title>GB/T 15121.3-1996 Information technology Computer graphics Metadata for storage and transmission of graphic description information Part 3: Binary coding - GB/T 15121.3-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 15121.3-1996 Information technology Computer graphics Metadata for storage and transmission of graphic description information Part 3: Binary coding

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 15121.3-1996

Standard Name: Information technology Computer graphics Metadata for storage and transmission of graphic description information Part 3: Binary coding

Chinese Name: 信息技术 计算机图形存储和传送图片描述信息的元文卷 第三部分:二进制编码

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-12-17

Date of Implementation:1997-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.140 Computer graphics technology

Standard Classification Number:Electronic Components and Information Technology>>Information Processing Technology>>L81 Computer Graphics

associated standards

Procurement status:idt ISO/IEC 8632-3:1992

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:1997-07-01

other information

Release date:1996-12-17

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Zhu Wanggui, Wang Baoai, Yu Xiaochuan, Xu Feng

Drafting unit:Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Focal point unit:National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies binary encoding of computer graphics files. For each element specified in GB/T 15121.1, a code is specified according to the data type. For each of these data types, an explicit representation is specified in terms of bits, octets and words. For some data types, the exact representation is the function used for the file, as recorded in the file descriptor. GB/T 15121.3-1996 Information technology Computer graphics Metafiles for storage and transmission of image description information Part 3: Binary encoding GB/T15121.3-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO/IEC863231992 Information technology Computer graphics Metadata for storage and transmission of image description information Part 3: Binary encoding. In order to meet the needs of information processing, this standard specifies the metadata for storage and transmission of image description information and its binary encoding. This standard is consistent with the international standard in terms of both technical content and format. GB/T15121 is under the title of Information technology Computer graphics Metadata for storage and transmission of image description information. It includes the following parts:
Part 1 Functional summary;
Part 2: Character encoding;
Part 3: Binary encoding#
Part 4: Clear text encoding.
Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C of this standard are all informative appendices. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The drafting unit of this standard: Beijing University of Chemical Technology. The main drafters of this standard are Zhu Wanggui, Gong Baoai, Yu Xiaochuan and Xu Feng. GR/T15121.3—1996
ISO/IEC Foreword
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) are international specialized organizations for standardization. National member bodies (other departments that are members of ISO or IEC) participate in the formulation of international standards for specific technical scopes through various technical committees established by international organizations. The technical committees of ISO and IEC cooperate in areas of common interest. Other official and non-official international organizations that have ties with ISO can also participate in the formulation of international standards. For certain technical fields, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, namely ISO/IEC JTC:1. The draft international standards proposed by the joint technical committee shall be circulated to national member bodies for decision. For an international standard to be issued, at least the national member bodies that must participate in the draft shall vote in favor.
International Standard ISO/IEC:8632 was developed by ISO/IEC JTC1 (Joint Committee on Information Technology). It was also approved by the International Organizations of ISO and IEC.
Under the unified title Information technology Computer graphics Metatext for storage and transmission of graphic description information, [ISO/IEC8632 includes the following parts:
--Part 1: Functional description;
--Part 2: Character encoding;
--Part 3: Binary encoding,
Part 4: Full text encoding
GB/T 15121.3-1996
0.1 Purpose of binary encoding
The binary encoding of computer graphics metatext (CGM) provides a method for representing metatext syntax that optimizes the speed of interpreting metatext and provides a standard method for exchange between computer systems. This encoding uses a binary data format. It is more similar to the data representation used within computer systems than other binary data formats. Some data formats can be matched exactly to the data formats of certain computer systems. In this case, the processing is greatly reduced compared to other standard encodings. For most computer systems, the processing requirements for binary encoding are much lower than those for other encodings.
