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Geographic Information—Metadata

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 19710-2005

Standard Name:Geographic Information—Metadata

Chinese Name: 地理信息 数据

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2005-04-15

Date of Implementation:2005-08-01

Date of Expiration:2023-11-27

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, natural sciences>>07.040 Astronomy, geodesy, general geography, terminology, standardization, documentation>>Vocabulary>>01.040.35 Information technology, office machinery and equipment (Vocabulary)

Standard Classification Number:General>>Surveying and Mapping>>A76 Land and Ocean Surveying and Mapping

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 19710.1-2023

Procurement status:ISO 19115:2003, MOD

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Plan number:19990181-T-466

Publication date:2005-08-01

other information

Release date:2005-04-15

Drafting unit:National Basic Geographic Information Center, Ministry of Land and Resources Information Center

Focal point unit:National Geographic Information Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Geographic Information Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Introduction to standards:

This standard defines the schema required to describe geographic information and its services. It provides information on the identity, coverage, quality, spatial and temporal schema, spatial reference system and distribution of digital geographic data. This standard applies to: - Data set catalogs, data services that provide complete descriptions of data sets and data exchange websites; - Geographic data sets, data set series, and individual geographic features and feature attribute descriptions. This standard defines: - Mandatory and conditionally mandatory data subsets, data entities and data elements; - Minimum data sets required to meet the full range of data applications (data discovery, determining the applicability of data, data access, data transmission and digital data applications); - Optional data elements to enable more detailed descriptions of geographic data when necessary; - Methods for extending data to meet special needs. Although this standard is applicable to digital data, its principles can be extended to many other forms of geographic information, such as maps, charts and text files, as well as non-geographic data. GB/T 19710-2005 Geographic Information Data GB/T19710-2005 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This standard defines the model required to describe geographic information and its services. It provides information about the identification, coverage, quality, spatial and temporal model, spatial reference system and distribution of digital geographic data. This standard applies to: - Data set cataloging, complete description of data sets and data services of data exchange websites; - Geographic data sets, data set series, and single geographic features and feature attribute descriptions. This standard defines: - Mandatory and conditionally mandatory data subsets, data entities and data elements; - Minimum data sets required for the full range of data applications (data discovery, determination of data applicability, data access, data transmission and digital data applications); - Optional data elements so that geographic data can be described in more detail when necessary; - Methods for expanding data to meet special needs. Although this standard is suitable for digital data, its principles can be extended to many other forms of geographic information, such as maps, charts and text files, as well as non-geographic data.

Some standard content:

CS 07.040,01.040.35
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 19710--2005
Geographic Information
Geographic Information-Metadata(IS0 19115:2003, MOD)
Published on April 15, 2005
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on August 1, 2005
This standard adopts ISO19115:2003 "Geographic Information Metadata" formulated by the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee for Geographic Information Standardization (IS0/TC211), and makes the following changes: ① The writing method of the standard implements the requirements of the national standard GB/T1.12000 "Guidelines for Standardization.T Work Part 1: Structure and writing rules of standards".
②Changes in the names or numbers of referenced national standards: a) Change "this international standard" and "IS(19115;2003" to "this standard", b) Change "ISO19100 series standards" to "geographic information series national standards", c) Replace the following international standard names and numbers with the corresponding national standard names or numbers: Original international standard number
ISO 4217:2001
JSO 8859
ISO 8879
ISO/IEC 10646-1
③Deleted the foreword of the source international standard.
Alternative national standard abbreviations
GB/T 12406
GB/T 4880
GB/T 74081994
GR/T 15273
GB/T 14814
GB 13000.1
GB/T 18391
④Added the following terms and their definitions: “data exchange website clearinghouse” and “data lineage” (5) Added “6.14 Example of special standard for metadata in the field of geographic information sharing” and deleted the contents of original 6.11 and 6.15: Modified the example of feature instance metadata entry in G.2.4. @Deleted the lines that were originally \left blank\ in Appendix B data dictionary, the line numbers are: 42.43, 58.188, 198~~200, 328~~333, 366, these line numbers are broken.
?Deleted the informative appendix K "Implementation Examples" and the informative appendix "Multilingual Support of Metadata Elements in Source Languages", ③The English "Name/Role Name" column is retained in the metadata data dictionary to compare with the Chinese "Name/Role Name". Other modifications include:
a) The data type of elements "9, 144, 364, 394" is changed from "class" to "date type", and the domain is changed from "date (B.4.2) to CCYY-MM-DD (GB/T 7408.-- 1594)",
The data type of elements "64, 89, 106, 300" is changed from "class" to "date time type", and the domain is changed from "date time (B.4.2)" to *CCYY-MM-DD hh:mn: 5s. s (GB/T 7408-1994)\:B, 2.7.6 Projection parameter information: The definition of the metadata element *Belt number in line 216 is changed from "unique identifier of the 101km grid belt" to "unique identifier of the projection zone", and the constraints/conditions in lines 218 and 219 are changed from \O\ to \C/Non-azimuthal projection? ; The constraints/conditions in lines 225 and 226 were changed from "\O" to "C/azimuthal projection?\; The example in the definition of element 361 was changed from "\DCW' is an alias of 'Digital Chart l the World\ and is\·NFGIS' is an alias of d)
"NationalFundamentalGeographicInformationSystem"", and the example in the definition of element 397 was changed from *http.//statkart.no/isote2]1\ to \http://nfgis,nsdi.gov.cn/\; GB/T 19710—2005
e) The definitions of elements 381 and 383 were modified in accordance with my country's national conditions: f) The maximum number of occurrences of entity 69 was changed from "N\ to "the maximum number of occurrences of the reference object used". ③ The informative appendix K\Examples of special standards for metadata in the field of geographic information sharing" was added. @Modification of code table:
a) B.5.10MD_Character set code table>\ added GB18030 "Expansion of the basic set of Chinese character coded character set for information exchange in information technology", with the field code of 030, and deleted the row with the reserved field code of 017 in the table, and the field code is reserved
b) "B.5.8DS_Project type code code table" was expanded, and the original content of the code table was deleted, and the field of the original code is still reserved;
c) In accordance with GB7156-2003 "Document Confidentiality Level Code" and the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets" promulgated by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in September 1988, the descriptions of "unclassified", "secret", "confidential" and "top secret" in R.5.J1MD_Security Restriction Classification Code Code Table were modified; ||t t||d) "B.5.18MD_Maintenance frequency code ≤ code table" \ added \ according to ten days", the field code is 013. Appendices A, B, C, D and E of this standard are normative appendices, and Appendix F, G, H and K are informative appendices.
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Geographic Information Standardization. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Geographic Information Standardization. Drafting units of this standard: National Basic Geographic Information Center, Information Center of the Ministry of Land and Resources, Institute of Agricultural Natural Resources and Agricultural Zoning of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main drafters of this standard: Jiang Jingsui, Liu Ruomei, Zhou Xu, Fei Yunzeng, Jiang Zuole, Yao Yanmin, Li Xintong. Introduction
GB/T 19710-2005
With the advancement of electronic technology, the importance of geography and things closely related to space has been improved, and mathematical geographic information and geographic measurement systems have been widely used throughout the world. In addition to the fields of geographical science and information technology, the development of various disciplines has become increasingly capable of producing, improving and updating digital information. Given the growth in the number, complexity and diversity of geographic data sets, methods for quickly understanding the characteristics of these data sets are becoming increasingly important.
