Some standard content:
ICS 67.180.20
Classification number: X31
Alternative number: 15119-2005
Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Daifan QB/12491—2000
Published on December 14, 2004
Implementation on June 1, 2005 by the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China
QB/T 2491-2004
Normative references
Technical and definition, number
Product classification
Test methods
Inspection rules
8Marking, packaging, transportation, storage:
Appendix 4 (Informative record) M content (High performance liquid chromatography negative belt double antibody method) Foreword
This standard is a revision of QB/T2491-2000$ low-isotope sugar. Compared with QB/T24912000, the main changes of this standard are as follows: In addition to the "sweetness content" in the standard: The definition and indicators of "TMO-90 type" products are added: In addition to the thin layer chromatography in the determination of TMO content: When determining MO, the filter chromatography single-column method is used as the reference method. In addition to the "definition and determination of simple sugar conversion formula", the liquid chromatography column method for determining TMO content is included in Appendix A. QB/T 2491-2004
For sensory examination in this international test method, the determination of solid matter (solid content>: pH and transmittance shall be determined by the corresponding analysis method of QB/T2319-197; the determination of water content and solubility shall be determined by the corresponding analysis method of QBT2320-1997.
This standard is for the purpose of material quality assurance.
This standard is issued by China Light Industry Federation. This standard is issued by National Food Fermentation Standardization Center-Japan: This standard Approval units: Shandong Baolingbao Biotechnology Co., Ltd., China Food Industry Research Institute. Jiangsu Institute of Microbiology, Shangyouti Min Enterprise Co., Ltd., Shandong Xuezhou Group, 1 Lewu Green Bioengineering Co., Ltd.: Approval participants: Zhang Nuguo, Chao Guang, Shi Xinxing, Xie Haihua, Niu Jichao, Er Songhuai, this standard was first issued in 2000, and it is the first time that the standard is implemented from the date of implementation, replacing the light industry standard VB 2491-20HK) issued by the former State Light Industry Bureau 2491-2004
Original standard 24K0f=Release: 2001. The original standard defines the M0-50 type products. Since oligomeric isoflavones are the new generation in China, and most of the manufacturers are producing M-90 type products, the quality requirements of the products are much higher than that of type 50, and they are also more widely used. Therefore, the original standard needs to be revised and the scientific requirements for type products should be increased. M is the main technical indicator of oligomeric isoflavones: therefore, its determination method is very important. In fact, the HPT () double injection method is used for determination. The constant method cannot reflect the influence of the quality of the product, while the single injection method can well reflect the effect of the product. In addition, this revision uses all the indicators in the original standard, taking into account my country's national conditions, and uses the single-column method as the content method, and the double-column method is put into the standard as a data supplement for reference to compare the quality of certain products. Since grape sugar is one of the raw materials of this toxic substance, when the original standard was published, there was no relevant standard for other grape sugars. Therefore, the quality of the enzyme has been determined. Therefore, a clear definition and determination method are given in the appendix for reference. QB2525-2001 Food Additives Grape Sugar Industry Standard was promulgated and implemented in 2001. Therefore, this revision cancels the original content. 1 Scope
QB/T 2491—2004
This standard defines the meaning, classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, packaging, transportation and storage of low-rate isomaltose.
This standard is applicable to low-rate isomaltose produced by starch and cheese method. 2 Normative references
The following clauses shall become the clauses of this standard through reference. For any reference to this standard, all subsequent amendments (excluding the contents of the amendments) or revisions shall not be applicable to the standard. Therefore, the latest versions of these documents can be used after the agreement is reached. For any referenced documents that are not in force, they shall be used as technical standards. B19 Packaging and storage selection diagram
GB/T4789.2 Food hygiene microbiology test GB/T4789.3 Food hygiene microbiology test Escherichia coli test Salmonella test GB/T 478>.4
GB/T 5009.1:
Determination method of total lead in food
G5009.12 Determination method of lead in food
GB/T6682 Laboratory test method GB7718 Rules for labeling of prepackaged foods
QB/T2319 Tenderloin
QB/12320 Food hygiene law of the People's Republic of China
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
3.1 Terms and definitions
The following terms shall not be used without reference to standards.
