title>NY/T 2798.2-2015 Technical Specifications for Quality and Safety Control of Pollution-free Agricultural Products Part 2: Field Crop Products - NY/T 2798.2-2015 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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NY/T 2798.2-2015 Technical Specifications for Quality and Safety Control of Pollution-free Agricultural Products Part 2: Field Crop Products

Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 2798.2-2015

Standard Name: Technical Specifications for Quality and Safety Control of Pollution-free Agricultural Products Part 2: Field Crop Products

Chinese Name: 无公害农产品 生产质量安全控制技术规范 第2部分:大田作物产品

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release2015-05-21

Date of Implementation:2015-08-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>Agriculture and forestry>>65.020.01 Agriculture and forestry combined

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture and Forestry>>Food and Feed Crops>>B20 Food and Feed Crops Comprehensive

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Agriculture Press

Publication date:2015-08-01

other information

drafter:Wang Min, Mao Xuefei, Zhang Ying, etc.

Drafting unit:Institute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Quality Agricultural Product Development Service Center, Guangdong

Focal point unit:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Proposing unit:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

NY/T 2798.2-2015 Technical Specifications for Quality and Safety Control of Pollution-free Agricultural Products Part 2: Field Crop Products NY/T2798.2-2015 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part specifies the basic requirements for quality and safety control of pollution-free field crop products, including quality and safety control measures for key links such as production environment, seeds and seedlings, fertilizer use, pest and disease control, farming management, post-harvest processing, packaging labeling and product storage and transportation. This part applies to the production, management and certification of pollution-free agricultural products of field crops such as grain, oilseeds and sugar crops.

Some standard content:

1CS 65.020.01
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Pollution-free Agricultural Products
Technical Specifications for Production Quality and Safety Control
Part 2: Field Crop Products
Published on 2015-05-21
Implemented on 2015-08-01
Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Technical Specifications for Production Quality and Safety Control is the listed standard: NY/T2798 Pollution-free Agricultural Products
Part 1: General Principles; Part 2: Mountain Crop Products; Part 3: Vegetables; Part 1: Fruits; Part 5: Edible Fungi; Part 6: Tea; Part 7: Livestock; Part 8: Meat and Poultry; Part 9: Raw Milk; Part 10: Bee Products; Part 11: Fresh Eggs; Part 12: Slaughter of Livestock and Poultry; Part 13: Farmed Aquatic Products. This part is Part 2 of VY/T 2798. This part should be used in conjunction with Part 1. This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/I1.12C09. This part is formulated and managed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China, NY/T 2798. 2—2015
Drafting units of this part: Institute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Center, Ministry of Agriculture, High-quality Agricultural Product Development Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture, and Agricultural Product Public Monitoring Center, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The main drafters of this part: Wang Min, Mao Dangfei, Zhang Ying, Zhu Jian, Liao Chaozi, Yuan Yi, Huang Jian, Wang Fuhua, Yang Hui, Li Qingjiang I
1 Scope
NY/T 2798. 2—2015
Technical specification for quality and safety control of pollution-free agricultural products Part 2: Field crop products
This part specifies the basic requirements for quality and safety control of pollution-free field crop products, including the quality and safety control measures for key links such as production environment, seeds and seedlings, fertilizer use, disease, weed control, tillage management, post-harvest processing, packaging labeling and product storage and transportation.
This part is applicable to the production management and certification of pollution-free agricultural products of grain, oilseeds, sugar and other crops. 2 Normative referenced documents
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For reference documents with an import date, only the version with the import date is applicable to this document. For reference documents without an import date, the latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document. GB4404 (all parts) Seeds of grain crops CB 4407.2 Seeds of economic crops Part 2: Oilseeds GB19176 Sugar beet seeds GB/T22508 Operation specification for prevention and reduction of fungal toxin contamination in grains GB/T29890 Technical specification for grain and oil storage NY/I496 General principles for rational use of fertilizers NY/T1276 Specification for safe use of pesticides, general rules NY/I2308 Technical regulations for control of pollution of peanut yellow pedicles NY/T2798.1 Technical specification for quality and safety control of non-toxic agricultural products Part 1: General rules NY5332 Non-toxic food Environmental conditions of crop production areas: Agricultural Office of Agriculture [2013.45] Regional formula and fertilization recommendations for wheat, corn, and grain crops (2013) 3 Control technical measures 3.1 Production area environment Key points Soil, ambient air, irrigation water Main risk factors Heavy metal diseases, biocides, pesticide residues Air pollutants, microorganisms that cause warts Control measures The surrounding environment and production area conditions of the production area should meet the relevant requirements in NY/T2798.1. The environmental quality and safety of the production area should meet the requirements of NY5332. b) It is suitable to combine crop rotation/intercropping/or mulching. e) For areas with high risk of heavy metal pollution, the control of environmental pollution in the production area should be strengthened, and targeted measures should be taken for prevention and control. For example, for highly acidic soils, appropriate application of pesticides can be applied without reducing the activity of heavy metals in the main soil. For areas with high risk of biological toxin pollution, the prediction and forecast of citrus fungal diseases and the monitoring of the production area should be strengthened, and targeted measures should be taken for prevention and control. For example, the soil treatment practices recommended in NY/T 230% and other standards can be referred to, and reasonable measures such as application of lime, pesticides, deep plowing, etc. can be taken to control the risk of aflatoxin and other biotoxin pollution. 1 NY/T 2798.2-2015
Seeds and seedlings
Key points
Variety selection
Seeds and seedlings quality
3.3 Fertilizer use
Key points
Purchase and storage
Pest control
Key points
Pesticide purchase and precautions