Digital geographic data is an attempt to simulate and describe the real world for computer analysis and graphical display of information. Any description of things is always abstract, always partial and always a combination of many possible "views". This "view" or model of the real world is not an exact copy of it, some are approximate, some are simplified, and some are ignored. It is difficult to have absolutely perfect, complete and correct data. To ensure that the data is not misused, the settings and restrictions that affect the data production must be fully explained. No data allows data producers to fully explain the data set.So that users can understand its settings and limitations and evaluate the suitability of the dataset for their application needs. Given that geographic data is used by many people other than the producers, it is usually produced by a certain individual or unit and used by others or units. Appropriate textual materials can enable those who are not familiar with the data to better understand the data and use the data appropriately. As the data producers and users of geographic data are dealing with more and more data, appropriate textual materials can provide them with rich information about the data and enable them to better manage, store, update and reuse data products. The purpose of this standard is to provide a structure for describing the characteristics of digital geographic data. It is expected that information system analysts, planners and geographic information system developers will use this standard. It can also be used by people who try to understand the basic principles and overall requirements of geographic information standardization. This standard defines metadata indexes, provides models, and determines a common metadata terminology, definition and extension method. When data producers implement this standard, the benefits are: 1) Provide data producers with appropriate information about their geographic data. 2) Simplify the organization and management of geographic data metadata. Enable users to understand the basic characteristics of the data so that they can use the geographic data most effectively. 3)
Easy to discover, retrieve and reuse data. Users can better determine the location of buried data, access, evaluate, purchase and 2)
Use geographic data.
5) Enable users to decide whether they are the right person to use existing geographic data. This standard defines common geographic information metadata. More detailed geographic data types and buried service metadata are defined and developed by other standards in the geographic information series of national standards. 1 Scope
Geographic Information Metadata
This standard defines the model required to describe geographic information and its services. It provides information about the identification, coverage, quality, spatial and temporal model, spatial reference system and distribution of digital geographic data. This standard applies to data services for dataset compilation, complete description of datasets and data exchange websites; geographic datasets, dataset series, and descriptions of individual geographic features and feature attributes. This standard defines: mandatory and conditional metadata subsets, metadata entities and metadata schemas; the minimum set of metadata required to cover the full range of applications of digital data, including discovery, determination of data applicability, data access, data transfer and use of digital data; optional metadata elements to enable more detailed descriptions of geographic data when necessary; and methods for extending metadata to meet special needs. Although this standard is intended for digital data, its principles can be extended to many other forms of geographic information, such as maps, tables and text files, as well as non-geographic data. Note: Some mandatory metadata and elements may not apply to these other forms of geographic information. 2 Conformance 2.1 Conformance requirements Metadata are specified in Chapter 6, Annex A and Annex 3. User-defined metadata is defined and described in accordance with Appendix C. Any metadata claiming conformance to this standard shall satisfy the requirements specified in the abstract test suite presented in Appendix D. 2.2 Metadata Profiles
Any profile that conforms to this standard shall conform to the rules in Appendix D. 2.3 Constraints and Conditions
In order to perform conformance testing using the abstract test suite in Appendix D, consideration should be given to specifying in the profile whether metadata entities and elements are mandatory, conditionally mandatory or optional.
3 Normative References
The following documents are incorporated herein by reference. For any dated reference document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions to that document are not applicable to the standard. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any document not dated, For referenced documents with a date, the latest version shall apply to this standard. GB/T2659-194 Code for names of countries and regions (eqvISO3166-1:1997) GB/T4880-1991 Code for names of languages ​​(eqvJS0639:1998) GB/T4880.2-2000 Code for names of languages ​​Part 2: 3-letter code (eqvIS0)639-2:1998) GB/T708-1994 Data element and exchange format Information exchange date and timetable GB/T12406-1996 Code for indicating currency and funds (idtISO42171990) GBi3000.11993 Information technology Universal octet coded character set (UCS) Part: Architecture and basic multilingual plane (idt.IS0/1FC10646-1:1993) GB/T 19710---2005
