Some standard content:
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Miehailing Aerosol Type C
Published on November 18, 1991
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on July 1, 1992
W Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Miehailing Aerosol Type C
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, and requirements for marking, packaging, transportation and storage of Miehailing Aerosol Type C.
This standard applies to Miehailing Aerosol Type C processed from trichlorothiocarb, tetramethrin, suitable solvents and propellants.
1.1 Active ingredient 1: trichlorothiocarb
Chemical name: 1,1,1-trichloro-2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl acetate CI
Molecular formula: C1oH,ClsO2
Relative molecular mass: 336.5 (according to the international relative atomic mass in 1987) 1.2 Active ingredient 2: tetramethrin
Chemical name: 34,5, 6-Tetrahydrophthalimidomethyl (R, S) cis, trans-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methyl-1-propenyl) cyclopropanecarboxylate
Structural formula:
Molecular formula: C19H2NO4
Relative molecular mass: 331.4 (according to the international relative atomic mass in 1987) 2 Technical requirements
2.1 Appearance: colorless or light yellow transparent homogeneous liquid. 2.2 Miehailing Aerosol Type C shall also meet the following index requirements: Index
Trichlorobenzyl content, 8/L (20℃)
Permethrin content/L (20℃)
Acidity (as HC1),/L (20℃)
Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on November 18, 1991>
Implementation on July 1, 1992
W.bzsoso:comAtomization rate, % (m/m)
Net capacity, mL (net weight, g)
Product pressure (55℃), MPa
Note: 1) See 4.2.
3 Test method
3.1 Determination of trichlorobenzene content
3.1.1 Pretreatment of sample
HG/T 2218.3—91
Take a can of sample, weigh it (accurate to 0.1g), place it in a fume hood, do not shake it, open a small hole with a diameter of about 0.2mm on the top of the can (you can clearly hear the sound of the liquid gasification product escaping without the liquid splashing), let the propellant evaporate slowly, then make the hole larger, pour out the liquid, put it into a weighed triangular flask with zeolite, and weigh the empty can (accurate to 0.1g), then heat the remaining liquid in a 70℃ water bath for 1h to evaporate the low-boiling substances, and then weigh the remaining liquid (accurate to 0.1g). This liquid is for analysis. 3.1.2 Reagents and solutions
a. Solid liquid: OV-225;
b. Support: ChromosorbW/AW-DMCS (180~250um); c. Aviation kerosene or reagent benzene;
d. Trichlorobenzene standard: known content; e. Dibutyl phthalate: chromatographic reagent. 3.1.3 Instruments
a. Gas chromatograph: with hydrogen flame ionization detector; b. Chromatographic column: stainless steel column with a length of 2m and an inner diameter of 4mm, the column filling is 3% OV-225 ChromosorbW acid-washed silanized support (180~250μm);
c. Recorder or microprocessor;
d. Micro syringe: luL.
3.1.4 Operation steps Chromatographic operating conditions (taking 102G chromatograph as an example) a. Temperature: column temperature 197℃, detection chamber 215℃, vaporization chamber 230℃; b. Gas flow: carrier gas (N2) 23mL/min, hydrogen 35mL/min, air 600mL/min; c. Sensitivity: 1000;
d. Attenuation, 1/8:
e. Paper speed: 5mm/min;
f. Injection volume: 0.8uL;
g. Retention time: trichlorfon 6.7min, dibutyl phthalate 9.5min, (see Figure 1). Preparation of internal standard solution
Weigh 3.6g of dibutyl phthalate (accurate to 0.2mg), place it in a 50mL volumetric flask, and dilute it to the mark with aviation kerosene or reagent benzene. Preparation of standard sample solution
Weigh 0.21g of trichlorfon standard (accurate to 0.2mg), place it in a 10mL volumetric flask, accurately add 2mL of dibutyl phthalate internal standard solution, and dilute it to the mark with aviation kerosene or reagent benzene. 2 Preparation of sample solution
Accurately aspirate 2mL of dibutyl phthalate internal standard solution, place it in a 10mL volumetric flask, and dilute it to the mark with the sample treated in 3.1.1. Determination
After the instrument is stable, first repeatedly inject 0.8uL of the standard solution and measure the response ratio each time (trichlorobenzene/phthalate diester peak height or peak area) until the relative deviation of two consecutive response ratios is within 0.5%; then inject the sample solution twice and measure its average response ratio R, and then inject the standard solution again to measure the average response ratio R1 of the standard solution before and after the injection of the sample solution. Calculation:
The trichlorobenzene content X1 (g/L) is calculated according to formula (1) and (2): W
×1000 =
In formula (1) and (2): R is the average value of the peak height or peak area ratio of trichlorobenzene to dibutyl phthalate in the sample solution; (1)
R1 is the average value of the peak height or peak area ratio of trichlorobenzene to dibutyl phthalate in the standard solution; m is the mass of trichlorobenzene in the standard solution, g; the volume of the added sample, mL;
is the percentage content of the trichlorobenzene standard; the mass of the tank and the sample before venting;
W2 is the mass of the empty tank, g;
Ws is the mass of the residual liquid after evaporation, g;
S1 is the content of trichlorobenzene in the solution after evaporation, 8/L. The parallel deviation of this method should not be greater than 0.1gL Figure 1
1—Trichlorothiazolin; 2—Dioctyl phthalate 3.2 Determination of cypermethrin content
3.2.1 Reagents and solutions
a. Stationary liquid SE-30;
b. Support: Chromosorb G/AW-DMcS (150~180um); c. Aviation kerosene or reagent benzene;
d. Cypermethrin standard: known content;
e. Dioctyl phthalate: chromatographic reagent; f. Cypermethrin standard solution: Weigh 0.23g (accurate to 0.2mg) of cypermethrin standard with known content and place it in a 10mL volumetric flask, and dilute to the scale with aviation kerosene or reagent benzene. 3
g. Dioctyl phthalate internal standard solution: weigh 0.55g (accurate to 0.2mg) of dioctyl phthalate, place it in a 25mL volumetric flask, and dilute it to the mark with aviation kerosene or reagent benzene. 3.2.2 Instruments
a. Gas chromatograph: with hydrogen flame ionization detector; b. Chromatographic column: a stainless steel column with a length of 2m and an inner diameter of 4mm, and the column filling material is 4% SE-30ChromosorbG/AW-DMCS support (150~180μm);
c. Recorder or microprocessor;
d. Micro syringe: luL.
3.2.3 Operation steps Chromatographic operation conditions (taking 102G gas chromatograph as an example) a. Temperature: column temperature 230℃, detection chamber 250℃, vaporization chamber 270℃; b. Gas flow rate: carrier gas (N) 23mL/min, hydrogen 55mL/min, air 500mL/min; c. Recorder range: 5mV;
d. Sensitivity: 1000×1/8;
e. Paper speed: 5mm/min;
f. Injection volume: 0.5uL;
g.Retention time: 3.95min for tetramethrin and 5.3min for dioctyl phthalate (see Figure 2). Preparation of standard solution
Accurately pipette 2mL of dioctyl phthalate internal standard solution and 2mL of tetramethrin standard solution into a 10mL volumetric flask, and dilute to scale with aviation kerosene or reagent benzene. Preparation of sample solution
Accurately pipette 2mL of dioctyl phthalate internal standard solution into a 10mL volumetric flask, and dilute to scale with the sample treated in 3.1.1. Determination
Under the selected conditions, after the instrument is stable, first repeatedly inject 0.5uL of standard solution, and measure the response ratio (tetramethrin/dioctyl phthalate peak height or peak area) each time, until the relative deviation of two consecutive response ratios is within 0.5%; then inject the sample solution twice. And determine its average response ratio R, then inject the standard solution, and determine the average response ratio R1 of the standard solution before and after the injection of the sample solution. Calculate
The content of tetramethrin X2 (g/L) is calculated according to formula (3) and (4): Ws
In formula (3) and 4), R2 is the average value of the peak height or peak area ratio of tetramethrin to dioctyl phthalate in the sample solution; Rs is the average value of the peak height or peak area ratio of tetramethrin to dioctyl phthalate in the standard solution; m2 is the mass of tetramethrin in the standard solution, g; P2 is the percentage of tetramethrin standard; S2 is the content of tetramethrin in the solution after evaporation, g/L; 8 is the volume of the added sample, mL.
W1, W2, Ws are the same as 3.1. 4. 6.
The parallel deviation of this method should not be greater than 0.05g. 4
W3.3 Acidity determination
3.3.1 Reagents and solutions
1 Tetramethrin; 2—Dioctyl phthalate
a. Sodium hydroxide (GB629) standard solution: c(NaOH)=0.05mol/L, b. 95% ethanol (GB679);
c. Phenolphthalein indicator.