Main products||tt| || ... For areas with a high incidence of Fusarium fusarium, such as the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, it is advisable to choose wheat varieties that are resistant to Fusarium fusarium. c) For areas and products with a higher risk of heavy metal pollution, it is advisable to choose varieties with low heavy metal content. a) Purchase seeds from marketing departments with seed distribution license, which must be packaged (except those that cannot be packaged), labeled (the content should be in accordance with the national regulations), and the quality meets the requirements of relevant standards such as GB4101.C, GB1407.2 and GR19176. b) Select seeds with full, complete grains, especially those with damaged grains, or seeds with strong, complete and vigorous growth. : If chemical treatment and coating of seeds are required, the relevant technical specifications should be followed and the requirements should be kept in mind. d) Avoid using containers that have been used to store seeds or grains that have been infected with moss or diseases. The control measures should be in accordance with the relevant regulations on agricultural investment product management in NY/T2798.1 and in accordance with the relevant requirements of NY/T496, including soil grafting characteristics, plant nutritional characteristics, fertilizer properties, target yield, etc. In terms of the situation, appropriate and effective fertilization technology should be adopted, balanced fertilization or soil testing formula fertilization should be adopted. For wheat, corn and water chestnuts, the requirements of Agricultural Small Farmers [2013] No. 45 should be referred to: Prevent excessive use of fertilizers from causing pollution to the surrounding environment. Adhere to the principle of combining organic fertilizers with organic fertilizers, combining organic fertilizers with trace elements, combining basal fertilizers with topdressing, and combining fertilization with other measures. Before use, analyze the source and potential hazards of organic fertilizers, such as pathogenic microorganisms, genus content, composting methods, weed seed content, etc. Human sewage sludge and urban garbage should not be used as organic fertilizers. Acidic areas should avoid long-term use of acidic fertilizers. Build and keep application records, which should at least include the following information! The fertilizer product name should list the content of active ingredients, fertilization location, fertilization month, fertilizer amount, application method, name of fertilization personnel, etc.
Control measures
Pesticides that have been approved by the State Qualifications and Registration Bureau and comply with the relevant provisions of NY/T:27 and NY/T2798.1 should be used.
Corporation) Obtain the forecast and prediction schedule issued by the local agricultural extension department in a timely manner to prevent and control pests, diseases, weeds and rodents. 3.5 Tillage management
Key point
Irrigation and drainage
Returning straw to the field
3.6 Post-harvest treatment
Key point
Drying and drying
Storage of harvested products
Main risk factors
Main risk factors
Biological toxins, pesticide residues, and residual
Biological toxins.Pathogenic microorganisms
Pesticide residues, biotoxins
Heavy metals, biocides
Main risk factors
Heavy metals, foreign metals
Biotoxins, pesticide residues
Control measures
NY/T 2798.2—2015
In the same growing season, it is advisable to select pesticides with different action mechanisms and use them alternately.) When using pesticides, the dosage, preparation method, application time, application method, application frequency, etc. specified on the pesticide label should be strictly followed.) The application requirements should be selected according to NY/T2276, and the pesticides should be in good condition.) The applicators should undergo necessary technical training. When applying pesticides, safety precautions should be taken according to the requirements. f) Remaining pesticides, cleaning waste liquid, pesticide packaging containers and other wastes should be collected, stored and disposed of in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of NVY/T12%6. g) Establish and retain records of pesticide use. The records should at least include the following information: crop type, application time, application point (region), pesticide product name and active ingredients, registration number, control target, usage amount, application method, application personnel, harvest time and other information.
Control measures
a) Sowing should be carried out according to the local annual meteorological conditions and meteorologists' forecasts, avoiding weather that is prone to disease.
\) Reasonable density to prevent excessive density from inducing pests and diseases. If mulch is required, it should be appropriate, reasonable and timely. Recycle discarded mulch and carry out pest control
According to the water requirements of crops during their growth period, soil conditions, etc., timely irrigation and drainage, reasonable control of soil moisture content should be carried out according to maturity and ensure timely harvest after the pesticide safety interval. For products that are easily contaminated by biological toxins, harvesting on rainy days should be avoided. a) In areas with prominent pollution, it is not advisable to return the stalks to the fields. b) In areas with serious disease incidence, the stalks should not be returned directly, and should be applied after decomposition or high temperature decomposition
Control measures
1) Except for products that do not need to be treated with coal, they should be dried in time after harvesting to a safe moisture content. The safe moisture content requirements of relevant products refer to relevant product standards. h) Do not dry or dry products on roads, green ground, places with severe dust pollution, etc. that are prone to product pollution.
