Home > GB > Science and technology program-generated scientific data archiving—Technical and management specification
Science and technology program-generated scientific data archiving—Technical and management specification

Basic Information

Standard: GB/T 39912-2021

tandard name:Science and technology program-generated scientific data archiving—Technical and management specification

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

release date:2021-03-09

Implementation date:2021-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.020 Information technology (IT) general

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2021-03-01

other information


Drafting unit:National Science and Technology Infrastructure Platform Center, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China National Institute of Standardization, Institute of Agricultural Information, Chinese

Focal point unit:National Science and Technology Platform Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 486)

Proposing unit:Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39912-2021.Science and technology program-generated scientific data archiving-Technical and management specification.
GB/T 39912规定了科技计划形成的科学数据汇交的原则。管理的主体与职责.主要内容及流程。
GB/T 39912适用于政府预算资金资助的各级各类科技计划项目形成的科学数据汇交与管理,其他方式管理的科技计划形成的科学数据汇交与管理可参照执行。
GB/T 30522科技平台 元 数据标准化基本原则与方法
GB/T 30523科技平台 资源核心元数据
GB/T 32843科技 资源标识
GB/T 39908-2021 科技计划形 成的科学數据汇交通 用代码集
GB/T 39909-2021 科技计划形 成的科学数据汇交通 用数据元
科技计划 science and technology program
科学数据 scientific data
本标准规定了科技计划形成的科学数据汇交的原则、管理的主体与职责、主要内容及流程。 本标准适用于政府预算资金资助的各级各类科技计划项目形成的科学数据汇交与管理,其他方式管理的科技计划形成的科学数据汇交与管理可参照执行。

