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Procedural regulations regarding the environment quality monitoring of air in agricultural regions

Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 397-2000

Standard Name:Procedural regulations regarding the environment quality monitoring of air in agricultural regions

Chinese Name: 农区环境空气质量监测技术规范

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-08-30

Date of Implementation:2000-12-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:General>>Basic Standards>>A21 Environmental Conditions and General Test Methods

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2000-11-01

other information

drafter:Liu Suyun, Xu Zhiqiang, Zhan Xinhua, Liu Fengzhi, Tao Zhan

Drafting unit:Ministry of Agriculture Environmental Monitoring Center, Heilongjiang Province Agricultural Environmental Protection Station

Proposing unit:Department of Science, Technology and Education, Ministry of Agriculture

Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic requirements for sampling, analysis methods, quality control, data processing and results expression of ambient air quality monitoring in agricultural areas. This standard applies to the monitoring of ambient air quality in agricultural areas. NY/T 397-2000 Technical Specification for Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality in Agricultural Areas NY/T397-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basic requirements for sampling, analysis methods, quality control, data processing and results expression of ambient air quality monitoring in agricultural areas. This standard applies to the monitoring of ambient air quality in agricultural areas.

Some standard content:

According to the relevant provisions of the National Environmental Monitoring Management Regulations and the Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Regulations, in view of the fact that my country's agricultural environmental monitoring network has been established, in order to meet the needs of work, combined with the functional scope and monitoring capacity of my country's agricultural environmental monitoring, this standard is specially formulated. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard.
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Education Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. Drafting units of this standard: Environmental Monitoring Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Heilongjiang Agricultural Environmental Protection Station Main drafters of this standard: Liu Fengzhi, Li Zhanjun, Liu Suyun, Zhan Xinhua, Tao Zhan. 55
1 Scope
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical regulations regarding the environment qualitymonitoring of air in agricultural regions NY/T 397—2000
This standard specifies the basic requirements for the sampling, analysis methods, quality control, data processing and results expression of the monitoring of air quality in agricultural areas.
This standard applies to the monitoring of ambient air quality in agricultural areas. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB3095-1996 Ambient air quality standard
GB/T6921—1986 Determination method for atmospheric dust concentrationGB/T8971--1988 Air quality Determination of benzo(a)stilbene in dust Acetylated filter paper chromatography fluorescence spectrophotometry GB 9137 -1988
Maximum allowable concentration of atmospheric pollutants for crop protectionGB/T 98011988
Air quality
GB/T 14668—1993
GB/T 14669—1993
GB/T 14679--1993
GB/T 15262—1994
GB/T 15264—1994
GB/T 15432—1995
GB/T 15433
GB/T 15434—1995
GB/T 15436---1995
GB/T 15438—1995
GB/T 15439 1995
GB/T 16157----1996
Determination of carbon monoxideNon-dispersive infrared method
Air quality
Air quality
Air quality
Ambient air
Ambient air
Ambient air
Ambient air
Ambient air
Ambient air
Ambient air
Determination of ammoniaNessler's reagent colorimetric method
Determination of ammoniaIon-selective electrode method
Determination of ammoniaSodium hypochlorite-salicylic acid spectrophotometric methodDetermination of sulfur dioxideFormaldehyde absorption-pararosaniline spectrophotometric method Determination of lead by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry Determination of total suspended particulate matter by gravimetric method
Determination of fluoride by lime filter paper·fluoride ion selective electrode method Determination of fluoride mass concentration, membrane fluoride ion selective electrode method Determination of nitrogen oxides by Saltzman method
Determination of ozone by sodium indigo disulfonate spectrophotometry Determination of ozone by ultraviolet photometry
Ambient air
Ambient air Determination of benzo[a]pyrene by high performance liquid chromatography Method for determination of particulate matter in exhaust gas from stationary pollution sources and sampling of gaseous pollutants GB16297—1996 Integrated emission standard of air pollutants NY/T 395—2000
Technical specification for monitoring environmental quality of farmland soil 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
Agricultural ambient air
Approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China on August 30, 200056
Implemented on December 1, 2000
-Outdoor air to which people, plants, animals and buildings in areas where agricultural production activities are conducted are exposed. 4 Sampling techniques for monitoring air quality in agricultural areas 4.1 On-site investigation and data collection before sampling
4.1.1 Pollution source investigation in the monitoring area Investigation of air pollution sources in industrial and mining enterprises. Focus on the investigation and collection of information on the distribution and types of industrial and mining enterprises, types of air pollutants, emission methods, emission amounts, emission times, and waste gas treatment. During the investigation, attention should be paid to collecting environmental impact assessment data of industrial and mining enterprises and other air pollution data in the surrounding areas. Investigation of pollution sources from domestic stoves. Investigation of motor vehicles and other air pollution sources. 4.1.2 Investigate and collect data on natural factors related to air monitoring. Meteorological data: geographical distribution of major climate characteristics and elements, temporal and spatial variation patterns, such as maximum wind speed, prevailing wind direction, temperature, air pressure, precipitation, visibility, etc. Environmental conditions: topography, vegetation, geographical location, etc. Plant growth: casualties and normal growth of sensitive and resistant plant communities are key survey contents, so as to select indicator plants for air pollution.