Comply with the relevant provisions of NY/T:2798.1, and take the following control measures: a) Conduct necessary screening of products according to product quality, and remove products that are deformed, damaged, and may induce storage splash diseases. |tt||b) During the storage period, regularly measure the temperature, humidity (if necessary) and product condition of the storage place. For abnormal conditions such as local heating, take corresponding remedial measures, and promptly eliminate and treat any signs of product deterioration. () Disinfection, rodent prevention, and other pesticides used in the storage place should strictly follow relevant regulations to avoid contamination of the product and the surrounding environment.
) In addition to the above measures, refer to the relevant provisions of GR/T2989 (and GB/T2250&NY/T 2798.2—2015
Key Points
Grade workers
Main risk factors: Pathogenic microorganisms, biotoxins, drug residues, food additives, physical structure
Control measures
a) Enterprises engaged in primary production must have an enterprise food production license and meet the requirements of the relevant product production license implementation rules. If the human production enterprise should meet the requirements of the human production license implementation rules. b) In addition to the above, based on 1) Screen the products according to their characteristics, effectively remove spoiled products, debris and useless parts to ensure that the raw materials are qualified; 2) The processing equipment should be kept clean and tidy, and the equipment materials should meet the relevant food safety requirements; 3) Food additives are not allowed to be added during the grading process, and illegal food additives are not allowed to be used; 4) Take necessary measures to control the physical risks of broken glass, damaged blades, stone chips, etc.; 5) Note: Grain and oil products can refer to the relevant requirements of GB/I29890; 6) Storage: Cereal products can refer to the relevant requirements of B/T22598 to reduce fungal contamination.
Packaging labeling and product storage and transportation
Key points
Packaging, labeling,
Storage and transportation
Main risk factors
Pathogenic microorganisms, biocides,
Physical contamination, chemical contamination
Control measures
Should comply with the relevant provisions of NY/T 2798.1 (Part 3.6.2 of this section) RequirementsiiiKAoNiiKAca
Appendix A
[Normative Appendix]
List of pesticides prohibited by the state for use in field crop productionPesticides prohibited by the state for use in field crop production are listed in Table A, 1Table A.1 List of pesticides prohibited by the state for use in field crop productionClass
Organic nitrogen
Benzene hexachloride, DDB, Toxoplasmosis, Soderlin, PeptidelinName
NY/T 2798.2--2015
Methamidophos, parathion-based, parathion, monocrotophos, phosphamidon, fenamiphos, fonothion, chlorpyrifos, calcium phosphide, magnesium phosphide, zinc phosphide, cadusofos, coumaphos. Film-control phosphorus, terbutaline insecticide, dichlorvos
herbicide, chloranil (from December 31, 2015), single agent of chloranil (from February 31, 2015), compound preparation of chloranil (from July 1, 2017), single agent of annual sulfur seat (from December 31, 2015), compound preparation of currency sulfur (from 201 1 July 2017)
Bromochloropropane, dibromo(.)alkane, preparations, spirits, lead, fluoroacetamide, fluorochloride, tetramine, sodium fluoroacetate, silanol, fipronil (except for corn and other dry day crop coating agents), "liver (also known as Bijiu), prohibited for use on flowers), fumei and fuguanjiajiao (from December 31, 2015)
Note: The above are the pesticides that were banned from use on major crops by the national announcement as of November 30, 2014. After that, the new list of pesticides banned for use on major crops announced by the state must be followed. 5The use of pesticides for prevention of diseases should strictly follow the relevant regulations to avoid pollution to the production and surrounding environment. In addition to the above-mentioned pesticides, the relevant regulations of GR/T2989 (and GB/T2250 and NY/T 2798.2—2015
Key points
Grade workers
Main risk factors: Pathogenic microorganisms, biological toxins, drug residues, food additives, physical structure
Control measures
a) Enterprises engaged in grade workers must have an enterprise food production license and meet the requirements stipulated in the relevant product production license implementation rules. For example, a human production enterprise shall meet the requirements stipulated in the human production license implementation rules. b) Before processing, screen the products according to their characteristics, effectively remove defective products, debris and useless parts, and ensure that the raw materials are qualified.) The processing equipment should be kept clean and tidy, and the equipment materials should meet the requirements of the human production license implementation rules. Comply with relevant food safety requirements. 1) Food additives are not allowed to be added during the grading process, and illegal food additives are not allowed. 2) Necessary measures should be taken to control the physical properties of broken glass, damaged blades, stone chips, etc. Note: Grain and oil products can refer to the relevant requirements of GB/I29890 for storage: Grain products can refer to the relevant requirements of B/T22598 for the prevention of fungal contamination.