3.3.2 Operation steps
Accurately pipette 10mL of the sample treated in 3.1.1, place it in a 250mL conical flask, add 30mL of neutralized ethanol and 5~7 drops of phenolic indicator, and titrate with sodium hydroxide standard solution until it turns slightly red. 3.3.3 Calculation
Acidity X: (g/L) Calculate according to formula (5):
Where ·c-
Xs=VX0. 0365X1000
-concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, mol/L; -volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution consumed in titration of sample, mL; V
0.0365——mass of hydrochloric acid in grams equivalent to 1.00mL sodium hydroxide standard solution [c(NaOH)=1.000mol/L); 10.0——volume of the sample, mL. 3.4 Determination of atomization rate
After weighing the iron can containing the C-type Miehailing Aerosol, spray the liquid according to the instructions on the can, weigh the iron can and the residual liquid, then open a hole to pour out the residual liquid, and then weigh the empty can. The atomization rate X (%) is calculated according to formula (6):
Where: mi-
-The mass of the can before spraying, g;
The mass of the can after spraying, g;
-The mass of the empty can,.
3.5 Determination of net weight
The operation method is the same as 3.4.
The net weight X (g) is calculated according to formula (7).
Where: m1, ms are the same as 3.4.
.bzsoso:com3.6 Determination of product pressure
3.6.1 Instrument
Pressure gauge 0~1.6MPa.
3.6.2 Determination steps
Take two cans of samples, shake them several times, place them in a fume hood, remove the outer cover, gently twist off the safety cover and pull out the nozzle, align the inlet of the pressure gauge with the valve core of the harmless spirit, press hard, and read the indicated pressure of the two cans. Product pressure X. Calculate according to formula (8):
Xg=p+(55-t)X 0.012
Where: p——average value of indicated pressure, MPa; 55——temperature specified in the standard, ℃; t——temperature when measuring pressure, ℃;
0.012——pressure correction coefficient, MPa/℃. 4 Inspection rules
4.1 Type C Miehailing Aerosol shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that all indicators of the products shipped meet the standard requirements, and each batch of Type C Miehailing Aerosol shall be accompanied by a quality certificate. 4.2 Atomization rate is a type inspection item and is inspected once a week. 4.3 The quantity of each batch of Type C Miehailing Aerosol shall not exceed the maximum capacity of the preparation label. 4.4 Samples shall be taken from 0.2% of the packaging of each batch of products, and small batches shall not be less than three boxes; one can shall be randomly selected from each packaging box, and approximately equal samples shall be taken from each can, with a total amount of not less than 0.25L, for the detection of active ingredients and acidity; other items shall be tested by taking samples from the original packaging. 4.5 The user has the right to verify whether the received products meet the requirements of this standard in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 4.6 In the test results, if some indicators do not meet the standards, samples should be taken from twice the amount of packaging for re-verification. If only one indicator does not meet the requirements, the whole batch of products will be unqualified. 4.7 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over product quality and cannot resolve them through negotiation, the statutory inspection agency shall conduct arbitration analysis according to the inspection methods specified in this standard.
5 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
5.1 Miehailing Aerosol Type C is packaged in tinplate cans with a deformation pressure greater than or equal to 1.2MPa and a burst pressure greater than or equal to 1.4MPa, and is equipped with a plastic cover. The net capacity of each can is 600mL. Every 24 cans of products are tightly arranged in a cardboard box, and the net weight of each box does not exceed 15kg; other forms of packaging can also be used according to user requirements. 5.2 Each box of packaging should be printed with the manufacturer's name, address, product name, specifications, production date, standard number, and drug, fire prevention and other signs, and each box is accompanied by a quality certificate.
5.3 Each can is printed with the product name, manufacturer name, factory address, net capacity, prevention and treatment targets, usage, precautions, registration certificate number, production license number, active ingredients, production date, and signs such as drugs and fire prevention. 5.4 Storage and transportation shall be carried out in accordance with the "Dangerous Goods Transportation Rules" of the Ministry of Transport; this product shall not be stored or transported together with food, and transportation, loading and unloading shall be handled with care, violent impact is strictly prohibited, and it shall not be inverted. 5.5 The product should be stored in a cool, ventilated and dry place, avoid being close to high temperatures, and exposure to the sun is strictly prohibited. 5.6 The shelf life of the product is two years under the above storage and transportation conditions. 6
W.bzsoso.coIAdditional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is technically managed by the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard is drafted by the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute and Zhongshan Fine Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Ye Guoheng, Wu Zhijian, Yang Shaozong, Pan Changrong and Lu Jingquan.125
In formula (3) and 4), R2 is the average value of the peak height or peak area ratio of tetramethrin to dioctyl phthalate in the sample solution; Rs is the average value of the peak height or peak area ratio of tetramethrin to dioctyl phthalate in the standard solution; m2 is the mass of tetramethrin in the standard solution, g; P2 is the percentage of tetramethrin standard; S2 is the content of tetramethrin in the solution after evaporation, g/L; 8 is the volume of the added sample, mL.
