title>JB/T 9014.8-1999 Determination of shear strength of bulk materials in continuous conveying equipment - JB/T 9014.8-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 9014.8-1999 Determination of shear strength of bulk materials in continuous conveying equipment

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 9014.8-1999

Standard Name: Determination of shear strength of bulk materials in continuous conveying equipment

Chinese Name: 连续输送设备 散粒物料 抗剪强度的测定

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-06-28

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Material storage and transportation equipment>>Continuous handling equipment>>53.040.01 Continuous handling equipment general

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J81 Conveying Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB J81006.8-1988

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Beijing Hoisting and Conveying Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 9014.8-1999 JB/T 9014.8-1999 Determination of shear strength of bulk materials in continuous conveying equipment JB/T9014.8-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Continuous bandling equipmentLoose bulk material-Perfortmianceand determination1999-06-28 Released
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
This standard is a revision of the original standard of continuous conveying equipment [816.888 in July. The main technical content has not changed. This standard is based on the actual ZJ81006.8-8B. This standard was proposed and published by Beijing Qijing Machinery Research Institute for the determination of material resistance strength. The drafting units of this standard: Beijing Qijing Machinery Research Institute, Ministry of Propaganda of Transport Machinery! 32
1 Model drawing
Machinery industry standard of the People's Republic of China
Continuous conveying equipment
Determination of shearing strength of bulk material
Continuans laudling euinnientlnosehulk materialDeterninalion of shearing strengthJD/T 9014.81999
This standard specifies the limit shear stress test method for the shear strength of particulate materials. This standard specifies the limit shear stress test method for the shear strength of bulk materials with a particle size of 0-5mm. The limit shear stress test method can be used in the design of the conveyor and the optional section. In the case of material design, the limit shear stress test method can be used: in the case of material design, the non-force test method can be used.
2 Referenced standards
The following standards contain the provisions that are referenced in the core standards and are regarded as the standards. The following standards are valid for the following versions: JB.T90141-999 Technical design of bulk material performance JR.T 914.2-19
Ultimate shear stress test
Bulk material load test method for continuous conveying equipment The main provisions of the test method are to determine the shear strength of the bulk material by measuring the shear force when the bulk material layer is flowing: 32
a The following is a report with a small measurement: Figure 1)
h Aggregate punch: Pin F, product, main one each: c) Standard tape delivery code two: 1, 2, 5 sheets, d) Hundred ";
e) Steel ruler;
D Material shovel and T mouth Qin:
3.3 Test steps
English B: State 2-1 State 9 Table 2 requirements prepare material samples, install the limit cutting force measurement collection, the following technical * process support installed in the limit cutting force instrument 1, feed rate, gear 1. Align the aggregates: adjust the filling index meter to shoot zero: slowly add the loading cup on the tray. Until the non-production activity (percentage belt shift point: the selection is made, weigh the tray and the water level, and record the constant family machine data: industry Bureau 1990-116-2N approved 2001-01-1 implementation
JHT9014.8-1999 Www.bzxZ.net
The new material and the new material are determined. Change the material sample, add the material slowly with the material adding machine: add the material into the batch, scrape it after it is full, cover the board,
loosen the fixing pin of the lower material frame: slowly draw water during loading, until the lower raw material starts to move, the indicator of the meter is ten, weigh the mother cup! The total weight of the water added is P: and the weight of the moving material in the upper material frame and the cover, and record it. Use the measuring instrument, and re-install the lower material, draw, scrape it, cover it, and then put it on the board 1, continue to add water in the loading ring until the lower collecting frame starts to slide, weigh the combined weight of the single loading amount of water, and record the combined weight G of the original material on the upper case and the upper plate.
Repeat the above process and add codes 2, 3, 4, Sk on the cover in turn. Respectively determine the combined weight of the mother looseness and water at the beginning of the rise of the aggregate under traction, P, P, and the combined gravity center, center, G, of the upper plate of the material on the upper plate, and record them.
3.4 ​​Calculate the result
Write the amplitude of the resistance of the small material in the positive pressure strip as calculated by formula (1) (to be accurate to two decimal places): Pp
Where: -||t t||Dynamic strength of materials under different positive pressure conditions, MPa; \The combined weight of the weighing cup and water at the first test, N; PThe combined weight of the empty material at the end of the loading pan and water, N: The internal stress of the aggregate (i.e. the material surface): mThe stress control (2) of each material layer during measurement (correct to two decimal places): GIG