Packaging labeling and product storage and transportation
Key links
Packaging, labeling,
Storage and transportation
Main risk factors
Pathogenic microorganisms, biocides,
Physical contamination, chemical contamination
Control measures
Should comply with NY/ T 2798.1 related provisions of this part 3.6.2 requirementsiiiKAoNiiKAca
Appendix A
[Normative Appendix]
List of pesticides prohibited by the state for use in field crop production; Pesticides prohibited by the state for use in field crop production are listed in Table A, 1 Table A.1 List of pesticides prohibited by the state for use in field crop production Category
Organic nitrogen
Benzene hexachloride, DDB, chlorpyrifos, solfatare, peptide name
NY/T 2798.2--2015
Methamidophos, parathion, parathion, monocrotophos, phosphamidon, fenamiphos, fonothion, chlorpyrifos, calcium phosphide, magnesium phosphide, zinc phosphide, cadusofos, coumaphos. Film-control phosphorus, terbutaline insecticide, dichlorvos
herbicide, chloranil (from December 31, 2015), single agent of chloranil (from February 31, 2015), compound preparation of chloranil (from July 1, 2017), single agent of annual sulfur seat (from December 31, 2015) ), compound preparations of bromochloropropane, dibromo(.)alkane, preparations, spirits, lead, fluoroacetamide, chlorofluoropropane, tetramine, sodium fluoroacetate, silanol, fipronil (except for coating agents of some crops such as corn), "liver (also known as Bijiu), prohibited for use on flowers), fumei and fuguanjiajiao (from December 31, 2015)
Note: The above are the pesticides that were banned from use on major crops by the national announcement as of November 30, 2014. After that, the new list of pesticides banned for use on major crops announced by the state shall be followed. 5The use of pesticides for prevention of diseases should strictly follow the relevant regulations to avoid pollution to the production and surrounding environment. In addition to the above-mentioned pesticides, the relevant regulations of GR/T2989 (and GB/T2250 and NY/T 2798.2—2015
Key points
Grade workers
Main risk factors: Pathogenic microorganisms, biological toxins, drug residues, food additives, physical structure
Control measures
a) Enterprises engaged in grade workers must have an enterprise food production license and meet the requirements stipulated in the implementation rules of the relevant product production license. For example, the raw material production enterprise shall meet the requirements stipulated in the implementation rules of the raw material production license. b) Before processing, screen the products according to their characteristics, effectively remove the defective products, debris and useless parts, and ensure that the raw materials are qualified.) The processing equipment should be kept clean and tidy, and the equipment materials should meet the requirements of the raw material production license. Comply with relevant food safety requirements. 1) Food additives are not allowed to be added during the grading process, and illegal food additives are not allowed. 2) Necessary measures should be taken to control the physical properties of broken glass, damaged blades, stone chips, etc. Note: Grain and oil products can refer to the relevant requirements of GB/I29890 for storage: Grain products can refer to the relevant requirements of B/T22598 for the prevention of fungal contamination.
Packaging labeling and product storage and transportation
Key links
Packaging, labeling,
Storage and transportation bZxz.net
Main risk factors
Pathogenic microorganisms, biocides,
Physical contamination, chemical contamination
Control measures
Should comply with NY/ T 2798.1 related provisions of this part 3.6.2 requirementsiiiKAoNiiKAca
Appendix A
[Normative Appendix]
List of pesticides prohibited by the state for use in field crop production; Pesticides prohibited by the state for use in field crop production are listed in Table A, 1 Table A.1 List of pesticides prohibited by the state for use in field crop production Category
Organic nitrogen
Benzene hexachloride, DDB, chlorpyrifos, solfatare, peptide name
NY/T 2798.2--2015
Methamidophos, parathion, parathion, monocrotophos, phosphamidon, fenamiphos, fonothion, chlorpyrifos, calcium phosphide, magnesium phosphide, zinc phosphide, cadusofos, coumaphos. Film-control phosphorus, terbutaline insecticide, dichlorvos
herbicide, chloranil (from December 31, 2015), single agent of chloranil (from February 31, 2015), compound preparation of chloranil (from July 1, 2017), single agent of annual sulfur seat (from December 31, 2015) ), compound preparations of bromochloropropane, dibromo(.)alkane, preparations, chloranil, lead, fluoroacetamide, chlorofluoropropane, tetramine, sodium fluoroacetate, chloranil, fipronil (except for coating agents of some crops such as corn), "liver (also known as Bijiu), prohibited for use on flowers), fulan and fulan (from December 31, 2015) Note: The above are the pesticides that were banned from use on major crops by the national announcement as of November 30, 2014. After that, the new list of pesticides banned for use on major crops announced by the state shall be followed.
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