W1, W2, Ws are the same as 3.1. 4. 6.
The parallel deviation of this method should not be greater than 0.05g. 4
W3.3 Acidity determination
3.3.1 Reagents and solutions
1 Tetramethrin; 2—Dioctyl phthalate
a. Sodium hydroxide (GB629) standard solution: c(NaOH)=0.05mol/L, b. 95% ethanol (GB679);
c. Phenolphthalein indicator.
3.3.2 Operation steps
Accurately pipette 10mL of the sample treated in 3.1.1, place it in a 250mL conical flask, add 30mL of neutralized ethanol and 5~7 drops of phenolic acid indicator, and titrate with sodium hydroxide standard solution until it turns slightly red. 3.3.3 Calculation of acidity X: (g/L) Calculate according to formula (5): Wherein ·c-
Xs=VX0. 0365X1000
-concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, mol/L; volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution consumed by titrating the sample, mL; V
0.0365——mass of hydrochloric acid in grams equivalent to 1.00mL sodium hydroxide standard solution [c(NaOH)=1.000mol/L); 10.0——volume of the sample absorbed, mL. 3.4 Determination of atomization rate
After weighing the iron can containing the C-type Miehailing Aerosol, spray the liquid according to the instructions on the can, weigh the iron can and the residual liquid, then open a hole to pour out the residual liquid, and then weigh the empty can. Atomization rate X (%) is calculated according to formula (6):
Where: mi-
-mass of the tank before spraying, g;
-mass of the tank after spraying, g;
-mass of the empty tank,.
3.5 Net weight determination
The operation method is in accordance with 3.4.
Net weight X (g) is calculated according to formula (7).
Where: m1, ms are the same as 3.4.
.bzsoso: com3.6 Determination of product pressure
3.6.1 Instrument
Pressure gauge 0~1.6MPa.
3.6.2 Determination steps
Take two cans of samples, shake them several times, place them in a fume hood, remove the outer cover, gently twist off the safety cover and pull out the nozzle, align the inlet of the pressure gauge with the valve core of the Miehailing, press hard, and read the indicated pressure of the two cans. Product pressure X. Calculate according to formula (8):
Xg=p+(55-t)X 0.012
Where: p——average value of indicated pressure, MPa; 55——temperature specified in the standard, ℃; t——temperature when measuring pressure, ℃;
0.012——pressure correction coefficient, MPa/℃. 4 Inspection rules
4.1 Miehailing aerosol type C shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that all indicators of the products shipped out of the factory meet the standard requirements, and each batch of Miehailing Aerosol Type C shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate. 4.2 The atomization rate is a type inspection item and shall be inspected once a week. 4.3 The quantity of each batch of Miehailing Aerosol Type C products shall not exceed the maximum capacity of the preparation label. 4.4 Samples shall be taken from 0.2% of the packaging of each batch of products, and small batches shall not be less than three boxes; one can shall be randomly selected from each packaging box, and approximately equal inspection samples shall be taken from each can, with a total amount of not less than 0.25L, for the detection of active ingredients and acidity; other items shall be tested by sampling from the original packaging. 4.5 The user unit has the right to verify whether the received products meet the requirements of this standard in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 4.6 In the inspection results, if some indicators do not meet the standards, samples shall be taken from twice the amount of packaging for re-verification. If only one indicator does not meet the requirements as a result of the re-verification, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 4.7 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over product quality and cannot resolve them through negotiation, the legal inspection agency shall conduct arbitration analysis according to the inspection methods specified in this standard.