If the structure of a computer system does not match the standard format encoded in binary, the absolute minimization of the processing requirements is critical, and the exchange between different systems is not important, a dedicated encoding using the rules specified in Chapter 7 of ISO/IEC 15121.1 may be more appropriate.
0.2 Objectives
This encoding has the following characteristics:
) Partitioning of parameter lists: The elements of the element are divided into one or more partitions using binary encoding (see Chapter 1). The best partition (or only partition) of the element contains the operation code (element category plus element identifier). b) Alignment of elements: Each element starts on a word boundary. If the data for an element (partitioned or not) does not break on an even-byte group boundary, the alignment of subsequent elements is done by filling zeros after the previous element data until the next even-byte group boundary. An opcode element is valid in this encoding, it is skipped or ignored by the interpreter, this can be used to align data on machine-independent record boundaries to improve processing speed.
c) Format consistency: All element indices have an associated parameter length value. This length is indicated in octet counts. By contrast, it is possible to scan the element file at high speed without interpreting it. d) Coordinate data coordination: Since the coordinate data always starts on word boundaries when the elements are aligned at the default precision, it is not necessary to collect fragments from multiple computer words to ensure that individual coordinate processing is minimized on many computer systems. ) Efficiency of encoding integer data. Other data such as index, color and character are encoded as one or more octets. The accuracy of each parameter is determined by the appropriate precision given by the "element of the metatext descriptor". \) Order of bit data: In each word or unit in a word, the highest numbered bit is the most significant bit. Similarly, when the data is processed sequentially, the least significant bit follows the most significant bit. R) Scalability: The arrangement of element categories and meta-pattern identifier values ​​is designed to allow future additions, such as new graphic elements.) Real data format: Real numbers are encoded using either IFEF floating point representation or meta-text point representation {) Run-length encoding: Many adjacent pixels have the same color (or color index), which can be encoded with an efficient encoding. For each run, the color (or color index) pixel count is indicated by the following color (or color element). i) Compact Compressed table encoding: If adjacent color pixels do not have the same color (or color index), the metadata provides a wide bitstream table, and the values ​​in the table are compressed as closely as possible. 0.3 Relationship with other standards
The floating point representation of real numbers used in this standard is the same as that used in ANSI/IEFE754-1986. The representation of symbol data follows the rules of GB1988 and GB2311. For some elements, the value range defined by CGM is reserved for registered values. These values ​​and their meanings will be defined by established procedures (see 4.1.2 of GB/T15121-1).
1 Range
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Information Technology
Computer Graphics
Metadata for Storage and Transmission of Picture Description Information Part 3: Binary Coding
Intormation technology--ComputergriphicsMetafile for sturage and transfernl piclure deseription infornalion -Part 3:Binary encoding
GB/T 15121.3--1996
This standard specifies the binary encoding of computer graphics metatext. For each element defined in /T15121.1+, a code is defined according to the data type. For each bit, octet and character of these data types, an explicit representation is given. For some of the following data types, the exact representation is used for metatext functions, as recorded in the metatext identifier. In many cases, this encoding of graphics metatext will minimize the effort required to generate, parse and interpret the metatext. 2 Referenced Standards
The following standards contain provisions that, if applicable, constitute provisions of this standard by reference in other standards. The editions shown were not valid at the time of publication of this standard. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should investigate the possibility of using the latest editions of the following standards. GB1958-89 Information processing - Seven-bit coded character set for information interchange (EU150646: 1983) GB231-90 Information processing - Seven-bit coded character set code protection technology (EIS) 2022: 16) GB 13121.1-94 Information processing system - Computer graphics storage unit - Transmission of picture description information - Part 1: Functional description (IDT ISO8632-1: J987) ISO/IEC 9541:1901