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Science and technology program-generated scientific data archiving-Technical and management specificationIssued on 2021-03-09
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Administration of Standardization
Issued on 2021-10-01Implementation
This standard, together with GB/T39909-2021 "Data Elements for Archiving of Scientific Data Generated by Science and Technology Programs" and GB/T39908-2021 "Code Sets for Archiving of Scientific Data Generated by Science and Technology Programs", constitute a series of standards that regulate the data archiving of scientific data generated by science and technology programs.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Science and Technology Platform Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC486). Drafting units of this standard: National Science and Technology Basic Conditions Platform Center, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China National Institute of Standardization, Institute of Agricultural Information, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Marine Information Center, Institute of Highway Science, Ministry of Transport, Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China Polar Research Center, National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Space Science Center, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Cold and Arid Regions Environment and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Rural Technology Development Center, China Biotechnology Development Center, 21st Century Agenda Management Center, High Technology Research and Development Center, Ministry of Science and Technology, Industry Development Promotion Center, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Science and Technology Development Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, National Health Commission Medical and Health Science and Technology Development Research Center.
The main drafters of this standard are: Wang Ruidan, Shi, Wang Juanle, Xu Bo, Wang Yujie, Liu Shouhua, Zhu Xingming, Zhu Qi, Chen Mingqi, Wang Jian, Ma Juncai, Wu Linhuan, Zhao Wenming, Jiang Xiaozhi, Wang Xudong, Shen Hongfei, Li Jian, Gao Mengxu, Wang Chao, Xu Donghui, Zhou Yuanchun, Li Xin, Yang Yaping, Zou Ziming, Zhou Guomin, Wu Lizong, Zhou Wei, He Boliang, Fan Dongwei, Li Xiaogang, Xiao Yundan, Zhang Yaonan, Zhang Mengyue, Che Ziyao, Huang Ling, Fu Yinan, Liu Zhijuan, Xing Zhipeng, Xiong Wei, Cheng Nan, Zhang Kai, Wu Zhiyin, Ma Hao, Lian Jie, Miao, Zhang Erping, Dong Hua, Hu Xiaolu, Xia Xiaodong, Zheng Xiaoguang, Yang Fan, Fan Jun, Shao Yubin.
1 Scope
Submission of scientific data generated by science and technology plans
Technical and management specifications
This standard specifies the principles, management subjects and responsibilities, main contents and processes for the submission of scientific data generated by science and technology plans. This standard applies to the submission and management of scientific data generated by various types of science and technology plans at all levels funded by government budget funds. The submission and management of scientific data generated by science and technology plans managed in other ways can be used as a reference. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T30522 Science and Technology Platform: Basic Principles and Methods for Metadata Standardization GB/T30523
Core Metadata of Science and Technology Platform Resources
Science and Technology Resource Identification
Scientific Data Submission Formed by Science and Technology Programs
Common Code Set
3 Terms and Definitions
Scientific Data Submission Formed by Science and Technology Programs The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Science and Technology Program Science and Technology Program is a scientific research and experimental development activity and other related scientific and technological activities organized and implemented by government administrative departments in accordance with science and technology development plans and strategic arrangements, supported by government budget funds or regulated and guided by macro policies. 3.2
Scientific data
The original and basic data reflecting the nature, characteristics, and laws of change of the objective world accumulated by the scientific and technological activities of human society or obtained through other means, and the general term for various types of data generated after systematic processing and organization. Note: Scientific data refers to the data generated through basic research, applied research, experimental development, etc. in the fields of natural sciences, engineering and technology sciences, as well as the original data and its derivative data obtained through observation, monitoring, investigation, inspection and testing and used in scientific research activities. 3.3
science and technology program project management organization Science and technology program project management party
The organization that specifically undertakes the management of various science and technology program projects. 3.4
submitting organization of scientific data
The organization that submits scientific data to the scientific data management party in accordance with the prescribed procedures and requirements. Note: A share is the head legal person unit of a science and technology program project. 1
Scientific data management party scientificdatamanagementorganization A professional organization that uses modern technologies such as information and networks to collect, process, submit, integrate, safely store and manage scientific data, and provides users with open sharing services for scientific data. Note: A share refers to various scientific data centers or institutions with scientific data storage and management functions. 3.6
data element,DE
Data element
A data unit whose definition, identification, representation and allowed values ??are specified by a set of attributes. [GB/T18391.12009. Definition 3.3.8]
Data entity
A set of data sets with a certain theme that can be identified and can be processed by a computer. Note: A share consists of one or more forms such as data files and databases. 3.8
Data about data.
core metadata
Core metadata
The minimum set of metadata that describes the most basic information of a resource. 4 Submission principles
4.1 Timely and complete
Scientific data generated by scientific and technological plans should be submitted to the scientific data management party on time and in full within the procedures and deadlines specified by the scientific and technological plan project management party to ensure the timeliness and completeness of the data. 4.2 Authenticity and reliability
