title>Public security integrated information system specification -- Part 1: Shared data item collection - GA 417.1-2003 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Public security integrated information system specification -- Part 1: Shared data item collection

Basic Information

Standard ID: GA 417.1-2003

Standard Name:Public security integrated information system specification -- Part 1: Shared data item collection

Chinese Name: 公安综合信息系统规范 第1部分:共享数据项集

Standard category:Public Safety Industry Standards (GA)

state:in force

Date of Release2003-01-18

Date of Implementation:2003-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.99 Information technology applications in other fields

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Social Public Security>>A90 Social Public Security Comprehensive

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2003-05-01

other information

drafter:Lu Shan, Guo Huaijin, Wang Dian, Jia Hongtao

Drafting unit:Information and Communications Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Information and Communications Division of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department, Beijing Jingan Danling Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Century Ansoft Information

Focal point unit:Computer and Information Processing Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Public Security

Proposing unit:Information and Communications Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security

Publishing department:Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This part specifies the shared data item set and its classification and code of the public security integrated information system. This part applies to the data storage and exchange of the public security integrated information system. GA 417.1-2003 Public Security Integrated Information System Specification Part 1: Shared Data Item Set GA417.1-2003 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This part specifies the shared data item set and its classification and code of the public security integrated information system. This part applies to the data storage and exchange of the public security integrated information system.

Some standard content:

ICS 35. 240. 99
People's Republic of China Public Security Industry Standard GA 417. 1--2003
Public security integrated information system specification-Part 1:Shared data item collection
Public security integrated information system specification-Part 1:Shared data item collection2003-01-18 Issued
The Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China Issued
2003-05-01 Implementation
GA 417.1—2003
The entire content of this part is mandatory:
GA 417.1—2003
GA 417.1—2003
GA 417.1—2003
GA 417.1—2003
GA 417.1—2003
GA 417.1—2003
GA 417.1—2003
GA 417.1—2003
Appendix A of this part is an informative appendix, and Appendix II is a normative appendix. This part was submitted by the Information and Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, and this part is under the jurisdiction of the Computer Information Department of the Ministry of Public Security. The originating units of this part are the Information and Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the Information and Communication Department of the Public Security Department of Guangdong Province, Beijing Jing'an Danling Technology Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Century Ansoft Information Technology Co., Ltd. The main contributors are: Lu Shan, Wu Huaigu, Wang Dian, Mao Hongyou, 3
1 Scope
Specification of Public Security Integrated Information System
Part 1: Shared Data Item Set
This part specifies the shared data items of the public security integrated information system and their classification and coding. This part is applicable to the data storage and exchange of the public security integrated information system. 2 Normative references
GA 417.1—2003
The provisions of the following documents become the provisions of this part through the reference of this part of GA417. For any dated referenced document, all its amendments (excluding other errors) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties that have adopted or implemented this part are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this part: Administrative division code of the People's Republic of China
Gender code of people
Romanization of names of nationalities in China
GB/T4658 Education level code
GB/T 4766
Family relationship code
Welcome to the North Chicken
Occupational classification code
People's Republic of China Citizen ID number
Illegal crime information management
Motor vehicle driver information code
Motor vehicle information code
Part 16: Classification and code of small substances Part 2, Motor vehicle driver's license type code Part 3: Certificate name code table
Motor vehicle driver information code
Part 7: Motor vehicle driver status code Motor vehicle registration product purchase
Part 4: Motor vehicle type code
Part 1, Motor vehicle license plate
Motor vehicle registration information code
Motor vehicle registration information code
Part 8: Motor vehicle color code GA 24.2
Motor vehicle registration information code Part 1: Production/import vehicle code Motor vehicle registration information code Part 1: Motor vehicle status code People's Republic of China motor vehicle license plate
A56,1 Temporary registration population registration information fast processing standard Part 1 and previous certificate abbreviation GA56.2
Temporary population basic information replacement standard Part 2: Temporary registration code GA5G.3
Temporary resident L basic vehicle information management standard Part 3: Location code GA59.2
Foreign information management code Part 2: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security database name and code GA59.3 Foreign information management code Part 3: Occupational classification code CA59.4
Trend information kidney! Code
Part 4: China meter (human obstacle rate by category code foreign letter self-management code
Part 5: Check and control the category code
GA 417.1—2003
Part 2: Surname management code
Weifangxin general management code
GA 59. 1:
GA 2.10. 1
Foreign information management code
Foreign information security code
Foreign information security management code
Part 1: Security document type code
Part 8: Visa type code
Part 11: Transportation code
Part 13: Personnel code
Foreign information management code
Hotel security management code
GA 23U. 3
CA 240. 2
GA 220. 4
GA 240. 6
Travel industry security management information code
Travel industry public security information code
Hotel industry public security information code
Part 1: Hotel code
Part 2: Passenger code
Part 3: Hotel status code
Part 4: Standard hotel stay number code
Part 5: Hotel grade code
Standard management code||t t||Part 1: Case identification code
Criminal crime information management code
Criminal crime information management code
Criminal crime information management code
Criminal crime information management code
Criminal crime information management code
Criminal crime information management code
A 240. 1U
GA 2.0. 14
GA 240.18
GA 300. 1
GA 300. 5
GA 300. 9
Part 2: Technical codes
Part 3: Codes for special media
Part 4: Classification and codes for selection timePart 5: Classification and codes for selection location
Part 5: Classification and codes for selection objectPart 7: Classification and codes for crime stage
Part 6: Classification and codes for crime transfer point
Part 7: Classification and codes for compensation methods
Criminal information management codes
Part 1: Classification and code of criminal items
Part 12: Management method code
Criminal information management code
Information code
Information management agent
Part 14: Fugitive type code
Part 16: Criminal experience code
Special information management code
Part 1: Classification and management of criminal information Part 20: New codes for the classification of detention center personnel information Part 1: Detention center terminal code Detention center personnel information management Part 5: Identity code Detention center personnel information management code Old detention center detainee information management code Part 1: Special identity status Part 2: New codes for detention center personnel information management Part 1: Detention center terminal code Detention center personnel information management code Part 2: New codes for the classification of detention center personnel information Part 3: Identity code Detention center personnel information management code Part 4: Special identity status Part 5: Member type code Detainee information management code
Part 13: Reason for leaving the detention center code
A300.1 Detainee information management code 3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this part.
Shared data items are collected between local integrated information systems and business systems. Data is shared and exchanged between different integrated information systems to collect data.
Division and coding method
Shared data item codes are composed of 1 character and 3 digits: The left and right uppercase letters of the code indicate the category of the data item, A person, B case (event), C item, T organization, E point: The last 3 digits are the sequence number in the category,
5 Code table
The shared data item codes are shown in Table 1.Shared data items, policy data structure, source description, see Table A, Table 1 Shared data items, period code table
Shared data items, fees
Regular items, population
Workers and publications
Motor vehicles, pregnant women, fast wind
Gun-related personnel
Explosive-related personnel
Inside passengers
Tangwai Qi
West private immigrants
People leaving the country
In these objects
Case (incident)
Personal (incident type information
Involving the inspection of motor vehicles
, supporting
Involving special items
Currently changing the appearance of objects