Information Technology-Information Interchange
Standard for Unary Floating-Point Arithmetic
3 Notation Conventions
The use of the "Command Header" and this standard applies to unary coded elements that contain an operation code (element type plus element identifier and number length information (see Chapter 1). In this standard, the terms "octet" and "word" have specific meanings. These meanings may not match the particular computer system in which the encoding is used.
An octet is an 8-bit entity with all bits significant. Bits are numbered from 7 (most significant bit) to 0 (least significant bit). A word is a 16-bit entity with all bits significant. Bits are numbered from 15 (most significant bit) to the least significant bit). 4 Overall Structure
4. 1 General form of metafile
Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 17, 1996 and implemented on July 1, 1997
GB/T 15121 3—1996
All elements of metafile 10 are encoded in a unified format. Elements are represented as variable-length data structures, which include operation code information (element category plus element identification) indicating the specified element, the length of its parameter data and the last parameter data (if any). The metafile structure is as follows: (MF is the abbreviation of metafile METAFILE only in this diagram). BEGINMF:MD
The "metatext start" element is followed by the "metatext description" (MID) element. After this, the pictures follow each other in a logical order and are unrelated to each other. Finally, the metatext ends with the "metatext end" element. 4.2 General form of pictures
Except for the "metatext start", "metatext end" and metatext descriptor elements, a metatext is divided into individual pictures, and all pictures are independent of each other. A picture consists of a "picture start" element, a "picture description" (PD) element, a "picture body start" element, any number of control elements, graphics primitive elements and subtractive elements, and finally a "picture end" element. (In this diagram, PIC is the abbreviation of PICTURE, and BEGINBOY is the abbreviation of "beginning of picture body"\EEGINPICTUREBODY. BEGIN PIC:
4.3 General Structure of Binary Metatext
The binary encoding of a metatext is a logical data structure consisting of a series of bits. To facilitate describing the length and alignment of a metatext element, a number of unsized fields are defined in this structure. These fields are used in this standard to explain the element and parameter content and structure.
To measure the length of an element, the metatext is divided into octets represented as 8-bit fields. The structure also divides the metatext into 1E-bit items called words (logically metatext words), which is optimized for use on most computers. For metatext processing, metatext elements are forced to start on word boundaries in the binary data structure (if the element's parameter data is not padded to this boundary, the pair may need to be padded to a word boundary). The octet is the basic unit of organization of unary metatext. The bits of an octet are numbered from 7 to 0, with 7 being the most significant bit. The bits of a word are encoded from 15 to 0, with 15 being the most significant bit.
If the consecutive bits of a binary data structure are counted as 1.N. The consecutive digits are counted as 1.N/8. The consecutive words are counted as 1.N/16, then the logical correspondence between bits, octets, and words in the binary data structure is represented by the following table; octet
h7/octet 2
b15/word 1
4.4. Structure of word
GR/T 15121.3—1995
Main group table
Eight-bit approximation
ho: large bit correction 2
personal type group [3
bo: person byte group 3
h as group
In this clause, the term "command" refers to a binary coded element. The text element can be represented by a binary code in two forms: a short command or a long command. There are two differences between them: a short command always contains a complete element: a long command can hold part of the element (the data table of the element can be partitioned; a short command can hold a parameter table of up to 30 octets in length: a long command can hold the data part of each element of up to 32767 octets in length
before the parameter table. The command header format has different forms. The first element specifies the command form of this element (class or long). Long form). The short form command header consists of a single word divided into 3 fields: element category, element identifier and integer table length: 112s876343213
{|th word) element category
element identifier
Figure 1 Short form command header format
The fields in the short form command header are as follows
15 to 12 bits: element category (value range 0 to 15).11 to 5 bits: element identifier (value range 0 to 127) table length
