required. 5.5 Determination of sieve residue
Determination of sieve residue is carried out in accordance with GB/T2916. 5.6 Determination of the number of colored particles
5.6.1 Main instruments Spatula: stainless steel. Pan balance: range 500g. accuracy 0.1g. Counter.
5.6.2 Determination steps
Weigh 25g (accurate to 0.1g) of chlorinated thiamethoxam sample on two clean A3 papers, spread it out thoroughly and distinguish the colored particles other than white by reflected light, scoop them out with a shovel and count them as A1 and A2. 5.6.3 Calculation
The number of colored particles X expressed as pieces/100g is calculated according to formula (1): X--(AI +A)X2.
Where ·
Al——the number of colored particles counted for the first time; A——the number of colored particles counted for the second time. 5.7 Determination of Shore hardness
5.7.1 Instruments and equipment Balance measurement range 0g~500, minimum division value 0.5. Double-roll rubber mill: 160mm×320tnm. Pressure forming machine: 45t. Surface thermometer: measuring range 0℃~600℃, minimum scale value 1℃, accuracy level 0.5, 5.7.1. 5 stopwatch. Sugar porcelain cup or stainless steel cup.
5.7.2 Additives
Lead stearate: industrial product.
5.7.3 Determination steps
HG/T 2704 -2002 Weigh 200 g of ethylene chloride sample and 6 g of lead stearate (accurate to .5 g) in a porcelain cup or stainless steel cup and mix well. Heat the double-roll rubber mixer to 130℃~~140℃ and put the mixed sample between the two rollers for mixing. At the beginning, adjust the roller distance to the minimum and gradually relax it. During the mixing process, wrap the rubber on the front roller and make a 3/4 cutter so that all the accumulated rubber on the roll can be mixed through the gap between the rolls. The allowable interval between two consecutive cutters is 205. The entire mixing process takes 3tnin~4min. The final test piece thickness is greater than or equal to 6 mm. Apply mold release agent (silicone oil) to the mold, and then place it on a pressure molding machine and preheat it to (150±2)℃. Cut the rolled test piece into small pieces with a mass of about 13g~-15g, put it into the mold, keep it at a constant temperature of (150±2)℃ for 5 minutes, and then press it to 15MPa and maintain it for 2 minutes. Cool it to 60℃ while keeping the pressure unchanged, and take out the sample. Keep the sample at (23±2)℃ for more than 16 hours, and then test it. The Shore hardness shall be determined according to the Shore hardness specified in GB/T531. Determination of A is carried out according to the method, and the reading is taken every 10 seconds. 5.8 Determination of Mooney viscosity
The determination of Mooney viscosity is carried out in accordance with GB/T1232. 5.9 Determination of tensile strength
5.9.1 Preparation of test pieces The mixing of the test pieces is carried out according to and, and the final test piece thickness is 4mm. The molding of the test pieces is carried out according to, and the test pieces are cut to be slightly larger than the mold cavity size. The adjustment of the test pieces is carried out according to 5.9.2 Determination steps
Tensile strength The determination of the degree shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T528. CPE products use type 1 dumbbell cutters, and CM products use type 2 dumbbell cutters.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
Inspections in this standard are divided into two categories: factory inspection and type inspection. All indicators are type inspection items, among which chlorine content, volatile matter content, sieve residue, number of colored particles, hardness, and Mooney viscosity are the main inspection items. Factory inspection items are inspected batch by batch, and type inspection items are carried out at least once every two months. When any of the following situations occurs, type inspection should be carried out.
Contract Regulations.
b When there is a major change in raw materials or processes.
c Resuming production after suspension.
6.2 Batch rules and sampling plans
A production batch or several production batches produced under basically the same conditions of materials, processes, equipment, etc. is an inspection batch. Random sampling is carried out in the total number of bags in the batch according to the number of sampling orders specified below. When the total number of packages is less than 500, it is determined according to Table 2. When the half total number of bags is greater than 500, it is determined by the formula 3×VN (N is the total number of bags). If a decimal is encountered, it is rounded up to an integer. Table 2 Sampling plan when the total number is less than 500
6.3 Sampling method
Number of sampling bags
Number of sampling bags
Use the sampling probe to vertically insert into the center of the packaging bag to a depth of 3/4 of the width to collect samples. The sampling amount shall not be less than 1kg. 6.4 Judgment rules
After inspection, if the inspection results all meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products shall be judged as qualified. If the inspection results have ··items or more indicators that do not meet the requirements of this standard, sampling should be repeated from double the number of sampling units. If one or more indicators still do not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified.