GB/T14814-1993 Information processing text and office systems standard generalized markup language (SGML) (cqVISO8879:1986)
GB/T15273 Information processing eight-bit single-byte coded graphic character set (idtISO8859) GB/T18391.1-2002 Information technology data element specification and standardization Part 1: Data element specification and standardization framework
GB3/T18391.2-2003 Information technology data element specification and standardization Part 2: Data element classification G B/T18391.3·2001 Information technology - Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 3: Basic attributes of data elements G3/T18391.42001 Information technology - Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 4: Rules and guidelines for writing data definitions
GB/T18391.5-2001 Information technology - Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 5: Naming and identification of data elements Originally GB/T18391.6-2001 Information technology: Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 6: Definition of data elements IS08859 (Part 1-16), Information technology 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character set (Information Technology) technology—8bit sinigle byte coded graphic character sets)IS019106:2004Geographic information—ProfilesISO19107:2003Geographic information—Spatial schemaIS019108:2002Geographic information—Temporal schemaISO19109Geographic information—Rules for application schemaISO19110.2005Geographic information—Feature cataloguingmethodologyISO 19111:2003Geographic information—Spatial referencing by coordinatesISO191122003Geographic information—Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO 19113:2002 Geographic information quality basic elements (Geographic information - Quality principles) ISO 19114:2003 Geographic information quality evaluation procedures (Geographic information - Quality evaluation procedures)
ISO 19117 Geographic information map
Graphical expression (Geographic information - Portrayal) IS0 19118
Geographic information coding (Geographic information - Encoding) 4 Terms and definitions
This standard adopts the following terms and definitions:
+ Terms and definitions used with UML models are listed in Chapter 5. 4.1
Data typedatatype
Description of a domain that allows operations to be performed on values ​​within the domain. [1SO19103 Geographic Information Conceptual Schema Language] For example, integer, real, Boolean, string, date and GML point (GM_Point). Note: Data types are identified by terms such as integer4.2
Collection of data that can be identified.
Note: A dataset can be physically a smaller part of a larger dataset, through restrictions such as spatial extent or element type. In theory, a dataset can be as small as a single element or feature attribute within a larger dataset. A hard copy map or chart can be considered a dataset. 4.3
Dataset seriesdataset series
Collection of datasets that conform to the same product specification. Gridgrid
GB/T 19710—2005
A network consisting of two or more sets of curves, each of which intersects with the other curves according to an algorithm. [1SO19123 Geographic Information 5 Data Coverage Geometric Characteristics and Functional Schema] 4.5 Metadata metadata metadata about data. That is, the data's identification, coverage, quality, spatial and temporal model, spatial reference system and distribution information: 4.6 Metadata element metadata element basic unit of metadata. Note 1: A metadata element is unique in a metadata entity. Note 2: It is synonymous with the attribute in UMI terminology. 4.7 Metadata entity metadataentity a group of metadata elements that describe the same characteristics of data. Note 1: It can include one or more metadata entities. Note 2: It is synonymous with the class in UML terminology. 4.8 Metadata subset metadata section a collection of metadata related metadata entities and elements. NOTE: Synonymous with package in UFML terminology,
Abstraction of some aspect of a domain. [ISO19109]4.10
An asset or means that can satisfy a species' needs. For example, a data set, service, document, human resources or organization: 4.11
Temporal reference systemA reference system based on which temporal measurements are made. [IS019108]4.12
Data exchange network
A distributed, electronically connected network between data producers, managers and users. 4,13
Data lineage
Information on the historical evolution of data, including a description of the original materials used to obtain or produce the data, the parameters and steps in the data processing, and relevant information on the responsible unit.
5 Symbols and abbreviations
5.1 Abbreviations
Document Type Definition Interface Definition Language Object Constraint Language Standard Generalized Markup Language Unified Modelling Language Extensible Markup Language 5.2 Unified Modeling Language (UML) symbols
The diagrams appearing in this standard are represented by UML static structure diagrams, using ISO Interface Definition Language (IDL) basic type definitions and UML Object Constraint Language (OCL) as the conceptual model language. Figure I illustrates the UMI symbols used in this recommendation: Association
5.3 UMI. Model Relationship
5.3.1 Association
Figure 1 UML symbol