1 to 0 bits: parameter table length: This command is followed by the parameter data of the byte length (value range (to 3) This command header is followed by its parameter table.
The first word of the long form command header is the same as the first word of the short form command header in structure, and the parameter table length item appears with the binary value 11111.1 (integer 31) to indicate that the command is a long form command. The command header of a long command consists of two words, the second word indicating the actual parameter list length, and the rest of the header containing the parameter list. In addition to allowing longer parameter lists, long commands allow the parameter list to be divided into partitions. The first word indicates the end of the element or whether more data is to follow. For partitions of elements, the first word of the long command header (element classification and element identification) is omitted: the first word containing the length of the list is given. For each partition the list length parameter specifies the length of the partition. Instead of the length of the entire element, the first word of the length parameter is zero to indicate that it is the last partition of the element. 1514131211109876543215
items of the long command header are as follows
first word:
chemical category
yuanzi mark
Figure 2 long command header format
second word:
GB/T 15121.3-1996
15 to 12 bits: element type (range 0 to 15)11 to 12 bits: element identifier (value range 0 to 127)15 to 0 bits: unary value 1111 (1 inverted 3[). Indicates long type15 bits: partition flag
-0 is the last partition
-1 is the non-last partition
11 to 0 bits: parameter table length: limited to the number of octets in this command or this partition (value range 0 to 32767|| tt||Parameters follow the length of the long or short command. Their values ​​are determined by the length of the parameter list, the type and the precision of the operands. These parameters have the format described in Chapter 1 of the technical standard. The type of coordinate parameters is specified in the \metafile descriptor\11. For non-coordinate parameters, the parameter type is specified in Chapter 5 of GIB/T15121.1. If the parameter type depends on the code, its coding is specified by the code table in Chapter 7 of this standard. Unless otherwise stated, the order of the parameter list is 13/15121.1 is listed in the table in Chapter 5. Each command is forced to start with an inverse boundary. If a command contains an odd number of octets of parameter data, it will be padded with 100 empty octets at the end of the command. In addition, in some elements where the parameter precision is shorter than one octet (i.e., those containing "same local color precision" parameters that do not have data to fill the octet, the last data bit of the octet is padded with empty bits. In this case, the parameter length is the actual octet count contained in the parameter data - it does not include the padding octets (if any). Padding is only performed at the end of the command, with the exception of the "pixel array\ element. The purpose of this command to force alignment is to ensure that the octet length is not filled with empty bits. Optimizes processing on most computers. At the default metatext precision, it is expected that the parameter format of the largest numbers (coordinates, etc.) will be aligned on 15-bit boundaries, and command headers will also be aligned on 13-bit boundaries. Therefore, at the default precision, the most frequently parsed fields will fit entirely within the machine word designed for most computers. Avoiding the need to assemble a single file parameter from fragments of several machine words will nearly halve the processing required to recover metatext parameters and command headers from the binary metatext data stream. If the metatext precision differs from the default, this optimization may be degraded or completely destroyed. Commands are still forced to start on 16-bit boundaries, but the most frequently expected parameters may no longer be aligned on such boundaries. As at the default precision, The short command header with element category 13, element identifier 127 and parameter list length 0 is reserved for extensions of element categories that may be available in future revisions of this standard. The interpreter treats it the same as other elements when performing syntax analysis. The next *normal\ element case will have an actual element category value that is different from the category value in the element category item of the command header, which will be adjusted, which will be defined in future revisions of this standard.
5 Primitive data forms
L. The binary encoding of GM uses five primitive data forms to represent the various abstract data types whose parameters are described in GB/T 15121.11.
Primitive data The forms are used to represent their symbols as follows: SI signed integer
U1 unsigned integer
C symbol
FX fixed-point real number
FP floating-point real number
