首页 > 电力行业标准(DL) > DL/T 5220-2005 英文版 10kV以下架空配电线路设计技术规程
DL/T 5220-2005


标准号: DL/T 5220-2005

中文名称:英文版 10kV以下架空配电线路设计技术规程




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相关标签: 架空 配电 线路 设计 技术规程






标准号:DL/T 5220-2005 英文版
英文名称:Code for designing over-headDistribution transmissionLine up to 10kv
标准介绍:1.0.1 This code specifies the design principles for the AC overheaddistribution line at 10kv and below (hereinafter referred to as“ distributionline/lines”")
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design of AC overheaddistribution lines at 10kv and below



Record No.J4322005
ElectricPowerIndustryStandardofthePeople'sRepublicof Chingp
Supersede SDJ 2061987
Code for Designing Over-headDistribution Transmission
Line up to 10ky
ImplementationDate:June1,2005IssuedbytheNationalDevelopmentandRefomCommissionofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaElectric Power Industry Standard of the People's Republic of Chinap
DL/T 52202005
Supersede SDJ 206 1987
Distribution Transmission
Line up to 1oky
The code is revised fromSDJ206-—1987 Code for DesigningOverhead Distribution Line issued by the former Ministry of WaterConservancy and Electric Power in January 1987, according to theNotice concerning Release of the Development & Revision Plan ofElectric Power Industry Standard in 2000 (GJMDL [2000]No.70)issued by the former State Economic and Trade Commission.As compared with the original version, the following majorrevisions are made in this code:(1) The code is specific to the design of overhead electricpower lines at lokV and below so as to meet the power supplydemand in urban and rural areas.(2) To meet the growing requirements on reliability of powersupply and energy quality in urban network, since 1990, insulatedoverhead conductors havebeen gradually applied for distributionlincs in large-and middlc-sizcd citics inChina.Therefore,theinforimation rcgardingthe design of insulatcd ovcrlicad conductors at10kVandbclowissupplemented inthisrcvision.(3) Supplemcntal contcnts onlinc crossing has bccn includcdin the revision. Additionally, typical mctcorological rcgions arcincorporatced hercin.
(4)The scctions and artieles in thc original codc that arc notapplicablctothe current production requircments arc citherdeleted ormodificd.
This codeupon its issuancc will supcrscde SDJ206-—1987.Appcndix A, Appcndix B, Appcndix C and Appcndix D to thiscodearenormative.
This code is proposed by China Electricity Council.This code is solely managed and interpreted by TechnicalCommittee on Electric Power Planning and Engineering ofStandardization Administration of PowerIndustryThis code is drafted by Tianjin Electric Power Design Institute.The participants in the development of this code also includeBeijing Power Supply Design Institute, Wuhan Power Supply DesignInstituteand NanjingElectric PowerDesign and Research Institute.The leading authors of this code: Li Shisen, Cheng JingchunXu Baoyi, Liu Yinchu, Wang Xiuyan, Liu Gang and Wang Xuelun.This code is translated by SLNTHER Translation & Solutionsunder the authority of China Electric Power Planning & EngineeringAssociation.
Normative References .
Terms and Symbols
Meteorological Conditions
Insulators and Fittings:
Conductor Configuration:
Structures,Guys andFoundationsTransformerStandsand SwitchgearsLightningProtection and Grounding:Clearanceto Ground andCross-over:14ScrviceConductors
Appendix A (Normative)Typical Mctcorological Arcas ..AppcndixB(Normative)Pollution Classification Standardof OvcrhcadDistributionLincs....Appendix C (Normative)
Currcnt Lincs
Appendix D (Normative) Classification of Roads...47
1.0.1This code specifies the design principles for the AC overheaddistribution line at 1okV and below (hereinafter referred to as\distribution line/lines\).1.0.2This code is applicable to thedesign of AC overheaddistribution lines at10kVand below1
The following normative documents contain provisions which,through rcferencc in this text, constitute thc provisions of this codeFor dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding the contentsoferrata)to,orrevision of,anyof thesepublicationsdonotapply.Howevcr, partics to agrecmcnts based on this code arc cncouragcd tcinvestigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of thenorinative documents indicated below. For undated references, thelatest edition thereof applies to this code.GB/T ll79Romd Wire Concentie Lay Overhead ElectricalStrunded Conductors