4.1.3 Investigate and collect social and economic conditions and data on administrative divisions, population distribution, agricultural production, industrial layout, human and animal health, etc. in the monitoring area.
4.1.4 Investigate and collect information on the basic air quality level, pollution status, and the harm of air pollution to agricultural production in the monitoring area, including information on the current pollution status and pollution history.
4.1.5 Classify and organize the collected background information and archive it. 4.2 Monitoring point layout
4.2.1 Monitoring point layout principles The layout of monitoring points should be representative, and the monitoring points should reflect the level and law of atmospheric environmental pollution in a certain range of areas. The setting of monitoring points should take into account the setting conditions of each monitoring point, and be as consistent or standardized as possible, so that the data obtained by each monitoring point are comparable. The setting of monitoring points should fully meet the requirements of the national agricultural environmental monitoring network, and special points should meet the requirements of the special setting of the point. The layout of atmospheric environmental monitoring points in agricultural areas should take into account the possible impact of pollution sources in the area on the ambient air in the agricultural area, and take into account natural environmental factors such as natural geography and meteorology, with the purpose of mastering the status of pollution sources and reflecting the level of environmental pollution in the area. Once the location of the monitoring point is determined, it should not be easily changed to ensure the continuity and comparability of the monitoring data. The principle of emergency monitoring point layout for pollution accidents is to monitor wherever there is pollution. Monitoring points should be arranged in places where pollution is suspected or confirmed. At the same time, reference points should be considered. In special cases of cross-type multi-path atmospheric environmental pollution and obvious changes in pollution levels over time, special considerations should be given (such as adding monitoring points, increasing monitoring items or sampling frequency, etc.). 4.2.2 Monitoring point layout methods and specific requirements The location of the monitoring point should be determined by careful investigation and research. After a rough understanding of the ambient air pollution status in the monitoring area is obtained by using methods such as intermittent monitoring, the location of the monitoring point can be selected and determined. The area around the monitoring point should be open, and the angle between the horizontal line of the sampling port and the height of the surrounding buildings should not be greater than 30°. There should be no local pollution sources around the measuring point and avoid trees and buildings with strong adsorption capacity. There should be no stoves, smoke windows, etc. within 5 to 15 meters from the device, and it should be far away from the road to eliminate the influence of local pollution sources on the representativeness of the monitoring results. The sampling port (horizontal plane) should have a free space of more than 270°. The data of the monitoring point should generally meet the conditions of small variance and coefficient of variation, and the pollution characteristics and laws of the measured pollutants should be relatively clear, and the data should be less affected by the surrounding environmental factors. At the same time, it is also required to select a point with large variance and influencing factors mainly coming from large-area pollution sources, and non-local influence. Monitor the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and conditions of air pollution in agricultural areas using the grid point method. For open areas and remote areas, the spatial density of points should be appropriately reduced, and the spatial density of points should be appropriately increased in the downwind direction of the dominant wind direction of the pollution source. The method of setting up monitoring points for pollution accident emergency shall refer to GB16297 and GB/T16157. Unorganized emissions shall be implemented in accordance with Appendix C of GB16297. The impact of gaseous or aerosol pollutants discharged from smokestacks or exhaust ducts on the ambient air in agricultural areas shall be set up using the concentric circle axis method or the fan method. For areas with complex pollution factors, the random point method should be adopted. Sampling height:
a) The sampling height of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and total suspended particulate matter is generally 3 to 15m, preferably 5 to 10m, and the sampling height of fluoride is generally 3.5 to 4m. The relative height between the sampling port and the foundation surface should be more than 1.5m to reduce the impact of dust. b) The atmospheric sampling height of agricultural production bases is basically the same as the height of plants. c) In special terrain areas, appropriate sampling heights can be selected according to the situation. A matching monitoring booth (room) should be installed at the fixed monitoring points for routine monitoring, and a stable and reliable power supply should be considered. 4.3 Number of monitoring points
