National Standard of the People's Republic of China Cylindrical hardmetal burrs Cylindrical hardmetal burrs GB9206-88 This standard adopts the international standard IS07755/21984 "Cylindrical hardmetal burrs-Part 2: Cylindrical hardmetal burrs (Type A)". Type and size 1.1 Type and size are as follows: Rotary file code A0210C03 A0313C03 A0413C0640 A0616C0640 A0820C0640 A1020C0640 A1225C0640 A1625C0640 A0210M03 A0313M03 A0413M0640 A0616M 0640 A0820M0640 A1020M0640 A1225M0640 A1625M0640 A0210F03 A0313F03 A0413F0640 A0616F0640 A0820F0640 A1020F0640 A1225F0640 A1625F0640 Note: According to the order, we can produce with end teeth (position 1 is indicated by AE). 1.2 Marking example (±0.5) Cylindrical carbide rotary file (type A) d=6mm, l=16mm, d, =6mm, shank length is 40mm, fine teeth (F) Approved by the State Machinery Industry Commission on May 12, 1988 and implemented on January 1, 1989 Marked as: rotary file A0616F0640 Technical conditions According to the regulations of GB9217 "Cemented Carbide Rotary Files Additional Notes: GB9206-88 GB9206-88 Technical Conditions". This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Tool Standardization. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Tool Standardization. This standard was drafted by Chengdu Tool Research Institute and Shanghai Tool Factory. 138 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.