7 Packaging, marking, transportation and storage
7.1 Products are packaged in polypropylene plastic-coated woven bags or multi-layer kraft paper coated bags (or as required by the contract), and the seals should ensure that the products are not contaminated or leaked during normal storage and transportation.
7.2 Each bag contains a maximum of 25kg (or as required by the contract), and the negative deviation of a single piece shall not exceed 0.25kg. The average deviation shall be randomly sampled and inspected and calculated according to the sampling method and calculation method of the "Regulations on Metrology Supervision of Quantitative Packaged Goods", and the average deviation shall be greater than or equal to zero. 7.3 The packaging bag should indicate the trademark, manufacturer's name, manufacturer's address, product name, product model, product batch number, standard number, and net content.
7.4 The product should be stored in a dry and well-ventilated warehouse, and should not be stored outdoors to prevent sunlight and moisture. It should be stored separately in batches, and the stacking height should not exceed 10 bags.
7.5 During transportation, clean and covered transportation vehicles must be used to prevent moisture and heat. (Beijing) Xindengzi No. 039
People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Chlorinated Polyethylene
HG/T 2704—2002
Published and distributed by Chemical Industry Press
(No. 3 Huixinli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Postal Code 100025) Issuing Tel: (010) 64982530
Distributed by Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Issuing Office
Printed by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Bound by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Format 880 mm × 1230 mm 1/16 Printing Sheet Word Count 11,000 First Edition May 2003 First Printing in Beijing May 2003 Book Number 155025 0121
Price: 8.00 yuan
All rights reserved
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The determination of tensile strength shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T528. CPE products shall use type 1 dumbbell cutter, and CM products shall use type 2 dumbbell cutter.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
The inspection in this standard is divided into two categories: factory inspection and type inspection. All indicators are type inspection items, among which chlorine content, volatile matter content, sieve residue, number of colored particles, hardness, and Mooney viscosity are the main inspection items. Factory inspection items are inspected batch by batch, and type inspection items are inspected at least once every two months. Type inspection shall be carried out when any of the following situations occurs.
Contract provisions.
b When there is a major change in raw materials or processes.
c Resume production after suspension.
6.2 Batch rules and sampling plan
A production batch or several production batches produced under basically the same conditions of materials, processes, equipment, etc. is an inspection batch. Random sampling is carried out in the total number of bags in the batch according to the number of sampling orders specified below. When the total number of packages is less than 500, it is determined according to Table 2. When the half total number of bags is greater than 500, it is determined according to the formula 3×VN (N is the total number of bags). If a decimal is encountered, it is rounded up to an integer. Table 2 Sampling plan when the total number is less than 500
6.3 Sampling method
Number of sampling bags
Number of sampling bags
Use the sampling probe to vertically insert into the center of the packaging bag to a depth of 3/4 of the width to collect samples. The sampling amount shall not be less than 1kg. 6.4 Judgment rules
After inspection, if the inspection results all meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products shall be judged as qualified. If the inspection results have ··items or more indicators that do not meet the requirements of this standard, sampling should be repeated from double the number of sampling units. If one or more indicators still do not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified.
7 Packaging, marking, transportation and storage
7.1 Products are packaged in polypropylene plastic-coated woven bags or multi-layer kraft paper coated bags (or as required by the contract), and the seals should ensure that the products are not contaminated or leaked during normal storage and transportation.
7.2 Each bag contains a maximum of 25kg (or as required by the contract), and the negative deviation of a single piece shall not exceed 0.25kg. The average deviation shall be randomly sampled and inspected and calculated according to the sampling method and calculation method of the "Regulations on Metrology Supervision of Quantitative Packaged Goods", and the average deviation shall be greater than or equal to zero. 7.3 The packaging bag should indicate the trademark, manufacturer's name, manufacturer's address, product name, product model, product batch number, standard number, and net content.