Where: , - The new normal stress on the shear layer of the material during the first test, MPu: G - The combined weight of the young aggregate and the previous aggregate during the first test, N - The newly selected bean book on the material during the first test, 4
The cross-section of the raw material frame, mm
JB/T 5014.8—1999
Start calculating the ultimate stress line of the material (Figure 2
Y, test material can sink shear stress, MPa
HE——Inner limit shear stress line of the material:
%—Internal friction of the material, ()
Bei, the angle between the material and the natural gas, (°)
3.5 Results evaluation
When the pressure stops! The test is repeated for several times, and the minimum value of the resistance is reported as the reported value. 3.6 Test report According to 3.6 of J90:4.21999, the test report of triaxial shear stress test is carried out. 4. Method The granular material is made into a specimen, and the specimen is subjected to axial stress. The stress in each direction is effectively determined before the shear failure. A series of friction circles of different sizes are made by using the method. The fracture line of each Fern is taken, so as to obtain the internal excitation angle and initial shear temperature of the object. 4.2 Test report The three instruments (circular) and the tool (circular) are shown in Figure 4. Air compressor: Working pressure 1M: Pressure stabilizer plate (Figure 4)
China Pressure Physiometry Institute
Digital indicator
Test village additive film
Hangar drive lifting mechanism
China-France Power Industry
Push furnace seat
Four-way use
Company) Film size see Figure Village Table:
Restored film size
For combined film size see Figure 6 and Table 2:
Inner diameter of eye
Joint height
Pressure of combined film
D rubbing plan: Various scrapers (Table 1) If above) Feeding shovel and mountain gap:
39.1 × sti
6] B×15 center
101 ×
The small object in the upper side is shaken
) and the hair is shaved, and a ruler is used.
4.3 Test steps
4.3.1 Test preparation
a) Test specimen preparation
According to the requirements of Table 2 in [T9014.2-1999, the lower die (or flat die) and rubber film are selected according to the provisions of Table 3: Table
Material tensile degree
To the ten thousand (or amine! Ruler:
[ 104)
Nuclear change zone ruler
Place one end of the extreme membrane at the bottom center of the small force chamber, and put on Liu! , press and tighten, and push the film and one end toward the opening of the film, and the film wall will be pressed. Change the mold and the film to make them stick to each other: use a material shovel to put the sample into the mold, fill it up, add the material, and then turn the upper end of the cotton skin to make it partially empty. Remove the opening and use the membrane screen. First, put the rubber membrane in the cylinder, turn the two ends outside the cylinder, and absorb the air between the rubber and the wall to make them stick to each other. Install the membrane cylinder and the brown membrane on the bottom of the pressure chamber, tighten it, add material, scrape it flat, and then roll the cylinder to the lower pressure: the inside of the test body is formed into a chamber, and the membrane cylinder b) The test instrument is tested and the connection requirements are tested. For all presses, the whole system is filled with water and exhausted. Word road, check the food test system, adjust the lifting mechanism, make the base rod, three return, look! Ring, dial gauge if the system is in normal state, adjust the electric contact six force gauge to the required lower limit. 4.3.2. Test the specimen according to the test requirements within a certain period of time within the MOPa range: that is, the specimen is subjected to a circumferential stress of 1.20 mm, and the specimen is slowly subjected to axial strain. The axial strain and height strain changes of the test are recorded through the annular strain gauge until the whole process is determined. The total axial stress and height strain of the test are recorded and estimated. The test results are confirmed by recording the total axial stress and height strain of the test series. The new test specimen is installed by hand, and the test specimen is tested by lifting and testing. The axial force and the height change of the test specimen before the failure of the test specimen under different force conditions are measured.
4.4 Results Section
The axial force of the test specimen can be calculated according to formula (3): CR
Where: The axial force of the lifting piston on the material test specimen is MPa: i3
=Force damage coefficient, Nmm
--Reading of the measuring knife clamp ring,
Axial displacement of the specimen;
F-Cross-sectional area of ​​the material specimen, mm Acting stress of the material specimen is determined by formula (1: +
Where: e
--Axial principal stress of the material specimen, MPa: axial principal stress of the material specimen, MPa. Under different lateral stress conditions, the axial force at the time of initial failure of the specimen is drawn to determine the ultimate shear stress line (Figure 7). Figure C: The ultimate shear strength of the material, MPa; Figure A: The ultimate shear stress line of the material: The internal friction angle of the material, (“). 4.5 Test report: Submit a test report in accordance with the requirements of 3.6 of JBT9014.2-1999. (4)
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