4.3.1 The number of sampling points in the monitoring area should be determined based on the monitoring purpose, the size of the representative area, the analysis and testing capabilities, the actual working conditions (such as transportation and power supply), etc., while considering the requirements of mathematical statistics and the accuracy of ambient air quality evaluation. 4.3.2 For the monitoring of atmospheric environmental quality in agricultural production bases, if the area is small and the layout is relatively concentrated, 3 points will be set up; if the layout is relatively scattered and the area is large, the number of points will be appropriately increased, and the number of points will be appropriately reduced in open areas and remote areas. At the same time, the stability of air quality and the impact of pollutants on crop growth should be considered, and the number of monitoring points should be appropriately increased or decreased. 4.3.3 The impact of pollution sources on the air quality of agricultural production bases should be monitored, depending on the type of pollution source, the mode of exhaust gas emission, and the amount of emission. The number of monitoring points is generally controlled at 5 to 7. Unorganized emission sources: Generally, 4 points are set up in the downwind direction and 1 control point is set up in the upwind direction. Smoke window or exhaust pipe: The highest concentration of pollutants at the point where they land is closely related to the distance from the pollution source, the source strength, the source height (effective height), the diameter and temperature of the exhaust port, and the local meteorological conditions at that time. Under normal circumstances, the location where high concentrations occur is in the downwind direction of the pollution source, equivalent to 10 to 20 times the effective height of the emission source. The concentric circle axis method or the fan method is usually used for point distribution. The wind direction on site fluctuates greatly, so it is appropriate to use the concentric circle multi-directional point distribution method. With the pollution source as the center, make 16 or 8 directional radial lines, and the number of concentric circles is not less than 5 to 7. The intersection of the two is the monitoring point. The number of monitoring points should be appropriately selected according to needs. The wind direction on site does not change much, and the fan-shaped point distribution method can be used. With the dominant wind direction as the axis, expand the radial lines of about 30° on both sides, not less than 3 to 5 lines, and make not less than 5 to 7 concentric arcs in the fan-shaped area. The intersection of the two is the monitoring point, and at the same time, set 1 to 2 control points on the upwind direction of the pollution beam source.
4.4 Sample Collection
4.4.1 Preparation before Collection Formulation of Sampling Plan
Based on the results of the on-site investigation and the requirements for the site layout, a sampling plan should be proposed, the sampling points, time and route should be determined, the personnel division of labor should be done well, and the necessary instruments, equipment and sampling equipment should be prepared. Calibration of Sampling Instruments
Newly purchased samplers and repaired samplers should be calibrated. The sampler should be calibrated once a month during its service life. Connect the corresponding flow meter to the sampling system, make the flow meter usage status and calibration status as consistent as possible, and perform flow calibration. In this way, the error caused by the air resistance generated by various devices (such as absorption tubes, filters and flow control valves, etc.) in the incoming sample system can be minimized. Calibration of Flow Measurement Equipment
For the calibration of soap film flowmeter, wet flowmeter, rotor flowmeter and orifice flowmeter, please refer to the relevant instructions. Calibration of sampler timer
The time delay meter and timer should be calibrated once every quarter, using a timer with accurate timekeeping to make the error no more than ±1%, and the calibration date58
should be recorded in a special record book.
NY/T 397--2000 Thermometers and pressure gauges used for sampling should be calibrated regularly according to the instructions. Preparation of sampling equipment
a) Screening of absorption tubes: Use resistance test or foaming test to screen out qualified absorption tubes. After use, the absorption tubes should be rinsed with deionized water to avoid clogging the glass plate.
b) Inspection of filter membranes: Before using the filter membranes, they must be checked under a light source, and filter membranes with pinholes, cracks, unevenness and other defects should be removed.
