title>Transformation guidelines of geographical names from foreign languages into Chinese—Portugese - GB/T 17693.7-2003 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Transformation guidelines of geographical names from foreign languages into Chinese—Portugese
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 17693.7-2003
Standard Name:Transformation guidelines of geographical names from foreign languages into Chinese—Portugese
This part specifies the rules for the Chinese translation of Portuguese place names. This part applies to the Chinese translation of Portuguese place names. GB/T 17693.7-2003 Guidelines for the Chinese translation of foreign place names Portuguese GB/T17693.7-2003 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part specifies the rules for the Chinese translation of Portuguese place names. This part applies to the Chinese translation of Portuguese place names.
Some standard content:
GB/T 17693.7—2003 The standardization of the Chinese translation of Portuguese place names is an important part of place name standardization. This standard is formulated to achieve the unification and standardization of the Chinese translation of place names and to promote the exchange of science and culture at home and abroad. This standard is formulated on the basis of the "Portuguese-Chinese Transliteration Table" formulated by the former China Geographical Names Committee. GB/T17693 "Guidelines for the Chinese Translation of Foreign Place Names" is divided into the following parts: Part 1: English; Part 2: French; Part 3: German; Part 4: Russian; Part 5: Spanish; Part 6: Arabic; Part 7: Portuguese; This part is Part 7: Portuguese. Appendices A and B of this part are normative appendices. As of the date of implementation of this Part, the original "Portuguese-Chinese Phonetic Table" shall be automatically abolished. This Part was proposed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China. This Part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Geographical Names. This Part was drafted by the Institute of Geographical Names of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The main drafters of this Part are Xing Weilin, Wang Jitong, Pu Shanxin, and Zhong Lina. This Part is interpreted by the National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Geographical Names. 1 Scope Guidelines for the Chinese translation of foreign geographical names Portuguese This Part specifies the rules for the Chinese translation of Portuguese geographical names. This Part applies to the translation of Portuguese geographical names into Chinese characters. 2 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this Part of GB/T 17693. 2.1 Geographical names Proper names given by people to various geographical entities. 2.2 Specific terms Words used to distinguish various geographical entities in geographical names. 2.3 generic terms geographical names Words used to distinguish the categories of geographical entities in geographical names. 2.4 generic terms used as specific terms Generic terms transformed into specific terms Generic terms transformed into specific terms. GB/T 17693.7—-2003 Transformation of geographical names from foreign languages into Chinese Transformation of geographical names from foreign languages into Chinese Writing geographical names in other languages in Chinese. 3 General principles 3.1 Geographical names are generally transliterated; generic geographical names are generally translated. 3.2 Place names translated into Chinese characters and place names named after common names (see Appendix A) are still in use; in principle, the place names derived from them are translated in the same way as the names. 3.3 The translation of place names should adopt the standard place names in the official maps, place name directories, place name dictionaries, place name records and other documents published by the country. 3.4 The Chinese characters used in the translation of place names shall be based on the Chinese characters selected in Table 1 Portuguese-Chinese transliteration table. 