This standard specifies the data composition, filling instructions and paper size requirements of the computer software copyright registration file format, and is applicable to the registration and management of computer software copyright. GB/T 16704-1996 Computer Software Copyright Registration File Format GB/T16704-1996 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the data composition, filling instructions and paper size requirements of the computer software copyright registration file format, and is applicable to the registration and management of computer software copyright.
Some standard content:
CB/T16704—1996 This standard is formulated for the first time. Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C and Appendix D of this standard are all appendices of the standard. This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Document Formats and Data Elements. This standard is under the jurisdiction of China Software Registration Center. The drafting units of this standard are: China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, China Software Registration Center. The main drafters of this standard are Fang Qing, Li Wei, Li Jinlan, Zhang Jing. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Document formats for registration of computer software copyright Document formats for registration oicopyright In computer software GB/T 16704-1996 This standard specifies the data element composition, filling instructions and paper size requirements of the document format for registration of computer software copyright, and is applicable to the registration management of computer software copyright. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is released, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T4754-94 National Economic Industry Classification and Code GB/T11457-1995 Software Engineering Language GB/T13702-92 Computer Software Classification and Code Paper Specification Paper size, international standard A4 type 210mm×297mm. 4 Composition of the computer software copyright registration file format) Computer Software Copyright Registration Application Form "Format (see Appendix A); b) Computer Software Manual "Format (see Appendix B) c) "Software Identification Materials External Deposit Application Form \ Format (see Appendix C) d) Software Source Program Sealing and Storage Application Form? Format (see Appendix D). 5.1 ... State Elephant Technical Supervision Bureau 1.996-12-2 0 Approved 1997-07-01 Anshi 5.1.2 Software Work Description Software Work Type GB/T 16704-1996 Divided into original software, modified version, synthesized software and translated version, select and fill in according to the type of software applied for copyright registration. New Part Description For non-original software, briefly describe the materials based on which the copyright is obtained. Original Software Name and Version Number Original software name and version number of non-original software. Original Registration Number Original software registration number of non-original software. 5.1.3 Date, Place, and Method Development Completion Date The date when the software developer fixes the software on a certain material carrier. First Publication Date The date when the copyright owner first intends to make the software public. First Publication Place The name of the country and region (province, city) where the software is first published. First Publication Method The method by which the copyright owner first makes the software public. For example, a product launch conference, a trade exhibition, or providing copies to others. 5.1.4 Software Developer Situation Development Form It is divided into independent development, cooperative development, commissioned development, and task development. Developer Includes the developer's name (or surname), nationality, and detailed address. 5.1.5 Software Copyright Ownership Status Ownership Status It is divided into sole ownership and joint ownership. 5. 1. 5. 2 Copyright Owner Including the name (or surname), nationality and detailed address of the copyright owner. 5.1.6 Applicant Information 5.1. 6. 1 Applicants It is divided into copyright owners and successors of rights. Name (or surname) Full name of the organization or personal name, Certificate Number Registration number of the business license of a legal entity that has handled legal person registration or the valid certificate number that proves personal identity. Nationality and address Nationality and address of the applicant Postal code Postal code of the applicant's location. 5. 1. 6.6 Contact person's name Name of the contact person designated by the organization. Phone number of the contact person or individual of the organization, 5. 1. 6. 8 Joint applicants GB/T 16704—1996 When there are more than two organizations or individuals who own the software copyright, the names (or names) of the other applicants except the applicant. The organization should use the full name, 5.1.7 Agent The organization designated by the software copyright administrative authority to register the software copyright. Name Name of the agency. Detailed address Detailed address of the agency 5. 1. 7.3 Postal code Postal code of the agency’s location. Name of agent Name of the person designated by the agency to conduct the agency business. Certificate number Certificate number of the agent. 5. 1.7. 