GB 12527Aerial Insulated Cables for Rated Voltages up toand IncthudingIky
GB 14049Aerial Insutated Cubles for Rated Votiage of 10kyand35kV
Evironmentat Pollufion Classification andExternat Insulation Selection for High Voltage Treunsmission Line,Power Plant and Substation
GB 50060 Code for Design of High Voftage ElectricalInstatlation(3kV-1okV)
GB 50061 Code for Design of 66kV or Below OverheadElectricalPowerTransmissionLineDL/T 765.1
DL/T 5092
Technicaf Reguirements forDisiributionTechnicat Code for Designing liokV-500kyOverhead Transmission Line
Technical Regulalion for Design of Stee!JTJ OOI Technical Standard of Highway EngineeringDL/T5220—2005
Everyday Tension
The calculated tension at the lowest point of the sag ofconductors at the annual average temperature.3.1.2
Reinforced ConcretePole
A general name for common reinforced concrete poles, partiallypre-stressed concrelepoles andpre-stressed reinlorced concrelepoles3.1.3
Densely populaled areas such as urban areas, industrial areas,ports, wharls and bus and railway stations.3.1.4
Nonresidential Area
Areas other than the residential area delined above.Norresidentialareas also includeihe areaswiuh freguenl access of people.vehicles oragricultural machinery. but having few or even none ofhouses.3.1.5
Areas not accessible lor vehicles and agricultural machinery.3.1.6
A span within terision seclions of a distribution line crossing4
wide navigable rivers, lakes or valleys.which exceeds the normalrange, and, thus requires the special design of conductor type andstructureandisextremelydifficulttorepairintheeventoffaults3.2Symbols
Wcharacteristicvalue ofconductorwind load,kNWa-characteristicvalueofreferencewindpressure,kN/mgshapecoefficientofwindload;uycoefficient of wind pressure change as a function ofelevation;
B -wind flulering lactor;
tspanlaclorofwind load
L.wind span, m.
4.0.1The design of distribution lines must be in compliance withthe national construction strategy and technical and economic policiesand be safe,reliable,economic and applicable.4.0.2The design of distribution lines must be based on the practicalconditions with due consideration of regional characteristics. Newmaterials, processes. technologies and equipment shall be activelyand prudently employed.
4.0.3The conductor layout and tower structure of trunk distributionlines shall bedesigned to allowforlive linework.4.0.4 Large spans of distribution lines shall be designed accordingto DL/T 5092.
4.0.5In addition to this code,relevant provisions of currentnational standards and electric power industry standards shall also beobserved during the design of distribution lines.6
5.0.1In selecting the route of distribution lines,carefulinvestigations and studies are required taking into account factorssuch as operation, construction, traffic conditions and length of routein a comprehensive and systematic manner so as to ensure the safetyapplicability and cost effectiveness.5.0.2 The distribution lines shall be routed to accommodate theoverall planning of urban area and be harmonious with the lavout ofvarious pipelines and other utilities. The structures shall be located tomatch the landscape of urban areas.5.0.3The line routing and structurelocations shall be kept clear oflow-laying lands, areas vulnerable to frequent scouring and otherareas where the safe operation of lines is affected.5.0.4The distribution lines in rural areas shall be routed inharmony with roads, rivers and irrigation channels to minimize andavoid thc occupation of arable land5.0.5 Distribution lincs shall be kcpt clear of warchouse arcas forflammables and cxplosives. It shall bc cnsurcd that a firc scparationdistancc cqual to 1.5 timcs the structuire height is provided bctwcendistribution lincs and thc manufacturing factories and warchouseswith firc risks, stockyards for flammablc and cxplosivcmaterials andtanksforflammableandcxplosive liquidorgas.