4 Details 4.1 Place names 4.1.1 General transliteration of proper names (including the general names of geographical entities that have been formalized). For example: Inhauma Isaias Coelho Serra dos Aimores Ponta de Garca Jardim Olinda Translated as "Inhauma" Translated as "Isaias Coelho" Translated as "Serra dos Aimores" Translated as "Ponta de Garca" Translated as "Jardim Olinda But the common name of the proper geographical entity with the meaning of castle (Castelo, burgo), village (Aldeia), city, town (Vila) is translated. For example: GB/T 17693.7--2003 Castelo do Neiva Arceburgo Aldeia da Beja Vila Franca das Naves Vila Real Translated as "Neva Castle" Translated as "Arsel Castle" Translated as "Beja Village" Translated as "Village Free of Naves" Translated as "City of Real" Note: Serra (mountain range), Ponta (corner), Jardim (garden) are all proper names of geographical entities. Vila is translated as "city" or "town", which should be selected according to the urbanization scale of the geographical entity. 4.1.2 Proper names with certain meanings or too long to be transliterated are generally translated in a free way. For example: Todos os Santos Angra do Herotsmo Ponte Flor de Lotus Independencia Nossa Senhorado Cabo Translated as "Heroes' River" Translated as "Heroes' Port" Translated as "Lotus Bridge" Translated as "Independence City" Translated as "Cape Virgin Village" 4.1.3 Proper names that clearly reflect the characteristics of geographical entities are generally translated in a literal sense. For example: Cachoeira Duas Barras Sete Pedras Pao de Acucar Entre os Rios Lagoa Grande Translate "Double Pillar Waterfall" Translate "Seven Star Rock" Translate "Sugar Loaf Mountain" Translate "Hejian Town" Translate "Dahu Town" 4.1.4 Adjectives that modify proper nouns (such as those indicating size, direction, new and old, etc.) are translated in a free way. For example: Erval Grande Pedrogao Pequeno Alto Garcas Baixo Guandu Douro Litoral Juruti Velho Iriri Novo Translate "Grand Eval" Translate "Little Pedrogao" Translate "Upper Garzas" Translate "Xiaguandu" Translate "Central Doru" Translate "Old Juruti" Translate "New Iriri River" Adjectives that only modify the common name are generally transliterated. For example: Castro Verde Morro Grande Lago Novo Lago Peguena Translated as "Verde Castle" Translated as "Grande Peak" Translated as "Lake Novo" Translated as "Lake Pequena" 4.1.5 When directional adjectives are used as proper nouns to modify administrative regions (provinces, regions, etc.) and common names of natural geographical entities (islands, reefs, corners, etc.), they are translated in a literal sense. For example: Cabo Norte. Central Planalto Litoral Translated as "Northern Cape" Translated as "Central Plateau" Translated as "Coastal Area"wwW.bzxz.Net 4.1.6 The proper nouns named after numbers or dates are translated in a literal sense, and the corresponding common name is added. For example: Cabo das Tres Pontas Quil6metro 265 Sete de Setembro Vinte e Cinco de Julho 4.1.7 Proper names named after people Translated as "Three Pointed Capes" Translated as "265 Kilometer Village" Translated as "September 7th River" Translated as "July 25th Town" Proper names named after people are indicated by dots between the surname and given name, and the corresponding common name is added. For example: Augusto de Lima Antonio Bacaeri Cachoeira Oscar Miranda Translated as "Augusto de Lima Village" Translated as "Antonio Bacaeri River" Translated as "Oscar Miranda Falls" For proper names named after people with titles, the titles are translated and the corresponding common names are added. For example: Senhora do Porto Vila Pedro I Duque de Caxias Engenheiro Ferraz Almirante Tamandare 4.1.8 Articles and prepositions in proper names translated as "Senhora do Porto" translated as "Pedro II" translated as "Duke of Caxias" translated as "Engineer Ferraz" translated as "Almirante Tamandare" In transliterated proper names, a hyphen "_" must be added before the preposition. For example: Barra de Sao Miguel Itambe do Mato de Dentro Boca da Mata Translated as “Barra de Sao Miguel” Translated as “Itambe do Mato de Dentro” Translated as “Boca da Mata” When it is located after a common name and the following word is transliterated, it is omitted. For example: Iha Grande do Pacajai Castelo de Vide Serra da Capivara Translated as “Pacajai Grande Island” Translated as “Vide Castle” Translated as “Capivara Mountain” GB/T 17693.7—2003 When the preposition and its following word are used to explain the geographical location, characteristics, and administrative affiliation of the antecedent, it is translated in a free way. For example: Jardim do Mar Rossio ao Sul do Tejo Barragem do Monte da Rocha Rua das Janelas Verdes Guarani de Goias 4.1.9 Conjunctions in proper