The preparation of other instruments, sampling tools and chemicals should be carried out according to the requirements of the corresponding analysis methods. 4.4.2 Sampling method
See the sample collection section in the relevant ambient air monitoring and analysis methods. 4.4.3 Sampling requirements After arriving at the sampling site, install the sampling device. Try to start the sampler 2 to 3 times, check the airtightness, observe whether the instrument is normal, whether the connection between the absorption tube and the instrument is correct, adjust the clock and watch to align, and ensure that the time is correct. Turn on and off the machine on time. During the sampling process, the sampling flow should be checked frequently and the flow deviation should be adjusted in time. For samplers powered by DC, the battery voltage should be checked frequently to ensure the stability of the sampling flow. When sampling with a filter membrane, wipe the dust on the surface of the sampling clamp and the filter membrane support net with a clean cloth before placing the filter membrane, with the hair side of the filter membrane facing up; clamp it into the sampling clamp with tweezers, and it is strictly forbidden to touch the filter membrane directly with your hands. When fixing and sealing the filter membrane with screws, the tightening force should be appropriate, and no air leakage is the standard. When taking out the filter membrane after sampling, be careful to fold the filter membrane inward with the hair side facing inward. Put the folded filter membrane in a smooth paper bag or plastic bag and store it in a box. Pay special attention to whether there is any filter membrane scraps left in the sampling clip, and take it out and weigh or measure it together with the filter membrane. Pay attention to whether the sampled filter membrane has physical damage and whether there is perforation and leakage during the sampling process. Once found, the sample filter membrane will be invalid.
The filter membrane or lime filter paper used to collect fluoride should be isolated from air during transportation and storage. When using absorption liquid to collect gas, too high or too low temperature will affect the results. When the temperature is too low, the absorption rate decreases, and when it is too high, the sample is unstable. Therefore, in winter and summer, the sampling absorption tube should be placed in an appropriate constant temperature device, generally keeping the temperature at 15-25℃. The sulfur dioxide collection temperature is required to be 23-29℃. When sampling nitrogen oxides, avoid light. During the sampling process, the sampling personnel cannot leave the scene and pay attention to avoid passers-by watching. Do not smoke near the sampling device. Always observe the operating status of the instrument, pay attention to changes in the surrounding environment and meteorological conditions at any time, and make careful records. Fill in the sampling records in sync with the work procedures. Fill in one item after completing it. Do not advance or fill in later. Fill in the records in detail. The content includes: sample name, sampling location, sample number, sampling date, sampling start and end time, sampling flow, temperature, pressure, wind direction, wind speed during sampling, sampling instrument, absorption liquid description, etc., and the sampler must sign. 4.4.4 Collection of quality control samples Indoor blank: Samples of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide in the air are collected from ambient air by a sampling pump. The standard solution for making the calibration curve is prepared with equivalent chemical reagents, and there are significant differences between the two. The laboratory blank is only equivalent to the zero concentration value of the calibration curve. Therefore, there is no need to perform a separate laboratory blank experiment for these two items during laboratory analysis. Field Blank When collecting samples of dioxide and nitrogen oxides, a field blank absorption tube should be brought to the site together with other sampling absorption tubes. This tube does not collect samples. After sampling, it is sent to the laboratory together with other sampling absorption tubes. This tube is the static field blank tube for the project at the sampling point on the day.
When analyzing samples, the field blank value is measured and compared with the zero concentration value of the calibration curve. If the field blank value is higher or lower than the zero concentration value and there is no explanation, the field blank value should be used as the basis to correct the actual measured data of the sampling point on the day. When the field blank is higher than the zero concentration value, the difference between the two should be subtracted from the analysis result; when the field blank is lower than the zero concentration value, the absolute value of the difference between the two should be added to the analysis result. The above method can eliminate the unreasonable phenomenon that the measured values ​​of some samples are lower than the blank value of the calibration curve. Field blank of filter membrane (or lime filter paper) used for collecting fluoride: Bring the impregnated filter membrane (or lime filter paper) to the sampling site without collecting samples. After sampling, bring it back to the laboratory together with the sample filter membrane (or lime filter paper), which is the field blank of fluoride. Number of field blank samples collected: One sample per day for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides; 4 to 6 samples per batch of fluoride filter membranes are required. Collection of parallel samples on site: Gas samples collected by two samplers of the same model under the same sampling conditions (including time, location, absorption liquid, filter membrane, flow rate, direction, etc.) are parallel samples. When collecting parallel samples of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, the two instruments are 1 to 2 meters apart, and when collecting fluoride and total suspended particulate matter, they are 2 to 4 meters apart. 4.4.5 Sampling cycle and frequency
Determined according to different sampling purposes. The sampling cycle and frequency must be able to meet the requirements of the "Statistical validity regulations for various pollutant data" in the standard. Comprehensive understanding of the quality of farmland air environment The daily sampling time starts at 8 o'clock. a) Sulfur dioxide: Sampling every other day, daily sampling for 24 hours ± 0.5 hours, 14 to 16 days per month, 12 months per year. b) Nitrogen oxides: Same as sulfur dioxide.