5 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
5.1 Miehailing Aerosol Type C is packaged in tinplate cans with a deformation pressure greater than or equal to 1.2MPa, a burst pressure greater than or equal to 1.4MPa, and a plastic cover. The net capacity of each can is 600mL. Every 24 cans of products are tightly arranged in a cardboard box, and the net weight of each box does not exceed 15kg; other forms of packaging can also be used according to user requirements. 5.2 Each box of packaging should be printed with the manufacturer's name, address, product name, specifications, production date, standard number, and drug, fire prevention and other signs, and each box is accompanied by a quality certificate.
5.3 Each can is printed with the product name, manufacturer name, factory address, net capacity, prevention and treatment targets, usage, precautions, registration certificate number, production license number, active ingredients, production date, and signs such as drugs and fire prevention. 5.4 Storage and transportation shall be carried out in accordance with the "Dangerous Goods Transportation Rules" of the Ministry of Transport; this product shall not be stored or transported together with food, and transportation, loading and unloading shall be handled with care, violent impact is strictly prohibited, and it shall not be inverted. 5.5 The product should be stored in a cool, ventilated and dry place, avoid being close to high temperatures, and exposure to the sun is strictly prohibited. 5.6 The shelf life of the product is two years under the above storage and transportation conditions. 6
W.bzsoso.coIAdditional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the technical jurisdiction of the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard is drafted by the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute and Zhongshan Fine Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Ye Guoheng, Wu Zhijian, Yang Shaozong, Pan Changrong and Lu Jingquan.125
In formula (3) and 4), R2 is the average value of the peak height or peak area ratio of tetramethrin to dioctyl phthalate in the sample solution; Rs is the average value of the peak height or peak area ratio of tetramethrin to dioctyl phthalate in the standard solution; m2 is the mass of tetramethrin in the standard solution, g; P2 is the percentage of tetramethrin standard; S2 is the content of tetramethrin in the solution after evaporation, g/L; 8 is the volume of the added sample, mL.
W1, W2, Ws are the same as 3.1. 4. 6.
The parallel deviation of this method should not be greater than 0.05g. 4
W3.3 Acidity determination
3.3.1 Reagents and solutions
1 Tetramethrin; 2—Dioctyl phthalate
a. Sodium hydroxide (GB629) standard solution: c(NaOH)=0.05mol/L, b. 95% ethanol (GB679);
c. Phenolphthalein indicator.
3.3.2 Operation steps
Accurately pipette 10mL of the sample treated in 3.1.1, place it in a 250mL conical flask, add 30mL of neutralized ethanol and 5~7 drops of phenolic acid indicator, and titrate with sodium hydroxide standard solution until it turns slightly red. 3.3.3 Calculation of acidity X: (g/L) Calculate according to formula (5): Wherein ·c-
Xs=VX0. 0365X1000
-concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, mol/L; volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution consumed by titrating the sample, mL; V
0.0365——mass of hydrochloric acid in grams equivalent to 1.00mL sodium hydroxide standard solution [c(NaOH)=1.000mol/L); 10.0——volume of the sample absorbed, mL. 3.4 Determination of atomization rate
After weighing the iron can containing the C-type Miehailing Aerosol, spray the liquid according to the instructions on the can, weigh the iron can and the residual liquid, then open a hole to pour out the residual liquid, and then weigh the empty can. Atomization rate X (%) is calculated according to formula (6):
Wherein: mi-
-mass of the tank before spraying, g;
-mass of the tank after spraying, g;
-mass of the empty tank,.
3.5 Net weight determination
The operation method is in accordance with 3.4.
Net weight X (g) is calculated according to formula (7).
Wherein: m1, ms are the same as 3.4.
.bzsoso: com3.6 Determination of product pressure
3.6.1 Instrument
Pressure gauge 0~1.6MPa.
