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GB 11553-1989 Regulations on fuel leakage in frontal collision of automobiles

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 11553-1989

Standard Name: Regulations on fuel leakage in frontal collision of automobiles

Chinese Name: 汽车正面碰撞时对燃油泄漏的规定

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1989-08-10

Date of Implementation:1990-03-01

Date of Expiration:2005-10-14

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Road Vehicle Engineering>>43.020 Road Vehicle Comprehensive

Standard Classification Number:Vehicle>>Vehicle Comprehensive>>T09 Health, Safety, Labor Protection

associated standards

Procurement status:ECE R34,MOD

Publication information

other information

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Changchun Automotive Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Development and Reform Commission

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements and test methods for preventing fuel leakage due to automobile collisions. This standard applies to cars, and passenger cars with no more than 9 seats may also be implemented by reference. GB 11553-1989 Regulations on fuel leakage in frontal collision of automobiles GB11553-1989 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standards of the People's Republic of China
Motor vehicles—Regulation of fuel leakaged frontal impact
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the prevention of fuel leakage caused by automobile accidents Technical requirements and test methods for fuel leakage caused by collision. This standard applies to cars, and passenger cars with no more than 9 seats may also be implemented by reference. 2 Terminology
2.1 Barrier wall
Barrier wall refers to a reinforced concrete block that can withstand the impact of a car. Its width is not less than 3m and its height is not less than 1.5m. Barrier wall The thickness of the wall should be such that its mass is at least 70t, and its impact surface should be equipped with plywood (or thin boards) with a thickness of about 20mm. 3 Technical requirements
When tested according to Article 4, the total amount of fuel leaked from the fuel tank and fuel pipe shall not exceed 200mL within 5 minutes. 4 Test method
4.1 Test device
4.1.1 The impact surface of the obstacle wall must be perpendicular to the center line of the runway. The obstacle wall must be fixed on the test track. If it floats on the road, some additional obstacles must be attached. Block and support the device to prevent its movement. Obstacles with the same performance can also be used instead. 4.1.2 The accuracy of the vehicle speed measuring instrument should be within ±2%, and the minimum resolution scale should be within 0.5km/h. 4.2 Status of the test vehicle
4.2.1 The mass of the test vehicle is the equipped unladen mass. 4.2.2
The fuel tank and oil pipe should not be in contact with the parts of the car. 4.2.3 Add non-flammable liquid to the fuel tank. The viscosity and specific gravity of the liquid are similar to those of practical fuel. 4.2.4 The filling amount of non-flammable liquid should be greater than 90% of the fuel tank capacity. 4.2.5 Devices other than fuel tanks and fuel pipes may not be filled with non-flammable liquids. 4.3 Test method
4.3.1 The test car travels at a speed of 50±2km/h (40±2km/h for mini-cars), and the driving direction is 90°±5° with the impact surface of the obstacle wall, and hits the obstacle wall. .
4.3.2 After the impact, check the fuel tank and fuel pipe as quickly as possible for leaks, and check the condition of the leak and the total amount of leakage. 5Test record
The test results are recorded in Appendix A (reference part). State Bureau of Technical Supervision approved 224 on August 10, 1989
Implemented on 1990-03-01
Test vehicle name and model
Car number
Engine model||tt| |Vehicle Quality
Appendix A
Test result record sheet for preventing fuel leakage during frontal collision of automobiles (reference part)
Test date||tt| |Test location
Fuel system illustration (record where there is fuel leakage) 1
2. Substitute used
Properties (viscosity, specific gravity)
3. Test results
(1) Collision speed
(2) Fuel leakage Condition:
Additional notes:
Fuel leakage
This standard is proposed by the China Federation of Automobile Manufacturers. This standard is under the jurisdiction of China Automotive Technology and Research Center. This standard was drafted at Changchun Automotive Research Institute's expense. The main character of this standard is Cui Guangbin. | |tt |
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