Scientific data generated by scientific and technological plans should be submitted in accordance with the actual scientific data generated by the scientific and technological plan projects to ensure the quality of the submitted scientific data and the authenticity and reliability of the data. 4.3 Scientific specifications
Scientific data generated by scientific and technological plans should be processed in accordance with this standard and the standard specifications of relevant scientific data submission requirements to ensure the discoverability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability of the submitted scientific data. 4.4 Expansion of disciplines
In the process of submitting scientific data generated by science and technology plans in various disciplines, the standards for submitting scientific data in disciplines can be expanded or formulated based on this standard as needed.
5 Management and responsibilities of submission
Science and technology plan project management party
The main responsibilities of the science and technology plan project management party are: 2
Approve the scientific data submission plan;
b) Organize and carry out the submission of scientific data for science and technology plan projects, and approve the review report on scientific data submission: approve the sharing of scientific data and catalogs.
5.2 Scientific Data Submitters
The main responsibilities of scientific data submitters are: organize and formulate scientific data submission plans;
Organize the collection, production and processing of scientific data in accordance with relevant standards and specifications to form scientific data for use: b
Establish a scientific data quality control system, be responsible for the quality control of scientific data, and ensure the authenticity, accuracy, availability, integrity, consistency and security of data;
Submit scientific data to scientific data managers in accordance with the scientific data submission plan. d)
5.3 Scientific Data Managers
The main responsibilities of scientific data managers are
Formulate scientific data submission operation specifications and publicize and implement them; a)
b) Undertake the acceptance review and storage and backup of submitted data, and issue a review report; Carry out classification, cataloging and identification, processing, sorting and management and maintenance of scientific data; c
Publish scientific data and catalogs, evaluate the application of scientific data, and provide scientific data sharing services in accordance with laws and regulations. d)
Main contents of submission
6.1 Scientific data entity
Scientific data entity includes the original data generated in the science and technology plan and the complete digital files or databases formed based on the original data or research and analysis data. The data file is a collection of one or more unstructured digital objects, and the database is the expression of structured digital objects.
6.2 Scientific data description information
Scientific data should provide corresponding metadata description information. The metadata standardization principles and metadata standardization process should comply with the provisions of GB/T30522.
The core metadata content and format should be compiled in accordance with the provisions of GB/T30523, among which the structure and naming rules of scientific data identifiers should be compiled in accordance with the provisions of GB/T32843, and ensure consistency with the scientific data entity. Each discipline can expand the metadata in accordance with the rules of GB/T30522 according to the actual needs of the science and technology plan items, and provide more detailed data description documents and process information than metadata according to actual needs. 6.3 Scientific Data Auxiliary Tool Software
Scientific data auxiliary tool software refers to special auxiliary tool software for scientific data processing, processing and analysis formed by science and technology plans. The tool software purchased during the implementation of the project does not need to be submitted, but the instructions for the use of the tool software related to the submitted data processing must be provided. The submitted scientific data auxiliary tool software includes the tool software itself or the network call interface and attribute information, and should comply with relevant software security regulations. The attribute information mainly includes the software name, purpose, development tools, operating environment, development unit, version number, user manual, etc. 3
7 Submission Process
Scientific Data Submission Flowchart
The general submission process of scientific data formed by science and technology plans includes the formulation of scientific data submission plans, scientific data preparation, scientific data submission, scientific data review, scientific data aggregation, scientific data release and sharing, and scientific data use and maintenance and update, as shown in Figure 1.
Development of scientific data submission plan
Development of submission
Submission plan
Approval of submission
Scientific data preparation
Scientific data submission
Scientific data
Collection and production
Processing and sorting
7.2 Development of scientific data submission plan
Scientific data
Self-examination and submission
Scientific data review
Review and issue
Review report
Approval and review
Scientific data summaryScientific data publishing and sharingScientific data use and maintenance Update scientific data update
Scientific data
Classification and cataloging
And identification
Release and share scientific data and catalog
Scientific data
Figure 1 General submission process of scientific data
Statistical science
Data application
Receiving and summarizingbZxz.net
Scientific data
Application situation
Scientific data submitters should prepare scientific data submission plans in accordance with the relevant regulations of the science and technology plan project management party during the project establishment stage, refer to Appendix A, and propose means and methods of quality control, as well as sharing conditions such as scientific data opening time and sharing methods. Each field can formulate the format of the scientific data submission plan in its field according to Appendix A as needed. After the data submission plan is prepared, it must be submitted to the science and technology plan project management party for review and approval by the science data management party and then implemented. 7.3 Scientific Data Preparation