3.6.2 Determination steps
Take two cans of samples, shake them several times, place them in a fume hood, remove the outer cover, gently twist off the safety cover and pull out the nozzle, align the inlet of the pressure gauge with the valve core of the Miehailing, press hard, and read the indicated pressure of the two cans. Product pressure X. Calculate according to formula (8):
Xg=p+(55-t)X 0.012
Where: p——average value of indicated pressure, MPa; 55——temperature specified in the standard, ℃; t——temperature when measuring pressure, ℃;
0.012——pressure correction coefficient, MPa/℃. 4 Inspection rules
4.1 Miehailing aerosol type C shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that all indicators of the products shipped out of the factory meet the standard requirements, and each batch of Miehailing Aerosol Type C shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate. 4.2 The atomization rate is a type inspection item and shall be inspected once a week. 4.3 The quantity of each batch of Miehailing Aerosol Type C products shall not exceed the maximum capacity of the preparation label. 4.4 Samples shall be taken from 0.2% of the packaging of each batch of products, and small batches shall not be less than three boxes; one can shall be randomly selected from each packaging box, and approximately equal inspection samples shall be taken from each can, with a total amount of not less than 0.25L, for the detection of active ingredients and acidity; other items shall be tested by sampling from the original packaging. 4.5 The user unit has the right to verify whether the received products meet the requirements of this standard in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 4.6 In the inspection results, if some indicators do not meet the standards, samples shall be taken from twice the amount of packaging for re-verification. If the result of the re-verification shows that only one indicator does not meet the requirements, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 4.7 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over product quality and cannot resolve them through negotiation, the legal inspection agency shall conduct arbitration analysis according to the inspection methods specified in this standard.
5 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
5.1 Miehailing Aerosol Type C is packaged in tinplate cans with a deformation pressure greater than or equal to 1.2MPa, a bursting pressure greater than or equal to 1.4MPa, and a plastic cover. The net capacity of each can is 600mL. Every 24 cans of products are tightly arranged in a cardboard box, and the net weight of each box does not exceed 15kg; other forms of packaging can also be used according to user requirements. 5.2 Each box of packaging should be printed with the manufacturer's name, address, product name, specifications, production date, standard number, and drug, fire prevention and other signs, and each box is accompanied by a quality certificate.
5.3 Each can is printed with the product name, manufacturer name, factory address, net capacity, prevention and treatment targets, usage, precautions, registration certificate number, production license number, active ingredients, production date, and signs such as drugs and fire prevention. 5.4 Storage and transportation shall be carried out in accordance with the "Dangerous Goods Transportation Rules" of the Ministry of Transport; this product shall not be stored or transported together with food, and transportation, loading and unloading shall be handled with care, violent impact is strictly prohibited, and it shall not be inverted. 5.5 The product should be stored in a cool, ventilated and dry place, avoid being close to high temperatures, and exposure to the sun is strictly prohibited. 5.6 The shelf life of the product is two years under the above storage and transportation conditions. 6
W.bzsoso.coIAdditional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the technical jurisdiction of the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard is drafted by the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute and Zhongshan Fine Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Ye Guoheng, Wu Zhijian, Yang Shaozong, Pan Changrong and Lu Jingquan.2 Determination steps
Take two cans of samples, shake them several times, place them in a fume hood, remove the outer cover, gently twist off the safety cover and pull out the nozzle, align the inlet of the pressure gauge with the valve core of the Miehailing, press hard, and read the indicated pressure of the two cans. Product pressure X. Calculate according to formula (8):
Xg=p+(55-t)X 0.012
Where: p——average value of indicated pressure, MPa; 55——temperature specified in the standard, ℃; t——temperature when measuring pressure, ℃;
0.012——pressure correction coefficient, MPa/℃. 4 Inspection rules
4.1 Miehailing aerosol type C shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that all indicators of the products shipped out of the factory meet the standard requirements, and each batch of Miehailing Aerosol Type C shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate. 4.2 The atomization rate is a type inspection item and shall be inspected once a week. 4.3 The quantity of each batch of Miehailing Aerosol Type C products shall not exceed the maximum capacity of the preparation label. 4.4 Samples shall be taken from 0.2% of the packaging of each batch of products, and small batches shall not be less than three boxes; one can shall be randomly selected from each packaging box, and approximately equal inspection samples shall be taken from each can, with a total amount of not less than 0.25L, for the detection of active ingredients and acidity; other items shall be tested by sampling from the original packaging. 4.5 The user unit has the right to verify whether the received products meet the requirements of this standard in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 4.6 In the inspection results, if some indicators do not meet the standards, samples shall be taken from twice the amount of packaging for re-verification. If the result of the re-verification shows that only one indicator does not meet the requirements, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 4.7 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over product quality and cannot resolve them through negotiation, the legal inspection agency shall conduct arbitration analysis according to the inspection methods specified in this standard.
5 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
5.1 Miehailing Aerosol Type C is packaged in tinplate cans with a deformation pressure greater than or equal to 1.2MPa, a burst pressure greater than or equal to 1.4MPa, and a plastic cover. The net capacity of each can is 600mL. Every 24 cans of products are tightly arranged in a cardboard box, and the net weight of each box does not exceed 15kg; other forms of packaging can also be used according to user requirements. 5.2 Each box of packaging should be printed with the manufacturer's name, address, product name, specifications, production date, standard number, and drug, fire prevention and other signs, and each box is accompanied by a quality certificate.