6 Telephone Contact number of the agent. 5.1.8 Payment of application fee Including the amount of application fee paid, payment method and receipt number. 5.1.9 List of submitted documents List of documents that should be submitted and other documents that need to be submitted according to regulations. 5.1.10 Signature and seal of the applicant or agent Signature or seal of the successful applicant or agent. Photocopies are invalid. 5.1.11 Review opinion and seal of the registration authority Review conclusion and seal of the software registration department. 5.1.12 Supervisor number (cover) 5. 1. 12. 1 Processing number The acceptance number determined by the software registration department when receiving the application document. 5.1. 12.2 Classification The classification number determined by the software registration department according to the codes in GB/T13702 and GB/T4754. 5. 1. 12.3 Registration number The registration number determined by the software registration department after approving the software registration application. 5.2 "Computer Software Manual Format Data Elements and Descriptions" 5.2.1 Software Name 5.2. 1. 1 Full name The full name of the software to be registered, 5. 2. 1. 2 Abbreviation The name that simplifies the full name of the software. Version number The version number of the software for which copyright registration is applied. 5.2.2 Hardware environment 5. 2. 2. 1 GB/T 167041996 The name and model of the computer and CPU used to develop the software. Main applicable models and CPU models The name and model of the main computer and CPU running the software. Memory requirements The minimum memory space required to run the software. Usually given in bytes, and the corresponding measurement unit should be selected. External memory requirements The type, model, name, number, recording density and minimum external memory space of the external storage device required to run the software. Usually given in bytes, and the corresponding measurement unit should be selected. Terminal requirements The name, model, resolution, speed, screen characteristics and display mode of the terminal required to run the software. Other peripheral requirements In addition to memory, external storage, and terminals, the hardware environment requirements required to run the software. Such as network requirements, etc. 5.2.3 Software environment Operating system The name and version number of the operating system running the software. Supporting environment In addition to the operating system, the names and version numbers of other software that support the operation of the software, such as: word-changing environment, etc. Programming language The name and version number of the programming language used to compile the software. Source program length The length of the source program of the software (including comment statements). Program storage media The name, specifications and model of the storage medium of the software. 5.2.4 Applicable scope Main applicable industries Refer to the industry classification of GB/T4754, describe the main application industries of the software in the national economy in words. Main purpose The specific application objects, purposes and service specifications of the software in the applicable industry 5.2.5 Retail price or quotation If the software retail price or quotation includes related hardware or special chips, please indicate it. 5.2.6 Software Features Briefly describe the purpose of the creation of the software, the main functions and performance and its technical characteristics. If it is a modified version, focus on the main functions and performance and its technical characteristics of the newly added parts. 5.2.7 Management Number (Cover) 5.2.7. 1 Acceptance Number The acceptance number determined by the software registration department when receiving the application documents. Classification Number The classification number determined by the software registration department according to the codes in GB/T13702 and GB/T4754. Registration Number The registration number determined by the software registration department after approving the software registration application. 5.3 "Software Identification Materials Example Deposit Application Form Data Elements and Descriptions 5.3.1 Software Name The full name of the software for which copyright registration is applied. Abbreviation The name that simplifies the full name of the registered software. Version number The version number of the software for which copyright is being applied. 5.3.2 Applicant Name (or name) Full name of the organization or personal name. Nationality and address Nationality and address of the applicant. Contact person name Name of the contact person designated by the organization. Name Name of the agency. Address Detailed address of the agency. Postal code Postal code of the agency’s location. Agent's name GB/T 167041996 Name of the person designated by the agency to handle the agency business. Certificate number Agent's valid certificate number. Telephone Agent's contact number. 5.3.4 External deposit options and reasons Choose one of the three external deposit methods. If an overlay is required, indicate the overlay page number. And explain the reason for the external deposit. 5.3.5 Signature (seal) of the applicant or agent Signature or seal of the applicant or agent, photocopy is invalid. 