c) Total suspended particulate matter: sampling every other day, continuous monitoring for 24h±0.5h every day, monitoring for 5-6 days every month, 12 months every year. d) Fluoride:
1) Lime filter paper method: sampling every (20±5) days, once a month, 12 months every year. 2) Filter membrane method: 1h average: at least 45min sampling time per hour; daily average: at least 12h sampling time per day; monthly average: at least 15 days sampling per month; plant growth season average: at least 70% of the monthly average in each growing season. e) Ozone: 1h average: at least 45min sampling time per hour. Sampling frequency for pollution accidents, etc.
In case of special circumstances (pollution accidents, etc.), the sampling frequency should be increased at any time for emergency monitoring according to the specific circumstances to understand the pollution situation. 4.4.6 Sampling site records
Sampling staff should fill in sampling records, sample labels, sample registration forms, etc. in a timely and accurate manner. Write with a hard pencil or fountain pen. The sample registration form should be in triplicate. See Figure 1 for the sample label. See Table A1 and Table A2 in Appendix A for the sampling record and sample registration form. Ambient air sample label
Sample number
Sample name
Sampling location
Monitoring item
Start and end time
4.5 Sample number
Business code
Standard volume
Sampling date
Figure 1 Ambient air sample label
4.5.1 The air sample number in the agricultural area consists of a category code and a sequence number. Category code: It is represented by 1 to 2 capital letters of the Chinese pinyin of the keyword of agricultural ambient air, that is, "Q\ represents agricultural ambient air samples. Sequence number, use Arabic numerals to represent samples collected at different locations, the sample number starts from Q001, and one sequence number represents the sample collected at one sampling point.
4.5.2 For control point and background point samples, add \CK after the number". 60)
NY/T 397--2000
4.5.3 The sample registration number and the sample operation number are consistent with the number of the collected sample to prevent confusion. 4.6 Sample transportation and storage
4.6.1 After the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide samples are collected, the absorption liquid is quickly transferred to a 10ml colorimetric tube, protected from light and refrigerated, and the number is checked in detail to check whether the number of the colorimetric tube corresponds to the number on the sampling bottle and sampling record. The samples should be transported back to the laboratory for determination on the same day. The storage time of nitrogen oxide absorption liquid cannot exceed 3 days. During the storage and transportation of samples, be careful to prevent spillage, leakage and confusion. 4.6.2 Each filter membrane for collecting TSP and fluoride (two for fluoride) should be placed in a small paper bag or plastic bag, and then placed in a sealed box for storage. Do not fold or rub. After being transported back to the laboratory, store it in an empty desiccator. 4.6.3 When the samples are sent to the laboratory, they should be handed over and accepted, and the handover and receiving persons should sign. If there is a disordered number, missing labels, unclear handwriting, and unequal quantities, report to the relevant person in charge and take remedial measures in time. The sampling records should be submitted to the laboratory for unified management together with the samples. 5 Monitoring projects and analysis methods for ambient air quality in agricultural areas 5.1 Principles for determining monitoring projects
5.1.1 Key projects: pollutants that are required to be controlled in GB3095 and are more harmful to crops (key projects include: fluoride, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, total suspended particulate matter, ozone). 5.1.2 General items: pollutants that are required to be controlled in GB3095 but are not harmful to crops; pollutants that are not required to be controlled in GB/T16157 but are harmful to crops (general items include: inhalable particulate matter, carbon monoxide, lead, benzo[a}pyrene, sulfation rate, ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, etc.)
