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Documentation-Guidelines for establishment and development of multilingual thesauri

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 15417-1994

Standard Name:Documentation-Guidelines for establishment and development of multilingual thesauri

Chinese Name: 文献 多语种叙词表编制规则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1994-01-02

Date of Implementation:1995-08-01

Date of Expiration:2015-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Informatics, Publishing>>01.140.20Informatics

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A14 Library, Archives, Documentation and Information Work

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 13190.1-2015

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

other information

Release date:1994-12-28

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Information Documentation Standardization Committee

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Information and Documentation Standardization

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the rules for the compilation of multilingual thesauri. This standard applies to the compilation and revision of multilingual thesauri with Chinese as the exchange language, and does not apply to the thesauri of symbolic retrieval languages ​​(such as mathematical formulas and chemical formulas), automatic indexing extraction systems, and keyword lists that are not standardized. The rules specified in this standard should be regarded as an expansion of GB 13190-91 "Rules for the Compilation of Chinese Thesauri". The rules on the selection of words, word forms, basic relationships between words, arrangement forms, and compilation procedures of Chinese thesauri have been specified in GB 13190, and will not be repeated in this standard unless necessary. The selection rules and compilation procedures of foreign language thesauri can be handled with reference to the provisions of ISO 2788. The compilation of multilingual thesauri is a relatively new development in the field of documentary work. At present, no complete multilingual thesauri has been published in my country. Therefore, the rules and compilation procedures specified in this standard cannot include and specify all the linguistic characteristics of all foreign languages ​​and the problems faced in the correspondence of thesauri between languages. Only the correspondence between the words in Chinese, English and German is used as an example to illustrate how to use this standard. GB/T 15417-1994 Rules for the compilation of multilingual thesauri for documents GB/T15417-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard establishes the rules for the compilation of multilingual thesauri. This standard applies to the compilation and revision of multilingual thesauri with Chinese as the exchange language, and does not apply to the thesauri of symbolic retrieval languages ​​(such as mathematical formulas and chemical formulas), automatic indexing and extraction systems, and keyword lists that are not standardized. The rules specified in this standard should be regarded as an expansion of GB 13190-91 "Rules for the compilation of Chinese thesauri". The rules on the selection of words, word forms, basic relationships between words, arrangement forms and compilation procedures of Chinese thesauri have been stipulated in GB 13190, and this standard will not repeat them unless necessary. The selection rules and compilation procedures of foreign language thesauri can be handled in accordance with the provisions of ISO 2788. The compilation of multilingual thesauri is a relatively new development in the field of documentary work. At present, there is no complete multilingual thesauri in my country. Therefore, the rules and compilation procedures formulated in this standard cannot include and specify all the linguistic characteristics of foreign languages ​​and the problems faced in the correspondence of thesauri between languages. Only the correspondence of thesauri between Chinese, English and German is used as an example to illustrate how to use this standard.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Documentation - Guidelines For establishment and development of multilingual thesauri1Main content and scope of application
1.1This standard specifies the rules for the compilation of multilingual thesauri. This standard applies to the compilation and revision of multiple thesauri with Chinese as the exchange language, and does not apply to the thesauri of symbolic retrieval languages ​​(such as mathematical formulas and chemical formulas), dynamic indexing thesaurus systems, and keyword lists that are not standardized.
1.2The rules formulated in this standard should be regarded as an expansion of the rules for the compilation of Chinese thesauri in GB13190—91. The rules on the selection of words, word forms, basic relationships between words, arrangement forms and compilation procedures of Chinese thesauri have been stipulated in GB13190. This standard will not repeat them unless necessary. The selection rules and compilation procedures of foreign language thesauri can be handled in accordance with the provisions of ISO2788. 1.3 The compilation of multilingual thesauri is a relatively new development in the field of documentary work. At present, there is no complete multilingual thesauri in my country. Therefore, the rules and compilation procedures formulated in this standard cannot include and specify all the linguistic characteristics of foreign languages ​​and the problems faced in the correspondence of thesauri between languages. Only the correspondence of thesauri between Chinese, English and German is used as an example to illustrate how to use this standard.