names The conjunction e is represented by a hyphen “”. For example: Povoa e Meadas Abreu e Lima Avenida de Horta e Costa Translated as "Jardim des Mar" Translated as "Rossio on the south bank of the Tagus" Translated as "Rock Hill Reservoir" Translated as "Green Window Street" Translated as "Guarani, Goiás" Translated as "Povoa e Meadas" Translated as "Abreu e Lima" Translated as "Horta e Costa Street" Conjunction ou When connecting the proper noun and the adverbial noun, the translated name of the adverbial noun is enclosed in parentheses. For example: Ilha Grande ou Iha das Sete Quedas Ilha Queimada ou Serraria 4.1.10 Monosyllabic place names Translated as “Grand Island (Seven Falls Island)” Translated as “Caimada Island (Serraria Island)” Place names consisting of single vowels and single consonants should be translated into Chinese characters with the corresponding common names. For example: Cha Translated as “Shang Village” Translated as “Mushan” 4.1.10. 2 For place names consisting of diphthongs and single consonants, the diphthongs are transliterated as two single consonants. For example, Béu is translated as “Yewu” is translated as “Shuyi” is translated as “Luyi River” is translated as “Yawu River” 4.1.11 For place names consisting of two or more words (including two words), when the transliterated name exceeds eight Chinese characters (including eight Chinese characters), the first word 3 GB/T 17693.7—2003 A hyphen is added after the name, but no hyphen is added between words with related meanings. For example: Florida Paulista Francisco Beltrao Santa Cruz Cabr?lia Monte Azul Paulista 4.2 Common names of place names (see Appendix B) 4.2.1 Common names are generally translated. For example: Cachoeira do Dourado Ponta dos Capelinhos Serra de Sao Mamede Parque Nacional das Emas Estado Amazonas Barragem de Arade Translated as “Florida Paulista” Translated as “Francisco Beltran” Translated as “Santa Cruz Cabralia” Translated as “Monte Azul Paulista” Translated as “Dourado Falls” Translated as “Cape Capelinhos” Translated as “Sao Mamede Mountain” Translated as “Emas National Park” Translated as “Amazon State” Translated as “Arad Reservoir” 4.2.2 For names of natural geographical entities that only have proper nouns, the corresponding common nouns should be added when translating into Chinese characters according to the category to which they belong. For example: Amazonas Santo Pedro Velho Iha Pedro translated as "Amazon River" translated as "Old San Pedro Mountain" translated as "Pedro II Island Plain" 4.2.3 When a common name has multiple meanings, the Chinese characters should be translated according to the category of the geographical entity referred to by the common name. For example: Bala Farta Bata de Marajo Baia Grande Cachoeira do Chiador Cachoeira dos Indios 4.3 Rules for the translation of some letters 4.3.1 The consonant letter s is translated as "Falta Port" "Marajo Bay" "Grand Lake" "Chiado Falls" "Indios Rapids" [s] is issued in Brazil and is translated into Chinese according to Table 1\斯". For example: Sagres Pasto Grande Osasco Paiaguas Translated as "Sagres" Translated as "Grand Pasto" Translated as "Osasco" Translated as "Paiaguas" In Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries, when it is at the end of a word or before a voiceless consonant, it is pronounced as [门, and is translated into Chinese characters according to Table 1\什". In other cases, it is pronounced as 『s], and is translated into Chinese characters according to Table 1 "斯". For example: Bela Vista Ervas Tenras Brito Godins Moscavide Salgueiros Alturas de Barroso Samba Caju 4.3.2 Consonant X Translate: "Bela Vista" Translate "El Vashtenrashi" Translate "Britu Godinshi" Translate "Moshkavid" Translate "Salgueiros" Translate "Asneshi River" Translate "Alturas de Barroso" Translate "Sambacaru" After the vowel e, before the voiceless consonant, pronounce [s], according to Table 1" Transliteration of Chinese characters. Located between two vowels (vowel e is sometimes pronounced as [], but still translated as the relatively voiceless consonant [s] of [幻]. For example: 4 Extremoz Exposto Exabundancia Translated as "Estremoz" Translated as "Esposhitu" Translated as "Esa Bendancia" In other cases, the Chinese characters are translated according to "什" in Table 1. For example: Cachoeira Felix Abacaxis Xabregas Ipixuna Used to indicate the pronunciation of foreign words [ks]. For example: Anglo-Saxao Alexandrita 4.3.3 The consonant letter Z is at the end of the word translated as "Felice Falls" translated as "Abakasis" translated as "Shabregas" translated as "Ipishuna" translated as "Igrusaxon" translated as "Alexandrita" Developed in Brazil, it is translated according to Table 1\斯". For example: Aquiraz Foz do Jutat Imperatriz translated as "Aquilas" translated as "Fos do Jutay" translated as "Imperatriz" Developed in Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries, it is translated into Chinese according to Table 1\什". For example: Algoz Calhariz Faz do Arelho Santa Cruz Translated as "Algosh" Translated as "Cagliaris" Translated as "Fash-do Arelho" Translated as "Santa Cruz" In other cases, [] is used and the Chinese character translation is carried out according to "兹" in Table 1. For example: Aljezur Cabezo Zambujal Orizona 4.3.4 The consonant h is not pronounced and is not translated. For example: Helvecia Humaita 4.3.5 The consonant m is translated as n before b and p. 4.3.6 The vowel e is translated as “Aljezur” as “Cabezu” as “Zambujar” as “Orizona” as “Elbecia” as “Umaita” GB/T17693.7--2003 When it is located in the unstressed final syllable, in Brazil it is pronounced as [ding] and is translated into Chinese characters according to “伊” in Table 1; in Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries it is pronounced as [a] and is translated into Chinese characters according to “尔” in Table 1. For example: Brazil: Dores de Macabu Monte Alegre Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries: Monte Estoril Montalegre Paredes de Coura Marmelete Translated as “Dores de Macabu” Translated as “Monte Alegre” Translated as “Montalegre” Translated as “Paredes de Coura” Translated as “Marmelete” For other situations, translate the Chinese characters according to the “埃” row in Table 1. For example: 5 GB/T17693.7—2003 Esporoes Igarape Acu Bertinho Translated as "Eshporoes" Translated as "Igarape Acu" Translated as "Bertinho" 4.3.7 The vowel is pronounced as [u] in the final syllable or unstressed syllable, and is translated into Chinese characters according to the "乌" line in Table 1. In other cases, it is translated into Chinese characters according to the "奥" line in Table 1. For example: Poco do Bispo Carcavelos Dourados Evora Monte Edrosa Osasco 5 Portuguese-Chinese transliteration table (see Table 1) 5.1 The pronunciation of the Chinese characters in Table 1 shall be based on the Mandarin pronunciation. Translated as "Poso do Bispo" Translated as "Carcavelos" Translated as "Doradus" Translated as "Evora Monte" Translated as "Edrosa" Translated as "Osasco" 5.2 The writing of the Chinese characters in Table 1 shall be based on the simplified Chinese characters announced by the State Language and Script Working Committee. 5.3 The Chinese characters at the intersection of the vertical row of consonants and the horizontal row of vowels in Table 1 are the transliterated Chinese characters of the pronunciation of the consonants and vowels. When a vowel forms a syllable by itself, it is translated using the vowel zero row Chinese characters in Table 1. When a consonant other than n is pronounced alone, the consonant in this table is used. 5.4 The Chinese characters "莎", "雅", "玛", "娜", "莉", "丽", "妮", "丝", "黛" and other Chinese characters in Table 1 are used for place names named after female names. 5.5 The "弗" in Table 1 is used as the initial of the translated name. 5.6 If the Chinese character translation produces the phenomenon of literal meaning, the homophone of the syllable should be used for translation. For example, when "东", "南", "西" appear at the beginning of the place name, they are translated as "栋", "楠", "锡". 5.7 The vowel groups \oa", "oe", \oi", \ae", "at", "au", "\er", "eu", "eo", \in", "ur" are translated as two vowels respectively. oe is translated as the Chinese characters in the \翁" row of Table 1 plus "伊"; ae is translated as the Chinese characters in the "昂" row of Table 1 plus "伊"; \uai\ is translated as the Chinese characters in the \乌" row of Table 1 plus "艾". 5.8 "ion" is translated as the Chinese characters in the "伊" row of Table 1 plus "翁". 