5.2 Principles for selecting analytical methods
5.2.1 The first method: standard method (i.e. arbitration method), the analytical method selected in GB3095. 5.2.2 The second method: the method specified or recommended by the authority. 5.2.3 The third method: according to the actual situation of each station, select an equivalent method. However, a comparative experiment should be conducted, and its detection limit, accuracy, and precision should not be lower than the corresponding general method requirements or the requirements for accurate quantification of the object to be measured. 5.3 Monitoring items and analytical methods
The monitoring items and analytical methods for ambient air in agricultural areas are shown in Table 1. Table 1 List of monitoring items and analysis methods for ambient air in agricultural areas Monitoring items
Sulfur dioxide
Nitrogen dioxide
Total suspended particulate matter
Atmospheric dust
Carbon dioxide
Sulfation rate
Hydrogen chloride
Monitoring instruments
Ions meter
ion meter
analytical balance
analytical balance
infrared analyzer
fluorescence photometer
liquid chromatography
atomic absorption spectrometer
analytical balance
monitoring method
formaldehyde-pararosaniline spectrophotometry
Saltzman Method
Lime filter paper fluoride ion selective electrode method
Filter membrane fluoride ion selective electrode method
Gravimetric method
Sodium indigo disulfonate
Ultraviolet photometry
Gravimetric method
Non-dispersive infrared method
Acetylated filter paper chromatography fluorescence spectrophotometry high performance liquid chromatography
Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Lead dioxide method
Mercury thiocyanate spectrophotometry
Method source
GB/T 15262
GB/T 15436
GB/T 15433
GB/T 15434
GB/T 15437
GB/T 8971
《Air and Waste Gas Monitoring and Analysis Methods》
《Air and Waste Gas Monitoring and Analysis Methods》
Monitoring Items
Monitoring Instruments
Ion Meter
6 Laboratory Analysis Quality Control and Quality Assurance 6.1 For the quality control procedures of routine analysis in the laboratory, see NY/T395.
6.2 Laboratory Basics
See NY/T395.
6.3 Laboratory internal quality control
6.3.1 Basic experiments for analytical quality control
See NY/T 395.
6.3.2 Drawing, checking and using calibration curves See NY/T 395.
6.3.3 Accuracy control
See NY/T 395.
6.3.4 Accuracy control
See NY/T 395.
6.3.5 Quality control charts and others Determination of sulfur dioxide
NY/T 397---2000
Table 1 (end)
Monitoring method
Nessler's reagent colorimetric method
Ion selective electrode method
Sodium hypofluorite-salicylic acid spectrophotometric method
Methyl orange spectrophotometric method
Method source
GB/T 14668
GB/T 14679
《Air and Waste Gas Monitoring and Analysis Method》
Requirements for the formaldehyde buffer absorption-pararosaniline hydrochloride spectrophotometry method: the reagent blank value is not greater than 0.005; the calibration curve correlation coefficient should be greater than 0.999, and the slope is 0.044±0.003; for lightly polluted areas, the control limit of the extreme value of the standard control solution of 4.5μg sulfur dioxide/7.5mL is ±0.5μg; for heavily polluted areas, the control limit of the extreme value of the standard control solution of 8.0μg sulfur dioxide/7.5mL is ±0.6μg. Determination of nitrogen oxides
The reagent blank value is not greater than 0.005; the calibration curve correlation coefficient should be greater than 0.999, and the slope is 0.190±0.009; the intercept is not greater than 0.008.
6.3.6 Handling of interference during monitoring See NY/T 395.
6.4 Quality control between laboratories See NY/T395.
Mathematical statistics of air quality monitoring in rural areas 7.1 Experimental records See NY/T395.
7.2 Data processing of laboratory analysis results See NY/T395.
7.3 Representation and reporting of analysis results See NY/T 395.
7.4 Statistics of air quality monitoring results in rural areas See Table A13 in Appendix A for the report of air quality monitoring results in rural areas. b) The statistical table of monitoring results of ambient air quality in agricultural areas is shown in Table A14 in Appendix A. 8 Evaluation of monitoring results
8.1 Evaluation unit
According to the needs of the ambient air quality analysis in the monitoring area, each sampling point shall be classified and statistical evaluation shall be conducted by category. 8.2 Evaluation standard
8.2.1 The maximum allowable concentration of atmospheric pollutants for protecting crops and the atmospheric ambient air quality standard shall be the evaluation standard. 8.2.2 For projects without quality standards, the pollutant accumulation index can be calculated using the environmental background value for comparative explanation. 8.3 Evaluation method
The evaluation of air quality in agricultural areas includes two aspects: evaluation of monitoring projects, i.e., evaluation of monitoring pollutants, and evaluation of monitoring areas. The evaluation parameters include pollution accumulation index, pollution index (including single item and comprehensive pollution index), quality classification, pollutant sharing rate, detection rate and exceeding standard rate. 8.3.1 Calculation methods for various parameters The single atmospheric pollution index is calculated according to formula (1): Actual value of atmospheric pollutants
Single atmospheric pollution index =