7.4 The product should be stored in a dry and well-ventilated warehouse, and should not be stored outdoors to prevent sunlight and moisture. It should be stored separately in batches, and the stacking height should not exceed 10 bags.
7.5 During transportation, clean and covered transportation vehicles must be used to prevent moisture and heat. (Beijing) Xindengzi No. 039
People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Chlorinated Polyethylene
HG/T 2704—2002
Published and distributed by Chemical Industry Press
(No. 3 Huixinli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Postal Code 100025) Issuing Tel: (010) 64982530
Distributed by Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Issuing Office
Printed by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Bound by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Format 880 mm × 1230 mm 1/16 Printing Sheet Word Count 11,000 First Edition May 2003 First Printing in Beijing May 2003 Book Number 155025 0121
Price: 8.00 yuan
All rights reserved
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The determination of tensile strength shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T528. CPE products shall use type 1 dumbbell cutter, and CM products shall use type 2 dumbbell cutter.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
The inspection in this standard is divided into two categories: factory inspection and type inspection. All indicators are type inspection items, among which chlorine content, volatile matter content, sieve residue, number of colored particles, hardness, and Mooney viscosity are the main inspection items. Factory inspection items are inspected batch by batch, and type inspection items are inspected at least once every two months. Type inspection shall be carried out when any of the following situations occurs.
Contract provisions.
b When there is a major change in raw materials or processes.
c Resume production after suspension.
6.2 Batch rules and sampling plan
A production batch or several production batches produced under basically the same conditions of materials, processes, equipment, etc. is an inspection batch. Random sampling is carried out in the total number of bags in the batch according to the number of sampling orders specified below. When the total number of packages is less than 500, it is determined according to Table 2. When the total number of bags is greater than 500, it is determined according to the formula 3×VN (N is the total number of bags). If a decimal is encountered, it is rounded up to an integer. Table 2 Sampling plan when the total number is less than 500
6.3 Sampling method
Number of sampling bags
Number of sampling bags
Use the sampling probe to vertically insert into the center of the packaging bag to a depth of 3/4 of the width to collect samples. The sampling amount shall not be less than 1kg. 6.4 Judgment rules
After inspection, if the inspection results all meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products shall be judged as qualified. If the inspection results have ··items or more indicators that do not meet the requirements of this standard, sampling should be repeated from double the number of sampling units. If one or more indicators still do not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified.
7 Packaging, marking, transportation and storage
7.1 Products are packaged in polypropylene plastic-coated woven bags or multi-layer kraft paper coated bags (or as required by the contract), and the seals should ensure that the products are not contaminated or leaked during normal storage and transportation.
7.2 Each bag contains a maximum of 25kg (or as required by the contract), and the negative deviation of a single piece shall not exceed 0.25kg. The average deviation shall be randomly sampled and inspected and calculated according to the sampling method and calculation method of the "Regulations on Metrology Supervision of Quantitative Packaged Commodities", and the average deviation shall be greater than or equal to zero. 7.3 The packaging bag should indicate the trademark, manufacturer's name, manufacturer's address, product name, product model, product batch number, standard number, and net content.
7.4 The product should be stored in a dry and well-ventilated warehouse, not in the sun, to prevent sunlight and moisture. The batches should be stored separately, and the stacking height should not exceed 10 bags.
7.5 Clean and covered transport vehicles must be used for transportation to prevent moisture and heat. (Beijing) Xindengzi No. 039
People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Chlorinated Polyethylene
HG/T 2704—2002
Published and distributed by Chemical Industry Press
(No. 3 Huixinli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Postal Code 100025) Issuing Tel: (010) 64982530
Distributed by Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Issuing Office
Printed by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Bound by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Format 880 mm × 1230 mm 1/16 Printing Sheet Word Count 11,000 First Edition May 2003 First Printing in Beijing May 2003 Book Number 155025 0121
Price: 8.00 yuan
All rights reserved
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