2 Reference standards
Language name code
Rules for the compilation of Chinese thesaurus
IS02788 Guidelines for the compilation and revision of monolingual thesauri for documentary work ISO5964 Guidelines for the compilation and revision of multilingual thesauri for documentary work 3 Terminology
3.1 Multilingual thesaurus
A standardized retrieval dictionary consisting of semantically related, family-related and corresponding scientific terms selected from two or more natural languages ​​of different languages. In a multilingual thesaurus, the arrangement system of the thesaurus in each language can be independent or integrated through the semantic correspondence of the thesaurus, which is convenient for the conversion of the thesaurus between languages. A multilingual thesaurus can be used for independent indexing of documents in different languages ​​and for unified indexing of multilingual document systems based on the thesaurus in a certain language. 3.2 Exchange language
In a multilingual document processing system, a language selected as a medium for data exchange. In the compilation of multilingual thesauri, the exchange language serves as a medium for semantic correspondence of thesauri in other languages ​​and a reference for standardized processing. 3.3 Dominant language
In the compilation of multilingual thesauri, due to policy considerations, a certain language is decided to play a leading role and is the leading aspect in the implementation of semantic correspondence of thesauri. This is called the dominant language. Other languages ​​are correspondingly called auxiliary languages. 3.4 Source languagebzxz.net
Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 2, 1994, and implemented on August 1, 1995
CB/T 1541794
When the intonation of a voice needs to be translated into a corresponding thesauri in another language, the language in which the translated word is located. 3.5 Standard language
When a word in one language needs to be translated into a corresponding word in another language, it is translated into another language. 3.6 Feedback
In order to easily solve the problem of selecting words in self-standard language education, the word form or structure of the selected words in the source language can be changed to adapt to the characteristics of the standard language. Example: (Han is the source language, English is the target language) "channel water loss" (Chinese selected words) is converted into English
\Conveyance loss of water in canal\" This word form does not conform to the word source rules of English words, but according to English habits and word rules, "ANAS" is generally used to represent water channels, and "Conveyanceloss\ is used to represent water loss. Apply the feedback method to change the selected words in the source language or the dominant language into two words: "channel\" and "conveyance loss\". If necessary, the original selected words can be retained in the source language vocabulary as non-descriptive words, such as: channel water loss category
Y beam road + · wheel water loss
3.7 New words
"Recognized standard words in the source language, which cannot be found in the target language with the same semantics, in order to meet the needs of narrative correspondence, a new word expressing this concept is created in the target language. 3.8 Borrowed words
Words in one language are directly borrowed from other languages ​​as descriptive words without changing their form, for example: Chinese borrows English words:
【Trimethyl sulfoxide)
(Deoxyribonucleic acid)
3.9 Compound words
A descriptive word can be composed of several noun components, and each noun component can be used as a descriptive word independently. Words with this characteristic are called compound words. Some single words in German can also be regarded as compound words. Example: Debate: System Analysis
4 General Principles for the Compilation of Multilingual Vocabularies| |tt||4.1 The purpose of compiling a multilingual thesaurus is to enable indexers and users from different countries and languages ​​to use the thesaurus in their own language to index or search for data information in different languages ​​in the data system. 4.2 The general principle for compiling a multilingual thesaurus is to use Chinese as the exchange language. In order to facilitate the selection and implementation of the correspondence between the thesaurus, another language can also be determined as the exchange language. However, it is not recommended to use one language as the dominant language. 4.3 In the process of compiling a multilingual thesaurus, it is inevitable to encounter the correspondence between the thesaurus concepts in different languages. The general principle for solving these problems is to respect the language characteristics of a single language, consider the medium and reference role of the exchange language, select the corresponding segment from the perspective of reflecting the subject indexing and retrieval of the document, and use various norms to properly handle it. 4.4 Multilingual vocabulary 1 The selection of various descriptors should be in line with the preferred rules and conventions of the descriptor structure of each language as much as possible. 4.5 In the multilingual vocabulary table, the arrangement of the descriptors in each language should form an independent system for the indexing personnel and users of each language to use separately. 15417—94