Each primitive data form (except character) can use several precisions. The primitive data forms are defined in 5.1~5.5. The precision allowed for each primitive data form is given. The definition is expressed in 16-bit unit metatext words. When showing the form of digital values, the following terms are used in the following diagrams: Lxl most significant bit
[s least significant bit
S sign bit
GB/T 15121.3--1996
In the following data diagrams, the data type is specified as the argument starting at a word boundary. Usually, the argument will be aligned on an odd number of octets because other odd or even octets of other argument data may precede them. It is possible for an argument to contain more than one octet of the same value. In this case, the argument will not be aligned on an octet boundary. 5.1 Signed Integers
Negative integers are not represented in "two's complement" format. You can specify a precision of 8, 16, 2, and 3 for signed integers (using this primitive data format to encode integers without 8-bit precision). In the following clauses, the value is a positive integer. Two implementations of negative integers:
5.1.1 8-bit precision signed integers
Each value occupies one-half of a text word (one octet) 141312
s 'imsb
5.1.2 16-bit precision signed integers
Each value is the same as the value in a text word
1 14 13 12
11 10
5.1.3 Signed integers with 24-bit precision
Each value spans two consecutive metatext words
Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
5.1.4 Signed numbers with 32-bit precision
Each value occupies two complete metatext words. 1514 1 1211
Word 1
Word 2
5.2 Unsigned integers
ishl s linsh
value i+1
Four precisions can be specified for unsigned integers: 8 bits, 16 bits, 24 bits, and 32 bits. 5.2.1 Unsigned integers of 8-bit precision
Each value occupies half of a word. 3
value i+l
5.2.2 "76-bit precision unsigned integers, each value occupies one file word.
15 14 13 12 11 lu 9
5.2.324-bit precision unsigned integers
Each value spans two equal-dimensional metatext words, msh
value i+1
1st word
2nd word
3rd word
5.2.432-bit precision unsigned integers
Each value spans two equal-dimensional metatext words. Value 1
15 14 13 12 11 10 9
1st character
2nd character
5.3 Characters, etc.
Each character is stored in one or more consecutive octets, depending on the encoding of the particular character set. The characters shown below are encoded as 1 octet each,
character 1
character i+1
5.4 Fixed-point real numbers
Fixed-point real values ​​are stored like two integers, the first representing the integer part, and having the same format as a signed integer (SI, see 5.1), the second representing the fractional part, and having the same format as an integer without negative derivative (UI, see 5.2). Two possible precisions are possible for fixed-point real numbers: 32 bits or 61 bits.
5.4.1 32-bit precision fixed-point real numbers
Each fixed-point real number consists of two primitive words; the first word has the form of a 16-bit signed integer and the second word has the form of a 16-bit unsigned integer.
First word
Second word
GB/T 15121.3-1996
Integer part
Decimal part
5.4.2 64-bit precision fixed-point real numbers
Each fixed-point real number consists of four primitive words; the first word has the form of a 32-bit signed integer and the second word has the form of a 32-bit unsigned integer.
First word
Second word
GB/T 15121.3-1996
Integer part
Decimal part
5.4.2 64-bit precision fixed-point real numbers
Each fixed-point real number consists of four primitive words; the first word has the form of a 32-bit signed integer and the second word has the form of a 32-bit unsigned integer.
5. 4. 3 Values ​​of Fixed-Point Real Numbers
SI tuish
The following gives the value represented as a real number:
For 32 bits: Real value = SI+[U]/2-
For 64 bits: Real value - S1+LI/2*7
Integer part
Number part
Fractional part
Fractional part
In these equations, SI can be used as the \integer part\, and UI can be used as the decimal point. Can be used as a decimal point; the SI as the decimal part is "the largest integer less than and equal to a positive real number that can be represented.
5.5-point real numbers
Floating-point real values ​​are represented in the ANSI/IEEE734 decimal format, which consists of three parts: "a sign part ();
-an exponent part (te);
-a decimal part '). The
value is a function of the three values ​​(, ' and \), if * is 0, the value is positive; if * is ", the value is negative. You can specify a precision for a real number: 32 bits or 61 bits. For a 32-bit representation, the value is calculated as follows: a) If r = 255, then the value is constant;
b) If --255 and i = 0, then the value is a positive value (S-0) or a negative value (S=1) as large as possible; ) If 0e<255, then the value is (1.) × (21): d) e = 0xf+0, then the value is (0.×2-12e)If =(=(this value is
For 64-bit representation, the value is calculated as follows;