Quality standard of weather pollutants The comprehensive atmospheric pollution index is calculated according to formula (2): Comprehensive atmospheric pollution index = Most daily single pollution index × Average single pollution index8.3.1.3 The cumulative atmospheric pollution index is calculated according to formula (3): Cumulative atmospheric pollution index = Atmospheric pollutant measured value Pollutant background value The excess multiple of atmospheric pollution is calculated according to formula (4): Excess multiple of atmospheric pollution = Actual value of a certain atmospheric pollutant = Quality standard of pollutant Quality standard of a certain pollutant The atmospheric pollutant sharing rate is calculated according to formula (5): Atmospheric A certain pollution index
Atmospheric pollutant sharing rate (%) =
The sum of the individual pollution indices The excess rate of atmospheric pollution samples is calculated according to formula (6): Exceeding rate of atmospheric pollution samples (%) - The detection rate of atmospheric samples is calculated according to formula (7): Total number of exceeding samples
Total number of monitored samples
Total number of detected samples×100
Atmospheric sample detection rate (%) =
8.3.2 Grading and demarcation of air environment quality in rural areas Total number of monitored samples
Grading and demarcation of air environment quality in rural areas According to different evaluation purposes, the pollution index is calculated according to GB9137 and GB3095 respectively. The evaluation of air quality in rural areas is generally based on a single pollution index, and can be directly divided into three levels using the pollutant concentration limits in GB9137 and GB3095; but when the air quality in a region is compared with the air quality in other regions as a whole, or when the air quality in the same region is compared in different historical periods, a comprehensive pollution index should be used for evaluation, and divided into five levels according to the comprehensive pollution index. The classification standards for air quality in rural areas are shown in Table 2.
Data compilation
See NY/T395.
Table 2 Classification standards for air quality in rural areas
Comprehensive pollution index
Pollution level
Still clean
Light pollution
Medium pollution
Heavy pollution
Pollution Yongping
Within standard limit
Warning level
Alarm level
Emergency level
Sampling date
Project name
Sampling location
Absorbent liquid or
Filter membrane number
On-site situation record
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Original record forms of various ambient air quality monitoring in rural areas Quality Monitoring Sampling Record Form Table A
Inspected Unit
Province (Autonomous Region, Municipality)
End Time
County (City, District)
Township (Town)
Schematic Diagram of Sampling Points
Monitoring Business Code
Sample Number
Sample Collector
Sample Collector Time
Sampling location
Table A2 Registration form for samples of air quality monitoring in rural areas Absorbent liquid or filter membrane number
Sample submitter
Submission time
Sampling date
Sample collector
Start and end time
Sampling date
Standard volume
Year, month, day
Items to be tested3 Evaluation Methods
The evaluation of air quality in rural areas includes two aspects: monitoring items, i.e., monitoring pollutant evaluation, and monitoring area evaluation. The evaluation parameters include pollution accumulation index, pollution index (including single item and comprehensive pollution index), quality classification, pollutant sharing rate, detection rate, and exceeding standard rate. 8.3.1 Calculation methods for various parameters The single atmospheric pollution index is calculated according to formula (1): Actual value of atmospheric pollutants
Single atmospheric pollution index =
Quality standard of weather pollutants The comprehensive atmospheric pollution index is calculated according to formula (2): Comprehensive atmospheric pollution index = Most daily single pollution index × Average single pollution index8.3.1.3 The cumulative atmospheric pollution index is calculated according to formula (3): Cumulative atmospheric pollution index = Atmospheric pollutant measured value Pollutant background value The excess multiple of atmospheric pollution is calculated according to formula (4): Excess multiple of atmospheric pollution = Actual value of a certain atmospheric pollutant = Quality standard of pollutant Quality standard of a certain pollutant The atmospheric pollutant sharing rate is calculated according to formula (5): Atmospheric A certain pollution index
Atmospheric pollutant sharing rate (%) =
The sum of the individual pollution indices The excess rate of atmospheric pollution samples is calculated according to formula (6): Exceeding rate of atmospheric pollution samples (%) - The detection rate of atmospheric samples is calculated according to formula (7): Total number of exceeding samples
Total number of monitored samples
Total number of detected samples×100
Atmospheric sample detection rate (%) =
8.3.2 Grading and demarcation of air environment quality in rural areas Total number of monitored samples
Grading and demarcation of air environment quality in rural areas According to different evaluation purposes, the pollution index is calculated according to GB9137 and GB3095 respectively. The evaluation of air quality in rural areas is generally based on a single pollution index, and can be directly divided into three levels using the pollutant concentration limits in GB9137 and GB3095; but when the air quality in a region is compared with the air quality in other regions as a whole, or when the air quality in the same region is compared in different historical periods, a comprehensive pollution index should be used for evaluation, and divided into five levels according to the comprehensive pollution index. The classification standards for air quality in rural areas are shown in Table 2.