, corresponding instructions should be set between the descriptors in each language to form a whole. Documents that are indexed separately in each language should be integrated into a data processing system, and computers should be used to automatically convert and search for documents in various languages. 4.6 The arrangement of descriptor entries should generally be organized in accordance with internationally accepted forms so that they are easily accepted by users of various languages. 4.7 There are three ways to compile a thesaurus for different languages, namely: 1. compile from scratch, 2. compile based on the existing documents in a certain language, 3. compile based on the existing documents in a certain language, 4. The word list is used as the basis, and it is used as the exchange voice or dominant language. After it is transferred to other languages, it is standardized and revised with reference to the existing word lists of each language: the existing word lists of each single language (preferably in the same subject) are merged and matched, and only the semantic correspondence of word lists is focused on. Whichever method is adopted, it must start from the overall planning of a complete multilingual word list to decide on the selection of words, the unified correspondence and standardization of words in each language, and the compatibility of the system structure, matching and arrangement form. 5 Guidance symbols for inter-word relations
5.1 This standard specifies the use of the symbols in Table 1 in the multilingual word list as guidance symbols for various inter-word relations and inter-language correspondence words.
Table 1 Relationship between words Guide number!
Attached to Chinese words
5(superordinate query)
F(subordinate word)
c(similar word)
Y(teaching word)
D(non-teaching word)
()Meaning Note)
E=(English equivalent)
一【General synonym)
Attached to English words
BT(Broader Term)
NT(Narrowet Terin)
RT(Relaled Tetu)
USE(Pref, Term)
UF(Nonpref. Terti)
SN(Scope Nute)
ZH-(Chiuese ty)
-(German eg)
in the German word
Vh(Verwandrer Begriffr)
BF(Henutzt Fur)
ZH-(Chinesisrche aen)
E-- (Englische Hey)
Note: 1) Regarding the inter-word relationship guidance symbols used in other language teaching and training, it is recommended to refer to the standards of various countries to select the guidance symbols corresponding to this table, or use the neutral symbols recommended by 150 that are not related to language and script (see Appendix A). 5.2 This standard recommends the following rules for the printed version of the multilingual descriptive table: descriptives are printed in bold and all capital letters: h. Non-descriptives are printed in white with the first letter capitalized and the rest in lowercase or italic letters; c. In individual cases where there is no corresponding language descriptor: "了" can be used to indicate it. Example English:
The example indicates that this English sentence has no exact Chinese equivalent. 6 Vocabulary Control and Standardization Measures
6.1 In the thesaurus, there are two main measures to control and standardize the source meaning of the thesaurus: use meaning annotation symbols to indicate the specified meaning of the thesaurus, and annotate it under the word, H.
Example: Chinese: high frequency
(3~10 MHz)
GB/T 15417—94
SN Contain less thun ln pertceni. of nonferrous metalsGerman: HOMIENWURFAUSGERINGERHOEHED Horizontalburibellwurl aus einer haehe zwischen 0. 27 und 2. 4km.b, use scope annotation, that is, use brackets to attach a descriptive suffix to indicate the scope and occasion of use + thus indicating the meaning of the word. As a descriptive suffix, the scope annotation is a component of the descriptive word.
Example: Chinese: Bookshelf structure (Yan Shang)
6.2 In multilingual descriptive tables, due to the need to implement equivalent correspondence between descriptors in different languages, in certain cases (such as Section 7.2.2, Section 7.2.6), the control and standardization measures in Section 6.1 are adopted. The meaning of a descriptor in a certain language (especially inaccurate synonyms, partial synonyms and new words) is specified or limited in order to obtain equivalent correspondence with a descriptor in other languages. For example, a new word is created in Chinese:
Dual-income school-age children
(specifically refers to school-age children whose parents both work outside and hang a key around their necks so that they can get home after school) E-LATCHKEY In the example of CHIIDREN
, the English word "LATCHKEYCEILDREN" has a very clear concept. If it is directly translated into Chinese as "children with spring lock keys hanging on their necks" (this is already a partial translation), it cannot be used as a descriptor. Therefore, the general term "school-age children with two working parents" that has the same meaning as English is specified by meaning annotations.
6.3 In each language, when the same concept has more than two different word forms, one of them is preferred as a descriptor, and the others are used as non-descriptive terms. Example: Chinese: District Heating