a)If e—2 017 and f±0. The purchase ratio is undefined: b)If = 2 047 and f—0. Then this value is as large as possible, either positive (S—0) or negative (S=I);)If 0e2 047, the value is smaller than (1.F)×-3d)If e=0H.【0. Then the value is (0.f)×2-1oa,)If e=f=0. Then the value is
5.5.132-bit precision floating point real number
CB/T 15121.3 --1996
Each floating point real value has 2 meta-text words, and the size of each field in the value is as follows: 1 sign bit, 8 exponent bits, and 23 mantissa bits
1 word
2nd word
5.5.264-bit precision floating point real numbers
Each floating point real number has 1 meta-text word, and the size of each field in the value is as follows: 1 sign bit, 11 exponent bits, and 52 mantissa bits. 151413 1211[0
3rd word
4th word
s jmsb
6 Abstract parameter type representation
Ixts trnsti
Table 1 shows for each parameter type how the CGM binary code represents the original data format. The columns of the table are as follows: 1) The symbol of the abstract parameter type, as specified in Chapter 1 of GB/T 5121.1; 2) The parameter type is constructed from the data format of the primitive with appropriate precision, as specified in Chapter 5 of GR/T 15121.1; 3) The symbol of the number of octets required and the formula for calculating the value to represent an instance of a given parameter at a given precision; 4) The symbol for the range of values ​​that the parameter can take, followed by the numerical value that the parameter can take, followed by the numerical value that determines the range. The symbols in columns 3 and 4 are widely used in the code table of Chapter 7. The variations of those symbols used in the code table are: +IR.-RR.
++IR,+ +RR.
… indicates the range of a positive integer, the range of a positive real number. indicates the range of a negative integer, the range of a negative real number, the range of a non-negative integer, the range of a non-negative real number. indicates m integers. indicates m real numbers... indicates an unbounded integer real number..
Mixed use:
2R, 21, IX. indicates a parameter with 2 real numbers, then a parameter with 2 integers, and finally a parameter with a limit value including an index value.
Scan number
GB/T 15121.3-: 1996
Table Abstract data type display
Primitive form Parameter structure
UI Color index precision (rip)
U Point color index precision (dep)
o.co.cco or
ST According to the element and precision (ixp)
ST technology 16-bit fixed-point precision (Note 3)
According to the integer precision i
FP or FX to the real precision (rp)
According to the VTC precision or
FP or FX according to
VD: real precision (vrp)
(VTH., Vt)
CI or CD
SI as integer structure (p)
1 or R
1 as fixed point precision <1 digit) (see note
I as fixed point precision (6 digits)
LiI as fixed point precision (12 digits)
(see note 17)
1VFC or R
only bit group for each parameter:
integer value
MD- :3* BCCOI or
RD-++* HCC!!
[ BIX: --xP / 8. | Line BCD)
hVP:=2* JVc
HS: =2n1
filial number norm:
CCXOR see note:, 6
I IXRI- 2:.. 2.
-2 . 2°-1(4±18)
JR 2 1
SR Note.12)
VIKiRi- 2\,-2\ -liCompared
(See Note 1.5,,&)
COR:--CIR or (TUkE juice
NR! 2\ *.,2 -1
VCR+- IR:(LH13 or VR
VCK Note 1.13,4)
B3SR Note
U132R t..2
For integers consisting of components of equal character (for example: "direct colors" CI and P), the range of values ​​represents the range of values ​​of a single component. For color models RG3 or (MYK). Direct color components are considered to be real numbers in the [O.1I] range. For color models CIELAB, CIFLLV or B, direct color components are considered to be real numbers in the range of possible colors. The color range element provides a mapping between direct color components represented by UII and direct color addresses represented by real valued integers. The abstract type index is encoded with a precision of 16 bits. The real type index consists of an indicator (fixed point or floating point) and two precision delimiters. The symbol um(r) indicates the sum of the number of bits in the two addresses. The same considerations apply to the VIC real type precision element in the table. The symbol sumtvrp>, VIA real type precision element in the table may cause the text to be modified.
… indicates the range of positive integers, the range of positive real numbers. indicates the range of negative integers, the range of negative real numbers, indicates the range of non-negative integers, the range of non-negative real numbers. indicates m integers. indicates m real numbers... indicates unbounded integer real numbers..
mixed use:
2R, 21, IX. indicates a parameter with 2 real numbers, then a parameter with 2 integers, and finally a parameter with a limit value including an index value.bzxz.net
scan number
GB/T 15121.3-: 1996
table "abstract data type display
primitive form parameter structure
UI color index precision (rip)
U point color index precision (dep)
o.co.cco or
ST According to the element and precision (ixp)
ST technology 16-bit fixed-point precision (Note 3)
According to the integer precision i
FP or FX to the real precision (rp)
According to the VTC precision or