After the scientific data submission plan is reviewed, the scientific data submitter shall collect and process the scientific data entities in a standardized manner in accordance with the scientific data submission plan and relevant standards and specifications, and form the data metadata of the scientific data in accordance with the prescribed format and the provisions of GB/T39909-2021 and GB/T39908-2021. The scientific data manager shall provide guidance on the preparation of scientific data. 4
7.4 Scientific Data Submission
The scientific data submitter shall summarize and organize the scientific data to be submitted in accordance with the scientific data submission plan, conduct self-inspection of the scientific data quality, prepare a scientific data quality information report, and submit the scientific data to the scientific data manager. 7.5 Scientific Data Review
The scientific data manager shall conduct a formal review in accordance with the requirements of the scientific data submission plan and the scientific data quality control system. The scientific data quality shall be evaluated by organizing peer review of scientific data quality. When the review is passed, the scientific data manager shall issue a review report as a submission certificate and submit it to the science and technology plan project management party, which shall review and summarize it after approval. If there are problems with the submitted scientific data, the scientific data submitter shall modify and resubmit it in a timely manner. The scientific data manager shall provide an audit environment, tools and relevant permissions that facilitate online access, download, preview, and verification of scientific data. 7.6 Scientific Data Summarization
After receiving the scientific data, the scientific data manager shall classify, catalog, identify, preserve, process, organize, manage and maintain the scientific data that has passed the review.
7.7 Scientific Data Release and Sharing
The scientific data manager shall publish the scientific data and catalog to the public after approval by the science and technology plan project management party. In accordance with the principle of openness as the norm and non-openness as the exception, scientific data shall be open to users for sharing based on the conditions, objects and review procedures for opening scientific data, etc., under the premise of ensuring the security of scientific data. In order to facilitate the open sharing of scientific data, scientific data managers shall build and operate scientific data sharing and publishing systems, and provide multiple entrances for rapid discovery, access and download of data. 7.8 Use, maintenance and update of scientific data
Scientific data managers shall do a good job in the management and maintenance of scientific data, collect statistics on the application of scientific data sharing, and feedback the statistics to the management of science and technology plan projects. All scientific data submitters are encouraged to continuously update and archive the submitted scientific data. Scientific data users shall comply with relevant provisions on intellectual property rights, and indicate the scientific data used and referenced in the publication of papers, patent applications, monograph publications and other work.
A.1 Overview of Scientific Data
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Reference Template for Scientific Data Submission Plan
Briefly describe the scientific data to be generated by the science and technology plan, including but not limited to basic information such as data content, collection plan, collection location, collection time, equipment status, etc.
List of Scientific Data Resources
The list of scientific data resources generated by the science and technology plan is shown in Table A.1. Table A.1
Serial number
Name of scientific dataset
3 Quality control description of scientific data
Data type
List of scientific data to be submitted
Estimated data volume/
Number of records
Data format
Sharing method
Date of disclosure
Describe the relevant data quality control adopted in the production of scientific data, including the quality control measures for the source, collection, processing and handling of the submitted scientific data. Software tool description of scientific data
Describe the basic information of the special auxiliary software tools used for scientific data processing, processing and analysis, including but not limited to the software name, purpose, development tools, operating environment, development unit, affiliated project, subject number, remarks and other information. 5 Principles for the use of derivative data of scientific data A.5
Describe the conditions and requirements for the use and reprocessing of derivative data. Use period and long-term preservation of scientific data A.6
Describe the protection period and reasons for scientific data, and indicate the data center where scientific data will be archived. 6
7 Technical plan for scientific data submission
Describe the technical plan to be adopted when submitting scientific data, including but not limited to data directory and file naming rules, security policies, etc., to ensure that scientific data is submitted to the scientific data manager with high quality, quickly and efficiently. A.8
Other supplementary explanations
Relevant explanations not covered in A.1 to A.7 can be supplemented here. -rrKaeerkAca-
Information Technology Metadata Registration System (MDR) Part 1: Framework Geographic Information Metadata
General Terminology of Science and Technology Platform
[4] Interim Measures for the Submission of Data of Projects in the Field of Resources and Environment of the National Key Basic Research and Development Program, issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance on March 18, 2008, Guokefaji [2008] No. 142. http://rnost.gov.cn/kjzc/gjkjzc/kjtjybz/201308/P02013082357953 3591568.pdf
[5] National Science and Technology Resource Sharing Service Platform Management Measures. Guokefaji [2018] No. 48. http://most.gov.cn/mostinfo/xinxifenlei/fgzc/gfxwj/gfxwj2018/201802/t20180224_138207.htm [6] Scientific Data Management Measures. Guobanfa [2018] No. 17. http://gov.cn/zhengce/content/2018-04/02]content_5279272.htm
[7] Data Management Plan, National Science Foundation, https://nsf.gov/geo/geo-datapolicies/ags/ags_data_mgt_form.pdf-rKaeerkAca-
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