6 GB/T 17693.7--2003 The pronunciation is the same as the following vowel Not pronounced Some supervisors GB/T 17693.7--2003 Portuguese Abecassis Adriano Afonso Agostinho Aguiar Alberto||tt ||Albuquerque Alfredo Almeida Alvaro Amaral Amorim Anabela Andrade André Andreia Anibal Antonia Antonio Antunes Araujo Arlindo Armando| |tt| |Armenio Arnaut Assuncao Augusto Avelino Azevedo Bacaeri Bacalhau Balsemao Baptista Barata Barbosa B arreto Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Table of translations of commonly used names in Portuguese Abecassis Abreu|| tt||Adriano Afonso Agostinho Aguiar Alberto Albu Kaike Alfredo Almeida Alvaro| |tt||Alves Amaral Amorim Annabella Andrade Andre| |tt||Andrea Annibal Antonia Antonio Antunez Araujo||tt| |Arlindo Armenio Arnaut Artur Assis Assuncao Augusto Avellino Ávila Azevedo||tt| |Bakaeri Bakafu Balcemang Baptista Balata Barboza||tt ||Barreto Barros Barroso Portuguese Bartolomeu Basilio Beleza Blasco Borges Borrego Botelho Braganca Branco| |tt||Brandao Cabral Cabrita Caceres Camoes Campilho Campos Capela||tt ||Capoulas Capucho Cardaso Carlos Carneiro Carrilho Carvalhas Carvalh o Castto Catarino/a Catroga Caxias Cesario Chantre Barros||tt| |Barroso Bartolome Bird Basilio Bellezza Brasco Borges|| tt||borrego|| tt||Botelho Braga Braganca Branco Brandão Britto||tt ||Bruno Cabral Cabrita Cáceres Camões Campillo||tt ||Campos Capela Capolas Capshu Cardozo||t t||Carlos Carmo Canero Carrillo Carvalhaes Carvalho||tt| |Castro Catarrino(na) Katia Catelloga Casillas Celia Cesario Chanteres Chaves Portuguese||tt| |Cipriano Claudia Coelho Coimbra Constancio Correia Coutinho Cravinho Crespo Cristina Cunhal Daniel Daniela Dionisio Domingos Domingues Drumond|| tt||Duarte Eduardo Elvino Emanuel Emilia Esmeraldo Espinho E steves Estrela Eugenio Eusébio Falcao Chaves Cipriano Clau Dia Coelho Coimbra Constancio Correa Costa Coti Neo Clavinho||tt ||Crespo Cristina Cunha Cunhaar Daniel Daniela De Uz Diaz Dionisio Domingos Dominguez Drummond||tt| |Duarte Eanes Edit Eduardo E Gus Elena Elisa Elsa Elvino Emanuelle Emilia Esmeraldo Espino Estevez Estrela Eugenio Eusebio Fabio Falcon Faria Table A.1 (continued) Fausto Portuguese Fernandes Fernando/a Ferraz Ferreira Fialho| |tt||Figueiredo Filipe Fonseca Franca Francisca Francisco Franco Fuzeta||tt ||Gabriel Galvao Ganhao Garcia Ger aldes Gilberto Gl6ria Godinho Goncalves Gouveia Guilherme Guterres Helder| |tt||Helena Henrique Henriques Herculano Herminio Hilario Horacio Humberto||tt ||Isabel Jacinta/o GB/T 17693.7—2003 Fausto Felix Fernandez Fernando (Da) Ferras Ferreira Fialho Figueiredo Filipe Fonseca Francesca Francesca||tt ||Francisco Franco Fuzeta Gabriel Galvão Gañão Garcia Geraldez Gilberto Gloria Godinho Gomez Gonçalves Gouveia G Lhasa Guilerme Gutrez Elder Elena Enrique Enri Cox Erculano Herminio Ilario Homem Horacio||tt ||Horta Humberto Ines Isabel Jacinta GB/T 17693.7--2003 Portuguese Jardim Jeronimo Joaquim Julieta Janior Lamego| |tt||.aurentino Leitao L.eonardo Leonor Loureiro Lourenco Ludgero Macedo Machado Ma deira Madureira Mafalda Magalhaes Manuel Mariana Marinho Marques Martelo| |tt||Martinho Jaime Jardim Jerónimo Jesus Joana;Joana Joaquim Jurieta Julio Junior Lamego Laurentino Lemos Leonor Lopez Loreiro Lo Renzo Ludgerot Luis Luisa Macedo Machado Madeira|| tt||Madureira Mafalda Magallanes; Magellan Manuel Marco Maria; Maria Marianna Marino Max Marta Matt Los Martinho Table A.1 (continued) Portuguese Martins Matias Medeiros||tt| |Medina Melancia Mendes Menezes Miguel Miranda Monteiro Morals Moreira Murteira Namora Narciso||t t||Nogueira Noronha Octavio Oliveira Orlando Osorio Pacheco Patricia||tt| |Pereira Pessoa Pimenta Pimentel Pinheiro Pintassilgo Martins Matthias|| tt||Matos Medeiros||tt ||Medina Melancia Mendez Menezes Miguel Miranda Mon Taro Morais Moreira Murtera Namora Narciso Neves Nobre Nogueira Noronha Nunes Octavio Oliver La Orlando Oscar Osorio Pacheco Patricia Pe Dro Pereira Pezua Pimenta Pimentel Pineiro Neo Pinta Silgo Porto Queiroz Portuguese Quinteiro Raimundo Relvas Resendes Ribeiro Ricardo Rodrigues Roseta Salgado Sampaio Sandra Santos Sebastiao Sérgio Queiros Quintero Raymondo||tt ||Ramos Real Relvas "Resendes Ribeiro Ricardo||tt ||Rodriguez Rosetta Salgado Sampaio Sandra Santos Sebastiao Sergio Table A.1 (continued) Simoes Soares Portuguese Socrates Susana Tamandaré Tavares||tt ||Teixeira Teresa Torres Trindade Vanessa Veigas Victor Vieira Vitorinho Vitorino Xavier GB/T 17693.7—2003 Silva Simmons Suarez Socrates Sophia Sonia||tt| |Susana Tamandarre Tavares Teixeira Teresa Thiago Torres Trindade Vanessa Vegas Victor Vieira Vittorinho| |tt||Vittorino Xavier Zelia Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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