Some standard content:
Classification number: X69
Registration number: 12497-2003
Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Cellulase preparations
Published on September 13, 2003
National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China Implemented on October 1, 2003
Article 5.4 of this standard is mandatory. The rest are recommended QB26832003
This standard is based on the "Hygiene Standards" of the Food Additives Standard Compendium of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Food Additives Collection Expert Committee, Volume I, FAO/WHO Expen Committee olFoodAddiv: JCFA) Food Industry Preparation Guidelines, one of which is in Appendix A of the standard for non-equivalent content, the appendix is the normative content, and the appendix is the gradual content. This standard is a joint venture of China Light Industry Corporation.
This standard is issued by: National Center for Food Fermentation Standardization: South China Institute of Food Fermentation Industry, Beijing Institute of Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd., China Ningwu Fast Growth Co., Ltd., Sino-French Investment and Development Co., Ltd., Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The co-authors of this standard are: Zhang Ju, Jiao Zhongmin, Li Zhixing, Yan Wenshe, Liu Lanxia, De Qijin, Tu Suijing. This standard is released for the first time.
2583 20H13
This standard is for the detoxification preparations made by the detection and extraction of microorganisms with this poisonous system as the representative. In fact, it is to decompose the fiber (fiber aldehyde pump) and degrade the fiber under the action of various enzymes, so it is called fiber androcyanide. Generally speaking, the 4-hydroxylase system includes β-1,4-glucose (Exoβ-1,4-glucose) ... The proportions are different, so there will be differences in their maximum agricultural effectiveness. Considering that there are many fiber-enhancing agents in the field, with different grades and different methods of indicating activity, this standard is used to unify the determination method and unit of use of fiber-enhancing agents, so as to classify the products according to their scientific preparations and the most suitable for use in treatment: The H series in Table 1 refers to the inhibitory effect of drugs A and B, which is a method of regulating the activity of drugs to reduce the activity of the substrate to reflect the total process of the inhibitory effect of the drug: the speed of the determination method is to use the standard oil as the control, and to track the reduction of substrate viscosity to obtain the relative enzyme activity of the fiber-enhancing enzyme. The test method should be selected by producers and users based on the product's natural properties, the diversity of compound structures, the composition of the solution, the relative concentration and chemical structure, the synergistic effects of the internal and external acids and the complex format, the influence of each standard on the final product. In order to obtain better basic and practical performance of the method, it is very important for each laboratory to strictly follow the standard conditions of materials, reaction time and temperature. This standard enzyme activity test was carried out by combining the methods recommended by LPAC, FCC and JECFA with the determination methods of relevant standards. Through repeated tests and verifications This standard specifies the definition, requirements, test methods, test rules and specifications, packaging, transportation and storage of cellulase preparations. It is applicable to the neutral (neutral) cellulase preparations represented by wood fermentation (mmu) and its variants, which are obtained by deep micro fermentation or microbial culture. It is mainly used in food, textile, manufacturing and other industries. Food preparations can also be added with food additives. 2 Normative references The clauses in the following documents are referenced by this standard or are clauses of this standard. For dated references, all subsequent revisions (excluding those involving mixed content) do not apply to this standard. However, the parties to this standard are encouraged to clarify whether the latest version of this document applies: for all references, the latest version applies to all industrial standards GB/191 Packaging materials GB/T4789.2 Food industrial microbiological inspection and testing - Determination of total number of isolated bacteria GB/T4789.3 Food hygiene microbiological inspection - Determination of human intestinal bacteria (with/without food hygiene microbiological inspection) GB/T5009.11 Method for the determination of total number of foods CB:TS009.12 Method for determination of aluminium in foods GR/T8451 Test method for limiting the content of additives in foods Test method QB/T1803—1993 General test for industrial enzyme preparations QB804 General inspection rules and standards for industrial preparations Transportation, packaging, storage, storage JIF107 Quantitative inspection of net content of packaged products 15.3.1 Terms, definitions, symbols, abbreviations
The following terms, meanings, abbreviations apply to this standard: 3.1
Fibrase cellulases
Under the action of various enzymes, it can be degraded to make it become a kind of enzyme that can maintain the quality of the product. 3.2
Filter paper enzyme activity (FTA) 1mL (or 1mL liquid) Under (50 ± 0.)℃, pH 4.8, neutral pH 6.0, 1 l hydrolyzes the substrate to produce the reducing power equivalent to 1 mg glucose, which is 1 enzyme activity unit, expressed as u/(or u/ml).
Carboxymethylcellulose enzyme activity Snliumcarhaxymelhykrllulaseaetlvlty (CMCA) dead sugar method 1 solid (minus 1 mL strong acid), under (50 ± 0.!)℃, pH 4.8, neutral pH 6.0), 1 l hydrolyzes sodium carboxymethylcellulose substrate to produce the reducing power equivalent to 1 mg glucose, which is 1 enzyme activity unit, expressed as u/g (or u/mT). CMA-DNS-Q2533-2003
Specificity method: 1g solid or 1m liquid enzyme), under specified conditions (40±.1H, pH 7.5>, acid cellulose alcohol, pE[6.0, pH 7.5>, sodium cellulose as substrate, the substrate is made to undergo irradiation to obtain the technical support for the product required for the reduction of acid activity. The abbreviation is CMCA-VIS.
4 Product classification
4.1 According to the applicable p
, it is divided into solid enzyme preparations and liquid preparations.
4.2 According to the product form
, it is divided into solid enzyme preparations and liquid preparations. 5 Requirements
5.1 Net contentwwW.bzxz.Net
It shall be implemented in accordance with the Order No. 43 of the State Quality Supervision Bureau [195]. 5.2 Appearance
The dosage form is brown or light yellow, with no granules or particles. No odor, no lumps, no peculiar smell. It is easy to dissolve in water, and a small amount of sediment is allowed when dissolved.
The dosage form is brown or brown, with no peculiar smell and no small amount of condensate. 5.3 Physical and chemical requirements
The physical and chemical indicators of cellulase
Total activeness "
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