Regulatory personnel
Losing persons
Motor vehicle
Light book #
In the step
Violation of Zhao's single person
Motor vehicle
GA 417.1—2003
GA 417. 1 2003
Collaboration data item set data specification
Personnel collaboration data item (A)
Urban population shared data item set A001)
Data type
Relationship with household head
Original book
Address province, city, county (district)
Detailed address at previous levelwwW.bzxz.Net
Provincial province, city, district (district)
Local proof ratio
Citizen ID number
Education level
Marital status
Service location
Change date|| tt||Change of origin
Where to move
Character special symbol
Capsule 1 (continued>
Other outstanding teaching items
Thank unit
Second dry unit
Rental housing business unit
Talk about the management
That is, the unit
Jiaobei ethnic music city
Pawn establishment unit
Rental ten units
Shenzhen use standards and instructions
Administrative district (6 digits, use G2260-dispatch code (3 digits, quote permanent personnel information standard)-Original household number (5CB/T4761
GB/T 2261
The formula is YYYYMMDD
C/T 2260
GB/T 45R
Unit: cm
JPEC: Macroeconomics
Temporary resident population data items (AD02)
Data item name
Birthdate number
Surname of the owner
Relationship with the owner
Birthdate period
Citizen ID number
Household address
Place of residence: Address
Marital status
Date of arrival
Currently working part-time Business
Current business location
Address area:
Address bar
Temporary residence permit issuance period
Work object total age data set (AD3)
Data item name
Date of birth
Citizen ID number
Education level
Alias ​​degree
Personal name
Registration control area division
Registration area
Actual residence address division
Spatial residence details
Old standards and instructions
C4 417. 1—2003
Administrative division (e digits, quoted from GB/T2260) + mixed station code (3 digits, temporarily non-personnel information standard) + original household number (6) GA 55. 1
GB/T 4761
CB/T 2261
Format is YYYYMMDL
GRT $76
Format is YYYYMMDD
GR/T 2260
Format is YYYYMMTD
JFEG from the contraction
Adopt standards and instructions
8/T 3504
GB/T 2260
GB/T 2250
Mostly GNn 42. Number
Unit: cm
GA 417. 1—2003
Special body surface marks
Special group will be marked
Information basis
Case type
Selected objects
Selected items
Criminal tools
Evidence-generating method
Criminal characteristics
Selected opportunities
Place of visit
Area of ​​activity
Criminal experience
Results of punishment
Additional units
Main traffic personnel
Three units
Motor vehicle driving license data item set (A004) data item name
Driving license award
Retrieval number
Date of birth
Party birth certificate area;
Registration address
Current address
Current address
See UN.7
See GN 36. 7
Unit: Cancer
Dream GN3.
GA 240. 1
GA 240. 4
IPE: Abbreviated format
Multiple values ​​35.1~25.5 are filled in repeatedly
Format is YYTYMMII)
GA 240.20
Multiple values ​​36.1-36.7 are filled in repeatedly
Adopt standards and instructions
Adopt the citizen ID number of the driver
GB/T 2261
Format is YYYYMMDI
Temporary address division
Temporary address details
First license period
Driving type
Effective start date
Driving license effective end date
Issuing authority
Last period of issuing a unique license
Type of identity certificate
Certificate number
Gun-related personnel risk shared data item set ((A005) data item name
Citizen identity code
Gun license number| |tt||New position
Issuance time
Explosion-related personnel work data item set (A006)
Data item name
Public identity
Current residence
Work unit
Work permit number
Issuing authority
Report form
Domestic travel accident rate data item set (A007)
Data item name
Travel number
Date of birth
Certificate type
Certificate number
City code
Check-in time
GB/T 2260
How much, vehicle model code, CA23.?
The format is YYYYMMDI
The format is YYYYMMDD
The format is YYYMMH
GA 417.1—2003
ID card adopts GB1143: fill in the actual place according to the standard and instructions
ID card number code
Format is YYYYMMDD
JPE abbreviation format
Use standard and instructions
6-digit administrative division · 2-price unit price category rate ten-digit serial number 1—Above C—Not below
Adopt standard and instructions
GA 330, 2
GB/ 2261
GB:T 3304
Route format YYYYMM
Fill in the actual ID number
GR/T 2250
YYYYMMDhhmtu.24-hour format
GA 417.1—2003
Room number
Check-out time
Data item set for foreign travelers (A008)
Data item name
Traveler input number
English name
English name
Chinese name
Date of departure
Country (region)
Type of certificate
Certificate number
Type of certificate (note)
Visa (note number
Period of stay in China until
Immigration authority
Entry date
Entry port
Reception unit
Call when leaving
Room number
Check-out time
Shared data item set for tax-related emigration (A009)Data item name
Name in pinyin
Date of birth
Place of origin
Citizen ID number
Education level
Current address
City of residence| |tt||Suorun added to the office
Certificate type
Certificate number
Go to Guowu area
Actual room number
YYYYMMDDhhmm.24+-H format
JPECI pressure bath format
Adopted standards and instructions
The format is YYYYMMDD
Real music certificate code
The format is YV YYMMDD
The format is YYYYMMDD
YYYYMMDhmm, 24-hour format
YYYYMMhhm. 21-hour format
J1EG format
Adopted standards and instructions
The sticky format is YYYYMMDD
CB/T 2265
GB/T 2559
Exit documents
Approval authority
Issuance period
Certificate validity period to
Entry and exit documents (A010) data items including name
Personnel category code
Country and region
Extension type
Nationwide number
Occupation code
Visa type code
Entry II
Transportation mode code
Flight (train number)
Destination country or region
Departure code
Issuance date
Exit documents code
Shared data item set of controlled objectsExternal address
Arrangement period
Control fee service
Direct control object identification code
Disposal method code
Legal method (explanation)
Traffic control unit contact insurance
GB/T2260. The first 4 digits
Format is YYYYMMD1
Format is YYYYMMED
Adopted standards and instructions
Format is YYYYMMD
Actual certificate code
Format is YYYYMMDD
CA 59. 11
GB/T 2659
C4 417. 12003
Chiguo guard bottle to use 2260
Control China visa adopts GB/T2A59, 3 digits
Adopt standard modification
GB:T 255H
GA/T 22S1
Format is YYYYMMDD
Format is YYYYMMDD
GA 417, 1—2093
Recording time
Case (incident) shared receipt item set (B)
Case (incident) basic information shared data item set (B001) Data name
Incident information source
Case number
Main case type
Sub-case leader 1
Case time limit
Case time limit 1
Case pool division
Case location details
Case filing non-position division
Prohibited unit
Number of perpetrators
Choose time
Choose place
Choose attack
Choose items
Case Laifeng section
Characteristics of the case
Death toll
Number of persons convicted
Big boss
Special search identification
Case description
Motor vehicle shared data set (BU02) involved in the case
Report to the network name
Report to the network name
Case number
Vehicle type
License plate number
Engine number
In the identification code
Nature of the items involved
Format is YYYYMMDDhu+24 hour format
Marking and description
Appendix B B. 1
Original academic license number
GA 240. 1
G4 240. 1
YYYYMMDDhhmu.2-hour format
YYYYMMhmm,24-hour format
GB/T 22G0
GA 240. 4, at most 2× u pcs
GA240.5.R*4*1C pcs
G4 240.6, at most 3*10 pcs
GA 240. 10. Ando 5 × 1C pcs
CA 240.7, maximum 4*1C pcs
GA240.8, maximum *10 pcs
GA210.10 maximum quantity 510 pcs
1--Ministry level, 2Provincial level, 3Prefecture-level city group, 4Product level, 5Others
Standards and instructions
H1 of alarm recording
Case sequence and
VIN number
Appendix E of H2.
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.