Association is used to describe the relationship between two or more classes. UML defines three different types of relationships: association, aggregation and composition. These three types have different semantics. The usual association relationship is used to represent a general relationship between two classes, while aggregation association and composition association are used to create a part-body relationship between two classes. The direction of the association must be specified. If the direction is not specified, a bidirectional association is assumed. If it is a unidirectional association, the direction of the association can be marked by an arrow at the end of the line segment. Aggregation association represents a relationship between two classes, in which one class plays the role of a container and the other class plays the role of a container:
Composition association is a strong aggregation. In a composition association, if a container object is deleted, all its container component objects are also deleted. Composition association should be used when objects representing parts of the container object cannot exist without the container object. 5.3.2 Generalization
Generalization represents the relationship between a class and a subclass that can replace it. The superclass is the generalized class, and the subclass is defined as a specialized class. 5.3.3 Instantiation/Dependency
A dependency relationship indicates that the client class relies on the supplier class/interface to provide certain services, such as: the client class accesses the value (constant or variable) defined by the supplier class/interface; the client class operation calls the supplier class/interface operation; the client class operation has a signature, and its return class or variable is an instance of the supplier class/interface. The instantiation relationship represents the use of actual values ​​to replace the parameters of a parameterized class or the operation of a parameterized class utility to create its specialized form. 5.3.4 Roles
If the association can be navigated in a specific direction, the model provides a "role name", which is appropriate for the role of the target object related to the source object. Therefore, in a bidirectional association, two role names will be provided. . 2 Describe how to represent role names and cardinality in UMI diagrams.
Association between classes
Aggregation of classes
5.4 TML model stereotypes
Role 1
Association name
Role 2
Association cardinality
0 or more
Optional (0 or 1)
Subclass 1
1 or more
Specify mathematical
Subclass of the class that inherits the class)
Figure 2 UML roles
UML stereotypes are an extension mechanism for existing UML concepts. They are model elements used to classify (or label) other UML elements so that they behave in some ways like instances of new virtual or pseudo metamodel classes, whose components are based on existing basic metamodel classes. The stereotype enhances the classification mechanism based on the inherent UJMI. model-free class structure. The following is a brief description of the stereotypes used in this standard. For more detailed descriptions, see IS0/TS19103. This standard uses the following stereotypes:
Home type (forget T comparison diagnosis) describes the domain of the instance (object) and the class of operations that can be used for the object. A type can have attributes a)
properties and associations,
enumeration This (Enumerlin) data type, its instances constitute a list of named character values. The name of the enumeration and its characters are explained. The meaning of an enumeration is a short list of well-known possible values ​​in a class. Data type secret DaaTypc secretion) A descriptor of a set of different values,Its operations have no side effects. Data types include basic predefined types and predefined types. Predefined data types include numeric, string, and time. User-defined data types include optional types.
d) Multiple code lists (Cndelist) are used to describe more open enumerations. A code list is a flexible enumeration. Code lists are useful for representing long lists of potential values. If the elements of the list are completely short, enumerations should be used. If only the possible values ​​of the elements are known, code lists should be used. Multiple unions are (non)select-a specialization type specification that can be used to determine optional classes/types that can be used without generating a common superclass/supertype. 0 Multicast> (Abstraet>) Classes (or other metaclasses) that cannot be directly instantiated. The ML symbol for this class is italicized to indicate its name.
Multiclass (Metalass) Class whose instances are classes. Metaclasses are mainly used to form metamodels. Metaclass is an object class, GB/T 19710--2005
Its main purpose is to contain data of other classes. h) Multiple interfaces> (Interface) A set of named operations that describe the behavior of an element: i) Multiple packages (Multi-Packae) A cluster of logically similar components, including sub-packages i) Leaf> (≤Leaf>) A package that contains definitions but does not contain any sub-packages. 5.5 Package abbreviations
A two-character abbreviation represents a package that contains a class. The class names begin with these abbreviations and are connected by "\". The standards that define these classes are noted in brackets. These abbreviations are listed below: Cc
Coordinate-based spatial reference)
Change integer scale (IS0)191112003 Geographic Information Reference (this standard)
Data Coverage (JSO19123 Geographic Information Data Quality (this standard)
Dataset (this standard)
Coverage (this standard)||tt ||Data cover geometry and state model) Feature category (ISO19110 geographic information
Feature cataloging method)
Requirement (1S019109 geographic information application model rules) Feature topological relationship (IS019107: 2003 geographic information spatial model)