Isomalt oligosaccharide (rMo) is a kind of oligosaccharide, the main components are α-1.6 glycosylated isomaltose (IG), isomaltose (IG), isomaltose (IG) and oligosaccharides with a density of more than 1:
3.2 Symbols
The following are applicable to this standard
MO low molecular weight isomaltose
TG isomaltose
G, low density is more than 4
4 Product classification
According to the state, it is divided into isomaltose and oligosaccharide. 4.2 According to IMO content
MO50 type, +P+IG+G, net 0%<+material content. MO type: ++G+G content.
5 Requirements
Syrup is colorless or colorless, transparent viscous liquid, with mild sweetness and no juice. No visible impurities. The number is determined by the self-determination. The taste is mild, no peculiar smell: no visible impurities. 5.2 Physical and chemical content
Should meet the requirements of Table 1.
Table | Physical and chemical indicators
MO amount <1 substance/
-P-, containing (substance concentration>/
1 substance (round substance)/limit
Beam radiation/
Total effective amount//(or m
Escherichia coli/MPN/(100g or 100mL)) Salmonella low bacteria
IMO50 type
12M10-9) to
4. 0--6. 0
Hygiene index
Not to be tested!
Test method
Unless otherwise specified, use pure reagents, water, H82. 6.1 Sensory test
6.1.1 Syrup
QB/T 2491-3004
Take a sample of 30ml, clean quality product or 50ml small beaker, in a bright place, observe the color and transparent friend, light climber with large positive mark can be impurities, its currency stock ball take the live car to put the mountain, taste its magnetic taste (before tasting a sample, rinse with clean water. Keep a record. 61.2 powder
Take a suitable sample, this white continuation is also under the system, observe the sample with meat limit, no impurities, collect the sample, select the product, add:, taste the taste! Before tasting a sample: use the method of water outlet", keep a record. 62JM0 content (high performance liquid chromatography)
6.2.1 The separation produced by chromatography is different in the decomposition, adsorption, and ion exchange between the mobile phase and the stationary phase. There are multiple distributions between the two phases. Due to the different movement speeds of the components in the chromatogram, they are separated from each other through a certain flow and enter the signal detection system. The value of each component is displayed on the recorder or data processing device. The qualitative comparison is based on the data. The method is selected based on the standard. 6.2.2 Apparatus only High performance liquid chromatography (only related: light detector and temperature system). .2.2.2 Flow rate air micro-device and 0.2um to 0.45um microporous membrane. 6.2.3 Column: TKgelAmide-D, average diameter: 5: Column size: 4.6m×50mm or similar chromatographic column: Analyzer: 0.0001g. Micro-injection: 0; L.
6.2.3 Reagents Water: slightly hot saturated or hot water. Ethyl acetate 4 condensate.
623.3, with chrysanthemum auxiliary, hair tooth chi, isomaltose, wheat tip, leak sugar, isomaltotriose, maltose, isomaltose, maltose, maltose, 2 cattle six standard products, the purity should be more than 95%. 6.2.4 Analytical steps Sample preparation Weigh 0.5% (1:1) of the saturated sugar sample and make sure it is within the standard series range. If necessary, add water to reduce the sample volume to 0.0001. Pour the solution into a 50-well volumetric flask and make up to volume with water. Filter with 0.24m or 0.45mm water membrane filter and set aside. 6.2.4. 2 Chromatographic conditions
mobile phase is B: water = 7:33! Before the measurement, press the power of the refractometer to preheat the power, install 1. Spectrum fold, eliminate the chamber 4, filter with 0.1mL/min flow rate into the mobile phase overnight: before the formal injection, press the mobile phase into the reference cell at 1.0/min (more than m1, then talk about hydrogen! The throttling line makes the mobile phase decompose and let the sample pool: maintain the flow rate of 1.0/min, and inject the sample when the line is stable. The sample is 50, draw the standard
After the standard solution series of sugars are added into the grid, the standard sample quantity is used to form a standard curve for the chromatographic peak: the overall correlation coefficient should be above 0.9990
6.2.4,4 Determination of samples
Put the sample solution prepared in into the grid, and determine the peaks of the samples according to the retention time of the standard sample. According to the detailed sample content: calculate the content (mass fraction) of each individual component by external standard method. 6.2. 4.5 Calculation of results The content of the standard substance in the sample shall be calculated and the value shall be expressed in % as follows: Ax - the sugar content of the sample (g); Ax is the sugar content of the standard product of a certain substance, in grams (mL); The retention rate of the standard product (g); The retention rate of the standard product (mL). The calculated results shall be integers. The difference between the results of the same sample within two determinations shall not exceed 5%. 6.3 Regarding substance (solid content) QB/T 2319 Residue
6.4 Moisture content
Determined according to Q0/T2320.