5.3 Each can is printed with the product name, manufacturer name, factory address, net capacity, prevention and treatment targets, usage, precautions, registration certificate number, production license number, active ingredients, production date, and signs such as drugs and fire prevention. 5.4 Storage and transportation shall be carried out in accordance with the "Dangerous Goods Transportation Rules" of the Ministry of Transport; this product shall not be stored or transported together with food, and transportation, loading and unloading shall be handled with care, violent impact is strictly prohibited, and it shall not be inverted. 5.5 The product should be stored in a cool, ventilated and dry place, avoid being close to high temperatures, and exposure to the sun is strictly prohibited. 5.6 The shelf life of the product is two years under the above storage and transportation conditions. 6
W.bzsoso.coIAdditional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is technically managed by the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard is drafted by the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute and Zhongshan Fine Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Ye Guoheng, Wu Zhijian, Yang Shaozong, Pan Changrong and Lu Jingquan.2 Determination steps
Take two cans of samples, shake them several times, place them in a fume hood, remove the outer cover, gently twist off the safety cover and pull out the nozzle, align the inlet of the pressure gauge with the valve core of the Miehailing, press hard, and read the indicated pressure of the two cans. Product pressure X. Calculate according to formula (8):
Xg=p+(55-t)X 0.012
Where: p——average value of indicated pressure, MPa; 55——temperature specified in the standard, ℃; t——temperature when measuring pressure, ℃;
0.012——pressure correction coefficient, MPa/℃. 4 Inspection rules
4.1 Miehailing aerosol type C shall be inspected by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that all indicators of the products shipped out of the factory meet the standard requirements, and each batch of Miehailing Aerosol Type C shipped out of the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate. 4.2 The atomization rate is a type inspection item and shall be inspected once a week. 4.3 The quantity of each batch of Miehailing Aerosol Type C products shall not exceed the maximum capacity of the preparation label. 4.4 Samples shall be taken from 0.2% of the packaging of each batch of products, and small batches shall not be less than three boxes; one can shall be randomly selected from each packaging box, and approximately equal inspection samples shall be taken from each can, with a total amount of not less than 0.25L, for the detection of active ingredients and acidity; other items shall be tested by sampling from the original packaging. 4.5 The user unit has the right to verify whether the received products meet the requirements of this standard in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 4.6 In the inspection results, if some indicators do not meet the standards, samples shall be taken from twice the amount of packaging for re-verification. If the result of the re-verification shows that only one indicator does not meet the requirements, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 4.7 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over product quality and cannot resolve them through negotiation, the legal inspection agency shall conduct arbitration analysis according to the inspection methods specified in this standard.
5 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
5.1 Miehailing Aerosol Type C is packaged in tinplate cans with a deformation pressure greater than or equal to 1.2MPa, a bursting pressure greater than or equal to 1.4MPa, and a plastic cover. The net capacity of each can is 600mL. Every 24 cans of products are tightly arranged in a cardboard box, and the net weight of each box does not exceed 15kg; other forms of packaging can also be used according to user requirements. 5.2 Each box of packaging should be printed with the manufacturer's name, address, product name, specifications, production date, standard number, and drug, fire prevention and other signs, and each box is accompanied by a quality certificate.
5.3 Each can is printed with the product name, manufacturer name, factory address, net capacity, prevention and treatment targets, usage, precautions, registration certificate number, production license number, active ingredients, production date, and signs such as drugs and fire prevention. 5.4 Storage and transportation shall be carried out in accordance with the "Dangerous Goods Transportation Rules" of the Ministry of Transport; this product shall not be stored or transported together with food, and transportation, loading and unloading shall be handled with care, violent impact is strictly prohibited, and it shall not be inverted. 5.5 The product should be stored in a cool, ventilated and dry place, avoid being close to high temperatures, and exposure to the sun is strictly prohibited. 5.6 The shelf life of the product is two years under the above storage and transportation conditions. 6
W.bzsoso.coIAdditional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the technical jurisdiction of the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard is drafted by the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute and Zhongshan Fine Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Ye Guoheng, Wu Zhijian, Yang Shaozong, Pan Changrong and Lu Jingquan.
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