D District Heating
UF Frequency changers
BF Komprimicrung
6.4 The establishment and word form standardization of thesaurus in various languages ​​shall generally comply with the provisions of G13190 and IS02788 and refer to the corresponding standards of various countries. Special rules shall be flexibly stipulated by the editor in the terminal editing rules, but shall not violate the basic principles in the relevant standards. 7.1 General Rules
7.1.1 In a multilingual thesaurus, thesaurus in any language shall be used as a guide for equivalent correspondence with thesaurus in other languages. Use the guide symbols specified in Table 1 in Section 5.1, as follows Next!
7.1.2 In multi-language descriptive tables, it is not necessary and impossible to have a one-to-one correspondence between non-descriptive terms in different languages, because the number of variant words expressing the same concept in each language is completely different
Probe Test
CB/T 1541794
1) Reentry Test
Penetration Test
BF Fernsprechc?
7.1.3 When using translation or merging methods (see Section 4.7) to compile a multilingual thesaurus, if there are difficulties in the correspondence between the thesaurus of the target language due to language characteristics, the feedback method should be used to modify or change the word form of the thesaurus of the source language or the selected thesaurus of the proposed merged thesaurus. 7.1.4 If there are special difficulties in the correspondence between the thesaurus of different languages, you can consider using loanwords or creating new words. The general principle of adopting this method is to consider the acceptability of the target language users and the feasibility of customs. It is generally not recommended. 7. 2 Rules for semantic correspondence of descriptors
7.2.1 Distinguishing degrees of equivalence
This standard stipulates that when semantic correspondence is implemented between descriptors in different languages, there are five degrees of equivalence: a. Exact equivalence: a descriptor in the source language and a descriptor in the target language are completely consistent in terms of the extension and connotation of the concept they express. b. Exact equivalence
Not completely the same.
A descriptor in the target language and the corresponding descriptor in the source language can generally express the same concept, but partial equivalence in meaning: a descriptor in the target language is either more specific or narrower in extension than the corresponding descriptor in the source language, and the meanings of the two words are only partially equal. d. Word-to-word equivalence: a descriptor in the source language does not have a corresponding word in the target language, but a concept can be expressed by combining two or more descriptors. e. No equivalent words: no single descriptor or word in the target language can be found that is equivalent to a certain word in the source language. 7.2.2 In the multilingual thesaurus, the language issues related to the correspondence between descriptors in different languages ​​focus on inaccurate equivalence, partial equivalence, word-to-word equivalence, and the field of particular equivalence. The key to solving such problems should not only be considered from a linguistic perspective, but more importantly, it should be considered whether the information content expressed in the subject indexing and retrieval system is the same. For example, in Wen language, red soil unburned bricks
From a linguistic perspective, the extensions of these two corresponding descriptors are not exactly equal, but because the information content reflected by the words in the two languages ​​has much in common, they can be treated as equivalent descriptors. 7.2.3 For inaccurate equivalent words, especially for words that reflect the same concept from different cultural perspectives, they can be treated as equivalent descriptors. In special occasions, it can be used when necessary.
Example: Chinese
7.2.4 For some synonyms, due to the different extensions, the following two methods can usually be used:. The first method: depending on the position and role of the word in the table, if it is a general term, it is treated as a synonym. Example: German
In the example, the German word "WISSENSCHAFT" has the comprehensive meaning of knowledge, learning, wisdom, and skills. But because it is a general term, it can be treated as a synonym of "science" in Spanish and English. b. The first method: If the word still has a lower position in this language, it can be borrowed or a more general term can be selected in other languages ​​to correspond.
GB/T 15417-:94
SN Loan term
fron German
7.2.5 For the situation where a single word and multiple words are equivalent, there is one of the following ways to deal with it: Chinese
F Science The concept expressed by a word in the source language is not considered as a single concept in the target language, but as two or more independent concepts, and each independent concept has its own unique expression tone. Example: (Transportation professional terms)
In the example, the English word "SKIDDING" means "slip", while the German "RUTSCHEV" means "slip forward", and "SCHI.EU!>ERN" means "side slip".
There are three solutions:
Method A: Make the English word "SKIDJING" correspond to the German word "RUTSHEN+SCIILEUDERN", and set up "SKIDDING(forwards)" and "SKIDDING(sideway)" in English to correspond to the two German words respectively. Namely: English
NT SKIDDING (lorwards)
NT SKIDING (sideways)
SKIDUNG (for wards)
SKIDDING (sideways)
D (forwards)
E--SKIDDING (sideways)
Method B: If there is no narrative in the source language, combine the two words in the Japanese language into one word, and set each tone to non-narrative tone. That is: English
BF Rutschen
Method C, use the words in the source language as the loanwords in the Japanese language, and at the same time use the words in the Japanese language as the loanwords in the source language (when Chinese words are used as foreign language loanwords, they cannot be borrowed directly due to different language characters, so it is more advisable to borrow them in pinyin form), and annotate them respectively to indicate the meaning. Example
CB/T 15417-94
D Lehnwort aus dem Englishchen,hedeutet Sowohl Rutsrhen alsuch Schleudern
SN Skidding forwards ,loan termadupted from German
SN Skidding siduways ,laaun lerinadopted from German
HT SKIDDING If the concept expressed by a compound word in the source language can be combined with two or more ready-made phrases in the target language, the feedback method can be used to decompose the compound words in the source language. Example 1:
Example 2:
There are three solutions:
Method A: Decompose the compound words in the source language when possible, and use the decomposed words to correspond to the tunes in the target language. The compound words in the source language can be retained in the vocabulary as non-terminal words. Example 1:
Example 2:
Solar heating
Method B: If the compound words in the source language are not easy to decompose, you can set up a compound statement in the target language, or create a new space (see Section 7.2) to correspond to each other.
In the example, English uses the polyphonic tone:
Method C does not accept inflected word forms, that is, in the standard language, the combination of descriptive words is used. Example:
Among the above methods, method C is better.
GB/T 15417—94 Some things have proper names in both the source language and the target language, but their superordinate concepts may not correspond to each other at a certain level, but need to be expressed by two words in the target language. Example:
In German, "SCIINECKE" means gastropoda or genus, which only includes snails and, and there is no such word in English. There are two ways to solve this problem: Method A: If a word in the source language expresses a certain level of the concept genus-species relationship,When the relationship between the genus and species in other languages ​​is not significant, this word can be treated as a non-synonymous word. For example: German SCHNECKE
RS GEHALSESCHNECKE+NACKTSCHNECKE If the number of species of this word is too large, it will be difficult to index. Method B: Treat this word as a loanword of the target language. Example:
SN Mears hoth SNAILS and SLUGS:loan term adopted from GermanNT SNAILS
7.2. 6 Special cases with no synonyms are relatively rare in literature work. However, they can be encountered in the following cases. The source language expresses a certain cultural nature, academic research, etc., which cannot be understood by the target language users. a.
Example 1:
Example 2:
(Banned from holding public office)
Newly invented methods, operations or equipment (especially in science and technology) are named only in a specific language and have not yet been clearly expressed in other languages
There are two ways to solve this problem, but neither is the best solution. Because in fact the choice of method is determined by many factors, especially the degree of accuracy of the target language in the target language in the search and retrieval. The method is to use a word in the source language as a loanword in the target language, and add a meaning annotation when necessary. Example:
GB/T 15417—94
SN Alleged prohibitiun of certain classes of persons frame official enplayment; loan term adoptedfrom Gerrnan,used only in some political terms.
Method B: Use a new word to express it in the self-indexed language. The new word must be created under the joint agreement of indexers, language professionals and subject experts.
At this time, whether the formation of the German word conforms to its word-forming habits and rules must be judged by language experts. 8 Selection of Descriptors in Multilingual Thesauri
8.1 Prefer the word form of descriptors. If there are several synonyms for a certain concept in a particular language, the word form that is easy for users of other languages ​​to accept and understand should be preferred under the same conditions. Example:
BF Fernsprecher
(although "Frensprecher" may be more familiar to Germans) 8.2 In addition to Chinese, some words in some Western languages ​​have plural or singular properties that slightly change the word form. The singular and plural issues of words in these languages ​​should generally be based on the conventions of each language and the corresponding national standards, and there is no need to use a rule to limit them. Generally, uncountable nouns can be used in the singular in English and German.
However, the treatment of countable nouns is different. Example:
8.3 Homographs in different languages ​​can be distinguished by adding a circle to indicate the language. Example:
Add language symbol:
(Artificial system)
8.4 Abbreviations and abbreviations are generally regarded as non-descriptors according to ISO 2788, while the full name is regarded as the descriptor. However, if the abbreviation is more commonly accepted by users of different languages ​​than the full name, the full name shall be regarded as a non-descriptor. 9 Relationships between words in multilingual descriptors
9.1 The relationship between genus and genus is the basic relationship between descriptors, tone and expression. However, in multilingual thesauri, due to the need to implement the correspondence between different languages, a genus-substructure in a certain language may occur. After translation into another language, the latter is not considered to be a substructure. In this case, for words whose basic language characteristics or cultural relations belong to different categories, they can be treated according to the genus-substructure relationship of multiple families. In the comparison of two synonymous families in different languages, it may be found that there is a vacancy at a certain level of a certain language family. If it is considered usable, it will be filled. Otherwise, the word at that level in the source language can be considered to be removed and replaced by a higher-level word. 9.2 The related words of the corresponding words in different languages ​​in the multilingual thesaurus should be mainly consistent. If a related word is only feasible for the word in one language and is not very suitable for another language, it is generally not necessary to set this related relationship. 10 Arrangement of multilingual short word lists Format
10.1 Format of multilingual thesaurus terms
In multilingual thesaurus, the terms in each language are arranged separately. The terms in each language adopt a unified format. This standard now stipulates that the order of arrangement of terms in the terminology is:
a. Interlingual synonyms:
b. Interpretation or definition
c. Non-terminology:
d. Hyponym;
e. Hypernym:
f. Related words.
The Chinese terminology is used as an example as follows:
Fixed-wing, powered aircraft heavier than air) FCargo plane
Jet plane
SFixed-wing aircraft
Glide plane
10.2 Arrangement of category index and test family index If the ten-table part of a multilingual thesaurus adopts the bi-directional table method, it is necessary to prepare a category index and a word family index for auxiliary word search (if the main table does not adopt the full display arrangement). These indexes need to be compiled separately for each language, which is obviously too long. It is best to compile the category index and the word family index in columns on the same page. The index can be arranged by language. The difficulty in compiling a category index lies in how to divide the category system. Of course, the best solution is to adopt a unified system for the category division of each language, eliminating the influence of regional and cultural factors, so as to break away from the limitations of a specific language framework. In this way, the category numbers of equivalent descriptors in the same language will be completely consistent. Regardless of the category index or word family index, the best way to connect with the main descriptor is to use word codes. That is, set a special code for each descriptor. Equivalent descriptors in different languages ​​have the same word code. For example, in the word family index, the word code is marked between the first word of the family and the last word in the family, so that the word can be quickly found in the main table. 11 Notes on revision work 11.1 Establish a continuous revision or regular revision procedure to handle the supplementary revisions that must be made according to practical requirements. 11.2 When supplementing or revising, it must be noted that any changes, amendments, additions, deletions or indirect relations must be equally valid for all languages. GB/T 15417 --94
Appendix A
Neutral guidance symbols recommended by international standards
The guidance symbols for the relationship between words in the following table are neutral symbols and have nothing to do with language characters. They can be used in printed word lists, and alphabetical symbols can still be used in computer-readable versions. Such symbols can be directly converted and output. For ease of understanding, the table uses commonly used symbols in Chinese word lists as a reference. Table A1
Neutral symbols recommended by ISO
Equivalent to the symbols in the vocabulary of language
Symbol meaning
Introducing descriptors by non-descriptors
Introducing non-descriptors by lexical terms
Introducing hypernyms by hyponyms
Introducing hyponyms by hypernyms
Introducing whole terms by partial terms
Introducing key terms
Indicating combinations of descriptors
Indicating English synonyms
Note*11-Indicating German words: ZH-Indicating Chinese synonyms, etc. Use G14880-01 language name followed by an equal sign, commonly used symbols in various vocabulary tables.
Additional notes:
Proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Information and Documentation Work. This standard was drafted by the Fifth Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Information Documentation. The main drafters of this standard are Qian Qilin, Wang Qishen, Zhang Qiyu, Wang Dongbo, and Liu Xiangsheng.
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