Determined according to QB/T2319,
6.6 Additive ratio
Determined according to QB/T2319.
6. Solubility
Determined according to QH/T2.320
6.B Acid-resistant ash
Determined according to QB/T2319. |tt||I (7N/T50Mg.11 Liule.
Put it as specified in GB/T5009.12
6.11 Total number of seedlings
As specified in GB/T4789.2
6.12 E. coli group
As specified in OR/T4789.3
6.13 Salmonella
As determined in GB/T4780.4.
7 Inspection rules
7. 1 Batch
The production point takes one batch of materials as one batch, and the batch size should not exceed the yield. The approved products should be inspected and qualified by the inspection and rectification department of the cattle production department before they can be produced, and a single quality certificate shall be attached.
7.2 Sampling method
Work. 2.1 Bottled products: Take samples from the trucks as specified in Table 3 and Table 4 respectively. Table 3 Bottled samples
Xian point bar/box
Station giant original/barrel
5--1 7.2. Inspection of vehicle loading and unloading 7.2.3 Inspection of vehicle loading and unloading products 7.2.3 Inspection of vehicle loading and unloading products 7.2.4 Inspection of vehicle loading and unloading products 7.2.4 Inspection of vehicle loading and unloading products 7.2.3 ... 7.2.5 Take half of the bottled product out of the box and divide it into two parts. Paste the label and indicate the product number, manufacturer name and average ratio, fetal number, date and place of delivery, and the name of the sampler. Send it to the laboratory for inspection and seal it with one copy. Keep it for inspection for half a month. No malicious micro-object inspection, change the light source and glassware (product control service fee: 1), 7 .3 Test items: Test items: sensory, moisture, "substances (same substances), 11, transmittance, solution point, 1G-1-1G, M0. 7.4 Type inspection. Type inspection: The items specified in 7.3 shall be handled, including sulfuric acid content, solution, total bacterial accumulation, and general human needs. The following information shall be checked and the test result shall be checked. . At least one should be carried out. a)
Change the main raw and auxiliary materials:
Change the relevant chain process and equipment:
The new trial production station will stop production for more than 3F and resume the three production villages. c
The quality supervision agency will conduct social inspection again. 7.5 Judgment rules
If there are two indicators that are unqualified, the mid-term sampling of the rolling batch of products will be carried out, and the unqualified items will be reviewed and closed! If there is one item that is not met, the batch of products is unqualified. QB/T2481-·2004
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
8.1 Marking
8.1.1 The pre-packaged products for food delivery are in compliance with GB77%. 1.2 The products and packaging containers used as raw materials should be marked as follows: Product Name, manufacturer, net content, product, shelf life and standard number:
8.1.3 Packaging, storage, indication, mark, symbol, G certificate/191 8.2 Packaging
Packaging materials and containers should be clean, sanitary, and light-proof, and comply with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Heritage. 3 Transportation, storage
8.3.1 During transportation, measures should be taken to prevent dust, sun exposure, and siltation; products should be filtered and transported with harmful, corrosive substances and pollutants; loading and unloading should comply with the packaging, storage, indication requirements. 9.3.2 Finished products should be stored in a dry, ventilated, disinfected room, and should be kept in accordance with the principle of light first. A.1 Raw materials
Appendix A
(Informative records)
1I0 content (HPLC double-hook method) QB/T 2491—2004
The components are introduced into the negative column and analyzed at different times. Due to the different processes such as decomposition, adsorption, ion exchange or high-frequency cross-talk between the mobile phase and the stationary phase, the mobile phase is repeatedly distributed between the two phases: the mobile phases of the components in the chromatogram can be separated after passing through the chromatogram column, and then enter the negative column and the signal detector: the data processing device outputs the spectrum of the components on the recorder, and the qualitative analysis is carried out according to the retention time, and the quantitative analysis is carried out according to the peak accumulation. A.2 Instruments
A.2.1 High performance liquid chromatograph (equipped with differential refractometer and constant flotation system) A.2.2 Vacuum filtration and degassing device for mobile phase and 0.2μm or 0.45um micro membrane. A, 2.3 Chromatography
a) Calcium type cation conversion resin column: Aminex HFX42A (BIOR4D), filler particle: 5um; column size: 7.Bmnx300mm, other chromatographic column with similar analytical effect: Hydrogen chain column, TSKgeAmide-B0, filler particle: 5um: column size: @4.6mm×250mm, or analytical effect h)
similar chromatographic arrangement.