FP or FX according to
VD: real precision (vrp)
(VTH., Vt)
CI or CD
SI as integer structure (p)
1 or R
1 as fixed point precision <1 digit) (see note
I as fixed point precision (6 digits)
LiI as fixed point precision (12 digits)
(see note 17)
1VFC or R
only bit group for each parameter:
integer value
MD- :3* BCCOI or
RD-++* HCC!!
[ BIX: --xP / 8. | Line BCD)
hVP:=2* JVc
HS: =2n1
filial number norm:
CCXOR see note:, 6
I IXRI- 2:.. 2.
-2 . 2°-1(4±18)
JR 2 1
SR Note.12)
VIKiRi- 2\,-2\ -liCompared
(See Note 1.5,,&)
COR:--CIR or (TUkE juice
NR! 2\ *.,2 -1
VCR+- IR:(LH13 or VR
VCK Note 1.13,4)
B3SR Note
U132R t..2
For integers consisting of components of equal character (for example: "direct colors" CI and P), the range of values ​​represents the range of values ​​of a single component. For color models RG3 or (MYK). Direct color components are considered to be real numbers in the [O.1I] range. For color models CIELAB, CIFLLV or B, direct color components are considered to be real numbers in the range of possible colors. The color range element provides a mapping between direct color components represented by UII and direct color addresses represented by real valued integers. The abstract type index is encoded with a precision of 16 bits. The real type index consists of an indicator (fixed point or floating point) and two precision delimiters. The symbol um(r) indicates the sum of the number of bits in the two addresses. The same considerations apply to the VIC real type precision element in the table. The symbol sumtvrp>, VIA real type precision element in the table may cause the text to be modified.
… indicates the range of positive integers, the range of positive real numbers. indicates the range of negative integers, the range of negative real numbers, indicates the range of non-negative integers, the range of non-negative real numbers. indicates m integers. indicates m real numbers... indicates unbounded integer real numbers..
mixed use:
2R, 21, IX. indicates a parameter with 2 real numbers, then a parameter with 2 integers, and finally a parameter with a limit value including an index value.
scan number
GB/T 15121.3-: 1996
table "abstract data type display
primitive form parameter structure
UI color index precision (rip)
U point color index precision (dep)
o.co.cco or
ST According to the element and precision (ixp)
ST technology 16-bit fixed-point precision (Note 3)
According to the integer precision i
FP or FX to the real type precision (rp)
According to the VTC type precision or
FP or FX according to
VD: real type precision (vrp)
(VTH., Vt)
CI or CD
SI as integer structure (p)
1 or R
1 as fixed point precision <1 digit) (see note
I as fixed point precision (6 digits)
LiI as fixed point precision (12 digits)
(see note 17)
1VFC or R
only bit group for each parameter:
integer value
MD- :3* BCCOI or
RD-++* HCC!!
[ BIX: --xP / 8. | Line BCD)
hVP:=2* JVc
HS: =2n1
filial number norm:
CCXOR see note:, 6
I IXRI- 2:.. 2.
-2 . 2°-1(4±18)
JR 2 1
SR Note.12)
VIKiRi- 2\,-2\ -liCompared
(See Note 1.5,,&)
COR:--CIR or (TUkE juice
NR! 2\ *.,2 -1
VCR+- IR:(LH13 or VR
VCK Note 1.13,4)
B3SR Note
U132R t..2
For integers consisting of components of equal character (for example: "direct colors" CI and P), the range of values ​​represents the range of values ​​of a single component. For color models RG3 or (MYK). Direct color components are considered to be real numbers in the [O.1I] range. For color models CIELAB, CIFLLV or B, direct color components are considered to be real numbers in the range of possible colors. The color range element provides a mapping between direct color components represented by UII and direct color addresses represented by real valued integers. The abstract type index is encoded with a precision of 16 bits. The real type index consists of an indicator (fixed point or floating point) and two precision delimiters. The symbol um(r) indicates the sum of the number of bits in the two addresses. The same considerations apply to the VIC real type precision element in the table. The symbol sumtvrp>, VIA real type precision element in the table may cause the text to be modified.The precision is 16 bits. The real type conversion element consists of an indicator (fixed point or floating point) and two precision delimiters. The symbol um(r) indicates the sum of the number of bits in the two delimiters. The same considerations apply to the VIC real type precision element in the table. The symbol sumtvrp>, VIA real type precision element may cause the text in the element to be modified.The precision is 16 bits. The real type conversion element consists of an indicator (fixed point or floating point) and two precision delimiters. The symbol um(r) indicates the sum of the number of bits in the two delimiters. The same considerations apply to the VIC real type precision element in the table. The symbol sumtvrp>, VIA real type precision element may cause the text in the element to be modified.
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