5.3.6 Review opinion and seal of the registration agency Review conclusion and seal of the software registration review department. 5.3.7 Acceptance number The acceptance number determined by the software registration department when receiving the application form. 5.4 Format of the application form for sealing and storing software source programs Data elements and instructions 5.4.1 Applicant Name (or name) Full name of the organization or name of an individual. Certificate number Registration number of the business license of a legal entity that has handled legal entity registration in accordance with the law or a valid certificate number that proves the individual's identity. Nationality and address Country and address of the applicant. Postal code Contact name Name of the contact person designated by the organization. Telephone Telephone number of the organization's contact person or individual. 5.4.2 Agent Name Name of the agency. Address Detailed address of the agency. Postal Code Political Code of the location of the agency. Name of Agent GB/T 16704—1996 Name of the person designated by the agency to handle the agency business. Certificate Number Agent’s valid certificate number Telephone Agent’s contact telephone number. 5.4.3 Software Name Software Name Full name of the software for which copyright registration is applied. 5. 4. 3.2 Version number The version number of the software for which copyright registration is applied. Registration number The registration number determined after the software registration department approves the software registration application. Registration date The date on which the software registration department issues the computer software copyright registration certificate. 5.4.4 Storage options and storage purpose The applicant shall indicate the source program storage part and briefly explain the storage purpose. 5.4.5 Preservation period The preservation period shall be within the protection period of the software and shall end on December 31 of the 25th year after the first publication year of the software. 5.4.6 Storage fee payment status Including the amount of storage fee paid, payment method and receipt number. 5.4.7 Applicant’s signature (seal) Signature or seal by the applicant, photocopy is invalid. 5.4.8 Review opinion and seal by the registration agency The software registration archive department signs the review opinion and seals. 5.4.9Acceptance number The acceptance number determined by the software registration department when receiving the application form. GB/T16704—1996 Appendix A (Appendix to the standard) Application Form for Registration of Computer Software Copyright》Format Acceptance number Classification number Registration number Application Form for Registration of Computer Software Made by China Software Registration Center Note: The outer line of this page represents the outer edge of the benzene paper, and the actual size is the international standard A4 type 210mm×297mm①Software name Software work description Software developer status Software copyright ownership status Software work type: Newly added part description GB/T 167041996 口Original software Original software name and version number Development completion date First publication location Development form: ■Sole ownership Name (name) Sole development Name (name) Ownership status ■Modified software Cooperative development Classification number Version number Synthesized software First publication date First publication method ■Commissioned development 口Joint ownership Translation Original registration number 口Task development Detailed address Detailed address Applicant's ID Agent Applicant: Name(full name) Nationality and address Contact person's name Co-applicant Detailed address Agent's name Application fee @List of submitted documents: Application form Software description section Applicant's identity statement| |tt||口Program identification materials ○Design specification QUser manual Signature of applicant or agent Yuan has been passed Copy per copy Copy per copy Copy per copy Copy per copy Copy per copy Copy per copy Copy per copy GB/T 16704- 1996 ■Copyright owner 口Bank Year, month, day Rights successor Certificate number Postal code Postal code Certificate number Direct payment is made by the door. Receipt number: Export agent authorization Example: Foreign deposit application ■Non-job software development certificate Contract or agreement ○Maintenance manual C. Operation manual ()Registration agency reviews and signs Copy per copy Copy per copy page Copy per copy Copy per copy Copy per copy page Copy per copy Copy per copy-page Copy per page City inspector Note: This is GB/T16704-1996 Appendix B (Standard Appendix) Calculation Computer software manual\format Computer software manual China Software Registration Center Acceptance number Classification number Registration number ①Software name Scope of application Development software model And CPU model Main applicable models And CPU model Terminal requirements Other peripheral requirements Operating operating system Supporting environment Programming language Program storage media Main applicable industries Main users ③Retail price or quotation (RMB): CB/T 167041996 Version number Memory requirement External storage requirement Source code size (USD): KB(MB) KB(MB) Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.