Analysis kit T: 0.H1g:
A.2.5 Micro-injector: 10L.
4.3 Reagents
4.3.1 Water: secondary water or ultrapure water.
A.3.2: Chromatography
A.3.3 The total concentration of the standard products of Hedaigen, Bendouxie, Yilaolao, Laoqiu trisaccharide, Bo, Yizhimao trisaccharide, Youchuan tetrafu, Yikemaltose, Yimapentaose, and Zhiyaliu should be 95% or more, and they should be made into 5m/ml water waves with water. A.4 Analysis steps
A.4.1 Preparation of selective solution
Weigh 0.5e (in terms of dry matter) of pond slurry or sugar sample, accurately U.0001%, dissolve in water, and put into 50 liters of water for determination of the concentration: filter with 0.2m or 0.45m water tree microporous membrane, and use the filtrate for each. 4.4.2 Determination of sample solution
Calcium cation crosslinking resin column, mobile phase for special generation: connect the power supply of the detector to the measurement, preheat and stabilize: install the chromatograph, measure the overflow &, and balance the flow phase with 0.1m/min overnight. Before selecting the sample, input the mobile phase at 0.6r/min for more than 10min, restore the positive flow path to make the mobile phase pass through the sample pool, maintain the flow rate of 6m/min, and let the sample be selected.
The standard solutions of grape sugar, maltose, maltose, tetrasaccharide, sucrose, and sucrose, and the prepared samples were injected under the above system conditions respectively. According to the retention time of the standard sample, the chromatographic structure of each secondary component in the sample is qualitatively analyzed. According to the peak area of the sample, the content (mass distribution) of various groups of components is calculated by normalization. The first volume scan: the mobile phase is BPH: water - 67:3 (volume ratio) (depending on the column model). Before the photon is taken, the column is set to 40°C, and the mobile phase is gradually passed through at a flow rate of 0.1 mL/m. Before passing the sample, the mobile phase is cut into a ratio of 1.0 to 10 and then passed into the sample cell. The mobile phase is adjusted to make the sample flow smoothly through the sample cell, and the speed is maintained at 1.0 m/min. After it is relatively stable, the sample is passed. Note: the volume is 5~10μL, and the standard solvents and prepared samples are respectively added to the samples containing small amounts of unripe, unripe, light-ripped, floated, and isocyanate. The chromatographic samples of the products that need to be corrected are prepared according to the following method. According to the sample selection volume, the corresponding mass distribution of various sugar components is calculated by a chemical method. 4.4.3 Calculation of results
Calcium type cation exchange resin technology, sample content: the total yield (mass fraction), the value is expressed in %, the formula (A.1).
The total yield of the components in the product (mass fraction), the peak area of each level in the product:
ZA! The peak area of each level in the product. (a..)
The content of the product will account for the total sugar content (as a percentage), the value is expressed in %, according to or
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