Data compilation
See NY/T395.
Table 2 Classification standards for air quality in rural areas
Comprehensive pollution index
Pollution level
Still clean
Light pollution
Medium pollutionbZxz.net
Heavy pollution
Pollution Yongping
Within standard limit
Warning level
Alarm level
Emergency level
Sampling date
Project name
Sampling location
Absorbent liquid or
Filter membrane number
On-site situation record
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Original record forms of various ambient air quality monitoring in rural areas Quality Monitoring Sampling Record Form Table A
Inspected Unit
Province (Autonomous Region, Municipality)
End Time
County (City, District)
Township (Town)
Schematic Diagram of Sampling Points
Monitoring Business Code
Sample Number
Sample Collector
Sample Collector Time
Sampling location
Table A2 Registration form for samples of air quality monitoring in rural areas Absorbent liquid or filter membrane number
Sample submitter
Submission time
Sampling date
Sample collector
Start and end time
Sampling date
Standard volume
Year, month, day
Items to be tested3 Evaluation Methods
The evaluation of air quality in rural areas includes two aspects: monitoring items, i.e., monitoring pollutant evaluation, and monitoring area evaluation. The evaluation parameters include pollution accumulation index, pollution index (including single item and comprehensive pollution index), quality classification, pollutant sharing rate, detection rate, and exceeding standard rate. 8.3.1 Calculation methods for various parameters The single atmospheric pollution index is calculated according to formula (1): Actual value of atmospheric pollutants
Single atmospheric pollution index =
Quality standard of weather pollutants The comprehensive atmospheric pollution index is calculated according to formula (2): Comprehensive atmospheric pollution index = Most daily single pollution index × Average single pollution index8.3.1.3 The cumulative atmospheric pollution index is calculated according to formula (3): Cumulative atmospheric pollution index = Atmospheric pollutant measured value Pollutant background value The excess multiple of atmospheric pollution is calculated according to formula (4): Excess multiple of atmospheric pollution = Actual value of a certain atmospheric pollutant = Quality standard of pollutant Quality standard of a certain pollutant The atmospheric pollutant sharing rate is calculated according to formula (5): Atmospheric A certain pollution index
Atmospheric pollutant sharing rate (%) =
The sum of the individual pollution indices The excess rate of atmospheric pollution samples is calculated according to formula (6): Exceeding rate of atmospheric pollution samples (%) - The detection rate of atmospheric samples is calculated according to formula (7): Total number of exceeding samples
Total number of monitored samples
Total number of detected samples×100
Atmospheric sample detection rate (%) =
8.3.2 Grading and demarcation of air environment quality in rural areas Total number of monitored samples
Grading and demarcation of air environment quality in rural areas According to different evaluation purposes, the pollution index is calculated according to GB9137 and GB3095 respectively. The evaluation of air quality in rural areas is generally based on a single pollution index, and can be directly divided into three levels using the pollutant concentration limits in GB9137 and GB3095; but when the air quality in a region is compared with the air quality in other regions as a whole, or when the air quality in the same region is compared in different historical periods, a comprehensive pollution index should be used for evaluation, and divided into five levels according to the comprehensive pollution index. The classification standards for air quality in rural areas are shown in Table 2.
Data compilation
See NY/T395.
Table 2 Classification standards for air quality in rural areas
Comprehensive pollution index
Pollution level
Still clean
Light pollution
Medium pollution
Heavy pollution
Pollution Yongping
Within standard limit
Warning level
Alarm level
Emergency level
Sampling date
Project name
Sampling location
Absorbent liquid or
Filter membrane number
On-site situation record
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Original record forms of various ambient air quality monitoring in rural areas Quality Monitoring Sampling Record Form Table A
Inspected Unit
Province (Autonomous Region, Municipality)
End Time
County (City, District)
Township (Town)
Schematic Diagram of Sampling Points
Monitoring Business Code
Sample Number
Sample Collector
Sample Collector Time
Sampling location
Table A2 Registration form for samples of air quality monitoring in rural areas Absorbent liquid or filter membrane number
Sample submitter
Submission time
Sampling date
Sample collector
Start and end time
Sampling date
Standard volume
Year, month, day
Items to be tested
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