General feature (1S019109 geographic information application model rules) Geometry (1SO19107: 2003
Geographic information ||t t||, spatial model)
Map (1S019107:2003
Geographic Information Spatial Model)
Data Record (this standard is difficult)
Metadata (this standard is male)
Feature Graphic Expression (1S019117 Geographic Information Graphic Expression) Positioning Service (IS019116 Geographic Information Positioning Service) Reference System (this standard)
Spatial Coordinate (ISO191112003
Geographic Information =Geographic information Spatial reference based on coordinates)
Spatial identification (ISO19112:2003
Geographic information Spatial reference based on geographic identifiers) Services (ISO) 19119 Geographic Information Services) Time (ISO19108:2002 Geographic Information, Time Schema) Topological relationship (ISO19107:2003 Geographic Information Spatial Schema) Simple topological relationship (ISO19107:2003 Geographic Information Spatial Schema) 5.6 UML model/data dictionary relationship
Table 1 shows the relationship between UML model terms and data dictionary terms. Table 1 UML model and data dictionary relationship
UTMI. Model
Generalized class
Specialized class
Data dictionary
6 Requirements
6.1 Requirements for geographic data metadata
GB/T 19710—2005
This standard defines the metadata required to describe digital geographic data. Metadata can be applied to individual datasets, aggregates of datasets, individual features, and indices. Metadata should be provided for geographic datasets, and metadata can also be provided for datasets, features, and feature attributes. Metadata consists of one or more metadata subsets (LML packages), which contain one or more metadata entities (UML classes).
6.2 Additional Data Application Information
Figure 3 is a UML class diagram. It defines the kind of geographic information described by metadata. It specifies that a dataset (S_DataSet) must have one or more associated metadata entity sets (MI_Metadata). The metadata are associated with features, feature attributes, feature types, feature feature types (metaclasses instantiated by feature association roles, feature attribute types, and feature operations), and dataset aggregations (DS_Aggregates), as appropriate. Dataset aggregates are defined (reclassified) as generalized associations (DS_therAggregate), dataset systems (DS_Scrics), or projects (DS_Initiative). MD_No Data (MD)_Metadata) is also used for other information and services not represented in this figure (see MD_Scope Code, B.5.25).
SFElement Type
fEntity Type)
+Element TypebzxZ.net
Element Metadata
+Element Property Metadata
ED Metadata
tMetadata Entity Information)
+Feature Type Metadata According to
GF_feature type
use element embedding type special type
multiple aggregation
DS other evidence aggregation
6.3 Metadata package
6.3.1 Metadata package and entity relationship
Guangus platform
+series metadata
《axis image》
DS series
divided into parts
+element attribute
+by group or
DS product series
Figure 3 Metadata application
attribute type
0. . * +Description
DS Dataset
In this standard, geographic data is represented by UMI packages. Each package contains one or more entities (UML classes), which can be specialized (subclasses) or generalized (superclasses). Entities contain elements (UML class attributes) that identify each metadata unit. Entities can be related to one or more other entities. Entities can be aggregated or repeated as needed to meet: (1) mandatory requirements specified by this standard; (2) other requirements of users. Figure 4 shows the structure of a package. Appendix A and Appendix B respectively fully describe the metadata with LML model diagrams and data dictionaries for each package. If there is a difference between the two appendices, Appendix A shall prevail. Table 2 lists the relationship between metadata packages and metadata entities. Metadata packages are listed under the package column, and metadata aggregate entities in the corresponding package are listed under the entity column. The metadata entities contained in the package are further defined in Sections 6.3.2 to 6.4.2. Each package has a corresponding item listed under the item number column,
GB/T 19710—2005
Graphical expression category information
Maintenance information
Application mode information
Data quality information
Spatial representation information
Item number
6. 3. 2. 1
6. 3. 2. 2
6, 3. 2. 3
6. 3. 2. 4
6. 3. 2. 5
6. 3. 2. 6
6. 3. 2. 7
6. 3. 2. 8
6. 3.2. 9
6. 3. 2. 10
6. 3. 2. 11
6. 3. 2.12
Restriction information
Metadata entity set information
Label information
Degree unit
Content information
Metadata package
Distribution information
Metadata extension information
Benefit scope information
Relationship entities between metadata packages and metadata entities
Metadata entity set value information
Label information
Restriction information
Data quality information
Maintenance information
Spatial representation information
Reference system information
Internal information
Graph table Category information
Distribution information
Metadata extension information
Application model information
Benefit information
Reference and responsible unit information
DQ_Data quality
MD_Maintenance information
MD_Spatial representation
MD_Reference system
MD_Content information
MD_Graphical expression class reference
MD_Metadata extension information
MD_Application model information
EX. Coverage space
CL reference
CL responsible unit
UML diagram
A, 2. 4. 1
A 2. 4. 3
User and responsible unit
Mourning service system letter
Data dictionary
B.2. 4. 1
B. 2. 4. 2
B. 2. 4. 3
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